com.github.kristofa.brave.TracerAdapter Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package com.github.kristofa.brave;
import brave.Tracer;
import brave.internal.Internal;
import brave.propagation.SamplingFlags;
import brave.propagation.TraceContext;
import com.github.kristofa.brave.internal.InternalSpan;
import com.github.kristofa.brave.internal.Nullable;
import com.twitter.zipkin.gen.Endpoint;
import com.twitter.zipkin.gen.Span;
import zipkin.Constants;
* This is a bridge between the new {@linkplain Tracer} api in {@code io.zipkin.brave:brave} and the
* former model defined prior.
* This class uses package-protected hooks to integrate, and is optional. For example, those not
* using {@linkplain Tracer} do not have a runtime dependency on {@code io.zipkin.brave:brave}.
public final class TracerAdapter {
/** The endpoint in {@linkplain ServerClientAndLocalSpanState} is no longer used. */
static final Endpoint DUMMY_ENDPOINT = Endpoint.builder().serviceName("not used").build();
public static Brave newBrave(Tracer tracer) {
if (tracer == null) throw new NullPointerException("tracer == null");
return newBrave(tracer, new ThreadLocalServerClientAndLocalSpanState(DUMMY_ENDPOINT));
* Constructs a new Brave instance that sends traces to the provided tracer.
* @param state for in-process propagation. Note {@link CommonSpanState#endpoint()} is ignored.
public static Brave newBrave(Tracer tracer, ServerClientAndLocalSpanState state) {
if (tracer == null) throw new NullPointerException("tracer == null");
if (state == null) throw new NullPointerException("state == null");
return new Brave.Builder(state)
.spanFactory(new Brave4SpanFactory(tracer))
.recorder(new Brave4Recorder(tracer)).build();
public static brave.Span toSpan(Tracer tracer, Span span) {
if (tracer == null) throw new NullPointerException("tracer == null");
return tracer.toSpan(toTraceContext(Brave.context(span)));
public static brave.Span toSpan(Tracer tracer, SpanId spanId) {
if (tracer == null) throw new NullPointerException("tracer == null");
return tracer.toSpan(toTraceContext(spanId));
* Returns a span representing the sampled status of the current server span or null if there's no
* span attached to the current thread.
public static brave.Span getServerSpan(Tracer tracer, ServerSpanThreadBinder threadBinder) {
if (tracer == null) throw new NullPointerException("tracer == null");
if (threadBinder == null) throw new NullPointerException("threadBinder == null");
ServerSpan result = threadBinder.getCurrentServerSpan();
if (result == null || result.equals(ServerSpan.EMPTY)) return null;
if (result.getSpan() != null) return toSpan(tracer, result.getSpan());
assert result.getSample() != null && !result.getSample() : "unexpected sample state: " + result;
return tracer.newTrace(SamplingFlags.NOT_SAMPLED);
/** Sets a span associated with the context as the current server span. */
public static void setServerSpan(TraceContext context, ServerSpanThreadBinder threadBinder) {
if (threadBinder == null) throw new NullPointerException("threadBinder == null");
ServerSpan serverSpan = ServerSpan.create(toSpan(context));
static TraceContext toTraceContext(SpanId spanId) {
if (spanId == null) throw new NullPointerException("spanId == null");
return TraceContext.newBuilder()
public static Span toSpan(TraceContext context) {
if (context == null) throw new NullPointerException("context == null");
return InternalSpan.instance.toSpan(toSpanId(context));
static final class Brave4SpanFactory extends SpanFactory {
final Tracer delegate;
Brave4SpanFactory(Tracer tracer) {
this.delegate = tracer;
@Override Span nextSpan(SpanId maybeParent) {
brave.Span span = maybeParent != null
? delegate.newChild(toTraceContext(maybeParent))
: delegate.newTrace();
return Brave.toSpan(toSpanId(span.context()));
@Override Span joinSpan(SpanId spanId) {
TraceContext context = toTraceContext(spanId);
return Brave.toSpan(toSpanId(delegate.joinSpan(context).context()));
static final class Brave4Recorder extends Recorder {
final Tracer tracer;
Brave4Recorder(Tracer tracer) {
this.tracer = tracer;
@Override void name(Span span, String name) {
@Override void start(Span span, long timestamp) {
@Override Long timestamp(Span span) {
TraceContext context = toTraceContext(InternalSpan.instance.context(span));
return Internal.instance.timestamp(tracer, context);
@Override void annotate(Span span, long timestamp, String value) {
brave4(span).annotate(timestamp, value);
@Override void address(Span span, String key, Endpoint endpoint) {
brave.Span brave4 = brave4(span);
switch (key) {
case Constants.SERVER_ADDR:
case Constants.CLIENT_ADDR:
throw new AssertionError(key + " is not yet supported");
@Override void tag(Span span, String key, String value) {
brave4(span).tag(key, value);
@Override void finish(Span span, long timestamp) {
@Override void flush(Span span) {
// If garbage becomes a concern, we can introduce caching or thread locals.
brave.Span brave4(Span span) {
return tracer.toSpan(toTraceContext(InternalSpan.instance.context(span)));
@Override public long currentTimeMicroseconds() {
return tracer.clock().currentTimeMicroseconds();
static SpanId toSpanId(TraceContext context) {
return SpanId.builder()