brave.kafka.clients.KafkaTracing Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright 2013-2024 The OpenZipkin Authors
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except
* in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License
* is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express
* or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
* the License.
package brave.kafka.clients;
import brave.Span;
import brave.SpanCustomizer;
import brave.Tracer;
import brave.Tracing;
import brave.internal.Nullable;
import brave.messaging.MessagingRequest;
import brave.messaging.MessagingTracing;
import brave.propagation.Propagation;
import brave.propagation.Propagation.Getter;
import brave.propagation.TraceContext.Extractor;
import brave.propagation.TraceContext.Injector;
import brave.propagation.TraceContextOrSamplingFlags;
import brave.sampler.SamplerFunction;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.LinkedHashSet;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import java.util.logging.LogRecord;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
import org.apache.kafka.clients.consumer.Consumer;
import org.apache.kafka.clients.consumer.ConsumerRecord;
import org.apache.kafka.clients.producer.Producer;
import org.apache.kafka.common.header.Header;
import org.apache.kafka.common.header.Headers;
import static brave.kafka.clients.KafkaHeaders.lastStringHeader;
/** Use this class to decorate your Kafka consumer / producer and enable Tracing. */
public final class KafkaTracing {
/** Used for local message processors in {@link KafkaTracing#nextSpan(ConsumerRecord)}. */
static final Getter GETTER = new Getter() {
@Override public String get(Headers request, String key) {
return lastStringHeader(request, key);
@Override public String toString() {
return "Headers::lastHeader";
// Use nested class to ensure logger isn't initialized unless it is accessed once.
private static final class LoggerHolder {
static final String LOGGER_NAME = KafkaTracing.class.getName();
static final Logger LOG = Logger.getLogger(LOGGER_NAME);
public static KafkaTracing create(Tracing tracing) {
return newBuilder(tracing).build();
/** @since 5.9 */
public static KafkaTracing create(MessagingTracing messagingTracing) {
return newBuilder(messagingTracing).build();
public static Builder newBuilder(Tracing tracing) {
return newBuilder(MessagingTracing.create(tracing));
/** @since 5.9 */
public static Builder newBuilder(MessagingTracing messagingTracing) {
return new Builder(messagingTracing);
/** @since 5.10 **/
public Builder toBuilder() {
return new Builder(this);
public static final class Builder {
final MessagingTracing messagingTracing;
String remoteServiceName = "kafka";
boolean singleRootSpanOnReceiveBatch = true;
Builder(MessagingTracing messagingTracing) {
if (messagingTracing == null) throw new NullPointerException("messagingTracing == null");
this.messagingTracing = messagingTracing;
Builder(KafkaTracing kafkaTracing) {
this.messagingTracing = kafkaTracing.messagingTracing;
this.remoteServiceName = kafkaTracing.remoteServiceName;
this.singleRootSpanOnReceiveBatch = kafkaTracing.singleRootSpanOnReceiveBatch;
* The remote service name that describes the broker in the dependency graph. Defaults to
* "kafka"
public Builder remoteServiceName(String remoteServiceName) {
this.remoteServiceName = remoteServiceName;
return this;
* Controls the sharing of a {@code poll} span for incoming spans with no trace context.
* If true, all the spans received in a poll batch that do not have trace-context will be
* added to a single new {@code poll} root span. Otherwise, a {@code poll} span will be created
* for each such message.
* @since 5.10
public Builder singleRootSpanOnReceiveBatch(boolean singleRootSpanOnReceiveBatch) {
this.singleRootSpanOnReceiveBatch = singleRootSpanOnReceiveBatch;
return this;
public KafkaTracing build() {
return new KafkaTracing(this);
final MessagingTracing messagingTracing;
final Tracer tracer;
final Extractor producerExtractor;
final Extractor consumerExtractor;
final Extractor processorExtractor;
final Injector producerInjector;
final Injector consumerInjector;
final Set traceIdHeaders;
final TraceContextOrSamplingFlags emptyExtraction;
final SamplerFunction producerSampler, consumerSampler;
final String remoteServiceName;
final boolean singleRootSpanOnReceiveBatch;
KafkaTracing(Builder builder) { // intentionally hidden constructor
this.messagingTracing = builder.messagingTracing;
this.tracer = builder.messagingTracing.tracing().tracer();
Propagation propagation = messagingTracing.propagation();
this.producerExtractor = propagation.extractor(KafkaProducerRequest.GETTER);
this.consumerExtractor = propagation.extractor(KafkaConsumerRequest.GETTER);
this.processorExtractor = propagation.extractor(GETTER);
this.producerInjector = propagation.injector(KafkaProducerRequest.SETTER);
this.consumerInjector = propagation.injector(KafkaConsumerRequest.SETTER);
this.producerSampler = messagingTracing.producerSampler();
this.consumerSampler = messagingTracing.consumerSampler();
this.remoteServiceName = builder.remoteServiceName;
this.singleRootSpanOnReceiveBatch = builder.singleRootSpanOnReceiveBatch;
// We clear the trace ID headers, so that a stale consumer span is not preferred over current
// listener. We intentionally don't clear BaggagePropagation.allKeyNames as doing so will
// application fields "user_id" or "country_code"
this.traceIdHeaders = new LinkedHashSet<>(propagation.keys());
// When baggage or similar is in use, the result != TraceContextOrSamplingFlags.EMPTY
this.emptyExtraction = propagation.extractor((c, k) -> null).extract(Boolean.TRUE);
/** @since 5.9 exposed for Kafka Streams tracing. */
public MessagingTracing messagingTracing() {
return messagingTracing;
* Extracts or creates a {@link Span.Kind#CONSUMER} span for each message received. This span is
* injected onto each message so it becomes the parent when a processor later calls {@link
* #nextSpan(ConsumerRecord)}.
public Consumer consumer(Consumer consumer) {
if (consumer == null) throw new NullPointerException("consumer == null");
return new TracingConsumer<>(consumer, this);
/** Starts and propagates {@link Span.Kind#PRODUCER} span for each message sent. */
public Producer producer(Producer producer) {
if (producer == null) throw new NullPointerException("producer == null");
return new TracingProducer<>(producer, this);
* Use this to create a span for processing the given record. Note: the result has no name and is
* not started.
* This creates a child from identifiers extracted from the record headers, or a new span if
* one couldn't be extracted.
public Span nextSpan(ConsumerRecord, ?> record) {
// Eventhough the type is ConsumerRecord, this is not a (remote) consumer span. Only "poll"
// events create consumer spans. Since this is a processor span, we use the normal sampler.
TraceContextOrSamplingFlags extracted =
extractAndClearTraceIdHeaders(processorExtractor, record.headers(), record.headers());
Span result = tracer.nextSpan(extracted);
if (extracted.context() == null && !result.isNoop()) {
addTags(record, result);
return result;
TraceContextOrSamplingFlags extractAndClearTraceIdHeaders(
Extractor extractor, R request, Headers headers
) {
TraceContextOrSamplingFlags extracted = extractor.extract(request);
// Clear any propagation keys present in the headers
if (extracted.samplingFlags() == null) { // then trace IDs were extracted
return extracted;
/** Creates a potentially noop remote span representing this request */
Span nextMessagingSpan(
SamplerFunction sampler,
MessagingRequest request,
TraceContextOrSamplingFlags extracted
) {
Boolean sampled = extracted.sampled();
// only recreate the context if the messaging sampler made a decision
if (sampled == null && (sampled = sampler.trySample(request)) != null) {
extracted = extracted.sampled(sampled.booleanValue());
return tracer.nextSpan(extracted);
// We can't just skip clearing headers we use because we might inject B3 single, yet have stale B3
// multi, or visa versa.
void clearTraceIdHeaders(Headers headers) {
// Headers::remove creates and consumes an iterator each time. This does one loop instead.
for (Iterator i = headers.iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) {
Header next =;
if (traceIdHeaders.contains(next.key())) i.remove();
/** When an upstream context was not present, lookup keys are unlikely added */
static void addTags(ConsumerRecord, ?> record, SpanCustomizer result) {
if (record.key() instanceof String && !"".equals(record.key())) {
result.tag(KafkaTags.KAFKA_KEY_TAG, record.key().toString());
result.tag(KafkaTags.KAFKA_TOPIC_TAG, record.topic());
* Avoids array allocation when logging a parameterized message when fine level is disabled. The
* second parameter is optional.
* Ex.
* try {
* tracePropagationThatMayThrow(record);
* } catch (Throwable e) {
* Throwables.propagateIfFatal(e);
* log(e, "error adding propagation information to {0}", record, null);
* return null;
* }
* }
* @param thrown the exception that was caught
* @param msg the format string
* @param zero will end up as {@code {0}} in the format string
* @param one if present, will end up as {@code {1}} in the format string
static void log(Throwable thrown, String msg, Object zero, @Nullable Object one) {
Logger logger = LoggerHolder.LOG;
if (!logger.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) return; // fine level to not fill logs
LogRecord lr = new LogRecord(Level.FINE, msg);
Object[] params = one != null ? new Object[] {zero, one} : new Object[] {zero};