brave.rpc.RpcClientHandler Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright 2013-2020 The OpenZipkin Authors
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except
* in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License
* is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express
* or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
* the License.
package brave.rpc;
import brave.Span;
import brave.SpanCustomizer;
import brave.Tracer;
import brave.internal.Nullable;
import brave.propagation.TraceContext;
import brave.propagation.TraceContext.Injector;
import brave.sampler.SamplerFunction;
* This standardizes a way to instrument RPC clients, particularly in a way that encourages use of
* portable customizations via {@link RpcRequestParser} and {@link RpcResponseParser}.
* Synchronous interception is the most straight forward instrumentation.
You generally need to:
* - Start the span and add trace headers to the request
* - Put the span in scope so things like log integration works
* - Invoke the request
* - If there was a Throwable, add it to the span
* - Complete the span
* {@code
* RpcClientRequestWrapper requestWrapper = new RpcClientRequestWrapper(request);
* Span span = handler.handleSend(requestWrapper); // 1.
* ClientResponse response = null;
* Throwable error = null;
* try (Scope ws = currentTraceContext.newScope(span.context())) { // 2.
* return response = invoke(request); // 3.
* } catch (Throwable e) {
* error = e; // 4.
* throw e;
* } finally {
* RpcClientResponseWrapper responseWrapper =
* new RpcClientResponseWrapper(requestWrapper, response, error);
* handler.handleReceive(responseWrapper, span); // 5.
* }
* }
* @since 5.12
public final class RpcClientHandler extends RpcHandler {
/** @since 5.12 */
public static RpcClientHandler create(RpcTracing rpcTracing) {
if (rpcTracing == null) throw new NullPointerException("rpcTracing == null");
return new RpcClientHandler(rpcTracing);
final Tracer tracer;
final SamplerFunction sampler;
final Injector injector;
RpcClientHandler(RpcTracing rpcTracing) {
super(rpcTracing.clientRequestParser(), rpcTracing.clientResponseParser());
this.tracer = rpcTracing.tracing().tracer();
this.injector = rpcTracing.propagation().injector(RpcClientRequest.SETTER);
this.sampler = rpcTracing.clientSampler();
* Starts the client span after assigning it a name and tags. This {@link
* Injector#inject(TraceContext, Object) injects} the trace context onto the request before
* returning.
* Call this before sending the request on the wire.
* @see #handleSendWithParent(RpcClientRequest, TraceContext)
* @see RpcTracing#clientSampler()
* @see RpcTracing#clientRequestParser()
* @since 5.12
public Span handleSend(RpcClientRequest request) {
if (request == null) throw new NullPointerException("request == null");
return handleSend(request, tracer.nextSpan(sampler, request));
* Like {@link #handleSend(RpcClientRequest)}, except explicitly controls the parent of the client
* span.
* @param parent the parent of the client span representing this request, or null for a new
* trace.
* @see Tracer#nextSpanWithParent(SamplerFunction, Object, TraceContext)
* @since 5.12
public Span handleSendWithParent(RpcClientRequest request, @Nullable TraceContext parent) {
if (request == null) throw new NullPointerException("request == null");
return handleSend(request, tracer.nextSpanWithParent(sampler, request, parent));
* Like {@link #handleSend(RpcClientRequest)}, except explicitly controls the span representing
* the request.
* @since 5.12
public Span handleSend(RpcClientRequest request, Span span) {
if (request == null) throw new NullPointerException("request == null");
if (span == null) throw new NullPointerException("span == null");
injector.inject(span.context(), request);
return handleStart(request, span);
* Finishes the client span after assigning it tags according to the response or error.
This is typically called once the response headers are received, and after the span is
* {@link Tracer.SpanInScope#close() no longer in scope}.
Note: It is valid to have a {@link RpcClientResponse} that only includes an
* {@linkplain RpcClientResponse#error() error}. However, it is better to also include the
* {@linkplain RpcClientResponse#request() request}.
* @see RpcResponseParser#parse(RpcResponse, TraceContext, SpanCustomizer)
* @since 5.12
public void handleReceive(RpcClientResponse response, Span span) {
handleFinish(response, span);