brave.baggage.CorrelationScopeDecorator Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright 2013-2020 The OpenZipkin Authors
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except
* in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License
* is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express
* or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
* the License.
package brave.baggage;
import brave.baggage.CorrelationScopeConfig.SingleCorrelationField;
import brave.internal.CorrelationContext;
import brave.internal.Nullable;
import brave.propagation.CurrentTraceContext.Scope;
import brave.propagation.CurrentTraceContext.ScopeDecorator;
import brave.propagation.TraceContext;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.LinkedHashSet;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.TreeSet;
* Synchronizes fields such as {@link BaggageFields#TRACE_ID} with a correlation context, such as
* logging through decoration of a scope. A maximum of 32 fields are supported.
* Setup example:
* import brave.baggage.CorrelationScopeConfig.SingleCorrelationField;
* // Add the field "region", so it can be used as a log expression %X{region}
* CLOUD_REGION = BaggageFields.constant("region", System.getEnv("CLOUD_REGION"));
* decorator = MDCScopeDecorator.newBuilder()
* .add(SingleCorrelationField.create(CLOUD_REGION))
* .build();
* // Integrate the decorator
* tracing = Tracing.newBuilder()
* .currentTraceContext(ThreadLocalCurrentTraceContext.newBuilder()
* .addScopeDecorator(decorator)
* .build())
* ...
* .build();
* // Any scope operations (updates to the current span) apply the fields defined by the decorator.
* ScopedSpan span = tracing.tracer().startScopedSpan("encode");
* try {
* // The below log message will have %X{region} in the context!
*"Encoding the span, hope it works");
* return encoder.encode();
* } catch (RuntimeException | Error e) {
* span.error(e); // Unless you handle exceptions, you might not know the operation failed!
* throw e;
* } finally {
* span.finish();
* }
* }
* @see CorrelationScopeConfig
* @see CorrelationScopeCustomizer
* @see BaggagePropagation
* @since 5.11
public abstract class CorrelationScopeDecorator implements ScopeDecorator {
/** Defaults to {@link BaggageFields#TRACE_ID} and {@link BaggageFields#SPAN_ID}. */
// do not define newBuilder or create() here as it will mask subtypes
public static abstract class Builder {
final CorrelationContext context;
// Don't allow mixed case of the same name!
final Set allNames = new TreeSet<>(String.CASE_INSENSITIVE_ORDER);
final Set fields = new LinkedHashSet<>();
/** Internal constructor used by subtypes. */
protected Builder(CorrelationContext context) {
if (context == null) throw new NullPointerException("context == null");
this.context = context;
* Returns an immutable copy of the current {@linkplain #add(CorrelationScopeConfig)
* configuration}. This allows those who can't create the builder to reconfigure this builder.
* @see #clear()
* @since 5.11
public Set configs() {
return Collections.unmodifiableSet(new LinkedHashSet<>(fields));
* Invoke this to clear fields so that you can {@linkplain #add(CorrelationScopeConfig) add the
* ones you need}.
* Defaults may include a field you aren't using, such as {@link BaggageFields#PARENT_ID}.
* For best performance, only include the fields you use in your correlation expressions (such
* as log formats).
* @see #configs()
* @see CorrelationScopeDecorator
* @since 5.11
public Builder clear() {
return this;
/** @since 5.11 */
public Builder add(CorrelationScopeConfig config) {
if (config == null) throw new NullPointerException("config == null");
if (!(config instanceof SingleCorrelationField)) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("dynamic fields not yet supported");
SingleCorrelationField field = (SingleCorrelationField) config;
if (fields.contains(field)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"Baggage Field already added: " +;
if (allNames.contains( {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Correlation name already in use: " +;
return this;
/** @return {@link ScopeDecorator#NOOP} if no baggage fields were added. */
public final ScopeDecorator build() {
int fieldCount = fields.size();
if (fieldCount == 0) return ScopeDecorator.NOOP;
if (fieldCount == 1) return new Single(context, fields.iterator().next());
if (fieldCount > 32) throw new IllegalArgumentException("over 32 baggage fields");
return new Multiple(context, fields.toArray(new SingleCorrelationField[0]));
final CorrelationContext context;
CorrelationScopeDecorator(CorrelationContext context) {
this.context = context;
static final class Single extends CorrelationScopeDecorator {
final SingleCorrelationField field;
Single(CorrelationContext context, SingleCorrelationField field) {
this.field = field;
@Override public Scope decorateScope(@Nullable TraceContext traceContext, Scope scope) {
String valueToRevert = context.getValue(;
String currentValue = field.baggageField.getValue(traceContext);
boolean dirty = false;
if (scope != Scope.NOOP || !field.readOnly()) {
dirty = !equal(valueToRevert, currentValue);
if (dirty) context.update(, currentValue);
// If the underlying field might be updated, always revert the value
dirty = dirty || field.dirty;
if (!dirty && !field.flushOnUpdate) return scope;
// If there was or could be a value update, we need to track values to revert.
CorrelationUpdateScope updateScope =
new CorrelationUpdateScope.Single(scope, context, field, valueToRevert, dirty);
return field.flushOnUpdate ? new CorrelationFlushScope(updateScope) : updateScope;
static final class Multiple extends CorrelationScopeDecorator {
final SingleCorrelationField[] fields;
Multiple(CorrelationContext context, SingleCorrelationField[] fields) {
this.fields = fields;
@Override public Scope decorateScope(@Nullable TraceContext traceContext, Scope scope) {
int dirty = 0;
boolean flushOnUpdate = false;
String[] valuesToRevert = new String[fields.length];
for (int i = 0; i < fields.length; i++) {
SingleCorrelationField field = fields[i];
String valueToRevert = context.getValue(;
String currentValue = field.baggageField.getValue(traceContext);
if (scope != Scope.NOOP || !field.readOnly) {
if (!equal(valueToRevert, currentValue)) {
context.update(, currentValue);
dirty = setBit(dirty, i);
// Always revert fields that could be updated in the context directly
if (field.dirty) dirty = setBit(dirty, i);
if (field.flushOnUpdate) flushOnUpdate = true;
valuesToRevert[i] = valueToRevert;
if (dirty == 0 && !flushOnUpdate) return scope;
// If there was or could be a value update, we need to track values to revert.
CorrelationUpdateScope updateScope =
new CorrelationUpdateScope.Multiple(scope, context, fields, valuesToRevert, dirty);
return flushOnUpdate ? new CorrelationFlushScope(updateScope) : updateScope;
static int setBit(int bitset, int i) {
return bitset | (1 << i);
static boolean isSet(int bitset, int i) {
return (bitset & (1 << i)) != 0;
static boolean equal(@Nullable Object a, @Nullable Object b) {
return a == null ? b == null : a.equals(b); // Java 6 can't use Objects.equals()