Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright 2015-2020 The OpenZipkin Authors
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except
* in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License
* is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express
* or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
* the License.
import zipkin2.Span;
import zipkin2.internal.Dependencies;
import zipkin2.internal.V1ThriftSpanWriter;
final class Tables {
* This table includes {@linkplain V1ThriftSpanWriter thrift-encoded} spans, supporting {@link
* SelectFromTraces}.
static final String TRACES = "traces";
* This table includes {@linkplain Dependencies#fromThrift thrift-encoded} dependency links,
* supporting {@link SelectDependencies}.
static final String DEPENDENCIES = "dependencies";
* This index supports {@link ServiceAndSpanNames#getServiceNames()}}.
* The cardinality of {@link Span#localServiceName()} values is expected to be stable and low.
* There may be hot partitions, but each partition only includes a single column. Hence bucketing
* would be unnecessary.
static final String SERVICE_NAMES = "service_names";
* This index supports {@link ServiceAndSpanNames#getRemoteServiceNames(String)}.
The cardinality of {@link Span#remoteServiceName()} values is expected to be stable and
* low. There may be hot partitions, but each partition only includes a single column. Hence
* bucketing would be unnecessary.
static final String REMOTE_SERVICE_NAMES = "remote_service_names";
* This index supports {@link ServiceAndSpanNames#getSpanNames(String)}.
The compound partition key includes {@link Span#localServiceName()} and a constant bucket
* (0). This is because span names are bounded (and will throw an exception if aren't!).
static final String SPAN_NAMES = "span_names";
/** This table supports {@link AutocompleteTags#getValues(String key)}. */
static final String AUTOCOMPLETE_TAGS = "autocomplete_tags";
* This index supports trace id lookups by {@link QueryRequest#serviceName()}, within the interval
* of {@link QueryRequest#endTs()} - {@link QueryRequest#lookback()}.
The cardinality of {@link Span#localServiceName()} values is expected to be stable and
* low. To avoid hot partitions, the partition key is {@link Span#localServiceName()} with a
* bucket (random number between 0 and 9).
static final String SERVICE_NAME_INDEX = "service_name_index";
* This index supports trace id lookups by {@link QueryRequest#serviceName()} and {@link
* QueryRequest#remoteServiceName()}, within the interval of {@link QueryRequest#endTs()} - {@link
* QueryRequest#lookback()}.
The partition key is "{@link Span#localServiceName() $serviceName}.{@link
* Span#remoteServiceName() $remoteServiceName}", which is expected to be diverse enough to not
* cause hot partitions.
static final String SERVICE_REMOTE_SERVICE_NAME_INDEX = "service_remote_service_name_index";
* This index supports trace id lookups by {@link QueryRequest#serviceName()} and {@link
* QueryRequest#spanName()}, within the interval of {@link QueryRequest#endTs()} - {@link
* QueryRequest#lookback()}.
The partition key is "{@link Span#localServiceName() $serviceName}.{@link
* Span#name() $spanName}", which is expected to be diverse enough to not cause hot partitions.
static final String SERVICE_SPAN_NAME_INDEX = "service_span_name_index";
* This index supports trace id lookups by {@link QueryRequest#annotationQuery()}, within the
* interval of {@link QueryRequest#endTs()} - {@link QueryRequest#lookback()}.
The annotation field is a colon-delimited string beginning with {@link
* Span#localServiceName()}. If an {@link zipkin2.Annotation}, the second part will be the value.
* If a {@link Span#tags() tag}, the second part would be the key, and the third, the value.
For example, an annotation of "error" logged by "backend2" would be stored as the
* annotation field "backend2:error". A tag of "http.method" -> "GET", logged by "edge1" would
* result in two rows: one with annotation field "edge1:http.method" and another with
* "edge1:http.method:GET".
To keep the size of this index reasonable, {@link CassandraUtil#CORE_ANNOTATIONS} are not
* indexed. For example, "service:sr" won't be stored, as it isn't supported to search by core
* annotations. Also, tag values longer than 256 characters are not indexed.
Lookups are by equals (not partial match), so it is expected that {@link
* zipkin2.Annotation} and {@link Span#tags() tag} keys and values will be low or bounded
* cardinality. To avoid hot partitions, the partition key is the annotation field with a bucket
* (random number between 0 and 9).
static final String ANNOTATIONS_INDEX = "annotations_index";
private Tables() {