Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright The OpenZipkin Authors
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
import com.datastax.oss.driver.api.core.CqlSession;
import com.datastax.oss.driver.api.core.cql.AsyncResultSet;
import com.datastax.oss.driver.api.core.cql.BoundStatementBuilder;
import com.datastax.oss.driver.api.core.cql.PreparedStatement;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.UUID;
import java.util.concurrent.CompletionStage;
import zipkin2.Annotation;
import zipkin2.Call;
import zipkin2.Endpoint;
import zipkin2.Span;
import zipkin2.internal.Nullable;
import static;
final class InsertSpan extends ResultSetFutureCall {
@AutoValue abstract static class Input {
abstract UUID ts_uuid();
@Nullable abstract String trace_id_high();
abstract String trace_id();
@Nullable abstract String parent_id();
abstract String id();
@Nullable abstract String kind();
@Nullable abstract String span();
abstract long ts();
abstract long duration();
@Nullable abstract Endpoint l_ep();
@Nullable abstract Endpoint r_ep();
abstract List annotations();
abstract Map tags();
@Nullable abstract String annotation_query();
abstract boolean debug();
abstract boolean shared();
static final class Factory {
final CqlSession session;
final PreparedStatement preparedStatement;
final boolean strictTraceId, searchEnabled;
Factory(CqlSession session, boolean strictTraceId, boolean searchEnabled) {
this.session = session;
String insertQuery = "INSERT INTO " + TABLE_SPAN
+ " (trace_id,trace_id_high,ts_uuid,parent_id,id,kind,span,ts,duration,l_ep,r_ep,annotations,tags,debug,shared)"
+ " VALUES (:trace_id,:trace_id_high,:ts_uuid,:parent_id,:id,:kind,:span,:ts,:duration,:l_ep,:r_ep,:annotations,:tags,:debug,:shared)";
if (searchEnabled) {
insertQuery = insertQuery.replace(",shared)", ",shared, l_service, annotation_query)");
insertQuery = insertQuery.replace(",:shared)", ",:shared, :l_service, :annotation_query)");
this.preparedStatement = session.prepare(insertQuery);
this.strictTraceId = strictTraceId;
this.searchEnabled = searchEnabled;
Input newInput(Span span, UUID ts_uuid) {
boolean traceIdHigh = !strictTraceId && span.traceId().length() == 32;
String annotation_query = searchEnabled ? CassandraUtil.annotationQuery(span) : null;
return new AutoValue_InsertSpan_Input(
traceIdHigh ? span.traceId().substring(0, 16) : null,
traceIdHigh ? span.traceId().substring(16) : span.traceId(),
span.kind() != null ? span.kind().name() : null,,
Call create(Input span) {
return new InsertSpan(this, span);
final Factory factory;
final Input input;
InsertSpan(Factory factory, Input input) {
this.factory = factory;
this.input = input;
* TLDR: we are guarding against setting null, as doing so implies tombstones. We are dodging setX
* to keep code simpler than other alternatives described below.
* If there's consistently 8 tombstones (nulls) per row, then we'll only need 125 spans in a
* trace (rows in a partition) to trigger the `tombstone_warn_threshold warnings being logged in
* the C* nodes. And if we go to 12500 spans in a trace then that whole trace partition would
* become unreadable. Cassandra warns at 1000 tombstones in any query, and fails on 100000
* tombstones.
There's also a small question about disk usage efficiency. Each tombstone is a cell name
* and basically empty cell value entry stored on disk. Given that the cells are, apart from tags
* and annotations, generally very small then this could be proportionally an unnecessary waste of
* disk.
To avoid this relying upon a number of variant prepared statements for inserting a span is
* the normal practice.
Another popular practice is to insert those potentially null columns as separate statements
* (and optionally put them together into UNLOGGED batches). This works as multiple writes to the
* same partition has little overhead, and here we're not worried about lack of isolation between
* writes, as it is asynchronous anyway. An example of this approach is in the cassandra-reaper
* project here:
@Override protected CompletionStage newCompletionStage() {
BoundStatementBuilder bound = factory.preparedStatement.boundStatementBuilder()
.setUuid("ts_uuid", input.ts_uuid())
.setString("trace_id", input.trace_id())
// Don't set null as we don't want to add tombstones
if (null != input.trace_id_high()) bound.setString("trace_id_high", input.trace_id_high());
if (null != input.parent_id()) bound.setString("parent_id", input.parent_id());
if (null != input.kind()) bound.setString("kind", input.kind());
if (null != input.span()) bound.setString("span", input.span());
if (0L != input.ts()) bound.setLong("ts", input.ts());
if (0L != input.duration()) bound.setLong("duration", input.duration());
if (null != input.l_ep()) bound.set("l_ep", input.l_ep(), Endpoint.class);
if (null != input.r_ep()) bound.set("r_ep", input.r_ep(), Endpoint.class);
if (!input.annotations().isEmpty()) {
bound.setList("annotations", input.annotations(), Annotation.class);
if (!input.tags().isEmpty()) bound.setMap("tags", input.tags(), String.class, String.class);
if (input.debug()) bound.setBoolean("debug", true);
if (input.shared()) bound.setBoolean("shared", true);
if (factory.searchEnabled) {
if (null != input.l_ep()) bound.setString("l_service", input.l_ep().serviceName());
if (null != input.annotation_query()) {
bound.setString("annotation_query", input.annotation_query());
return factory.session.executeAsync(;
@Override public Void map(AsyncResultSet input) {
return null;
@Override public String toString() {
return input.toString().replace("Input", "InsertSpan");
@Override public InsertSpan clone() {
return new InsertSpan(factory, input);