ciris.ConfigDecoder.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package ciris
import ciris.api._
import ciris.api.syntax._
import ciris.ConfigError.wrongType
import ciris.decoders.ConfigDecoders
import scala.util.{Failure, Success, Try}
* [[ConfigDecoder]] represents the ability to convert the value
* of a [[ConfigEntry]] to a different type. A [[ConfigDecoder]]
* supports converting values of type `A` to values of type `B`,
* within a context `F`, while also supporting sensible error
* messages.
* To create a new [[ConfigDecoder]], simply extended the class
* and implement the [[decode]] method. Alternatively, refer to
* the companion object for helper methods.
* Note that most [[ConfigDecoder]] instances provided by Ciris
* support converting from `String` to some type `B`, which
* should be enough for most use cases.
* @tparam A the type from which the decoder converts
* @tparam B the type to which the decoder converts
abstract class ConfigDecoder[A, B] { self =>
* Decodes the value of the specified [[ConfigEntry]], converting
* the value from type `A` to type `B`, within a context `F`,
* while also supporting sensible error messages.
* @param entry the [[ConfigEntry]] for which to decode the value
* @tparam F the context in which to decode the configuration value
* @tparam K the type of the key read from the configuration source
* @tparam S the type of the original configuration source value
* @return the decoded value or a [[ConfigError]] if decoding failed
def decode[F[_]: Monad, K, S](
entry: ConfigEntry[F, K, S, A]
): F[Either[ConfigError, B]]
* Applies a function to the converted value from this [[ConfigDecoder]].
* The specified function is only applied if the conversion to `B` was
* successful, otherwise the behaviour remains unchanged.
* @param f the function to apply to the value
* @tparam C the type for which to convert the value to
* @return a new `ConfigDecoder[A, C]`
* @example {{{
* scala> val source = ConfigSource.byIndex(ConfigKeyType.Argument)(Vector("123456", "abc"))
* source: ConfigSource[Int, String] = ConfigSource(Argument)
* scala> val decoder = ConfigDecoder[String].map(_.take(2))
* decoder: ConfigDecoder[String, String] = ConfigDecoder$$$$anon$$1@2274f2dd
* scala> decoder.decode(
* res0: Either[ConfigError, String] = Right(12)
* scala> decoder.decode(
* res1: Either[ConfigError, String] = Right(ab)
* scala> decoder.decode(
* res2: Either[ConfigError, String] = Left(MissingKey(2, Argument))
* }}}
final def map[C](f: B => C): ConfigDecoder[A, C] =
new ConfigDecoder[A, C] {
override def decode[F[_]: Monad, K, S](
entry: ConfigEntry[F, K, S, A]
): F[Either[ConfigError, C]] = {
self.decode(entry).map(_.fold(Left.apply, value => Right(f(value))))
* Applies a function on the converted value, returning an `Option[C]`.
* If the function returns `None`, the type conversion to `C` will be
* considered to have failed. Returning a `Some` will be interpreted
* like the conversion succeeded.
* @param typeName the name of the type `C`
* @param f the function converting from `B` to `Option[C]`
* @tparam C the type for which to convert the value to
* @return a new `ConfigDecoder[A, C]`
* @example {{{
* scala> val source = ConfigSource.byIndex(ConfigKeyType.Argument)(Vector("123456", "abc"))
* source: ConfigSource[Int, String] = ConfigSource(Argument)
* scala> val decoder = ConfigDecoder[String].mapOption("Int")(value => scala.util.Try(value.toInt).toOption)
* decoder: ConfigDecoder[String, Int] = ConfigDecoder$$$$anon$$2@669d8d59
* scala> decoder.decode(
* res0: Either[ConfigError, Int] = Right(123456)
* scala> decoder.decode(
* res1: Either[ConfigError, Int] = Left(WrongType(1, Argument, Right(abc), abc, Int))
* scala> decoder.decode(
* res2: Either[ConfigError, Int] = Left(MissingKey(2, Argument))
* }}}
final def mapOption[C](typeName: String)(f: B => Option[C]): ConfigDecoder[A, C] =
new ConfigDecoder[A, C] {
override def decode[F[_]: Monad, K, S](
entry: ConfigEntry[F, K, S, A]
): F[Either[ConfigError, C]] = {
for {
sourceValue <- entry.sourceValue
decoded <- self.decode(entry)
} yield {
decoded.fold(Left.apply, value => {
f(value) match {
case Some(a) => Right(a)
case None =>
Left(wrongType(entry.key, entry.keyType, sourceValue, value, typeName, None))
* Applies a function on the converted value, returning a `Try[C]`.
* If the function returns a `Success`, the type conversion will
* be considered successful. Returning a `Failure` means that
* the conversion failed.
* @param typeName the name of the type `C`
* @param f the function converting from `B` to `Try[C]`
* @tparam C the type for which to convert the value to
* @return a new `ConfigDecoder[A, C]`
* @example {{{
* scala> val source = ConfigSource.byIndex(ConfigKeyType.Argument)(Vector("123456", "abc"))
* source: ConfigSource[Int, String] = ConfigSource(Argument)
* scala> val decoder = ConfigDecoder[String].mapTry("Int")(value => scala.util.Try(value.toInt))
* decoder: ConfigDecoder[String, Int] = ConfigDecoder$$$$anon$$3@380729e4
* scala> decoder.decode(
* res0: Either[ConfigError, Int] = Right(123456)
* scala> decoder.decode(
* res1: Either[ConfigError, Int] = Left(WrongType(1, Argument, Right(abc), abc, Int, java.lang.NumberFormatException: For input string: "abc"))
* scala> decoder.decode(
* res2: Either[ConfigError, Int] = Left(MissingKey(2, Argument))
* }}}
final def mapTry[C](typeName: String)(f: B => Try[C]): ConfigDecoder[A, C] =
new ConfigDecoder[A, C] {
override def decode[F[_]: Monad, K, S](
entry: ConfigEntry[F, K, S, A]
): F[Either[ConfigError, C]] = {
for {
sourceValue <- entry.sourceValue
decoded <- self.decode(entry)
} yield {
value => {
f(value) match {
case Success(a) => Right(a)
case Failure(cause) =>
* Applies a function on the converted value to `C`, making sure to catch
* any non-fatal exceptions thrown by the function. The conversion will
* be considered successful only if the function does not throw an
* exception.
* @param typeName the name of the type `C`
* @param f the function converting from `B` to `C`
* @tparam C the type for which to convert the value to
* @return a new `ConfigDecoder[A, C]`
* @example {{{
* scala> val source = ConfigSource.byIndex(ConfigKeyType.Argument)(Vector("123456", "abc"))
* source: ConfigSource[Int, String] = ConfigSource(Argument)
* scala> val decoder = ConfigDecoder[String].mapCatchNonFatal("Int")(_.toInt)
* decoder: ConfigDecoder[String, Int] = ConfigDecoder@17323c05
* scala> decoder.decode(
* res0: Either[ConfigError, Int] = Right(123456)
* scala> decoder.decode(
* res1: Either[ConfigError, Int] = Left(WrongType(1, Argument, Right(abc), abc, Int, java.lang.NumberFormatException: For input string: "abc"))
* scala> decoder.decode(
* res2: Either[ConfigError, Int] = Left(MissingKey(2, Argument))
* }}}
final def mapCatchNonFatal[C](typeName: String)(f: B => C): ConfigDecoder[A, C] =
mapTry(typeName)(value => Try(f(value)))
* Applies a partial function on the converted value. The type conversion to
* `C` will only succeed for values which the partial function is defined.
* @param typeName the name of the type `C`
* @param f the partial function converting from `B` to `C`
* @tparam C the type for which to convert the value to
* @return a new `ConfigDecoder[A, C]`
* @example {{{
* scala> val source = ConfigSource.byIndex(ConfigKeyType.Argument)(Vector("123456", "-123"))
* source: ConfigSource[Int, String] = ConfigSource(Argument)
* scala> val decoder = ConfigDecoder[String].collect("PosBigInt") { case s if s.forall(_.isDigit) => BigInt(s) }
* decoder: ConfigDecoder[String, scala.math.BigInt] = ConfigDecoder$$$$anon$$2@727cfc59
* scala> decoder.decode(
* res0: Either[ConfigError, scala.math.BigInt] = Right(123456)
* scala> decoder.decode(
* res1: Either[ConfigError, scala.math.BigInt] = Left(WrongType(1, Argument, Right(-123), -123, PosBigInt))
* scala> decoder.decode(
* res2: Either[ConfigError, scala.math.BigInt] = Left(MissingKey(2, Argument))
* }}}
final def collect[C](typeName: String)(f: PartialFunction[B, C]): ConfigDecoder[A, C] =
mapOption(typeName) {
case value if f.isDefinedAt(value) => Some(f(value))
case _ => None
* Applies a function on the converted value, returning an `Either[L, R]`.
* If the function returns `Left[L, R]`, the type conversion to `R` will
* be considered to have failed. Returning a `Right[L, R]` means that
* the conversion succeeded.
* @param typeName the name of the type `R`
* @param f the function converting from `B` to `Either[L, R]`
* @tparam L the type representing an error for the type conversion;
* should have a sensible `toString` method for error messages
* @tparam R the type for which to convert the value to
* @return a new `ConfigDecoder[A, R]`
* @example {{{
* scala> val source = ConfigSource.byIndex(ConfigKeyType.Argument)(Vector("123456", "abc"))
* source: ConfigSource[Int, String] = ConfigSource(Argument)
* scala> val decoder = ConfigDecoder[String].mapEither("Int")(value => scala.util.Try(value.toInt).map(Right.apply).recover { case e => Left(e) }.get)
* decoder: ConfigDecoder[String, Int] = ConfigDecoder$$$$anon$$3@8635c89
* scala> decoder.decode(
* res0: Either[ConfigError,Int] = Right(123456)
* scala> decoder.decode(
* res1: Either[ConfigError,Int] = Left(WrongType(1, Argument, Right(abc), abc, Int, java.lang.NumberFormatException: For input string: "abc"))
* scala> decoder.decode(
* res2: Either[ConfigError,Int] = Left(MissingKey(2, Argument))
* }}}
final def mapEither[L, R](typeName: String)(f: B => Either[L, R]): ConfigDecoder[A, R] =
new ConfigDecoder[A, R] {
override def decode[F[_]: Monad, K, S](
entry: ConfigEntry[F, K, S, A]
): F[Either[ConfigError, R]] = {
for {
sourceValue <- entry.sourceValue
decoded <- self.decode(entry)
} yield {
value => {
f(value) match {
case Right(r) => Right(r)
case Left(cause) =>
* Applies a function on the values in the [[ConfigEntry]]s decoded by
* this decoder, before trying to convert the value to type `B`. This
* method returns a new [[ConfigDecoder]] with the behavior, leaving
* the existing [[ConfigDecoder]] unmodified.
* @param f the function to apply on the [[ConfigEntry]] value
* @return a new [[ConfigDecoder]] decoding modified entry values
* @example {{{
* scala> val source = ConfigSource.byIndex(ConfigKeyType.Argument)(Vector("123 "))
* source: ConfigSource[Int, String] = ConfigSource(Argument)
* scala> val decoder = ConfigDecoder[String, Int].mapEntryValue(_.trim)
* decoder: ConfigDecoder[Int] = ciris.ConfigDecoder$$$$anon$$5@57c04ac9
* scala> decoder.decode(
* res0: Either[ConfigError,Int] = Right(123)
* }}}
final def mapEntryValue(f: A => A): ConfigDecoder[A, B] =
new ConfigDecoder[A, B] {
override def decode[F[_]: Monad, K, S](
entry: ConfigEntry[F, K, S, A]
): F[Either[ConfigError, B]] = {
object ConfigDecoder extends ConfigDecoders {
* Attempt to implicitly find a [[ConfigDecoder]] which converts
* values from type `A` to type `B`, and when found, return the
* [[ConfigDecoder]] instance.
* @param decoder the implicit [[ConfigDecoder]] instance
* @tparam A the type from which to convert the value
* @tparam B the type to which to convert the value
* @return the found [[ConfigDecoder]] instance
def apply[A, B](implicit decoder: ConfigDecoder[A, B]): ConfigDecoder[A, B] =
* A [[ConfigDecoder]] which does not modify the value read from a
* configuration source. This method is an alias and equivalent of
* [[ConfigDecoder#identity]].
* @tparam A the type from which to convert the value
* @return a new [[ConfigDecoder]] which does not modify values
def apply[A]: ConfigDecoder[A, A] =
* A [[ConfigDecoder]] which does not modify the value read from a
* configuration source. Most often not useful on its own, but can
* be used as a starting point for other types of [[ConfigDecoder]]s.
* @tparam A the type from which to convert the value
* @return a new [[ConfigDecoder]] which does not modify values
* @example {{{
* scala> val source = ConfigSource.byIndex(ConfigKeyType.Argument)(Vector("123456", "abc"))
* source: ConfigSource[Int, String] = ConfigSource(Argument)
* scala> val decoder = ConfigDecoder.identity[String]
* decoder: ConfigDecoder[String, String] = ConfigDecoder$$$$anon$$4@245c7250
* scala> decoder.decode(
* res0: Either[ConfigError, String] = Right(123456)
* scala> decoder.decode(
* res1: Either[ConfigError, String] = Right(abc)
* scala> decoder.decode(
* res2: Either[ConfigError, String] = Left(MissingKey(2, Argument))
* }}}
def identity[A]: ConfigDecoder[A, A] =
new ConfigDecoder[A, A] {
override def decode[F[_]: Monad, K, S](
entry: ConfigEntry[F, K, S, A]
): F[Either[ConfigError, A]] =
* Creates a new [[ConfigDecoder]] by applying a function in both
* the error case and in the value case.
* @param onError the function to apply in the case of an error
* @param onValue the function to apply in case of a value
* @tparam A the type from which to convert the value
* @tparam B the type to which to convert the value
* @return a new `ConfigDecoder[A, B]`
* @example {{{
* scala> val source = ConfigSource.byIndex(ConfigKeyType.Argument)(Vector("123456", "abc"))
* source: ConfigSource[Int, String] = ConfigSource(Argument)
* scala> val decoder = ConfigDecoder.fold(error => Left(error), (value: String) => Right(value + "/789"))
* decoder: ConfigDecoder[String, String] = ConfigDecoder$$$$anon$$4@76e4848f
* scala> decoder.decode(
* res0: Either[ConfigError, String] = Right(123456/789)
* scala> decoder.decode(
* res1: Either[ConfigError, String] = Right(abc/789)
* scala> decoder.decode(
* res2: Either[ConfigError, String] = Left(MissingKey(2, Argument))
* }}}
def fold[A, B](
onError: ConfigError => Either[ConfigError, B],
onValue: A => Either[ConfigError, B]
): ConfigDecoder[A, B] = {
new ConfigDecoder[A, B] {
override def decode[F[_]: Monad, K, S](
entry: ConfigEntry[F, K, S, A]
): F[Either[ConfigError, B]] =, onValue))
* Creates a new [[ConfigDecoder]] by applying a function in the case
* when a value was successfully read from the configuration source.
* @param f the function to apply in case of a value
* @tparam A the type from which to convert the value
* @tparam B the type to which to convert the value
* @return a new `ConfigDecoder[A, B]`
* @example {{{
* scala> val source = ConfigSource.byIndex(ConfigKeyType.Argument)(Vector("123456"))
* source: ConfigSource[Int, String] = ConfigSource(Argument)
* scala> val decoder = ConfigDecoder.flatMap { value: String => Right(value.take(2)) }
* decoder: ConfigDecoder[String, String] = ConfigDecoder$$$$anon$$4@77f11239
* scala> decoder.decode(
* res0: Either[ConfigError, String] = Right(12)
* scala> decoder.decode(
* res1: Either[ConfigError, String] = Left(MissingKey(1, Argument))
* }}}
def flatMap[A, B](f: A => Either[ConfigError, B]): ConfigDecoder[A, B] =
ConfigDecoder.fold[A, B](Left.apply, f)
* Creates a new [[ConfigDecoder]] by applying a function in the case
* when a value was successfully read from the configuration source,
* returning an `Option[B]`. If the function returns `None`, it will
* be interpreted as if the conversion to type `B` failed.
* @param typeName the name of the type `B`
* @param f the function to apply on the value, returning `Option[B]`
* @tparam A the type from which to convert the value
* @tparam B the type to which to convert the value
* @return a new `ConfigDecoder[A, B]`
* @example {{{
* scala> val source = ConfigSource.byIndex(ConfigKeyType.Argument)(Vector("1", "25"))
* source: ConfigSource[Int, String] = ConfigSource(Argument)
* scala> val decoder = ConfigDecoder.fromOption("String") { s: String => Some(s).filter(_.length == 1) }
* decoder: ConfigDecoder[String, String] = ConfigDecoder$$$$anon$$5@4826b7ae
* scala> decoder.decode(
* res0: Either[ConfigError, String] = Right(1)
* scala> decoder.decode(
* res1: Either[ConfigError, String] = Left(WrongType(1, Argument, Right(25), 25, String))
* }}}
def fromOption[A, B](typeName: String)(f: A => Option[B]): ConfigDecoder[A, B] =
new ConfigDecoder[A, B] {
override def decode[F[_]: Monad, K, S](
entry: ConfigEntry[F, K, S, A]
): F[Either[ConfigError, B]] = {
for {
sourceValue <- entry.sourceValue
errorOrValue <- entry.value
} yield {
errorOrValue.right.flatMap { value =>
f(value) match {
case Some(t) => Right(t)
case None =>
Left(wrongType(entry.key, entry.keyType, sourceValue, value, typeName, None))
* Creates a new [[ConfigDecoder]] by applying a function in the case
* when a value was successfully read from the configuration source,
* returning a `Try[B]`. If the function returns `Failure`, it will
* be interpreted as if the conversion to type `B` failed.
* @param typeName the name of the type `B`
* @param f the function to apply on the value, returning `Try[B]`
* @tparam B the type of value in the specified function
* @return a new `ConfigDecoder[A, B]`
* @example {{{
* scala> val source = ConfigSource.byIndex(ConfigKeyType.Argument)(Vector("1", "a"))
* source: ConfigSource[Int, String] = ConfigSource(Argument)
* scala> val decoder = ConfigDecoder.fromTry("Int") { value: String => scala.util.Try(value.toInt) }
* decoder: ConfigDecoder[String, Int] = ConfigDecoder$$$$anon$$6@26db094b
* scala> decoder.decode(
* res0: Either[ConfigError, Int] = Right(1)
* scala> decoder.decode(
* res1: Either[ConfigError, Int] = Left(WrongType(1, Argument, Right(a), a, Int, java.lang.NumberFormatException: For input string: "a"))
* }}}
def fromTry[A, B](typeName: String)(f: A => Try[B]): ConfigDecoder[A, B] =
new ConfigDecoder[A, B] {
override def decode[F[_]: Monad, K, S](
entry: ConfigEntry[F, K, S, A]
): F[Either[ConfigError, B]] = {
for {
sourceValue <- entry.sourceValue
errorOrValue <- entry.value
} yield {
errorOrValue.right.flatMap { value =>
f(value) match {
case Success(a) => Right(a)
case Failure(cause) =>
Left(wrongType(entry.key, entry.keyType, sourceValue, value, typeName, Some(cause)))
* Creates a new [[ConfigDecoder]] by applying a function in the case
* when a value was successfully read from the configuration source,
* returning a `Try[Option[B]]`. The conversion will only succeed
* if the function returns `Success[Some[B]]`.
* @param typeName the name of the type `B`
* @param f the function to apply on the value, returning `Try[Option[B]]`
* @tparam B the type to convert to
* @return a new `ConfigDecoder[A, B]`
* @example {{{
* scala> val source = ConfigSource.byIndex(ConfigKeyType.Argument)(Vector("1", "1234", "a"))
* source: ConfigSource[Int, String] = ConfigSource(Argument)
* scala> val decoder = ConfigDecoder.fromTryOption("Int") { value: String => scala.util.Try(if(value.length < 4) Some(value.toInt) else None) }
* decoder: ConfigDecoder[String, Int] = ConfigDecoder$$$$anon$$9@7d20803b
* scala> decoder.decode(
* res0: Either[ConfigError, Int] = Right(1)
* scala> decoder.decode(
* res1: Either[ConfigError, Int] = Left(WrongType(1, Argument, Right(1234), 1234, Int))
* scala> decoder.decode(
* res2: Either[ConfigError, Int] = Left(WrongType(2, Argument, Right(a), a, Int, java.lang.NumberFormatException: For input string: "a"))
* scala> decoder.decode(
* res3: Either[ConfigError, Int] = Left(MissingKey(3, Argument))
* }}}
def fromTryOption[A, B](typeName: String)(f: A => Try[Option[B]]): ConfigDecoder[A, B] =
new ConfigDecoder[A, B] {
override def decode[F[_]: Monad, K, S](
entry: ConfigEntry[F, K, S, A]
): F[Either[ConfigError, B]] = {
for {
sourceValue <- entry.sourceValue
errorOrValue <- entry.value
} yield {
errorOrValue.right.flatMap { value =>
f(value) match {
case Success(Some(value)) =>
case Success(None) =>
Left(wrongType(entry.key, entry.keyType, sourceValue, value, typeName, None))
case Failure(cause) =>
Left(wrongType(entry.key, entry.keyType, sourceValue, value, typeName, Some(cause)))
* Creates a new [[ConfigDecoder]] by applying a function in the case
* when a value was successfully read from the configuration source,
* wrapping the function in a `Try`. If the function, for any
* reason, throws an exception, it will be interpreted as if
* the conversion to type `B` failed.
* @param typeName the name of the type `B`
* @param f the function to apply on the value, returning `B`
* @tparam B the type of value in the specified function
* @return a new `ConfigDecoder[A, B]`
* @example {{{
* scala> val source = ConfigSource.byIndex(ConfigKeyType.Argument)(Vector("1", "a"))
* source: ConfigSource[Int, String] = ConfigSource(Argument)
* scala> val decoder = ConfigDecoder.catchNonFatal("Int") { s: String => s.toInt }
* decoder: ConfigDecoder[String, Int] = ConfigDecoder$$$$anon$$7@4fee5a39
* scala> decoder.decode(
* res0: Either[ConfigError, Int] = Right(1)
* scala> decoder.decode(
* res1: Either[ConfigError, Int] = Left(WrongType(1, Argument, Right(a), a, Int, java.lang.NumberFormatException: For input string: "a"))
* }}}
def catchNonFatal[A, B](typeName: String)(f: A => B): ConfigDecoder[A, B] =
new ConfigDecoder[A, B] {
override def decode[F[_]: Monad, K, S](
entry: ConfigEntry[F, K, S, A]
): F[Either[ConfigError, B]] = {
for {
sourceValue <- entry.sourceValue
errorOrValue <- entry.value
} yield {
errorOrValue.right.flatMap { value =>
Try(f(value)) match {
case Success(t) => Right(t)
case Failure(cause) =>
Left(wrongType(entry.key, entry.keyType, sourceValue, value, typeName, Some(cause)))
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