ciris.ConfigEntry.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package ciris
import ciris.api._
import ciris.api.syntax._
* [[ConfigEntry]] represents an entry (key-value pair) from a configuration
* source, with support for transforming the value. The value might not have
* been retrieved or transformed successfully, represented by wrapping the
* value in `Either[ConfigError, V]`. The key is of type `K` and the value
* is of type `V`. The original value from the source is left unmodified
* and is of type `S`. Both the source value and the value are in a
* context of type `F`. The type of the key is described with the
* included [[ConfigKeyType]].
* To create a [[ConfigEntry]], use [[ConfigEntry#apply]].
* {{{
* scala> ConfigEntry("key", ConfigKeyType.Environment, Right("value"))
* res0: ConfigEntry[api.Id, String, String, String] = ConfigEntry(key, Environment, Right(value))
* }}}
* @param key the key which was retrieved from the configuration source
* @param keyType the type of keys which the configuration source supports
* @param sourceValue the original unmodified value from the configuration source
* @param value the source value with zero or more transformations applied to it
* @tparam F the context in which the values exists
* @tparam K the type of the key
* @tparam S the type of the source value
* @tparam V the type of the value
final class ConfigEntry[F[_]: Apply, K, S, V] private (
val key: K,
val keyType: ConfigKeyType[K],
val sourceValue: F[Either[ConfigError, S]],
val value: F[Either[ConfigError, V]]
) extends ConfigValue[F, V] {
* Transforms the value of this [[ConfigEntry]] into type `A`, by
* finding an implicit [[ConfigDecoder]] instance from `V` to `A`,
* returning a new [[ConfigEntry]] with the modified value. The
* existing entry and all other properties are left unmodified.
* @param decoder the implicit [[ConfigDecoder]] instance
* @tparam A the type to which the value should be decoded
* @return a new [[ConfigEntry]] with the modified value
def decodeValue[A](
implicit decoder: ConfigDecoder[V, A],
monad: Monad[F]
): ConfigEntry[F, K, S, A] = {
new ConfigEntry(key, keyType, sourceValue, decoder.decode(this))
* Transforms the value of this [[ConfigEntry]] if it is available, by
* applying the specified function, returning a new [[ConfigEntry]]
* with the modified value. The existing [[ConfigEntry]] and all
* other properties are left unmodified.
* @param f the function to apply to the value
* @tparam A the type of the new value
* @return a new [[ConfigEntry]] with the modified value;
* or a [[ConfigError]] if the value is not available
* @example {{{
* scala> val entry = ConfigEntry("key", ConfigKeyType.Environment, Right("value "))
* entry: ConfigEntry[api.Id, String, String, String] = ConfigEntry(key, Environment, Right(value ))
* scala> entry.mapValue(_.trim)
* res0: ConfigEntry[api.Id, String, String, String] = ConfigEntry(key, Environment, Right(value ), Right(value))
* }}}
def mapValue[A](f: V => A): ConfigEntry[F, K, S, A] =
* Replaces the value of this [[ConfigEntry]] if it is available, by
* applying the specified function on the existing value, returning a
* new [[ConfigEntry]] with the new value. The existing [[ConfigEntry]]
* and all other properties are left unmodified.
* @param f the function to apply to the value, if it is available
* @tparam A the type of the new value
* @return a new [[ConfigEntry]] with the new value;
* or a [[ConfigError]] if the value is not available
* @example {{{
* scala> val entry = ConfigEntry("key", ConfigKeyType.Environment, Right("value"))
* entry: ConfigEntry[api.Id, String, String, String] = ConfigEntry(key, Environment, Right(value))
* scala> entry.flatMapValue(v => if(v.length > 2) Right(v) else Left(ConfigError("error")))
* res0: ConfigEntry[api.Id, String, String, String] = ConfigEntry(key, Environment, Right(value))
* }}}
def flatMapValue[A](f: V => Either[ConfigError, A]): ConfigEntry[F, K, S, A] =
* Replaces the value of this [[ConfigEntry]] with the specified value,
* by returning a new [[ConfigEntry]] with the new value. The existing
* [[ConfigEntry]] and all other properties are left unmodified.
* @param value the value to replace the existing one
* @tparam A the type of the new value
* @return a new [[ConfigEntry]]
* @example {{{
* scala> val entry = ConfigEntry("key", ConfigKeyType.Environment, Right("value"))
* entry: ConfigEntry[api.Id, String, String, String] = ConfigEntry(key, Environment, Right(value))
* scala> entry.withValue(Right(123))
* res0: ConfigEntry[api.Id, String, String, Int] = ConfigEntry(key, Environment, Right(value), Right(123))
* }}}
def withValue[A](value: Either[ConfigError, A]): ConfigEntry[F, K, S, A] =
transformValue(_ => value)
* Replaces the value of this [[ConfigEntry]] with the specified value,
* in the same type of context `F`. This function returns a new entry
* with the specified value. The existing [[ConfigEntry]] and all
* other properties ar left unmodified.
* @param value the value to replace the existing one
* @tparam A the type of the new value
* @return a new [[ConfigEntry]]
* @example {{{
* scala> val entry = ConfigEntry("key", ConfigKeyType.Environment, Right("value"))
* entry: ConfigEntry[api.Id, String, String, String] = ConfigEntry(key, Environment, Right(value))
* scala> entry.withValueF(Right(123))
* res0: ConfigEntry[api.Id, String, String, Int] = ConfigEntry(key, Environment, Right(value), Right(123))
* scala> entry.withValue(Right(456))
* res0: ConfigEntry[api.Id, String, String, Int] = ConfigEntry(key, Environment, Right(value), Right(456))
* }}}
def withValueF[A](value: F[Either[ConfigError, A]]): ConfigEntry[F, K, S, A] =
new ConfigEntry(key, keyType, sourceValue, value)
* Replaces the value of this [[ConfigEntry]] by applying the specified
* function to the existing value, returning a new [[ConfigEntry]] with
* the new value. The existing [[ConfigEntry]] and all other properties
* are left unmodified.
* @param f the function to apply to the value
* @tparam A the type of the new value
* @return a new [[ConfigEntry]]
* @example {{{
* scala> val entry = ConfigEntry("key", ConfigKeyType.Environment, Right("value "))
* entry: ConfigEntry[api.Id, String, String, String] = ConfigEntry(key, Environment, Right(value ))
* scala> entry.transformValue(
* res0: ConfigEntry[api.Id, String, String, String] = ConfigEntry(key, Environment, Right(value ), Right(value))
* scala> entry.mapValue(_.trim)
* res1: ConfigEntry[api.Id, String, String, String] = ConfigEntry(key, Environment, Right(value ), Right(value))
* }}}
def transformValue[A](
f: Either[ConfigError, V] => Either[ConfigError, A]
): ConfigEntry[F, K, S, A] = {
new ConfigEntry(key, keyType, sourceValue,
* Transforms the context `F` for the source value and value
* of this [[ConfigEntry]] into another context `G`.
* @param f the natural transformation from `F` to `G`
* @tparam G the context to which `F` should be transformed
* @return a new [[ConfigEntry]]
def transformF[G[_]: Apply](implicit f: F ~> G): ConfigEntry[G, K, S, V] =
new ConfigEntry(key, keyType, f(sourceValue), f(value))
override def toString: String = {
val sourceValueString = sourceValue.toString
val valueString = value.toString
if (sourceValueString == valueString) s"ConfigEntry($key, $keyType, $valueString)"
else s"ConfigEntry($key, $keyType, $sourceValueString, $valueString)"
object ConfigEntry {
* Creates a new [[ConfigEntry]] representing an entry (key-value pair) from a
* configuration source. The value might not have been retrieved successfully,
* represented by wrapping the value in `Either[ConfigError, S]`. The key is
* of type `K` and the source value is of type `S`. The type of the key is
* described with the [[ConfigKeyType]].
* If the source value is in a context `F`, [[ConfigEntry#applyF]] can instead
* be used to create a [[ConfigEntry]] with the value.
* @param key the key which was retrieved from the configuration source
* @param keyType the type of keys which the configuration source supports
* @param sourceValue the value for the key from the configuration source
* @tparam K the type of the key
* @tparam S the type of the source value
* @return a new [[ConfigEntry]]
* @example {{{
* scala> ConfigEntry("key", ConfigKeyType.Environment, Right("value"))
* res0: ConfigEntry[api.Id, String, String, String] = ConfigEntry(key, Environment, Right(value))
* scala> ConfigEntry.applyF[api.Id, String, String]("key", ConfigKeyType.Environment, Right("value"))
* res1: ConfigEntry[api.Id, String, String, String] = ConfigEntry(key, Environment, Right(value))
* }}}
def apply[K, S](
key: K,
keyType: ConfigKeyType[K],
sourceValue: Either[ConfigError, S]
): ConfigEntry[Id, K, S, S] = {
ConfigEntry.applyF[Id, K, S](key, keyType, sourceValue)
* Creates a new [[ConfigEntry]] representing an entry (key-value pair) from a
* configuration source. The value might not have been retrieved successfully,
* represented by wrapping the value in `Either[ConfigError, S]`. The key is
* of type `K` and the source value is of type `S`. The source value is in
* a context of type `F`. The type of the key is described with the
* specified [[ConfigKeyType]].
* If no context `F` is desired, [[api.Id]] can be used. There is also a
* convenience function [[ConfigEntry#apply]], which creates entries with
* `F` set to [[api.Id]].
* @param key the key which was retrieved from the configuration source
* @param keyType the type of keys which the configuration source supports
* @param sourceValue the value for the key from the configuration source
* @tparam F the context in which the value exists
* @tparam K the type of the key
* @tparam S the type of the source value
* @return a new [[ConfigEntry]]
* @example {{{
* scala> ConfigEntry.applyF[api.Id, String, String]("key", ConfigKeyType.Environment, Right("value"))
* res0: ConfigEntry[api.Id, String, String, String] = ConfigEntry(key, Environment, Right(value))
* scala> ConfigEntry("key", ConfigKeyType.Environment, Right("value"))
* res1: ConfigEntry[api.Id, String, String, String] = ConfigEntry(key, Environment, Right(value))
* }}}
def applyF[F[_]: Apply, K, S](
key: K,
keyType: ConfigKeyType[K],
sourceValue: F[Either[ConfigError, S]]
): ConfigEntry[F, K, S, S] = {
new ConfigEntry[F, K, S, S](key, keyType, sourceValue, sourceValue)
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