ciris.ConfigSource.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package ciris
import ciris.api._
import ciris.api.syntax._
import ciris.ConfigError.{left, missingKey, readException, right}
import scala.util.{Failure, Success, Try}
* [[ConfigSource]] represents the ability to read values of type `V` for
* keys of type `K` from some source: for example, environment variables,
* system properties, command-line arguments, or some vault service. The
* values are returned in a context `F`, which can be [[api.Id]] when no
* context is desired.
* You can create a [[ConfigSource]] by directly extending the class and
* implementing [[ConfigSource#read]], or by using any of the helpers in
* the companion object, like [[ConfigSource#apply]].
* The [[ConfigSource]]s already defined in the Ciris core module
* include the following:
* - [[ConfigSource#Environment]]: for reading environment variables,
* - [[ConfigSource#Properties]]: for reading system properties, and
* - `ConfigSource.File`: for reading file contents.
* @param keyType the name and type of keys the source supports
* @tparam K the type of keys the source supports
* @tparam V the type of values the source reads
* @example {{{
* scala> val source = ConfigSource(ConfigKeyType[String]("identity key"))(key => Right(key))
* source: ConfigSource[api.Id, String, String] = ConfigSource(ConfigKeyType(identity key))
* scala>"key")
* res0: ConfigEntry[api.Id, String, String, String] = ConfigEntry(key, ConfigKeyType(identity key), Right(key))
* }}}
abstract class ConfigSource[F[_], K, V](val keyType: ConfigKeyType[K]) { self =>
* Reads the value of type `V` for the specified key of type `K`,
* and returns a [[ConfigEntry]] with the result wrapped in the
* context `F`. If there was an error while reading the value,
* [[ConfigEntry#value]] will have more details.
* @param key the key for which to read the value
* @return a [[ConfigEntry]] with the result
* @example {{{
* scala> val entry ="key")
* entry: ConfigEntry[api.Id, String, String, String] = ConfigEntry(key, Environment, Left(MissingKey(key, Environment)))
* }}}
def read(key: K): ConfigEntry[F, K, V, V]
* Suspends the reading of this configuration source into context `G`.
* @param f the natural transformation from `F` to `G`
* @tparam G the context in which to suspend the reading
* @return a new [[ConfigSource]]
final def suspendF[G[_]: Sync](implicit f: F ~> G): ConfigSource[G, K, V] =
ConfigSource.applyF(keyType) { key =>
* Transforms the context `F`, for the source, to context `G`.
* @param f the natural transformation from `F` to `G`
* @tparam G the context to which `F` should be transformed
* @return a new [[ConfigSource]]
final def transformF[G[_]: Apply](implicit f: F ~> G): ConfigSource[G, K, V] =
ConfigSource.applyF(keyType) { key =>[G].value
object ConfigSource extends ConfigSourcePlatformSpecific {
* Creates a new [[ConfigSource]] from the specified [[ConfigKeyType]]
* and read function, reading values of type `V` for keys of type `K`,
* returning either a [[ConfigError]] or a value.
* @param keyType the name and type of keys the source supports
* @param read a function returning an error or value for a key
* @tparam K the type of keys the source supports
* @tparam V the type of values the source reads
* @return a new [[ConfigSource]]
* @example {{{
* scala> val source = ConfigSource(ConfigKeyType[String]("identity key"))(key => Right(key))
* source: ConfigSource[api.Id, String, String] = ConfigSource(ConfigKeyType(identity key))
* scala>"key")
* res0: ConfigEntry[api.Id, String, String, String] = ConfigEntry(key, ConfigKeyType(identity key), Right(key))
* }}}
def apply[K, V](keyType: ConfigKeyType[K])(
read: K => Either[ConfigError, V]
): ConfigSource[Id, K, V] = {
ConfigSource.applyF[Id, K, V](keyType)(read)
* Creates a new [[ConfigSource]] from the specified [[ConfigKeyType]]
* and read function, reading values of type `V` for keys of type `K`,
* returning either a [[ConfigError]] or a value, wrapped in a context
* of type `F` -- which can be [[api.Id]] if no context is desired.
* [[ConfigSource#apply]] exists for the case where `F` is `Id`.
* @param keyType the name and type of keys the source supports
* @param read a function returning an error or value for a key
* @tparam F the context in which the values exists
* @tparam K the type of keys the source supports
* @tparam V the type of values the source reads
* @return a new [[ConfigSource]]
* @example {{{
* scala> val source = ConfigSource.applyF[api.Id, String, String](ConfigKeyType[String]("identity key"))(key => Right(key))
* source: ConfigSource[api.Id, String, String] = ConfigSource(ConfigKeyType(identity key))
* scala>"key")
* res0: ConfigEntry[api.Id, String, String, String] = ConfigEntry(key, ConfigKeyType(identity key), Right(key))
* }}}
def applyF[F[_]: Apply, K, V](keyType: ConfigKeyType[K])(
read: K => F[Either[ConfigError, V]]
): ConfigSource[F, K, V] = {
val entry = (key: K) => ConfigEntry.applyF(key, keyType, read(key))
new ConfigSource[F, K, V](keyType) {
override def read(key: K): ConfigEntry[F, K, V, V] = entry(key)
override def toString: String = s"ConfigSource($keyType)"
* Creates a new [[ConfigSource]] from the specified [[ConfigKeyType]]
* and read function, reading values of type `V` for keys of type `K`,
* returning an optional value.
* @param keyType the name and type of keys the source supports
* @param read a function returning an optional value for a key
* @tparam K the type of keys the source supports
* @tparam V the type of values the source reads
* @return a new [[ConfigSource]]
* @example {{{
* scala> val source = ConfigSource.fromOption(ConfigKeyType.Environment)(sys.env.get)
* source: ConfigSource[api.Id, String, String] = ConfigSource(Environment)
* scala>"key")
* res0: ConfigEntry[api.Id, String, String, String] = ConfigEntry(key, Environment, Left(MissingKey(key, Environment)))
* }}}
def fromOption[K, V](keyType: ConfigKeyType[K])(
read: K => Option[V]
): ConfigSource[Id, K, V] = {
ConfigSource.fromOptionF[Id, K, V](keyType)(read)
* Creates a new [[ConfigSource]] from the specified [[ConfigKeyType]]
* and read function, reading values of type `V` for keys of type `K`,
* returning an optional value, wrapped in a context of type `F` --
* which can be [[api.Id]] if no context is desired. There exists
* a [[ConfigSource#fromOption]] for the case where `F` is `Id`.
* @param keyType the name and type of keys the source supports
* @param read a function returning an optional value for a key
* @tparam F the context in which the values exists
* @tparam K the type of keys the source supports
* @tparam V the type of values the source reads
* @return a new [[ConfigSource]]
* @example {{{
* scala> val source = ConfigSource.fromOptionF[api.Id, String, String](ConfigKeyType.Environment)(sys.env.get)
* source: ConfigSource[api.Id, String, String] = ConfigSource(Environment)
* scala>"key")
* res0: ConfigEntry[api.Id, String, String, String] = ConfigEntry(key, Environment, Left(MissingKey(key, Environment)))
* }}}
def fromOptionF[F[_]: Apply, K, V](keyType: ConfigKeyType[K])(
read: K => F[Option[V]]
): ConfigSource[F, K, V] = {
ConfigSource.applyF(keyType) { key =>
read(key).map {
case Some(value) => Right(value)
case None => Left(missingKey(key, keyType))
* Creates a new [[ConfigSource]] from the specified [[ConfigKeyType]],
* where the source is always empty -- that is, it has no value for any
* key of type `K`.
* @param keyType the name and type of keys the source supports
* @tparam K the type of keys the source supports
* @tparam V the type of values the source reads
* @return a new [[ConfigSource]]
def empty[K, V](keyType: ConfigKeyType[K]): ConfigSource[Id, K, V] =
* Creates a new [[ConfigSource]] from the specified [[ConfigKeyType]],
* where the source is always empty -- that is, it has no value for any
* key of type `K`. The errors for the missing keys will be wrapped in
* a context of type `F` -- which can be [[api.Id]] if no context is
* desired. There exists a [[ConfigSource#empty]] for the case
* where `F` is `Id`.
* @param keyType the name and type of keys the source supports
* @tparam F the context in which the errors are wrapped
* @tparam K the type of keys the source supports
* @tparam V the type of values the source reads
* @return a new [[ConfigSource]]
def emptyF[F[_]: Applicative, K, V](keyType: ConfigKeyType[K]): ConfigSource[F, K, V] =
ConfigSource.fromOptionF(keyType)(_ => Option.empty[V].pure[F])
* Creates a new [[ConfigSource]] from the specified [[ConfigKeyType]],
* where the source always returns the specified value -- that is, for
* every key of type `K`, the specified value is returned.
* @param keyType the name and type of keys the source supports
* @param value the value to always return for every key
* @tparam K the type of keys the source supports
* @tparam V the type of values the source reads
* @return a new [[ConfigSource]]
def always[K, V](keyType: ConfigKeyType[K])(
value: V
): ConfigSource[Id, K, V] = {
ConfigSource.alwaysF[Id, K, V](keyType)(value)
* Creates a new [[ConfigSource]] from the specified [[ConfigKeyType]],
* where the source always returns the specified value -- that is, for
* every key of type `K`, the specified value is returned. The value
* is wrapped in a context of type `F` -- which can be [[api.Id]] if
* no context is desired. There exists a [[ConfigSource#always]]
* for the case where `F` is `Id`.
* @param keyType the name and type of keys the source supports
* @param value the value to always return for every key
* @tparam F the context in which the value is wrapped
* @tparam K the type of keys the source supports
* @tparam V the type of values the source reads
* @return a new [[ConfigSource]]
def alwaysF[F[_]: Apply, K, V](keyType: ConfigKeyType[K])(
value: F[V]
): ConfigSource[F, K, V] = {
ConfigSource.applyF(keyType)(_ =>
* Creates a new [[ConfigSource]] from the specified [[ConfigKeyType]],
* where the source always return the specified [[ConfigError]] -- that
* is, for every key of type `K`, the specified error is returned.
* @param keyType the name and type of keys the source supports
* @param error the error to always return for every key
* @tparam K the type of keys the source supports
* @tparam V the type of values the source reads
* @return a new [[ConfigSource]]
* @example {{{
* scala> val source = ConfigSource.failed[String, String](ConfigKeyType.Environment)(ConfigError("error"))
* source: ConfigSource[api.Id, String, String] = ConfigSource(Environment)
* scala>"key1")
* res0: ConfigEntry[api.Id, String, String, String] = ConfigEntry(key1, Environment, Left(ConfigError(error)))
* scala>"key2")
* res1: ConfigEntry[api.Id, String, String, String] = ConfigEntry(key2, Environment, Left(ConfigError(error)))
* }}}
def failed[K, V](keyType: ConfigKeyType[K])(
error: ConfigError
): ConfigSource[Id, K, V] = {
ConfigSource.failedF[Id, K, V](keyType)(error)
* Creates a new [[ConfigSource]] from the specified [[ConfigKeyType]],
* where the source always return the specified [[ConfigError]] -- that
* is, for every key of type `K`, the specified error is returned. The
* error is wrapped in the context `F` -- which can be [[api.Id]] if
* no context is desired. [[ConfigSource#failed]] exists for the
* case when `F` is `Id`.
* @param keyType the name and type of keys the source supports
* @param error the error to always return for every key
* @tparam F the context in which the error is wrapped
* @tparam K the type of keys the source supports
* @tparam V the type of values the source reads
* @return a new [[ConfigSource]]
* @example {{{
* scala> val source = ConfigSource.failedF[api.Id, String, String](ConfigKeyType.Environment)(ConfigError("error"))
* source: ConfigSource[api.Id, String, String] = ConfigSource(Environment)
* scala>"key1")
* res0: ConfigEntry[api.Id, String, String, String] = ConfigEntry(key1, Environment, Left(ConfigError(error)))
* scala>"key2")
* res1: ConfigEntry[api.Id, String, String, String] = ConfigEntry(key2, Environment, Left(ConfigError(error)))
* }}}
def failedF[F[_]: Apply, K, V](keyType: ConfigKeyType[K])(
error: F[ConfigError]
): ConfigSource[F, K, V] = {
ConfigSource.applyF(keyType)(_ =>
* Creates a new [[ConfigSource]] from the specified [[ConfigKeyType]]
* and `Map` with keys of type `K` and values of type `V`. For every
* key `K` in the `Map`, the corresponding value `V` is returned.
* @param keyType the name and type of keys the source supports
* @param map the map which entries the source should contain
* @tparam K the type of keys the source supports
* @tparam V the type of values the source reads
* @return a new [[ConfigSource]]
* @example {{{
* scala> val source = ConfigSource.fromMap(ConfigKeyType.Environment)(sys.env)
* source: ConfigSource[api.Id, String, String] = ConfigSource(Environment)
* scala>"key")
* res0: ConfigEntry[api.Id, String, String, String] = ConfigEntry(key, Environment, Left(MissingKey(key, Environment)))
* }}}
def fromMap[K, V](keyType: ConfigKeyType[K])(
map: Map[K, V]
): ConfigSource[Id, K, V] = {
ConfigSource.fromMapF[Id, K, V](keyType)(map)
* Creates a new [[ConfigSource]] from the specified [[ConfigKeyType]]
* and `Map` with keys of type `K` and values of type `V`. For every
* key `K` in the `Map`, the corresponding value `V` is returned,
* wrapped in the context `F` -- which can be [[api.Id]] if no
* context is desired. [[ConfigSource#fromMap]] also exists
* for the case when `F` is `Id`.
* @param keyType the name and type of keys the source supports
* @param map the map which entries the source should contain
* @tparam F the context in which the map values are wrapped
* @tparam K the type of keys the source supports
* @tparam V the type of values the source reads
* @return a new [[ConfigSource]]
* @example {{{
* scala> val source = ConfigSource.fromMapF[api.Id, String, String](ConfigKeyType.Environment)(sys.env)
* source: ConfigSource[api.Id, String, String] = ConfigSource(Environment)
* scala>"key")
* res0: ConfigEntry[api.Id, String, String, String] = ConfigEntry(key, Environment, Left(MissingKey(key, Environment)))
* }}}
def fromMapF[F[_]: Apply, K, V](keyType: ConfigKeyType[K])(
map: F[Map[K, V]]
): ConfigSource[F, K, V] = {
ConfigSource.fromOptionF(keyType)(key =>
* Creates a new [[ConfigSource]] from the specified [[ConfigKeyType]]
* and entries with keys of type `K` and values of type `V`. For every
* key `K` in the entries, the corresponding value `V` is returned. If
* there is more than one entry with the same key, the value in the
* last entry is the one returned.
* @param keyType the name and type of keys the source supports
* @param entries the entries which the source should contain
* @tparam K the type of keys the source supports
* @tparam V the type of values the source reads
* @return a new [[ConfigSource]]
* @example {{{
* scala> val source = ConfigSource.fromEntries(ConfigKeyType.Argument)(0 -> "abc", 0 -> "def", 1 -> "ghi")
* source: ConfigSource[api.Id, Int, String] = ConfigSource(Argument)
* scala>
* res0: ConfigEntry[api.Id, Int, String, String] = ConfigEntry(0, Argument, Right(def))
* scala>
* res1: ConfigEntry[api.Id, Int, String, String] = ConfigEntry(1, Argument, Right(ghi))
* scala>
* res2: ConfigEntry[api.Id, Int, String, String] = ConfigEntry(2, Argument, Left(MissingKey(2, Argument)))
* }}}
def fromEntries[K, V](keyType: ConfigKeyType[K])(
entries: (K, V)*
): ConfigSource[Id, K, V] = {
ConfigSource.fromEntriesF[Id, K, V](keyType)(entries)
* Creates a new [[ConfigSource]] from the specified [[ConfigKeyType]]
* and entries with keys of type `K` and values of type `V`. For every
* key `K` in the entries, the corresponding value `V` is returned. If
* there is more than one entry with the same key, the value in the
* last entry is the one returned.
* The entries are wrapped in a context `F` -- which can be [[api.Id]]
* if no context is desired. [[ConfigSource#fromEntries]] also exists
* for the case where `F` is `Id`.
* @param keyType the name and type of keys the source supports
* @param entries the entries which the source should contain
* @tparam F the context in which the values are wrapped
* @tparam K the type of keys the source supports
* @tparam V the type of values the source reads
* @return a new [[ConfigSource]]
def fromEntriesF[F[_]: Apply, K, V](keyType: ConfigKeyType[K])(
entries: F[Seq[(K, V)]]
): ConfigSource[F, K, V] = {
* Creates a new [[ConfigSource]] from the specified [[ConfigKeyType]]
* and read function, reading values of type `V` for keys of type `K`,
* returning a `Try[V]`. The source will only contain entries where
* the specified function returns `Success[V]` for the key `K`.
* @param keyType the name and type of keys the source supports
* @param read a function returning `Try[V]` for a key
* @tparam K the type of keys the source supports
* @tparam V the type of values the source reads
* @return a new [[ConfigSource]]
* @example {{{
* scala> val source = ConfigSource.fromTry(ConfigKeyType.Argument)(index => scala.util.Try(Vector("a")(index)))
* source: ConfigSource[api.Id, Int, String] = ConfigSource(Argument)
* scala>
* res0: ConfigEntry[api.Id, Int, String, String] = ConfigEntry(0, Argument, Right(a))
* scala>
* res1: ConfigEntry[api.Id, Int, String, String] = ConfigEntry(1, Argument, Left(ReadException(1, Argument, java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException: 1)))
* }}}
def fromTry[K, V](keyType: ConfigKeyType[K])(
read: K => Try[V]
): ConfigSource[Id, K, V] = {
ConfigSource.fromTryF[Id, K, V](keyType)(read)
* Creates a new [[ConfigSource]] from the specified [[ConfigKeyType]]
* and read function, reading values of type `V` for keys of type `K`,
* returning a `F[Try[V]]`. The source will only contain entries where
* the specified function returns `Success[V]` for the key `K`.
* @param keyType the name and type of keys the source supports
* @param read a function returning `Try[V]` for a key
* @tparam F the context in which values are wrapped
* @tparam K the type of keys the source supports
* @tparam V the type of values the source reads
* @return a new [[ConfigSource]]
def fromTryF[F[_]: Apply, K, V](keyType: ConfigKeyType[K])(
read: K => F[Try[V]]
): ConfigSource[F, K, V] = {
ConfigSource.applyF(keyType) { key =>
read(key).map {
case Success(value) => Right(value)
case Failure(cause) => Left(readException(key, keyType, cause))
* Creates a new [[ConfigSource]] from the specified [[ConfigKeyType]]
* and read function, reading values of type `V` for keys of type `K`,
* returning a `Try[Option[V]]`. The source will only contain entries
* where the specified function returns `Success[Some[V]]` for the
* key `K`.
* @param keyType the name and type of keys the source supports
* @param read a function returning `Try[Option[V]]` for a key
* @tparam K the type of keys the source supports
* @tparam V the type of values the source reads
* @return a new [[ConfigSource]]
* @example {{{
* scala> val source = ConfigSource.fromTryOption(ConfigKeyType.Property)(key => scala.util.Try(sys.props.get(key)))
* source: ConfigSource[api.Id, String, String] = ConfigSource(Property)
* scala>"key")
* res0: ConfigEntry[api.Id, String, String, String] = ConfigEntry(key, Property, Left(MissingKey(key, Property)))
* scala>"")
* res1: ConfigEntry[api.Id, String, String, String] = ConfigEntry(, Property, Left(ReadException(, Property, java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: key can't be empty)))
* }}}
def fromTryOption[K, V](keyType: ConfigKeyType[K])(
read: K => Try[Option[V]]
): ConfigSource[Id, K, V] = {
ConfigSource.fromTryOptionF[Id, K, V](keyType)(read)
* Creates a new [[ConfigSource]] from the specified [[ConfigKeyType]]
* and read function, reading values of type `V` for keys of type `K`,
* returning a `F[Try[Option[V]]]`. The source will only contain entries
* where the specified function returns `Success[Some[V]]`for the key `K`.
* @param keyType the name and type of keys the source supports
* @param read a function returning `Try[Option[V]]` for a key
* @tparam F the context in which values are wrapped
* @tparam K the type of keys the source supports
* @tparam V the type of values the source reads
* @return a new [[ConfigSource]]
* @example {{{
* scala> val source = ConfigSource.fromTryOptionF[api.Id, String, String](ConfigKeyType.Property)(key => scala.util.Try(sys.props.get(key)))
* source: ConfigSource[api.Id, String, String] = ConfigSource(Property)
* scala>"key")
* res0: ConfigEntry[api.Id, String, String, String] = ConfigEntry(key, Property, Left(MissingKey(key, Property)))
* scala>"")
* res1: ConfigEntry[api.Id, String, String, String] = ConfigEntry(, Property, Left(ReadException(, Property, java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: key can't be empty)))
* }}}
def fromTryOptionF[F[_]: Apply, K, V](keyType: ConfigKeyType[K])(
read: K => F[Try[Option[V]]]
): ConfigSource[F, K, V] = {
ConfigSource.applyF(keyType) { key =>
read(key).map {
case Success(Some(value)) => Right(value)
case Success(None) => Left(missingKey(key, keyType))
case Failure(cause) => Left(readException(key, keyType, cause))
* Creates a new [[ConfigSource]] from the specified [[ConfigKeyType]]
* and read function, reading values of type `V` for keys of type `K`,
* catching any non-fatal exceptions. The source will only contain
* entries for keys `K` where the specified function does not
* throw an exception.
* @param keyType the name and type of keys the source supports
* @param read a function returning a value for a key
* @tparam K the type of keys the source supports
* @tparam V the type of values the source reads
* @return a new [[ConfigSource]]
* @example {{{
* scala> val source = ConfigSource.catchNonFatal(ConfigKeyType.Argument)(Vector("a"))
* source: ConfigSource[api.Id, Int, String] = ConfigSource(Argument)
* scala>
* res0: ConfigEntry[api.Id, Int, String, String] = ConfigEntry(0, Argument, Right(a))
* scala>
* res1: ConfigEntry[api.Id, Int, String, String] = ConfigEntry(1, Argument, Left(ReadException(1, Argument, java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException: 1)))
* }}}
def catchNonFatal[K, V](keyType: ConfigKeyType[K])(
read: K => V
): ConfigSource[Id, K, V] = {
ConfigSource.catchNonFatalF[Id, K, V](keyType)(read)
* Creates a new [[ConfigSource]] from the specified [[ConfigKeyType]]
* and read function, reading values of type `V` for keys of type `K`,
* catching any non-fatal exceptions. The source will only contain
* entries for keys `K` where the specified function does not
* throw an exception.
* Values will be wrapped in the context `F` -- which can be [[api.Id]]
* if no context is desired. [[ConfigSource#catchNonFatal]] exists for
* the case where `F` is `Id`.
* @param keyType the name and type of keys the source supports
* @param read a function returning a value for a key
* @tparam F the context in which values are wrapped
* @tparam K the type of keys the source supports
* @tparam V the type of values the source reads
* @return a new [[ConfigSource]]
def catchNonFatalF[F[_]: Applicative, K, V](keyType: ConfigKeyType[K])(
read: K => F[V]
): ConfigSource[F, K, V] = {
ConfigSource.applyF(keyType) { key =>
Try(read(key)) match {
case Success(value) =>
case Failure(cause) => left[V](readException(key, keyType, cause)).pure[F]
* Creates a new [[ConfigSource]] from the specified [[ConfigKeyType]]
* and `IndexedSeq[V]`. The source will only contain entries for keys
* where the index exist in the specified sequence.
* @param keyType the name and type of keys the source supports
* @param indexedSeq the sequence of indexed values
* @tparam V the type of values the source reads
* @return a new [[ConfigSource]]
* @example {{{
* scala> val source = ConfigSource.byIndex(ConfigKeyType.Argument)(Vector("a"))
* source: ConfigSource[api.Id, Int, String] = ConfigSource(Argument)
* scala>
* res0: ConfigEntry[api.Id, Int, String, String] = ConfigEntry(0, Argument, Right(a))
* scala>
* res1: ConfigEntry[api.Id, Int, String, String] = ConfigEntry(1, Argument, Left(MissingKey(1, Argument)))
* }}}
def byIndex[V](keyType: ConfigKeyType[Int])(
indexedSeq: IndexedSeq[V]
): ConfigSource[Id, Int, V] = {
ConfigSource.byIndexF[Id, V](keyType)(indexedSeq)
* Creates a new [[ConfigSource]] from the specified [[ConfigKeyType]]
* and `IndexedSeq[V]`. The source will only contain entries for keys
* where the index exist in the specified sequence. The values are
* wrapped in context `F` -- which can be [[api.Id]] if no context
* is desired. [[ConfigSource#byIndex]] also exists for the case
* where `F` is `Id`.
* @param keyType the name and type of keys the source supports
* @param indexedSeq the sequence of indexed values
* @tparam F the context in which values are wrapped
* @tparam V the type of values the source reads
* @return a new [[ConfigSource]]
* @example {{{
* scala> val source = ConfigSource.byIndexF[api.Id, String](ConfigKeyType.Argument)(Vector("a"))
* source: ConfigSource[api.Id, Int, String] = ConfigSource(Argument)
* scala>
* res0: ConfigEntry[api.Id, Int, String, String] = ConfigEntry(0, Argument, Right(a))
* scala>
* res1: ConfigEntry[api.Id, Int, String, String] = ConfigEntry(1, Argument, Left(MissingKey(1, Argument)))
* }}}
def byIndexF[F[_]: Apply, V](keyType: ConfigKeyType[Int])(
indexedSeq: F[IndexedSeq[V]]
): ConfigSource[F, Int, V] = {
ConfigSource.fromOptionF(keyType) { index => {
case seq if 0 <= index && index < seq.length => Some(seq(index))
case _ => Option.empty[V]
* [[ConfigSource]] reading environment variables from `String` keys.
object Environment extends ConfigSource[Id, String, String](ConfigKeyType.Environment) {
private val delegate: ConfigSource[Id, String, String] =
override def read(key: String): ConfigEntry[api.Id, String, String, String] =
override def toString: String =
* [[ConfigSource]] reading system properties from `String` keys.
object Properties extends ConfigSource[Id, String, String](ConfigKeyType.Property) {
private val delegate: ConfigSource[Id, String, String] =
ConfigSource.fromTryOption(keyType)(key => Try(sys.props.get(key)))
override def read(key: String): ConfigEntry[api.Id, String, String, String] =
override def toString: String =
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