ciris.ConfigError.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
* Copyright 2017-2021 Viktor Lövgren
* SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
package ciris
import cats.{Eq, Show}
import cats.implicits._
import ciris.ConfigError._
* Error which occurred while loading or decoding configuration values.
* Configuration errors can be created using [[ConfigError.apply]], or
* with [[ConfigError.sensitive]] if the error might contain sensitive
* details. When writing [[ConfigDecoder]]s, [[ConfigError.decode]]
* can be useful for creating decoding errors.
* Errors for a single configuration value, which might be retrieved
* from one of multiple sources, can be combined and accumulated with
* [[ConfigError#or]]. Errors for multiple configuration values can
* similarly be accumulated using [[ConfigError#and]].
* Error messages can be retrieved using [[ConfigError#messages]]. If
* the error relates to a value which might contain sensitive details,
* [[ConfigError#redacted]] can be used to redact such details. When
* [[ConfigValue#secret]] is used, sensitive details are redacted and
* the value is wrapped in [[Secret]] to prevent it from being shown.
* A `Throwable` representation of a [[ConfigError]] can be retrieved
* using [[ConfigError#throwable]].
* @example {{{
* scala> val error = ConfigError("error")
* error: ConfigError = ConfigError(error)
* scala> val sensitive = ConfigError.sensitive("error", "redacted")
* sensitive: ConfigError = Sensitive(error, redacted)
* scala> error.or(sensitive).messages
* res0:[String] = Chain(Error and error)
* scala> error.and(sensitive).redacted.messages
* res1:[String] = Chain(error, redacted)
* }}}
sealed abstract class ConfigError {
* Returns the error messages of the contained errors.
def messages: Chain[String]
* Returns a new [[ConfigError]] with sensitive details redacted.
def redacted: ConfigError
* Returns a new [[ConfigError]] combining errors for
* separate configuration values.
final def and(that: ConfigError): ConfigError =
(this, that) match {
case (_, Empty) => this
case (Empty, _) => that
case (And(as), And(bs)) => normalize(as ++ bs, And(_))
case (And(as), _) => normalize(as :+ that, And(_))
case (_, And(bs)) => normalize(this +: bs, And(_))
case (_, _) => normalize(Chain(this, that), And(_))
* Returns `true` if the error is due to no value
* being available; otherwise `false`.
* If the error is a combination of multiple errors,
* returns `true` if all errors are due to no value
* being available; otherwise `false`.
private[ciris] final def isMissing: Boolean =
this match {
case And(errors) => errors.forall(_.isMissing)
case Apply(_) => false
case Empty => false
case Loaded => false
case Missing(_) => true
case Or(errors) => errors.forall(_.isMissing)
case Sensitive(_, _) => false
* Returns a new [[ConfigError]] combining errors for
* a single configuration value.
final def or(that: ConfigError): ConfigError =
(this, that) match {
case (_, Empty) => this
case (Empty, _) => that
case (Or(as), Or(bs)) => normalize(as ++ bs, Or(_))
case (Or(as), _) => normalize(as :+ that, Or(_))
case (_, Or(bs)) => normalize(this +: bs, Or(_))
case (_, _) => normalize(Chain(this, that), Or(_))
* Returns a new `Throwable` including the contained
* error messages.
final def throwable: Throwable =
* @groupname Create Creating Instances
* @groupprio Create 0
* @groupname Instances Type Class Instances
* @groupprio Instances 1
object ConfigError {
* Returns a new [[ConfigError]] using the specified message.
* If the specified message might contain sensitive details,
* then use [[ConfigError.sensitive]] instead to create an
* error which is capable of redacting sensitive details.
* @group Create
final def apply(message: => String): ConfigError =
Apply(() => message)
* Returns a new [[ConfigError]] using the specified message and
* redacted message.
* The specified message is used in the returned [[ConfigError]].
* Whenever [[ConfigError#redacted]] is invoked on the returned
* instance, a new [[ConfigError]] is returned which instead
* uses the redacted message.
* @group Create
final def sensitive(message: => String, redactedMessage: => String): ConfigError =
Sensitive(() => message, () => redactedMessage)
* Returns a new [[ConfigError]] for when the specified value
* could not be decoded.
* @group Create
final def decode[A](
typeName: String,
key: Option[ConfigKey],
value: A
)(implicit show: Show[A]): ConfigError = {
def message(valueShown: Option[String]): String =
(key, valueShown) match {
case (Some(key), Some(value)) =>
s"${key.description.capitalize} with value $value cannot be converted to $typeName"
case (Some(key), None) =>
s"${key.description.capitalize} cannot be converted to $typeName"
case (None, Some(value)) =>
s"Unable to convert value $value to $typeName"
case (None, None) =>
s"Unable to convert value to $typeName"
message = message(Some(,
redactedMessage = message(None)
private[ciris] final case class And(errors: Chain[ConfigError]) extends ConfigError {
override final def messages: Chain[String] =
override final def redacted: ConfigError =
override final def toString: String =
s"And(${errors.toList.mkString(", ")})"
private[ciris] final case class Apply(message: () => String) extends ConfigError {
override final def messages: Chain[String] =
override final val redacted: ConfigError =
override final def hashCode: Int =
override final def equals(that: Any): Boolean =
that match {
case Apply(message2) => message() == message2()
case _ => false
override final def toString: String =
private[ciris] case object Empty extends ConfigError {
override final val messages: Chain[String] =
override final val redacted: ConfigError =
override final def toString: String =
private[ciris] case object Loaded extends ConfigError {
override final val messages: Chain[String] =
override final val redacted: ConfigError =
override final def toString: String =
private[ciris] final case class Missing(key: ConfigKey) extends ConfigError {
override final def messages: Chain[String] ="Missing ${uncapitalize(key.description)}")
override final val redacted: ConfigError =
override final def toString: String =
private[ciris] final case class Or(errors: Chain[ConfigError]) extends ConfigError {
override final def messages: Chain[String] = {
val messages =
.map {
case (m, 0) => m.capitalize
case (m, _) => uncapitalize(m)
} {
if (messages.size < 3) {
messages.mkString(" and ")
} else {
messages.init.mkString("", ", ", s", and ${messages.last}")
override final def redacted: ConfigError =
override final def toString: String =
s"Or(${errors.toList.mkString(", ")})"
private[ciris] final case class Sensitive(
message: () => String,
redactedMessage: () => String
) extends ConfigError {
override final def messages: Chain[String] =
override final def redacted: ConfigError =
override final def hashCode: Int =
(message(), redactedMessage()).hashCode
override final def equals(that: Any): Boolean =
that match {
case Sensitive(message2, redactedMessage2) =>
message() == message2() && redactedMessage() == redactedMessage2()
case _ =>
override final def toString: String =
s"Sensitive(${message()}, ${redactedMessage()})"
private[ciris] final def normalize(
errors: Chain[ConfigError],
create: Chain[ConfigError] => ConfigError
): ConfigError =
if (errors.contains(Loaded)) {
val rest = errors.filter(_ != Loaded)
if (rest.isEmpty) {
} else {
} else {
private[ciris] final def uncapitalize(s: String): String =
if (s.length == 0 || s.charAt(0).isLower) s
else {
val chars = s.toCharArray
chars(0) = chars(0).toLower
new String(chars)
* @group Instances
implicit final val configErrorEq: Eq[ConfigError] = {
def eqv(e1: Chain[ConfigError], e2: Chain[ConfigError]) =
Eq[Chain[ConfigError]].eqv(e1, e2)
Eq.instance {
case (Empty, Empty) => true
case (Empty, _) => false
case (Loaded, Loaded) => true
case (Loaded, _) => false
case (Missing(k1), Missing(k2)) => k1 === k2
case (Missing(_), _) => false
case (And(e1), And(e2)) => eqv(e1, e2)
case (And(_), _) => false
case (Or(e1), Or(e2)) => eqv(e1, e2)
case (Or(_), _) => false
case (Apply(m1), Apply(m2)) => m1() === m2()
case (Apply(_), _) => false
case (Sensitive(m1, r1), Sensitive(m2, r2)) => m1() === m2() && r1() === r2()
case (Sensitive(_, _), _) => false
* @group Instances
implicit final val configErrorShow: Show[ConfigError] =