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 * Copyright (2020) The Delta Lake Project Authors.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.


// scalastyle:off import.ordering.noEmptyLine
import java.sql.Timestamp

import scala.collection.mutable

import{ Action, CommitInfo, CommitMarker }
import{ DateTimeUtils, FileNames, TimestampFormatter }
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.{ FileStatus, Path }

import org.apache.spark.SparkEnv
import org.apache.spark.sql.SparkSession
import org.apache.spark.sql.internal.SQLConf
import org.apache.spark.util.SerializableConfiguration

  * This class keeps tracks of the version of commits and their timestamps for a Delta table to
  * help with operations like describing the history of a table.
  * @param deltaLog The transaction log of this table
  * @param maxKeysPerList How many commits to list when performing a parallel search. Exposed for
  *                       tests. Currently set to `1000`, which is the maximum keys returned by S3
  *                       per list call. Azure can return `5000`, therefore we choose 1000.
class DeltaHistoryManager(deltaLog: DeltaLog, maxKeysPerList: Int = 1000) extends DeltaLogging {

  private def spark: SparkSession =

  private def getSerializableHadoopConf: SerializableConfiguration = {
    new SerializableConfiguration(spark.sessionState.newHadoopConf())

  import DeltaHistoryManager._

    * Returns the information of the latest `limit` commits made to this table in reverse
    * chronological order.
  def getHistory(limitOpt: Option[Int]): Seq[CommitInfo] = {
    val listStart = { limit =>
      math.max(deltaLog.update().version - limit + 1, 0)
    getHistory(listStart, None)

    * Get the commit information of the Delta table from commit `[start, end)`. If `end` is `None`,
    * we return all commits from start to now.
  def getHistory(start: Long, end: Option[Long]): Seq[CommitInfo] = {
    val _spark  = spark
    import _spark.implicits._
    val conf    = getSerializableHadoopConf
    val logPath = deltaLog.logPath.toString
    // We assume that commits are contiguous, therefore we try to load all of them in order
    val info    = spark.range(start, end.getOrElse(deltaLog.update().version) + 1).mapPartitions { versions =>
      val logStore = LogStore(SparkEnv.get.conf, conf.value)
      val basePath = new Path(logPath)
      val fs       = basePath.getFileSystem(conf.value)
      versions.flatMap { commit =>
        try {
          val ci       = DeltaHistoryManager.getCommitInfo(logStore, basePath, commit)
          val metadata = fs.getFileStatus(FileNames.deltaFile(basePath, commit))
        } catch {
          case _: FileNotFoundException =>
            // We have a race-condition where files can be deleted while reading. It's fine to
            // skip those files
    // Spark should return the commits in increasing order as well

    * Returns the latest commit that happened at or before `time`.
    * @param timestamp The timestamp to search for
    * @param canReturnLastCommit Whether we can return the latest version of the table if the
    *                            provided timestamp is after the latest commit
    * @param mustBeRecreatable Whether the state at the given commit should be recreatable
  def getActiveCommitAtTime(
    timestamp: Timestamp,
    canReturnLastCommit: Boolean,
    mustBeRecreatable: Boolean = true
  ): Commit = {
    val time          = timestamp.getTime
    val earliest      = if (mustBeRecreatable) getEarliestReproducibleCommit else getEarliestDeltaFile
    val latestVersion = deltaLog.update().version

    // Search for the commit
    val commit = if (latestVersion - earliest > 2 * maxKeysPerList) {
      parallelSearch(time, earliest, latestVersion + 1)
    } else {
      val commits = getCommits(, deltaLog.logPath, earliest, Some(latestVersion + 1))
      // If it returns empty, we will fail below with `timestampEarlierThanCommitRetention`.
      lastCommitBeforeTimestamp(commits, time).getOrElse(commits.head)

    // Error handling
    val commitTs           = new Timestamp(commit.timestamp)
    val timestampFormatter = TimestampFormatter(DateTimeUtils.getTimeZone(SQLConf.get.sessionLocalTimeZone))
    val tsString           = DateTimeUtils.timestampToString(timestampFormatter, DateTimeUtils.fromJavaTimestamp(commitTs))
    if (commit.timestamp > time) {
      throw DeltaErrors.timestampEarlierThanCommitRetention(timestamp, commitTs, tsString)
    } else if (commit.version == latestVersion && !canReturnLastCommit) {
      if (commit.timestamp < time) {
        throw DeltaErrors.temporallyUnstableInput(timestamp, commitTs, tsString, commit.version)

  /** Check whether the given version can be recreated by replaying the DeltaLog. */
  def checkVersionExists(version: Long): Unit = {
    val earliest = getEarliestReproducibleCommit
    val latest   = deltaLog.update().version
    if (version < earliest || version > latest) {
      throw DeltaErrors.versionNotExistException(version, earliest, latest)

    * Searches for the latest commit with the timestamp, which has happened at or before `time` in
    * the range `[start, end)`.
  private def parallelSearch(time: Long, start: Long, end: Long): Commit = {
    parallelSearch0(spark, getSerializableHadoopConf, deltaLog.logPath.toString, time, start, end, maxKeysPerList)

    * Get the earliest commit available for this table. Note that this version isn't guaranteed to
    * exist when performing an action as a concurrent operation can delete the file during cleanup.
    * This value must be used as a lower bound.
  private def getEarliestDeltaFile: Long = {
    val earliestVersionOpt =
      .listFrom(FileNames.deltaFile(deltaLog.logPath, 0))
      .filter(f => FileNames.isDeltaFile(f.getPath))
    if (earliestVersionOpt.isEmpty) {
      throw DeltaErrors.noHistoryFound(deltaLog.logPath)

    * Get the earliest commit, which we can recreate. Note that this version isn't guaranteed to
    * exist when performing an action as a concurrent operation can delete the file during cleanup.
    * This value must be used as a lower bound.
    * We search for the earliest checkpoint we have, or whether we have the 0th delta file, because
    * that way we can reconstruct the entire history of the table. This method assumes that the
    * commits are contiguous.
  private def getEarliestReproducibleCommit: Long = {
    val files =
      .listFrom(FileNames.deltaFile(deltaLog.logPath, 0))
      .filter(f => FileNames.isDeltaFile(f.getPath) || FileNames.isCheckpointFile(f.getPath))

    // A map of checkpoint version and number of parts, to number of parts observed
    val checkpointMap                        = new scala.collection.mutable.HashMap[(Long, Int), Int]()
    var smallestDeltaVersion                 = Long.MaxValue
    var lastCompleteCheckpoint: Option[Long] = None

    // Iterate through the log files - this will be in order starting from the lowest version.
    // Checkpoint files come before deltas, so when we see a checkpoint, we remember it and
    // return it once we detect that we've seen a smaller or equal delta version.
    while (files.hasNext) {
      val nextFilePath =
      if (FileNames.isDeltaFile(nextFilePath)) {
        val version = FileNames.deltaVersion(nextFilePath)
        if (version == 0L) return version
        smallestDeltaVersion = math.min(version, smallestDeltaVersion)

        // Note that we also check this condition at the end of the function - we check it
        // here too to to try and avoid more file listing when it's unnecessary.
        if (lastCompleteCheckpoint.exists(_ >= smallestDeltaVersion)) {
          return lastCompleteCheckpoint.get
      } else if (FileNames.isCheckpointFile(nextFilePath)) {
        val checkpointVersion = FileNames.checkpointVersion(nextFilePath)
        val parts             = FileNames.numCheckpointParts(nextFilePath)
        if (parts.isEmpty) {
          lastCompleteCheckpoint = Some(checkpointVersion)
        } else {
          // if we have a multi-part checkpoint, we need to check that all parts exist
          val numParts = parts.getOrElse(1)
          val preCount = checkpointMap.getOrElse(checkpointVersion -> numParts, 0)
          if (numParts == preCount + 1 && smallestDeltaVersion <= checkpointVersion) {
            lastCompleteCheckpoint = Some(checkpointVersion)
          checkpointMap.put(checkpointVersion -> numParts, preCount + 1)

    if (lastCompleteCheckpoint.exists(_ >= smallestDeltaVersion)) {
      return lastCompleteCheckpoint.get
    } else if (smallestDeltaVersion < Long.MaxValue) {
      throw DeltaErrors.noReproducibleHistoryFound(deltaLog.logPath)
    } else {
      throw DeltaErrors.noHistoryFound(deltaLog.logPath)

/** Contains many utility methods that can also be executed on Spark executors. */
object DeltaHistoryManager extends DeltaLogging {

  /** Get the persisted commit info for the given delta file. */
  private def getCommitInfo(logStore: LogStore, basePath: Path, version: Long): CommitInfo = {
    val info = logStore
      .read(FileNames.deltaFile(basePath, version))
      .collectFirst { case c: CommitInfo => c }
    if (info.isEmpty) {
    } else {
      info.head.copy(version = Some(version))

    * Returns the commit version and timestamps of all commits in `[start, end)`. If `end` is not
    * specified, will return all commits that exist after `start`. Will guarantee that the commits
    * returned will have both monotonically increasing versions as well as timestamps.
    * Exposed for tests.
  private[delta] def getCommits(
    logStore: LogStore,
    logPath: Path,
    start: Long,
    end: Option[Long] = None
  ): Array[Commit] = {
    val until   = end.getOrElse(Long.MaxValue)
    val commits = logStore
      .listFrom(deltaFile(logPath, start))
      .filter(f => isDeltaFile(f.getPath))
      .map { fileStatus =>
        Commit(deltaVersion(fileStatus.getPath), fileStatus.getModificationTime)
      .takeWhile(_.version < until)


    * Makes sure that the commit timestamps are monotonically increasing with respect to commit
    * versions. Requires the input commits to be sorted by the commit version.
  private def monotonizeCommitTimestamps[T <: CommitMarker](commits: Array[T]): Array[T] = {
    var i      = 0
    val length = commits.length
    while (i < length - 1) {
      val prevTimestamp = commits(i).getTimestamp
      assert(commits(i).getVersion < commits(i + 1).getVersion, "Unordered commits provided.")
      if (prevTimestamp >= commits(i + 1).getTimestamp) {
          s"Found Delta commit ${commits(i).getVersion} with a timestamp $prevTimestamp " +
            s"which is greater than the next commit timestamp ${commits(i + 1).getTimestamp}."
        commits(i + 1) = commits(i + 1).withTimestamp(prevTimestamp + 1).asInstanceOf[T]
      i += 1

    * Searches for the latest commit with the timestamp, which has happened at or before `time` in
    * the range `[start, end)`. The algorithm works as follows:
    *  1. We use Spark to list our commit history in parallel `maxKeysPerList` at a time.
    *  2. We then perform our search in each fragment of commits containing at most `maxKeysPerList`
    *     elements.
    *  3. All fragments that are before `time` will return the last commit in the fragment.
    *  4. All fragments that are after `time` will exit early and return the first commit in the
    *     fragment.
    *  5. The fragment that contains the version we are looking for will return the version we are
    *     looking for.
    *  6. Once all the results are returned from Spark, we make sure that the commit timestamps are
    *     monotonically increasing across the fragments, because we couldn't adjust for the
    *     boundaries when working in parallel.
    *  7. We then return the version we are looking for in this smaller list on the Driver.
    * We will return the first available commit if the condition cannot be met. This method works
    * even for boundary commits, and can be best demonstrated through an example:
    * Imagine we have commits 999, 1000, 1001, 1002. t_999 < t_1000 but t_1000 > t_1001 and
    * t_1001 < t_1002. So at the the boundary, we will need to eventually adjust t_1001. Assume the
    * result needs to be t_1001 after the adjustment as t_search < t_1002 and t_search > t_1000.
    * What will happen is that the first fragment will return t_1000, and the second fragment will
    * return t_1001. On the Driver, we will adjust t_1001 = t_1000 + 1 milliseconds, and our linear
    * search will return t_1001.
    * Placed in the static object to avoid serializability issues.
    * @param spark The active SparkSession
    * @param conf The session specific Hadoop Configuration
    * @param logPath The path of the DeltaLog
    * @param time The timestamp to search for in milliseconds
    * @param start Earliest available commit version (approximate is acceptable)
    * @param end Latest available commit version (approximate is acceptable)
    * @param step The number with which to chunk each linear search across commits. Provide the
    *             max number of keys returned by the underlying FileSystem for in a single RPC for
    *             best results.
  private def parallelSearch0(
    spark: SparkSession,
    conf: SerializableConfiguration,
    logPath: String,
    time: Long,
    start: Long,
    end: Long,
    step: Long
  ): Commit = {
    import spark.implicits._
    val possibleCommits = spark
      .range(start, end, step)
      .mapPartitions { startVersions =>
        val logStore = LogStore(SparkEnv.get.conf, conf.value)
        val basePath = new Path(logPath) { startVersion =>
          val commits = getCommits(logStore, basePath, startVersion, Some(math.min(startVersion + step, end)))
          lastCommitBeforeTimestamp(commits, time).getOrElse(commits.head)

    // Spark should return the commits in increasing order as well
    val commitList = monotonizeCommitTimestamps(possibleCommits)
    lastCommitBeforeTimestamp(commitList, time).getOrElse(commitList.head)

  /** Returns the latest commit that happened at or before `time`. */
  private def lastCommitBeforeTimestamp(commits: Seq[Commit], time: Long): Option[Commit] = {
    val i = commits.lastIndexWhere(_.timestamp <= time)
    if (i < 0) None else Some(commits(i))

  /** A helper class to represent the timestamp and version of a commit. */
  case class Commit(version: Long, timestamp: Long) extends CommitMarker {
    override def withTimestamp(timestamp: Long): Commit = this.copy(timestamp = timestamp)

    override def getTimestamp: Long = timestamp

    override def getVersion: Long = version

    * An iterator that helps select old log files for deletion. It takes the input iterator of log
    * files from the earliest file, and returns should-be-deleted files until the given maxTimestamp
    * or maxVersion to delete is reached. Note that this iterator may stop deleting files earlier
    * than maxTimestamp or maxVersion if it finds that files that need to be preserved for adjusting
    * the timestamps of subsequent files. Let's go through an example. Assume the following commit
    * history:
    * +---------+-----------+--------------------+
    * | Version | Timestamp | Adjusted Timestamp |
    * +---------+-----------+--------------------+
    * |       0 |         0 |                  0 |
    * |       1 |         5 |                  5 |
    * |       2 |        10 |                 10 |
    * |       3 |         7 |                 11 |
    * |       4 |         8 |                 12 |
    * |       5 |        14 |                 14 |
    * +---------+-----------+--------------------+
    * As you can see from the example, we require timestamps to be monotonically increasing with
    * respect to the version of the commit, and each commit to have a unique timestamp. If we have
    * a commit which doesn't obey one of these two requirements, we adjust the timestamp of that
    * commit to be one millisecond greater than the previous commit.
    * Given the above commit history, the behavior of this iterator will be as follows:
    *  - For maxVersion = 1 and maxTimestamp = 9, we can delete versions 0 and 1
    *  - Until we receive maxVersion >= 4 and maxTimestamp >= 12, we can't delete versions 2 and 3.
    *    This is because version 2 is used to adjust the timestamps of commits up to version 4.
    *  - For maxVersion >= 5 and maxTimestamp >= 14 we can delete everything
    * The semantics of time travel guarantee that for a given timestamp, the user will ALWAYS get the
    * same version. Consider a user asks to get the version at timestamp 11. If all files are there,
    * we would return version 3 (timestamp 11) for this query. If we delete versions 0-2, the
    * original timestamp of version 3 (7) will not have an anchor to adjust on, and if the time
    * travel query is re-executed we would return version 4. This is the motivation behind this
    * iterator implementation.
    * The implementation maintains an internal "maybeDelete" buffer of files that we are unsure of
    * deleting because they may be necessary to adjust time of future files. For each file we get
    * from the underlying iterator, we check whether it needs time adjustment or not. If it does need
    * time adjustment, then we cannot immediately decide whether it is safe to delete that file or
    * not and therefore we put it in each the buffer. Then we iteratively peek ahead at the future
    * files and accordingly decide whether to delete all the buffered files or retain them.
    * @param underlying The iterator which gives the list of files in ascending version order
    * @param maxTimestamp The timestamp until which we can delete (inclusive).
    * @param maxVersion The version until which we can delete (inclusive).
    * @param versionGetter A method to get the commit version from the file path.
  class BufferingLogDeletionIterator(
    underlying: Iterator[FileStatus],
    maxTimestamp: Long,
    maxVersion: Long,
    versionGetter: Path => Long
  ) extends Iterator[FileStatus] {

      * Our output iterator
    private val filesToDelete = new mutable.Queue[FileStatus]()

      * Our intermediate buffer which will buffer files as long as the last file requires a timestamp
      * adjustment.
    private val maybeDeleteFiles       = new mutable.ArrayBuffer[FileStatus]()
    private var lastFile: FileStatus   = _
    private var hasNextCalled: Boolean = false

    private def init(): Unit = {
      if (underlying.hasNext) {
        lastFile =


    /** Whether the given file can be deleted based on the version and retention timestamp input. */
    private def shouldDeleteFile(file: FileStatus): Boolean = {
      file.getModificationTime <= maxTimestamp && versionGetter(file.getPath) <= maxVersion

      * Files need a time adjustment if their timestamp isn't later than the lastFile.
    private def needsTimeAdjustment(file: FileStatus): Boolean = {
      versionGetter(lastFile.getPath) < versionGetter(file.getPath) &&
      lastFile.getModificationTime >= file.getModificationTime

      * Enqueue the files in the buffer if the last file is safe to delete. Clears the buffer.
    private def flushBuffer(): Unit = {
      if (maybeDeleteFiles.lastOption.exists(shouldDeleteFile)) {
        filesToDelete.enqueue(maybeDeleteFiles: _*)

      * Peeks at the next file in the iterator. Based on the next file we can have three
      * possible outcomes:
      * - The underlying iterator returned a file, which doesn't require timestamp adjustment. If
      *   the file in the buffer has expired, flush the buffer to our output queue.
      * - The underlying iterator returned a file, which requires timestamp adjustment. In this case,
      *   we add this file to the buffer and fetch the next file
      * - The underlying iterator is empty. In this case, we check the last file in the buffer. If
      *   it has expired, then flush the buffer to the output queue.
      * Once this method returns, the buffer is expected to have 1 file (last file of the
      * underlying iterator) unless the underlying iterator is fully consumed.
    private def queueFilesInBuffer(): Unit = {
      var continueBuffering = true
      while (continueBuffering) {
        if (!underlying.hasNext) {

        var currentFile =
        require(currentFile != null, "FileStatus iterator returned null")
        if (needsTimeAdjustment(currentFile)) {
          currentFile = new FileStatus(
            lastFile.getModificationTime + 1,
        } else {
          continueBuffering = false
        lastFile = currentFile

    override def hasNext: Boolean = {
      hasNextCalled = true
      if (filesToDelete.isEmpty) queueFilesInBuffer()

    override def next(): FileStatus = {
      if (!hasNextCalled) throw new NoSuchElementException()
      hasNextCalled = false

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