Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
* Copyright (2020) The Delta Lake Project Authors.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.{ FileStatus, Path }
/** Helper for creating file names for specific commits / checkpoints. */
object FileNames {
val deltaFilePattern = "\\d+\\.json".r.pattern
val checksumFilePattern = "\\d+\\.crc".r.pattern
val checkpointFilePattern = "\\d+\\.checkpoint(\\.\\d+\\.\\d+)?\\.parquet".r.pattern
/** Returns the path for a given delta file. */
def deltaFile(path: Path, version: Long): Path = new Path(path, f"$version%020d.json")
/** Returns the path for a given sample file */
def sampleFile(path: Path, version: Long): Path = new Path(path, f"$version%020d")
/** Returns the path to the checksum file for the given version. */
def checksumFile(path: Path, version: Long): Path = new Path(path, f"$version%020d.crc")
/** Returns the version for the given delta path. */
def deltaVersion(path: Path): Long = path.getName.stripSuffix(".json").toLong
/** Returns the version for the given checksum file. */
def checksumVersion(path: Path): Long = path.getName.stripSuffix(".crc").toLong
* Returns the prefix of all checkpoint files for the given version.
* Intended for use with listFrom to get all files from this version onwards. The returned Path
* will not exist as a file.
def checkpointPrefix(path: Path, version: Long): Path =
new Path(path, f"$version%020d.checkpoint")
* Returns the path for a singular checkpoint up to the given version.
* In a future protocol version this path will stop being written.
def checkpointFileSingular(path: Path, version: Long): Path =
new Path(path, f"$version%020d.checkpoint.parquet")
* Returns the paths for all parts of the checkpoint up to the given version.
* In a future protocol version we will write this path instead of checkpointFileSingular.
* Example of the format: 00000000000000004915.checkpoint.0000000020.0000000060.parquet is
* checkpoint part 20 out of 60 for the snapshot at version 4915. Zero padding is for
* lexicographic sorting.
def checkpointFileWithParts(path: Path, version: Long, numParts: Int): Seq[Path] = {
Range(1, numParts + 1)
.map(i => new Path(path, f"$version%020d.checkpoint.$i%010d.$numParts%010d.parquet"))
def numCheckpointParts(path: Path): Option[Int] = {
val segments = path.getName.split("\\.")
if (segments.size != 5) None else Some(segments(3).toInt)
def isCheckpointFile(path: Path): Boolean = checkpointFilePattern.matcher(path.getName).matches()
def isDeltaFile(path: Path): Boolean = deltaFilePattern.matcher(path.getName).matches()
def isChecksumFile(path: Path): Boolean = checksumFilePattern.matcher(path.getName).matches()
def checkpointVersion(path: Path): Long = path.getName.split("\\.")(0).toLong
* Get the version of the checkpoint, checksum or delta file. Throws an error if the log file
* path is unexpected. Must be used after whitelisting the list of files during a transaction
* log listing for forwards compatibility.
def getFileVersion(path: Path): Long = {
if (isCheckpointFile(path)) {
} else if (isDeltaFile(path)) {
} else if (isChecksumFile(path)) {
} else {
// scalastyle:off throwerror
throw new AssertionError(
"The file listing needs to be whitelisted to know files before this method can be called."
// scalastyle:on throwerror