jvmMain.it.unibo.alchemist.boundary.webui.server.routes.SimulationRoute.kt Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright (C) 2010-2023, Danilo Pianini and contributors
* listed, for each module, in the respective subproject's build.gradle.kts file.
* This file is part of Alchemist, and is distributed under the terms of the
* GNU General Public License, with a linking exception,
* as described in the file LICENSE in the Alchemist distribution's top directory.
package it.unibo.alchemist.boundary.webui.server.routes
import io.ktor.http.HttpStatusCode.Companion.Conflict
import io.ktor.http.HttpStatusCode.Companion.InternalServerError
import io.ktor.http.HttpStatusCode.Companion.OK
import io.ktor.server.application.ApplicationCall
import io.ktor.server.routing.Route
import io.ktor.server.routing.get
import io.ktor.server.routing.post
import io.ktor.util.pipeline.PipelineContext
import it.unibo.alchemist.boundary.webui.common.utility.Routes.simulationPausePath
import it.unibo.alchemist.boundary.webui.common.utility.Routes.simulationPlayPath
import it.unibo.alchemist.boundary.webui.common.utility.Routes.simulationStatusPath
import it.unibo.alchemist.boundary.webui.server.state.ServerStore.store
import it.unibo.alchemist.boundary.webui.server.surrogates.utility.toStatusSurrogate
import it.unibo.alchemist.boundary.webui.server.utility.Response
import it.unibo.alchemist.boundary.webui.server.utility.Response.Companion.respond
import it.unibo.alchemist.core.Simulation
import it.unibo.alchemist.core.Status
* Logic of the Routes in the /simulation path.
object SimulationRoute {
* Route that retrieve the simulation status and return it to the client mapping it with the [toStatusSurrogate]
* function.
* The HTTP [Response] sent to the client can be of type:
* 200 (OK) if the status is correctly retrieved;
* 500 (Server Error) if the Simulation was not loaded correctly.
fun Route.simulationStatus() {
get(simulationStatusPath) {
store.state.simulation?.status?.toStatusSurrogate()?.let { status ->
respond(Response(OK, status))
} ?: respond(Response(InternalServerError, "Simulation not loaded."))
* Route that plays the simulation by calling the [it.unibo.alchemist.core.Simulation.play] method.
* The HTTP [Response] sent to the client can be of type:
* 200 (OK) if the operation succeed;
* 409 (Conflict) if the simulation is already running, or is in an invalid state to call the play operation;
* 500 (Server Error) if the Simulation was not loaded correctly.
fun Route.simulationActionPlay() {
post(simulationPlayPath) {
respondAction(Pair(Status.RUNNING, "The Simulation is already running.")) { simulation ->
* Route that pauses the simulation by calling the [it.unibo.alchemist.core.Simulation.pause] method.
* The HTTP [Response] sent to the client can be of type:
* 200 (OK) if the operation succeed;
* 409 (Conflict) if the simulation is already paused, or is in an invalid state to call the pause operation;
* 500 (Server Error) if the Simulation was not loaded correctly.
fun Route.simulationActionPause() {
post(simulationPausePath) {
respondAction(Pair(Status.PAUSED, "The Simulation is already paused.")) { simulation ->
* Private function that checks the simulation Status, executes the requested action if possible and responds.
* @param additionalCheck a [Pair] representing an additional Status check, first is an invalid [Status] and second
* is the error message.
* @param action the action to execute on the simulation.
private suspend fun PipelineContext.respondAction(
additionalCheck: Pair,
action: (Simulation) -> Unit,
) {
store.state.simulation?.let { simulation ->
when (simulation.status) {
Status.INIT -> Response(Conflict, "The Simulation is being initialized.")
Status.TERMINATED -> Response(Conflict, "The Simulation is terminated.")
additionalCheck.first -> Response(Conflict, additionalCheck.second)
else -> {
Response(OK, "Action executed.")
} ?: respond(Response(InternalServerError, "No Simulation found on the server."))