examples.DemoSequence.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
* Copyright (C) 2016-2017, Roberto Casadei, Mirko Viroli, and contributors.
* See the LICENCE.txt file distributed with this work for additional
* information regarding copyright ownership.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package examples
* This program is used to launch simulations on a grid-like network.
import it.unibo.scafi.config.GridSettings
import it.unibo.scafi.incarnations.BasicSimulationIncarnation._
import lib.MyLib
object DemoSequence extends AggregateProgram with MyLib {
def mySensor():Int = sense[Int]("sensor")
def rep2(f: Double=>Double): Double = rep(0.0){f}
def gradient(source: Boolean): Double =
distance => mux(source) { 0.0 } {
foldhood(Double.MaxValue)((x,y)=>if (x mux(source) { 0.0 } {
minHood{ nbr{distance}+nbrvar[Double](NBR_RANGE_NAME) }
//override def main() = 1
//override def main() = 11 // can work with Scala builtin types
//override def main() = "Prova" // I mean, any type
//override def main() = List(1,2) // also Scala objects
//override def main() = java.lang.Math.random() // and any Java/Scala library
//override def main() = 4+5 // I support builtin operations
//override def main() = mid() // This is a builtin sensor
//override def main() = sense[Int]("sensor") // This is an ad-hoc sensor
//override def main() = sense[Boolean]("obstacle") // That's another
//override def main() = Tuple2(sense[Boolean]("obstacle"),sense[Int]("sensor")) // Tuples!!
//override def main() = mySensor() // Can define and use functions!!
//override def main() = rep(0){x => x+1} // Rep works
//override def main() = rep(0){_+1} // Can use Scala shorthands, if you like them
//override def main() = rep2( _ + Math.random()) // Can pass code!
//override def main() = rep2( _ + rep[Double](0,x => x+Math.random())) // I mean, also spatio-temporal code!
//override def main() = foldhood(0)(_+_){1} // counting neighbours (myself always included)
//override def main() = foldhood(0)(_+_){nbr(mySensor())} // fold+nbr!!!
//def isMe = nbr[Int](mid())==mid()
//override def main() = foldhood(0)(_+_){if (nbr(mid())==mid()) 0 else 1} // counting neighbours (myself excluded)
override def main() = foldhood(List[Int]())(_++_){
mux(isMe){List[Int]()}{ List(nbr(mid())) }
}*/// gathering neighbours' id
//override def main() = foldhood(0.0)(_+_){nbr{nbrvar[Double](NBR_RANGE_NAME)}}// gathering sum of distances
//override def main() = foldhood(Double.MaxValue)((x,y)=>if (xx, nbrvar[Double]("nbrRange"))
//def main() = branch(sense[Boolean]("obstacle")){100.0}{ distanceTo(mySensor()==1) }
//def main() = distanceBetween(isSource, sense[Boolean]("obstacle"))
//def main() = channel(sense("sensor")==1,sense("sensor2")==1,1)
def isSource = sense[Boolean]("source")
def isObstacle = sense[Boolean]("obstacle")
//def main() = distanceTo(isSource)
// The following one is BUGGY
//def main() = (mid(), findParent(distanceTo(isSource)), distanceTo(isSource))
def main() = {
val d = distanceTo(isSource)
(mid(), findParent(d), d)
//def main() = (average(isSource, sense[Double]("value")), sense[Double]("value"))
def potentialField = distanceTo(isSource)
//def main = (potentialField, mid()+"->"+findParent(potentialField), C[Double](potentialField, _+_, 1, 0.0))
/*def main() = C(distanceTo(isSource),
//def main() = field { nbr(mid()+"-"+findParent(distanceTo(isSource))) }.toString()
/*def main() = rep(("",0.0)) { v =>
val isParent = field { nbr(findParent(potentialField))}.contains(mid())
(mux(isParent)("yes")("no"), potentialField)
//def main = T[Int](1000, 0, (i:Int)=>i-1)
//def main = timer[Int](1000)
//def main = limitedMemory("xxx", "exp", 1000)
def main = if(S(3, 1)) "x" else "."
//def main = minId()
//def main = S2(3)
//def main = distanceAvoidingObstacles(isSource, isObstacle)
//def main = broadcastRegion(isObstacle, isSource, 1)
//def main = broadcastRegion(isObstacle, isSource, "a") // WEIRD, shows Some("Z") (?!?!?)
//def main = groupSize(isObstacle)
//def main = recentEvent(isObstacle, 500)
//def main = alignedMap2(sense[Map[Char,Boolean]]("map"), distanceTo(_:Boolean))
//def main = forte15example
//def main = crowdWarning(1, 2, 2, 10)
object DemoSequenceLauncher extends App {
val net = simulatorFactory.gridLike(GridSettings(6, 4, stepx = 1, stepy = 1), rng = 1.1)
// For channel:
val net = simulatorFactory.gridLike(
n = 10,
m = 10,
stepx = 1,
stepy = 1,
eps = 1.0,
rng = 1.5)
net.addSensor(name = "sensor", value = 0)
net.chgSensorValue(name = "sensor", ids = Set(1), value = 1)
net.addSensor(name = "source", value = false)
net.chgSensorValue(name = "source", ids = Set(3), value = true)
net.addSensor(name = "sensor2", value = 0)
net.chgSensorValue(name = "sensor2", ids = Set(98), value = 1)
net.addSensor(name = "obstacle", value = false)
net.chgSensorValue(name = "obstacle", ids = Set(44,45,46,54,55,56,64,65,66), value = true)
net.addSensor(name = "label", value = "no")
net.chgSensorValue(name = "label", ids = Set(1), value = "go")
val rand = new scala.util.Random(3)
net.addSensor(name = "value", value = 0.0)
var sum = 0.0
for(i <- 1 to 100; rnd = rand.nextInt(100).toDouble) {
sum += rnd
net.chgSensorValue(name = "value", ids = Set(i-1), value = rnd)
println("MEAN: " + sum/100)
// For aligned map:
val net = simulatorFactory.gridLike(
n = 1,
m = 3,
stepx = 1,
stepy = 1,
eps = 0.0,
rng = 1.1)
net.addSensor(name = "map", value = Map[Int,Boolean]())
for(i <- 0 to 3) {
val mi = Map[Char,Boolean]( ('a' to ('c' - (if(i==1)1 else 0)).toChar).map(k => (k, k==('a'+i).toChar)).toSeq:_* )
net.chgSensorValue(name = "map", ids = Set(i), value = mi)
var v = java.lang.System.currentTimeMillis()
node = DemoSequence,//new HopGradient("source"),
size = 1000000,
action = (n,i) => {
if (i % 1000 == 0) {
val newv = java.lang.System.currentTimeMillis()
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