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lib.MyLib.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy

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 * Copyright (C) 2016-2017, Roberto Casadei, Mirko Viroli, and contributors.
 * See the LICENCE.txt file distributed with this work for additional
 * information regarding copyright ownership.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package lib

import it.unibo.scafi.incarnations.BasicSimulationIncarnation.Builtins._
import it.unibo.scafi.incarnations.BasicSimulationIncarnation._

trait MyLib { self: Constructs with Builtins =>
  def nbrRange():Double = nbrvar[Double](NBR_RANGE_NAME)

   * Gradient cast.
   * @param source represents the source field. Locally, it indicates if
   *               the device is a source for the gradientcast.
   * @param field represents the field of initial values.
   * @param acc is the accumulation function applied along the gradient.
   * @param metric represents the notion of distance.
   * @tparam V is the type of the "points" of the value field.
   * @return globally, a field of values calculated by accumulation along
   *         the gradient; locally, the accumulated value for each device.
  def G[V: Bounded](source: Boolean, field: V, acc: V => V, metric: => Double): V =
    rep( (Double.MaxValue, field) ){ dv =>
      mux(source) {
        (0.0, field)
      } {
        minHoodPlus {
          val (d, v) = nbr { (dv._1, dv._2) }
          (d + metric, acc(v)) }

  def distanceTo(source:Boolean): Double =
    G[Double](source,0, _ + nbrRange(), nbrRange())

  def broadcast[V: Bounded](source:Boolean, field: V):V =
    G[V](source,field, x=>x , nbrRange())

  def distanceBetween(source:Boolean, target:Boolean):Double =
    broadcast(source, distanceTo(target))

  def channel(source:Boolean, target:Boolean, width:Double): Boolean =
    distanceTo(source) + distanceTo(target) <=
      distanceBetween(source,target) + width

  def gradientByG(src: Boolean): Double = G(src, 0.0, (x:Double)=>x+nbrRange(), nbrRange())
  def hopGradientByG(src: Boolean): Int = G(src, 0, (x:Int)=>x+1, 1)

   * @return the ID of the neighbour whose 'potential' value is minimum
   *         among the neighbours.
  def findParent[V](potential: V)(implicit ev: Bounded[V]): ID = {
    mux({ nbr(potential) }, potential)<0 ){
      minHood{ nbr{ Tuple2[V,ID](potential, mid()) } }._2

  /** accumulate-hood uses the function in its first argument
    * to combine values from the field in its second argument,
  def accumulateHood[V: Bounded](acc:(V,V)=>V)(field:V): V = {
    acc(field, field)

   * @param potential is the potential field up which the values
   *                  of local should be accumulated.
   * @param acc must be a commutative and associative function of two arguments;
   *            it is used to combine values along the potential field.
   * @param local
   * @param Null does not affect the accumulated value; it is used to ignore
   *             neighbours in ordered to avoid multiply-counting devices
   *             (for those accumulations that are not idempotent).
   * @tparam V type of the potential field and the accumulated value.
   * @return the final result of the accumulation along the potential field.
  def C[V: Bounded](potential: V, acc: (V,V)=>V, local:V, Null:V): V = {
    rep(local){ v =>
      acc(local, foldhood(Null)(acc){
        mux(nbr(findParent(potential)) == mid()){
        } {

  def summarize(sink: Boolean, acc:(Double,Double)=>Double, local:Double, Null:Double): Double =
    broadcast(sink, C(distanceTo(sink), acc, local, Null))

  def average(sink: Boolean, value: Double): Double =
    summarize(sink, (a,b)=>{a+b}, value, 0.0) / summarize(sink, (a,b)=>a+b, 1, 0.0)

  def T[V](initial: V, floor: V, decay: V=>V)
          (implicit ev: Numeric[V]): V = {
    rep(initial){ v =>
      ev.min(initial, ev.max(floor, decay(v)))

  def T[V](initial: V, decay: V=>V)
          (implicit ev: Numeric[V]): V = {
    T(initial,, decay)

  def T[V](initial: V)
          (implicit ev: Numeric[V]): V = {
    T(initial, (t:V)=>ev.minus(t,

  def timer[V](length: V)
              (implicit ev: Numeric[V]) =

  def limitedMemory[V,T](value: V, expValue: V, timeout: T)
                        (implicit ev: Numeric[T]) = {
    val t = timer[T](timeout)
    (if(, value else expValue, t)

   * Sparse spatial choice.
   * Refreshing the device ID each round ensures this is self-stabilising.
   * These UIDs are then used to break symmetry by a competition
   * between devices for leadership: candidate leader devices surrender
   * leadership to the lowest nearby UID (measuring distance with metric
   * and G). In the case where no device nearby is a leader,
   * devices nominate themselves.
   * @param grain Represents the mean distance between two leaders.
   * @param metric Represents the notion of 'distance' (usually 1 or nbr-range).
   * @return true if the node has been elected leader, false otherwise.
  def S(grain: Double,
        metric: => Double): Boolean =
    breakUsingUids(randomUid, grain, metric)

  def minId(): ID = {
    rep(Int.MaxValue){ mmid => math.min(mid(), minHood(nbr { mmid })) }

  def S2(grain: Double): Boolean =
    branch( distanceTo(mid()==minId())
    (v._1, mid())

   * Breaks simmetry using UIDs. UIDs are used to break symmetry
   * by a competition between devices for leadership.
  def breakUsingUids(uid:(Double,ID),
                     metric: => Double): Boolean =
    // Initially, each device is a candidate leader, competing for leadership.
    uid == rep(uid) { lead:(Double,ID) =>
      // Distance from current device (uid) to the current leader (lead).
      val dist = G[Double](uid==lead, 0, (_:Double)+metric, metric)

      // Initially, current device is candidate, so the distance ('dist')
      // will be 0; the same will be for other devices.
      // To solve the conflict, devices abdicate in favor of devices with
      // lowest UID, according to 'distanceCompetition'.
      distanceCompetition(dist, lead, uid, grain, metric)

   * Candidate leader devices surrender leadership to the lowest nearby UID.
   * @return
  def distanceCompetition(d: Double,
                          metric: => Double) = {
    val inf:(Double,ID) = (Double.PositiveInfinity, uid._2)
    mux(d > grain){
      // If the current device has a distance to the current candidate leader
      //   which is > grain, then the device candidate itself for another region.
      // Remember: 'grain' represents, in the algorithm,
      //   the mean distance between two leaders.
      mux(d >= (0.5*grain)){
        // If the current device is at an intermediate distance to the
        //   candidate leader, then it abdicates (by returning 'inf').
        // Otherwise, elect the leader with lowest UID.
        // Note: it works because Tuple2 has an OrderingFoldable where
        //   the min(t1,t2) is defined according the 1st element, or
        //   according to the 2nd elem in case of breakeven on the first one.
        //   (minHood uses min to select the candidate leader tuple)
        minHood {
          mux(nbr{d}+metric >= 0.5*grain){ nbr{inf} }{ nbr{lead} }

  /* Restriction in space */

  def distanceAvoidingObstacles(src: Boolean, obstacle: Boolean): Double =

  def broadcastRegion[V:Bounded](region: Boolean, src: Boolean, value: V): Option[V] =
    branch[Option[V]](region){ Some[V](broadcast(src, value)) }{ None }

  def groupSize(region: Boolean): Double =
    branch(region){ summarize(S(1,0), _+_, 1, 0) } { Double.NaN }

  def recentEvent(event: Boolean, timeout: Int): Boolean =
    branch(event){ true } { timer(timeout)>0 }

  def field[A](expr: => A): List[A] = foldhood(List[A]())(_++_){ List[A](expr) }
  def devField[A](expr: => A): Map[ID,A] = foldhood(Map[ID,A]())(_++_){ nbr { Map[ID,A](mid()->expr) } }

  /* Aligned map */

  def alignedMap[K,V,T](map: Map[K,V], f:V=>T): Map[K,T] = {
    val maps = devField { map }
    val keys = scala.collection.mutable.Map[K,List[ID]]()

    maps.foreach{ devMaps =>
      devMaps._2.foreach { tp =>
        keys += tp._1 -> (devMaps._1 :: keys.getOrElse(tp._1,List[ID]()))

    val res = scala.collection.mutable.Map[K,T]()
    map.foreach { k =>
      res += k._1 -> devField(f(k._2))(mid())

  def alignedMap2[K,V,T](map: Map[K,V], f:V=>T): Map[K,T] = { => tp._1 -> f(tp._2))


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