it.unibz.inf.ontop.cli.utils.EnvRestrictionFactory Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package it.unibz.inf.ontop.cli.utils;
import com.github.rvesse.airline.help.sections.HelpFormat;
import com.github.rvesse.airline.help.sections.HelpHint;
import com.github.rvesse.airline.restrictions.AbstractCommonRestriction;
import com.github.rvesse.airline.restrictions.ArgumentsRestriction;
import com.github.rvesse.airline.restrictions.OptionRestriction;
import com.github.rvesse.airline.restrictions.factories.ArgumentsRestrictionFactory;
import com.github.rvesse.airline.restrictions.factories.OptionRestrictionFactory;
import com.google.common.base.Joiner;
import com.google.common.base.Preconditions;
import com.google.common.collect.ImmutableSet;
import com.google.common.collect.Iterables;
import com.google.common.collect.Lists;
import com.google.common.collect.Sets;
import java.lang.annotation.Annotation;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;
* Option/argument restriction factory to integrate {@link Env} into {@code airline} command line parsing.
* This class is registered via Java service provider mechanism (i.e., via files in {@code META-INF/services}) to
* provide an implementation of interfaces {@link OptionRestrictionFactory} and {@link ArgumentsRestrictionFactory}.
* In turn, this implementation generates {@link OptionRestriction} and {@link ArgumentsRestriction} instances for each
* {@link Env} annotation used on option or argument-related fields of command objects. These restrictions serve only
* a documentation purposes: by implementing {@link HelpHint}, they allow injecting help text specifying which (current
* or deprecated) environment variables can be used to supply an option/argument, if not explicitly set on the command
* line.
* This class and its instance(s) are meant to be used by {@code airline} internal code and not directly by users of
* this library that should be concerned only with {@link Env} and {@link EnvCli}. This class is declared public
* (instead of package internal) only due to requirements of using the service provider mechanism.
public class EnvRestrictionFactory implements OptionRestrictionFactory, ArgumentsRestrictionFactory {
public List> supportedOptionAnnotations() {
return Collections.singletonList(Env.class);
public OptionRestriction createOptionRestriction(Annotation annotation) {
return doCreateRestriction(annotation);
public OptionRestriction createOptionRestriction(
Iterable valueVars, Iterable fileVars, Iterable deprecatedVars) {
return doCreateRestriction(valueVars, fileVars, deprecatedVars);
public List> supportedArgumentsAnnotations() {
return Collections.singletonList(Env.class);
public ArgumentsRestriction createArgumentsRestriction(Annotation annotation) {
return doCreateRestriction(annotation);
public ArgumentsRestriction createArgumentsRestriction(
Iterable valueVars, Iterable fileVars, Iterable deprecatedVars) {
return doCreateRestriction(valueVars, fileVars, deprecatedVars);
private EnvRestriction doCreateRestriction(Annotation annotation) {
if (annotation instanceof Env) {
Env a = (Env) annotation;
return doCreateRestriction(Arrays.asList(a.value()), Arrays.asList(a.file()), Arrays.asList(a.deprecated()));
return null;
private EnvRestriction doCreateRestriction(
Iterable valueVars, Iterable fileVars, Iterable deprecatedVars) {
// Deduplicate supplied variable lists and check they do not contain nulls or are themselves null
Set uniqueValueVars = ImmutableSet.copyOf(valueVars);
Set uniqueFileVars = ImmutableSet.copyOf(fileVars);
Set uniqueDeprecatedVars = ImmutableSet.copyOf(deprecatedVars);
// Ensure at least a value or file variable was supplied
if (uniqueValueVars.isEmpty() && uniqueFileVars.isEmpty()) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("At least a value or file variable must be specified");
// Treat duplicates as errors (help keeping annotation code clean)
Preconditions.checkArgument(uniqueValueVars.size() == Iterables.size(valueVars),
"Duplicate value variables in %s", valueVars);
Preconditions.checkArgument(uniqueFileVars.size() == Iterables.size(fileVars),
"Duplicate file variables in %s", fileVars);
Preconditions.checkArgument(uniqueDeprecatedVars.size() == Iterables.size(deprecatedVars),
"Duplicate deprecated variables in %s", deprecatedVars);
// Treat variables marked both as value and file variables as errors (help keeping annotation code clean)
Set sharedVars = Sets.intersection(uniqueValueVars, uniqueFileVars);
if (!sharedVars.isEmpty()) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(Joiner.on(", ").join(sharedVars)
+ " listed both as value and file variables");
// Ensure that deprecated variables appear under value and file variables
Set undefVars = Sets.difference(uniqueDeprecatedVars, Sets.union(uniqueValueVars, uniqueFileVars));
if (!undefVars.isEmpty()) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(Joiner.on(", ").join(undefVars)
+ " listed as deprecated do not match any value/file variable");
// Create the restriction object
return new EnvRestriction(uniqueValueVars, uniqueFileVars, uniqueDeprecatedVars);
private static final class EnvRestriction extends AbstractCommonRestriction implements HelpHint {
private final String[] varList;
public EnvRestriction(Set valueVars, Set fileVars, Set deprecatedVars) {
List varList = Lists.newArrayList();
for (String var : valueVars) {
varList.add(var + (deprecatedVars.contains(var) ? " (deprecated)" : ""));
for (String var : fileVars) {
varList.add(var + (deprecatedVars.contains(var) ?
" (denotes file holding option value, deprecated)" : " (denotes file holding option value)"));
this.varList = varList.toArray(String[]::new);
public String getPreamble() {
return varList.length > 1
? "Equivalent environment variables:"
: null;
public HelpFormat getFormat() {
return this.varList.length > 1 ? HelpFormat.LIST : HelpFormat.PROSE;
public int numContentBlocks() {
return 1;
public String[] getContentBlock(int blockNumber) {
return (varList.length > 1) ? varList : new String[]{
String.format("Equivalent environment variable: %s", this.varList[0])};