Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package it.unimi.dsi.util;
import com.martiansoftware.jsap.JSAP;
import com.martiansoftware.jsap.JSAPException;
import com.martiansoftware.jsap.JSAPResult;
import com.martiansoftware.jsap.Parameter;
import com.martiansoftware.jsap.SimpleJSAP;
import com.martiansoftware.jsap.Switch;
import com.martiansoftware.jsap.UnflaggedOption;
* DSI utilities
* Copyright (C) 2002-2017 Sebastiano Vigna
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free
* Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option)
* any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
* WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
* or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License
* for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
* along with this program; if not, see .
import it.unimi.dsi.Util;
import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.ints.IntIterators;
import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.ints.IntListIterator;
import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.objects.AbstractObjectList;
import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.objects.ObjectListIterator;
import it.unimi.dsi.lang.MutableString;
/** A {@link it.unimi.dsi.util.FrontCodedStringList} whose indices are permuted.
* It may happen that a list of strings compresses very well
* using front coding, but unfortunately alphabetical order is not
* the right order for the strings in the list. Instances of this class
* wrap an instance of {@link it.unimi.dsi.util.FrontCodedStringList}
* together with a permutation π: inquiries with index i will
* actually return the string with index πi.
In case you start from a newline-delimited non-sorted list of
* UTF-8 strings, the simplest way to build
* an instance of this map is obtaining a front-coded string list and
* a permutation with a simple UN*X pipe (which also avoids storing the sorted strings):
* nl -v0 -nln | sort -k2 | tee >(cut -f1 >perm.txt) \
* | cut -f2 | java it.unimi.dsi.util.FrontCodedStringList tmp-lex.fcl
* The above command will read a list of strings from standard input,
* output a their sorted index list in perm.txt
and create a tmp-lex.fcl
* string list containing the sorted list of strings.
* Important: you must be sure to be using the byte-by-byte collation order—in UN*X,
* be sure that LC_COLLATE=C
. Failure to do so will result in an order-of-magnitude-slower sorting and
* worse compression.
Now, in perm.txt
you will find the permutation that you have to pass to
* this class (given that you will use the option -i
). So the last step is just
* java it.unimi.dsi.util.PermutedFrontCodedStringList -i -t tmp-lex.fcl perm.txt your.fcl
public class PermutedFrontCodedStringList extends AbstractObjectList implements Serializable {
public static final long serialVersionUID = -7046029254386353130L;
/** The underlying front-coded string list. */
final protected FrontCodedStringList frontCodedStringList;
/** The permutation. */
final protected int[] permutation;
/** Creates a new permuted front-coded string list using a given front-coded string list and permutation.
* @param frontCodedStringList the underlying front-coded string list.
* @param permutation the underlying permutation.
public PermutedFrontCodedStringList(final FrontCodedStringList frontCodedStringList, final int[] permutation) {
if (frontCodedStringList.size() != permutation.length) throw new IllegalArgumentException("The front-coded string list contains " + frontCodedStringList.size() + " strings, but the permutation is on " + permutation.length + " elements.");
this.frontCodedStringList = frontCodedStringList;
this.permutation = permutation;
public CharSequence get(final int index) {
return frontCodedStringList.get(permutation[index]);
/** Returns the element at the specified position in this front-coded list by storing it in a mutable string.
* @param index an index in the list.
* @param s a mutable string that will contain the string at the specified position.
public void get(final int index, final MutableString s) {
frontCodedStringList.get(permutation[index], s);
public int size() {
return frontCodedStringList.size();
public ObjectListIterator listIterator(final int k) { return new ObjectListIterator() {
final IntListIterator i = IntIterators.fromTo(0, frontCodedStringList.size());
public boolean hasNext() { return i.hasNext(); }
public boolean hasPrevious() { return i.hasPrevious(); }
public CharSequence next() { return frontCodedStringList.get(permutation[i.nextInt()]); }
public CharSequence previous() { return frontCodedStringList.get(permutation[i.previousInt()]); }
public int nextIndex() { return i.nextIndex(); }
public int previousIndex() { return i.previousIndex(); }
public static void main(final String[] arg) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException, JSAPException {
SimpleJSAP jsap = new SimpleJSAP(PermutedFrontCodedStringList.class.getName(), "Builds a permuted front-coded list of strings using a given front-coded string list and a permutation (either in text or binary format).",
new Parameter[] {
new Switch("invert", 'i', "invert", "Invert permutation before creating the permuted list."),
new Switch("text", 't', "text", "The permutation is a text file."),
new UnflaggedOption("list", JSAP.STRING_PARSER, JSAP.REQUIRED, "A front-coded string list."),
new UnflaggedOption("permutation", JSAP.STRING_PARSER, JSAP.REQUIRED, "A permutation for the indices of the list (in DataInput format, unless you specify --text)."),
new UnflaggedOption("permutedList", JSAP.STRING_PARSER, JSAP.REQUIRED, "A the filename for the resulting permuted list."),
JSAPResult jsapResult = jsap.parse(arg);
if (jsap.messagePrinted()) return;
final String permutationFile = jsapResult.getString("permutation");
final int[] permutation = jsapResult.userSpecified("text")
? IntIterators.unwrap(TextIO.asIntIterator(permutationFile))
: BinIO.loadInts(permutationFile);
if (jsapResult.getBoolean("invert")) Util.invertPermutationInPlace(permutation);
new PermutedFrontCodedStringList((FrontCodedStringList)BinIO.loadObject(jsapResult.getString("list")), permutation),