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The DSI utilities are a mish mash of classes accumulated during the last ten years in projects developed at the DSI (Dipartimento di Scienze dell'Informazione, i.e., Information Sciences Department), now DI (Dipartimento di Informatica, i.e., Informatics Department), of the Universita` degli Studi di Milano.

There is a newer version: 2.7.3
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package it.unimi.dsi.test;

import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.lang.reflect.Modifier;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.NoSuchElementException;
import java.util.Set;

import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.chars.Char2CharMap;
import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.chars.Char2CharOpenHashMap;
import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.chars.CharArrayList;
import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.chars.CharOpenHashSet;
import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.chars.CharSet;
import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.objects.ObjectOpenHashSet;
import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.objects.ObjectSets;
import it.unimi.dsi.lang.MutableString;
import it.unimi.dsi.util.TextPattern;
import it.unimi.dsi.util.XoRoShiRo128PlusRandomGenerator;

 * A class for torture-testing {@link MutableString}s.
 * @author Paolo Boldi
 * @author Sebastiano Vigna
 * @since 0.3

@SuppressWarnings({ "unchecked", "rawtypes" })
public class MutableStringRegressionTest  {

	private MutableStringRegressionTest() {}

    /** Maximum integer to be generated. */
    private static final int MAXINT = 100;
    /** Maximum short to be generated. */
    private static final int MAXSHORT = 10000;
    /** Minimum/maximum character to be generated. */
    private static final int MINCHAR = 'A', MAXCHAR = 'Z';
	/** About one each SPACE_FREQ characters will be spaces. */
	private static final int SPACE_FREQ = 8;
    /** Maximum length of a char array / String etc. */
    private static final int MAXLENGTH = 100;

    /** Methods declared by StringBuffer. */
    private static Method sbMethod[];
    /** Methods declared by MutableString. */
    private static Method msMethod[];
    /** How many times method sbMethod[i] (msMethod[i]) has been tested. */
    private static int sbTimes[], msTimes[];
    /** How many times method sbMethod[i] (msMethod[i]) has thrown an exception. */
    private static int sbExc[], msExc[];
    /** The Random object used by the test. */
    private static XoRoShiRo128PlusRandomGenerator rand;

    /** A map that sends Classes to Sets of alternative Classes... */
	private static Map> alternativeType;

    /** Index of the lastly generated method in sbMethod (msMethod). */
    private static int sbIdx, msIdx;
    /** An array of alternative types to be used for {@link StringBuffer}. Usually, this is {@code null}. */
    private static Class alternativeParameterType[];

    static {
		sbMethod = StringBuffer.class.getDeclaredMethods();
		msMethod = MutableString.class.getDeclaredMethods();

		sbTimes = new int[sbMethod.length];
		msTimes = new int[msMethod.length];
		sbExc = new int[sbMethod.length];
		msExc = new int[msMethod.length];

		alternativeType = new HashMap<>();
		alternativeType.put(MutableString.class, new ObjectOpenHashSet<>(new Class[] { String.class, StringBuffer.class }));
		alternativeType.put(String.class, ObjectSets.singleton((Class)StringBuffer.class));
		alternativeType.put(StringBuffer.class, ObjectSets.singleton((Class)String.class));
		alternativeType.put(CharSequence.class, ObjectSets.singleton((Class)String.class));
		alternativeType.put(char.class, ObjectSets.singleton((Class)String.class));

		alternativeParameterType = null;

    private static String a2s(final Object o[]) {
		String res = "[";
		for (int i = 0; i < o.length; i++) res = res + (i>0? "," : "") + (o[i] instanceof char[]? (CharArrayList.wrap((char []) o[i])).toString() : String.valueOf(o[i]));
		return res + "]";

    private static MutableString s2i(final MutableString s) {
		final MutableString res = new MutableString().append("[");
		for (int i = 0; i < s.length(); i++) res.append(i != 0 ? ", " : "").append((int)s.charAt(i));
		return res.append("]");

    /** An array of {@link Set} is given. This method considers all possible arrays where i-th entry is
		an element of the i-th Set, and produces an {@link Iterator} returning such arrays in a fixed
		order, starting from a random position. */
    private static Iterator possibleComb(final Set o[]) {
		final int n = o.length;
		int c = 1;
		for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) c *= o[i].size();
		final int m = c;

		return new Iterator() {
				int emitted = 0, nextEmit = rand.nextInt(m);
				public boolean hasNext() {  return emitted < m; }
				public void remove() { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); }
				public Object next() {
					if (emitted >= m) throw new NoSuchElementException();
					final Object res[] = new Object[n];
					int residual = nextEmit;
					for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
						final int j = residual % o[i].size();
						residual /= o[i].size();
						final Object a[] = o[i].toArray();
						res[i] = a[j];
					nextEmit = (nextEmit + 1) % m;
					return res;

    /** Extract a method at random that belongs to both classes. Sets msIdx, sbIdx. */
    public static Method randomMethod() {
		Method msm, sbm;
		alternativeParameterType = null;
		do {
			// Generate a method at random from MutableString
			msm = msMethod[rand.nextInt(msMethod.length)];
			if (! Modifier.isPublic(msm.getModifiers())) continue;
			for (msIdx = 0; msIdx < msMethod.length; msIdx++) if (msMethod[msIdx].equals(msm)) break;
			if (msIdx == msMethod.length) {
				throw new IllegalStateException("I was looking for " + msm);
			// Test that the method belongs to both; if so, return it
			try {
				sbm = StringBuffer.class.getDeclaredMethod(msm.getName(), msm.getParameterTypes());
				if (! Modifier.isPublic(sbm.getModifiers())) continue;
				for (sbIdx = 0; sbIdx < sbMethod.length; sbIdx++) if (sbMethod[sbIdx].equals(sbm)) break;
				if (sbIdx == sbMethod.length) {
					throw new IllegalStateException("I was looking for " + sbm);
				return msm;
			} catch (final NoSuchMethodException e) {
				// The method was not found; try to change its parameters in every possible way and see whether
				// it can be matched anyway, modulo a parameter change
				final Class type[] = msm.getParameterTypes();
				final Set alternat[] = new Set[type.length];
				for (int i = 0; i < type.length; i++) {
					alternat[i] = new HashSet<>(); alternat[i].add(type[i]);
					if (alternativeType.containsKey(type[i]))
				final Iterator it = possibleComb(alternat);
				while (it.hasNext()) {
					final Object o[] = (Object []);
					final Class altPar[] = new Class[o.length];
					System.arraycopy(o, 0, altPar, 0, o.length);
					try {
						sbm = StringBuffer.class.getDeclaredMethod(msm.getName(), altPar);
						if (! Modifier.isPublic(sbm.getModifiers())) continue;
					} catch (final NoSuchMethodException e1) { continue; }
					// A method was found! Look for its index...
					for (sbIdx = 0; sbIdx < sbMethod.length; sbIdx++) if (sbMethod[sbIdx].equals(sbm)) break;
					if (sbIdx == sbMethod.length) {
						throw new IllegalStateException("I was looking for " + sbm);
					// Now copy the altPar
					alternativeParameterType = new Class[altPar.length];
					System.arraycopy(altPar, 0, alternativeParameterType, 0, altPar.length);
					//System.err.println("Using " + sbm + " as an alternative to " + msm);
					return msm;
		} while (true);

    /** Generate and return an array of Objects at random suitable for method m. */
    public static Object[] params(final Method m) {
		final Class types[] = m.getParameterTypes();
		final Object res[] = new Object[types.length];
		for (int i = 0; i < types.length; i++) {
			if (types[i].getName().equals("byte")) res[i] = Byte.valueOf((byte) rand.nextInt(256));
			else if (types[i].getName().equals("char")) res[i] = Character.valueOf((char) (MINCHAR + rand.nextInt(MAXCHAR-MINCHAR+1)));
			else if (types[i].getName().equals("double")) res[i] = Double.valueOf(rand.nextDouble());
			else if (types[i].getName().equals("float")) res[i] = Float.valueOf(rand.nextFloat());
			else if (types[i].getName().equals("int")) res[i] = Integer.valueOf(rand.nextInt(MAXINT));
			else if (types[i].getName().equals("long")) res[i] = Long.valueOf(rand.nextInt(MAXINT));
			else if (types[i].getName().equals("short")) res[i] = Short.valueOf((short) rand.nextInt(MAXSHORT));
			else if (types[i].getName().equals("boolean")) res[i] = Boolean.valueOf(rand.nextBoolean());
			else if (types[i].getName().equals("[C")) res[i] = generateCharArray();
			else if (types[i].getName().equals("java.lang.String")) res[i] = generateString();
			else if (types[i].getName().equals("java.lang.StringBuffer")) res[i] = generateStringBuffer();
			else if (types[i].getName().equals("java.lang.CharSequence")) res[i] = generateString();
			else if (types[i].getName().equals("it.unimi.dsi.lang.MutableString")) res[i] = generateMutableString();
			else if (types[i].getName().equals("java.lang.Object")) res[i] = new Object();
			else throw new IllegalArgumentException("Type " + types[i] + " not (yet) implemented");
		return res;

    /** Generates a char[] at random. */
    public static char[] generateCharArray() {
		return generateCharArray(MAXLENGTH);

    /** Generates a char[] at random with given its maximum length. */
    public static char[] generateCharArray(final int m) {
		final int n = rand.nextInt(m + 1);
		final char res[] = new char[n];
		for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) res[i] = rand.nextInt(SPACE_FREQ) == 0 ? ' ' : (char) (MINCHAR + rand.nextInt(MAXCHAR - MINCHAR + 1));
		return res;

    /** Generates a char[] at random. */
    public static char[] generateUnicodeCharArray(final int n) {
		final char res[] = new char[n];
		for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) while (! Character.isLetterOrDigit(res[i] = (char)rand.nextInt()));
		return res;

    /** Generates a String at random. */
    public static String generateString() {
		return new String(generateCharArray());

    /** Generates a StringBuffer at random. */
    public static StringBuffer generateStringBuffer() {
		return new StringBuffer(new String(generateCharArray()));

    /** Generates a MutableString at random. */
    public static MutableString generateMutableString() {
		return new MutableString(generateCharArray());

    /** Converts Object o from class c1 to class c2. */
    public static Object convert(final Object o, final Class c1, final Class c2) {
		if (c1.equals(c2)) return o;
		if (Number.class.isAssignableFrom(c1)) return o;
		if (c1.equals(MutableString.class)) {
			if (c2.equals(String.class)) return ((MutableString)o).toString();
			else if (c2.equals(StringBuffer.class)) return new StringBuffer(((MutableString)o).toString());
		else if (c1.equals(StringBuffer.class)) {
			if (c2.equals(String.class)) return ((StringBuffer)o).toString();
		else if (c1.equals(CharSequence.class)) {
			if (c2.equals(String.class)) return ((CharSequence)o).toString();
		else if (c1.equals(Character.class)) {
			if (c2.equals(String.class)) return o.toString();
		System.err.println("Don't know how to convert " + c1 + " to " + c2);
		System.err.println("(Object to convert is " + o + ")");
		return null;

    /** Given an array of Objects, it converts their types using alternativeParameterType array, unless
     *  the latter is {@code null}, in which case it just returns a copy of the argument. */
    public static Object[] convert(final Object arg[]) {
		final int n = arg.length;
        final Object res[] = new Object[n];
		if (alternativeParameterType == null) {
			System.arraycopy(arg, 0, res, 0, n);
			return res;
		assert n == alternativeParameterType.length;
		for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
			res[i] = convert(arg[i], arg[i].getClass(), alternativeParameterType[i]);
		return res;

    private static void print(final String type, final String name, final CharSequence s) {
        System.out.println(type + " content of " + name + " was");
    	System.out.println(s + " [" + s.length() + " chars]");
    	System.out.println(CharArrayList.wrap(new MutableString(s).toCharArray()));
    	for(int i = 0; i < s.length(); i++) System.out.print((int)s.charAt(i) + (i == 0 ? "" : ", "));

    private static void print2(final String type, final String sb, final String ms) {
    	print(type, "StringBuffer", sb);
    	print(type, "MutableString", ms);

    final static int NUMBER_OF_SPECIAL_TESTS = 23; // Number of special tests, to be updated manually.
    final static int NUMBER_OF_TESTS = 100; // Number of public methods, to be updated manually.

    /** Special tests... */
    public static void specialTest(final StringBuffer sb, MutableString ms) {
		Object msRes = null, sbRes = null;
		Exception msThrow = null, sbThrow = null;
		Method msm = null;
		int which, choice, from;

		String ssb = new String(sb.toString());
		final String sms = new String(ms.toString());
		Object o;
		StringBuffer b;
		char c, d, a[];
		String s;
		boolean compact = ms.isCompact();

		which = rand.nextInt(NUMBER_OF_SPECIAL_TESTS);
		try {
			switch (which) {
			case 0:
				// toLowerCase
				try { ms.toLowerCase(); } catch (final Exception e) { msThrow = e; }
				try { sb.setLength(0); sb.append(ssb.toString().toLowerCase()); } catch (final Exception e) { sbThrow = e; }
				msm = MutableString.class.getDeclaredMethod("toLowerCase", new Class[] {});
			case 1:
				// toUpperCase
				try { ms.toUpperCase(); } catch (final Exception e) { msThrow = e; }
				try { sb.setLength(0); sb.append(ssb.toString().toUpperCase()); } catch (final Exception e) { sbThrow = e; }
				msm = MutableString.class.getDeclaredMethod("toUpperCase", new Class[] {});
			case 2:
				// trim
				try { ms.trim(); } catch (final Exception e) { msThrow = e; }
				try { sb.setLength(0); sb.append(ssb.toString().trim()); } catch (final Exception e) { sbThrow = e; }
				msm = MutableString.class.getDeclaredMethod("trim", new Class[] {});
			case 20:
				// trimLeft
				try { ms.trimLeft(); } catch (final Exception e) { msThrow = e; }
				try { sb.setLength(0); sb.append((ssb.toString() + "X").trim()); sb.deleteCharAt(sb.length() - 1); } catch (final Exception e) { sbThrow = e; }
				msm = MutableString.class.getDeclaredMethod("trimLeft", new Class[] {});
			case 21:
				// trimRight
				try { ms.trimRight(); } catch (final Exception e) { msThrow = e; }
				try { sb.setLength(0); sb.append(("X" + ssb.toString()).trim().substring(1)); } catch (final Exception e) { sbThrow = e; }
				msm = MutableString.class.getDeclaredMethod("trimRight", new Class[] {});
			case 3:
				// lastChar
				try { msRes = Character.valueOf(ms.lastChar()); } catch (final Exception e) { msThrow = e; }
				try { sbRes = Character.valueOf(sb.toString().charAt(sb.length()-1)); } catch (final Exception e) { sbThrow = e; }
				msm = MutableString.class.getDeclaredMethod("lastChar", new Class[] {});
			case 4:
				// firstChar
				try { msRes = Character.valueOf(ms.firstChar()); } catch (final Exception e) { msThrow = e; }
				try { sbRes = Character.valueOf(sb.toString().charAt(0)); } catch (final Exception e) { sbThrow = e; }
				msm = MutableString.class.getDeclaredMethod("firstChar", new Class[] {});
			case 5:
				// loose
				try { ms.loose(); } catch (final Exception e) {}
				msm = MutableString.class.getDeclaredMethod("loose", new Class[] {});
			case 6:
				// compact
				try { ms.compact(); } catch (final Exception e) {}
				if (ms.capacity() != ms.length()) {
					System.err.println("After compact, MutableString does not appear to be compact");
					print("Current", "MutableString", ms);
					print("Previous", "MutableString", sms);
					System.err.println("Capacity=" + ms.capacity() + ", length=" + ms.length());
				msm = MutableString.class.getDeclaredMethod("compact", new Class[] {});
			case 7:
				// array
				try { msRes = (CharArrayList.wrap(ms.array())).subList(0, ms.length()); } catch (final Exception e) { msThrow = e; }
				try { sbRes = CharArrayList.wrap(sb.toString().toCharArray()); } catch (final Exception e) { sbThrow = e; }
				msm = MutableString.class.getDeclaredMethod("array", new Class[] {});
			case 8:
				// changed
				compact = true;
				a = ms.array();
				msm = MutableString.class.getDeclaredMethod("changed", new Class[] {});
				if (sb.length() == 0) break;
				final int changeHowMany = rand.nextInt(sb.length());
				int pos;
				for (int i = 0; i < changeHowMany; i++) {
					c = a[pos = rand.nextInt(sb.length())] = (char) (MINCHAR + rand.nextInt(MAXCHAR - MINCHAR + 1));
					sb.setCharAt(pos, c);
			case 9:
				// wrap
				if (ms.isCompact()) {
					try {
						ms = MutableString.wrap(ms.array());
					} catch (final Exception e) {}
					msm = MutableString.class.getDeclaredMethod("wrap", new Class[] { char[].class });
				else {
					try {
						ms = MutableString.wrap(ms.array(), ms.length());
					} catch (final Exception e) {}
					msm = MutableString.class.getDeclaredMethod("wrap", new Class[] { char[].class, int.class });
			case 10:
				// equals
				if (! ms.equals(new MutableString(sb))) {
					System.err.println("equals(MutableString) failed");
					System.err.println("MutableString is " + ms);
					System.err.println("Argument is      " + new MutableString(sb));
				if (! ms.equals(new MutableString(ssb.toCharArray()))) {
					System.err.println("equals(char[]) failed");
					System.err.println("MutableString is " + ms);
					System.err.println("Argument is      " + CharArrayList.wrap(ssb.toCharArray()));
				if (! ms.equals(sb.toString())) {
					System.err.println("equals(String) failed");
					System.err.println("MutableString is " + ms);
					System.err.println("Argument is      " + sb);
				ssb = ssb.intern();
				if (! ms.equals(ssb)) {
					System.err.println("equals(String.intern()) failed");
					System.err.println("MutableString is " + ms);
					System.err.println("Argument is      " + ssb);

				o = sb;
				if (! ms.equals(o)) {
					System.err.println("equals(Object=MutableString) failed");
					System.err.println("MutableString is " + ms);
					System.err.println("Argument is      " + new MutableString(sb));
				o = sb.toString();
				if (! ms.equals(o)) {
					System.err.println("equals(Object=String) failed");
					System.err.println("MutableString is " + ms);
					System.err.println("Argument is      " + sb);
				o = ssb.intern();
				if (! ms.equals(o)) {
					System.err.println("equals(Object=String.intern()) failed");
					System.err.println("MutableString is " + ms);
					System.err.println("Argument is      " + ssb);

				b = new StringBuffer(sb.toString()).append(' ');
				if (ms.equals(new MutableString(b))) {
					System.err.println("! equalsMutableString) failed");
					System.err.println("MutableString is " + ms);
					System.err.println("Argument is      " + new MutableString(b));
				if (ms.equals(new MutableString(b.toString().toCharArray()))) {
					System.err.println("! equalschar[]) failed");
					System.err.println("MutableString is " + ms);
					System.err.println("Argument is      " + CharArrayList.wrap(b.toString().toCharArray()));
				if (ms.equals(b.toString())) {
					System.err.println("! equalsString) failed");
					System.err.println("MutableString is " + ms);
					System.err.println("Argument is      " + b);
				s = b.toString().intern();
				if (ms.equals(s)) {
					System.err.println("! equalsString.intern()) failed");
					System.err.println("MutableString is " + ms);
					System.err.println("Argument is      " + s);

				o = b;
				if (ms.equals(o)) {
					System.err.println("! equals(Object=MutableString) failed");
					System.err.println("MutableString is " + ms);
					System.err.println("Argument is      " + o);
				o = b.toString();
				if (ms.equals(o)) {
					System.err.println("! equals(Object=String) failed");
					System.err.println("MutableString is " + ms);
					System.err.println("Argument is      " + o);
				o = b.toString().intern();
				if (ms.equals(o)) {
					System.err.println("! equals(Object=String.intern()) failed");
					System.err.println("MutableString is " + ms);
					System.err.println("Argument is      " + o);
				msm = MutableString.class.getDeclaredMethod("equals", new Class[] { Object.class });
			case 11:
				// equalsIgnoreCase
				b = new StringBuffer(new String(sb).toUpperCase());
				s = b.toString();
				if (! ms.equalsIgnoreCase(new MutableString(b))) {
					System.err.println("equalsIgnoreCase(MutableString) failed");
					System.err.println("MutableString is " + ms);
					System.err.println("Argument is      " + new MutableString(b));
				if (! ms.equalsIgnoreCase(new MutableString(s.toCharArray()))) {
					System.err.println("equalsIgnoreCase(char[]) failed");
					System.err.println("MutableString is " + ms);
					System.err.println("Argument is      " + CharArrayList.wrap(s.toCharArray()));
				if (! ms.equalsIgnoreCase(s.toString())) {
					System.err.println("equalsIgnoreCase(String) failed");
					System.err.println("MutableString is " + ms);
					System.err.println("Argument is      " + s);
				ssb = ssb.intern();
				if (! ms.equalsIgnoreCase(ssb)) {
					System.err.println("equalsIgnoreCase(String.intern()) failed");
					System.err.println("MutableString is " + ms);
					System.err.println("Argument is      " + ssb);

				b = new StringBuffer(new String(sb).toUpperCase()).append(' ');
				if (ms.equalsIgnoreCase(new MutableString(b))) {
					System.err.println("! equalsIgnoreCaseMutableString) failed");
					System.err.println("MutableString is " + ms);
					System.err.println("Argument is      " + new MutableString(b));
				if (ms.equalsIgnoreCase(new MutableString(b.toString().toCharArray()))) {
					System.err.println("! equalsIgnoreCasechar[]) failed");
					System.err.println("MutableString is " + ms);
					System.err.println("Argument is      " + CharArrayList.wrap(b.toString().toCharArray()));
				if (ms.equalsIgnoreCase(b.toString())) {
					System.err.println("! equalsIgnoreCaseString) failed");
					System.err.println("MutableString is " + ms);
					System.err.println("Argument is      " + b);
				s = b.toString().intern();
				if (ms.equalsIgnoreCase(s)) {
					System.err.println("! equalsIgnoreCaseString.intern()) failed");
					System.err.println("MutableString is " + ms);
					System.err.println("Argument is      " + s);

				msm = MutableString.class.getDeclaredMethod("equalsIgnoreCase", new Class[] { MutableString.class });
			case 12:
				// compareTo
				if (0 != ms.compareTo(new MutableString(sb))) {
					System.err.println("compareTo(MutableString) failed");
					System.err.println("MutableString is " + ms);
					System.err.println("Argument is      " + new MutableString(sb));
				if (0 != ms.compareTo(new MutableString(ssb.toCharArray()))) {
					System.err.println("compareTo(char[]) failed");
					System.err.println("MutableString is " + ms);
					System.err.println("Argument is      " + CharArrayList.wrap(ssb.toCharArray()));
				if (0 != ms.compareTo(sb.toString())) {
					System.err.println("compareTo(String) failed");
					System.err.println("MutableString is " + ms);
					System.err.println("Argument is      " + sb);
				ssb = ssb.intern();
				if (0 != ms.compareTo(ssb)) {
					System.err.println("compareTo(String.intern()) failed");
					System.err.println("MutableString is " + ms);
					System.err.println("Argument is      " + ssb);

				o = sb;

				b = new StringBuffer(sb.toString());
				if (b.length() == 0) {
					b.append(d = 'A');
					c = 0;
				else {
					final int p = rand.nextInt(b.length());
					c = b.charAt(p);
					d = (char)(c + rand.nextInt(2) * 2 - 1);
				if (0 < (d - c) * ms.compareTo(new MutableString(b))) {
					System.err.println("! compareTo(MutableString) failed");
					System.err.println("MutableString is " + ms);
					System.err.println("Argument is      " + new MutableString(b));
				if (0 < (d - c) * ms.compareTo(new MutableString(b.toString().toCharArray()))) {
					System.err.println("! compareTo(char[]) failed");
					System.err.println("MutableString is " + ms);
					System.err.println("Argument is      " + CharArrayList.wrap(b.toString().toCharArray()));
				if (0 < (d - c) * ms.compareTo(b.toString())) {
					System.err.println("! compareTo(String) failed");
					System.err.println("MutableString is " + ms);
					System.err.println("Argument is      " + b);
				s = b.toString().intern();
				if (0 < (d - c) * ms.compareTo(s)) {
					System.err.println("! compareTo(String.intern()) failed");
					System.err.println("MutableString is " + ms);
					System.err.println("Argument is      " + s);

				msm = MutableString.class.getDeclaredMethod("compareTo", new Class[] { MutableString.class });
			case 13:
				// compareToIgnoreCase
				if (0 != ms.compareToIgnoreCase(new MutableString(sb))) {
					System.err.println("compareToIgnoreCase(MutableString) failed");
					System.err.println("MutableString is " + ms);
					System.err.println("Argument is      " + new MutableString(sb));
				if (0 != ms.compareToIgnoreCase(new MutableString(ssb.toCharArray()))) {
					System.err.println("compareToIgnoreCase(char[]) failed");
					System.err.println("MutableString is " + ms);
					System.err.println("Argument is      " + CharArrayList.wrap(ssb.toCharArray()));
				if (0 != ms.compareToIgnoreCase(sb.toString())) {
					System.err.println("compareToIgnoreCase(String) failed");
					System.err.println("MutableString is " + ms);
					System.err.println("Argument is      " + sb);
				ssb = ssb.intern();
				if (0 != ms.compareToIgnoreCase(ssb)) {
					System.err.println("compareToIgnoreCase(String.intern()) failed");
					System.err.println("MutableString is " + ms);
					System.err.println("Argument is      " + ssb);

				b = new StringBuffer(sb.toString());
				if (b.length() == 0) {
					b.append(d = 'A');
					c = 0;
				else {
					final int p = rand.nextInt(b.length());
					c = b.charAt(p);
					d = (char)(c + rand.nextInt(2) * 2 - 1);
				if (0 < (d - c) * ms.compareToIgnoreCase(new MutableString(b))) {
					System.err.println("! compareToIgnoreCase(MutableString) failed");
					System.err.println("MutableString is " + ms);
					System.err.println("Argument is      " + new MutableString(b));
				if (0 < (d - c) * ms.compareToIgnoreCase(new MutableString(b.toString().toCharArray()))) {
					System.err.println("! compareToIgnoreCase(char[]) failed");
					System.err.println("MutableString is " + ms);
					System.err.println("Argument is      " + CharArrayList.wrap(b.toString().toCharArray()));
				if (0 < (d - c) * ms.compareToIgnoreCase(b.toString())) {
					System.err.println("! compareToIgnoreCase(String) failed");
					System.err.println("MutableString is " + ms);
					System.err.println("Argument is      " + b);
				s = b.toString().intern();
				if (0 < (d - c) * ms.compareToIgnoreCase(s)) {
					System.err.println("! compareToIgnoreCase(String.intern()) failed");
					System.err.println("MutableString is " + ms);
					System.err.println("Argument is      " + s);

				msm = MutableString.class.getDeclaredMethod("compareToIgnoreCase", new Class[] { MutableString.class });
			case 14:
				// replace
				choice = rand.nextInt(9);

				int l = choice > 4 ? 1 : rand.nextInt(40);
				a = new char[l];
				for(int i = 0; i < l; i++) a[i] = (char)('@' + i);

				final MutableString as[] = new MutableString[a.length];

				b = new StringBuffer();
				for(int i = 0; i < a.length; i++) as[i] = generateMutableString().length(choice == 3 || choice == 4 || choice == 8 ? 1 : 1 + rand.nextInt(4));
				for(int i = 0; i < sb.length(); i++) {
					int j;
					for(j = 0; j < a.length; j++) {
						if (sb.charAt(i) == a[j]) {
					if (j == a.length) b.append(sb.charAt(i));

				switch(choice) {
				case 0:	ms.replace(a, as);
					msm = MutableString.class.getDeclaredMethod("replace", new Class[] { char[].class, MutableString[].class }); break;
				case 1: final String badString[] = new String[as.length]; for(int i = 0; i < as.length; i++) badString[i] = as[i].toString(); ms.replace(a, badString);
					msm = MutableString.class.getDeclaredMethod("replace", new Class[] { char[].class, String[].class }); break;
				case 2: final CharSequence badCS[] = new CharSequence[as.length]; for(int i = 0; i < as.length; i++) badCS[i] = as[i]; ms.replace(a, badCS);
					msm = MutableString.class.getDeclaredMethod("replace", new Class[] { char[].class, CharSequence[].class }); break;
				case 3: final char badChar[] = new char[as.length]; for(int i = 0; i < as.length; i++) badChar[i] = as[i].charAt(0); ms.replace(a, badChar);
					msm = MutableString.class.getDeclaredMethod("replace", new Class[] { char[].class, char[].class }); break;
				case 4: final Char2CharOpenHashMap m = new Char2CharOpenHashMap(); for(int i = 0; i < as.length; i++) m.put(a[i], as[i].charAt(0)); ms.replace(m);
				msm = MutableString.class.getDeclaredMethod("replace", new Class[] { Char2CharMap.class }); break;
				case 5:	ms.replace(a[0], as[0]);
					msm = MutableString.class.getDeclaredMethod("replace", new Class[] { char.class, MutableString.class }); break;
				case 6: final String badString1 = as[0].toString(); ms.replace(a[0], badString1);
					msm = MutableString.class.getDeclaredMethod("replace", new Class[] { char.class, String.class }); break;
				case 7: final CharSequence badCS1 = as[0]; ms.replace(a[0], badCS1);
					msm = MutableString.class.getDeclaredMethod("replace", new Class[] { char.class, CharSequence.class }); break;
				case 8: ms.replace(a[0], as[0].charAt(0));
					msm = MutableString.class.getDeclaredMethod("replace", new Class[] { char.class, char.class }); break;


			case 15:
				choice = rand.nextInt(6);
				l = rand.nextInt(ms.length() + 1);
				s = sb.toString().substring(0, l);
				if (choice >= 3 && choice < 6) s = s.toLowerCase();
				if (choice > 5) s = new String(generateCharArray(l));

				switch(choice % 6) {
				case 0:
					try { msRes = Boolean.valueOf(ms.startsWith(ms.substring(0, l))); } catch (final Exception e) { msThrow = e; }
					try { sbRes = Boolean.valueOf(sb.toString().startsWith(s)); } catch (final Exception e) { sbThrow = e; }
					msm = MutableString.class.getDeclaredMethod("startsWith", new Class[] { MutableString.class });

				case 1:
					try { msRes = Boolean.valueOf(ms.startsWith(ms.substring(0, l).toString())); } catch (final Exception e) { msThrow = e; }
					try { sbRes = Boolean.valueOf(sb.toString().startsWith(s)); } catch (final Exception e) { sbThrow = e; }
					msm = MutableString.class.getDeclaredMethod("startsWith", new Class[] { String.class });

				case 2:
					try { msRes = Boolean.valueOf(ms.startsWith(new StringBuffer(ms.substring(0, l).toString()))); } catch (final Exception e) { msThrow = e; }
					try { sbRes = Boolean.valueOf(sb.toString().startsWith(s)); } catch (final Exception e) { sbThrow = e; }
					msm = MutableString.class.getDeclaredMethod("startsWith", new Class[] { CharSequence.class });

				case 3:
					try { msRes = Boolean.valueOf(ms.startsWithIgnoreCase(ms.substring(0, l))); } catch (final Exception e) { msThrow = e; }
					try { sbRes = Boolean.valueOf(sb.toString().toLowerCase().startsWith(s.toLowerCase())); } catch (final Exception e) { sbThrow = e; }
					msm = MutableString.class.getDeclaredMethod("startsWithIgnoreCase", new Class[] { MutableString.class });

				case 4:
					try { msRes = Boolean.valueOf(ms.startsWithIgnoreCase(ms.substring(0, l).toString())); } catch (final Exception e) { msThrow = e; }
					try { sbRes = Boolean.valueOf(sb.toString().toLowerCase().startsWith(s.toLowerCase())); } catch (final Exception e) { sbThrow = e; }
					msm = MutableString.class.getDeclaredMethod("startsWithIgnoreCase", new Class[] { String.class });

				case 5:
					try { msRes = Boolean.valueOf(ms.startsWithIgnoreCase(new StringBuffer(ms.substring(0, l).toString()))); } catch (final Exception e) { msThrow = e; }
					try { sbRes = Boolean.valueOf(sb.toString().toLowerCase().startsWith(s.toLowerCase())); } catch (final Exception e) { sbThrow = e; }
					msm = MutableString.class.getDeclaredMethod("startsWithIgnoreCase", new Class[] { CharSequence.class });


			case 16:
				choice = rand.nextInt(6);
				l = rand.nextInt(ms.length() + 1);
				s = sb.toString().substring(sb.length() - l);
				if (choice >= 3 && choice < 6) s = s.toLowerCase();
				if (choice > 5) s = new String(generateCharArray(l));

				switch(choice % 6) {
				case 0:
					try { msRes = Boolean.valueOf(ms.endsWith(ms.substring(l))); } catch (final Exception e) { msThrow = e; }
					try { sbRes = Boolean.valueOf(sb.toString().endsWith(s)); } catch (final Exception e) { sbThrow = e; }
					msm = MutableString.class.getDeclaredMethod("endsWith", new Class[] { MutableString.class });

				case 1:
					try { msRes = Boolean.valueOf(ms.endsWith(ms.substring(l).toString())); } catch (final Exception e) { msThrow = e; }
					try { sbRes = Boolean.valueOf(sb.toString().endsWith(s)); } catch (final Exception e) { sbThrow = e; }
					msm = MutableString.class.getDeclaredMethod("endsWith", new Class[] { String.class });

				case 2:
					try { msRes = Boolean.valueOf(ms.endsWith(new StringBuffer(ms.substring(l).toString()))); } catch (final Exception e) { msThrow = e; }
					try { sbRes = Boolean.valueOf(sb.toString().endsWith(s)); } catch (final Exception e) { sbThrow = e; }
					msm = MutableString.class.getDeclaredMethod("endsWith", new Class[] { CharSequence.class });

				case 3:
					try { msRes = Boolean.valueOf(ms.endsWithIgnoreCase(ms.substring(l))); } catch (final Exception e) { msThrow = e; }
					try { sbRes = Boolean.valueOf(sb.toString().toLowerCase().endsWith(s.toLowerCase())); } catch (final Exception e) { sbThrow = e; }
					msm = MutableString.class.getDeclaredMethod("endsWithIgnoreCase", new Class[] { MutableString.class });

				case 4:
					try { msRes = Boolean.valueOf(ms.endsWithIgnoreCase(ms.substring(l).toString())); } catch (final Exception e) { msThrow = e; }
					try { sbRes = Boolean.valueOf(sb.toString().toLowerCase().endsWith(s.toLowerCase())); } catch (final Exception e) { sbThrow = e; }
					msm = MutableString.class.getDeclaredMethod("endsWithIgnoreCase", new Class[] { String.class });

				case 5:
					try { msRes = Boolean.valueOf(ms.endsWithIgnoreCase(new StringBuffer(ms.substring(l).toString()))); } catch (final Exception e) { msThrow = e; }
					try { sbRes = Boolean.valueOf(sb.toString().toLowerCase().endsWith(s.toLowerCase())); } catch (final Exception e) { sbThrow = e; }
					msm = MutableString.class.getDeclaredMethod("endsWithIgnoreCase", new Class[] { CharSequence.class });


			case 17:
				l = rand.nextInt(sb.length()/2 + 1);
				if (rand.nextBoolean()) s = new String(generateCharArray(l));
				else s = sb.toString().substring(l, l + rand.nextInt(sb.length()/4 + 1));

				from = rand.nextInt() % (sb.length() * 2 + 1);

				switch(rand.nextInt(8)) {
				case 0:
					try { msRes = Integer.valueOf(ms.indexOf(s, from)); } catch (final Exception e) { msThrow = e; }
					try { sbRes = Integer.valueOf(new TextPattern(s).search(sb, from)); } catch (final Exception e) { sbThrow = e; }
					// This is a fake, we really checked TextPattern
					msm = MutableString.class.getDeclaredMethod("indexOf", new Class[] { MutableString.class });
				case 1:
					try { msRes = Integer.valueOf(ms.indexOf(s, from)); } catch (final Exception e) { msThrow = e; }
					try { sbRes = Integer.valueOf(new TextPattern(s).search(ms, from)); } catch (final Exception e) { sbThrow = e; }
					// This is a fake, we really checked TextPattern
					msm = MutableString.class.getDeclaredMethod("indexOf", new Class[] { MutableString.class });
				case 2:
					a = s.toCharArray();
					try { msRes = Integer.valueOf(ms.indexOfAnyOf(a, from)); } catch (final Exception e) { msThrow = e; }
					try {
						int temp = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
						for(int i = 0; i < a.length; i++)
							if ((pos = sms.indexOf(a[i], from)) != -1) temp = Math.min(temp, pos);
						sbRes = Integer.valueOf(temp == Integer.MAX_VALUE ?  -1 : temp);
					} catch (final Exception e) { sbThrow = e; }
					msm = MutableString.class.getDeclaredMethod("indexOfAnyOf", new Class[] { char[].class });
				case 3:
					a = s.toCharArray();
					//System.err.println(CharArrayList.wrap(a) + " " + from);
					try { msRes = Integer.valueOf(ms.indexOfAnyBut(a, from)); } catch (final Exception e) { msThrow = e; }
					try {
						int i;
						if (from < 0) from = 0;
						if (from > ms.length()) from = ms.length();
						for (i = from; i < ms.length(); i++) {
							int j;
							for(j = 0; j < a.length; j++) if (ms.charAt(i) == a[j]) break;
							if (j == a.length) break;
						sbRes = Integer.valueOf(i < ms.length() ? i : -1);
					} catch (final Exception e) { sbThrow = e; }
					msm = MutableString.class.getDeclaredMethod("indexOfAnyBut", new Class[] { char[].class });

				case 4:
					a = s.toCharArray();
					try { msRes = Integer.valueOf(ms.indexOfAnyOf(new CharOpenHashSet(a), from)); } catch (final Exception e) { msThrow = e; }
					try {
						int temp = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
						for(int i = 0; i < a.length; i++)
							if ((pos = sms.indexOf(a[i], from)) != -1) temp = Math.min(temp, pos);
						sbRes = Integer.valueOf(temp == Integer.MAX_VALUE ?  -1 : temp);
					} catch (final Exception e) { sbThrow = e; }
					msm = MutableString.class.getDeclaredMethod("indexOfAnyOf", new Class[] { CharSet.class });

				case 5:
					a = s.toCharArray();
					//System.err.println(CharArrayList.wrap(a) + " " + from);
					try { msRes = Integer.valueOf(ms.indexOfAnyBut(new CharOpenHashSet(a), from)); } catch (final Exception e) { msThrow = e; }
					try {
						int i;
						if (from < 0) from = 0;
						if (from > ms.length()) from = ms.length();
						for (i = from; i < ms.length(); i++) {
							int j;
							for(j = 0; j < a.length; j++) if (ms.charAt(i) == a[j]) break;
							if (j == a.length) break;
						sbRes = Integer.valueOf(i < ms.length() ? i : -1);
					} catch (final Exception e) { sbThrow = e; }
					msm = MutableString.class.getDeclaredMethod("indexOfAnyBut", new Class[] { CharSet.class });

				case 6:
					a = s.toCharArray();
					//System.err.println(CharArrayList.wrap(a) + " " + from);
					try { msRes = Integer.valueOf(ms.span(a, from)); } catch (final Exception e) { msThrow = e; }
					try {
						int i;
						if (from < 0) from = 0;
						if (from > ms.length()) from = ms.length();
						for (i = from; i < ms.length(); i++) {
							int j;
							for(j = 0; j < a.length; j++) if (ms.charAt(i) == a[j]) break;
							if (j == a.length) break;
						sbRes = Integer.valueOf(i - from);
					} catch (final Exception e) { sbThrow = e; }
					msm = MutableString.class.getDeclaredMethod("span", new Class[] { char[].class });
				case 7:
					a = s.toCharArray();
					//System.err.println(CharArrayList.wrap(a) + " " + from);
					try { msRes = Integer.valueOf(ms.span(new CharOpenHashSet(a), from)); } catch (final Exception e) { msThrow = e; }
					try {
						int i;
						if (from < 0) from = 0;
						if (from > ms.length()) from = ms.length();
						for (i = from; i < ms.length(); i++) {
							int j;
							for(j = 0; j < a.length; j++) if (ms.charAt(i) == a[j]) break;
							if (j == a.length) break;
						sbRes = Integer.valueOf(i - from);
					} catch (final Exception e) { sbThrow = e; }
					msm = MutableString.class.getDeclaredMethod("span", new Class[] { CharSet.class });

			case 18:
				String search;
				String replace;
				main: for(;;) {
					search = new String(generateCharArray(rand.nextInt(10)));
					replace = new String(generateCharArray(rand.nextInt(10)));
					if (search.length() == 0) search = search + "X";
					if (replace.length() <= search.length()) break;
					/* Skip search strings with overlapping matches if replace text is longer than search text, as the semantics is
					 * slightly different (see replace()'s documentation). */
					int i = -1;
					int prev = -search.length();
					for(;;) {
						i = ms.indexOf(search, i + 1);
						if (i == -1) break main;
						if (prev + search.length() > i) break;
						prev = i;

				try { s = new String(sb).replaceAll(search, replace); sb.setLength(0); sb.append(s); } catch (final Exception e) { sbThrow = e; }

				switch(rand.nextInt(3)) {
				case 0:
					try { ms.replace(new MutableString(search), new MutableString(replace)); } catch (final Exception e) { msThrow = e; }
					msm = MutableString.class.getDeclaredMethod("replace", new Class[] { MutableString.class, MutableString.class });
				case 1:
					try { ms.replace(search, replace); } catch (final Exception e) { msThrow = e; }
					msm = MutableString.class.getDeclaredMethod("replace", new Class[] { String.class, String.class });
				case 2:
					final CharSequence s1 = search, r1 = replace;
					try { ms.replace(s1, r1); } catch (final Exception e) { msThrow = e; }
					msm = MutableString.class.getDeclaredMethod("replace", new Class[] { CharSequence.class, CharSequence.class });


			case 19:
				l = rand.nextInt(sb.length()/2 + 1);
				if (rand.nextBoolean()) s = new String(generateCharArray(l));
				else s = sb.toString().substring(l, l + rand.nextInt(sb.length()/4 + 1));

				from = rand.nextInt() % (sb.length() * 2 + 1);

				switch(rand.nextInt(7)) {
				case 0:
					try { msRes = Integer.valueOf(ms.lastIndexOf(s, from)); } catch (final Exception e) { msThrow = e; }
					try { sbRes = Integer.valueOf(sb.lastIndexOf(s ,from)); } catch (final Exception e) { sbThrow = e; }
					msm = MutableString.class.getDeclaredMethod("lastIndexOf", new Class[] { MutableString.class });
				case 1:
					a = s.toCharArray();
					try { msRes = Integer.valueOf(ms.lastIndexOfAnyOf(a, from)); } catch (final Exception e) { msThrow = e; }
					try {
						int temp = Integer.MIN_VALUE;
						for(int i = 0; i < a.length; i++)  {
							if ((pos = sms.lastIndexOf(a[i], from)) != -1) temp = Math.max(temp, pos);
						sbRes = Integer.valueOf(temp == Integer.MIN_VALUE ?  -1 : temp);
					} catch (final Exception e) { sbThrow = e; }
					msm = MutableString.class.getDeclaredMethod("lastIndexOfAnyOf", new Class[] { char[].class });
				case 2:
					a = s.toCharArray();
					//System.err.println(CharArrayList.wrap(a) + " " + from);
					try { msRes = Integer.valueOf(ms.lastIndexOfAnyBut(a, from)); } catch (final Exception e) { msThrow = e; }
					try {
						int i;
						if (from < 0) from = -1;
						if (from >= ms.length()) from = ms.length() - 1;
						for (i = from; i >= 0; i--) {
							int j;
							for(j = 0; j < a.length; j++) if (ms.charAt(i) == a[j]) break;
							if (j == a.length) break;
						sbRes = Integer.valueOf(i);
					} catch (final Exception e) { sbThrow = e; }
					msm = MutableString.class.getDeclaredMethod("lastIndexOfAnyBut", new Class[] { char[].class });

				case 3:
					a = s.toCharArray();
					try { msRes = Integer.valueOf(ms.lastIndexOfAnyOf(new CharOpenHashSet(a), from)); } catch (final Exception e) { msThrow = e; }
					try {
						int temp = Integer.MIN_VALUE;
						for(int i = 0; i < a.length; i++)  {
							if ((pos = sms.lastIndexOf(a[i], from)) != -1) temp = Math.max(temp, pos);
						sbRes = Integer.valueOf(temp == Integer.MIN_VALUE ?  -1 : temp);
					} catch (final Exception e) { sbThrow = e; }
					msm = MutableString.class.getDeclaredMethod("lastIndexOfAnyOf", new Class[] { CharSet.class });

				case 4:
					a = s.toCharArray();
					//System.err.println(CharArrayList.wrap(a) + " " + from);
					try { msRes = Integer.valueOf(ms.lastIndexOfAnyBut(new CharOpenHashSet(a), from)); } catch (final Exception e) { msThrow = e; }
					try {
						int i;
						if (from < 0) from = -1;
						if (from >= ms.length()) from = ms.length() - 1;
						for (i = from; i >= 0; i--) {
							int j;
							for(j = 0; j < a.length; j++) if (ms.charAt(i) == a[j]) break;
							if (j == a.length) break;
						sbRes = Integer.valueOf(i);
					} catch (final Exception e) { sbThrow = e; }
					msm = MutableString.class.getDeclaredMethod("lastIndexOfAnyBut", new Class[] { CharSet.class });
				case 5:
					a = s.toCharArray();
					//System.err.println(CharArrayList.wrap(a) + " " + from);
					try { msRes = Integer.valueOf(ms.cospan(a, from)); } catch (final Exception e) { msThrow = e; }
					try {
						int i;
						if (from < 0) from = 0;
						if (from > ms.length()) from = ms.length();
						for (i = from; i < ms.length(); i++) {
							int j;
							for(j = 0; j < a.length; j++) if (ms.charAt(i) == a[j]) break;
							if (j != a.length) break;
						sbRes = Integer.valueOf(i - from);
					} catch (final Exception e) { sbThrow = e; }
					msm = MutableString.class.getDeclaredMethod("cospan", new Class[] { char[].class });
				case 6:
					a = s.toCharArray();
					//System.err.println(CharArrayList.wrap(a) + " " + from);
					try { msRes = Integer.valueOf(ms.cospan(new CharOpenHashSet(a), from)); } catch (final Exception e) { msThrow = e; }
					try {
						int i;
						if (from < 0) from = 0;
						if (from > ms.length()) from = ms.length();
						for (i = from; i < ms.length(); i++) {
							int j;
							for(j = 0; j < a.length; j++) if (ms.charAt(i) == a[j]) break;
							if (j != a.length) break;
						sbRes = Integer.valueOf(i - from);
					} catch (final Exception e) { sbThrow = e; }
					msm = MutableString.class.getDeclaredMethod("cospan", new Class[] { CharSet.class });

			case 22:
				// delete characters
				choice = rand.nextInt(3);

				l = choice == 0 ? 1 : rand.nextInt(40);
				a = new char[l];
				for(int i = 0; i < l; i++) a[i] = (char)('@' + rand.nextInt('Z' - '@'));
				final CharOpenHashSet charSet = new CharOpenHashSet(a);

				for(int i = 0; i < sb.length();) if (charSet.contains(sb.charAt(i))) sb.delete(i, i + 1); else i++;

				switch(choice) {
				case 0:	ms.delete(a[0]);
					msm = MutableString.class.getDeclaredMethod("delete", new Class[] { char.class }); break;
				case 1: ms.delete(a);
					msm = MutableString.class.getDeclaredMethod("delete", new Class[] { char[].class }); break;
				case 2: ms.delete(charSet);
					msm = MutableString.class.getDeclaredMethod("delete", new Class[] { CharSet.class }); break;

				System.err.println("Special test number " + which + " not (yet) defined");
		} catch (final Exception e) {

		if (sbThrow == null && msThrow != null) {
			System.out.println("Method " + msm + " threw exception " + msThrow);
			System.out.println("No exception was thrown by StringBuffer");
			print2("Previous", ssb, sms);

		if (sbThrow != null && msThrow == null) {
			System.out.println("Method " + msm + " threw no exception ");
			System.out.println("StringBuffer threw " + sbThrow);
			print2("Previous", ssb, sms);

		if (sbThrow != null && msThrow != null && ! (msThrow.getClass().equals(msThrow.getClass()))) {
			System.out.println("Method " + msm + " threw " + msThrow);
			System.out.println("StringBuffer threw " + sbThrow);
			print2("Previous", ssb, sms);

		for (msIdx = 0; msIdx < msMethod.length; msIdx++) if (msMethod[msIdx].equals(msm)) break;
		if (msIdx == msMethod.length) {
			throw new IllegalStateException("I was looking for " + msm + " (which = " + which + ")");

		if (sbThrow != null) {

		if (which != 6 && which != 5 && ms.isCompact() != compact) {
			System.out.println("On method " + msm);
			System.out.println("Previously MutableString was " + (compact ? "compact" : "loose") + "; now it is " + (ms.isCompact() ? "compact" : "loose"));
			if (sbThrow != null) System.out.println("The method produced an " + sbThrow);

		if ((msRes == null && sbRes != null) || (msRes != null && sbRes == null) || (msRes != null && ! (msRes.equals(sbRes)))) {
			System.out.println("On method " + msm + " returned value was " + msRes);
			System.out.println("StringBuffer returned " + sbRes + " instead");
			System.out.println("Class of first result: " + sbRes.getClass() + " hashcode=" + sbRes.hashCode());
			System.out.println("Class of second result: " + msRes.getClass() + " hashcode=" + msRes.hashCode());
			System.out.println("The two results are equal? " + msRes.equals(sbRes));
			System.out.println("The two results (as Strings) are equal? " + msRes.toString().equals(sbRes.toString()));
			print2("Previous", ssb, sms);
			if (msThrow != null) System.out.println("The MutableString method produced an " + msThrow);
			if (sbThrow != null) System.out.println("The StringBuffer method produced an " + sbThrow);

		if (! (sb.toString().equals(ms.toString()))) {
			System.out.println("After call, values are different");
			System.out.println("Method " + msm);
			print2("Previous", ssb, sms);
			print("Current", "StringBuffer", sb);
			print("Current", "MutableString", ms);
			int i;
			for(i = 0; i < Math.min(sb.length(), ms.length()); i++) if (sb.charAt(i) != ms.charAt(i)) break;
			System.out.println("First different character has index " + i);
			if (msThrow != null) System.out.println("The MutableString method produced an " + msThrow);
			if (sbThrow != null) System.out.println("The StringBuffer method produced an " + sbThrow);


    /** Tests I/O methods. */
	public static void testIO(final int n) throws IOException {
		final MutableString a[] = new MutableString[n], t = new MutableString();
		final int l[] = new int[n];

		// I/O on data input/output
		DataOutputStream dbos = new DataOutputStream(new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream("regressionTest")));
		for(int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
			if (rand.nextBoolean()) l[i] = rand.nextInt(100);
			else l[i] = rand.nextInt(100000);
			(a[i] = new MutableString(generateUnicodeCharArray(l[i]))).writeSelfDelimUTF8((DataOutput)dbos);

		DataInputStream dbis = new DataInputStream(new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream("regressionTest")));
		for(int i = 0; i < n; i++) if (! a[i].equals(t.readSelfDelimUTF8((DataInput)dbis))) {
			System.out.println("On I/O with self-delimiting UTF-8 (" + i + ")");
			System.out.println("Written was " + s2i(a[i]));
			System.out.println("Read is     " + s2i(t));

		dbos = new DataOutputStream(new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream("regressionTest")));
		for(int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
			if (rand.nextBoolean()) l[i] = rand.nextInt(100);
			else l[i] = rand.nextInt(100000);
			(a[i] = new MutableString(generateUnicodeCharArray(l[i]))).writeUTF8((DataOutput)dbos);

		dbis = new DataInputStream(new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream("regressionTest")));
		for(int i = 0; i < n; i++) if (! a[i].equals(t.readUTF8((DataInput)dbis, l[i]))) {
			System.out.println("On I/O with UTF-8 (" + i + ")");
			System.out.println("Written was " + s2i(a[i]));
			System.out.println("Read is     " + s2i(t));

		// I/O on input/output streams
		BufferedOutputStream bos = new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream("regressionTest"));
		for(int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
			if (rand.nextBoolean()) l[i] = rand.nextInt(100);
			else l[i] = rand.nextInt(100000);
			(a[i] = new MutableString(generateUnicodeCharArray(l[i]))).writeSelfDelimUTF8(bos);

		BufferedInputStream bis = new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream("regressionTest"));
		for(int i = 0; i < n; i++) if (! a[i].equals(t.readSelfDelimUTF8(bis))) {
			System.out.println("On I/O with self-delimiting UTF-8 (" + i + ")");
			System.out.println("Written was " + s2i(a[i]));
			System.out.println("Read is     " + s2i(t));

		bos = new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream("regressionTest"));
		for(int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
			if (rand.nextBoolean()) l[i] = rand.nextInt(100);
			else l[i] = rand.nextInt(100000);
			(a[i] = new MutableString(generateUnicodeCharArray(l[i]))).writeUTF8(bos);

		bis = new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream("regressionTest"));
		for(int i = 0; i < n; i++) if (! a[i].equals(t.readUTF8(bis, l[i]))) {
			System.out.println("On I/O with UTF-8 (" + i + ")");
			System.out.println("Written was " + s2i(a[i]));
			System.out.println("Read is     " + s2i(t));

		final OutputStreamWriter osw = new OutputStreamWriter(new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream("regressionTest")), "UTF-16BE");
		for(int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
			if (rand.nextBoolean()) l[i] = rand.nextInt(100);
			else l[i] = rand.nextInt(100000);
			(a[i] = new MutableString(generateUnicodeCharArray(l[i]))).write(osw);

		final InputStreamReader isr = new InputStreamReader(new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream("regressionTest")), "UTF-16BE");
		int u;
		for(int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
			if ((u =, l[i])) != l [i]) {
				System.out.println("I/O error on " + t + ": " + l[i] + " characters read, " + u + " characters written");
			if (! a[i].equals(t)) {
				System.out.println("On I/O with Reader (" + i + ")");
				System.out.println("Written was " + s2i(a[i]));
				System.out.println("Read is     " + s2i(t));

    /** Tests a method at random on sb and ms. */
    public static void test(final StringBuffer sb, final MutableString ms) throws IllegalArgumentException, IllegalAccessException {
			specialTest(sb, ms);
		final String ssb = sb.toString();
		final String sms = ms.toString();
		final Method m = randomMethod();
		final Object msargs[] = params(m);
		final Object sbargs[] = convert(msargs);
		Object sbRes = null;
		Object msRes = null;
		Throwable sbThrow = null;
		Throwable msThrow = null;
		final boolean compact = ms.isCompact();

		try {
			sbRes = sbMethod[sbIdx].invoke(sb, sbargs);
		} catch (final InvocationTargetException e) {
			//System.err.println("Exception " + e + " on target StringBuffer");
			sbThrow = e.getTargetException();

		try {
			msRes = msMethod[msIdx].invoke(ms, msargs);
		} catch (final InvocationTargetException e) {
			//System.err.println("Exception " + e + " on target MutableString");
			msThrow = e.getTargetException();

		if (sbThrow == null && msThrow != null) {
			System.out.println("On method " + sbMethod[sbIdx] + " with args " + a2s(sbargs) + " threw no Exception");
			System.out.println("On method " + msMethod[msIdx] + " with args " + a2s(msargs) + " threw " + msThrow);
			print2("Previous", ssb, sms);

		if (sbThrow != null && msThrow == null) {
			System.out.println("On method " + sbMethod[sbIdx] + " with args " + a2s(sbargs) + " threw " + sbThrow);
			System.out.println("On method " + msMethod[msIdx] + " with args " + a2s(msargs) + " threw no Exception");
			print2("Previous", ssb, sms);

		if (sbThrow != null && msThrow != null && ! (msThrow.getClass().equals(msThrow.getClass()))) {
			System.out.println("On method " + sbMethod[sbIdx] + " with args " + a2s(sbargs) + " threw " + sbThrow);
			System.out.println("On method " + msMethod[msIdx] + " with args " + a2s(msargs) + " threw " + msThrow);
			print2("Previous", ssb, sms);


		if (sbThrow != null) {

		if (m.getName().equals("capacity")) {
			//System.err.println("Capacity of StringBuffer / MutableString: " + sbRes + " / " + msRes);

		if (ms.isCompact() != compact && ! msMethod[msIdx].getName().equals("ensureCapacity")) {
			System.out.println("On method " + msMethod[msIdx] + " with args " + a2s(msargs) + " returned " + msRes);
			System.out.println("Previously MutableString was " + (compact ? "compact" : "loose") + "; now it is " + (ms.isCompact() ? "compact" : "loose"));
			if (sbThrow != null) System.out.println("The method produced an " + sbThrow);

		if (sbMethod[sbIdx].getReturnType() != void.class && msMethod[msIdx].getReturnType() != void.class) {

			if ((msRes == null && sbRes != null) || (msRes != null && sbRes == null) || (msRes != null && ! (msRes.equals(sbRes)))) {
				System.out.println("On method " + sbMethod[sbIdx] + " with args " + a2s(sbargs) + " returned " + sbRes);
				System.out.println("On method " + msMethod[msIdx] + " with args " + a2s(msargs) + " returned " + msRes);
				System.out.println("Class of first result: " + sbRes.getClass() + " hashcode=" + sbRes.hashCode());
				System.out.println("Class of second result: " + msRes.getClass() + " hashcode=" + msRes.hashCode());
				System.out.println("The two results are equal? " + msRes.equals(sbRes));
				System.out.println("The two results (as Strings) are equal? " + msRes.toString().equals(sbRes.toString()));
				print2("Previous", ssb, sms);
				if (sbThrow != null) System.out.println("The method produced an " + sbThrow);

			if (! (sb.toString().equals(ms.toString()))) {
				System.out.println("After call, values are different");
				System.out.println("Method " + sbMethod[sbIdx] + " with args " + a2s(sbargs));
				System.out.println("Method " + msMethod[msIdx] + " with args " + a2s(msargs));
				print2("Previous", ssb, sms);
				print("Current", "StringBuffer", sb);
				print("Current", "MutableString", ms);
				if (sbThrow != null) System.out.println("The call produced an " + sbThrow);



    public static void main(final String[] arg) throws IllegalArgumentException, IllegalAccessException, IOException {
		final int noOfTest = Integer.parseInt(arg[0]);
		final int noOfIOTests = arg.length < 2 ? 100 : Integer.parseInt(arg[1]);
		final long seed = arg.length < 3 ? System.currentTimeMillis() : Long.parseLong(arg[2]);
		rand = new XoRoShiRo128PlusRandomGenerator(seed);

		System.out.println("Seed = " + seed);

		final char c[] = generateCharArray();
		final StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(new String(c));
		final MutableString ms = new MutableString(new String(c));

		for(int i = 0; i < noOfTest; i++) test(sb, ms);

		System.out.println("\nStringBuffer Methods");
		for (int i = 0; i < sbMethod.length; i++)
			System.out.println("\t" + sbMethod[i] + " called " + sbTimes[i] + " (exc. " + sbExc[i] + ")");
		System.out.println("\nMutableString Methods");
		for (int i = 0; i < msMethod.length; i++)
			System.out.println("\t" + msMethod[i] + " called " + msTimes[i] + " (exc. " + msExc[i] + ")");


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