drv.BigSpliterators.drv Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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* Copyright (C) 2019-2022 Sebastiano Vigna
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package PACKAGE;
import java.util.function.Consumer;
/** A class providing static methods and objects that do useful things with type-specific spliterators on
* big (potentially greater then {@link Integer#MAX_VALUE} items long).
* Since the {@link java.util.Spliterator} interface already natively works in long indexes, most of the
* utility methods reside in the regular {@code Spliterators} class.
* @author C. Sean Young <[email protected]>
* @since 8.5.0
public final class BIG_SPLITERATORS {
* A skeletal implementation for a spliterator backed by an index based data store. High performance
* concrete implementations (like the main Spliterator of BigArrayBigList) generally should avoid using this
* and just implement the interface directly, but should be decent for less
* performance critical implementations.
* As the abstract methods in this class are used in inner loops, it is generally a
* good idea to override the class as {@code final} as to encourage the JVM to inline
* them (or alternatively, override the abstract methods as final).
public static abstract class AbstractIndexBasedSpliterator KEY_GENERIC extends KEY_ABSTRACT_SPLITERATOR KEY_GENERIC {
/** The current position index, the index of the item to be given after the next call to {@link #tryAdvance}.
This value will be between {@code minPos} and {@link #getMaxPos()} (exclusive) (on a best effort, so concurrent
* structural modifications may cause this to be violated, but that usually invalidates spliterators anyways).
* Thus {@code pos} being {@code minPos + 2} would mean {@link #tryAdvance}
* was called twice and the next call will give the third element of this spliterator.
protected long pos;
protected AbstractIndexBasedSpliterator(long initialPos) {
this.pos = initialPos;
// When you implement these, you should probably declare them final to encourage the JVM to inline them.
/** Get the item corresponding to the given index location.
Do not advance {@link #pos} in this method; the default {@link #tryAdvance} and
* {@link #forEachRemaining} methods takes care of this.
The {@code location} given will be between {@code minPos} and {@link #getMaxPos()} (exclusive).
* Thus, a {@code location} of {@code minPos + 2} would mean {@link #tryAdvance} was called twice
* and this method should return what the next call to {@link #tryAdvance()} should give.
protected abstract KEY_GENERIC_TYPE get(long location);
/** The maximum pos can be, and is the logical end (exclusive) of the "range".
If pos is equal to the return of this method, this means the last element has been returned and the next call to {@link #tryAdvance} will return {@code false}.
Usually set return the parent {@linkplain java.util.Collection#size() collection's size}, but does not have to be
* (for example, sublists and subranges).
This method allows the implementation to decide how it binds on the size (late or early).
* However, {@link EarlyBindingSizeIndexBasedSpliterator} and {@link LateBindingSizeIndexBasedSpliterator} give
* an implementation of this method for the two most common strategies.
protected abstract long getMaxPos();
/** Make a new spliterator to {@link #trySplit()} starting with the given {@code pos}
* and ending at the given {@code maxPos}.
An implementation is free to look at the range given, and if it deems it too small
* to split further, return {@code null}. In which case, {@link #trySplit()} will not
* modify the state of this spliterator.
Do not modify {@link #pos} in this method; the default {@link #trySplit()}
* method takes care of this.
To comply with the spec of {@link java.util.Spliterator#ORDERED}, this will
* only be called to create prefixes of the current sequence this spliterator is over,
* and this instance will start at the end of the returned sequence and have the same
* end point.
* As such, this method should also not change what {@link #getMaxPos()} returns.
protected abstract KEY_SPLITERATOR KEY_GENERIC makeForSplit(long pos, long maxPos);
/** Compute where to split on the next {@link #trySplit()}, given the current pos and
* {@link #getMaxPos()} (or any other metric the implementation wishes to use).
If a value {@code == pos} or {@code == getMaxPos()} is returned, the
* {@link #trySplit()} method will assume a split of size 0 was computed,
* and thus won't split or change state. If a value outside that range is
* returned, then {@link #trySplit()} will throw {@link IndexOutOfBoundsException}.
* In particular, this means that no handling of overflow or underflow
* is performed.
* @apiNote The reasoning behind the throwing if out of range behavior is that, even
* though it can significantly slow the process of splitting, it is much better then
* risking a buggy implementation causing splits to stop happening much earlier then
* intended. Also, splitting is not usually in the "inner loop" of stream operations,
* so this slowness isn't in the bottleneck. That and we have already warned that
* high performance spliterators should prefer implementing all the methods themselves
* instead of through this interface.
* @implSpec This default implementation is a simple split-by-2 strategy, dividing
* in the middle of pos and {@link #getMaxPos()}. It is unspecified whether
* the first range or the second range will be larger in the case of an odd length range.
protected long computeSplitPoint() {
// Overflow safe midpoint computation.
return pos + ((getMaxPos() - pos) / 2);
private void splitPointCheck(final long splitPoint, final long observedMax) {
// TODO When minimum Java version becomes Java 9, use Objects.checkFromToIndex (after first letting == max case pass through)
if (splitPoint < pos || splitPoint > observedMax) {
throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException("splitPoint " + splitPoint + " outside of range of current position " + pos + " and range end " + observedMax);
// Since this is an index based spliterator, list characteristics make sense.
public int characteristics() { return SPLITERATORS.LIST_SPLITERATOR_CHARACTERISTICS; }
public long estimateSize() { return getMaxPos() - pos; }
public boolean tryAdvance(final METHOD_ARG_KEY_CONSUMER action) {
if (pos >= getMaxPos()) return false;
return true;
public void forEachRemaining(final METHOD_ARG_KEY_CONSUMER action) {
for (final long max = getMaxPos(); pos < max; ++pos) {
public long skip(long n) {
if (n < 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Argument must be nonnegative: " + n);
final long max = getMaxPos();
if (pos >= max) return 0;
final long remaining = max - pos;
if (n < remaining) {
pos += n;
return n;
n = remaining;
pos = max;
return n;
/** {@inheritDoc}
* @implSpec This implementation always returns a prefix of the elements, in order to comply with
* the {@link java.util.Spliterator#ORDERED} property. This means this current iterator does not need to
* to update what {@link #getMaxPos()} returns in response to this method (but it may do
* "book-keeping" on it based on binding strategy).
The split point is computed by {@link #computeSplitPoint()}; see that method for details.
* @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if the return of {@link #computeSplitPoint()} was
* {@code < pos} or {@code > {@link #getMaxPos()}}.
final long max = getMaxPos();
final long splitPoint = computeSplitPoint();
if (splitPoint == pos || splitPoint == max) return null;
splitPointCheck(splitPoint, max);
long oldPos = pos;
KEY_SPLITERATOR KEY_GENERIC maybeSplit = makeForSplit(oldPos, splitPoint);
if (maybeSplit != null) this.pos = splitPoint;
return maybeSplit;
* A skeletal implementation for a spliterator backed by an index based data store. High performance
* concrete implementations (like the main Spliterator of ArrayList) generally should avoid using this
* and just implement the interface directly, but should be decent for less
* performance critical implementations.
This class implements an early binding strategy for {@link #getMaxPos()}. The last index
* this spliterator covers is fixed at construction time and does not vary on changes to the
* backing data store. This should usually be the {@linkplain java.util.Collection#size() size} of the
* backing data store (until a split at least), hence the class' name, but this is not required.
As the abstract methods in this class are used in inner loops, it is generally a
* good idea to override the class as {@code final} as to encourage the JVM to inline
* them (or alternatively, override the abstract methods as final).
public static abstract class EarlyBindingSizeIndexBasedSpliterator KEY_GENERIC extends AbstractIndexBasedSpliterator KEY_GENERIC {
/** The maximum {@link #pos} can be */
protected final long maxPos;
protected EarlyBindingSizeIndexBasedSpliterator(long initialPos, long maxPos) {
this.maxPos = maxPos;
protected final long getMaxPos() { return maxPos; }
* A skeletal implementation for a spliterator backed by an index based data store. High performance
* concrete implementations (like the main Spliterator of ArrayList) generally should avoid using this
* and just implement the interface directly, but should be decent for less
* performance critical implementations.
This class implements a late binding strategy. On a new, non-split instance, the
* {@link #getMaxPos() max pos} will track the given data store (usually it's
* {@linkplain java.util.Collection#size() size}, hence the class' name). On the first
* {@linkplain #trySplit() split}, the last index will be read from the backing data store one
* last time and then be fixed for the remaining duration of this instance.
* The returned split should should also be have a constant {@code maxPos}.
As the abstract methods in this class are used in inner loops, it is generally a
* good idea to override the class as {@code final} as to encourage the JVM to inline
* them (or alternatively, override the abstract methods as final).
public static abstract class LateBindingSizeIndexBasedSpliterator KEY_GENERIC extends AbstractIndexBasedSpliterator KEY_GENERIC {
/** The maximum {@link #pos} can be, or -1 if it hasn't been fixed yet. */
protected long maxPos = -1;
private boolean maxPosFixed;
protected LateBindingSizeIndexBasedSpliterator(long initialPos) {
this.maxPosFixed = false;
protected LateBindingSizeIndexBasedSpliterator(long initialPos, long fixedMaxPos) {
this.maxPos = fixedMaxPos;
this.maxPosFixed = true;
/** Return the maximum pos can be dynamically tracking the backing data store.
This method will be the return value of {@link #getMaxPos()} until this spliterator
* is {@linkplain #trySplit()} split, in which case its final return value will be saved
* and remain constant for the rest of the duration of this instance.
protected abstract long getMaxPosFromBackingStore();
protected final long getMaxPos() { return maxPosFixed ? maxPos : getMaxPosFromBackingStore(); }
KEY_SPLITERATOR KEY_GENERIC maybeSplit = super.trySplit();
if (!maxPosFixed && maybeSplit != null) {
maxPos = getMaxPosFromBackingStore();
maxPosFixed = true;
return maybeSplit;