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drv.AbstractBigList.drv Maven / Gradle / Ivy

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fastutil extends the Java Collections Framework by providing type-specific maps, sets, lists, and queues with a small memory footprint and fast access and insertion; it provides also big (64-bit) arrays, sets and lists, sorting algorithms, fast, practical I/O classes for binary and text files, and facilities for memory mapping large files. Note that if you have both this jar and fastutil-core.jar in your dependencies, fastutil-core.jar should be excluded.

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 * Copyright (C) 2010-2016 Sebastiano Vigna
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License. 

package PACKAGE;

#if #keys(reference)
import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.Stack;

import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.NoSuchElementException;

import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.BigList;
import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.BigListIterator;

/**  An abstract class providing basic methods for big lists implementing a type-specific big list interface. */


	protected ABSTRACT_BIG_LIST() {}
	/** Ensures that the given index is nonnegative and not greater than this big-list size.
	 * @param index an index.
	 * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if the given index is negative or greater than this big-list size.
	protected void ensureIndex( final long index ) {
		if ( index < 0 )  throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException( "Index (" + index + ") is negative" );
		if ( index > size64() ) throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException( "Index (" + index + ") is greater than list size (" + ( size64() ) + ")" );
	/** Ensures that the given index is nonnegative and smaller than this big-list size.
	 * @param index an index.
	 * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if the given index is negative or not smaller than this big-list size.
	protected void ensureRestrictedIndex( final long index ) {
		if ( index < 0 )  throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException( "Index (" + index + ") is negative" );
		if ( index >= size64() ) throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException( "Index (" + index + ") is greater than or equal to list size (" + ( size64() ) + ")" );

	public void add( final long index, final KEY_GENERIC_TYPE k ) {
		throw new UnsupportedOperationException();

	public boolean add( final KEY_GENERIC_TYPE k ) {
		add( size64(), k );
		return true;

	public KEY_GENERIC_TYPE REMOVE_KEY( long i ) {
		throw new UnsupportedOperationException();

	public KEY_GENERIC_TYPE REMOVE_KEY( int i ) {
		return REMOVE_KEY( (long)i );

	public KEY_GENERIC_TYPE set( final long index, final KEY_GENERIC_TYPE k ) {
		throw new UnsupportedOperationException();

	public KEY_GENERIC_TYPE set( final int index, final KEY_GENERIC_TYPE k ) {
		return set( (long)index, k );

	public boolean addAll( long index, final Collection c ) {
		ensureIndex( index );
		int n = c.size();
		if ( n == 0 ) return false;
		Iterator i = c.iterator();
		while( n-- != 0 ) add( index++, );
		return true;

	public boolean addAll( int index, final Collection c ) {
		return addAll( (long)index, c );
	/** Delegates to a more generic method. */
	public boolean addAll( final Collection c ) {
		return addAll( size64(), c );

		return listIterator();

	public KEY_BIG_LIST_ITERATOR KEY_GENERIC listIterator() {
		return listIterator( 0L );

	public KEY_BIG_LIST_ITERATOR KEY_GENERIC listIterator( final long index ) {
		ensureIndex( index );

				long pos = index, last = -1;
				public boolean hasNext() { return pos < ABSTRACT_BIG_LIST.this.size64(); }
				public boolean hasPrevious() { return pos > 0; }
				public KEY_GENERIC_TYPE NEXT_KEY() { if ( ! hasNext() ) throw new NoSuchElementException(); return ABSTRACT_BIG_LIST.this.GET_KEY( last = pos++ ); }
				public KEY_GENERIC_TYPE PREV_KEY() { if ( ! hasPrevious() ) throw new NoSuchElementException(); return ABSTRACT_BIG_LIST.this.GET_KEY( last = --pos ); }
				public long nextIndex() { return pos; }
				public long previousIndex() { return pos - 1; }
				public void add( KEY_GENERIC_TYPE k ) { 
					ABSTRACT_BIG_LIST.this.add( pos++, k ); 
					last = -1;
				public void set( KEY_GENERIC_TYPE k ) { 
					if ( last == -1 ) throw new IllegalStateException();
					ABSTRACT_BIG_LIST.this.set( last, k ); 
				public void remove() { 
					if ( last == -1 ) throw new IllegalStateException();
					/* If the last operation was a next(), we are removing an element *before* us, and we must decrease pos correspondingly. */
					if ( last < pos ) pos--;
					last = -1;

	public KEY_BIG_LIST_ITERATOR KEY_GENERIC listIterator( final int index ) {
		return listIterator( (long)index );

	public boolean contains( final KEY_TYPE k ) {
		return indexOf( k ) >= 0;

	public long indexOf( final KEY_TYPE k ) {
		final KEY_BIG_LIST_ITERATOR KEY_GENERIC i = listIterator();
		while( i.hasNext() ) {
			e = i.NEXT_KEY();
			if ( KEY_EQUALS( k, e ) ) return i.previousIndex(); 
		return -1;

	public long lastIndexOf( final KEY_TYPE k ) {
		KEY_BIG_LIST_ITERATOR KEY_GENERIC i = listIterator( size64() );
		while( i.hasPrevious() ) {
			e = i.PREV_KEY();
			if ( KEY_EQUALS( k, e ) ) return i.nextIndex(); 
		return -1;

	public void size( final long size ) {
		long i = size64();
		if ( size > i ) while( i++ < size ) add( KEY_NULL );
		else while( i-- != size ) remove( i );
	public void size( final int size ) {
		size( (long)size );

	public BIG_LIST KEY_GENERIC subList( final long from, final long to ) {
		ensureIndex( from );
		ensureIndex( to );
		if ( from > to ) throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException( "Start index (" + from + ") is greater than end index (" + to + ")" );
		return new SUBLIST KEY_GENERIC( this, from, to );
	/** Removes elements of this type-specific big list one-by-one. 

This is a trivial iterator-based implementation. It is expected that * implementations will override this method with a more optimized version. * * @param from the start index (inclusive). * @param to the end index (exclusive). */ public void removeElements( final long from, final long to ) { ensureIndex( to ); KEY_BIG_LIST_ITERATOR KEY_GENERIC i = listIterator( from ); long n = to - from; if ( n < 0 ) throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Start index (" + from + ") is greater than end index (" + to + ")" ); while( n-- != 0 ) { i.NEXT_KEY(); i.remove(); } } /** Adds elements to this type-specific big list one-by-one. * *

This is a trivial iterator-based implementation. It is expected that * implementations will override this method with a more optimized version. * * @param index the index at which to add elements. * @param a the big array containing the elements. * @param offset the offset of the first element to add. * @param length the number of elements to add. */ public void addElements( long index, final KEY_GENERIC_TYPE a[][], long offset, long length ) { ensureIndex( index ); BIG_ARRAYS.ensureOffsetLength( a, offset, length ); while( length-- != 0 ) add( index++, BIG_ARRAYS.get( a, offset++ ) ); } public void addElements( final long index, final KEY_GENERIC_TYPE a[][] ) { addElements( index, a, 0, BIG_ARRAYS.length( a ) ); } /** Copies element of this type-specific big list into the given big array one-by-one. * *

This is a trivial iterator-based implementation. It is expected that * implementations will override this method with a more optimized version. * * @param from the start index (inclusive). * @param a the destination big array. * @param offset the offset into the destination big array where to store the first element copied. * @param length the number of elements to be copied. */ public void getElements( final long from, final KEY_TYPE a[][], long offset, long length ) { KEY_BIG_LIST_ITERATOR KEY_GENERIC i = listIterator( from ); BIG_ARRAYS.ensureOffsetLength( a, offset, length ); if ( from + length > size64() ) throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException( "End index (" + ( from + length ) + ") is greater than list size (" + size64() + ")" ); while( length-- != 0 ) BIG_ARRAYS.set( a, offset++, i.NEXT_KEY() ); } @Deprecated public int size() { return (int)Math.min( Integer.MAX_VALUE, size64() ); } #if ! #keyclass(Reference) private boolean valEquals( final Object a, final Object b ) { return a == null ? b == null : a.equals( b ); } #endif public boolean equals( final Object o ) { if ( o == this ) return true; if ( ! ( o instanceof BigList ) ) return false; final BigList l = (BigList)o; long s = size64(); if ( s != l.size64() ) return false; #if #keys(primitive) if ( l instanceof BIG_LIST ) { final KEY_BIG_LIST_ITERATOR KEY_GENERIC i1 = listIterator(), i2 = ((BIG_LIST KEY_GENERIC)l).listIterator(); while( s-- != 0 ) if ( i1.NEXT_KEY() != i2.NEXT_KEY() ) return false; return true; } #endif final BigListIterator i1 = listIterator(), i2 = l.listIterator(); #if #keyclass(Reference) while( s-- != 0 ) if ( != ) return false; #else while( s-- != 0 ) if ( ! valEquals(, ) ) return false; #endif return true; } #if ! #keyclass(Reference) /** Compares this big list to another object. If the * argument is a {@link BigList}, this method performs a lexicographical comparison; otherwise, * it throws a ClassCastException. * * @param l a big list. * @return if the argument is a {@link BigList}, a negative integer, * zero, or a positive integer as this list is lexicographically less than, equal * to, or greater than the argument. * @throws ClassCastException if the argument is not a big list. */ SUPPRESS_WARNINGS_KEY_UNCHECKED public int compareTo( final BigList l ) { if ( l == this ) return 0; if ( l instanceof BIG_LIST ) { final KEY_BIG_LIST_ITERATOR KEY_GENERIC i1 = listIterator(), i2 = ((BIG_LIST KEY_GENERIC)l).listIterator(); int r; KEY_GENERIC_TYPE e1, e2; while( i1.hasNext() && i2.hasNext() ) { e1 = i1.NEXT_KEY(); e2 = i2.NEXT_KEY(); if ( ( r = KEY_CMP( e1, e2 ) ) != 0 ) return r; } return i2.hasNext() ? -1 : ( i1.hasNext() ? 1 : 0 ); } BigListIterator i1 = listIterator(), i2 = l.listIterator(); int r; while( i1.hasNext() && i2.hasNext() ) { if ( ( r = ((Comparable) ) ) != 0 ) return r; } return i2.hasNext() ? -1 : ( i1.hasNext() ? 1 : 0 ); } #endif /** Returns the hash code for this big list, which is identical to {@link java.util.List#hashCode()}. * * @return the hash code for this big list. */ public int hashCode() { KEY_ITERATOR KEY_GENERIC i = iterator(); int h = 1; long s = size64(); while ( s-- != 0 ) { KEY_GENERIC_TYPE k = i.NEXT_KEY(); h = 31 * h + KEY2JAVAHASH( k ); } return h; } public void push( KEY_GENERIC_TYPE o ) { add( o ); } public KEY_GENERIC_TYPE POP() { if ( isEmpty() ) throw new NoSuchElementException(); return REMOVE_KEY( size64() - 1 ); } public KEY_GENERIC_TYPE TOP() { if ( isEmpty() ) throw new NoSuchElementException(); return GET_KEY( size64() - 1 ); } public KEY_GENERIC_TYPE PEEK( int i ) { return GET_KEY( size64() - 1 - i ); } #if #keys(primitive) public KEY_TYPE GET_KEY( final int index ) { return GET_KEY( (long)index ); } public boolean rem( KEY_TYPE k ) { long index = indexOf( k ); if ( index == -1 ) return false; REMOVE_KEY( index ); return true; } /** Delegates to a more generic method. */ public boolean addAll( final long index, final COLLECTION c ) { return addAll( index, (Collection)c ); } /** Delegates to a more generic method. */ public boolean addAll( final long index, final BIG_LIST l ) { return addAll( index, (COLLECTION)l ); } public boolean addAll( final COLLECTION c ) { return addAll( size64(), c ); } public boolean addAll( final BIG_LIST l ) { return addAll( size64(), l ); } /** {@inheritDoc} * * Delegates to a more generic method. * * @deprecated Please use the corresponding type-specific method instead. */ @Deprecated public void add( final long index, final KEY_CLASS ok ) { add( index, ok.KEY_VALUE() ); } /** Delegates to the corresponding type-specific method. * @deprecated Please use the corresponding type-specific method instead. */ @Deprecated public KEY_CLASS set( final long index, final KEY_CLASS ok ) { return KEY2OBJ( set( index, ok.KEY_VALUE() ) ); } /** {@inheritDoc} * * Delegates to a more generic method. * * @deprecated Please use the corresponding type-specific method instead. */ @Deprecated public KEY_CLASS get( final long index ) { return KEY2OBJ( GET_KEY( index ) ); } /** {@inheritDoc} * * Delegates to a more generic method. * * @deprecated Please use the corresponding type-specific method instead. */ @Deprecated public long indexOf( final Object ok ) { return indexOf( KEY_OBJ2TYPE( ok ) ); } /** {@inheritDoc} * * Delegates to a more generic method. * * @deprecated Please use the corresponding type-specific method instead. */ @Deprecated public long lastIndexOf( final Object ok ) { return lastIndexOf( KEY_OBJ2TYPE( ok ) ); } /** * Delegates to a more generic method. * * @deprecated Please use the corresponding type-specific method instead. */ @Deprecated public KEY_CLASS remove( final int index ) { return KEY2OBJ( REMOVE_KEY( index ) ); } /** {@inheritDoc} * * Delegates to a more generic method. * * @deprecated Please use the corresponding type-specific method instead. */ @Deprecated public KEY_CLASS remove( final long index ) { return KEY2OBJ( REMOVE_KEY( index ) ); } /** {@inheritDoc} * * Delegates to a more generic method. * * @deprecated Please use the corresponding type-specific method instead. */ @Deprecated public void push( KEY_CLASS o ) { push( o.KEY_VALUE() ); } /** {@inheritDoc} * * Delegates to a more generic method. * * @deprecated Please use the corresponding type-specific method instead. */ @Deprecated public KEY_CLASS pop() { return KEY_CLASS.valueOf( POP() ); } /** {@inheritDoc} * * Delegates to a more generic method. * * @deprecated Please use the corresponding type-specific method instead. */ @Deprecated public KEY_CLASS top() { return KEY_CLASS.valueOf( TOP() ); } /** {@inheritDoc} * * Delegates to a more generic method. * * @deprecated Please use the corresponding type-specific method instead. */ @Deprecated public KEY_CLASS peek( int i ) { return KEY_CLASS.valueOf( PEEK( i ) ); } #else public KEY_GENERIC_CLASS get( int index ) { return get( (long)index ); } #endif public String toString() { final StringBuilder s = new StringBuilder(); final KEY_ITERATOR KEY_GENERIC i = iterator(); long n = size64(); KEY_GENERIC_TYPE k; boolean first = true; s.append("["); while( n-- != 0 ) { if (first) first = false; else s.append(", "); k = i.NEXT_KEY(); #if #keys(reference) if (this == k) s.append("(this big list)"); else #endif s.append( String.valueOf( k ) ); } s.append("]"); return s.toString(); } public static class SUBLIST KEY_GENERIC extends ABSTRACT_BIG_LIST KEY_GENERIC implements { private static final long serialVersionUID = -7046029254386353129L; /** The list this sublist restricts. */ protected final BIG_LIST KEY_GENERIC l; /** Initial (inclusive) index of this sublist. */ protected final long from; /** Final (exclusive) index of this sublist. */ protected long to; private static final boolean ASSERTS = ASSERTS_VALUE; public SUBLIST( final BIG_LIST KEY_GENERIC l, final long from, final long to ) { this.l = l; this.from = from; = to; } private void assertRange() { if ( ASSERTS ) { assert from <= l.size64(); assert to <= l.size64(); assert to >= from; } } public boolean add( final KEY_GENERIC_TYPE k ) { l.add( to, k ); to++; if ( ASSERTS ) assertRange(); return true; } public void add( final long index, final KEY_GENERIC_TYPE k ) { ensureIndex( index ); l.add( from + index, k ); to++; if ( ASSERTS ) assertRange(); } public boolean addAll( final long index, final Collection c ) { ensureIndex( index ); to += c.size(); if ( ASSERTS ) { boolean retVal = l.addAll( from + index, c ); assertRange(); return retVal; } return l.addAll( from + index, c ); } public KEY_GENERIC_TYPE GET_KEY( long index ) { ensureRestrictedIndex( index ); return l.GET_KEY( from + index ); } public KEY_GENERIC_TYPE REMOVE_KEY( long index ) { ensureRestrictedIndex( index ); to--; return l.REMOVE_KEY( from + index ); } public KEY_GENERIC_TYPE set( long index, KEY_GENERIC_TYPE k ) { ensureRestrictedIndex( index ); return l.set( from + index, k ); } public void clear() { removeElements( 0, size64() ); if ( ASSERTS ) assertRange(); } public long size64() { return to - from; } public void getElements( final long from, final KEY_TYPE[][] a, final long offset, final long length ) { ensureIndex( from ); if ( from + length > size64() ) throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException( "End index (" + from + length + ") is greater than list size (" + size64() + ")" ); l.getElements( this.from + from, a, offset, length ); } public void removeElements( final long from, final long to ) { ensureIndex( from ); ensureIndex( to ); l.removeElements( this.from + from, this.from + to ); -= ( to - from ); if ( ASSERTS ) assertRange(); } public void addElements( final long index, final KEY_GENERIC_TYPE a[][], long offset, long length ) { ensureIndex( index ); l.addElements( this.from + index, a, offset, length ); += length; if ( ASSERTS ) assertRange(); } public KEY_BIG_LIST_ITERATOR KEY_GENERIC listIterator( final long index ) { ensureIndex( index ); return new KEY_ABSTRACT_BIG_LIST_ITERATOR KEY_GENERIC() { long pos = index, last = -1; public boolean hasNext() { return pos < size64(); } public boolean hasPrevious() { return pos > 0; } public KEY_GENERIC_TYPE NEXT_KEY() { if ( ! hasNext() ) throw new NoSuchElementException(); return l.GET_KEY( from + ( last = pos++ ) ); } public KEY_GENERIC_TYPE PREV_KEY() { if ( ! hasPrevious() ) throw new NoSuchElementException(); return l.GET_KEY( from + ( last = --pos ) ); } public long nextIndex() { return pos; } public long previousIndex() { return pos - 1; } public void add( KEY_GENERIC_TYPE k ) { if ( last == -1 ) throw new IllegalStateException(); SUBLIST.this.add( pos++, k ); last = -1; if ( ASSERTS ) assertRange(); } public void set( KEY_GENERIC_TYPE k ) { if ( last == -1 ) throw new IllegalStateException(); SUBLIST.this.set( last, k ); } public void remove() { if ( last == -1 ) throw new IllegalStateException(); SUBLIST.this.REMOVE_KEY( last ); /* If the last operation was a next(), we are removing an element *before* us, and we must decrease pos correspondingly. */ if ( last < pos ) pos--; last = -1; if ( ASSERTS ) assertRange(); } }; } public BIG_LIST KEY_GENERIC subList( final long from, final long to ) { ensureIndex( from ); ensureIndex( to ); if ( from > to ) throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Start index (" + from + ") is greater than end index (" + to + ")" ); return new SUBLIST KEY_GENERIC( this, from, to ); } #if #keys(primitive) public boolean rem( KEY_TYPE k ) { long index = indexOf( k ); if ( index == -1 ) return false; to--; l.REMOVE_KEY( from + index ); if ( ASSERTS ) assertRange(); return true; } public boolean remove( final Object o ) { return rem( KEY_OBJ2TYPE( o ) ); } public boolean addAll( final long index, final COLLECTION c ) { ensureIndex( index ); to += c.size(); if ( ASSERTS ) { boolean retVal = l.addAll( from + index, c ); assertRange(); return retVal; } return l.addAll( from + index, c ); } public boolean addAll( final long index, final LIST l ) { ensureIndex( index ); to += l.size(); if ( ASSERTS ) { boolean retVal = this.l.addAll( from + index, l ); assertRange(); return retVal; } return this.l.addAll( from + index, l ); } #else public boolean remove( final Object o ) { long index = indexOf( o ); if ( index == -1 ) return false; REMOVE_KEY( index ); return true; } #endif } }

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