src.it.unimi.dsi.sux4j.mph.solve.Modulo2System Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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package it.unimi.dsi.sux4j.mph.solve;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collections;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
* Sux4J: Succinct data structures for Java
* Copyright (C) 2015-2017 Sebastiano Vigna
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free
* Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option)
* any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
* WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
* or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License
* for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
* along with this program; if not, see .
import it.unimi.dsi.Util;
import it.unimi.dsi.bits.LongArrayBitVector;
import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.HashCommon;
import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.ints.IntArrayList;
/** Solver for linear systems on F2.
* Variables are k-dimensional vectors on F2, with 0 ≤ k ≤ 64.
* @author Sebastiano Vigna
public class Modulo2System {
private final static Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(Modulo2System.class);
private final static boolean DEBUG = false;
/** An equation on F2. */
public static class Modulo2Equation {
/** The vector representing the coefficients (one bit for each variable). */
protected final LongArrayBitVector bitVector;
/** The {@link LongArrayBitVector#bits() bv.bits()}, cached. */
protected final long[] bits;
/** The constant term. */
protected long c;
/** The first variable. It is {@link Integer#MAX_VALUE} if the
* first variable is not known. This field must be updated by {@link #updateFirstVar()} to be meaningful. */
protected int firstVar;
/** Whether any variable appears on the left side of the equation. */
private boolean isEmpty;
/** Creates a new equation.
* @param c the constant term.
* @param numVars the number of variables.
public Modulo2Equation(final long c, final int numVars){
this.c = c;
this.bitVector = LongArrayBitVector.ofLength(numVars);
this.bits = bitVector.bits();
this.firstVar = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
this.isEmpty = true;
protected Modulo2Equation(final Modulo2Equation equation){
this.c = equation.c;
this.bitVector = equation.bitVector.copy();
this.bits = this.bitVector.bits();
this.firstVar = equation.firstVar;
this.isEmpty = equation.isEmpty;
/** Adds a new variable.
* @param variable a variable.
* @return this equation.
* @throws IllegalStateException if you try to add twice the same variable.
public Modulo2Equation add(final int variable) {
assert ! bitVector.getBoolean(variable);
isEmpty = false;
return this;
/** Returns an array containing the variables in increasing order.
* Mainly for debugging purposes.
* @return an array containing the variables in increasing order.
public int[] variables() {
final IntArrayList variables = new IntArrayList();
for(int i = 0; i < bitVector.length(); i++) if (bitVector.getBoolean(i)) variables.add(i);
return variables.toIntArray();
/** Add another equation to this equation.
* @param equation an equation.
public void add(final Modulo2Equation equation) {
this.c ^= equation.c;
final long[] x = this.bits, y = equation.bits;
long isNotEmpty = 0;
for(int i = x.length; i-- != 0;) isNotEmpty |= (x[i] ^= y[i]);
isEmpty = isNotEmpty == 0;
/** Updates the information contained in {@link #firstVar}. */
public void updateFirstVar() {
if (isEmpty) firstVar = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
else {
int i = -1;
while(bits[++i] == 0);
firstVar = i * 64 + Long.numberOfTrailingZeros(bits[i]);
public boolean isUnsolvable() {
return isEmpty && c != 0;
public boolean isIdentity() {
return isEmpty && c == 0;
public int hashCode() {
return (int) HashCommon.murmurHash3(c ^ bitVector.hashCode());
public boolean equals(Object o) {
if (! (o instanceof Modulo2Equation)) return false;
final Modulo2Equation equation = (Modulo2Equation)o;
return c == equation.c && bitVector.equals(equation.bitVector);
/** Returns the modulo-2 scalar product of the two provided bit vectors.
* @param bits a bit vector represented as an array of longs.
* @param values an array of long representing the 64-bit values associated with each variable.
* @return the modulo-2 scalar product of {@code x} and {code y}.
public static long scalarProduct(final long[] bits, final long[] values) {
long sum = 0;
for(int i = bits.length; i-- != 0;) {
final int offset = i * 64;
long word = bits[i];
while(word != 0) {
final int lsb = Long.numberOfTrailingZeros(word);
sum ^= values[offset + lsb];
word &= word - 1;
return sum;
public String toString() {
final StringBuilder b = new StringBuilder();
boolean someNonZero = false;
for(int i = 0; i < bitVector.length(); i++) {
if (bitVector.getBoolean(i)) {
if (someNonZero) b.append(" + ");
someNonZero = true;
if (! someNonZero) b.append('0');
return b.append(" = ").append(c).toString();
public Modulo2Equation copy() {
return new Modulo2Equation(this);
/** The number of variables. */
private final int numVars;
/** The equations. */
private final ArrayList equations;
public Modulo2System(final int numVars) {
equations = new ArrayList<>();
this.numVars = numVars;
protected Modulo2System(final int numVars , ArrayList equations) {
this.equations = equations;
this.numVars = numVars;
public Modulo2System copy() {
final ArrayList list = new ArrayList<>(equations.size());
for(final Modulo2Equation equation: equations) list.add(equation.copy());
return new Modulo2System(numVars, list);
/** Adds an equation to the system.
* @param equation an equation with the same number of variables of the system.
public void add(Modulo2Equation equation) {
if (equation.bitVector.length() != numVars) throw new IllegalArgumentException("The number of variables in the equation (" + equation.bitVector.length() + ") does not match the number of variables of the system (" + numVars + ")");
public String toString() {
final StringBuilder b = new StringBuilder();
for (int i = 0; i < equations.size(); i++) b.append(equations.get(i)).append('\n');
return b.toString();
public boolean check(final long[] solution) {
assert solution.length == numVars;
for(final Modulo2Equation equation: equations)
if (equation.c != Modulo2Equation.scalarProduct(equation.bits, solution)) return false;
return true;
private boolean echelonForm() {
main: for (int i = 0; i < equations.size() - 1; i++) {
assert equations.get(i).firstVar != Integer.MAX_VALUE;
for (int j = i + 1; j < equations.size(); j++) {
// Note that because of exchanges we cannot extract the first assignment
final Modulo2Equation eqJ = equations.get(j);
final Modulo2Equation eqI = equations.get(i);
assert eqI.firstVar != Integer.MAX_VALUE;
assert eqJ.firstVar != Integer.MAX_VALUE;
final int firstVar = eqI.firstVar;
if(firstVar == eqJ.firstVar) {
if (eqI.isUnsolvable()) return false;
if (eqI.isIdentity()) continue main;
if (eqI.firstVar > eqJ.firstVar) Collections.swap(equations, i, j);
return true;
/** Solves the system using Gaussian elimination.
* @param solution an array where the solution will be written.
* @return true if the system is solvable.
public boolean gaussianElimination(final long[] solution) {
assert solution.length == numVars;
for (final Modulo2Equation equation: equations) equation.updateFirstVar();
if (! echelonForm()) return false;
for (int i = equations.size(); i-- != 0;) {
final Modulo2Equation equation = equations.get(i);
if (equation.isIdentity()) continue;
assert solution[equation.firstVar] == 0 : equation.firstVar;
solution[equation.firstVar] = equation.c ^ Modulo2Equation.scalarProduct(equation.bits, solution);
return true;
/** Solves the system using lazy Gaussian elimination.
* Warning: this method is very inefficient, as it
* scans linearly the equations, builds from scratch the {@code var2Eq}
* parameter of {@link #lazyGaussianElimination(Modulo2System, int[][], long[], int[], long[])},
* and finally calls it. It should be used mainly to write unit tests.
* @param solution an array where the solution will be written.
* @return true if the system is solvable.
public boolean lazyGaussianElimination(final long[] solution) {
final int[][] var2Eq = new int[numVars][];
final int[] d = new int[numVars];
for(final Modulo2Equation equation: equations)
for(int v = (int)equation.bitVector.length(); v-- != 0;)
if (equation.bitVector.getBoolean(v)) d[v]++;
for(int v = numVars; v-- != 0;) var2Eq[v] = new int[d[v]];
Arrays.fill(d, 0);
final long[] c = new long[equations.size()];
for(int e = 0; e < equations.size(); e++) {
c[e] = equations.get(e).c;
final LongArrayBitVector bitVector = equations.get(e).bitVector;
for(int v = (int)bitVector.length(); v-- != 0;)
if (bitVector.getBoolean(v)) var2Eq[v][d[v]++] = e;
return lazyGaussianElimination(this, var2Eq, c, Util.identity(numVars), solution);
/** Solves a system using lazy Gaussian elimination.
* @param var2Eq an array of arrays describing, for each variable, in which equation it appears;
* equation indices must appear in nondecreasing order; an equation
* may appear several times for a given variable, in which case the final coefficient
* of the variable in the equation is given by the number of appearances modulo 2 (this weird format is useful
* when calling this method from a {@link Linear3SystemSolver}). Note that this array
* will be altered if some equation appears multiple time associated with a variable.
* @param c the array of known terms, one for each equation.
* @param variable the variables with respect to which the system should be solved
* (variables not appearing in this array will be simply assigned zero).
* @param solution an array where the solution will be written.
* @return true if the system is solvable.
public static boolean lazyGaussianElimination(final int var2Eq[][], final long[] c, final int[] variable, final long[] solution) {
return lazyGaussianElimination(null, var2Eq, c, variable, solution);
/** Solves a system using lazy Gaussian elimination.
* @param system a modulo-2 system, or {@code null}, in which case the system will be rebuilt
* from the other variables.
* @param var2Eq an array of arrays describing, for each variable, in which equation it appears;
* equation indices must appear in nondecreasing order; an equation
* may appear several times for a given variable, in which case the final coefficient
* of the variable in the equation is given by the number of appearances modulo 2 (this weird format is useful
* when calling this method from a {@link Linear3SystemSolver}). The resulting system
* must be identical to {@code system}. Note that this array
* will be altered if some equation appears multiple time associated with a variable.
* @param c the array of known terms, one for each equation.
* @param variable the variables with respect to which the system should be solved
* (variables not appearing in this array will be simply assigned zero).
* @param solution an array where the solution will be written.
* @return true if the system is solvable.
public static boolean lazyGaussianElimination(Modulo2System system, final int var2Eq[][], final long[] c, final int[] variable, final long[] solution) {
final int numEquations = c.length;
if (numEquations == 0) return true;
final int numVars = var2Eq.length;
assert solution.length == numVars;
final boolean buildSystem = system == null;
if (buildSystem) {
system = new Modulo2System(numVars);
for(int i = 0; i < c.length; i++) system.add(new Modulo2Equation(c[i], numVars));
/* The weight of each variable, that is, the number of equations still
* in the queue in which the variable appears. We use zero to
* denote pivots of solved equations. */
final int weight[] = new int[numVars];
// The priority of each equation still to be examined (the number of light variables).
final int[] priority = new int[numEquations];
for(final int v : variable) {
final int[] eq = var2Eq[v];
if (eq.length == 0) continue;
int currEq = eq[0];
boolean currCoeff = true;
int j = 0;
/* We count the number of appearances in an equation and compute
* the correct coefficient (which might be zero). If there are
* several appearances of the same equation, we compact the array
* and, in the end, replace it with a shorter one. */
for(int i = 1; i < eq.length; i++) {
if (eq[i] != currEq) {
assert eq[i] > currEq;
if (currCoeff) {
if (buildSystem) system.equations.get(currEq).add(v);
eq[j++] = currEq;
currEq = eq[i];
currCoeff = true;
else currCoeff = ! currCoeff;
if (currCoeff) {
if (buildSystem) system.equations.get(currEq).add(v);
eq[j++] = currEq;
// In case we found duplicates, we replace the array with a uniquified one.
if (j != eq.length) var2Eq[v] = Arrays.copyOf(var2Eq[v], j);
if (DEBUG) {
System.err.println("===== Going to solve... ======");
// All variables in a stack returning heavier variables first.
final IntArrayList variables;
final int[] t = Util.identity(numVars);
final int[] u = new int[t.length];
final int[] count = new int[numEquations + 1]; // CountSort
for(int i = t.length; i-- != 0;) count[weight[t[i]]]++;
for(int i = 1; i < count.length; i++) count[i] += count[i - 1];
for(int i = t.length; i-- != 0;) u[--count[weight[t[i]]]] = t[i];
variables = IntArrayList.wrap(u);
// The equations that are not dense and have weight <= 1.
final IntArrayList equationList = new IntArrayList();
for(int i = priority.length; i-- != 0;) if (priority[i] <= 1) equationList.add(i);
// The equations that are part of the dense system (entirely made of active variables).
final ArrayList dense = new ArrayList<>();
// The equations that define a solved variable in term of active variables.
final ArrayList solved = new ArrayList<>();
// The solved variables (parallel to solved).
final IntArrayList pivots = new IntArrayList();
final ArrayList equations = system.equations;
// A bit vector containing a 1 in correspondence of each idle variable.
final long[] idleNormalized = new long[equations.get(0).bits.length];
Arrays.fill(idleNormalized, -1);
int numActive = 0;
for(int remaining = equations.size(); remaining != 0;) {
if (equationList.isEmpty()) {
// Make another variable heavy
int var;
do var = variables.popInt(); while(weight[var] == 0);
idleNormalized[var / 64] ^= 1L << (var % 64);
if (DEBUG) System.err.println("Making variable " + var + " of weight " + weight[var] + " heavy (" + remaining + " equations to go)");
for(final int equationIndex: var2Eq[var])
if (--priority[equationIndex] == 1) equationList.push(equationIndex);
else {
final int first = equationList.popInt(); // An equation of weight 0 or 1.
final Modulo2Equation equation = equations.get(first);
if (DEBUG) System.err.println("Looking at equation " + first + " of priority " + priority[first] + " : " + equation);
if (priority[first] == 0) {
if (equation.isUnsolvable()) return false;
if (equation.isIdentity()) continue;
/* This equation must be necessarily solved by standard Gaussian elimination. No updated
* is needed, as all its variables are heavy. */
else if (priority[first] == 1) {
/* This is solved (in terms of the heavy variables). Let's find the pivot, that is,
* the only idle variable. Note that we do not need to update varEquation[] of any variable, as they
* are all either heavy (the non-pivot), or appearing only in this equation (the pivot). */
int wordIndex = 0;
while((equation.bits[wordIndex] & idleNormalized[wordIndex]) == 0) wordIndex++;
final int pivot = wordIndex * 64 + Long.numberOfTrailingZeros(equation.bits[wordIndex] & idleNormalized[wordIndex]);
// Record the idle variable and the equation for computing it later.
if (DEBUG) System.err.println("Adding to solved variables x_" + pivot + " by equation " + equation);
// This forces to skip the pivot when looking for a new variable to be made heavy.
weight[pivot] = 0;
// Now we need to eliminate the variable from all other equations containing it.
for(final int equationIndex: var2Eq[pivot]) {
if (equationIndex == first) continue;
if (--priority[equationIndex] == 1) equationList.add(equationIndex);
if (DEBUG) System.err.print("Replacing equation (" + equationIndex + ") " + equations.get(equationIndex) + " with ");
if (DEBUG) System.err.println(equations.get(equationIndex));
LOGGER.debug("Active variables: " + numActive + " (" + Util.format(numActive * 100 / numVars) + "%)");
if (DEBUG) {
System.err.println("Dense equations: " + dense);
System.err.println("Solved equations: " + solved);
System.err.println("Pivots: " + pivots);
final Modulo2System denseSystem = new Modulo2System(numVars, dense);
if (! denseSystem.gaussianElimination(solution)) return false; // numVars >= denseSystem.numVars
if (DEBUG) System.err.println("Solution (dense): " + Arrays.toString(solution));
for (int i = solved.size(); i-- != 0;) {
final Modulo2Equation equation = solved.get(i);
final int pivot = pivots.getInt(i);
assert solution[pivot] == 0 : pivot;
solution[pivot] = equation.c ^ Modulo2Equation.scalarProduct(equation.bits, solution);
if (DEBUG) System.err.println("Solution (all): " + Arrays.toString(solution));
return true;
/* Temporary method to test speedup due to lazy Gaussian elimination. */
public static boolean gaussianElimination(final int var2Eq[][], final long[] c, final int[] variable, final long[] solution) {
final int numEquations = c.length;
if (numEquations == 0) return true;
final int numVars = var2Eq.length;
assert solution.length == numVars;
final Modulo2System system = new Modulo2System(numVars);
for(int i = 0; i < c.length; i++) system.add(new Modulo2Equation(c[i], numVars));
for(final int v : variable) {
final int[] eq = var2Eq[v];
if (eq.length == 0) continue;
int currEq = eq[0];
boolean currCoeff = true;
int j = 0;
/** We count the number of appearances in an equation and compute
* the correct coefficient (which might be zero). If there are
* several appearances of the same equation, we compact the array
* and, in the end, replace it with a shorter one. */
for(int i = 1; i < eq.length; i++) {
if (eq[i] != currEq) {
assert eq[i] > currEq;
if (currCoeff) {
eq[j++] = currEq;
currEq = eq[i];
currCoeff = true;
else currCoeff = ! currCoeff;
if (currCoeff) {
eq[j++] = currEq;
// In case we found duplicates, we replace the array with a uniquified one.
if (j != eq.length) var2Eq[v] = Arrays.copyOf(var2Eq[v], j);
if (! system.gaussianElimination(solution)) return false; // numVars >= denseSystem.numVars
return true;