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package it.unimi.dsi.sux4j.mph.codec;
* Sux4J: Succinct data structures for Java
* Copyright (C) 2017-2019 Sebastiano Vigna
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free
* Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option)
* any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
* WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
* or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License
* for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
* along with this program; if not, see .
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.util.Arrays;
import it.unimi.dsi.bits.Fast;
import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.longs.Long2IntMap;
import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.longs.Long2IntMaps;
import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.longs.Long2IntOpenHashMap;
import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.longs.Long2LongMap;
import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.longs.LongArrays;
import it.unimi.dsi.sux4j.mph.GV3CompressedFunction;
/** A class representing a specific instantaneous code for {@linkplain GV3CompressedFunction compressed functions}.
* The logic of this code is quite tightly coupled with such functions, and it is unlikely to be resusable elsewhere easily.
* @author Sebastiano Vigna
* @author Marco Genuzio
public interface Codec {
/** A coder: provides methods to turn symbols into codewords. */
public interface Coder {
/** Returns the codeword associated with a symbol, or −1 if the provided symbol should be escaped.
* If a symbol needs to be escaped, it must be encoded using
* the {@linkplain #escape() escape codeword} followed by
* the symbol written in a field of {@link #escapedSymbolLength()} bits.
* @param symbol a symbol.
* @return the associated codeword.
long encode(long symbol);
/** Returns the length of the codeword associated with the given symbol.
For escaped symbols, the returned values is the length of
* the escape codeword plus {@link #escapedSymbolLength()}.
* @param symbol a symbol provided at construction time.
* @return the length of the codeword associated with the given symbol.
int codewordLength(long symbol);
/** Returns the maximum length of a codeword (including escaped symbols).
* @return the maximum length of a codeword (including escaped symbols).
int maxCodewordLength();
/** Returns the length in bit of an escaped symbol, or zero if there are no escaped symbols.
* @return the length in bit of an escaped symbol, or zero if there are no escaped symbols.
default int escapedSymbolLength() {
return 0;
/** Returns the escape codeword, if it exists.
Note that the length of the escape codeword can be recovered
* by subtracting from the {@linkplain #codewordLength(long) length of the codeword of an escaped symbol}
* the {@linkplain #escapedSymbolLength() length of an escaped symbol}.
* @return the escape codeword, if it exists.
default long escape() {
return 0;
/** Return a decoder associated with this coder.
* @return a decoder associated with this coder.
Decoder getDecoder();
/** A decoder: provides a {@linkplain #decode(long) method} to turn sequences of bits into symbols.
Note that a decoder can only built using {@link Coder#getDecoder()}.
public interface Decoder extends Serializable {
/** Decodes a sequence of bits.
If the first codeword appearing in the sequence is the
* {@linkplain Coder#escape() escape codeword}, this method returns −1 and the actual
* symbol must be retrieved by reading {@link #escapedSymbolLength()}
* further bits.
This method assumes that the first
* bit of the code is the leftmost bit (i.e., the bit of index
* {@link Coder#maxCodewordLength()} − 1).
* @param sequence a sequence of bits.
* @return the symbol associated with the first codeword appearing in the sequence,
* or −1 if the codeword is an escape.
long decode(long sequence);
/** The number of bits used by this decoder.
* @return the number of bits used by this decoder.
long numBits();
/** Returns the length in bit of an escaped symbol, or zero if there are no escaped symbols.
* @return the length in bit of an escaped symbol, or zero if there are no escaped symbols.
default int escapedSymbolLength() {
return 0;
/** Returns the length of the escape codeword, if it exists, or zero.
* @return the escape codeword, if it exists, or zero.
default int escapeLength() {
return 0;
/** Returns a coder for a specific map from symbols to frequencies.
Note that even instantaneous codes (such as {@link Unary}) need to know
* the set of symbols, as the returned coder needs
* to known the {@linkplain Coder#maxCodewordLength() maximum codeword length}.
* @param frequencies a map from symbols (longs) to frequencies (longs).
* @return a coder for the given map.
Coder getCoder(Long2LongMap frequencies);
/** A binary fixed-width codec. */
public static class Binary implements Codec {
protected static class Coder implements Codec.Coder {
private final int codewordLength;
protected final static class Decoder implements Codec.Decoder {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 0L;
public long decode(final long value) {
return value;
public long numBits() {
return 0;
public Coder(final int codewordLength) {
this.codewordLength = codewordLength;
public long encode(final long next) {
return Long.reverse(next) >>> 64 - codewordLength;
public int codewordLength(final long symbol) {
return codewordLength;
public int maxCodewordLength() {
return codewordLength;
public Decoder getDecoder() {
return new Decoder();
public Coder getCoder(final Long2LongMap frequencies) {
assert Longs.min(frequencies.values().toLongArray()) > 0;
return new Coder(Fast.length(Longs.max(frequencies.keySet().toLongArray())));
/** A codec based on Elias's γ code (starting at zero). */
public static class Gamma implements Codec {
protected static class Coder implements Codec.Coder {
private final int maxCodewordLength;
protected final static class Decoder implements Codec.Decoder {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 0L;
private final int maxCodewordLengthMinusOne;
public Decoder(final int maxCodewordLength) {
this.maxCodewordLengthMinusOne = maxCodewordLength - 1;
public long decode(final long code) {
final int length = maxCodewordLengthMinusOne - 63 + Long.numberOfLeadingZeros(code);
return (code >>> maxCodewordLengthMinusOne - 2 * length) - 1;
public long numBits() {
return Integer.SIZE;
public Coder(final int maxCodewordLength) {
this.maxCodewordLength = maxCodewordLength;
public long encode(long symbol) {
final int msb = Fast.mostSignificantBit(symbol);
return Long.reverse(symbol) >>> 63 - 2 * msb;
public int codewordLength(final long symbol) {
return 2 * Fast.mostSignificantBit(symbol + 1) + 1;
public int maxCodewordLength() {
return maxCodewordLength;
public Decoder getDecoder() {
return new Decoder(maxCodewordLength);
public Coder getCoder(final Long2LongMap frequencies) {
assert Longs.min(frequencies.values().toLongArray()) > 0;
return new Coder(Fast.mostSignificantBit(Longs.max(frequencies.keySet().toLongArray()) + 1) * 2 + 1);
/** A unary codec (starting at zero). */
public static class Unary implements Codec {
protected static class Coder implements Codec.Coder {
private final int maxCodewordLength;
protected final static class Decoder implements Codec.Decoder {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 0L;
private final int maxCodewordLengthMinus64;
public Decoder(final int maxCodewordLength) {
maxCodewordLengthMinus64 = maxCodewordLength - 64;
public long decode(final long value) {
return maxCodewordLengthMinus64 + Long.numberOfLeadingZeros(value);
public long numBits() {
return Integer.SIZE;
public Coder(final int maxCodewordLength) {
this.maxCodewordLength = maxCodewordLength;
public long encode(final long symbol) {
return 1L << symbol;
public int codewordLength(final long symbol) {
return (int) symbol + 1;
public int maxCodewordLength() {
return maxCodewordLength;
public Decoder getDecoder() {
return new Decoder(maxCodewordLength);
public Coder getCoder(final Long2LongMap frequencies) {
assert Longs.min(frequencies.values().toLongArray()) > 0;
return new Coder((int) Longs.max(frequencies.keySet().toLongArray()) + 1);
/** A degenerate stateless codec (always returns zero). */
public static class ZeroCodec implements Codec {
private static final ZeroCodec INSTANCE = new ZeroCodec();
private ZeroCodec() {}
public static ZeroCodec getInstance() {
return INSTANCE;
protected static class Coder implements Codec.Coder {
private static Coder INSTANCE = new Coder();
protected final static class Decoder implements Codec.Decoder {
private static Decoder INSTANCE = new Decoder();
private static final long serialVersionUID = 0L;
public long decode(final long value) {
return 0;
public long numBits() {
return 0;
private Object readResolve() {
return INSTANCE;
public long encode(final long symbol) {
throw new AssertionError("The zero codec cannot encode symbols");
public int codewordLength(final long symbol) {
throw new AssertionError("The zero codec cannot encode symbols");
public int maxCodewordLength() {
return 0;
public Decoder getDecoder() {
return Decoder.INSTANCE;
public Coder getCoder(final Long2LongMap frequencies) {
assert frequencies.isEmpty();
return Coder.INSTANCE;
/** A Huffman codec with length-limiting capabilities and a fast canonical decoder. */
public static class Huffman implements Codec {
/** Hard limit for the length of the decoding table. */
private final int maxDecodingTableLength;
/** The decoding table will be truncated if the accumulated entropy (starting from the most frequent symbols) exceeds this fraction of the overall entropy. */
private final double entropyThreshold;
/** Creates a new Huffman codec with specified limit and entropy threshold.
* @param maxDecodingTableLength a hard limit for the length of the decoding table.
* @param entropyThreshold the decoding table will be truncated if the accumulated entropy (starting from the most frequent symbols) exceeds this fraction of the overall entropy.
public Huffman(final int maxDecodingTableLength, final double entropyThreshold) {
this.maxDecodingTableLength = maxDecodingTableLength;
this.entropyThreshold = entropyThreshold;
/** Creates a new Huffman codec with specified limit and entropy threshold equal to 0.999.
* @param maxDecodingTableLength a hard limit for the length of the decoding table.
public Huffman(final int maxDepth) {
this(maxDepth, 0.999);
/** Creates a new Huffman codec no length limitations. */
public Huffman() {
this(Integer.MAX_VALUE, 1);
public final static class Coder implements Codec.Coder {
private final long[] codeword;
private final int[] codewordLength;
private final long[] symbol;
private final Long2IntMap symbol2Rank;
private final int escapedSymbolLength;
private final int escapeLength;
public final static class Decoder implements Codec.Decoder {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 0L;
private final int escapedSymbolLength;
private final int escapeLength;
private final long[] lastCodeWordPlusOne;
private final int[] howManyUpToBlock;
private final long[] symbol;
private final byte[] shift;
public Decoder(final long[] lastCodeWordPlusOne, final int[] howManyUpToBlock, final byte[] shift, final int escapeLength, final int escapedSymbolLength, final long[] symbol) {
this.lastCodeWordPlusOne = lastCodeWordPlusOne;
this.howManyUpToBlock = howManyUpToBlock;
this.shift = shift;
this.escapeLength = escapeLength;
this.escapedSymbolLength = escapedSymbolLength;
this.symbol = symbol;
public int escapedSymbolLength() {
return escapedSymbolLength;
public int escapeLength() {
return escapeLength;
public long decode(final long value) {
//System.err.println("value: " + StringUtils.leftPad(Long.toBinaryString(value), 64, '0'));
final long[] lastCodeWordPlusOne = this.lastCodeWordPlusOne;
for (int curr = 0;; curr++) {
// System.err.println("Checking " + Long.toHexString(value) + " against " + Long.toHexString(lastCodeWordPlusOne[curr]));
if (value < lastCodeWordPlusOne[curr]) {
//System.err.println("LC:" + StringUtils.leftPad(Long.toBinaryString(lastCodeWordPlusOne[curr]), 64, '0'));
//System.err.println("Diff: " + StringUtils.leftPad(Long.toBinaryString((lastCodeWordPlusOne[curr] >>> (shift[curr])) - (x >>> (shift[curr]))), 64, '0'));
//System.err.println(curr + " " + listLength);
final int s = shift[curr];
return symbol[(int)((value >>> s) - (lastCodeWordPlusOne[curr] >>> s)) + howManyUpToBlock[curr]];
public long numBits() {
return Integer.SIZE * shift.length + Integer.SIZE * howManyUpToBlock.length + Long.SIZE * lastCodeWordPlusOne.length + Long.SIZE * symbol.length;
public void dump(final ByteBuffer buffer) {
for(final long l : lastCodeWordPlusOne) buffer.putLong(l);
for(final int i : howManyUpToBlock) buffer.putInt(i);
for(final byte i : shift) buffer.put(i);
for(final long l : symbol) buffer.putLong(l);
public Coder(final long[] codeWord, final int[] codewordLength, final long[] symbol, final Long2IntMap symbol2Rank, final int escapedSymbolLength) {
this.codeword = codeWord;
this.codewordLength = codewordLength;
this.symbol = symbol;
this.symbol2Rank = symbol2Rank;
this.escapedSymbolLength = escapedSymbolLength;
this.escapeLength = codewordLength[codewordLength.length - 1];
public long encode(final long symbol) {
final int rank = symbol2Rank.get(symbol);
return rank == -1 ? -1 : codeword[rank];
public int codewordLength(final long symbol) {
final int rank = symbol2Rank.get(symbol);
return rank == -1 ? escapeLength + escapedSymbolLength : codewordLength[rank];
public int maxCodewordLength() {
if (codewordLength.length == 0) return 0;
return codewordLength[codewordLength.length - 1] + escapedSymbolLength;
public long escape() {
return codeword[codeword.length - 1];
public int escapedSymbolLength() {
return escapedSymbolLength;
public Decoder getDecoder() {
final int size = codeword.length;
final int w = maxCodewordLength();
if (w > 62) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Codeword length must not exceed 62");
//System.err.println("w: " + w);
// We compute how many different codeword lengths are present. We
// check also for excessive or nondecreasing length.
int decodingTableLength = size < 2 ? 0 : 1;
if (size > 1) for (int i = size - 1; i-- != 0;) {
assert codewordLength[i] <= codewordLength[i + 1];
if (codewordLength[i] != codewordLength[i + 1]) decodingTableLength++;
decodingTableLength++; // For the escape codeword
final byte[] shift = new byte[decodingTableLength];
final int[] howManyUpToBlock = new int[decodingTableLength];
final long[] lastCodeWordPlusOne = new long[decodingTableLength];
int p = -1, l = -1, prevL = 0;
long word = 0;
//System.err.println("Codewords: " + Arrays.toString(codeWord));
//System.err.println("Codeword length: " + Arrays.toString(codeWordLength));
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
//System.err.println("Codeword: " + codeWord[i]);
l = codewordLength[i];
if (l != prevL || i == size - 1) {
if (i != 0) {
lastCodeWordPlusOne[p] = word << w - prevL;
// System.err.println("lastCodeWordPlusPone[p] : " +StringUtils.leftPad(Long.toBinaryString(lastCodeWordPlusOne[p]), 64, '0') + " l: "+ l );
howManyUpToBlock[p] = i;
shift[++p] = (byte) (w - l);
word <<= l - prevL;
prevL = l;
//System.err.println("word*: " + StringUtils.leftPad(Long.toBinaryString(word), 64, '0'));
lastCodeWordPlusOne[p] = -1L >>> 1; // Escape, if necessary
shift[p] = 63;
if (symbol.length != 0) symbol[size - 1] = -1;
howManyUpToBlock[p] = size - 1;
//System.err.println("Symbol: " + Arrays.toString(symbol));
//System.err.println("Last code word plus one: " + Arrays.toString(LongArrayList.wrap(lastCodeWordPlusOne).stream().map(x -> StringUtils.leftPad(Long.toBinaryString(x), 64, '0')).toArray(String[]::new)));
return new Decoder(lastCodeWordPlusOne, howManyUpToBlock, shift, l, escapedSymbolLength, symbol);
public Coder getCoder(final Long2LongMap frequencies) {
assert frequencies.isEmpty() || Longs.min(frequencies.values().toLongArray()) > 0;
final int size = frequencies.size();
if (size == 0) return new Coder(new long[1], new int[1], new long[0], Long2IntMaps.EMPTY_MAP, 0);
final long[] symbol = new long[size];
// Sort symbols by frequency
LongArrays.quickSort(symbol, (x,y) ->, frequencies.get(x)));
//System.err.println("a:" + Arrays.toString(a));
final long[] a = new long[size];
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) a[size - 1 - i] = frequencies.get(symbol[i]);
//System.err.println("a: " + Arrays.toString(a));
// The following lines are from Moffat & Katajainen sample code.
// Please refer to their paper.
long overallLength = 0;
if (size > 1) {
// First pass, left to right, setting parent pointers.
a[0] += a[1];
int root = 0;
int leaf = 2;
for (int next = 1; next < size - 1; next++) {
// Select first item for a pairing.
if (leaf >= size || a[root] < a[leaf]) {
a[next] = a[root];
a[root++] = next;
} else a[next] = a[leaf++];
// Add on the second item.
if (leaf >= size || (root < next && a[root] < a[leaf])) {
a[next] += a[root];
a[root++] = next;
} else a[next] += a[leaf++];
// Second pass, right to left, setting internal depths.
a[size - 2] = 0;
for (int next = size - 3; next >= 0; next--)
a[next] = a[(int) a[next]] + 1;
// Third pass, right to left, setting leaf depths.
int available = 1, used = 0, depth = 0;
root = size - 2;
int next = size - 1;
// We now compute depth and the overall length of all symbols
while (available > 0) {
while (root >= 0 && a[root] == depth) {
while (available > used) {
overallLength += depth * frequencies.get(symbol[size - next - 1]);
//System.err.println(depth + " => " + frequencies.get(symbol[size - next - 1]));
a[next--] = depth;
available = 2 * used;
used = 0;
else a[0] = 1;
// Reverse the order of symbol lengths, and store them into an int array.
final int[] length = new int[size + 1];
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) length[size - 1 - i] = (int) a[i];
/* We now progress through the symbols, from more frequent
* to less frequent, computing for each prefix of symbols
* the length of the decoding table and the cumulative
* length of such symbols. If we pass the table length limit
* or the empirical entropy threshold be break the loop. */
long accumulatedOverallLength = 0;
int currentLength = length[0], d = 1;
int cutpoint;
for (cutpoint = 0; cutpoint < size; cutpoint++) {
if (currentLength != length[cutpoint]) {
if (++d >= maxDecodingTableLength) break;
if (accumulatedOverallLength / (double)overallLength > entropyThreshold) break;
currentLength = length[cutpoint];
accumulatedOverallLength += length[cutpoint] * frequencies.get(symbol[cutpoint]);
//System.err.println("Coded length : " + overallLength);
// System.err.println("Length: " + length.length + " Cutpoint: " + cutpoint + " Depth: " + d + " Codeword length: " + length[cutpoint - 1] + " Accumulated length: " + accumulatedOverallLength + " (" + Util.format(100. * accumulatedOverallLength / overallLength) + "%)");
// We leave space for the escape codeword, if necessary
final long[] codeword = new long[cutpoint + 1];
int s = 0;
long value = 0;
currentLength = length[0];
codeword[0] = 0;
for (int i = 1; i < cutpoint; i++) {
s = i;
if (length[i] == currentLength) value++;
else {
value <<= length[i] - currentLength;
currentLength = length[i];
codeword[s] = Long.reverse(value) >>> 64 - currentLength;
// Escape keyword (even if not necessary)
codeword[cutpoint] = -1 >>> 64 - currentLength;
length[cutpoint] = currentLength;
int maxLengthEscaped = 0;
for(int i = cutpoint; i < size; i++) maxLengthEscaped = Math.max(maxLengthEscaped, Fast.length(symbol[i]));
final Long2IntOpenHashMap symbol2Rank = new Long2IntOpenHashMap();
for (int i = 0; i < cutpoint; i++) symbol2Rank.put(symbol[i], i);
return new Coder(codeword, Arrays.copyOf(length, cutpoint + 1), Arrays.copyOf(symbol, cutpoint + 1), symbol2Rank, maxLengthEscaped);