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package it.unimi.dsi.sux4j.mph;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.NoSuchElementException;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
* Sux4J: Succinct data structures for Java
* Copyright (C) 2008-2019 Sebastiano Vigna
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free
* Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option)
* any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
* WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
* or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License
* for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
* along with this program; if not, see .
import it.unimi.dsi.bits.BitVector;
import it.unimi.dsi.bits.Fast;
import it.unimi.dsi.bits.LongArrayBitVector;
import it.unimi.dsi.bits.TransformationStrategies;
import it.unimi.dsi.bits.TransformationStrategy;
import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.Size64;
import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.ints.IntArrays;
import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.longs.LongArrays;
import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.longs.LongBigList;
import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.objects.AbstractObject2LongFunction;
import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.objects.Object2LongFunction;
import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.objects.Object2LongOpenHashMap;
import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.objects.ObjectIterator;
import it.unimi.dsi.logging.ProgressLogger;
import it.unimi.dsi.sux4j.bits.BalancedParentheses;
import it.unimi.dsi.sux4j.util.EliasFanoLongBigList;
/** A distributor based on a hollow trie.
* Implementation details
* This class implements a distributor on top of a hollow trie. First, a compacted trie is built from the delimiter set.
* Then, for each key we compute the node of the trie in which the bucket of the key is established. This gives us,
* for each node of the trie, a set of paths to which we must associate an action (exit on the left,
* go through, exit on the right). Overall, the number of such paths is equal to the number of keys plus the number of delimiters, so
* the mapping from each pair node/path to the respective action takes linear space. Now, from the compacted trie we just
* retain a hollow trie, as the path-length information is sufficient to rebuild the keys of the above mapping.
* By sizing the bucket size around the logarithm of the average length, we obtain a distributor that occupies linear space.
public class HollowTrieDistributor extends AbstractObject2LongFunction implements Size64 {
private final static Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(HollowTrieDistributor.class);
private static final long serialVersionUID = 4L;
private static final boolean DEBUG = false;
private static final boolean ASSERTS = false;
/** An integer representing the exit-on-the-left behaviour. */
private final static int LEFT = 0;
/** An integer representing the exit-on-the-right behaviour. */
private final static int RIGHT = 1;
/** An integer representing the follow-the-try behaviour. */
private final static int FOLLOW = 2;
/** The transformation used to map object to bit vectors. */
private final TransformationStrategy super T> transformationStrategy;
/** The bitstream representing the hollow trie. */
private final LongArrayBitVector trie;
/** The list of skips, indexed by the internal nodes (we do not need skips on the leaves). */
private final EliasFanoLongBigList skips;
/** For each external node and each possible path, the related behaviour. */
private final GOV3Function externalBehaviour;
/** The number of (internal and external) nodes of the trie. */
private final long size;
/** The balanced parentheses structure used to represent the trie. */
private final BalancedParentheses balParen;
/** Records the keys which are false follows. */
private final GOV3Function falseFollowsDetector;
/** The average skip length in bits (actually, the average length in bits of a skip length increased by one). */
protected double meanSkipLength;
/** A debug function used to store explicitly the internal behaviour. */
Object2LongFunction externalTestFunction;
/** A debug function used to store explicitly the false follow detector. */
Object2LongFunction falseFollows;
/** Creates a partial compacted trie using given elements, bucket size and transformation strategy.
* @param elements the elements among which the trie must be able to rank.
* @param log2BucketSize the logarithm of the size of a bucket.
* @param transformationStrategy a transformation strategy that must turn the elements in elements
into a list of
* distinct, lexicographically increasing (in iteration order) bit vectors.
public HollowTrieDistributor(final Iterable extends T> elements, final int log2BucketSize, final TransformationStrategy super T> transformationStrategy) throws IOException {
this(elements, log2BucketSize, transformationStrategy, null);
/** Creates a hollow trie distributor.
* @param elements the elements among which the trie must be able to rank.
* @param log2BucketSize the logarithm of the size of a bucket.
* @param transformationStrategy a transformation strategy that must turn the elements in elements
into a list of
* distinct, lexicographically increasing (in iteration order) bit vectors.
* @param tempDir the directory where temporary files will be created, or for the default directory
public HollowTrieDistributor(final Iterable extends T> elements, final int log2BucketSize, final TransformationStrategy super T> transformationStrategy, final File tempDir) throws IOException {
this.transformationStrategy = transformationStrategy;
final int bucketSize = 1 << log2BucketSize;
/** The file containing the external keys (pairs node/path). */
final File externalKeysFile;
/** The values associated to the keys in {@link #externalKeysFile}. */
LongBigList externalValues;
/** The file containing the keys (pairs node/path) that are (either true or false) follows. */
final File falseFollowsKeyFile;
/** The values (true/false) associated to the keys in {@link #falseFollows}. */
LongBigList falseFollowsValues;
if (DEBUG) System.err.println("Bucket size: " + bucketSize);
final long[] count = new long[1];
final HollowTrieMonotoneMinimalPerfectHashFunction intermediateTrie = new HollowTrieMonotoneMinimalPerfectHashFunction<>(new ObjectIterator() {
final Iterator extends T> iterator = elements.iterator();
boolean toAdvance = true;
private T curr;
public boolean hasNext() {
if (toAdvance) {
toAdvance = false;
int i;
for(i = 0; i < bucketSize && iterator.hasNext(); i++) {
curr =;
if (i != bucketSize) curr = null;
return curr != null;
public T next() {
if (! hasNext()) throw new NoSuchElementException();
toAdvance = true;
return curr;
}, transformationStrategy);
size = count[0];
if (ASSERTS) {
externalTestFunction = new Object2LongOpenHashMap<>();
falseFollows = new Object2LongOpenHashMap<>();
externalKeysFile = File.createTempFile(HollowTrieDistributor.class.getName(), "ext", tempDir);
falseFollowsKeyFile = File.createTempFile(HollowTrieDistributor.class.getName(), "false", tempDir);
externalValues = LongArrayBitVector.getInstance().asLongBigList(1);
falseFollowsValues = LongArrayBitVector.getInstance().asLongBigList(1);
long sumOfSkipLengths = 0;
if (intermediateTrie.size64() > 0) {
final OutputBitStream externalKeys = new OutputBitStream(externalKeysFile);
final OutputBitStream falseFollowsKeys = new OutputBitStream(falseFollowsKeyFile);
final Iterator extends T> iterator = elements.iterator();
final LongArrayBitVector bucketKey[] = new LongArrayBitVector[bucketSize];
LongArrayBitVector leftDelimiter, rightDelimiter = null;
long delimiterLcp = -1;
trie = intermediateTrie.trie;
skips = intermediateTrie.skips;
balParen = intermediateTrie.balParen;
final LongArrayBitVector emitted = LongArrayBitVector.ofLength(intermediateTrie.size64());
final ProgressLogger pl = new ProgressLogger(LOGGER);
pl.displayLocalSpeed = true;
pl.displayFreeMemory = true;
pl.expectedUpdates = size;
pl.start("Computing function keys...");
while(iterator.hasNext()) {
int realBucketSize;
for(realBucketSize = 0; realBucketSize < bucketSize && iterator.hasNext(); realBucketSize++) {
bucketKey[realBucketSize] = LongArrayBitVector.copy(transformationStrategy.toBitVector(;
// The next delimiter
leftDelimiter = rightDelimiter;
rightDelimiter = realBucketSize == bucketSize ? bucketKey[bucketSize - 1] : null;
delimiterLcp = (rightDelimiter != null && leftDelimiter != null) ? rightDelimiter.longestCommonPrefixLength(leftDelimiter) : -1;
long stackP[] = new long[1024];
long stackR[] = new long[1024];
int stackS[] = new int[1024];
long stackIndex[] = new long[1024];
stackP[0] = 1;
int depth = 0;
int pathLength;
long lastNode = -1;
BitVector lastPath = null;
LongArrayBitVector curr = null, prev;
for(int j = 0; j < realBucketSize; j++) {
prev = curr;
curr = bucketKey[j];
if (DEBUG) System.err.println(curr);
long p = 1;
final long length = curr.length();
long index = 0, r = 0;
int s = 0, skip = 0;
boolean isInternal;
int startPath = -1, endPath = -1;
boolean exitLeft = false;
if (DEBUG) System.err.println("Distributing " + curr + "\ntrie:" + trie);
long maxDescentLength;
if (prev != null) {
final int prefix = (int)curr.longestCommonPrefixLength(prev);
if (prefix == prev.length() && prefix == curr.length()) throw new IllegalArgumentException("The input bit vectors are not distinct");
if (prefix == prev.length() || prefix == curr.length()) throw new IllegalArgumentException("The input bit vectors are not prefix-free");
if (prev.getBoolean(prefix)) throw new IllegalArgumentException("The input bit vectors are not lexicographically sorted");
// Adjust stack using lcp between present string and previous one
while(depth > 0 && stackS[depth] > prefix) depth--;
p = stackP[depth];
r = stackR[depth];
s = stackS[depth];
index = stackIndex[depth];
if (leftDelimiter == null) {
maxDescentLength = rightDelimiter.longestCommonPrefixLength(curr) + 1;
exitLeft = true;
else if (rightDelimiter == null) {
maxDescentLength = leftDelimiter.longestCommonPrefixLength(curr) + 1;
exitLeft = false;
else maxDescentLength = (exitLeft = curr.getBoolean(delimiterLcp)) ? rightDelimiter.longestCommonPrefixLength(curr) + 1 : leftDelimiter.longestCommonPrefixLength(curr) + 1;
for(;;) {
isInternal = trie.getBoolean(p);
if (isInternal) skip = (int)skips.getLong(r);
if (DEBUG) {
final int usedLength = (int)(isInternal ? Math.min(length, s + skip) : length - s);
final BitVector usedPath = curr.subVector(s, s + usedLength);
System.err.println("Interrogating" + (isInternal ? "" : " leaf") + " <" + (p - 1) + ", [" + usedLength + ", " + Integer.toHexString(usedPath.hashCode()) + "] " + usedPath + "> " + (isInternal ? "" : "(skip: " + skip + ")"));
if (isInternal && s + skip < maxDescentLength && ! emitted.getBoolean(r)) {
sumOfSkipLengths += Fast.length(skip + 1);
emitted.set(r, true);
falseFollowsKeys.writeLong(p - 1, Long.SIZE);
for(int i = 0; i < skip; i += Long.SIZE)
falseFollowsKeys.writeLong(curr.getLong(s + i, Math.min(s + i + Long.SIZE, s + skip)), Math.min(Long.SIZE, skip - i));
if (DEBUG) System.err.println("Adding true follow at " + (p - 1) + " [" + skip + ", " + Integer.toHexString(curr.subVector(s, s + skip).hashCode()) + "] " + curr.subVector(s, s + skip));
if (ASSERTS) {
final long key[] = new long[(skip + Long.SIZE - 1) / Long.SIZE + 1];
key[0] = p - 1;
for(int i = 0; i < skip; i += Long.SIZE) key[i / Long.SIZE + 1] = curr.getLong(s + i, Math.min(s + i + Long.SIZE, s + skip));
final long result = falseFollows.put(LongArrayBitVector.wrap(key, skip + Long.SIZE), 0);
assert result == -1 : result + " != " + -1;
if (DEBUG) System.err.println(falseFollows);
if (! isInternal || (s += skip) >= maxDescentLength) break;
if (DEBUG) System.err.println("Turning " + (curr.getBoolean(s) ? "right" : "left") + " at bit " + s + "... ");
if (curr.getBoolean(s)) {
final long q = balParen.findClose(p) + 1;
index += (q - p) / 2;
r += (q - p) / 2;
//System.err.println("Increasing index by " + (q - p + 1) / 2 + " to " + index + "...");
p = q;
else {
if (ASSERTS) assert p < trie.length();
if (++depth >= stackP.length) {
stackP = LongArrays.grow(stackP, depth + 1);
stackR = LongArrays.grow(stackR, depth + 1);
stackS = IntArrays.grow(stackS, depth + 1);
stackIndex = LongArrays.grow(stackIndex, depth + 1);
stackP[depth] = p;
stackR[depth] = r;
stackS[depth] = s;
stackIndex[depth] = index;
if (isInternal) {
startPath = s - skip;
endPath = (int)Math.min(length, s);
else {
startPath = s;
endPath = (int)length;
// If we exit on a leaf, we invalidate last node/path data
if (! isInternal) lastNode = -1;
if (lastNode != p - 1 || ! curr.subVector(startPath, endPath).equals(lastPath)) {
externalValues.add(exitLeft ? LEFT : RIGHT);
pathLength = endPath - startPath;
externalKeys.writeLong(p - 1, Long.SIZE);
for(int i = 0; i < pathLength; i += Long.SIZE)
externalKeys.writeLong(curr.getLong(startPath + i, Math.min(startPath + i + Long.SIZE, endPath)), Math.min(Long.SIZE, endPath - i - startPath));
if (DEBUG) System.err.println("Computed " + (isInternal ? "" : "leaf ") + "mapping <" + (p - 1) + ", [" + pathLength + ", " + Integer.toHexString(curr.subVector(startPath, endPath).hashCode()) + "] " + curr.subVector(startPath, endPath) + "> -> " + (exitLeft ? "left" : "right"));
if (ASSERTS) {
final long key[] = new long[(pathLength + Long.SIZE - 1) / Long.SIZE + 1];
key[0] = p - 1;
for(int i = 0; i < pathLength; i += Long.SIZE) key[i / Long.SIZE + 1] = curr.getLong(startPath + i, Math.min(startPath + i + Long.SIZE, endPath));
assert externalTestFunction.put(LongArrayBitVector.wrap(key, pathLength + Long.SIZE), exitLeft ? LEFT : RIGHT) == -1;
if (DEBUG) System.err.println(externalTestFunction);
if (isInternal) {
if (DEBUG) System.err.println("Adding false follow [" + pathLength + ", " + Integer.toHexString(curr.subVector(startPath, endPath).hashCode()) + "] " + curr.subVector(startPath, endPath));
lastPath = curr.subVector(startPath, endPath);
lastNode = p - 1;
falseFollowsKeys.writeLong(p - 1, Long.SIZE);
for(int i = 0; i < pathLength; i += Long.SIZE)
falseFollowsKeys.writeLong(curr.getLong(startPath + i, Math.min(startPath + i + Long.SIZE, endPath)), Math.min(Long.SIZE, endPath - i - startPath));
if (ASSERTS) {
final long key[] = new long[(pathLength + Long.SIZE - 1) / Long.SIZE + 1];
key[0] = p - 1;
for(int i = 0; i < pathLength; i += Long.SIZE) key[i / Long.SIZE + 1] = curr.getLong(startPath + i, Math.min(startPath + i + Long.SIZE, endPath));
assert falseFollows.put(LongArrayBitVector.wrap(key, pathLength + Long.SIZE), 1) == -1;
if (DEBUG) System.err.println(falseFollows);
meanSkipLength = (double)sumOfSkipLengths / size;
else {
trie = null;
balParen = null;
skips = null;
falseFollowsDetector = null;
externalBehaviour = null;
/** A class iterating over the temporary files produced by the intermediate trie. */
class IterableStream implements Iterable {
private final InputBitStream ibs;
private final long n;
private final Object2LongFunction test;
private final LongBigList values;
public IterableStream(final InputBitStream ibs, final Object2LongFunction testFunction, final LongBigList testValues) {
this.ibs = ibs;
this.n = testValues.size64();
this.test = testFunction;
this.values = testValues;
public Iterator iterator() {
try {
return new ObjectIterator() {
private long pos = 0;
public boolean hasNext() {
return pos < n;
public BitVector next() {
if (! hasNext()) throw new NoSuchElementException();
try {
final long index = ibs.readLong(64);
assert index >= 0;
final int pathLength = ibs.readDelta();
final long key[] = new long[((pathLength + Long.SIZE - 1) / Long.SIZE + 1)];
key[0] = index;
for(int i = 0; i < (pathLength + Long.SIZE - 1) / Long.SIZE; i++) key[i + 1] = ibs.readLong(Math.min(Long.SIZE, pathLength - i * Long.SIZE));
if (DEBUG) {
System.err.println("Adding mapping <" + index + ", " + LongArrayBitVector.wrap(key, pathLength + Long.SIZE).subVector(Long.SIZE) + "> -> " + values.getLong(pos));
System.err.println(LongArrayBitVector.wrap(key, pathLength + Long.SIZE));
if (ASSERTS) if (test != null) assert test.getLong(LongArrayBitVector.wrap(key, pathLength + Long.SIZE)) == values.getLong(pos) : test.getLong(LongArrayBitVector.wrap(key, pathLength + Long.SIZE)) + " != " + values.getLong(pos) ;
return LongArrayBitVector.wrap(key, pathLength + Long.SIZE);
catch (final IOException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
catch (final IOException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
externalBehaviour = new GOV3Function.Builder().keys(new IterableStream(new InputBitStream(externalKeysFile), externalTestFunction, externalValues)).transform(TransformationStrategies.identity()).values(externalValues, 1).build();
falseFollowsDetector = new GOV3Function.Builder().keys(new IterableStream(new InputBitStream(falseFollowsKeyFile), falseFollows, falseFollowsValues)).transform(TransformationStrategies.identity()).values(falseFollowsValues, 1).build();
if (ASSERTS) {
assert externalBehaviour.size64() == externalTestFunction.size();
assert falseFollowsDetector.size64() == falseFollows.size();
LOGGER.debug("False positives: " + (falseFollowsDetector.size64() - intermediateTrie.size64()));
public long getLong(final Object o) {
if (size == 0) return 0;
final BitVector bitVector = transformationStrategy.toBitVector((T)o).fast();
final LongArrayBitVector key = LongArrayBitVector.getInstance();
BitVector fragment = null;
long p = 1;
final long length = bitVector.length();
long index = 0, r = 0;
int s = 0, skip = 0, behaviour;
long lastLeftTurn = 0;
long lastLeftTurnIndex = 0;
boolean isInternal;
if (DEBUG) System.err.println("Distributing " + bitVector + "\ntrie:" + trie);
for(;;) {
isInternal = trie.getBoolean(p);
if (isInternal) skip = (int)skips.getLong(r);
if (DEBUG) {
final int usedLength = (int)(isInternal ? Math.min(length, s + skip) : length - s);
final BitVector usedPath = bitVector.subVector(s, s + usedLength);
System.err.println("Interrogating" + (isInternal ? "" : " leaf") + " <" + (p - 1) +
", [" + Math.min(length, s + skip) + ", "
+ Integer.toHexString(usedPath.hashCode()) + "] " +
usedPath + "> " + (isInternal ? "" : "(skip: " + skip + ")"));
if (isInternal && falseFollowsDetector.getLong(key.length(0).append(p - 1, Long.SIZE).append(fragment = bitVector.subVector(s, Math.min(length, s + skip)))) == 0) behaviour = FOLLOW;
else behaviour = (int)externalBehaviour.getLong(key.length(0).append(p - 1, Long.SIZE).append(isInternal ? fragment : bitVector.subVector(s, length)));
if (ASSERTS) {
assert ! isInternal || falseFollows.getLong(key.length(0).append(p - 1, Long.SIZE).append(fragment)) != -1;
if (behaviour != FOLLOW) {
assert ! isInternal || falseFollows.getLong(key.length(0).append(p - 1, Long.SIZE).append(fragment)) == 1;
final long result;
result = externalTestFunction.getLong(key.length(0).append(p - 1, Long.SIZE).append(isInternal ? fragment : bitVector.subVector(s, length)));
assert result != -1 : isInternal ? "Missing internal node" : "Missing leaf"; // Only if you don't test with non-keys
if (result != -1) assert result == behaviour : result + " != " + behaviour;
else {
assert s + skip <= length;
assert falseFollows.getLong(key.length(0).append(p - 1, Long.SIZE).append(fragment)) == 0;
if (DEBUG) System.err.println("Exit behaviour: " + behaviour);
if (behaviour != FOLLOW || ! isInternal || (s += skip) >= length) break;
if (DEBUG) System.err.println("Turning " + (bitVector.getBoolean(s) ? "right" : "left") + " at bit " + s + "... ");
if (bitVector.getBoolean(s)) {
final long q = balParen.findClose(p) + 1;
index += (q - p) / 2;
r += (q - p) / 2;
//System.err.println("Increasing index by " + (q - p + 1) / 2 + " to " + index + "...");
p = q;
else {
lastLeftTurn = p;
lastLeftTurnIndex = index;
if (ASSERTS) assert p < trie.length();
if (behaviour == LEFT) {
if (DEBUG) System.err.println("Returning (on the left) " + index);
return index;
else {
if (isInternal) {
final long q = balParen.findClose(lastLeftTurn);
//System.err.println(p + ", " + q + " ," + lastLeftTurn + ", " +lastLeftTurnIndex);;
index = (q - lastLeftTurn + 1) / 2 + lastLeftTurnIndex;
if (DEBUG) System.err.println("Returning (on the right, internal) " + index);
else {
if (DEBUG) System.err.println("Returning (on the right, external) " + index);
return index;
public long numBits() {
return (trie == null ? 0 : trie.length() + skips.numBits() + falseFollowsDetector.numBits() + balParen.numBits() + externalBehaviour.numBits()) + transformationStrategy.numBits();
public boolean containsKey(Object o) {
return true;
public long size64() {
return size;
public int size() {
return (int)Math.min(size, Integer.MAX_VALUE);
public double bitsPerSkip() {
return (double)skips.numBits() / skips.size64();