it.uniroma2.art.semanticturkey.extension.impl.rdflifter.spreadsheetdeserializer.SpreadsheetDeserializingLifter Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
package it.uniroma2.art.semanticturkey.extension.impl.rdflifter.spreadsheetdeserializer;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.InputStream;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import org.apache.poi.openxml4j.exceptions.InvalidFormatException;
import org.apache.poi.ss.usermodel.*;
import org.eclipse.rdf4j.model.*;
import org.eclipse.rdf4j.model.impl.LinkedHashModel;
import org.eclipse.rdf4j.model.impl.SimpleValueFactory;
import org.eclipse.rdf4j.model.vocabulary.RDF;
import org.eclipse.rdf4j.model.vocabulary.SKOS;
import org.eclipse.rdf4j.model.vocabulary.SKOSXL;
import org.eclipse.rdf4j.rio.RDFHandler;
import it.uniroma2.art.semanticturkey.extension.extpts.rdflifter.LifterContext;
import it.uniroma2.art.semanticturkey.extension.extpts.rdflifter.LiftingException;
import it.uniroma2.art.semanticturkey.extension.extpts.rdflifter.RDFLifter;
import it.uniroma2.art.semanticturkey.extension.extpts.reformattingexporter.ClosableFormattedResource;
import org.eclipse.rdf4j.rio.helpers.NTriplesUtil;
* An {@link RDFLifter} that deserializes RDF data from a spreadsheet created by the provided exporter in ST
* @author Andrea Turbati
public class SpreadsheetDeserializingLifter implements RDFLifter {
private final Map prefixToNamespaceMap = new HashMap<>();
// used to keep track che property name for a given column number (and if such property should be used in a
// reified construct, meaning tha the subject of such property is not the main element of the row but the element
// of the previous cell)
private final Map posToPropertyNameMap = new HashMap<>();
public void lift(ClosableFormattedResource sourceFormattedResource, String format,
RDFHandler targetRDFHandler, LifterContext lifterContext) throws LiftingException, IOException {
//try {
//this model will contain all the triples extracted from the spreadsheet
Model model = new LinkedHashModel();
Workbook workbook;
try (InputStream is = sourceFormattedResource.getInputStream()) {
workbook = WorkbookFactory.create(is);
//read the second sheet, containing the prefix-mapping
Sheet sheet2 = workbook.getSheetAt(1);
// now focus on the first sheet
Sheet sheet = workbook.getSheetAt(0);
// read the excel file and process the Concepts, Schemes and Collections part, use the separator to
// identify the different parts:
// - concept hierarchy / scheme URI / collection hierarchy
// - lexicalizations
// - types
// - reified notes (this part can be empty)
// - generic properties
//start with the headers
// all these "start_*" values represent the colPos where the "::" are, so a pos before the actual stating
// of the part
int start_col_lexicalization=0, start_col_type=0, start_col_reifiedNote=0, start_pos_genProp=0, afterLastCol;
int posCol = 0;
Row row = sheet.getRow(0);
Cell cell = row.getCell(++posCol);
//String cellTextx = row.getCell(++posCol).getStringCellValue();
if( (cell == null || cell.getStringCellValue().isEmpty()) && start_pos_genProp!=0){
afterLastCol = posCol;
if(cell == null) {
String cellValue = cell.getStringCellValue().trim();
if (cellValue.equals("::")) {
//found a separator
if (start_col_lexicalization==0) {
start_col_lexicalization = posCol;
} else if (start_col_type==0) {
start_col_type = posCol;
} else if (start_col_reifiedNote==0) {
start_col_reifiedNote = posCol;
} else { // start_pos_genProp==0
start_pos_genProp = posCol;
} else if (start_col_lexicalization!=0){
// the concept hierarchy has been passed, so now the headers are about the properties names
// (and reified used properties)
if (start_pos_genProp!=0) {
//we are in the generic property part, so no reified values
PropertyName propertyName = new PropertyName(cellValue, false);
posToPropertyNameMap.put(posCol, propertyName);
} else if (start_col_reifiedNote!=0){
// we are in the reified note, so the rdf:value is a reified for the previous column
IRI prop = toIRI(cellValue);
PropertyName propertyName;
propertyName = new PropertyName(cellValue, true);
} else {
propertyName = new PropertyName(cellValue, false);
posToPropertyNameMap.put(posCol, propertyName);
} else if (start_col_type!=0){
// we are in the type part, no reified properties
PropertyName propertyName = new PropertyName(cellValue, false);
posToPropertyNameMap.put(posCol, propertyName);
} else {
//we are in the lexicalizations, if a skosxl:literalForm is found, then it is reified
IRI prop = toIRI(cellValue);
PropertyName propertyName;
propertyName = new PropertyName(cellValue, true);
} else {
propertyName = new PropertyName(cellValue, false);
posToPropertyNameMap.put(posCol, propertyName);
int posRow = 0;
//Concepts part (CONCEPTS HIERARCHY)
posRow = processConceptSection(sheet, posRow, start_col_lexicalization, start_col_type, start_col_reifiedNote,
start_pos_genProp, afterLastCol, model);
//Schemes part (CONCEPT SCHEMES)
posRow = processSchemeSection(sheet, ++posRow, start_col_lexicalization, start_col_type, start_col_reifiedNote,
start_pos_genProp, afterLastCol, model);
processCollectionSection(sheet, ++posRow, start_col_lexicalization, start_col_type, start_col_reifiedNote,
start_pos_genProp, afterLastCol, model);
for (Statement stmt : model) {
// the InvalidFormatException is not throw anymore in org.apache.poi:poi-ooxml 4.0.1
// it was thrown before in org.apache.poi:poi-ooxml 3.10-FINAL
catch (InvalidFormatException e) {
throw new LiftingException(e);
private int processConceptSection(Sheet sheet, int posRow, int start_col_lexicalization, int start_col_type,
int start_col_reifiedNote, int start_pos_genProp, int afterLastCol, Model model) {
Row row;
//iterate over each row and the first not empty/null cell found is the URI (or qname) of the concept
//iterate over each row
String concept = null;
boolean foundData = false;
//get the concept IRI/qname
row = sheet.getRow(++posRow);
//a analyze each each cell of this row (by using the divisions of the various parts)
// search for the concept IRI/qname
if(row == null){
// it is an empty row, so this section is terminated
for(int posCol=0; posCol memberOfOrdCollList = new ArrayList<>();
int posRowMember = posRow;
int posColMember = posCol+1;
// a list is present, so take all the element under it
Row rowMember = sheet.getRow(++posRowMember);
// no more row to consider
Cell cellSameCol = rowMember.getCell(posCol);
if(cellSameCol!=null && !cellSameCol.getStringCellValue().isEmpty()){
// this row contains a resource that is at the same level of the ordered collection
Cell cellMember = rowMember.getCell(posColMember);
if(cellMember==null || cellMember.getStringCellValue().isEmpty()) {
// this row does not contain a member of this ordered collection
// the cellMember contains a resource that belong to the ordered collection
memberOfOrdCollList.add((Resource) createValue(cellMember.getStringCellValue()));
// now create the RDF list containing all the resources
model.add((Resource) createValue(collection), SKOS.MEMBER_LIST, listRes);
Resource prevList = listRes;
Resource currentList = prevList;
for(Resource first : memberOfOrdCollList){
if(currentList == null){
currentList = SimpleValueFactory.getInstance().createBNode();
model.add(prevList,RDF.REST, currentList);
model.add(currentList, RDF.TYPE, RDF.LIST);
model.add(currentList, RDF.FIRST, first);
//update the currentList and prefList
prevList = currentList;
currentList = null;
//add the RDF.NULL
model.add(prevList, RDF.REST, RDF.NIL);
return posRow;
private void processLexicalizationCol(Row row, int start_col_lexicalization, int start_col_type,
Resource resource, Model model) {
processPossibleReifiedCol(row, start_col_lexicalization, start_col_type, resource, model, SKOSXL.LABEL);
private void processTypeCol(Row row, int start_col_type, int start_col_reifiedNote, Resource resource, Model model){
processNotReifiedCol(row, start_col_type, start_col_reifiedNote, resource, model);
private void processReiNoteCol(Row row, int start_col_reifiedNote, int start_pos_genProp, Resource resource, Model model){
processPossibleReifiedCol(row, start_col_reifiedNote, start_pos_genProp, resource, model, null);
private void processGenPropCol(Row row, int start_pos_genProp, int afterLastCol, Resource resource, Model model){
processNotReifiedCol(row, start_pos_genProp, afterLastCol, resource, model);
private void processNotReifiedCol(Row row, int start, int end, Resource resource, Model model){
for(int i=start+1; i"));
return SimpleValueFactory.getInstance().createIRI(iriString);
//the qnameOrIri is a quname, so extract the prefix and local name
String prefix = qnameOrIri.split(":")[0].trim();
String localname = qnameOrIri.split(":")[1].trim();
String namespace = prefixToNamespaceMap.get(prefix);
return SimpleValueFactory.getInstance().createIRI(namespace+localname);
private Value createValue(String value) {
// manage the qname case
return createIRI(value);
// be careful of the case of literal with a datatype being a qname
String datatype = value.substring(value.lastIndexOf("^")+1); // TODO test it
value = value.substring(0, value.lastIndexOf("^")) +
return NTriplesUtil.parseValue(value, SimpleValueFactory.getInstance());
private boolean isQName(String qname){
if(!qname.startsWith("<") && !qname.startsWith("\"") && !qname.startsWith("_:") &&
qname.contains(":")) {
return true;
return false;
public class PropertyName {
private IRI propertyIri;
boolean isFromReified;
public PropertyName(String propertyQNameOrIRI, boolean isFromReified) {
// this property can have at the end the @LANG_TAG, so it should be removed
if(propertyQNameOrIRI.contains("@")) {
propertyQNameOrIRI = propertyQNameOrIRI.substring(0, propertyQNameOrIRI.lastIndexOf("@"));
this.propertyIri = createIRI(propertyQNameOrIRI);
this.isFromReified = isFromReified;
public IRI getPropertyIri() {
return propertyIri;
public boolean isFromReified() {
return isFromReified;
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