jakarta.annotation.sql.DataSourceDefinition Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright (c) 2009, 2023 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
* This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
* terms of the Eclipse Public License v. 2.0, which is available at
* http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-2.0.
* This Source Code may also be made available under the following Secondary
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package jakarta.annotation.sql;
import java.lang.annotation.Repeatable;
import java.lang.annotation.Target;
import java.lang.annotation.Retention;
import java.lang.annotation.ElementType;
import java.lang.annotation.RetentionPolicy;
* Annotation used to define a container {@code DataSource} to
* be registered with JNDI. The {@code DataSource} may be configured by
* setting the annotation elements for commonly used {@code DataSource}
* properties. Additional standard and vendor-specific properties may be
* specified using the {@code properties} element.
* The data source will be registered under the name specified in the
* {@code name} element. It may be defined to be in any valid
* Jakarta EE namespace, which will determine the accessibility of
* the data source from other components.
* A JDBC driver implementation class of the appropriate type, either
* {@code DataSource}, {@code ConnectionPoolDataSource}, or
* {@code XADataSource}, must be indicated by the {@code className}
* element. The availability of the driver class will be assumed at runtime.
* DataSource properties should not be specified more than once. If
* the url annotation element contains a DataSource property that was also
* specified using the corresponding annotation element or was specified in
* the properties annotation element, the precedence order is undefined
* and implementation specific:
* {@snippet :
* @DataSourceDefinition(name="java:global/MyApp/MyDataSource",
* className="org.apache.derby.jdbc.ClientDataSource",
* url="jdbc:derby://localhost:1527/myDB;user=bill",
* user="lance",
* password="secret",
* databaseName="testDB",
* serverName="luckydog"
* )// DO NOT DO THIS!!!
* }
* In the above example, the {@code databaseName}, {@code user}
* and {@code serverName} properties were specified as part of the
* {@code url} property and using the corresponding
* annotation elements. This should be avoided.
* If the {@code properties} annotation element is used and contains a
* DataSource property that was also specified using the corresponding
* annotation element, the annotation element value takes precedence.
* For example:
* {@snippet :
* @DataSourceDefinition(name="java:global/MyApp/MyDataSource",
* className="org.apache.derby.jdbc.ClientDataSource",
* user="lance",
* password="secret",
* databaseName="testDB",
* serverName="luckydog",
* properties= {"databaseName=myDB", "databaseProp=doThis"}
* )// DO NOT DO THIS!!!
* }
* This would result in the following values being used when configuring
* the DataSource:
* - serverName=luckydog
* - portNumber=1527
* - databaseName=testDB
* - user=lance
* - password=secret
* - databaseProp=doThis
* Vendors are not required to support properties that do not normally
* apply to a specific data source type. For example, specifying the
* {@code transactional} property to be {@code true} but supplying
* a value for {@code className} that implements a data source class
* other than {@code XADataSource} may not be supported.
* Vendor-specific properties may be combined with or used to
* override standard data source properties defined using this annotation.
* {@code DataSource} properties that are specified and are not supported
* in a given configuration or cannot be mapped to a vendor specific
* configuration property may be ignored.
* Examples:
* {@snippet :
* @DataSourceDefinition(name="java:global/MyApp/MyDataSource",
* className="com.foobar.MyDataSource",
* portNumber=6689,
* serverName="myserver.com",
* user="lance",
* password="secret"
* )
* }
* Using a {@code URL}:
* {@snippet :
* @DataSourceDefinition(name="java:global/MyApp/MyDataSource",
* className="org.apache.derby.jdbc.ClientDataSource",
* url="jdbc:derby://localhost:1527/myDB",
* user="lance",
* password="secret"
* )
* }
* An example lookup of the DataSource from an Jakarta Enterprise Beans:
* {@snippet :
* @Stateless
* public class MyStatelessEJB {
* @Resource(lookup="java:global/MyApp/myDataSource")
* DataSource myDB;
* ...
* }
* }
* @see javax.sql.DataSource
* @see javax.sql.XADataSource
* @see javax.sql.ConnectionPoolDataSource
* @since Common Annotations 1.1
public @interface DataSourceDefinition {
* JNDI name by which the data source will be registered.
* @since 1.1
String name();
* Name of a DataSource class that implements
* {@code javax.sql.DataSource} or {@code javax.sql.XADataSource}
* or {@code javax.sql.ConnectionPoolDataSource}.
* @since 1.1
String className();
* Description of this data source
* @since 1.1
String description() default "";
* A JDBC URL. If the {@code url} annotation element contains a
* DataSource property that was also specified using the corresponding
* annotation element, the precedence order is undefined and
* implementation specific.
* @since 1.1
String url() default "";
* User name to use for connection authentication.
* @since 1.1
String user() default "";
* Password to use for connection authentication.
* @since 1.1
String password() default "";
* Name of a database on a server.
* @since 1.1
String databaseName() default "";
* Port number where a server is listening for requests.
* @since 1.1
int portNumber() default -1;
* Database server name.
* @since 1.1
String serverName() default "localhost";
* Isolation level for connections. The Isolation level
* must be one of the following:
* - Connection.TRANSACTION_NONE,
* Default is vendor-specific.
* @since 1.1
int isolationLevel() default -1;
* Set to {@code false} if connections should not participate
* in transactions.
* Default is to enlist in a transaction when one is active or becomes
* active.
* @since 1.1
boolean transactional() default true;
* Number of connections that should be created when a connection pool
* is initialized.
* Default is vendor-specific
* @since 1.1
int initialPoolSize() default -1;
* Maximum number of connections that should be concurrently allocated for a
* connection pool.
* Default is vendor-specific.
* @since 1.1
int maxPoolSize() default -1;
* Minimum number of connections that should be allocated for a
* connection pool.
* Default is vendor-specific.
* @since 1.1
int minPoolSize() default -1;
* The number of seconds that a physical connection
* should remain unused in the pool before the
* connection is closed for a connection pool.
* Default is vendor-specific
* @since 1.1
int maxIdleTime() default -1;
* The total number of statements that a connection pool should keep open.
* A value of 0 indicates that the caching of statements is disabled for
* a connection pool.
* Default is vendor-specific
* @since 1.1
int maxStatements() default -1;
* Used to specify vendor-specific properties and less commonly
* used {@code DataSource} properties such as:
* - dataSourceName
- networkProtocol
- propertyCycle
- roleName
* Properties are specified using the format:
* propertyName=propertyValue with one property per array element.
* If a DataSource property is specified in the {@code properties}
* element and the annotation element for the property is also
* specified, the annotation element value takes precedence.
* @since 1.1
String[] properties() default {};
* Sets the maximum time in seconds that this data source will wait while
* attempting to connect to a database. A value of zero specifies that
* the timeout is the default system timeout if there is one; otherwise,
* it specifies that there is no timeout.
* Default is vendor-specific.
* @since 1.1
int loginTimeout() default 0;