jakarta.persistence.PersistenceConfiguration Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright (c) 2023 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
* This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
* terms of the Eclipse Public License v. 2.0 which is available at
* http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-2.0,
* or the Eclipse Distribution License v. 1.0 which is available at
* http://www.eclipse.org/org/documents/edl-v10.php.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0 OR BSD-3-Clause
// Contributors:
// Gavin King - 3.2
package jakarta.persistence;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Objects;
* Represents a configuration of a persistence unit, allowing programmatic
* creation of an {@link EntityManagerFactory}. The configuration options
* available via this API reflect the similarly-named elements of the
* {@code persistence.xml} file.
* This API may not be used to configure a container-managed persistence
* unit. That is, the configured persistence unit should be considered a
* Java SE persistence unit, even when this API is used within the Jakarta
* EE environment.
If injection of the {@link EntityManagerFactory} is required, a CDI
* {@code Producer} may be used to make the {@link EntityManagerFactory}
* available as a CDI managed bean.
* {@snippet :
* @Produces @ApplicationScoped @Documents
* EntityManagerFactory configure() {
* return new PersistenceConfiguration()
* .name("DocumentData")
* .nonJtaDataSource("java:global/jdbc/DocumentDatabase")
* .managedClass(Document.class)
* .createEntityManagerFactory();
* }
* }
Similarly, if injection of an {@link EntityManager} is required,
* a CDI {@code Producer} method/{@code Disposer} method pair may be
* used to make the {@link EntityManager} available as a CDI managed
* bean.
* {@snippet :
* @Produces @TransactionScoped @Documents
* EntityManager create(@Documents EntityManagerFactory factory) {
* return factory.createEntityManager();
* }
* void close(@Disposes @Documents EntityManager entityManager) {
* entityManager.close();
* }
* }
It is intended that persistence providers define subclasses of
* this class with vendor-specific configuration options. A provider
* must support configuration via any instance of this class or of any
* subclass of this class.
* @see Persistence#createEntityManagerFactory(PersistenceConfiguration)
* @since 3.2
public class PersistenceConfiguration {
* Fully qualified name of the JDBC driver class.
public static final String JDBC_DRIVER = "jakarta.persistence.jdbc.driver";
public static final String JDBC_URL = "jakarta.persistence.jdbc.url";
* Username for JDBC authentication.
public static final String JDBC_USER = "jakarta.persistence.jdbc.user";
* Password for JDBC authentication.
public static final String JDBC_PASSWORD = "jakarta.persistence.jdbc.password";
* An instance of {@code javax.sql.DataSource}.
public static final String JDBC_DATASOURCE = "jakarta.persistence.dataSource";
* Default pessimistic lock timeout hint.
public static final String LOCK_TIMEOUT = "jakarta.persistence.lock.timeout";
* Default query timeout hint.
public static final String QUERY_TIMEOUT = "jakarta.persistence.query.timeout";
* The action to be performed against the database.
Standard actions are: {@code none}, {@code create},
* {@code drop}, {@code drop-and-create}, {@code validate}.
public static final String SCHEMAGEN_DATABASE_ACTION = "jakarta.persistence.schema-generation.database.action";
* The action to be generated as a SQL script.
The script is generated in the location specified by
Standard actions are: {@code none}, {@code create},
* {@code drop}, {@code drop-and-create}.
public static final String SCHEMAGEN_SCRIPTS_ACTION = "jakarta.persistence.schema-generation.scripts.action";
* The source of artifacts to be created.
Standard sources are: {@code metadata}, {@code script},
* {@code metadata-then-script}, {@code script-then-metadata}.
The location of the script source is specified by
public static final String SCHEMAGEN_CREATE_SOURCE = "jakarta.persistence.schema-generation.create-source";
* The source of artifacts to be dropped.
Standard sources are: {@code metadata}, {@code script},
* {@code metadata-then-script}, {@code script-then-metadata}.
The location of the script source is specified by
public static final String SCHEMAGEN_DROP_SOURCE = "jakarta.persistence.schema-generation.drop-source";
* An application-provided SQL script to be executed when the
* schema is created.
public static final String SCHEMAGEN_CREATE_SCRIPT_SOURCE = "jakarta.persistence.schema-generation.create-script-source";
* An application-provided SQL script to be executed when the
* schema is dropped.
public static final String SCHEMAGEN_DROP_SCRIPT_SOURCE = "jakarta.persistence.schema-generation.drop-script-source";
* The provider-generated SQL script which creates the schema
* when {@value SCHEMAGEN_SCRIPTS_ACTION} is set.
public static final String SCHEMAGEN_CREATE_TARGET = "jakarta.persistence.schema-generation.create-target";
* The provider-generated SQL script which drops the schema
* when {@value SCHEMAGEN_SCRIPTS_ACTION} is set.
public static final String SCHEMAGEN_DROP_TARGET = "jakarta.persistence.schema-generation.drop-target";
* An instance of {@code jakarta.validation.ValidatorFactory},
public static final String VALIDATION_FACTORY = "jakarta.persistence.validation.factory";
* Target groups for validation at {@link PrePersist}.
public static final String VALIDATION_GROUP_PRE_PERSIST = "jakarta.persistence.validation.group.pre-persist";
* Target groups for validation at {@link PreUpdate}.
public static final String VALIDATION_GROUP_PRE_UPDATE = "jakarta.persistence.validation.group.pre-update";
* Target groups for validation at {@link PreRemove}.
public static final String VALIDATION_GROUP_PRE_REMOVE = "jakarta.persistence.validation.group.pre-remove";
* String specifying a {@link SharedCacheMode}.
Defined for use with
* {@link Persistence#createEntityManagerFactory(String, Map)}.
* Clients of this {@code PersistenceConfiguration} class
* should use {@link #sharedCacheMode(SharedCacheMode)}.
public static final String CACHE_MODE = "jakarta.persistence.sharedCache.mode";
private final String name;
private String provider;
private String jtaDataSource;
private String nonJtaDataSource;
private SharedCacheMode sharedCacheMode = SharedCacheMode.UNSPECIFIED;
private ValidationMode validationMode = ValidationMode.AUTO;
private PersistenceUnitTransactionType transactionType = PersistenceUnitTransactionType.RESOURCE_LOCAL;
private final List> managedClasses = new ArrayList<>();
private final List mappingFileNames = new ArrayList<>();
private final Map properties = new HashMap<>();
* Create a new empty configuration. An empty configuration does not
* typically hold enough information for successful invocation of
* {@link #createEntityManagerFactory()}.
* @param name the name of the persistence unit, which may be used by
* the persistence provider for logging and error reporting
public PersistenceConfiguration(String name) {
Objects.requireNonNull(name, "Persistence unit name should not be null");
this.name = name;
* Create a new {@link EntityManagerFactory} based on this configuration.
* @throws PersistenceException if required configuration is missing or
* if the factory could not be created
public EntityManagerFactory createEntityManagerFactory() {
return Persistence.createEntityManagerFactory(this);
* The name of the persistence unit, which may be used by the persistence
* provider for logging and error reporting.
* @return the name of the persistence unit.
public String name() {
return name;
* Specify the persistence provider.
* @param providerClassName the qualified name of the persistence provider class
* @return this configuration
public PersistenceConfiguration provider(String providerClassName) {
this.provider = providerClassName;
return this;
* The fully-qualified name of a concrete class implementing
* {@link jakarta.persistence.spi.PersistenceProvider}.
* @return the qualified name of the persistence provider class.
public String provider() {
return provider;
* Specify the JNDI name of a JTA {@code javax.sql.DataSource}.
* @param dataSourceJndiName the JNDI name of a JTA datasource
* @return this configuration
public PersistenceConfiguration jtaDataSource(String dataSourceJndiName) {
this.jtaDataSource = dataSourceJndiName;
return this;
* The JNDI name of a JTA {@code javax.sql.DataSource}.
* @return the configured JTA datasource, if any, or null
public String jtaDataSource() {
return jtaDataSource;
* Specify the JNDI name of a non-JTA {@code javax.sql.DataSource}.
* @param dataSourceJndiName the JNDI name of a non-JTA datasource
* @return this configuration
public PersistenceConfiguration nonJtaDataSource(String dataSourceJndiName) {
this.nonJtaDataSource = dataSourceJndiName;
return this;
* The JNDI name of a non-JTA {@code javax.sql.DataSource}.
* @return the configured non-JTA datasource, if any, or null
public String nonJtaDataSource() {
return nonJtaDataSource;
* Add a managed class (an {@link Entity}, {@link Embeddable},
* {@link MappedSuperclass}, or {@link Converter}) to the
* configuration.
* @param managedClass the managed class
* @return this configuration
public PersistenceConfiguration managedClass(Class> managedClass) {
return this;
* The configured managed classes, that is, a list of classes
* annotated {@link Entity}, {@link Embeddable},
* {@link MappedSuperclass}, or {@link Converter}.
* @return all configured managed classes
public List> managedClasses() {
return managedClasses;
* Add the path of an XML mapping file loaded as a resource to
* the configuration.
* @param name the resource path of the mapping file
* @return this configuration
public PersistenceConfiguration mappingFile(String name) {
return this;
* The configured resource paths of XML mapping files.
* @return all configured mapping file resource paths
public List mappingFiles() {
return mappingFileNames;
* Specify the transaction type for the persistence unit.
* @param transactionType the transaction type
* @return this configuration
public PersistenceConfiguration transactionType(PersistenceUnitTransactionType transactionType) {
this.transactionType = transactionType;
return this;
* The {@linkplain PersistenceUnitTransactionType transaction type}.
* - If {@link PersistenceUnitTransactionType#JTA}, a JTA data
* source must be provided via {@link #jtaDataSource()},
* or by the container.
- If {@link PersistenceUnitTransactionType#RESOURCE_LOCAL},
* database connection properties may be specified via
* {@link #properties()}, or a non-JTA datasource may be
* provided via {@link #nonJtaDataSource()}.
* @return the transaction type
public PersistenceUnitTransactionType transactionType() {
return transactionType;
* Specify the shared cache mode for the persistence unit.
* @param sharedCacheMode the shared cache mode
* @return this configuration
public PersistenceConfiguration sharedCacheMode(SharedCacheMode sharedCacheMode) {
this.sharedCacheMode = sharedCacheMode;
return this;
* The shared cache mode. The default behavior is unspecified
* and {@linkplain SharedCacheMode#UNSPECIFIED provider-specific}.
* @return the shared cache mode
public SharedCacheMode sharedCacheMode() {
return sharedCacheMode;
* Specify the validation mode for the persistence unit.
* @param validationMode the shared cache mode
* @return this configuration
public PersistenceConfiguration validationMode(ValidationMode validationMode) {
this.validationMode = validationMode;
return this;
* The validation mode, {@link ValidationMode#AUTO} by default.
* @return the validation mode
public ValidationMode validationMode() {
return validationMode;
* Set a property of this persistence unit.
* @param name the property name
* @param value the property value
* @return this configuration
public PersistenceConfiguration property(String name, Object value) {
properties.put(name, value);
return this;
* Set multiple properties of this persistence unit.
* @param properties the properties
* @return this configuration
public PersistenceConfiguration properties(Map properties) {
return this;
* Standard and vendor-specific property settings.
* @return the configured properties
public Map properties() {
return properties;