javax.jms.Session Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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package javax.jms;
import java.io.Serializable;
/** A {@code Session} object is a single-threaded context for producing and consuming
* messages. Although it may allocate provider resources outside the Java
* virtual machine (JVM), it is considered a lightweight JMS object.
A session serves several purposes:
* - It is a factory for its message producers and consumers.
- It supplies provider-optimized message factories.
- It is a factory for {@code TemporaryTopics} and
* {@code TemporaryQueues}.
- It provides a way to create {@code Queue} or {@code Topic}
* objects for those clients that need to dynamically manipulate
* provider-specific destination names.
- It supports a single series of transactions that combine work
* spanning its producers and consumers into atomic units.
- It defines a serial order for the messages it consumes and
* the messages it produces.
- It retains messages it consumes until they have been
* acknowledged.
- It serializes execution of message listeners registered with
* its message consumers.
- It is a factory for {@code QueueBrowsers}.
* A session can create and service multiple message producers and
* consumers.
One typical use is to have a thread block on a synchronous
* {@code MessageConsumer} until a message arrives. The thread may then
* use one or more of the {@code Session}'s {@code MessageProducer}s.
If a client desires to have one thread produce messages while others
* consume them, the client should use a separate session for its producing
* thread.
Once a connection has been started, any session with one or more
* registered message listeners is dedicated to the thread of control that
* delivers messages to it. It is erroneous for client code to use this session
* or any of its constituent objects from another thread of control. The
* only exception to this rule is the use of the session or connection
* {@code close} method.
It should be easy for most clients to partition their work naturally
* into sessions. This model allows clients to start simply and incrementally
* add message processing complexity as their need for concurrency grows.
The {@code close} method is the only session method that can be
* called while some other session method is being executed in another thread.
A session may be specified as transacted. Each transacted
* session supports a single series of transactions. Each transaction groups
* a set of message sends and a set of message receives into an atomic unit
* of work. In effect, transactions organize a session's input message
* stream and output message stream into series of atomic units. When a
* transaction commits, its atomic unit of input is acknowledged and its
* associated atomic unit of output is sent. If a transaction rollback is
* done, the transaction's sent messages are destroyed and the session's input
* is automatically recovered.
The content of a transaction's input and output units is simply those
* messages that have been produced and consumed within the session's current
* transaction.
A transaction is completed using either its session's {@code commit}
* method or its session's {@code rollback} method. The completion of a
* session's current transaction automatically begins the next. The result is
* that a transacted session always has a current transaction within which its
* work is done.
The Java Transaction Service (JTS) or some other transaction monitor may
* be used to combine a session's transaction with transactions on other
* resources (databases, other JMS sessions, etc.). Since Java distributed
* transactions are controlled via the Java Transaction API (JTA), use of the
* session's {@code commit} and {@code rollback} methods in
* this context is prohibited.
The JMS API does not require support for JTA; however, it does define
* how a provider supplies this support.
Although it is also possible for a JMS client to handle distributed
* transactions directly, it is unlikely that many JMS clients will do this.
* Support for JTA in the JMS API is targeted at systems vendors who will be
* integrating the JMS API into their application server products.
* @version 2.0
* @see javax.jms.QueueSession
* @see javax.jms.TopicSession
* @see javax.jms.XASession
public interface Session extends Runnable, AutoCloseable {
/** With this acknowledgment mode, the session automatically acknowledges
* a client's receipt of a message either when the session has successfully
* returned from a call to {@code receive} or when the message
* listener the session has called to process the message successfully
* returns.
static final int AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE = 1;
/** With this acknowledgment mode, the client acknowledges a consumed
* message by calling the message's {@code acknowledge} method.
* Acknowledging a consumed message acknowledges all messages that the
* session has consumed.
When client acknowledgment mode is used, a client may build up a
* large number of unacknowledged messages while attempting to process
* them. A JMS provider should provide administrators with a way to
* limit client overrun so that clients are not driven to resource
* exhaustion and ensuing failure when some resource they are using
* is temporarily blocked.
* @see javax.jms.Message#acknowledge()
static final int CLIENT_ACKNOWLEDGE = 2;
/** This acknowledgment mode instructs the session to lazily acknowledge
* the delivery of messages. This is likely to result in the delivery of
* some duplicate messages if the JMS provider fails, so it should only be
* used by consumers that can tolerate duplicate messages. Use of this
* mode can reduce session overhead by minimizing the work the
* session does to prevent duplicates.
static final int DUPS_OK_ACKNOWLEDGE = 3;
/** This value may be passed as the argument to the
* method {@code createSession(int sessionMode)}
* on the {@code Connection} object
* to specify that the session should use a local transaction.
* This value is returned from the method
* {@code getAcknowledgeMode} if the session is using a local transaction,
* irrespective of whether the session was created by calling the
* method {@code createSession(int sessionMode)} or the
* method {@code createSession(boolean transacted, int acknowledgeMode)}.
static final int SESSION_TRANSACTED = 0;
/** Creates a {@code BytesMessage} object. A {@code BytesMessage}
* object is used to send a message containing a stream of uninterpreted
* bytes.
* The message object returned may be sent using any {@code Session} or {@code JMSContext}.
* It is not restricted to being sent using the {@code JMSContext} used to create it.
* The message object returned may be optimised for use with the JMS provider
* used to create it. However it can be sent using any JMS provider, not just the
* JMS provider used to create it.
* @exception JMSException if the JMS provider fails to create this message
* due to some internal error.
createBytesMessage() throws JMSException;
/** Creates a {@code MapMessage} object. A {@code MapMessage}
* object is used to send a self-defining set of name-value pairs, where
* names are {@code String} objects and values are primitive values
* in the Java programming language.
* The message object returned may be sent using any {@code Session} or {@code JMSContext}.
* It is not restricted to being sent using the {@code JMSContext} used to create it.
* The message object returned may be optimised for use with the JMS provider
* used to create it. However it can be sent using any JMS provider, not just the
* JMS provider used to create it.
* @exception JMSException if the JMS provider fails to create this message
* due to some internal error.
createMapMessage() throws JMSException;
/** Creates a {@code Message} object. The {@code Message}
* interface is the root interface of all JMS messages. A
* {@code Message} object holds all the
* standard message header information. It can be sent when a message
* containing only header information is sufficient.
* The message object returned may be sent using any {@code Session} or {@code JMSContext}.
* It is not restricted to being sent using the {@code JMSContext} used to create it.
* The message object returned may be optimised for use with the JMS provider
* used to create it. However it can be sent using any JMS provider, not just the
* JMS provider used to create it.
* @exception JMSException if the JMS provider fails to create this message
* due to some internal error.
createMessage() throws JMSException;
/** Creates an {@code ObjectMessage} object. An
* {@code ObjectMessage} object is used to send a message
* that contains a serializable Java object.
* The message object returned may be sent using any {@code Session} or {@code JMSContext}.
* It is not restricted to being sent using the {@code JMSContext} used to create it.
* The message object returned may be optimised for use with the JMS provider
* used to create it. However it can be sent using any JMS provider, not just the
* JMS provider used to create it.
* @exception JMSException if the JMS provider fails to create this message
* due to some internal error.
createObjectMessage() throws JMSException;
/** Creates an initialized {@code ObjectMessage} object. An
* {@code ObjectMessage} object is used
* to send a message that contains a serializable Java object.
* The message object returned may be sent using any {@code Session} or {@code JMSContext}.
* It is not restricted to being sent using the {@code JMSContext} used to create it.
* The message object returned may be optimised for use with the JMS provider
* used to create it. However it can be sent using any JMS provider, not just the
* JMS provider used to create it.
* @param object the object to use to initialize this message
* @exception JMSException if the JMS provider fails to create this message
* due to some internal error.
createObjectMessage(Serializable object) throws JMSException;
/** Creates a {@code StreamMessage} object. A
* {@code StreamMessage} object is used to send a
* self-defining stream of primitive values in the Java programming
* language.
* The message object returned may be sent using any {@code Session} or {@code JMSContext}.
* It is not restricted to being sent using the {@code JMSContext} used to create it.
* The message object returned may be optimised for use with the JMS provider
* used to create it. However it can be sent using any JMS provider, not just the
* JMS provider used to create it.
* @exception JMSException if the JMS provider fails to create this message
* due to some internal error.
createStreamMessage() throws JMSException;
/** Creates a {@code TextMessage} object. A {@code TextMessage}
* object is used to send a message containing a {@code String}
* object.
* The message object returned may be sent using any {@code Session} or {@code JMSContext}.
* It is not restricted to being sent using the {@code JMSContext} used to create it.
* The message object returned may be optimised for use with the JMS provider
* used to create it. However it can be sent using any JMS provider, not just the
* JMS provider used to create it.
* @exception JMSException if the JMS provider fails to create this message
* due to some internal error.
createTextMessage() throws JMSException;
/** Creates an initialized {@code TextMessage} object. A
* {@code TextMessage} object is used to send
* a message containing a {@code String}.
* The message object returned may be sent using any {@code Session} or {@code JMSContext}.
* It is not restricted to being sent using the {@code JMSContext} used to create it.
* The message object returned may be optimised for use with the JMS provider
* used to create it. However it can be sent using any JMS provider, not just the
* JMS provider used to create it.
* @param text the string used to initialize this message
* @exception JMSException if the JMS provider fails to create this message
* due to some internal error.
createTextMessage(String text) throws JMSException;
/** Indicates whether the session is in transacted mode.
* @return true if the session is in transacted mode
* @exception JMSException if the JMS provider fails to return the
* transaction mode due to some internal error.
getTransacted() throws JMSException;
/** Returns the acknowledgement mode of the session. The acknowledgement
* mode is set at the time that the session is created. If the session is
* transacted, the acknowledgement mode is ignored.
*@return If the session is not transacted, returns the
* current acknowledgement mode for the session.
* If the session
* is transacted, returns SESSION_TRANSACTED.
*@exception JMSException if the JMS provider fails to return the
* acknowledgment mode due to some internal error.
*@see Connection#createSession
*@since 1.1
getAcknowledgeMode() throws JMSException;
* Commits all messages done in this transaction and releases any locks
* currently held.
* This method must not return until any incomplete asynchronous send
* operations for this Session have been completed and any
* CompletionListener callbacks have returned. Incomplete sends
* should be allowed to complete normally unless an error occurs.
* A CompletionListener callback method must not call
* commit on its own Session. Doing so will cause an
* IllegalStateException to be thrown.
* @exception IllegalStateException
* - the session is not using a local transaction
- this method has been called by a CompletionListener callback method on its own Session
* @exception JMSException
* if the JMS provider fails to commit the transaction due to
* some internal error.
* @exception TransactionRolledBackException
* if the transaction is rolled back due to some internal
* error during commit.
commit() throws JMSException;
/** Rolls back any messages done in this transaction and releases any locks
* currently held.
* This method must not return until any incomplete asynchronous send
* operations for this Session have been completed and any
* CompletionListener callbacks have returned. Incomplete sends
* should be allowed to complete normally unless an error occurs.
* A CompletionListener callback method must not call
* commit on its own Session. Doing so will cause an
* IllegalStateException to be thrown.
* @exception IllegalStateException
* - the session is not using a local transaction
- this method has been called by a CompletionListener callback method on its own Session
* @exception JMSException if the JMS provider fails to roll back the
* transaction due to some internal error.
rollback() throws JMSException;
* Closes the session.
* Since a provider may allocate some resources on behalf of a session
* outside the JVM, clients should close the resources when they are not
* needed. Relying on garbage collection to eventually reclaim these
* resources may not be timely enough.
* There is no need to close the producers and consumers of a closed
* session.
* This call will block until a {@code receive} call or message
* listener in progress has completed. A blocked message consumer
* {@code receive} call returns {@code null} when this session is
* closed.
* This method must not return until any incomplete asynchronous send
* operations for this Session have been completed and any
* CompletionListener callbacks have returned. Incomplete sends
* should be allowed to complete normally unless an error occurs.
* For the avoidance of doubt, if an exception listener for this session's
* connection is running when {@code close} is invoked, there is no
* requirement for the {@code close} call to wait until the exception
* listener has returned before it may return.
* Closing a transacted session must roll back the transaction in progress.
* This method is the only {@code Session} method that can be called
* concurrently.
* A MessageListener must not attempt to close its own
* Session as this would lead to deadlock. The JMS provider must
* detect this and throw a IllegalStateException.
* A CompletionListener callback method must not call
* close on its own Session. Doing so will cause an
* IllegalStateException to be thrown.
* Invoking any other {@code Session} method on a closed session must
* throw a {@code IllegalStateException}. Closing a closed
* session must not throw an exception.
* @exception IllegalStateException
* - this method has been called by a MessageListener
* on its own Session
* - this method has
* been called by a CompletionListener callback
* method on its own Session
* @exception JMSException
* if the JMS provider fails to close the session due to some
* internal error.
close() throws JMSException;
/** Stops message delivery in this session, and restarts message delivery
* with the oldest unacknowledged message.
* All consumers deliver messages in a serial order.
* Acknowledging a received message automatically acknowledges all
* messages that have been delivered to the client.
Restarting a session causes it to take the following actions:
* - Stop message delivery
- Mark all messages that might have been delivered but not
* acknowledged as "redelivered"
- Restart the delivery sequence including all unacknowledged
* messages that had been previously delivered. Redelivered messages
* do not have to be delivered in
* exactly their original delivery order.
* @exception JMSException if the JMS provider fails to stop and restart
* message delivery due to some internal error.
* @exception IllegalStateException if the method is called by a
* transacted session.
recover() throws JMSException;
/** Returns the session's distinguished message listener (optional).
* This method must not be used in a Java EE web or EJB application.
* Doing so may cause a {@code JMSException} to be thrown though this is not guaranteed.
* @return the distinguished message listener associated with this session
* @exception JMSException if the JMS provider fails to get the session's distinguished message
* listener for one of the following reasons:
* - an internal error has occurred
- this method has been called in a Java EE web or EJB application
* (though it is not guaranteed that an exception is thrown in this case)
* @see javax.jms.Session#setMessageListener
* @see javax.jms.ServerSessionPool
* @see javax.jms.ServerSession
MessageListener getMessageListener() throws JMSException;
/** Sets the session's distinguished message listener (optional).
* When the distinguished message listener is set, no other form of
* message receipt in the session can
* be used; however, all forms of sending messages are still supported.
This is an expert facility not used by ordinary JMS clients.
* This method must not be used in a Java EE web or EJB application.
* Doing so may cause a {@code JMSException} to be thrown though this is not guaranteed.
* @param listener the message listener to associate with this session
* @exception JMSException if the JMS provider fails to set the session's distinguished message
* listener for one of the following reasons:
* - an internal error has occurred
- this method has been called in a Java EE web or EJB application
* (though it is not guaranteed that an exception is thrown in this case)
* @see javax.jms.Session#getMessageListener
* @see javax.jms.ServerSessionPool
* @see javax.jms.ServerSession
void setMessageListener(MessageListener listener) throws JMSException;
* Optional operation, intended to be used only by Application Servers,
* not by ordinary JMS clients.
* This method must not be used in a Java EE web or EJB application.
* Doing so may cause a {@code JMSRuntimeException} to be thrown though this is not guaranteed.
* @exception JMSRuntimeException if this method has been called in a Java EE web or EJB application
* (though it is not guaranteed that an exception is thrown in this case)
* @see javax.jms.ServerSession
public void run();
/** Creates a {@code MessageProducer} to send messages to the specified
* destination.
A client uses a {@code MessageProducer} object to send
* messages to a destination. Since {@code Queue} and {@code Topic}
* both inherit from {@code Destination}, they can be used in
* the destination parameter to create a {@code MessageProducer} object.
* @param destination the {@code Destination} to send to,
* or null if this is a producer which does not have a specified
* destination.
* @exception JMSException if the session fails to create a MessageProducer
* due to some internal error.
* @exception InvalidDestinationException if an invalid destination
* is specified.
* @since 1.1
createProducer(Destination destination) throws JMSException;
/** Creates a {@code MessageConsumer} for the specified destination.
* Since {@code Queue} and {@code Topic}
* both inherit from {@code Destination}, they can be used in
* the destination parameter to create a {@code MessageConsumer}.
* @param destination the {@code Destination} to access.
* @exception JMSException if the session fails to create a consumer
* due to some internal error.
* @exception InvalidDestinationException if an invalid destination
* is specified.
* @since 1.1
createConsumer(Destination destination) throws JMSException;
/** Creates a {@code MessageConsumer} for the specified destination,
* using a message selector.
* Since {@code Queue} and {@code Topic}
* both inherit from {@code Destination}, they can be used in
* the destination parameter to create a {@code MessageConsumer}.
A client uses a {@code MessageConsumer} object to receive
* messages that have been sent to a destination.
* @param destination the {@code Destination} to access
* @param messageSelector only messages with properties matching the
* message selector expression are delivered. A value of null or
* an empty string indicates that there is no message selector
* for the message consumer.
* @exception JMSException if the session fails to create a MessageConsumer
* due to some internal error.
* @exception InvalidDestinationException if an invalid destination
* is specified.
* @exception InvalidSelectorException if the message selector is invalid.
* @since 1.1
createConsumer(Destination destination, java.lang.String messageSelector)
throws JMSException;
/** Creates {@code MessageConsumer} for the specified destination, specifying a
* message selector and the {@code noLocal} parameter.
Since {@code Queue} and {@code Topic}
* both inherit from {@code Destination}, they can be used in
* the destination parameter to create a {@code MessageConsumer}.
A client uses a {@code MessageConsumer} object to receive
* messages that have been published to a destination.
The {@code noLocal} argument is for use when the
* destination is a topic and the session's connection
* is also being used to publish messages to that topic.
* If {@code noLocal} is set to true then the
* {@code MessageConsumer} will not receive messages published
* to the topic by its own connection. The default value of this
* argument is false. If the destination is a queue
* then the effect of setting {@code noLocal}
* to true is not specified.
* @param destination the {@code Destination} to access
* @param messageSelector only messages with properties matching the
* message selector expression are delivered. A value of null or
* an empty string indicates that there is no message selector
* for the message consumer.
* @param noLocal - if true, and the destination is a topic,
* then the {@code MessageConsumer} will
* not receive messages published to the topic
* by its own connection.
* @exception JMSException if the session fails to create a MessageConsumer
* due to some internal error.
* @exception InvalidDestinationException if an invalid destination
* is specified.
* @exception InvalidSelectorException if the message selector is invalid.
* @since 1.1
createConsumer(Destination destination, java.lang.String messageSelector,
boolean noLocal) throws JMSException;
* Creates a shared non-durable subscription with the specified name on the
* specified topic (if one does not already exist) and creates a consumer on
* that subscription. This method creates the non-durable subscription
* without a message selector and with a {@code nolocal} value of
* {@code false}.
* If a shared non-durable subscription already exists with the same name
* and client identifier (if set), and the same topic, message selector and
* {@code noLocal} value has been specified, then this method creates a
* {@code MessageConsumer} on the existing subscription.
* A non-durable shared subscription is used by a client which needs to be
* able to share the work of receiving messages from a topic subscription
* amongst multiple consumers. A non-durable shared subscription may
* therefore have more than one consumer. Each message from the subscription
* will be delivered to only one of the consumers on that subscription. Such
* a subscription is not persisted and will be deleted (together with any
* undelivered messages associated with it) when there are no consumers on
* it. The term "consumer" here means a {@code MessageConsumer} or
* {@code JMSConsumer} object in any client.
* A shared non-durable subscription is identified by a name specified by
* the client and by the client identifier (which may be unset). An
* application which subsequently wishes to create a consumer on that shared
* non-durable subscription must use the same client identifier.
* If a shared non-durable subscription already exists with the same name
* and client identifier (if set) but a different topic, message selector or
* {@code noLocal} value has been specified, and there is a consumer already
* active (i.e. not closed) on the subscription, then a {@code JMSException}
* will be thrown.
* There is no restriction on durable subscriptions and shared non-durable
* subscriptions having the same name and clientId (which may be unset).
* Such subscriptions would be completely separate.
* @param topic
* the {@code Topic} to subscribe to
* @param sharedSubscriptionName
* the name used to identify the shared non-durable subscription
* @throws JMSException
* if the session fails to create the shared non-durable
* subscription and {@code MessageConsumer} due to some internal
* error.
* @throws InvalidDestinationException
* if an invalid topic is specified.
* @throws InvalidSelectorException
* if the message selector is invalid.
* @since 2.0
MessageConsumer createSharedConsumer(Topic topic, String sharedSubscriptionName) throws JMSException;
* Creates a shared non-durable subscription with the specified name on the
* specified topic (if one does not already exist) specifying a message selector,
* and creates a consumer on that subscription. This method creates the non-durable
* subscription with a {@code nolocal} value of {@code false}.
* If a shared non-durable subscription already exists with the same name
* and client identifier (if set), and the same topic, message selector and
* {@code noLocal} value has been specified, then this method creates a
* {@code MessageConsumer} on the existing subscription.
* A non-durable shared subscription is used by a client which needs to be
* able to share the work of receiving messages from a topic subscription
* amongst multiple consumers. A non-durable shared subscription may
* therefore have more than one consumer. Each message from the subscription
* will be delivered to only one of the consumers on that subscription. Such
* a subscription is not persisted and will be deleted (together with any
* undelivered messages associated with it) when there are no consumers on
* it. The term "consumer" here means a {@code MessageConsumer} or
* {@code JMSConsumer} object in any client.
* A shared non-durable subscription is identified by a name specified by
* the client and by the client identifier (which may be unset). An
* application which subsequently wishes to create a consumer on that shared
* non-durable subscription must use the same client identifier.
* If a shared non-durable subscription already exists with the same name
* and client identifier (if set) but a different topic, message selector or
* {@code noLocal} value has been specified, and there is a consumer already
* active (i.e. not closed) on the subscription, then a {@code JMSException}
* will be thrown.
* There is no restriction on durable subscriptions and shared non-durable
* subscriptions having the same name and clientId (which may be unset).
* Such subscriptions would be completely separate.
* @param topic
* the {@code Topic} to subscribe to
* @param sharedSubscriptionName
* the name used to identify the shared non-durable subscription
* @param messageSelector
* only messages with properties matching the message selector
* expression are added to the shared non-durable subscription. A
* value of null or an empty string indicates that there is no
* message selector for the shared non-durable subscription.
* @throws JMSException
* if the session fails to create the shared non-durable
* subscription and {@code MessageConsumer} due to some
* internal error.
* @throws InvalidDestinationException
* if an invalid topic is specified.
* @throws InvalidSelectorException
* if the message selector is invalid.
* @since 2.0
MessageConsumer createSharedConsumer(Topic topic, String sharedSubscriptionName, java.lang.String messageSelector)
throws JMSException;
* Creates a shared non-durable subscription with the specified name on the
* specified topic (if one does not already exist) specifying a message selector
* and the {@code noLocal} parameter, and creates a consumer on that subscription.
* If a shared non-durable subscription already exists with the same name
* and client identifier (if set), and the same topic, message selector and
* {@code noLocal} value has been specified, then this method creates a
* {@code MessageConsumer} on the existing subscription.
* A non-durable shared subscription is used by a client which needs to be
* able to share the work of receiving messages from a topic subscription
* amongst multiple consumers. A non-durable shared subscription may
* therefore have more than one consumer. Each message from the subscription
* will be delivered to only one of the consumers on that subscription. Such
* a subscription is not persisted and will be deleted (together with any
* undelivered messages associated with it) when there are no consumers on
* it. The term "consumer" here means a {@code MessageConsumer} or
* {@code JMSConsumer} object in any client.
* A shared non-durable subscription is identified by a name specified by
* the client and by the client identifier (which may be unset). An
* application which subsequently wishes to create a consumer on that shared
* non-durable subscription must use the same client identifier.
* If a shared non-durable subscription already exists with the same name
* and client identifier (if set) but a different topic, message selector or
* {@code noLocal} value has been specified, and there is a consumer already
* active (i.e. not closed) on the subscription, then a {@code JMSException}
* will be thrown.
* If {@code noLocal} is set to true, and the client identifier is set, then any
* messages published to the topic using this session's connection, or
* any other connection with the same client identifier, will not be added
* to the shared non-durable subscription. If the client identifier is unset
* then setting {@code noLocal} to true will cause an {@code IllegalStateException} to be thrown.
* There is no restriction on durable subscriptions and shared non-durable
* subscriptions having the same name and clientId (which may be unset).
* Such subscriptions would be completely separate.
* @param topic
* the {@code Topic} to subscribe to
* @param sharedSubscriptionName
* the name used to identify the shared non-durable subscription
* @param messageSelector
* only messages with properties matching the message selector
* expression are added to the shared non-durable subscription. A
* value of null or an empty string indicates that there is no
* message selector for the non-durable subscription.
* @param noLocal
* if true, and the client identifier is set, then any messages
* published to the topic using this session's connection, or any
* other connection with the same
* client identifier, will not be added to the shared non-durable
* subscription.
* @throws JMSException
* if the session fails to create the shared non-durable
* subscription and {@code MessageConsumer} due to some
* internal error.
* @throws InvalidDestinationException
* if an invalid topic is specified.
* @throws InvalidSelectorException
* if the message selector is invalid.
* @throws IllegalStateException
* if {@code noLocal} is set to {@code true} but
* the client identifier is unset
* @since 2.0
MessageConsumer createSharedConsumer(Topic topic, String sharedSubscriptionName, java.lang.String messageSelector,
boolean noLocal) throws JMSException;
* Creates a {@code Queue} object which encapsulates a specified
* provider-specific queue name.
* The use of provider-specific queue names in an application may render the
* application non-portable. Portable applications are recommended to not
* use this method but instead look up an administratively-defined
* {@code Queue} object using JNDI.
* Note that this method simply creates an object that encapsulates the name
* of a queue. It does not create the physical queue in the JMS provider.
* JMS does not provide a method to create the physical queue, since this
* would be specific to a given JMS provider. Creating a physical queue is
* provider-specific and is typically an administrative task performed by an
* administrator, though some providers may create them automatically when
* needed. The one exception to this is the creation of a temporary queue,
* which is done using the {@code createTemporaryQueue} method.
* @param queueName
* A provider-specific queue name
* @return a Queue object which encapsulates the specified name
* @throws JMSException
* if a Queue object cannot be created due to some internal error
Queue createQueue(String queueName) throws JMSException;
* Creates a {@code Topic} object which encapsulates a specified
* provider-specific topic name.
* The use of provider-specific topic names in an application may render the
* application non-portable. Portable applications are recommended to not
* use this method but instead look up an administratively-defined
* {@code Topic} object using JNDI.
* Note that this method simply creates an object that encapsulates the name
* of a topic. It does not create the physical topic in the JMS provider.
* JMS does not provide a method to create the physical topic, since this
* would be specific to a given JMS provider. Creating a physical topic is
* provider-specific and is typically an administrative task performed by an
* administrator, though some providers may create them automatically when
* needed. The one exception to this is the creation of a temporary topic,
* which is done using the {@code createTemporaryTopic} method.
* @param topicName
* A provider-specific topic name
* @return a Topic object which encapsulates the specified name
* @throws JMSException
* if a Topic object cannot be created due to some internal
* error
Topic createTopic(String topicName) throws JMSException;
/** Creates a {@code QueueBrowser} object to peek at the messages on
* the specified queue.
* @param queue the {@code queue} to access
* @exception InvalidDestinationException if an invalid destination
* is specified
* @since 1.1
* Creates an unshared durable subscription on the specified topic (if one
* does not already exist) and creates a consumer on that durable
* subscription. This method creates the durable subscription without a
* message selector and with a {@code noLocal} value of {@code false}.
* A durable subscription is used by an application which needs to receive
* all the messages published on a topic, including the ones published when
* there is no active consumer associated with it. The JMS provider retains
* a record of this durable subscription and ensures that all messages from
* the topic's publishers are retained until they are delivered to, and
* acknowledged by, a consumer on this durable subscription or until they
* have expired.
* A durable subscription will continue to accumulate messages until it is
* deleted using the {@code unsubscribe} method.
* This method may only be used with unshared durable subscriptions. Any
* durable subscription created using this method will be unshared. This
* means that only one active (i.e. not closed) consumer on the subscription
* may exist at a time. The term "consumer" here means a
* {@code TopicSubscriber}, {@code MessageConsumer} or {@code JMSConsumer}
* object in any client.
* An unshared durable subscription is identified by a name specified by the
* client and by the client identifier, which must be set. An application
* which subsequently wishes to create a consumer on that unshared durable
* subscription must use the same client identifier.
* If an unshared durable subscription already exists with the same name and
* client identifier, and the same topic, message selector and
* {@code noLocal} value has been specified, and there is no consumer
* already active (i.e. not closed) on the durable subscription then
* this method creates a {@code TopicSubscriber} on the existing durable subscription.
* If an unshared durable subscription already exists with the same name and
* client identifier, and there is a consumer already active (i.e. not
* closed) on the durable subscription, then a {@code JMSException} will be
* thrown.
* If an unshared durable subscription already exists with the same name and
* client identifier but a different topic, message selector or
* {@code noLocal} value has been specified, and there is no consumer
* already active (i.e. not closed) on the durable subscription then this is
* equivalent to unsubscribing (deleting) the old one and creating a new
* one.
* A shared durable subscription and an unshared durable subscription may
* not have the same name and client identifier. If a shared durable
* subscription already exists with the same name and client identifier then
* a {@code JMSException} is thrown.
* There is no restriction on durable subscriptions and shared non-durable
* subscriptions having the same name and clientId. Such subscriptions would
* be completely separate.
* This method is identical to the corresponding
* {@code createDurableConsumer} method except that it returns a
* {@code TopicSubscriber} rather than a {@code MessageConsumer} to
* represent the consumer.
* @param topic
* the non-temporary {@code Topic} to subscribe to
* @param name
* the name used to identify this subscription
* @exception InvalidDestinationException
* if an invalid topic is specified.
* @exception IllegalStateException
* if the client identifier is unset
* @exception JMSException
* - if the session fails to create the unshared durable
* subscription and {@code TopicSubscriber} due to some
* internal error
* if an unshared durable subscription already exists with
* the same name and client identifier, and there is a
* consumer already active
- if a shared durable subscription already exists
* with the same name and client identifier
* @since 2.0
TopicSubscriber createDurableSubscriber(Topic topic,
String name) throws JMSException;
* Creates an unshared durable subscription on the specified topic (if one
* does not already exist), specifying a message selector and the
* {@code noLocal} parameter, and creates a consumer on that durable
* subscription.
* A durable subscription is used by an application which needs to receive
* all the messages published on a topic, including the ones published when
* there is no active consumer associated with it. The JMS provider retains
* a record of this durable subscription and ensures that all messages from
* the topic's publishers are retained until they are delivered to, and
* acknowledged by, a consumer on this durable subscription or until they
* have expired.
* A durable subscription will continue to accumulate messages until it is
* deleted using the {@code unsubscribe} method.
* This method may only be used with unshared durable subscriptions. Any
* durable subscription created using this method will be unshared. This
* means that only one active (i.e. not closed) consumer on the subscription
* may exist at a time. The term "consumer" here means a
* {@code TopicSubscriber}, {@code MessageConsumer} or {@code JMSConsumer}
* object in any client.
* An unshared durable subscription is identified by a name specified by the
* client and by the client identifier, which must be set. An application
* which subsequently wishes to create a consumer on that unshared durable
* subscription must use the same client identifier.
* If an unshared durable subscription already exists with the same name and
* client identifier, and the same topic, message selector and
* {@code noLocal} value has been specified, and there is no consumer
* already active (i.e. not closed) on the durable subscription then
* this method creates a {@code TopicSubscriber} on the existing durable subscription.
* If an unshared durable subscription already exists with the same name and
* client identifier, and there is a consumer already active (i.e. not
* closed) on the durable subscription, then a {@code JMSException} will be
* thrown.
* If an unshared durable subscription already exists with the same name and
* client identifier but a different topic, message selector or
* {@code noLocal} value has been specified, and there is no consumer
* already active (i.e. not closed) on the durable subscription then this is
* equivalent to unsubscribing (deleting) the old one and creating a new
* one.
* If {@code noLocal} is set to true then any messages published to the topic
* using this session's connection, or any other connection with the same client
* identifier, will not be added to the durable subscription.
* A shared durable subscription and an unshared durable subscription may
* not have the same name and client identifier. If a shared durable
* subscription already exists with the same name and client identifier then
* a {@code JMSException} is thrown.
* There is no restriction on durable subscriptions and shared non-durable
* subscriptions having the same name and clientId. Such subscriptions would
* be completely separate.
* This method is identical to the corresponding
* {@code createDurableConsumer} method except that it returns a
* {@code TopicSubscriber} rather than a {@code MessageConsumer} to
* represent the consumer.
* @param topic
* the non-temporary {@code Topic} to subscribe to
* @param name
* the name used to identify this subscription
* @param messageSelector
* only messages with properties matching the message selector
* expression are added to the durable subscription. A value of
* null or an empty string indicates that there is no message
* selector for the durable subscription.
* @param noLocal
* if true then any messages published to the topic using this
* session's connection, or any other connection with the same
* client identifier, will not be added to the durable
* subscription.
* @exception InvalidDestinationException
* if an invalid topic is specified.
* @exception InvalidSelectorException
* if the message selector is invalid.
* @exception IllegalStateException
* if the client identifier is unset
* @exception JMSException
* - if the session fails to create the unshared durable
* subscription and {@code TopicSubscriber} due to some
* internal error
* if an unshared durable subscription already exists with
* the same name and client identifier, and there is a
* consumer already active
- if a shared durable
* subscription already exists with the same name and client
* identifier
* @since 2.0
TopicSubscriber createDurableSubscriber(Topic topic, String name, String messageSelector, boolean noLocal)
throws JMSException;
* Creates an unshared durable subscription on the specified topic (if one
* does not already exist) and creates a consumer on that durable
* subscription. This method creates the durable subscription without a
* message selector and with a {@code noLocal} value of {@code false}.
* A durable subscription is used by an application which needs to receive
* all the messages published on a topic, including the ones published when
* there is no active consumer associated with it. The JMS provider retains
* a record of this durable subscription and ensures that all messages from
* the topic's publishers are retained until they are delivered to, and
* acknowledged by, a consumer on this durable subscription or until they
* have expired.
* A durable subscription will continue to accumulate messages until it is
* deleted using the {@code unsubscribe} method.
* This method may only be used with unshared durable subscriptions. Any
* durable subscription created using this method will be unshared. This
* means that only one active (i.e. not closed) consumer on the subscription
* may exist at a time. The term "consumer" here means a
* {@code TopicSubscriber}, {@code MessageConsumer} or {@code JMSConsumer}
* object in any client.
* An unshared durable subscription is identified by a name specified by the
* client and by the client identifier, which must be set. An application
* which subsequently wishes to create a consumer on that unshared durable
* subscription must use the same client identifier.
* If an unshared durable subscription already exists with the same name and
* client identifier, and the same topic, message selector and
* {@code noLocal} value has been specified, and there is no consumer
* already active (i.e. not closed) on the durable subscription then
* this method creates a {@code MessageConsumer} on the existing durable subscription.
* If an unshared durable subscription already exists with the same name and
* client identifier, and there is a consumer already active (i.e. not
* closed) on the durable subscription, then a {@code JMSException} will be
* thrown.
* If an unshared durable subscription already exists with the same name and
* client identifier but a different topic, message selector or
* {@code noLocal} value has been specified, and there is no consumer
* already active (i.e. not closed) on the durable subscription then this is
* equivalent to unsubscribing (deleting) the old one and creating a new
* one.
* A shared durable subscription and an unshared durable subscription may
* not have the same name and client identifier. If a shared durable
* subscription already exists with the same name and client identifier then
* a {@code JMSException} is thrown.
* There is no restriction on durable subscriptions and shared non-durable
* subscriptions having the same name and clientId. Such subscriptions would
* be completely separate.
* This method is identical to the corresponding
* {@code createDurableSubscriber} method except that it returns a
* {@code MessageConsumer} rather than a {@code TopicSubscriber} to
* represent the consumer.
* @param topic
* the non-temporary {@code Topic} to subscribe to
* @param name
* the name used to identify this subscription
* @exception InvalidDestinationException
* if an invalid topic is specified.
* @exception IllegalStateException
* if the client identifier is unset
* @exception JMSException
* - if the session fails to create the unshared durable
* subscription and {@code MessageConsumer} due to some
* internal error
* if an unshared durable subscription already exists with
* the same name and client identifier, and there is a
* consumer already active
- if a shared durable
* subscription already exists with the same name and client
* identifier
* @since 2.0
MessageConsumer createDurableConsumer(Topic topic, String name) throws JMSException;
* Creates an unshared durable subscription on the specified topic (if one
* does not already exist), specifying a message selector and the
* {@code noLocal} parameter, and creates a consumer on that durable
* subscription.
* A durable subscription is used by an application which needs to receive
* all the messages published on a topic, including the ones published when
* there is no active consumer associated with it. The JMS provider retains
* a record of this durable subscription and ensures that all messages from
* the topic's publishers are retained until they are delivered to, and
* acknowledged by, a consumer on this durable subscription or until they
* have expired.
* A durable subscription will continue to accumulate messages until it is
* deleted using the {@code unsubscribe} method.
* This method may only be used with unshared durable subscriptions. Any
* durable subscription created using this method will be unshared. This
* means that only one active (i.e. not closed) consumer on the subscription
* may exist at a time. The term "consumer" here means a
* {@code TopicSubscriber}, {@code MessageConsumer} or {@code JMSConsumer}
* object in any client.
* An unshared durable subscription is identified by a name specified by the
* client and by the client identifier, which must be set. An application
* which subsequently wishes to create a consumer on that unshared durable
* subscription must use the same client identifier.
* If an unshared durable subscription already exists with the same name and
* client identifier, and the same topic, message selector and
* {@code noLocal} value has been specified, and there is no consumer
* already active (i.e. not closed) on the durable subscription then
* this method creates a {@code MessageConsumer} on the existing durable subscription.
* If an unshared durable subscription already exists with the same name and
* client identifier, and there is a consumer already active (i.e. not
* closed) on the durable subscription, then a {@code JMSException} will be
* thrown.
* If an unshared durable subscription already exists with the same name and
* client identifier but a different topic, message selector or
* {@code noLocal} value has been specified, and there is no consumer
* already active (i.e. not closed) on the durable subscription then this is
* equivalent to unsubscribing (deleting) the old one and creating a new
* one.
* If {@code noLocal} is set to true then any messages published to the topic
* using this session's connection, or any other connection with the same client
* identifier, will not be added to the durable subscription.
* A shared durable subscription and an unshared durable subscription may
* not have the same name and client identifier. If a shared durable
* subscription already exists with the same name and client identifier then
* a {@code JMSException} is thrown.
* There is no restriction on durable subscriptions and shared non-durable
* subscriptions having the same name and clientId. Such subscriptions would
* be completely separate.
* This method is identical to the corresponding
* {@code createDurableSubscriber} method except that it returns a
* {@code MessageConsumer} rather than a {@code TopicSubscriber} to
* represent the consumer.
* @param topic
* the non-temporary {@code Topic} to subscribe to
* @param name
* the name used to identify this subscription
* @param messageSelector
* only messages with properties matching the message selector
* expression are added to the durable subscription. A value of
* null or an empty string indicates that there is no message
* selector for the durable subscription.
* @param noLocal
* if true then any messages published to the topic using this
* session's connection, or any other connection with the same
* client identifier, will not be added to the durable
* subscription.
* @exception InvalidDestinationException
* if an invalid topic is specified.
* @exception InvalidSelectorException
* if the message selector is invalid.
* @exception IllegalStateException
* if the client identifier is unset
* @exception JMSException
* - if the session fails to create the unshared durable
* subscription and {@code MessageConsumer} due to some
* internal error
* if an unshared durable subscription already exists with
* the same name and client identifier, and there is a
* consumer already active
- if a shared durable
* subscription already exists with the same name and client
* identifier
* @since 2.0
MessageConsumer createDurableConsumer(Topic topic, String name, String messageSelector, boolean noLocal) throws JMSException;
* Creates a shared durable subscription on the specified topic (if one does
* not already exist), specifying a message selector and the {@code noLocal}
* parameter, and creates a consumer on that durable subscription. This
* method creates the durable subscription without a message selector and
* with a {@code noLocal} value of {@code false}.
* A durable subscription is used by an application which needs to receive
* all the messages published on a topic, including the ones published when
* there is no active consumer associated with it. The JMS provider retains
* a record of this durable subscription and ensures that all messages from
* the topic's publishers are retained until they are delivered to, and
* acknowledged by, a consumer on this durable subscription or until they
* have expired.
* A durable subscription will continue to accumulate messages until it is
* deleted using the {@code unsubscribe} method.
* This method may only be used with shared durable subscriptions. Any
* durable subscription created using this method will be shared. This means
* that multiple active (i.e. not closed) consumers on the subscription may
* exist at the same time. The term "consumer" here means a
* {@code MessageConsumer} or {@code JMSConsumer} object in any client.
* A shared durable subscription is identified by a name specified by the
* client and by the client identifier (which may be unset). An application
* which subsequently wishes to create a consumer on that shared durable
* subscription must use the same client identifier.
* If a shared durable subscription already exists with the same name and
* client identifier (if set), and the same topic, message selector and
* {@code noLocal} value has been specified, then this method creates a
* {@code MessageConsumer} on the existing shared durable subscription.
* If a shared durable subscription already exists with the same name and
* client identifier (if set) but a different topic, message selector or
* {@code noLocal} value has been specified, and there is no consumer
* already active (i.e. not closed) on the durable subscription then this is
* equivalent to unsubscribing (deleting) the old one and creating a new
* one.
* If a shared durable subscription already exists with the same name and
* client identifier (if set) but a different topic, message selector or
* {@code noLocal} value has been specified, and there is a consumer already
* active (i.e. not closed) on the durable subscription, then a
* {@code JMSException} will be thrown.
* A shared durable subscription and an unshared durable subscription may
* not have the same name and client identifier (if set). If an unshared
* durable subscription already exists with the same name and client
* identifier (if set) then a {@code JMSException} is thrown.
* There is no restriction on durable subscriptions and shared non-durable
* subscriptions having the same name and clientId (which may be unset).
* Such subscriptions would be completely separate.
* @param topic
* the non-temporary {@code Topic} to subscribe to
* @param name
* the name used to identify this subscription
* @exception JMSException
* - if the session fails to create the shared durable
* subscription and {@code MessageConsumer} due to some
* internal error
- if a shared durable subscription
* already exists with the same name and client identifier,
* but a different topic, message selector or {@code noLocal}
* value, and there is a consumer already active
- if an
* unshared durable subscription already exists with the same
* name and client identifier
* @exception InvalidDestinationException
* if an invalid topic is specified.
* @since 2.0
MessageConsumer createSharedDurableConsumer(Topic topic, String name) throws JMSException;
* Creates a shared durable subscription on the specified topic (if one
* does not already exist), specifying a message selector and the
* {@code noLocal} parameter, and creates a consumer on that durable
* subscription.
* A durable subscription is used by an application which needs to receive
* all the messages published on a topic, including the ones published when
* there is no active consumer associated with it. The JMS provider retains
* a record of this durable subscription and ensures that all messages from
* the topic's publishers are retained until they are delivered to, and
* acknowledged by, a consumer on this durable subscription or until they
* have expired.
* A durable subscription will continue to accumulate messages until it is
* deleted using the {@code unsubscribe} method.
* This method may only be used with shared durable subscriptions. Any
* durable subscription created using this method will be shared. This means
* that multiple active (i.e. not closed) consumers on the subscription may
* exist at the same time. The term "consumer" here means a
* {@code MessageConsumer} or {@code JMSConsumer} object in any client.
* A shared durable subscription is identified by a name specified by the
* client and by the client identifier (which may be unset). An application
* which subsequently wishes to create a consumer on that shared durable
* subscription must use the same client identifier.
* If a shared durable subscription already exists with the same name and
* client identifier (if set), and the same topic, message selector and
* {@code noLocal} value has been specified, then this method creates a
* {@code MessageConsumer} on the existing shared durable subscription.
* If a shared durable subscription already exists with the same name and
* client identifier (if set) but a different topic, message selector or
* {@code noLocal} value has been specified, and there is no consumer
* already active (i.e. not closed) on the durable subscription then this is
* equivalent to unsubscribing (deleting) the old one and creating a new
* one.
* If a shared durable subscription already exists with the same name and
* client identifier (if set) but a different topic, message selector or
* {@code noLocal} value has been specified, and there is a consumer already
* active (i.e. not closed) on the durable subscription, then a
* {@code JMSException} will be thrown.
* If {@code noLocal} is set to true, and the client identifier is set, then any
* messages published to the topic using this session's connection, or
* any other connection with the same client identifier, will not be added
* to the shared durable subscription. If the client identifier is unset
* then setting {@code noLocal} to true will cause an {@code IllegalStateException}
* to be thrown.
* A shared durable subscription and an unshared durable subscription may
* not have the same name and client identifier (if set). If an unshared
* durable subscription already exists with the same name and client
* identifier (if set) then a {@code JMSException} is thrown.
* There is no restriction on durable subscriptions and shared non-durable
* subscriptions having the same name and clientId (which may be unset).
* Such subscriptions would be completely separate.
* @param topic
* the non-temporary {@code Topic} to subscribe to
* @param name
* the name used to identify this subscription
* @param messageSelector
* only messages with properties matching the message selector
* expression are added to the durable subscription. A value of
* null or an empty string indicates that there is no message
* selector for the durable subscription.
* @param noLocal
* if true then any messages published to the topic using this
* session's connection, or any other connection with the same
* client identifier, will not be added to the durable
* subscription.
* @exception JMSException
* - if the session fails to create the shared durable
* subscription and {@code MessageConsumer} due to some
* internal error
* if a shared durable subscription already exists with
* the same name and client identifier, but a different topic,
* message selector or {@code noLocal} value,
* and there is a consumer already active
- if an unshared durable
* subscription already exists with the same name and client
* identifier
* @exception InvalidDestinationException
* if an invalid topic is specified.
* @exception InvalidSelectorException
* if the message selector is invalid.
* @exception IllegalStateException
* if {@code noLocal} is set to true but the client identifier is unset
* @since 2.0
MessageConsumer createSharedDurableConsumer(Topic topic, String name, String messageSelector, boolean noLocal) throws JMSException;
/** Creates a {@code QueueBrowser} object to peek at the messages on
* the specified queue.
* @param queue the {@code queue} to access
* @exception JMSException if the session fails to create a browser
* due to some internal error.
* @exception InvalidDestinationException if an invalid destination
* is specified
* @since 1.1
createBrowser(Queue queue) throws JMSException;
/** Creates a {@code QueueBrowser} object to peek at the messages on
* the specified queue using a message selector.
* @param queue the {@code queue} to access
* @param messageSelector only messages with properties matching the
* message selector expression are delivered. A value of null or
* an empty string indicates that there is no message selector
* for the message consumer.
* @exception JMSException if the session fails to create a browser
* due to some internal error.
* @exception InvalidDestinationException if an invalid destination
* is specified
* @exception InvalidSelectorException if the message selector is invalid.
* @since 1.1
createBrowser(Queue queue,
String messageSelector) throws JMSException;
/** Creates a {@code TemporaryQueue} object. Its lifetime will be that
* of the {@code Connection} unless it is deleted earlier.
* @return a temporary queue identity
* @exception JMSException if the session fails to create a temporary queue
* due to some internal error.
*@since 1.1
createTemporaryQueue() throws JMSException;
/** Creates a {@code TemporaryTopic} object. Its lifetime will be that
* of the {@code Connection} unless it is deleted earlier.
* @return a temporary topic identity
* @exception JMSException if the session fails to create a temporary
* topic due to some internal error.
* @since 1.1
createTemporaryTopic() throws JMSException;
/** Unsubscribes a durable subscription that has been created by a client.
* This method deletes the state being maintained on behalf of the
* subscriber by its provider.
* A durable subscription is identified by a name specified by the client
* and by the client identifier if set. If the client identifier was set
* when the durable subscription was created then a client which
* subsequently wishes to use this method to
* delete a durable subscription must use the same client identifier.
It is erroneous for a client to delete a durable subscription
* while there is an active {@code MessageConsumer}
* or {@code TopicSubscriber} for the
* subscription, or while a consumed message is part of a pending
* transaction or has not been acknowledged in the session.
* @param name the name used to identify this subscription
* @exception JMSException if the session fails to unsubscribe to the
* durable subscription due to some internal error.
* @exception InvalidDestinationException if an invalid subscription name
* is specified.
* @since 1.1
unsubscribe(String name) throws JMSException;