gov.nist.javax.sip.message.SIPMessage Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Conditions Of Use
* This software was developed by employees of the National Institute of
* Standards and Technology (NIST), an agency of the Federal Government.
* Pursuant to title 15 Untied States Code Section 105, works of NIST
* employees are not subject to copyright protection in the United States
* and are considered to be in the public domain. As a result, a formal
* license is not needed to use the software.
* This software is provided by NIST as a service and is expressly
* AND DATA ACCURACY. NIST does not warrant or make any representations
* regarding the use of the software or the results thereof, including but
* not limited to the correctness, accuracy, reliability or usefulness of
* the software.
* Permission to use this software is contingent upon your acceptance
* of the terms of this agreement
* .
* Product of NIST/ITL Advanced Networking Technologies Division (ANTD) *
package android.gov.nist.javax.sip.message;
import android.gov.nist.core.InternalErrorHandler;
import android.gov.nist.core.Separators;
import android.gov.nist.javax.sip.SIPConstants;
import android.gov.nist.javax.sip.Utils;
import android.gov.nist.javax.sip.header.AlertInfo;
import android.gov.nist.javax.sip.header.Authorization;
import android.gov.nist.javax.sip.header.CSeq;
import android.gov.nist.javax.sip.header.CallID;
import android.gov.nist.javax.sip.header.Contact;
import android.gov.nist.javax.sip.header.ContactList;
import android.gov.nist.javax.sip.header.ContentLength;
import android.gov.nist.javax.sip.header.ContentType;
import android.gov.nist.javax.sip.header.ErrorInfo;
import android.gov.nist.javax.sip.header.ErrorInfoList;
import android.gov.nist.javax.sip.header.From;
import android.gov.nist.javax.sip.header.InReplyTo;
import android.gov.nist.javax.sip.header.MaxForwards;
import android.gov.nist.javax.sip.header.Priority;
import android.gov.nist.javax.sip.header.ProxyAuthenticate;
import android.gov.nist.javax.sip.header.ProxyAuthorization;
import android.gov.nist.javax.sip.header.ProxyRequire;
import android.gov.nist.javax.sip.header.ProxyRequireList;
import android.gov.nist.javax.sip.header.RSeq;
import android.gov.nist.javax.sip.header.RecordRouteList;
import android.gov.nist.javax.sip.header.RetryAfter;
import android.gov.nist.javax.sip.header.Route;
import android.gov.nist.javax.sip.header.RouteList;
import android.gov.nist.javax.sip.header.SIPETag;
import android.gov.nist.javax.sip.header.SIPHeader;
import android.gov.nist.javax.sip.header.SIPHeaderList;
import android.gov.nist.javax.sip.header.SIPHeaderNamesCache;
import android.gov.nist.javax.sip.header.SIPIfMatch;
import android.gov.nist.javax.sip.header.Server;
import android.gov.nist.javax.sip.header.Subject;
import android.gov.nist.javax.sip.header.To;
import android.gov.nist.javax.sip.header.Unsupported;
import android.gov.nist.javax.sip.header.UserAgent;
import android.gov.nist.javax.sip.header.Via;
import android.gov.nist.javax.sip.header.ViaList;
import android.gov.nist.javax.sip.header.WWWAuthenticate;
import android.gov.nist.javax.sip.header.Warning;
import android.gov.nist.javax.sip.parser.HeaderParser;
import android.gov.nist.javax.sip.parser.ParserFactory;
import android.gov.nist.javax.sip.parser.PipelinedMsgParser;
import android.gov.nist.javax.sip.parser.StringMsgParser;
import java.io.UnsupportedEncodingException;
import java.lang.reflect.Field;
import java.net.InetAddress;
import java.text.ParseException;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.ListIterator;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentLinkedQueue;
import android.javax.sip.InvalidArgumentException;
import android.javax.sip.SipException;
import android.javax.sip.header.AuthorizationHeader;
import android.javax.sip.header.CSeqHeader;
import android.javax.sip.header.CallIdHeader;
import android.javax.sip.header.ContactHeader;
import android.javax.sip.header.ContentDispositionHeader;
import android.javax.sip.header.ContentEncodingHeader;
import android.javax.sip.header.ContentLanguageHeader;
import android.javax.sip.header.ContentLengthHeader;
import android.javax.sip.header.ContentTypeHeader;
import android.javax.sip.header.ExpiresHeader;
import android.javax.sip.header.FromHeader;
import android.javax.sip.header.Header;
import android.javax.sip.header.MaxForwardsHeader;
import android.javax.sip.header.RecordRouteHeader;
import android.javax.sip.header.RouteHeader;
import android.javax.sip.header.ToHeader;
import android.javax.sip.header.ViaHeader;
import android.javax.sip.message.Request;
* Acknowledgements: Yanick Belanger sent in a patch for the right content length when the content
* is a String. Bill Mccormick from Nortel Networks sent in a bug fix for setContent.
* This is the main SIP Message structure.
* This is an implementation class.
* WARNING do not directly use the methods of this class in your application.
* Use the methods of the interfaces implemented by this class.
* @see StringMsgParser
* @see PipelinedMsgParser
* @version 1.2 $Revision: 1.59 $ $Date: 2010-12-02 22:44:52 $
* @since 1.1
* @author M. Ranganathan
public abstract class SIPMessage extends MessageObject implements android.javax.sip.message.Message,
MessageExt {
// JvB: use static here?
private String contentEncodingCharset = MessageFactoryImpl.getDefaultContentEncodingCharset();
* True if this is a null request.
protected boolean nullRequest;
* unparsed headers
protected LinkedList unrecognizedHeaders;
* List of parsed headers (in the order they were added)
protected ConcurrentLinkedQueue headers;
* Direct accessors for frequently accessed headers
protected From fromHeader;
protected To toHeader;
protected CSeq cSeqHeader;
protected CallID callIdHeader;
protected ContentLength contentLengthHeader;
protected MaxForwards maxForwardsHeader;
// Cumulative size of all the headers.
protected int size;
// Payload
protected String messageContent;
protected byte[] messageContentBytes;
protected Object messageContentObject;
// Table of headers indexed by name.
protected Map headerTable;
* The application data pointer. This is un-interpreted by the stack. This is provided as a
* convenient way of keeping book-keeping data for applications.
protected Object applicationData;
protected String forkId;
* The remote address that this message is bound to or received from.
private InetAddress remoteAddress;
* The remote port that this message is bound to or received from.
private int remotePort;
* The local address that we will send the message from or that we received
* it on.
private InetAddress localAddress;
* The local port that we will send the message from or that we received
* it on.
private int localPort;
private InetAddress peerPacketSourceAddress;
private int peerPacketSourcePort;
* Return true if the header belongs only in a Request.
* @param sipHeader is the header to test.
public static boolean isRequestHeader(SIPHeader sipHeader) {
return sipHeader instanceof AlertInfo || sipHeader instanceof InReplyTo
|| sipHeader instanceof Authorization || sipHeader instanceof MaxForwards
|| sipHeader instanceof UserAgent || sipHeader instanceof Priority
|| sipHeader instanceof ProxyAuthorization || sipHeader instanceof ProxyRequire
|| sipHeader instanceof ProxyRequireList || sipHeader instanceof Route
|| sipHeader instanceof RouteList || sipHeader instanceof Subject
|| sipHeader instanceof SIPIfMatch;
* Return true if the header belongs only in a response.
* @param sipHeader is the header to test.
public static boolean isResponseHeader(SIPHeader sipHeader) {
return sipHeader instanceof ErrorInfo || sipHeader instanceof ProxyAuthenticate
|| sipHeader instanceof Server || sipHeader instanceof Unsupported
|| sipHeader instanceof RetryAfter || sipHeader instanceof Warning
|| sipHeader instanceof WWWAuthenticate || sipHeader instanceof SIPETag
|| sipHeader instanceof RSeq;
* Get the headers as a linked list of encoded Strings
* @return a linked list with each element of the list containing a string encoded header in
* canonical form.
public LinkedList getMessageAsEncodedStrings() {
LinkedList retval = new LinkedList();
Iterator li = headers.iterator();
while (li.hasNext()) {
SIPHeader sipHeader = (SIPHeader) li.next();
if (sipHeader instanceof SIPHeaderList) {
SIPHeaderList< ? > shl = (SIPHeaderList< ? >) sipHeader;
} else {
return retval;
* Encode only the message and exclude the contents (for debugging);
* @return a string with all the headers encoded.
protected StringBuilder encodeSIPHeaders(StringBuilder encoding) {
// StringBuilder encoding = new StringBuilder();
Iterator it = this.headers.iterator();
while (it.hasNext()) {
SIPHeader siphdr = (SIPHeader) it.next();
if (!(siphdr instanceof ContentLength))
return contentLengthHeader.encode(encoding).append(NEWLINE);
* Encode all the headers except the contents. For debug logging.
public abstract StringBuilder encodeMessage(StringBuilder retval);
* Get A dialog identifier constructed from this messsage. This is an id that can be used to
* identify dialogs.
* @param isServerTransaction is a flag that indicates whether this is a server transaction.
public final String getDialogId(boolean isServer) {
To to = (To) this.getTo();
return this.getDialogId( isServer, to.getTag() );
* Get a dialog id given the remote tag.
public final String getDialogId(boolean isServer, String toTag) {
From from = (From) this.getFrom();
CallID cid = (CallID) this.getCallId();
StringBuffer retval = new StringBuffer(cid.getCallId());
if (!isServer) {
// retval.append(COLON).append(from.getUserAtHostPort());
if (from.getTag() != null) {
// retval.append(COLON).append(to.getUserAtHostPort());
if (toTag != null) {
} else {
// retval.append(COLON).append(to.getUserAtHostPort());
if (toTag != null) {
// retval.append(COLON).append(from.getUserAtHostPort());
if (from.getTag() != null) {
return retval.toString().toLowerCase();
* Template match for SIP messages. The matchObj is a SIPMessage template to match against.
* This method allows you to do pattern matching with incoming SIP messages. Null matches wild
* card.
* @param other is the match template to match against.
* @return true if a match occured and false otherwise.
public boolean match(Object other) {
if (other == null)
return true;
if (!other.getClass().equals(this.getClass()))
return false;
SIPMessage matchObj = (SIPMessage) other;
Iterator li = matchObj.getHeaders();
while (li.hasNext()) {
SIPHeader hisHeaders = (SIPHeader) li.next();
List myHeaders = this.getHeaderList(hisHeaders.getHeaderName());
// Could not find a header to match his header.
if (myHeaders == null || myHeaders.size() == 0)
return false;
if (hisHeaders instanceof SIPHeaderList) {
ListIterator< ? > outerIterator = ((SIPHeaderList< ? >) hisHeaders)
while (outerIterator.hasNext()) {
SIPHeader hisHeader = (SIPHeader) outerIterator.next();
if (hisHeader instanceof ContentLength)
ListIterator< ? > innerIterator = myHeaders.listIterator();
boolean found = false;
while (innerIterator.hasNext()) {
SIPHeader myHeader = (SIPHeader) innerIterator.next();
if (myHeader.match(hisHeader)) {
found = true;
if (!found)
return false;
} else {
SIPHeader hisHeader = hisHeaders;
ListIterator innerIterator = myHeaders.listIterator();
boolean found = false;
while (innerIterator.hasNext()) {
SIPHeader myHeader = (SIPHeader) innerIterator.next();
if (myHeader.match(hisHeader)) {
found = true;
if (!found)
return false;
return true;
* Merge a request with a template
* @param template -- template to merge with.
public void merge(Object template) {
if (!template.getClass().equals(this.getClass()))
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Bad class " + template.getClass());
SIPMessage templateMessage = (SIPMessage) template;
Object[] templateHeaders = templateMessage.headers.toArray();
for (int i = 0; i < templateHeaders.length; i++) {
SIPHeader hdr = (SIPHeader) templateHeaders[i];
String hdrName = hdr.getHeaderName();
List myHdrs = this.getHeaderList(hdrName);
if (myHdrs == null) {
} else {
ListIterator it = myHdrs.listIterator();
while (it.hasNext()) {
SIPHeader sipHdr = (SIPHeader) it.next();
* Encode this message as a string. This is more efficient when the payload is a string
* (rather than a binary array of bytes). If the payload cannot be encoded as a UTF-8 string
* then it is simply ignored (will not appear in the encoded message).
* @return The Canonical String representation of the message (including the canonical string
* representation of the SDP payload if it exists).
public String encode() {
StringBuilder encoding = new StringBuilder();
Iterator it = this.headers.iterator();
while (it.hasNext()) {
SIPHeader siphdr = (SIPHeader) it.next();
if (!(siphdr instanceof ContentLength))
// Append the unrecognized headers. Headers that are not
// recognized are passed through unchanged.
if(unrecognizedHeaders != null) {
for (String unrecognized : unrecognizedHeaders) {
if (this.messageContentObject != null) {
String mbody = this.getContent().toString();
} else if (this.messageContent != null || this.messageContentBytes != null) {
String content = null;
try {
if (messageContent != null)
content = messageContent;
else {
// JvB: Check for 'charset' parameter which overrides the default UTF-8
content = new String(messageContentBytes, getCharset() );
} catch (UnsupportedEncodingException ex) {
return encoding.toString();
* Encode the message as a byte array. Use this when the message payload is a binary byte
* array.
* @return The Canonical byte array representation of the message (including the canonical
* byte array representation of the SDP payload if it exists all in one contiguous
* byte array).
public byte[] encodeAsBytes(String transport) {
if (this instanceof SIPRequest && ((SIPRequest) this).isNullRequest()) {
return "\r\n\r\n".getBytes();
// JvB: added to fix case where application provides the wrong transport
// in the topmost Via header
ViaHeader topVia = (ViaHeader) this.getHeader(ViaHeader.NAME);
try {
} catch (ParseException e) {
StringBuilder encoding = new StringBuilder();
synchronized (this.headers) {
Iterator it = this.headers.iterator();
while (it.hasNext()) {
SIPHeader siphdr = (SIPHeader) it.next();
if (!(siphdr instanceof ContentLength))
byte[] retval = null;
byte[] content = this.getRawContent();
if (content != null) {
// Append the content
byte[] msgarray = null;
try {
msgarray = encoding.toString().getBytes( getCharset() );
} catch (UnsupportedEncodingException ex) {
retval = new byte[msgarray.length + content.length];
System.arraycopy(msgarray, 0, retval, 0, msgarray.length);
System.arraycopy(content, 0, retval, msgarray.length, content.length);
} else {
// Message content does not exist.
try {
retval = encoding.toString().getBytes( getCharset() );
} catch (UnsupportedEncodingException ex) {
return retval;
* clone this message (create a new deep physical copy). All headers in the message are
* cloned. You can modify the cloned copy without affecting the original. The content is
* handled as follows: If the content is a String, or a byte array, a new copy of the content
* is allocated and copied over. If the content is an Object that supports the clone method,
* then the clone method is invoked and the cloned content is the new content. Otherwise, the
* content of the new message is set equal to the old one.
* @return A cloned copy of this object.
public Object clone() {
SIPMessage retval = (SIPMessage) super.clone();
retval.headerTable = new ConcurrentHashMap();
retval.fromHeader = null;
retval.toHeader = null;
retval.cSeqHeader = null;
retval.callIdHeader = null;
retval.contentLengthHeader = null;
retval.maxForwardsHeader = null;
retval.forkId = null;
if (this.headers != null) {
retval.headers = new ConcurrentLinkedQueue();
for (Iterator iter = headers.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) {
SIPHeader hdr = (SIPHeader) iter.next();
retval.attachHeader((SIPHeader) hdr.clone());
if (this.messageContentBytes != null)
retval.messageContentBytes = (byte[]) this.messageContentBytes.clone();
if (this.messageContentObject != null)
retval.messageContentObject = makeClone(messageContentObject);
retval.unrecognizedHeaders = this.unrecognizedHeaders;
retval.remoteAddress = this.remoteAddress;
retval.remotePort = this.remotePort;
return retval;
* Get the string representation of this header (for pretty printing the generated structure).
* @return Formatted string representation of the object. Note that this is NOT the same as
* encode(). This is used mainly for debugging purposes.
public String debugDump() {
stringRepresentation = "";
try {
Field[] fields = this.getClass().getDeclaredFields();
for (int i = 0; i < fields.length; i++) {
Field f = fields[i];
Class< ? > fieldType = f.getType();
String fieldName = f.getName();
if (f.get(this) != null && SIPHeader.class.isAssignableFrom(fieldType)
&& fieldName.compareTo("headers") != 0) {
sprint(fieldName + Separators.EQUALS);
sprint(((SIPHeader) f.get(this)).debugDump());
} catch (Exception ex) {
sprint("List of headers : ");
sprint("messageContent = ");
if (this.getContent() != null) {
return stringRepresentation;
* Constructor: Initializes lists and list headers. All the headers for which there can be
* multiple occurances in a message are derived from the SIPHeaderListClass. All singleton
* headers are derived from SIPHeader class.
public SIPMessage() {
this.unrecognizedHeaders = new LinkedList();
this.headers = new ConcurrentLinkedQueue();
headerTable = new ConcurrentHashMap();
try {
this.attachHeader(new ContentLength(0), false);
} catch (Exception ex) {
* Attach a header and die if you get a duplicate header exception.
* @param h SIPHeader to attach.
private void attachHeader(SIPHeader h) {
if (h == null)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("null header!");
try {
if (h instanceof SIPHeaderList) {
SIPHeaderList< ? > hl = (SIPHeaderList< ? >) h;
if (hl.isEmpty()) {
attachHeader(h, false, false);
} catch (SIPDuplicateHeaderException ex) {
// InternalErrorHandler.handleException(ex);
* Attach a header (replacing the original header).
* @param sipHeader SIPHeader that replaces a header of the same type.
public void setHeader(Header sipHeader) {
SIPHeader header = (SIPHeader) sipHeader;
if (header == null)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("null header!");
try {
if (header instanceof SIPHeaderList) {
SIPHeaderList< ? > hl = (SIPHeaderList< ? >) header;
// Ignore empty lists.
if (hl.isEmpty())
attachHeader(header, true, false);
} catch (SIPDuplicateHeaderException ex) {
* Set a header from a linked list of headers.
* @param headers -- a list of headers to set.
public void setHeaders(java.util.List headers) {
ListIterator listIterator = headers.listIterator();
while (listIterator.hasNext()) {
SIPHeader sipHeader = (SIPHeader) listIterator.next();
try {
this.attachHeader(sipHeader, false);
} catch (SIPDuplicateHeaderException ex) {
* Attach a header to the end of the existing headers in this SIPMessage structure. This is
* equivalent to the attachHeader(SIPHeader,replaceflag,false); which is the normal way in
* which headers are attached. This was added in support of JAIN-SIP.
* @param h header to attach.
* @param replaceflag if true then replace a header if it exists.
* @throws SIPDuplicateHeaderException If replaceFlag is false and only a singleton header is
* allowed (fpr example CSeq).
public void attachHeader(SIPHeader h, boolean replaceflag) throws SIPDuplicateHeaderException {
this.attachHeader(h, replaceflag, false);
* Attach the header to the SIP Message structure at a specified position in its list of
* headers.
* @param header Header to attach.
* @param replaceFlag If true then replace the existing header.
* @param top Location in the header list to insert the header.
* @exception SIPDuplicateHeaderException if the header is of a type that cannot tolerate
* duplicates and one of this type already exists (e.g. CSeq header).
* @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException If the index specified is greater than the number of
* headers that are in this message.
public void attachHeader(SIPHeader header, boolean replaceFlag, boolean top)
throws SIPDuplicateHeaderException {
if (header == null) {
throw new NullPointerException("null header");
SIPHeader h;
if (ListMap.hasList(header) && !SIPHeaderList.class.isAssignableFrom(header.getClass())) {
SIPHeaderList hdrList = ListMap.getList(header);
h = hdrList;
} else {
h = header;
String headerNameLowerCase = SIPHeaderNamesCache.toLowerCase(h.getName());
if (replaceFlag) {
} else if (headerTable.containsKey(headerNameLowerCase) && !(h instanceof SIPHeaderList)) {
if (h instanceof ContentLength) {
try {
ContentLength cl = (ContentLength) h;
} catch (InvalidArgumentException e) {
// Just ignore duplicate header.
SIPHeader originalHeader = (SIPHeader) getHeader(header.getName());
// Delete the original header from our list structure.
if (originalHeader != null) {
Iterator li = headers.iterator();
while (li.hasNext()) {
SIPHeader next = (SIPHeader) li.next();
if (next.equals(originalHeader)) {
if (!headerTable.containsKey(headerNameLowerCase)) {
headerTable.put(headerNameLowerCase, h);
} else {
if (h instanceof SIPHeaderList) {
SIPHeaderList< ? > hdrlist = (SIPHeaderList< ? >) headerTable
if (hdrlist != null)
hdrlist.concatenate((SIPHeaderList) h, top);
headerTable.put(headerNameLowerCase, h);
} else {
headerTable.put(headerNameLowerCase, h);
// Direct accessor fields for frequently accessed headers.
if (h instanceof From) {
this.fromHeader = (From) h;
} else if (h instanceof ContentLength) {
this.contentLengthHeader = (ContentLength) h;
} else if (h instanceof To) {
this.toHeader = (To) h;
} else if (h instanceof CSeq) {
this.cSeqHeader = (CSeq) h;
} else if (h instanceof CallID) {
this.callIdHeader = (CallID) h;
} else if (h instanceof MaxForwards) {
this.maxForwardsHeader = (MaxForwards) h;
* Remove a header given its name. If multiple headers of a given name are present then the
* top flag determines which end to remove headers from.
* @param headerName is the name of the header to remove.
* @param top -- flag that indicates which end of header list to process.
public void removeHeader(String headerName, boolean top) {
String headerNameLowerCase = SIPHeaderNamesCache.toLowerCase(headerName);
SIPHeader toRemove = (SIPHeader) headerTable.get(headerNameLowerCase);
// nothing to do then we are done.
if (toRemove == null)
if (toRemove instanceof SIPHeaderList) {
SIPHeaderList< ? > hdrList = (SIPHeaderList< ? >) toRemove;
if (top)
// Clean up empty list
if (hdrList.isEmpty()) {
Iterator li = this.headers.iterator();
while (li.hasNext()) {
SIPHeader sipHeader = (SIPHeader) li.next();
if (sipHeader.getName().equalsIgnoreCase(headerNameLowerCase))
// JvB: also remove it from the nameTable! Else NPE in
// DefaultRouter
} else {
if (toRemove instanceof From) {
this.fromHeader = null;
} else if (toRemove instanceof To) {
this.toHeader = null;
} else if (toRemove instanceof CSeq) {
this.cSeqHeader = null;
} else if (toRemove instanceof CallID) {
this.callIdHeader = null;
} else if (toRemove instanceof MaxForwards) {
this.maxForwardsHeader = null;
} else if (toRemove instanceof ContentLength) {
this.contentLengthHeader = null;
Iterator li = this.headers.iterator();
while (li.hasNext()) {
SIPHeader sipHeader = (SIPHeader) li.next();
if (sipHeader.getName().equalsIgnoreCase(headerName))
* Remove all headers given its name.
* @param headerName is the name of the header to remove.
public void removeHeader(String headerName) {
if (headerName == null)
throw new NullPointerException("null arg");
String headerNameLowerCase = SIPHeaderNamesCache.toLowerCase(headerName);
SIPHeader removed = (SIPHeader) headerTable.remove(headerNameLowerCase);
// nothing to do then we are done.
if (removed == null)
// Remove the fast accessor fields.
if (removed instanceof From) {
this.fromHeader = null;
} else if (removed instanceof To) {
this.toHeader = null;
} else if (removed instanceof CSeq) {
this.cSeqHeader = null;
} else if (removed instanceof CallID) {
this.callIdHeader = null;
} else if (removed instanceof MaxForwards) {
this.maxForwardsHeader = null;
} else if (removed instanceof ContentLength) {
this.contentLengthHeader = null;
Iterator li = this.headers.iterator();
while (li.hasNext()) {
SIPHeader sipHeader = (SIPHeader) li.next();
if (sipHeader.getName().equalsIgnoreCase(headerNameLowerCase))
* Generate (compute) a transaction ID for this SIP message.
* @return A string containing the concatenation of various portions of the From,To,Via and
* RequestURI portions of this message as specified in RFC 2543: All responses to a
* request contain the same values in the Call-ID, CSeq, To, and From fields (with the
* possible addition of a tag in the To field (section 10.43)). This allows responses
* to be matched with requests. Incorporates a bug fix for a bug sent in by Gordon
* Ledgard of IPera for generating transactionIDs when no port is present in the via
* header. Incorporates a bug fix for a bug report sent in by Chris Mills of Nortel
* Networks (converts to lower case when returning the transaction identifier).
* @return a string that can be used as a transaction identifier for this message. This can be
* used for matching responses and requests (i.e. an outgoing request and its matching
* response have the same computed transaction identifier).
public String getTransactionId() {
Via topVia = getTopmostVia();
// if (!this.getViaHeaders().isEmpty()) {
// topVia = (Via) this.getViaHeaders().getFirst();
// }
// Have specified a branch Identifier so we can use it to identify
// the transaction. BranchId is not case sensitive.
// Branch Id prefix is not case sensitive.
if (topVia != null
&& topVia.getBranch() != null
&& topVia.getBranch().toUpperCase().startsWith(
// Bis 09 compatible branch assignment algorithm.
// implies that the branch id can be used as a transaction
// identifier.
if (this.getCSeq().getMethod().equals(Request.CANCEL))
return (topVia.getBranch() + ":" + this.getCSeq().getMethod()).toLowerCase();
return topVia.getBranch().toLowerCase();
} else {
// Old style client so construct the transaction identifier
// from various fields of the request.
StringBuilder retval = new StringBuilder();
From from = (From) this.getFrom();
To to = (To) this.getTo();
// String hpFrom = from.getUserAtHostPort();
// retval.append(hpFrom).append(":");
if (from.hasTag())
// String hpTo = to.getUserAtHostPort();
// retval.append(hpTo).append(":");
String cid = this.callIdHeader.getCallId();
if (topVia != null) {
if (!topVia.getSentBy().hasPort()) {
if (this.getCSeq().getMethod().equals(Request.CANCEL)) {
return retval.toString().toLowerCase().replace(":", "-").replace("@", "-")
+ Utils.getSignature();
* Override the hashcode method ( see issue # 55 ) Note that if you try to use this method
* before you assemble a valid request, you will get a constant ( -1 ). Beware of placing any
* half formed requests in a table.
public int hashCode() {
if (this.callIdHeader == null)
throw new RuntimeException(
"Invalid message! Cannot compute hashcode! call-id header is missing !");
return this.callIdHeader.getCallId().hashCode();
* Return true if this message has a body.
public boolean hasContent() {
return messageContent != null || messageContentBytes != null;
* Return an iterator for the list of headers in this message.
* @return an Iterator for the headers of this message.
public Iterator getHeaders() {
return headers.iterator();
* Get the first header of the given name.
* @return header -- the first header of the given name.
public Header getHeader(String headerName) {
return getHeaderLowerCase(SIPHeaderNamesCache.toLowerCase(headerName));
protected Header getHeaderLowerCase(String lowerCaseHeaderName) {
if (lowerCaseHeaderName == null)
throw new NullPointerException("bad name");
SIPHeader sipHeader = (SIPHeader) headerTable.get(lowerCaseHeaderName);
if (sipHeader instanceof SIPHeaderList)
return (Header) ((SIPHeaderList) sipHeader).getFirst();
return (Header) sipHeader;
* Get the contentType header (null if one does not exist).
* @return contentType header
public ContentType getContentTypeHeader() {
return (ContentType) getHeaderLowerCase(CONTENT_TYPE_LOWERCASE);
private static final String CONTENT_TYPE_LOWERCASE = SIPHeaderNamesCache
* Get the contentLength header.
public ContentLengthHeader getContentLengthHeader() {
return this.getContentLength();
* Get the from header.
* @return -- the from header.
public FromHeader getFrom() {
return (FromHeader) fromHeader;
* Get the ErrorInfo list of headers (null if one does not exist).
* @return List containing ErrorInfo headers.
public ErrorInfoList getErrorInfoHeaders() {
return (ErrorInfoList) getSIPHeaderListLowerCase(ERROR_LOWERCASE);
private static final String ERROR_LOWERCASE = SIPHeaderNamesCache.toLowerCase(ErrorInfo.NAME);
* Get the Contact list of headers (null if one does not exist).
* @return List containing Contact headers.
public ContactList getContactHeaders() {
return (ContactList) this.getSIPHeaderListLowerCase(CONTACT_LOWERCASE);
private static final String CONTACT_LOWERCASE = SIPHeaderNamesCache
* Get the contact header ( the first contact header) which is all we need for the most part.
public Contact getContactHeader() {
ContactList clist = this.getContactHeaders();
if (clist != null) {
return (Contact) clist.getFirst();
} else {
return null;
* Get the Via list of headers (null if one does not exist).
* @return List containing Via headers.
public ViaList getViaHeaders() {
return (ViaList) getSIPHeaderListLowerCase(VIA_LOWERCASE);
private static final String VIA_LOWERCASE = SIPHeaderNamesCache.toLowerCase(ViaHeader.NAME);
* Set A list of via headers.
* @param viaList a list of via headers to add.
public void setVia(java.util.List viaList) {
ViaList vList = new ViaList();
ListIterator it = viaList.listIterator();
while (it.hasNext()) {
Via via = (Via) it.next();
* Set the header given a list of headers.
* @param sipHeaderList a headerList to set
public void setHeader(SIPHeaderList sipHeaderList) {
this.setHeader((Header) sipHeaderList);
* Get the topmost via header.
* @return the top most via header if one exists or null if none exists.
public Via getTopmostVia() {
if (this.getViaHeaders() == null)
return null;
return (Via) (getViaHeaders().getFirst());
* Get the CSeq list of header (null if one does not exist).
* @return CSeq header
public CSeqHeader getCSeq() {
return (CSeqHeader) cSeqHeader;
* Get the Authorization header (null if one does not exist).
* @return Authorization header.
public Authorization getAuthorization() {
return (Authorization) getHeaderLowerCase(AUTHORIZATION_LOWERCASE);
private static final String AUTHORIZATION_LOWERCASE = SIPHeaderNamesCache
* Get the MaxForwards header (null if one does not exist).
* @return Max-Forwards header
public MaxForwardsHeader getMaxForwards() {
return maxForwardsHeader;
* Set the max forwards header.
* @param maxForwards is the MaxForwardsHeader to set.
public void setMaxForwards(MaxForwardsHeader maxForwards) {
* Get the Route List of headers (null if one does not exist).
* @return List containing Route headers
public RouteList getRouteHeaders() {
return (RouteList) getSIPHeaderListLowerCase(ROUTE_LOWERCASE);
private static final String ROUTE_LOWERCASE = SIPHeaderNamesCache
* Get the CallID header (null if one does not exist)
* @return Call-ID header .
public CallIdHeader getCallId() {
return callIdHeader;
* Set the call id header.
* @param callId call idHeader (what else could it be?)
public void setCallId(CallIdHeader callId) {
* Get the CallID header (null if one does not exist)
* @param callId -- the call identifier to be assigned to the call id header
public void setCallId(String callId) throws java.text.ParseException {
if (callIdHeader == null) {
this.setHeader(new CallID());
* Get the RecordRoute header list (null if one does not exist).
* @return Record-Route header
public RecordRouteList getRecordRouteHeaders() {
return (RecordRouteList) this.getSIPHeaderListLowerCase(RECORDROUTE_LOWERCASE);
private static final String RECORDROUTE_LOWERCASE = SIPHeaderNamesCache
* Get the To header (null if one does not exist).
* @return To header
public ToHeader getTo() {
return (ToHeader) toHeader;
public void setTo(ToHeader to) {
public void setFrom(FromHeader from) {
* Get the ContentLength header (null if one does not exist).
* @return content-length header.
public ContentLengthHeader getContentLength() {
return this.contentLengthHeader;
* Get the message body as a string. If the message contains a content type header with a
* specified charset, and if the payload has been read as a byte array, then it is returned
* encoded into this charset.
* @return Message body (as a string)
* @throws UnsupportedEncodingException if the platform does not support the charset specified
* in the content type header.
public String getMessageContent() throws UnsupportedEncodingException {
if (this.messageContent == null && this.messageContentBytes == null)
return null;
else if (this.messageContent == null) {
this.messageContent = new String(messageContentBytes, getCharset() );
return this.messageContent;
* Get the message content as an array of bytes. If the payload has been read as a String then
* it is decoded using the charset specified in the content type header if it exists.
* Otherwise, it is encoded using the default encoding which is UTF-8.
* @return an array of bytes that is the message payload.
public byte[] getRawContent() {
try {
if ( this.messageContentBytes != null ) {
// return messageContentBytes;
} else if (this.messageContentObject != null) {
String messageContent = this.messageContentObject.toString();
this.messageContentBytes = messageContent.getBytes( getCharset() );
} else if (this.messageContent != null) {
this.messageContentBytes = messageContent.getBytes( getCharset() );
return this.messageContentBytes;
} catch (UnsupportedEncodingException ex) {
return null;
* Set the message content given type and subtype.
* @param type is the message type (eg. application)
* @param subType is the message sybtype (eg. sdp)
* @param messageContent is the messge content as a string.
public void setMessageContent(String type, String subType, String messageContent) {
if (messageContent == null)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("messgeContent is null");
ContentType ct = new ContentType(type, subType);
this.messageContent = messageContent;
this.messageContentBytes = null;
this.messageContentObject = null;
// Could be double byte so we need to compute length
// after converting to byte[]
* Set the message content after converting the given object to a String.
* @param content -- content to set.
* @param contentTypeHeader -- content type header corresponding to content.
public void setContent(Object content, ContentTypeHeader contentTypeHeader)
throws ParseException {
if (content == null)
throw new NullPointerException("null content");
this.messageContent = null;
this.messageContentBytes = null;
this.messageContentObject = null;
if (content instanceof String) {
this.messageContent = (String) content;
} else if (content instanceof byte[]) {
this.messageContentBytes = (byte[]) content;
} else
this.messageContentObject = content;
* Get the content (body) of the message.
* @return the content of the sip message.
public Object getContent() {
if (this.messageContentObject != null)
return messageContentObject;
else if (this.messageContent != null)
return this.messageContent;
else if (this.messageContentBytes != null)
return this.messageContentBytes;
return null;
* Set the message content for a given type and subtype.
* @param type is the messge type.
* @param subType is the message subType.
* @param messageContent is the message content as a byte array.
public void setMessageContent(String type, String subType, byte[] messageContent) {
ContentType ct = new ContentType(type, subType);
* Set the message content for this message.
* @param content Message body as a string.
public void setMessageContent(byte[] content, boolean strict, boolean computeContentLength, int givenLength)
throws ParseException {
// Note that that this could be a double byte character
// set - bug report by Masafumi Watanabe
if ((!computeContentLength)) {
if ( (!strict && this.contentLengthHeader.getContentLength() != givenLength)
|| this.contentLengthHeader.getContentLength() < givenLength) {
throw new ParseException("Invalid content length "
+ this.contentLengthHeader.getContentLength() + " / " + givenLength, 0);
messageContent = null;
messageContentBytes = content;
messageContentObject = null;
* Set the message content as an array of bytes.
* @param content is the content of the message as an array of bytes.
public void setMessageContent(byte[] content) {
messageContentBytes = content;
messageContent = null;
messageContentObject = null;
* Method to set the content - called by the parser
* @param content
* @throws ParseException
public void setMessageContent(byte[] content, boolean computeContentLength, int givenLength)
throws ParseException {
if ((!computeContentLength) && this.contentLengthHeader.getContentLength() < givenLength) {
// System.out.println("!!!!!!!!!!! MISMATCH !!!!!!!!!!!");
throw new ParseException("Invalid content length "
+ this.contentLengthHeader.getContentLength() + " / " + givenLength, 0);
messageContentBytes = content;
messageContent = null;
messageContentObject = null;
* Compute and set the Content-length header based on the given content object.
* @param content is the content, as String, array of bytes, or other object.
private void computeContentLength(Object content) {
int length = 0;
if (content != null) {
if (content instanceof String) {
try {
length = ((String) content).getBytes( getCharset() ).length;
} catch (UnsupportedEncodingException ex) {
} else if (content instanceof byte[]) {
length = ((byte[]) content).length;
} else {
length = content.toString().length();
try {
} catch (InvalidArgumentException e) {
// Cannot happen.
* Remove the message content if it exists.
public void removeContent() {
messageContent = null;
messageContentBytes = null;
messageContentObject = null;
try {
} catch (InvalidArgumentException ex) {
* Get a SIP header or Header list given its name.
* @param headerName is the name of the header to get.
* @return a header or header list that contians the retrieved header.
public ListIterator getHeaders(String headerName) {
if (headerName == null)
throw new NullPointerException("null headerName");
SIPHeader sipHeader = (SIPHeader) headerTable.get(SIPHeaderNamesCache
// empty iterator
if (sipHeader == null)
return new LinkedList().listIterator();
if (sipHeader instanceof SIPHeaderList) {
return ((SIPHeaderList) sipHeader).listIterator();
} else {
return new HeaderIterator(this, sipHeader);
* Get a header of the given name as a string. This concatenates the headers of a given type
* as a comma separted list. This is useful for formatting and printing headers.
* @param name
* @return the header as a formatted string
public String getHeaderAsFormattedString(String name) {
String lowerCaseName = SIPHeaderNamesCache.toLowerCase(name);
if (this.headerTable.containsKey(lowerCaseName)) {
return this.headerTable.get(lowerCaseName).toString();
} else {
return this.getHeader(name).toString();
public SIPHeader getSIPHeaderListLowerCase(String lowerCaseHeaderName) {
return headerTable.get(lowerCaseHeaderName);
* Get a list of headers of the given name ( or null if no such header exists ).
* @param headerName -- a header name from which to retrieve the list.
* @return -- a list of headers with that name.
private List getHeaderList(String headerName) {
SIPHeader sipHeader = (SIPHeader) headerTable.get(SIPHeaderNamesCache
if (sipHeader == null)
return null;
else if (sipHeader instanceof SIPHeaderList)
return (List) (((SIPHeaderList< ? >) sipHeader).getHeaderList());
else {
LinkedList ll = new LinkedList();
return ll;
* Return true if the SIPMessage has a header of the given name.
* @param headerName is the header name for which we are testing.
* @return true if the header is present in the message
public boolean hasHeader(String headerName) {
return headerTable.containsKey(SIPHeaderNamesCache.toLowerCase(headerName));
* Return true if the message has a From header tag.
* @return true if the message has a from header and that header has a tag.
public boolean hasFromTag() {
return fromHeader != null && fromHeader.getTag() != null;
* Return true if the message has a To header tag.
* @return true if the message has a to header and that header has a tag.
public boolean hasToTag() {
return toHeader != null && toHeader.getTag() != null;
* Return the from tag.
* @return the tag from the from header.
public String getFromTag() {
return fromHeader == null ? null : fromHeader.getTag();
* Set the From Tag.
* @param tag -- tag to set in the from header.
public void setFromTag(String tag) {
try {
} catch (ParseException e) {
* Set the to tag.
* @param tag -- tag to set.
public void setToTag(String tag) {
try {
} catch (ParseException e) {
* Return the to tag.
public String getToTag() {
return toHeader == null ? null : toHeader.getTag();
* Return the encoded first line.
public abstract String getFirstLine();
* Add a SIP header.
* @param sipHeader -- sip header to add.
public void addHeader(Header sipHeader) {
// Content length is never stored. Just computed.
SIPHeader sh = (SIPHeader) sipHeader;
try {
if ((sipHeader instanceof ViaHeader) || (sipHeader instanceof RecordRouteHeader)) {
attachHeader(sh, false, true);
} else {
attachHeader(sh, false, false);
} catch (SIPDuplicateHeaderException ex) {
try {
if (sipHeader instanceof ContentLength) {
ContentLength cl = (ContentLength) sipHeader;
} catch (InvalidArgumentException e) {
* Add a header to the unparsed list of headers.
* @param unparsed -- unparsed header to add to the list.
public void addUnparsed(String unparsed) {
* Add a SIP header.
* @param sipHeader -- string version of SIP header to add.
public void addHeader(String sipHeader) {
String hdrString = sipHeader.trim() + "\n";
try {
HeaderParser parser = ParserFactory.createParser(sipHeader);
SIPHeader sh = parser.parse();
this.attachHeader(sh, false);
} catch (ParseException ex) {
* Get a list containing the unrecognized headers.
* @return a linked list containing unrecongnized headers.
public ListIterator getUnrecognizedHeaders() {
return this.getUnrecognizedHeadersList().listIterator();
* Get the header names.
* @return a list iterator to a list of header names. These are ordered in the same order as
* are present in the message.
public ListIterator getHeaderNames() {
Iterator li = this.headers.iterator();
LinkedList retval = new LinkedList();
while (li.hasNext()) {
SIPHeader sipHeader = (SIPHeader) li.next();
String name = sipHeader.getName();
return retval.listIterator();
* Compare for equality.
* @param other -- the other object to compare with.
public boolean equals(Object other) {
if (!other.getClass().equals(this.getClass())) {
return false;
SIPMessage otherMessage = (SIPMessage) other;
Collection values = this.headerTable.values();
Iterator it = values.iterator();
if (headerTable.size() != otherMessage.headerTable.size()) {
return false;
while (it.hasNext()) {
SIPHeader mine = (SIPHeader) it.next();
SIPHeader his = (SIPHeader) (otherMessage.headerTable.get(SIPHeaderNamesCache
if (his == null) {
return false;
} else if (!his.equals(mine)) {
return false;
return true;
* get content disposition header or null if no such header exists.
* @return the contentDisposition header
public android.javax.sip.header.ContentDispositionHeader getContentDisposition() {
return (ContentDispositionHeader) getHeaderLowerCase(CONTENT_DISPOSITION_LOWERCASE);
private static final String CONTENT_DISPOSITION_LOWERCASE = SIPHeaderNamesCache
* get the content encoding header.
* @return the contentEncoding header.
public android.javax.sip.header.ContentEncodingHeader getContentEncoding() {
return (ContentEncodingHeader) getHeaderLowerCase(CONTENT_ENCODING_LOWERCASE);
private static final String CONTENT_ENCODING_LOWERCASE = SIPHeaderNamesCache
* Get the contentLanguage header.
* @return the content language header.
public android.javax.sip.header.ContentLanguageHeader getContentLanguage() {
return (ContentLanguageHeader) getHeaderLowerCase(CONTENT_LANGUAGE_LOWERCASE);
private static final String CONTENT_LANGUAGE_LOWERCASE = SIPHeaderNamesCache
* Get the exipres header.
* @return the expires header or null if one does not exist.
public android.javax.sip.header.ExpiresHeader getExpires() {
return (ExpiresHeader) getHeaderLowerCase(EXPIRES_LOWERCASE);
private static final String EXPIRES_LOWERCASE = SIPHeaderNamesCache
* Set the expiresHeader
* @param expiresHeader -- the expires header to set.
public void setExpires(ExpiresHeader expiresHeader) {
* Set the content disposition header.
* @param contentDispositionHeader -- content disposition header.
public void setContentDisposition(ContentDispositionHeader contentDispositionHeader) {
public void setContentEncoding(ContentEncodingHeader contentEncodingHeader) {
public void setContentLanguage(ContentLanguageHeader contentLanguageHeader) {
* Set the content length header.
* @param contentLength -- content length header.
public void setContentLength(ContentLengthHeader contentLength) {
try {
} catch (InvalidArgumentException ex) {
* Set the size of all the headers. This is for book keeping. Called by the parser.
* @param size -- size of the headers.
public void setSize(int size) {
this.size = size;
public int getSize() {
return this.size;
* (non-Javadoc)
* @see android.javax.sip.message.Message#addLast(android.javax.sip.header.Header)
public void addLast(Header header) throws SipException, NullPointerException {
if (header == null)
throw new NullPointerException("null arg!");
try {
this.attachHeader((SIPHeader) header, false, false);
} catch (SIPDuplicateHeaderException ex) {
throw new SipException("Cannot add header - header already exists");
* (non-Javadoc)
* @see android.javax.sip.message.Message#addFirst(android.javax.sip.header.Header)
public void addFirst(Header header) throws SipException, NullPointerException {
if (header == null)
throw new NullPointerException("null arg!");
try {
this.attachHeader((SIPHeader) header, false, true);
} catch (SIPDuplicateHeaderException ex) {
throw new SipException("Cannot add header - header already exists");
* (non-Javadoc)
* @see android.javax.sip.message.Message#removeFirst(java.lang.String)
public void removeFirst(String headerName) throws NullPointerException {
if (headerName == null)
throw new NullPointerException("Null argument Provided!");
this.removeHeader(headerName, true);
* (non-Javadoc)
* @see android.javax.sip.message.Message#removeLast(java.lang.String)
public void removeLast(String headerName) {
if (headerName == null)
throw new NullPointerException("Null argument Provided!");
this.removeHeader(headerName, false);
* Set the CSeq header.
* @param cseqHeader -- CSeq Header.
public void setCSeq(CSeqHeader cseqHeader) {
* Set the application data pointer. This method is not used the stack. It is provided as a
* convenient way of storing book-keeping data for applications. Note that null clears the
* application data pointer (releases it).
* @param applicationData -- application data pointer to set. null clears the application data
* pointer.
public void setApplicationData(Object applicationData) {
this.applicationData = applicationData;
* Get the application data associated with this message.
* @return stored application data.
public Object getApplicationData() {
return this.applicationData;
* Get the multipart MIME content
public MultipartMimeContent getMultipartMimeContent() throws ParseException {
if (this.contentLengthHeader.getContentLength() == 0) {
return null;
MultipartMimeContentImpl retval = new MultipartMimeContentImpl(this
byte[] rawContent = getRawContent();
try {
String body = new String( rawContent, getCharset() );
return retval;
} catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
return null;
public CallIdHeader getCallIdHeader() {
return this.callIdHeader;
public FromHeader getFromHeader() {
return this.fromHeader;
public ToHeader getToHeader() {
return this.toHeader;
public ViaHeader getTopmostViaHeader() {
return this.getTopmostVia();
public CSeqHeader getCSeqHeader() {
return this.cSeqHeader;
* Returns the charset to use for encoding/decoding the body of this message
protected final String getCharset() {
ContentType ct = getContentTypeHeader();
if (ct!=null) {
String c = ct.getCharset();
return c!=null ? c : contentEncodingCharset;
} else return contentEncodingCharset;
* Return true if this is a null request (i.e. does not have a request line ).
* @return true if null request.
public boolean isNullRequest() {
return this.nullRequest;
* Set a flag to indiate this is a special message ( encoded with CRLFCRLF ).
public void setNullRequest() {
this.nullRequest = true;
public String getForkId() {
if ( this.forkId != null ) {
return forkId;
} else {
String callId = this.getCallId().getCallId();
String fromTag = this.getFromTag();
if ( fromTag == null ) {
throw new IllegalStateException("From tag is not yet set. Cannot compute forkId");
this.forkId = (callId + ":" + fromTag).toLowerCase();
return this.forkId;
public abstract void setSIPVersion(String sipVersion) throws ParseException;
public abstract String getSIPVersion();
public abstract String toString();
public void cleanUp() {
// callIdHeader = null;
// contentEncodingCharset = null;
// contentLengthHeader = null;
// cSeqHeader = null;
// forkId = null;
// fromHeader = null;
// if(headers != null) {
// headers.clear();
// headers = null;
// }
// matchExpression = null;
// maxForwardsHeader = null;
// messageContent = null;
// messageContentBytes = null;
// messageContentObject = null;
// if(nameTable != null) {
// nameTable.clear();
// nameTable = null;
// }
// stringRepresentation = null;
// toHeader = null;
// if(unrecognizedHeaders != null) {
// unrecognizedHeaders.clear();
// unrecognizedHeaders = null;
// }
* @param unrecognizedHeaders the unrecognizedHeaders to set
protected void setUnrecognizedHeadersList(LinkedList unrecognizedHeaders) {
this.unrecognizedHeaders = unrecognizedHeaders;
* @return the unrecognizedHeaders
protected LinkedList getUnrecognizedHeadersList() {
if(unrecognizedHeaders == null) {
unrecognizedHeaders = new LinkedList();
return unrecognizedHeaders;
public void setRemoteAddress(InetAddress remoteAddress) {
this.remoteAddress = remoteAddress;
public InetAddress getRemoteAddress() {
return remoteAddress;
public void setRemotePort(int remotePort) {
this.remotePort = remotePort;
public int getRemotePort() {
return remotePort;
public void setLocalAddress(InetAddress localAddress) {
this.localAddress = localAddress;
public InetAddress getLocalAddress() {
return localAddress;
public void setLocalPort(int localPort) {
this.localPort = localPort;
public int getLocalPort() {
return localPort;
public void setPeerPacketSourceAddress(InetAddress peerPacketSourceAddress) {
this.peerPacketSourceAddress = peerPacketSourceAddress;
public InetAddress getPeerPacketSourceAddress(){
return this.peerPacketSourceAddress;
public void setPeerPacketSourcePort(int peerPacketSourcePort) {
this.peerPacketSourcePort = peerPacketSourcePort;
public int getPeerPacketSourcePort(){
return this.peerPacketSourcePort;
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