gov.nist.javax.sip.stack.SIPTransactionStack Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Conditions Of Use
* This software was developed by employees of the National Institute of
* Standards and Technology (NIST), an agency of the Federal Government.
* Pursuant to title 15 Untied States Code Section 105, works of NIST
* employees are not subject to copyright protection in the United States
* and are considered to be in the public domain. As a result, a formal
* license is not needed to use the software.
* This software is provided by NIST as a service and is expressly
* AND DATA ACCURACY. NIST does not warrant or make any representations
* regarding the use of the software or the results thereof, including but
* not limited to the correctness, accuracy, reliability or usefulness of
* the software.
* Permission to use this software is contingent upon your acceptance
* of the terms of this agreement
* .
package android.gov.nist.javax.sip.stack;
import android.gov.nist.core.*;
import android.gov.nist.core.net.AddressResolver;
import android.gov.nist.core.net.DefaultNetworkLayer;
import android.gov.nist.core.net.NetworkLayer;
import android.gov.nist.core.net.SecurityManagerProvider;
import android.gov.nist.javax.sip.*;
import android.gov.nist.javax.sip.header.Event;
import android.gov.nist.javax.sip.header.Via;
import android.gov.nist.javax.sip.header.extensions.JoinHeader;
import android.gov.nist.javax.sip.header.extensions.ReplacesHeader;
import android.gov.nist.javax.sip.message.SIPMessage;
import android.gov.nist.javax.sip.message.SIPRequest;
import android.gov.nist.javax.sip.message.SIPResponse;
import android.gov.nist.javax.sip.parser.MessageParserFactory;
import android.gov.nist.javax.sip.stack.timers.SipTimer;
import android.javax.sip.*;
import android.javax.sip.address.Hop;
import android.javax.sip.address.Router;
import android.javax.sip.header.CallIdHeader;
import android.javax.sip.header.EventHeader;
import android.javax.sip.message.Request;
import android.javax.sip.message.Response;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.net.InetAddress;
import java.net.SocketAddress;
import java.net.UnknownHostException;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.concurrent.*;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger;
* Jeff Keyser : architectural suggestions and contributions. Pierre De Rop and Thomas Froment :
* Bug reports. Jeyashankher < [email protected] > : bug reports. Jeroen van Bemmel : Bug fixes.
* This is the sip stack. It is essentially a management interface. It manages
* the resources for the JAIN-SIP implementation. This is the structure that is
* wrapped by the SipStackImpl.
* @see android.gov.nist.javax.sip.SipStackImpl
* @author M. Ranganathan
* @version 1.2 $Revision: 1.180 $ $Date: 2010-12-02 22:04:15 $
public abstract class SIPTransactionStack implements
SIPTransactionEventListener, SIPDialogEventListener {
private static StackLogger logger = CommonLogger.getLogger(SIPTransactionStack.class);
* Number of milliseconds between timer ticks (500).
public static final int BASE_TIMER_INTERVAL = 500;
* Connection linger time (seconds) this is the time (in seconds) for which
* we linger the TCP connection before closing it.
// Moved to non constant as part of https://github.com/Mobicents/jain-sip/issues/40
private static int connectionLingerTimer = 8;
* Dialog Early state timeout duration.
protected int earlyDialogTimeout = 180;
* Table of retransmission Alert timers.
protected ConcurrentHashMap retransmissionAlertTransactions;
// Table of early dialogs ( to keep identity mapping )
protected ConcurrentHashMap earlyDialogTable;
// Table of dialogs.
protected ConcurrentHashMap dialogTable;
// Table of server dialogs ( for loop detection)
protected ConcurrentHashMap serverDialogMergeTestTable;
// A set of methods that result in dialog creations.
protected static final Set dialogCreatingMethods = new HashSet();
// Global timer. Use this for all timer tasks.
private SipTimer timer;
// List of pending server transactions
private ConcurrentHashMap pendingTransactions;
// hashtable for fast lookup
protected ConcurrentHashMap clientTransactionTable;
// Set to false if you want hiwat and lowat to be consulted.
protected boolean unlimitedServerTransactionTableSize = true;
// Set to false if you want unlimited size of client trnansactin table.
protected boolean unlimitedClientTransactionTableSize = true;
// High water mark for ServerTransaction Table
// after which requests are dropped.
protected int serverTransactionTableHighwaterMark = 5000;
// Low water mark for Server Tx table size after which
// requests are selectively dropped
protected int serverTransactionTableLowaterMark = 4000;
// Hiwater mark for client transaction table. These defaults can be
// overriden by stack
// configuration.
protected int clientTransactionTableHiwaterMark = 1000;
// Low water mark for client tx table.
protected int clientTransactionTableLowaterMark = 800;
private AtomicInteger activeClientTransactionCount = new AtomicInteger(0);
// Hashtable for server transactions.
protected ConcurrentHashMap serverTransactionTable;
// A table of ongoing transactions indexed by mergeId ( for detecting merged
// requests.
private ConcurrentHashMap mergeTable;
private ConcurrentHashMap terminatedServerTransactionsPendingAck;
private ConcurrentHashMap forkedClientTransactionTable;
protected boolean deliverRetransmittedAckToListener = false;
* ServerLog is used just for logging stack message tracecs.
protected ServerLogger serverLogger;
* We support UDP on this stack.
boolean udpFlag;
* Internal router. Use this for all sip: request routing.
protected DefaultRouter defaultRouter;
* Global flag that turns logging off
protected boolean needsLogging;
* Flag used for testing TI, bypasses filtering of ACK to non-2xx
private boolean non2XXAckPassedToListener;
* Class that handles caching of TCP/TLS connections.
protected IOHandler ioHandler;
* Flag that indicates that the stack is active.
protected boolean toExit;
* Name of the stack.
protected String stackName;
* IP address of stack -- this can be re-written by stun.
* @deprecated
protected String stackAddress;
* INET address of stack (cached to avoid repeated lookup)
* @deprecated
protected InetAddress stackInetAddress;
* Request factory interface (to be provided by the application)
protected StackMessageFactory sipMessageFactory;
* Router to determine where to forward the request.
protected android.javax.sip.address.Router router;
* Number of pre-allocated threads for processing udp messages. -1 means no
* preallocated threads ( dynamically allocated threads).
protected int threadPoolSize;
* max number of simultaneous connections.
protected int maxConnections;
* Close accept socket on completion.
protected boolean cacheServerConnections;
* Close connect socket on Tx termination.
protected boolean cacheClientConnections;
* Use the user supplied router for all out of dialog requests.
protected boolean useRouterForAll;
* Max size of message that can be read from a TCP connection.
protected int maxContentLength;
* Max # of headers that a SIP message can contain.
protected int maxMessageSize;
* A collection of message processors.
private Collection messageProcessors;
* Read timeout on TCP incoming sockets -- defines the time between reads
* for after delivery of first byte of message.
protected int readTimeout;
* The socket factory. Can be overriden by applications that want direct
* access to the underlying socket.
protected NetworkLayer networkLayer;
* Outbound proxy String ( to be handed to the outbound proxy class on
* creation).
protected String outboundProxy;
protected String routerPath;
// Flag to indicate whether the stack will provide dialog
// support.
protected boolean isAutomaticDialogSupportEnabled;
// The set of events for which subscriptions can be forked.
protected HashSet forkedEvents;
// Generate a timestamp header for retransmitted requests.
protected boolean generateTimeStampHeader;
protected AddressResolver addressResolver;
// Max time that the listener is allowed to take to respond to a
// request. Default is "infinity". This property allows
// containers to defend against buggy clients (that do not
// want to respond to requests).
protected int maxListenerResponseTime;
// Max time that an INVITE tx is allowed to live in the stack. Default is infinity
protected int maxTxLifetimeInvite;
// Max time that a Non INVITE tx is allowed to live in the stack. Default is infinity
protected int maxTxLifetimeNonInvite;
// A flag that indicates whether or not RFC 2543 clients are fully
// supported.
// If this is set to true, then To tag checking on the Dialog layer is
// disabled in a few places - resulting in possible breakage of forked
// dialogs.
protected boolean rfc2543Supported = true;
// / Provides a mechanism for applications to check the health of threads in
// the stack
protected ThreadAuditor threadAuditor = null;
protected LogRecordFactory logRecordFactory;
// Set to true if the client CANCEL transaction should be checked before
// sending
// it out.
protected boolean cancelClientTransactionChecked = true;
// Is to tag reassignment allowed.
protected boolean remoteTagReassignmentAllowed = true;
protected boolean logStackTraceOnMessageSend = true;
// Receive UDP buffer size
protected int receiveUdpBufferSize;
// Send UDP buffer size
protected int sendUdpBufferSize;
private int stackCongestionControlTimeout = 0;
protected boolean isBackToBackUserAgent = false;
protected boolean checkBranchId;
protected boolean isAutomaticDialogErrorHandlingEnabled = true;
protected boolean isDialogTerminatedEventDeliveredForNullDialog = false;
// Max time for a forked response to arrive. After this time, the original
// dialog
// is not tracked. If you want to track the original transaction you need to
// specify
// the max fork time with a stack init property.
protected int maxForkTime = 0;
// Whether or not to deliver unsolicited NOTIFY
private boolean deliverUnsolicitedNotify = false;
private boolean deliverTerminatedEventForAck = false;
protected boolean patchWebSocketHeaders = false;
protected boolean patchRport = false;
protected ClientAuthType clientAuth = ClientAuthType.Default;
// ThreadPool when parsed SIP messages are processed. Affects the case when many TCP calls use single socket.
private int tcpPostParsingThreadPoolSize = 0;
// Minimum time between NAT kee alive pings from clients.
// Any ping that exceeds this time will result in CRLF CRLF going
// from the UDP message channel.
protected long minKeepAliveInterval = -1L;
// The time after which a "dialog timeout event" is delivered to a listener.
protected int dialogTimeoutFactor = 64;
// factory used to create MessageParser objects
public MessageParserFactory messageParserFactory;
// factory used to create MessageProcessor objects
public MessageProcessorFactory messageProcessorFactory;
public long nioSocketMaxIdleTime;
private ReleaseReferencesStrategy releaseReferencesStrategy = ReleaseReferencesStrategy.None;
public SIPMessageValve sipMessageValve;
public SIPEventInterceptor sipEventInterceptor;
protected static ScheduledExecutorService selfRoutingThreadpoolExecutor;
private int threadPriority = Thread.MAX_PRIORITY;
* The socket factory. Can be overriden by applications that want direct
* access to the underlying socket.
protected SecurityManagerProvider securityManagerProvider;
* Keepalive support and cleanup for client-initiated connections as per RFC 5626.
* Based on the maximum CRLF keep-alive period of 840 seconds, per http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5626#section-4.4.1.
* a value < 0 means that the RFC 5626 will not be triggered, as a default we don't enable it not to change existing apps behavior.
protected int reliableConnectionKeepAliveTimeout = -1;
private long sslHandshakeTimeout = -1;
private boolean sslRenegotiationEnabled = false;
protected SocketTimeoutAuditor socketTimeoutAuditor = null;
public ScheduledExecutorService getSelfRoutingThreadpoolExecutor() {
if(selfRoutingThreadpoolExecutor == null) {
if(this.threadPoolSize<=0) {
selfRoutingThreadpoolExecutor = new ThreadAffinityExecutor(16);
} else {
selfRoutingThreadpoolExecutor = new ThreadAffinityExecutor(this.threadPoolSize);
return selfRoutingThreadpoolExecutor;
* Executor used to optimise the ReinviteSender Runnable in the sendRequest
* of the SipDialog
private ExecutorService reinviteExecutor = Executors
.newCachedThreadPool(new ThreadFactory() {
private int threadCount = 0;
public Thread newThread(Runnable pRunnable) {
return new Thread(pRunnable, String.format("%s-%d",
"ReInviteSender", threadCount++));
// / Timer to regularly ping the thread auditor (on behalf of the timer
// thread)
protected class PingTimer extends SIPStackTimerTask {
// / Timer thread handle
ThreadAuditor.ThreadHandle threadHandle;
// / Constructor
public PingTimer(ThreadAuditor.ThreadHandle a_oThreadHandle) {
threadHandle = a_oThreadHandle;
public Object getThreadHash() {
return null;
public void runTask() {
// Check if we still have a timer (it may be null after shutdown)
if (getTimer() != null) {
// Register the timer task if we haven't done so
// Contribution for https://github.com/Mobicents/jain-sip/issues/39
if (threadHandle == null && getThreadAuditor() != null) {
// This happens only once since the thread handle is passed
// to the next scheduled ping timer
threadHandle = getThreadAuditor().addCurrentThread();
// Let the thread auditor know that the timer task is alive
// Schedule the next ping
getTimer().schedule(new PingTimer(threadHandle),
class RemoveForkedTransactionTimerTask extends SIPStackTimerTask {
private final String forkId;
public RemoveForkedTransactionTimerTask(String forkId) {
this.forkId = forkId;
public Object getThreadHash() {
return null;
public void runTask() {
if (logger.isLoggingEnabled(LogWriter.TRACE_DEBUG)) {
"Removing forked client transaction : forkId = " + forkId);
static {
// Standard set of methods that create dialogs.
* Default constructor.
protected SIPTransactionStack() {
this.toExit = false;
this.forkedEvents = new HashSet();
// set of events for which subscriptions can be forked.
// Set an infinite thread pool size.
this.threadPoolSize = -1;
// Close response socket after infinte time.
// for max performance
this.cacheServerConnections = true;
// Close the request socket after infinite time.
// for max performance
this.cacheClientConnections = true;
// Max number of simultaneous connections.
this.maxConnections = -1;
// Array of message processors.
// jeand : using concurrent data structure to avoid excessive blocking
messageProcessors = new CopyOnWriteArrayList();
// Handle IO for this process.
this.ioHandler = new IOHandler(this);
// The read time out is infinite.
this.readTimeout = -1;
this.maxListenerResponseTime = -1;
// The default (identity) address lookup scheme
this.addressResolver = new DefaultAddressResolver();
// Notify may or may not create a dialog. This is handled in
// the code.
// Create the transaction collections
// Dialog dable.
this.dialogTable = new ConcurrentHashMap();
this.earlyDialogTable = new ConcurrentHashMap();
this.serverDialogMergeTestTable = new ConcurrentHashMap();
clientTransactionTable = new ConcurrentHashMap();
serverTransactionTable = new ConcurrentHashMap();
this.terminatedServerTransactionsPendingAck = new ConcurrentHashMap();
mergeTable = new ConcurrentHashMap();
retransmissionAlertTransactions = new ConcurrentHashMap();
// Start the timer event thread.
// this.timer = new DefaultTimer();
this.pendingTransactions = new ConcurrentHashMap();
this.forkedClientTransactionTable = new ConcurrentHashMap();
* Re Initialize the stack instance.
protected void reInit() {
if (logger.isLoggingEnabled(LogWriter.TRACE_DEBUG))
logger.logDebug("Re-initializing !");
// Array of message processors.
messageProcessors = new CopyOnWriteArrayList();
// Handle IO for this process.
this.ioHandler = new IOHandler(this);
pendingTransactions = new ConcurrentHashMap();
clientTransactionTable = new ConcurrentHashMap();
serverTransactionTable = new ConcurrentHashMap();
retransmissionAlertTransactions = new ConcurrentHashMap();
mergeTable = new ConcurrentHashMap();
// Dialog dable.
this.dialogTable = new ConcurrentHashMap();
this.earlyDialogTable = new ConcurrentHashMap();
this.serverDialogMergeTestTable = new ConcurrentHashMap();
this.terminatedServerTransactionsPendingAck = new ConcurrentHashMap();
this.forkedClientTransactionTable = new ConcurrentHashMap();
// this.timer = new DefaultTimer();
this.activeClientTransactionCount = new AtomicInteger(0);
* Creates and binds, if necessary, a socket connected to the specified
* destination address and port and then returns its local address.
* @param dst the destination address that the socket would need to connect
* to.
* @param dstPort the port number that the connection would be established
* with.
* @param localAddress the address that we would like to bind on (null for
* the "any" address).
* @param localPort the port that we'd like our socket to bind to (0 for a
* random port).
* @return the SocketAddress that this handler would use when connecting to
* the specified destination address and port.
* @throws IOException if binding the socket fails
public SocketAddress getLocalAddressForTcpDst(InetAddress dst, int dstPort,
InetAddress localAddress, int localPort) throws IOException {
if (getMessageProcessorFactory() instanceof NioMessageProcessorFactory) {
// First find the TLS message processor
MessageProcessor[] processors = getMessageProcessors();
for (MessageProcessor processor : processors){
if ("TCP".equals(processor.getTransport())) {
NioTcpMessageChannel msgChannel =
(NioTcpMessageChannel) processor.createMessageChannel(dst, dstPort);
return msgChannel.socketChannel.socket().getLocalSocketAddress();
return null;
return this.ioHandler.getLocalAddressForTcpDst(
dst, dstPort, localAddress, localPort);
* Creates and binds, if necessary, a TCP SSL socket connected to the
* specified destination address and port and then returns its local
* address.
* @param dst the destination address that the socket would need to connect
* to.
* @param dstPort the port number that the connection would be established
* with.
* @param localAddress the address that we would like to bind on
* (null for the "any" address).
* @return the SocketAddress that this handler would use when connecting to
* the specified destination address and port.
* @throws IOException if binding the socket fails
public SocketAddress getLocalAddressForTlsDst( InetAddress dst,
int dstPort, InetAddress localAddress) throws IOException {
// First find the TLS message processor
MessageProcessor[] processors = getMessageProcessors();
for (MessageProcessor processor : processors){
if(processor instanceof TLSMessageProcessor){
// Here we don't create the channel but if the channel is already
// existing will be returned
TLSMessageChannel msgChannel =
(TLSMessageChannel) processor.createMessageChannel(dst, dstPort);
return this.ioHandler.getLocalAddressForTlsDst(
dst, dstPort, localAddress, msgChannel);
} else if(processor instanceof NioTlsMessageProcessor) {
NioTlsMessageChannel msgChannel =
(NioTlsMessageChannel) processor.createMessageChannel(dst, dstPort);
return msgChannel.socketChannel.socket().getLocalSocketAddress();
return null;
* For debugging -- allows you to disable logging or enable logging
* selectively.
public void disableLogging() {
* Globally enable message logging ( for debugging)
public void enableLogging() {
* Print the dialog table.
public void printDialogTable() {
if (logger.isLoggingEnabled(LogWriter.TRACE_DEBUG)) {
"dialog table = " + this.dialogTable);
* Retrieve a transaction from our table of transactions with pending
* retransmission alerts.
* @param dialogId
* @return -- the RetransmissionAlert enabled transaction corresponding to
* the given dialog ID.
public SIPServerTransaction getRetransmissionAlertTransaction(
String dialogId) {
return (SIPServerTransaction) this.retransmissionAlertTransactions
* Return true if extension is supported.
* @return true if extension is supported and false otherwise.
public static boolean isDialogCreated(String method) {
return dialogCreatingMethods.contains(method);
* Add an extension method.
* @param extensionMethod
* -- extension method to support for dialog creation
public void addExtensionMethod(String extensionMethod) {
if (extensionMethod.equals(Request.NOTIFY)) {
if (logger.isLoggingEnabled(LogWriter.TRACE_DEBUG))
logger.logDebug("NOTIFY Supported Natively");
} else {
* Put a dialog into the dialog table.
* @param dialog
* -- dialog to put into the dialog table.
public SIPDialog putDialog(SIPDialog dialog) {
String dialogId = dialog.getDialogId();
if (dialogTable.containsKey(dialogId)) {
if (logger.isLoggingEnabled(LogWriter.TRACE_DEBUG)) {
.logDebug("putDialog: dialog already exists" + dialogId
+ " in table = " + dialogTable.get(dialogId));
return dialogTable.get(dialogId);
if (logger.isLoggingEnabled(LogWriter.TRACE_DEBUG)) {
logger.logDebug("putDialog dialogId=" + dialogId
+ " dialog = " + dialog);
if (logger.isLoggingEnabled(LogLevels.TRACE_DEBUG))
dialogTable.put(dialogId, dialog);
return dialog;
* Create a dialog and add this transaction to it.
* @param transaction
* -- tx to add to the dialog.
* @return the newly created Dialog.
* Create a dialog and add this transaction to it.
* @param transaction
* -- tx to add to the dialog.
* @return the newly created Dialog.
public SIPDialog createDialog(SIPTransaction transaction) {
SIPDialog retval = null;
if (transaction instanceof SIPClientTransaction) {
String dialogId = ((SIPRequest) transaction.getRequest())
if (logger.isLoggingEnabled(LogLevels.TRACE_DEBUG)) {
logger.logDebug("createDialog dialogId=" + dialogId);
if (this.earlyDialogTable.get(dialogId) != null) {
SIPDialog dialog = this.earlyDialogTable.get(dialogId);
if (dialog.getState() == null
|| dialog.getState() == DialogState.EARLY) {
retval = dialog;
if (logger.isLoggingEnabled(LogLevels.TRACE_DEBUG)) {
logger.logDebug("createDialog early Dialog found : earlyDialogId="
+ dialogId + " earlyDialog= " + dialog);
} else {
retval = new SIPDialog(transaction);
this.earlyDialogTable.put(dialogId, retval);
} else {
retval = new SIPDialog(transaction);
this.earlyDialogTable.put(dialogId, retval);
if (logger.isLoggingEnabled(LogLevels.TRACE_DEBUG)) {
logger.logDebug("createDialog early Dialog not found : earlyDialogId="
+ dialogId + " created one " + retval);
} else {
retval = new SIPDialog(transaction);
return retval;
* Create a Dialog given a client tx and response.
* @param transaction
* @param sipResponse
* @return
public SIPDialog createDialog(SIPClientTransaction transaction,
SIPResponse sipResponse) {
String originalDialogId = ((SIPRequest)transaction.getRequest()).getDialogId(false);
String earlyDialogId = sipResponse.getDialogId(false);
if (logger.isLoggingEnabled(LogLevels.TRACE_DEBUG)) {
logger.logDebug("createDialog originalDialogId=" + originalDialogId);
logger.logDebug("createDialog earlyDialogId=" + earlyDialogId);
logger.logDebug("createDialog default Dialog=" + transaction.getDefaultDialog());
if(transaction.getDefaultDialog() != null) {
logger.logDebug("createDialog default Dialog Id=" + transaction.getDefaultDialog().getDialogId());
SIPDialog retval = null;
SIPDialog earlyDialog = this.earlyDialogTable.get(originalDialogId);
if (earlyDialog != null && transaction != null && (transaction.getDefaultDialog() == null || transaction.getDefaultDialog().getDialogId().equals(originalDialogId))) {
retval = earlyDialog;
if (logger.isLoggingEnabled(LogLevels.TRACE_DEBUG)) {
logger.logDebug("createDialog early Dialog found : earlyDialogId="
+ originalDialogId + " earlyDialog= " + retval);
if (sipResponse.isFinalResponse()) {
} else {
retval = new SIPDialog(transaction, sipResponse);
if (logger.isLoggingEnabled(LogLevels.TRACE_DEBUG)) {
logger.logDebug("createDialog early Dialog not found : earlyDialogId="
+ earlyDialogId + " created one " + retval);
return retval;
* Create a Dialog given a sip provider and response.
* @param sipProvider
* @param sipResponse
* @return
public SIPDialog createDialog(SipProviderImpl sipProvider,
SIPResponse sipResponse) {
return new SIPDialog(sipProvider, sipResponse);
* Creates a new dialog based on a received NOTIFY. The dialog state is
* initialized appropriately. The NOTIFY differs in the From tag
* Made this a separate method to clearly distinguish what's happening here
* - this is a non-trivial case
* @param subscribeTx
* - the transaction started with the SUBSCRIBE that we sent
* @param notifyST
* - the ServerTransaction created for an incoming NOTIFY
* @return -- a new dialog created from the subscribe original SUBSCRIBE
* transaction.
public SIPDialog createDialog(SIPClientTransaction subscribeTx, SIPTransaction notifyST) {
return new SIPDialog(subscribeTx, notifyST);
* Remove the dialog from the dialog table.
* @param dialog
* -- dialog to remove.
public void removeDialog(SIPDialog dialog) {
String id = dialog.getDialogId();
String earlyId = dialog.getEarlyDialogId();
if (earlyId != null) {
if (id != null) {
// FHT: Remove dialog from table only if its associated dialog is
// the same as the one
// specified
Object old = this.dialogTable.get(id);
if (old == dialog) {
// We now deliver DTE even when the dialog is not originally present
// in the Dialog
// Table
// This happens before the dialog state is assigned.
if (!dialog.testAndSetIsDialogTerminatedEventDelivered()) {
DialogTerminatedEvent event = new DialogTerminatedEvent(dialog
.getSipProvider(), dialog);
// Provide notification to the listener that the dialog has
// ended.
dialog.getSipProvider().handleEvent(event, null);
} else if ( this.isDialogTerminatedEventDeliveredForNullDialog ) {
if (!dialog.testAndSetIsDialogTerminatedEventDelivered()) {
DialogTerminatedEvent event = new DialogTerminatedEvent(dialog
.getSipProvider(), dialog);
// Provide notification to the listener that the dialog has
// ended.
dialog.getSipProvider().handleEvent(event, null);
public SIPDialog getEarlyDialog(String dialogId) {
SIPDialog sipDialog = (SIPDialog) earlyDialogTable.get(dialogId);
if (logger.isLoggingEnabled(LogWriter.TRACE_DEBUG)) {
logger.logDebug("getEarlyDialog(" + dialogId + ") : returning " + sipDialog);
return sipDialog;
protected void removeMergeDialog(String mergeId) {
if(mergeId != null) {
if (logger.isLoggingEnabled(LogWriter.TRACE_DEBUG)) {
logger.logDebug("Tyring to remove Dialog from serverDialogMerge table with Merge Dialog Id " + mergeId);
SIPDialog sipDialog = serverDialogMergeTestTable.remove(mergeId);
if (logger.isLoggingEnabled(LogWriter.TRACE_DEBUG) && sipDialog != null) {
logger.logDebug("removed Dialog " + sipDialog + " from serverDialogMerge table with Merge Dialog Id " + mergeId);
protected void putMergeDialog(SIPDialog sipDialog) {
if(sipDialog != null) {
String mergeId = sipDialog.getMergeId();
if(mergeId != null) {
serverDialogMergeTestTable.put(mergeId, sipDialog);
if (logger.isLoggingEnabled(LogWriter.TRACE_DEBUG)) {
logger.logDebug("put Dialog " + sipDialog + " in serverDialogMerge table with Merge Dialog Id " + mergeId);
* Return the dialog for a given dialog ID. If compatibility is enabled then
* we do not assume the presence of tags and hence need to add a flag to
* indicate whether this is a server or client transaction.
* @param dialogId
* is the dialog id to check.
public SIPDialog getDialog(String dialogId) {
SIPDialog sipDialog = (SIPDialog) dialogTable.get(dialogId);
if (logger.isLoggingEnabled(LogWriter.TRACE_DEBUG)) {
logger.logDebug("getDialog(" + dialogId + ") : returning "
+ sipDialog);
return sipDialog;
* Remove the dialog given its dialog id. This is used for dialog id
* re-assignment only.
* @param dialogId
* is the dialog Id to remove.
public void removeDialog(String dialogId) {
if (logger.isLoggingEnabled()) {
logger.logWarning("Silently removing dialog from table");
* Find a matching client SUBSCRIBE to the incoming notify. NOTIFY requests
* are matched to such SUBSCRIBE requests if they contain the same
* "Call-ID", a "To" header "tag" parameter which matches the "From" header
* "tag" parameter of the SUBSCRIBE, and the same "Event" header field.
* Rules for comparisons of the "Event" headers are described in section
* 7.2.1. If a matching NOTIFY request contains a "Subscription-State" of
* "active" or "pending", it creates a new subscription and a new dialog
* (unless they have already been created by a matching response, as
* described above).
* @param notifyMessage
* @return -- the matching ClientTransaction with semaphore aquired or null
* if no such client transaction can be found.
public SIPClientTransaction findSubscribeTransaction(
SIPRequest notifyMessage, ListeningPointImpl listeningPoint) {
SIPClientTransaction retval = null;
try {
Iterator it = clientTransactionTable.values().iterator();
if (logger.isLoggingEnabled(LogWriter.TRACE_DEBUG))
logger.logDebug("ct table size = "
+ clientTransactionTable.size());
String thisToTag = notifyMessage.getTo().getTag();
if (thisToTag == null) {
return retval;
Event eventHdr = (Event) notifyMessage.getHeader(EventHeader.NAME);
if (eventHdr == null) {
if (logger.isLoggingEnabled(LogWriter.TRACE_DEBUG)) {
.logDebug("event Header is null -- returning null");
return retval;
while (it.hasNext()) {
SIPClientTransaction ct = (SIPClientTransaction) it.next();
if (!ct.getMethod().equals(Request.SUBSCRIBE))
// if ( sipProvider.getListeningPoint(transport) == null)
String fromTag = ct.getOriginalRequestFromTag();
Event hisEvent = (Event) ct.getOriginalRequestEvent();
// Event header is mandatory but some slopply clients
// dont include it.
if (hisEvent == null)
if (logger.isLoggingEnabled(LogWriter.TRACE_DEBUG)) {
logger.logDebug("ct.fromTag = " + fromTag);
logger.logDebug("thisToTag = " + thisToTag);
logger.logDebug("hisEvent = " + hisEvent);
logger.logDebug("eventHdr " + eventHdr);
if ( fromTag.equalsIgnoreCase(thisToTag)
&& hisEvent != null
&& eventHdr.match(hisEvent)
&& notifyMessage.getCallId().getCallId().equalsIgnoreCase(
ct.getOriginalRequestCallId())) {
if (!this.isDeliverUnsolicitedNotify() ) {
retval = ct;
return ct;
return retval;
} finally {
if (logger.isLoggingEnabled(LogWriter.TRACE_DEBUG))
logger.logDebug("findSubscribeTransaction : returning "
+ retval);
* Add entry to "Transaction Pending ACK" table.
* @param serverTransaction
public void addTransactionPendingAck(SIPServerTransaction serverTransaction) {
String branchId = ((SIPRequest) serverTransaction.getRequest())
if ( branchId != null ) {
* Get entry in the server transaction pending ACK table corresponding to an
* ACK.
* @param ackMessage
* @return
public SIPServerTransaction findTransactionPendingAck(SIPRequest ackMessage) {
return this.terminatedServerTransactionsPendingAck.get(ackMessage
* Remove entry from "Transaction Pending ACK" table.
* @param serverTransaction
* @return
public boolean removeTransactionPendingAck(SIPServerTransaction serverTransaction) {
// String branchId = ((SIPRequest)serverTransaction.getRequest()).getTopmostVia().getBranch();
String branchId = serverTransaction.getBranchId();
if ( branchId != null
&& this.terminatedServerTransactionsPendingAck.
containsKey(branchId) ) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
* Check if this entry exists in the "Transaction Pending ACK" table.
* @param serverTransaction
* @return
public boolean isTransactionPendingAck(
SIPServerTransaction serverTransaction) {
String branchId = ((SIPRequest) serverTransaction.getRequest())
return this.terminatedServerTransactionsPendingAck.contains(branchId);
* Find the transaction corresponding to a given request.
* @param sipMessage
* request for which to retrieve the transaction.
* @param isServer
* search the server transaction table if true.
* @return the transaction object corresponding to the request or null if no
* such mapping exists.
public SIPTransaction findTransaction(SIPMessage sipMessage,
boolean isServer) {
SIPTransaction retval = null;
try {
if (isServer) {
Via via = sipMessage.getTopmostVia();
if (via.getBranch() != null) {
String key = sipMessage.getTransactionId();
retval = (SIPTransaction) serverTransactionTable.get(key);
if (logger.isLoggingEnabled(LogWriter.TRACE_DEBUG))
"serverTx: looking for key " + key
+ " existing="
+ serverTransactionTable);
if (key
return retval;
// Need to scan the table for old style transactions (RFC 2543
// style)
Iterator it = serverTransactionTable
while (it.hasNext()) {
SIPServerTransaction sipServerTransaction = (SIPServerTransaction) it
if (sipServerTransaction
.isMessagePartOfTransaction(sipMessage)) {
retval = sipServerTransaction;
return retval;
} else {
Via via = sipMessage.getTopmostVia();
if (via.getBranch() != null) {
String key = sipMessage.getTransactionId();
if (logger.isLoggingEnabled(LogWriter.TRACE_DEBUG))
"clientTx: looking for key " + key);
retval = (SIPTransaction) clientTransactionTable.get(key);
if (key
return retval;
// Need to scan the table for old style transactions (RFC 2543
// style). This is terribly slow but we need to do this
// for backasswords compatibility.
Iterator it = clientTransactionTable
while (it.hasNext()) {
SIPClientTransaction clientTransaction = (SIPClientTransaction) it
if (clientTransaction
.isMessagePartOfTransaction(sipMessage)) {
retval = clientTransaction;
return retval;
} finally {
if (logger.isLoggingEnabled(LogWriter.TRACE_DEBUG)) {
"findTransaction: returning : " + retval);
return retval;
public SIPTransaction findTransaction(String transactionId, boolean isServer) {
if(isServer) {
return serverTransactionTable.get(transactionId);
} else {
return clientTransactionTable.get(transactionId);
* Get the transaction to cancel. Search the server transaction table for a
* transaction that matches the given transaction.
public SIPTransaction findCancelTransaction(SIPRequest cancelRequest,
boolean isServer) {
if (logger.isLoggingEnabled(LogWriter.TRACE_DEBUG)) {
logger.logDebug("findCancelTransaction request= \n"
+ cancelRequest + "\nfindCancelRequest isServer="
+ isServer);
if (isServer) {
Iterator li = this.serverTransactionTable
while (li.hasNext()) {
SIPTransaction transaction = (SIPTransaction) li.next();
SIPServerTransaction sipServerTransaction = (SIPServerTransaction) transaction;
if (sipServerTransaction
return sipServerTransaction;
} else {
Iterator li = this.clientTransactionTable
while (li.hasNext()) {
SIPTransaction transaction = (SIPTransaction) li.next();
SIPClientTransaction sipClientTransaction = (SIPClientTransaction) transaction;
if (sipClientTransaction
return sipClientTransaction;
if (logger.isLoggingEnabled(LogWriter.TRACE_DEBUG))
.logDebug("Could not find transaction for cancel request");
return null;
* Construcor for the stack. Registers the request and response factories
* for the stack.
* @param messageFactory
* User-implemented factory for processing messages.
protected SIPTransactionStack(StackMessageFactory messageFactory) {
this.sipMessageFactory = messageFactory;
* Finds a pending server transaction. Since each request may be handled
* either statefully or statelessly, we keep a map of pending transactions
* so that a duplicate transaction is not created if a second request is
* recieved while the first one is being processed.
* @param requestReceived
* @return -- the pending transaction or null if no such transaction exists.
public SIPServerTransaction findPendingTransaction(
String transactionId) {
if (this.logger.isLoggingEnabled(LogWriter.TRACE_DEBUG)) {
this.logger.logDebug("looking for pending tx for :"
+ transactionId);
return (SIPServerTransaction) pendingTransactions.get(transactionId);
* See if there is a pending transaction with the same Merge ID as the Merge
* ID obtained from the SIP Request. The Merge table is for handling the
* following condition: If the request has no tag in the To header field,
* the UAS core MUST check the request against ongoing transactions. If the
* From tag, Call-ID, and CSeq exactly match those associated with an
* ongoing transaction, but the request does not match that transaction
* (based on the matching rules in Section 17.2.3), the UAS core SHOULD
* generate a 482 (Loop Detected) response and pass it to the server
* transaction.
public boolean findMergedTransaction(SIPRequest sipRequest) {
if (!sipRequest.getMethod().equals(Request.INVITE)) {
* Dont need to worry about request merging for Non-INVITE
* transactions.
return false;
String mergeId = sipRequest.getMergeId();
if (mergeId != null) {
SIPServerTransaction mergedTransaction = (SIPServerTransaction) this.mergeTable
if (mergedTransaction != null
&& !mergedTransaction
.isMessagePartOfTransaction(sipRequest)) {
if(logger.isLoggingEnabled(LogLevels.TRACE_DEBUG)) {
logger.logDebug("Mathcing merged transaction for merge id " + mergeId + " with "+ mergedTransaction);
return true;
}else {
* Check for loop detection for really late arriving
* requests
SIPDialog serverDialog = this.serverDialogMergeTestTable
if (serverDialog != null && serverDialog.firstTransactionIsServerTransaction
&& serverDialog.getState() == DialogState.CONFIRMED) {
if(logger.isLoggingEnabled(LogLevels.TRACE_DEBUG)) {
logger.logDebug("Mathcing merged dialog for merge id " + mergeId + " with "+ serverDialog);
return true;
return false;
* Remove a pending Server transaction from the stack. This is called after
* the user code has completed execution in the listener.
* @param tr
* -- pending transaction to remove.
public void removePendingTransaction(SIPServerTransaction tr) {
if (this.logger.isLoggingEnabled(LogWriter.TRACE_DEBUG)) {
this.logger.logDebug("removePendingTx: "
+ tr.getTransactionId());
* Remove a transaction from the merge table.
* @param tr
* -- the server transaction to remove from the merge table.
public void removeFromMergeTable(SIPServerTransaction tr) {
if (logger.isLoggingEnabled(LogWriter.TRACE_DEBUG)) {
logger.logDebug("Removing tx from merge table ");
// http://java.net/jira/browse/JSIP-429
// get the merge id from the tx instead of the request to avoid reparsing on aggressive cleanup
String key = tr.getMergeId();
if (key != null) {
* Put this into the merge request table.
* @param sipTransaction
* -- transaction to put into the merge table.
public void putInMergeTable(SIPServerTransaction sipTransaction,
SIPRequest sipRequest) {
String mergeKey = sipRequest.getMergeId();
if (mergeKey != null) {
this.mergeTable.put(mergeKey, sipTransaction);
* Map a Server transaction (possibly sending out a 100 if the server tx is
* an INVITE). This actually places it in the hash table and makes it known
* to the stack.
* @param transaction
* -- the server transaction to map.
public void mapTransaction(SIPServerTransaction transaction) {
if (transaction.isTransactionMapped())
// transaction.startTransactionTimer();
* Handles a new SIP request. It finds a server transaction to handle this
* message. If none exists, it creates a new transaction.
* @param requestReceived
* Request to handle.
* @param requestMessageChannel
* Channel that received message.
* @return A server transaction.
public ServerRequestInterface newSIPServerRequest(
SIPRequest requestReceived, MessageChannel requestMessageChannel) {
// Next transaction in the set
SIPServerTransaction nextTransaction;
final String key = requestReceived.getTransactionId();
if(sipMessageValve != null) {
// https://java.net/jira/browse/JSIP-511
// catching all exceptions so it doesn't make JAIN SIP to fail
try {
requestReceived, requestMessageChannel)) {
if(logger.isLoggingEnabled(LogWriter.TRACE_DEBUG)) {
"Request dropped by the SIP message valve. Request = " + requestReceived);
return null;
} catch(Exception e) {
if(logger.isLoggingEnabled(LogWriter.TRACE_ERROR)) {
"An issue happening the valve on request " +
requestReceived +
" thus the message will not be processed further", e);
return null;
// Transaction to handle this request
SIPServerTransaction currentTransaction = (SIPServerTransaction) findTransaction(key, true);
// Got to do this for bacasswards compatibility.
if (currentTransaction == null
|| !currentTransaction
.isMessagePartOfTransaction(requestReceived)) {
// Loop through all server transactions
currentTransaction = null;
if (!key.toLowerCase().startsWith(
Iterator transactionIterator = serverTransactionTable.values().iterator();
while (transactionIterator.hasNext()
&& currentTransaction == null) {
nextTransaction = (SIPServerTransaction) transactionIterator
// If this transaction should handle this request,
if (nextTransaction
.isMessagePartOfTransaction(requestReceived)) {
// Mark this transaction as the one
// to handle this message
currentTransaction = nextTransaction;
// If no transaction exists to handle this message
if (currentTransaction == null) {
currentTransaction = findPendingTransaction(key);
if (currentTransaction != null) {
// Associate the tx with the received request.
if (currentTransaction.acquireSem())
return currentTransaction;
return null;
// Creating a new server tx. May fail under heavy load.
currentTransaction = createServerTransaction(requestMessageChannel);
if (currentTransaction != null) {
// currentTransaction.setPassToListener();
// Associate the tx with the received request.
// Set ths transaction's encapsulated request
// interface from the superclass
if (logger.isLoggingEnabled(LogWriter.TRACE_DEBUG)) {
logger.logDebug("newSIPServerRequest( "
+ requestReceived.getMethod() + ":"
+ requestReceived.getTopmostVia().getBranch() + "):"
+ currentTransaction);
if (currentTransaction != null)
.newSIPServerRequest(requestReceived, currentTransaction));
if (currentTransaction != null && currentTransaction.acquireSem()) {
return currentTransaction;
} else if (currentTransaction != null) {
try {
* Already processing a message for this transaction. SEND a
* trying ( message already being processed ).
if (currentTransaction
&& currentTransaction.getMethod().equals(
requestReceived.getMethod())) {
SIPResponse trying = requestReceived
} catch (Exception ex) {
if (logger.isLoggingEnabled())
logger.logError("Exception occured sending TRYING");
return null;
} else {
return null;
* Handles a new SIP response. It finds a client transaction to handle this
* message. If none exists, it sends the message directly to the superclass.
* @param responseReceived
* Response to handle.
* @param responseMessageChannel
* Channel that received message.
* @return A client transaction.
public ServerResponseInterface newSIPServerResponse(
SIPResponse responseReceived, MessageChannel responseMessageChannel) {
// Iterator through all client transactions
Iterator transactionIterator;
// Next transaction in the set
SIPClientTransaction nextTransaction;
// Transaction to handle this request
SIPClientTransaction currentTransaction;
if(sipMessageValve != null) {
// https://java.net/jira/browse/JSIP-511
// catching all exceptions so it doesn't make JAIN SIP to fail
try {
responseReceived, responseMessageChannel)) {
if(logger.isLoggingEnabled(LogWriter.TRACE_DEBUG)) {
"Response dropped by the SIP message valve. Response = " + responseReceived);
return null;
} catch(Exception e) {
if(logger.isLoggingEnabled(LogWriter.TRACE_ERROR)) {
"An issue happening the valve on response " +
responseReceived +
" thus the message will not be processed further", e);
return null;
String key = responseReceived.getTransactionId();
// Note that for RFC 3261 compliant operation, this lookup will
// return a tx if one exists and hence no need to search through
// the table.
currentTransaction = (SIPClientTransaction) findTransaction(key, false);
if (currentTransaction == null
|| (!currentTransaction
.isMessagePartOfTransaction(responseReceived) && !key
// Loop through all client transactions
transactionIterator = clientTransactionTable.values().iterator();
currentTransaction = null;
while (transactionIterator.hasNext() && currentTransaction == null) {
nextTransaction = (SIPClientTransaction) transactionIterator
// If this transaction should handle this request,
if (nextTransaction
.isMessagePartOfTransaction(responseReceived)) {
// Mark this transaction as the one to
// handle this message
currentTransaction = nextTransaction;
// If no transaction exists to handle this message,
if (currentTransaction == null) {
// JvB: Need to log before passing the response to the client
// app, it
// gets modified!
if (this.logger.isLoggingEnabled(StackLogger.TRACE_INFO)) {
responseMessageChannel.logResponse(responseReceived, System
.currentTimeMillis(), "before processing");
// Pass the message directly to the TU
return sipMessageFactory.newSIPServerResponse(responseReceived,
// Aquire the sem -- previous request may still be processing.
boolean acquired = currentTransaction.acquireSem();
// Set ths transaction's encapsulated response interface
// from the superclass
if (this.logger.isLoggingEnabled(StackLogger.TRACE_INFO)) {
currentTransaction.getMessageChannel().logResponse(responseReceived, System
.currentTimeMillis(), "before processing");
if (acquired) {
ServerResponseInterface sri = sipMessageFactory
.newSIPServerResponse(responseReceived, currentTransaction.getMessageChannel());
if (sri != null) {
} else {
if (this.logger.isLoggingEnabled(LogWriter.TRACE_DEBUG)) {
.logDebug("returning null - serverResponseInterface is null!");
return null;
} else {
if (logger.isLoggingEnabled(LogWriter.TRACE_DEBUG))
this.logger.logDebug("Could not aquire semaphore !!");
if (acquired)
return currentTransaction;
return null;
* Creates a client transaction to handle a new request. Gets the real
* message channel from the superclass, and then creates a new client
* transaction wrapped around this channel.
* @param nextHop
* Hop to create a channel to contact.
public MessageChannel createMessageChannel(SIPRequest request,
MessageProcessor mp, Hop nextHop) throws IOException {
// Create a new client transaction around the
// superclass' message channel
// Create the host/port of the target hop
Host targetHost = new Host();
HostPort targetHostPort = new HostPort();
MessageChannel returnChannel = mp.createMessageChannel(targetHostPort);
return returnChannel;
* Creates a client transaction that encapsulates a MessageChannel. Useful
* for implementations that want to subclass the standard
* @param encapsulatedMessageChannel
* Message channel of the transport layer.
public SIPClientTransaction createClientTransaction(SIPRequest sipRequest,
MessageChannel encapsulatedMessageChannel) {
SIPClientTransaction ct = new SIPClientTransactionImpl(this,
return ct;
* Creates a server transaction that encapsulates a MessageChannel. Useful
* for implementations that want to subclass the standard
* @param encapsulatedMessageChannel
* Message channel of the transport layer.
public SIPServerTransaction createServerTransaction(
MessageChannel encapsulatedMessageChannel) {
// Issue 256 : be consistent with createClientTransaction, if
// unlimitedServerTransactionTableSize is true,
// a new Server Transaction is created no matter what
if (unlimitedServerTransactionTableSize) {
return new SIPServerTransactionImpl(this, encapsulatedMessageChannel);
} else {
float threshold = ((float) (serverTransactionTable.size() - serverTransactionTableLowaterMark))
/ ((float) (serverTransactionTableHighwaterMark - serverTransactionTableLowaterMark));
boolean decision = Math.random() > 1.0 - threshold;
if (decision) {
return null;
} else {
return new SIPServerTransactionImpl(this,
* Get the size of the client transaction table.
* @return -- size of the ct table.
public int getClientTransactionTableSize() {
return this.clientTransactionTable.size();
* Get the size of the server transaction table.
* @return -- size of the server table.
public int getServerTransactionTableSize() {
return this.serverTransactionTable.size();
* Add a new client transaction to the set of existing transactions. Add it
* to the top of the list so an incoming response has less work to do in
* order to find the transaction.
* @param clientTransaction
* -- client transaction to add to the set.
public void addTransaction(SIPClientTransaction clientTransaction) {
if (logger.isLoggingEnabled(LogWriter.TRACE_DEBUG))
logger.logDebug("added transaction " + clientTransaction);
* Remove transaction. This actually gets the tx out of the search
* structures which the stack keeps around. When the tx
public void removeTransaction(SIPTransaction sipTransaction) {
if (logger.isLoggingEnabled(LogWriter.TRACE_DEBUG)) {
logger.logDebug("removeTransaction: Removing Transaction = "
+ sipTransaction.getTransactionId() + " transaction = "
+ sipTransaction);
Object removed = null;
try {
if (sipTransaction instanceof SIPServerTransaction) {
if (logger.isLoggingEnabled(LogLevels.TRACE_DEBUG)) {
String key = sipTransaction.getTransactionId();
removed = serverTransactionTable.remove(key);
String method = sipTransaction.getMethod();
.removePendingTransaction((SIPServerTransaction) sipTransaction);
.removeTransactionPendingAck((SIPServerTransaction) sipTransaction);
if (method.equalsIgnoreCase(Request.INVITE)) {
.removeFromMergeTable((SIPServerTransaction) sipTransaction);
// Send a notification to the listener.
SipProviderImpl sipProvider = (SipProviderImpl) sipTransaction
if (removed != null
&& sipTransaction.testAndSetTransactionTerminatedEvent()) {
TransactionTerminatedEvent event = new TransactionTerminatedEvent(
sipProvider, (ServerTransaction) sipTransaction);
sipProvider.handleEvent(event, sipTransaction);
} else {
String key = sipTransaction.getTransactionId();
removed = clientTransactionTable.remove(key);
if (logger.isLoggingEnabled(LogWriter.TRACE_DEBUG)) {
logger.logDebug("REMOVED client tx " + removed + " KEY = "
+ key);
if ( removed != null ) {
SIPClientTransaction clientTx = (SIPClientTransaction)removed;
final String forkId = clientTx.getForkId();
if (forkId != null && clientTx.isInviteTransaction()
&& this.maxForkTime != 0) {
if (logger.isLoggingEnabled(LogWriter.TRACE_DEBUG)) {
"Scheduling to remove forked client transaction : forkId = " + forkId + " in " + this.maxForkTime + " seconds");
this.timer.schedule(new RemoveForkedTransactionTimerTask(
forkId), this.maxForkTime * 1000);
// Send a notification to the listener.
if (removed != null
&& sipTransaction.testAndSetTransactionTerminatedEvent()) {
SipProviderImpl sipProvider = (SipProviderImpl) sipTransaction
TransactionTerminatedEvent event = new TransactionTerminatedEvent(
sipProvider, (ClientTransaction) sipTransaction);
sipProvider.handleEvent(event, sipTransaction);
} finally {
// http://java.net/jira/browse/JSIP-420
if(removed != null) {
if ( logger.isLoggingEnabled(LogWriter.TRACE_DEBUG))
logger.logDebug(String.format("removeTransaction: Table size : " +
" clientTransactionTable %d " +
" serverTransactionTable %d " +
" mergetTable %d " +
" terminatedServerTransactionsPendingAck %d " +
" forkedClientTransactionTable %d " +
" pendingTransactions %d " ,
* Add a new server transaction to the set of existing transactions. Add it
* to the top of the list so an incoming ack has less work to do in order to
* find the transaction.
* @param serverTransaction
* -- server transaction to add to the set.
public void addTransaction(SIPServerTransaction serverTransaction)
throws IOException {
if (logger.isLoggingEnabled(LogWriter.TRACE_DEBUG))
logger.logDebug("added transaction " + serverTransaction);
* Hash table for quick lookup of transactions. Here we wait for room if
* needed.
private void addTransactionHash(SIPTransaction sipTransaction) {
SIPRequest sipRequest = sipTransaction.getOriginalRequest();
SIPTransaction existingTx = null;
if (sipTransaction instanceof SIPClientTransaction) {
if (!this.unlimitedClientTransactionTableSize) {
if (this.activeClientTransactionCount.get() > clientTransactionTableHiwaterMark) {
try {
synchronized (this.clientTransactionTable) {
} catch (Exception ex) {
if (logger.isLoggingEnabled()) {
"Exception occured while waiting for room",
} else {
String key = sipRequest.getTransactionId();
existingTx = clientTransactionTable.putIfAbsent(key,
(SIPClientTransaction) sipTransaction);
if (logger.isLoggingEnabled(LogWriter.TRACE_DEBUG)) {
.logDebug(" putTransactionHash : " + " key = " + key);
} else {
String key = sipRequest.getTransactionId();
if (logger.isLoggingEnabled(LogWriter.TRACE_DEBUG)) {
.logDebug(" putTransactionHash : " + " key = " + key);
existingTx = serverTransactionTable.putIfAbsent(key,
(SIPServerTransaction) sipTransaction);
// http://java.net/jira/browse/JSIP-420
if(existingTx == null) {
* This method is called when a client tx transitions to the Completed or
* Terminated state.
protected void decrementActiveClientTransactionCount() {
if (this.activeClientTransactionCount.decrementAndGet() <= this.clientTransactionTableLowaterMark
&& !this.unlimitedClientTransactionTableSize) {
synchronized (this.clientTransactionTable) {
* Remove the transaction from transaction hash.
protected void removeTransactionHash(SIPTransaction sipTransaction) {
SIPRequest sipRequest = sipTransaction.getOriginalRequest();
if (sipRequest == null)
Object removed = null;
if (sipTransaction instanceof SIPClientTransaction) {
String key = sipTransaction.getTransactionId();
if (logger.isLoggingEnabled(LogWriter.TRACE_DEBUG)) {
logger.logDebug("removing client Tx : " + key);
removed = clientTransactionTable.remove(key);
} else if (sipTransaction instanceof SIPServerTransaction) {
String key = sipTransaction.getTransactionId();
removed = serverTransactionTable.remove(key);
if (logger.isLoggingEnabled(LogWriter.TRACE_DEBUG)) {
logger.logDebug("removing server Tx : " + key);
// http://java.net/jira/browse/JSIP-420
if(removed != null) {
* Invoked when an error has ocurred with a transaction.
* @param transactionErrorEvent
* Error event.
public synchronized void transactionErrorEvent(
SIPTransactionErrorEvent transactionErrorEvent) {
SIPTransaction transaction = (SIPTransaction) transactionErrorEvent
if (transactionErrorEvent.getErrorID() == SIPTransactionErrorEvent.TRANSPORT_ERROR) {
// Kill scanning of this transaction.
if (transaction instanceof SIPServerTransaction) {
// let the reaper get him
((SIPServerTransaction) transaction).setCollectionTime(0);
// Send a IO Exception to the Listener.
* (non-Javadoc)
* @see
* android.gov.nist.javax.sip.stack.SIPDialogEventListener#dialogErrorEvent(gov.
* nist.javax.sip.stack.SIPDialogErrorEvent)
public synchronized void dialogErrorEvent(
SIPDialogErrorEvent dialogErrorEvent) {
SIPDialog sipDialog = (SIPDialog) dialogErrorEvent.getSource();
SipListener sipListener = ((SipStackImpl)this).getSipListener();
// if the app is not implementing the SipListenerExt interface we delete
// the dialog to avoid leaks
if(sipDialog != null && !(sipListener instanceof SipListenerExt)) {
* Stop stack. Clear all the timer stuff. Make the stack close all accept
* connections and return. This is useful if you want to start/stop the
* stack several times from your application. Caution : use of this function
* could cause peculiar bugs as messages are prcessed asynchronously by the
* stack.
public void stopStack() {
// Prevent NPE on two concurrent stops
this.toExit = true;
// JvB: set it to null, SIPDialog tries to schedule things after stop
synchronized (this) {
synchronized (this.clientTransactionTable) {
if(selfRoutingThreadpoolExecutor != null && selfRoutingThreadpoolExecutor instanceof ExecutorService) {
selfRoutingThreadpoolExecutor = null;
// Threads must periodically check this flag.
MessageProcessor[] processorList;
processorList = getMessageProcessors();
for (int processorIndex = 0; processorIndex < processorList.length; processorIndex++) {
// Let the processing complete.
if (this.timer != null)
try {
} catch (InterruptedException ex) {
public void closeAllSockets() {
for(MessageProcessor p : messageProcessors) {
if(p instanceof NioTcpMessageProcessor) {
NioTcpMessageProcessor niop = (NioTcpMessageProcessor)p;
* Put a transaction in the pending transaction list. This is to avoid a
* race condition when a duplicate may arrive when the application is
* deciding whether to create a transaction or not.
public void putPendingTransaction(SIPServerTransaction tr) {
if (logger.isLoggingEnabled(LogWriter.TRACE_DEBUG))
logger.logDebug("putPendingTransaction: " + tr);
this.pendingTransactions.put(tr.getTransactionId(), tr);
* Return the network layer (i.e. the interface for socket creation or the
* socket factory for the stack).
* @return -- the registered Network Layer.
public NetworkLayer getNetworkLayer() {
if (networkLayer == null) {
return DefaultNetworkLayer.SINGLETON;
} else {
return networkLayer;
* Return true if logging is enabled for this stack.
* Deprecated. Use StackLogger.isLoggingEnabled instead
* @return true if logging is enabled for this stack instance.
public boolean isLoggingEnabled() {
return logger == null ? false : logger
* Deprecated. Use StackLogger.isLoggingEnabled instead
* @param level
* @return
public boolean isLoggingEnabled( int level ) {
return logger == null ? false
: logger.isLoggingEnabled( level );
* Get the logger. This method should be deprected.
* Use static logger = CommonLogger.getLogger() instead
* @return --the logger for the sip stack. Each stack has its own logger
* instance.
public StackLogger getStackLogger() {
return logger;
* Server log is the place where we log messages for the signaling trace
* viewer.
* @return -- the log file where messages are logged for viewing by the
* trace viewer.
public ServerLogger getServerLogger() {
return this.serverLogger;
* Maximum size of a single TCP message. Limiting the size of a single TCP
* message prevents flooding attacks.
* @return the size of a single TCP message.
public int getMaxMessageSize() {
return this.maxMessageSize;
* Set the flag that instructs the stack to only start a single thread for
* sequentially processing incoming udp messages (thus serializing the
* processing). Same as setting thread pool size to 1.
public void setSingleThreaded() {
this.threadPoolSize = 1;
* If all calls are occurring on a single TCP socket then the stack would process them in single thread.
* This property allows immediately after parsing to split the load into many threads which increases
* the performance significantly. If set to 0 then we just use the old model with single thread.
* @return
public int getTcpPostParsingThreadPoolSize() {
return tcpPostParsingThreadPoolSize;
* If all calls are occurring on a single TCP socket then the stack would process them in single thread.
* This property allows immediately after parsing to split the load into many threads which increases
* the performance significantly. If set to 0 then we just use the old model with single thread.
* @param tcpPostParsingThreadPoolSize
public void setTcpPostParsingThreadPoolSize(int tcpPostParsingThreadPoolSize) {
this.tcpPostParsingThreadPoolSize = tcpPostParsingThreadPoolSize;
* Set the thread pool size for processing incoming UDP messages. Limit the
* total number of threads for processing udp messages.
* @param size
* -- the thread pool size.
public void setThreadPoolSize(int size) {
this.threadPoolSize = size;
* Set the max # of simultaneously handled TCP connections.
* @param nconnections
* -- the number of connections to handle.
public void setMaxConnections(int nconnections) {
this.maxConnections = nconnections;
* Get the default route string.
* @param sipRequest
* is the request for which we want to compute the next hop.
* @throws SipException
public Hop getNextHop(SIPRequest sipRequest) throws SipException {
if (this.useRouterForAll) {
// Use custom router to route all messages.
if (router != null)
return router.getNextHop(sipRequest);
return null;
} else {
// Also non-SIP request containing Route headers goes to the default
// router
if (sipRequest.getRequestURI().isSipURI()
|| sipRequest.getRouteHeaders() != null) {
return defaultRouter.getNextHop(sipRequest);
} else if (router != null) {
return router.getNextHop(sipRequest);
} else
return null;
* Set the descriptive name of the stack.
* @param stackName
* -- descriptive name of the stack.
public void setStackName(String stackName) {
this.stackName = stackName;
* Set my address.
* @param stackAddress
* -- A string containing the stack address.
protected void setHostAddress(String stackAddress)
throws UnknownHostException {
if (stackAddress.indexOf(':') != stackAddress.lastIndexOf(':')
&& stackAddress.trim().charAt(0) != '[')
this.stackAddress = '[' + stackAddress + ']';
this.stackAddress = stackAddress;
this.stackInetAddress = InetAddress.getByName(stackAddress);
* Get my address.
* @return hostAddress - my host address or null if no host address is
* defined.
* @deprecated
public String getHostAddress() {
// JvB: for 1.2 this may return null...
return this.stackAddress;
* Set the router algorithm. This is meant for routing messages out of
* dialog or for non-sip uri's.
* @param router
* A class that implements the Router interface.
protected void setRouter(Router router) {
this.router = router;
* Get the router algorithm.
* @return Router router
public Router getRouter(SIPRequest request) {
if (request.getRequestLine() == null) {
return this.defaultRouter;
} else if (this.useRouterForAll) {
return this.router;
} else {
if (request.getRequestURI().getScheme().equals("sip")
|| request.getRequestURI().getScheme().equals("sips")) {
return this.defaultRouter;
} else {
if (this.router != null)
return this.router;
return defaultRouter;
* (non-Javadoc)
* @see android.javax.sip.SipStack#getRouter()
public Router getRouter() {
return this.router;
* return the status of the toExit flag.
* @return true if the stack object is alive and false otherwise.
public boolean isAlive() {
return !toExit;
* Adds a new MessageProcessor to the list of running processors for this
* SIPStack and starts it. You can use this method for dynamic stack
* configuration.
protected void addMessageProcessor(MessageProcessor newMessageProcessor)
throws IOException {
// Suggested changes by Jeyashankher, [email protected]
// newMessageProcessor.start() can fail
// because a local port is not available
// This throws an IOException.
// We should not add the message processor to the
// local list of processors unless the start()
// call is successful.
// newMessageProcessor.start();
* Removes a MessageProcessor from this SIPStack.
* @param oldMessageProcessor
protected void removeMessageProcessor(MessageProcessor oldMessageProcessor) {
if (messageProcessors.remove(oldMessageProcessor)) {
* Gets an array of running MessageProcessors on this SIPStack.
* Acknowledgement: Jeff Keyser suggested that applications should have
* access to the running message processors and contributed this code.
* @return an array of running message processors.
protected MessageProcessor[] getMessageProcessors() {
return (MessageProcessor[]) messageProcessors
.toArray(new MessageProcessor[0]);
* Creates the equivalent of a JAIN listening point and attaches to the
* stack.
* @param ipAddress
* -- ip address for the listening point.
* @param port
* -- port for the listening point.
* @param transport
* -- transport for the listening point.
protected MessageProcessor createMessageProcessor(InetAddress ipAddress,
int port, String transport) throws java.io.IOException {
MessageProcessor newMessageProcessor = messageProcessorFactory.createMessageProcessor(this, ipAddress, port, transport);
return newMessageProcessor;
* Set the message factory.
* @param messageFactory
* -- messageFactory to set.
protected void setMessageFactory(StackMessageFactory messageFactory) {
this.sipMessageFactory = messageFactory;
* Creates a new MessageChannel for a given Hop.
* @param sourceIpAddress
* - Ip address of the source of this message.
* @param sourcePort
* - source port of the message channel to be created.
* @param nextHop
* Hop to create a MessageChannel to.
* @return A MessageChannel to the specified Hop, or null if no
* MessageProcessors support contacting that Hop.
* @throws UnknownHostException
* If the host in the Hop doesn't exist.
public MessageChannel createRawMessageChannel(String sourceIpAddress,
int sourcePort, Hop nextHop) throws UnknownHostException {
Host targetHost;
HostPort targetHostPort;
Iterator processorIterator;
MessageProcessor nextProcessor;
MessageChannel newChannel;
// Create the host/port of the target hop
targetHost = new Host();
targetHostPort = new HostPort();
// Search each processor for the correct transport
newChannel = null;
processorIterator = messageProcessors.iterator();
while (processorIterator.hasNext() && newChannel == null) {
nextProcessor = (MessageProcessor) processorIterator.next();
// If a processor that supports the correct
// transport is found,
if (nextHop.getTransport().equalsIgnoreCase(
&& sourceIpAddress.equals(nextProcessor.getIpAddress()
&& sourcePort == nextProcessor.getPort()) {
try {
// Create a channel to the target
// host/port
newChannel = nextProcessor
} catch (UnknownHostException ex) {
if (logger.isLoggingEnabled())
throw ex;
} catch (IOException e) {
if (logger.isLoggingEnabled())
// Ignore channel creation error -
// try next processor
if(newChannel == null) {
if(logger.isLoggingEnabled(LogWriter.TRACE_DEBUG)) {
logger.logDebug("newChanne is null, messageProcessors.size = " + messageProcessors.size());
processorIterator = messageProcessors.iterator();
while (processorIterator.hasNext() && newChannel == null) {
nextProcessor = (MessageProcessor) processorIterator.next();
logger.logDebug("nextProcessor:" + nextProcessor + "| transport = " +
nextProcessor.getTransport() + " ipAddress=" +
nextProcessor.getIpAddress() + " port=" +
logger.logDebug("More info on newChannel=null");
logger.logDebug("nextHop=" + nextHop + " sourceIp=" + sourceIpAddress +
" sourcePort=" + sourcePort + " targetHostPort=" + targetHostPort);
// Return the newly-created channel
return newChannel;
* Return true if a given event can result in a forked subscription. The
* stack is configured with a set of event names that can result in forked
* subscriptions.
* @param ename
* -- event name to check.
public boolean isEventForked(String ename) {
if (logger.isLoggingEnabled(LogWriter.TRACE_DEBUG)) {
logger.logDebug("isEventForked: " + ename + " returning "
+ this.forkedEvents.contains(ename));
return this.forkedEvents.contains(ename);
* get the address resolver interface.
* @return -- the registered address resolver.
public AddressResolver getAddressResolver() {
return this.addressResolver;
* Set the address resolution interface
* @param addressResolver
* -- the address resolver to set.
public void setAddressResolver(AddressResolver addressResolver) {
this.addressResolver = addressResolver;
* Set the logger factory.
* @param logRecordFactory
* -- the log record factory to set.
public void setLogRecordFactory(LogRecordFactory logRecordFactory) {
this.logRecordFactory = logRecordFactory;
* get the thread auditor object
* @return -- the thread auditor of the stack
public ThreadAuditor getThreadAuditor() {
return this.threadAuditor;
// /
// / Stack Audit methods
// /
* Audits the SIP Stack for leaks
* @return Audit report, null if no leaks were found
public String auditStack(Set activeCallIDs, long leakedDialogTimer,
long leakedTransactionTimer) {
String auditReport = null;
String leakedDialogs = auditDialogs(activeCallIDs, leakedDialogTimer);
String leakedServerTransactions = auditTransactions(
serverTransactionTable, leakedTransactionTimer);
String leakedClientTransactions = auditTransactions(
clientTransactionTable, leakedTransactionTimer);
if (leakedDialogs != null || leakedServerTransactions != null
|| leakedClientTransactions != null) {
auditReport = "SIP Stack Audit:\n"
+ (leakedDialogs != null ? leakedDialogs : "")
+ (leakedServerTransactions != null ? leakedServerTransactions
: "")
+ (leakedClientTransactions != null ? leakedClientTransactions
: "");
return auditReport;
* Audits SIP dialogs for leaks - Compares the dialogs in the dialogTable
* with a list of Call IDs passed by the application. - Dialogs that are not
* known by the application are leak suspects. - Kill the dialogs that are
* still around after the timer specified.
* @return Audit report, null if no dialog leaks were found
private String auditDialogs(Set activeCallIDs, long leakedDialogTimer) {
String auditReport = " Leaked dialogs:\n";
int leakedDialogs = 0;
long currentTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
// Make a shallow copy of the dialog list.
// This copy will remain intact as leaked dialogs are removed by the
// stack.
LinkedList dialogs;
synchronized (dialogTable) {
dialogs = new LinkedList(dialogTable.values());
// Iterate through the dialogDialog, get the callID of each dialog and
// check if it's in the
// list of active calls passed by the application. If it isn't, start
// the timer on it.
// If the timer has expired, kill the dialog.
Iterator it = dialogs.iterator();
while (it.hasNext()) {
// Get the next dialog
SIPDialog itDialog = (SIPDialog) it.next();
// Get the call id associated with this dialog
CallIdHeader callIdHeader = (itDialog != null ? itDialog
.getCallId() : null);
String callID = (callIdHeader != null ? callIdHeader.getCallId()
: null);
// Check if the application knows about this call id
if (itDialog != null && callID != null
&& !activeCallIDs.contains(callID)) {
// Application doesn't know anything about this dialog...
if (itDialog.auditTag == 0) {
// Mark this dialog as suspect
itDialog.auditTag = currentTime;
} else {
// We already audited this dialog before. Check if his
// time's up.
if (currentTime - itDialog.auditTag >= leakedDialogTimer) {
// Leaked dialog found
// Generate report
DialogState dialogState = itDialog.getState();
String dialogReport = "dialog id: "
+ itDialog.getDialogId()
+ ", dialog state: "
+ (dialogState != null ? dialogState.toString()
: "null");
auditReport += " " + dialogReport + "\n";
// Kill it
if (logger.isLoggingEnabled(LogWriter.TRACE_DEBUG))
logger.logDebug("auditDialogs: leaked "
+ dialogReport);
// Return final report
if (leakedDialogs > 0) {
auditReport += " Total: " + Integer.toString(leakedDialogs)
+ " leaked dialogs detected and removed.\n";
} else {
auditReport = null;
return auditReport;
* Audits SIP transactions for leaks
* @return Audit report, null if no transaction leaks were found
private String auditTransactions(ConcurrentHashMap transactionsMap,
long a_nLeakedTransactionTimer) {
String auditReport = " Leaked transactions:\n";
int leakedTransactions = 0;
long currentTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
// Make a shallow copy of the transaction list.
// This copy will remain intact as leaked transactions are removed by
// the stack.
LinkedList transactionsList = new LinkedList(transactionsMap.values());
// Iterate through our copy
Iterator it = transactionsList.iterator();
while (it.hasNext()) {
SIPTransaction sipTransaction = (SIPTransaction) it.next();
if (sipTransaction != null) {
if (sipTransaction.getAuditTag() == 0) {
// First time we see this transaction. Mark it as audited.
} else {
// We've seen this transaction before. Check if his time's
// up.
if (currentTime - sipTransaction.getAuditTag() >= a_nLeakedTransactionTimer) {
// Leaked transaction found
// Generate some report
TransactionState transactionState = sipTransaction
SIPRequest origRequest = sipTransaction
String origRequestMethod = (origRequest != null ? origRequest
: null);
String transactionReport = sipTransaction.getClass()
+ ", state: "
+ (transactionState != null ? transactionState
.toString() : "null")
+ ", OR: "
+ (origRequestMethod != null ? origRequestMethod
: "null");
auditReport += " " + transactionReport + "\n";
// Kill it
if (logger.isLoggingEnabled(LogWriter.TRACE_DEBUG))
logger.logDebug("auditTransactions: leaked "
+ transactionReport);
// Return final report
if (leakedTransactions > 0) {
auditReport += " Total: " + Integer.toString(leakedTransactions)
+ " leaked transactions detected and removed.\n";
} else {
auditReport = null;
return auditReport;
public void setNon2XXAckPassedToListener(boolean passToListener) {
this.non2XXAckPassedToListener = passToListener;
* @return the non2XXAckPassedToListener
public boolean isNon2XXAckPassedToListener() {
return non2XXAckPassedToListener;
* Get the count of client transactions that is not in the completed or
* terminated state.
* @return the activeClientTransactionCount
public int getActiveClientTransactionCount() {
return activeClientTransactionCount.get();
public boolean isRfc2543Supported() {
return this.rfc2543Supported;
public boolean isCancelClientTransactionChecked() {
return this.cancelClientTransactionChecked;
public boolean isRemoteTagReassignmentAllowed() {
return this.remoteTagReassignmentAllowed;
* This method is slated for addition to the next spec revision.
* @return -- the collection of dialogs that is being managed by the stack.
public Collection
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