android.gov.nist.javax.sip.stack.ConnectionOrientedMessageChannel Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Conditions Of Use
* This software was developed by employees of the National Institute of
* Standards and Technology (NIST), an agency of the Federal Government.
* Pursuant to title 15 Untied States Code Section 105, works of NIST
* employees are not subject to copyright protection in the United States
* and are considered to be in the public domain. As a result, a formal
* license is not needed to use the software.
* This software is provided by NIST as a service and is expressly
* AND DATA ACCURACY. NIST does not warrant or make any representations
* regarding the use of the software or the results thereof, including but
* not limited to the correctness, accuracy, reliability or usefulness of
* the software.
* Permission to use this software is contingent upon your acceptance
* of the terms of this agreement
* .
package android.gov.nist.javax.sip.stack;
import android.gov.nist.core.CommonLogger;
import android.gov.nist.core.InternalErrorHandler;
import android.gov.nist.core.LogWriter;
import android.gov.nist.core.ServerLogger;
import android.gov.nist.core.StackLogger;
import android.gov.nist.javax.sip.IOExceptionEventExt;
import android.gov.nist.javax.sip.IOExceptionEventExt.Reason;
import android.gov.nist.javax.sip.SipListenerExt;
import android.gov.nist.javax.sip.SipProviderImpl;
import android.gov.nist.javax.sip.SipStackImpl;
import android.gov.nist.javax.sip.header.RetryAfter;
import android.gov.nist.javax.sip.header.Via;
import android.gov.nist.javax.sip.header.ViaList;
import android.gov.nist.javax.sip.message.SIPMessage;
import android.gov.nist.javax.sip.message.SIPRequest;
import android.gov.nist.javax.sip.message.SIPResponse;
import android.gov.nist.javax.sip.parser.Pipeline;
import android.gov.nist.javax.sip.parser.PipelinedMsgParser;
import android.gov.nist.javax.sip.parser.SIPMessageListener;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.InputStream;
import java.net.InetAddress;
import java.net.Socket;
import java.text.ParseException;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.concurrent.Semaphore;
import android.javax.sip.ListeningPoint;
import android.javax.sip.SipListener;
import android.javax.sip.address.Hop;
import android.javax.sip.message.Response;
* @author [email protected]
public abstract class ConnectionOrientedMessageChannel extends MessageChannel implements
SIPMessageListener, Runnable, RawMessageChannel {
private static StackLogger logger = CommonLogger.getLogger(ConnectionOrientedMessageChannel.class);
protected SIPTransactionStack sipStack;
protected Socket mySock;
protected PipelinedMsgParser myParser;
protected String key;
protected InputStream myClientInputStream; // just to pass to thread.
// Set here on initialization to avoid thread leak. See issue 266
protected boolean isRunning = true;
protected boolean isCached;
protected Thread mythread;
protected String myAddress;
protected int myPort;
protected InetAddress peerAddress;
// This is the port and adress that we will find in the headers of the messages from the peer
protected int peerPortAdvertisedInHeaders = -1;
protected String peerAddressAdvertisedInHeaders;
protected int peerPort;
protected String peerProtocol;
private volatile long lastKeepAliveReceivedTime;
private SIPStackTimerTask pingKeepAliveTimeoutTask;
private Semaphore keepAliveSemaphore;
private long keepAliveTimeout;
public ConnectionOrientedMessageChannel(SIPTransactionStack sipStack) {
this.sipStack = sipStack;
this.keepAliveTimeout = sipStack.getReliableConnectionKeepAliveTimeout();
if(keepAliveTimeout > 0) {
keepAliveSemaphore = new Semaphore(1);
* Returns "true" as this is a reliable transport.
public boolean isReliable() {
return true;
* Close the message channel.
public void close() {
close(true, true);
protected abstract void close(boolean removeSocket, boolean stopKeepAliveTask);
* Get my SIP Stack.
* @return The SIP Stack for this message channel.
public SIPTransactionStack getSIPStack() {
return sipStack;
* get the address of the client that sent the data to us.
* @return Address of the client that sent us data that resulted in this
* channel being created.
public String getPeerAddress() {
if (peerAddress != null) {
return peerAddress.getHostAddress();
} else
return getHost();
protected InetAddress getPeerInetAddress() {
return peerAddress;
public String getPeerProtocol() {
return this.peerProtocol;
* Return a formatted message to the client. We try to re-connect with the
* peer on the other end if possible.
* @param sipMessage
* Message to send.
* @throws IOException
* If there is an error sending the message
public void sendMessage(final SIPMessage sipMessage) throws IOException {
if ( logger.isLoggingEnabled(LogWriter.TRACE_DEBUG) && !sipMessage.isNullRequest() ) {
logger.logDebug("sendMessage:: " + sipMessage.getFirstLine() + " cseq method = " + sipMessage.getCSeq().getMethod());
for (MessageProcessor messageProcessor : getSIPStack()
.getMessageProcessors()) {
if (messageProcessor.getIpAddress().getHostAddress().equals(
&& messageProcessor.getPort() == this.getPeerPort()
&& messageProcessor.getTransport().equalsIgnoreCase(
this.getPeerProtocol())) {
Runnable processMessageTask = new Runnable() {
public void run() {
try {
processMessage((SIPMessage) sipMessage.clone());
} catch (Exception ex) {
if (logger
.isLoggingEnabled(ServerLogger.TRACE_ERROR)) {
"Error self routing message cause by: ",
if (logger.isLoggingEnabled(
"Self routing message");
byte[] msg = sipMessage.encodeAsBytes(this.getTransport());
long time = System.currentTimeMillis();
// need to store the peerPortAdvertisedInHeaders in case the response has an rport (ephemeral) that failed to retry on the regular via port
// for responses, no need to store anything for subsequent requests.
if(peerPortAdvertisedInHeaders <= 0) {
if(sipMessage instanceof SIPResponse) {
SIPResponse sipResponse = (SIPResponse) sipMessage;
Via via = sipResponse.getTopmostVia();
if(via.getRPort() > 0) {
if(via.getPort() <=0) {
// if port is 0 we assume the default port for TCP
this.peerPortAdvertisedInHeaders = 5060;
} else {
this.peerPortAdvertisedInHeaders = via.getPort();
if(logger.isLoggingEnabled(LogWriter.TRACE_DEBUG)) {
logger.logDebug("1.Storing peerPortAdvertisedInHeaders = " + peerPortAdvertisedInHeaders + " for via port = " + via.getPort() + " via rport = " + via.getRPort() + " and peer port = " + peerPort + " for this channel " + this + " key " + key);
// JvB: also retry for responses, if the connection is gone we should
// try to reconnect
this.sendMessage(msg, sipMessage instanceof SIPRequest);
// message was sent without any exception so let's set set port and
// address before we feed it to the logger
if (logger.isLoggingEnabled(
logMessage(sipMessage, peerAddress, peerPort, time);
protected abstract void sendMessage(byte[] msg, boolean b) throws IOException;
public void processMessage(SIPMessage sipMessage, InetAddress address) {
this.peerAddress = address;
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
if (logger.isLoggingEnabled(
ServerLog.TRACE_ERROR)) {
"ERROR processing self routing", e);
* Gets invoked by the parser as a callback on successful message parsing
* (i.e. no parser errors).
* @param sipMessage
* Message to process (this calls the application for processing
* the message).
* Jvb: note that this code is identical to TCPMessageChannel,
* refactor some day
public void processMessage(SIPMessage sipMessage) throws Exception {
try {
if (sipMessage.getFrom() == null || sipMessage.getTo() == null
|| sipMessage.getCallId() == null
|| sipMessage.getCSeq() == null
|| sipMessage.getViaHeaders() == null) {
String badmsg = sipMessage.encode();
if (logger.isLoggingEnabled()) {
logger.logError("bad message " + badmsg);
logger.logError(">>> Dropped Bad Msg");
ViaList viaList = sipMessage.getViaHeaders();
// For a request
// first via header tells where the message is coming from.
// For response, this has already been recorded in the outgoing
// message.
if (sipMessage instanceof SIPRequest) {
Via v = (Via) viaList.getFirst();
// the peer address and tag it appropriately.
Hop hop = sipStack.addressResolver.resolveAddress(v.getHop());
this.peerProtocol = v.getTransport();
//if(peerPortAdvertisedInHeaders <= 0) {
int hopPort = v.getPort();
if(logger.isLoggingEnabled(LogWriter.TRACE_DEBUG)) {
logger.logDebug("hop port = " + hopPort + " for request " + sipMessage + " for this channel " + this + " key " + key);
if(hopPort <= 0) {
// if port is 0 we assume the default port for TCP
this.peerPortAdvertisedInHeaders = 5060;
} else {
this.peerPortAdvertisedInHeaders = hopPort;
if(logger.isLoggingEnabled(LogWriter.TRACE_DEBUG)) {
logger.logDebug("3.Storing peerPortAdvertisedInHeaders = " + peerPortAdvertisedInHeaders + " for this channel " + this + " key " + key);
// may be needed to reconnect, when diff than peer address
if(peerAddressAdvertisedInHeaders == null) {
peerAddressAdvertisedInHeaders = hop.getHost();
if(logger.isLoggingEnabled(LogWriter.TRACE_DEBUG)) {
logger.logDebug("3.Storing peerAddressAdvertisedInHeaders = " + peerAddressAdvertisedInHeaders + " for this channel " + this + " key " + key);
try {
if (mySock != null) { // selfrouting makes socket = null
// https://jain-sip.dev.java.net/issues/show_bug.cgi?id=297
this.peerAddress = mySock.getInetAddress();
// Check to see if the received parameter matches
// the peer address and tag it appropriately.
// JvB: dont do this. It is both costly and incorrect
// Must set received also when it is a FQDN, regardless
// whether
// it resolves to the correct IP address
// InetAddress sentByAddress =
// InetAddress.getByName(hop.getHost());
// JvB: if sender added 'rport', must always set received
if (v.hasParameter(Via.RPORT)
|| !hop.getHost().equals(
this.peerAddress.getHostAddress())) {
v.setParameter(Via.RECEIVED, this.peerAddress
// @@@ hagai
// JvB: technically, may only do this when Via already
// contains
// rport
v.setParameter(Via.RPORT, Integer.toString(this.peerPort));
} catch (java.text.ParseException ex) {
// Use this for outgoing messages as well.
if (!this.isCached && mySock != null) { // self routing makes
// mySock=null
// https://jain-sip.dev.java.net/issues/show_bug.cgi?id=297
this.isCached = true;
int remotePort = ((java.net.InetSocketAddress) mySock
String key = IOHandler.makeKey(mySock.getInetAddress(),
if(this.messageProcessor instanceof NioTcpMessageProcessor) {
// https://java.net/jira/browse/JSIP-475 don't use iohandler in case of NIO communications of the socket will leak in the iohandler sockettable
((NioTcpMessageProcessor)this.messageProcessor).nioHandler.putSocket(key, mySock.getChannel());
} else {
sipStack.ioHandler.putSocket(key, mySock);
// since it can close the socket it needs to be after the mySock usage otherwise
// it the socket will be disconnected and NPE will be thrown in some edge cases
// Foreach part of the request header, fetch it and process it
long receptionTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
if (sipMessage instanceof SIPRequest) {
// This is a request - process the request.
SIPRequest sipRequest = (SIPRequest) sipMessage;
// Create a new sever side request processor for this
// message and let it handle the rest.
if (logger.isLoggingEnabled(LogWriter.TRACE_DEBUG)) {
"----Processing Message---");
if (logger.isLoggingEnabled(
ServerLogger.TRACE_MESSAGES)) {
sipStack.serverLogger.logMessage(sipMessage, this
+ ":" + this.messageProcessor.getPort(),
false, receptionTime);
// Check for reasonable size - reject message
// if it is too long.
if (sipStack.getMaxMessageSize() > 0
&& sipRequest.getSize()
+ (sipRequest.getContentLength() == null ? 0
: sipRequest.getContentLength()
.getContentLength()) > sipStack
.getMaxMessageSize()) {
SIPResponse sipResponse = sipRequest
byte[] resp = sipResponse
this.sendMessage(resp, false);
throw new Exception("Message size exceeded");
String sipVersion = ((SIPRequest) sipMessage).getRequestLine()
if (!sipVersion.equals("SIP/2.0")) {
SIPResponse versionNotSupported = ((SIPRequest) sipMessage)
"Bad SIP version " + sipVersion);
.getTransport()), false);
throw new Exception("Bad version ");
String method = ((SIPRequest) sipMessage).getMethod();
String cseqMethod = ((SIPRequest) sipMessage).getCSeqHeader()
if (!method.equalsIgnoreCase(cseqMethod)) {
SIPResponse sipResponse = sipRequest
byte[] resp = sipResponse
this.sendMessage(resp, false);
throw new Exception("Bad CSeq method" + sipMessage + " method " + method);
// Stack could not create a new server request interface.
// maybe not enough resources.
ServerRequestInterface sipServerRequest = sipStack
.newSIPServerRequest(sipRequest, this);
if (sipServerRequest != null) {
try {
sipServerRequest.processRequest(sipRequest, this);
} finally {
if (sipServerRequest instanceof SIPTransaction) {
SIPServerTransaction sipServerTx = (SIPServerTransaction) sipServerRequest;
if (!sipServerTx.passToListener())
((SIPTransaction) sipServerRequest)
} else {
if(sipStack.sipMessageValve == null) { // Allow message valves to nullify messages without error
SIPResponse response = sipRequest
RetryAfter retryAfter = new RetryAfter();
// Be a good citizen and send a decent response code back.
try {
retryAfter.setRetryAfter((int) (10 * (Math.random())));
} catch (Exception e) {
// IGNore
if (logger.isLoggingEnabled())
"Dropping message -- could not acquire semaphore");
} else {
SIPResponse sipResponse = (SIPResponse) sipMessage;
// JvB: dont do this
// if (sipResponse.getStatusCode() == 100)
// sipResponse.getTo().removeParameter("tag");
try {
} catch (ParseException ex) {
if (logger.isLoggingEnabled())
"Dropping Badly formatted response message >>> "
+ sipResponse);
// This is a response message - process it.
// Check the size of the response.
// If it is too large dump it silently.
if (sipStack.getMaxMessageSize() > 0
&& sipResponse.getSize()
+ (sipResponse.getContentLength() == null ? 0
: sipResponse.getContentLength()
.getContentLength()) > sipStack
.getMaxMessageSize()) {
if (logger.isLoggingEnabled(LogWriter.TRACE_DEBUG))
"Message size exceeded");
ServerResponseInterface sipServerResponse = sipStack
.newSIPServerResponse(sipResponse, this);
if (sipServerResponse != null) {
try {
if (sipServerResponse instanceof SIPClientTransaction
&& !((SIPClientTransaction) sipServerResponse)
.checkFromTag(sipResponse)) {
if (logger.isLoggingEnabled())
"Dropping response message with invalid tag >>> "
+ sipResponse);
sipServerResponse.processResponse(sipResponse, this);
} finally {
if (sipServerResponse instanceof SIPTransaction
&& !((SIPTransaction) sipServerResponse)
.passToListener()) {
// Note that the semaphore is released in event
// scanner if the
// request is actually processed by the Listener.
((SIPTransaction) sipServerResponse).releaseSem();
} else {
"Application is blocked -- could not acquire semaphore -- dropping response");
} finally {
* This gets invoked when thread.start is called from the constructor.
* Implements a message loop - reading the tcp connection and processing
* messages until we are done or the other end has closed.
public void run() {
Pipeline hispipe = null;
// Create a pipeline to connect to our message parser.
hispipe = new Pipeline(myClientInputStream, sipStack.readTimeout,
((SIPTransactionStack) sipStack).getTimer());
// Create a pipelined message parser to read and parse
// messages that we write out to him.
myParser = new PipelinedMsgParser(sipStack, this, hispipe,
// Start running the parser thread.
// bug fix by Emmanuel Proulx
int bufferSize = 4096;
this.isRunning = true;
try {
while (true) {
try {
byte[] msg = new byte[bufferSize];
int nbytes = myClientInputStream.read(msg, 0, bufferSize);
// no more bytes to read...
if (nbytes == -1) {
try {
if (sipStack.maxConnections != -1) {
synchronized (messageProcessor) {
} catch (IOException ioex) {
hispipe.write(msg, 0, nbytes);
} catch (IOException ex) {
// Terminate the message.
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
// InternalErrorHandler.handleException(e);
try {
if (logger.isLoggingEnabled(LogWriter.TRACE_DEBUG))
"IOException closing sock " + ex);
try {
if (sipStack.maxConnections != -1) {
synchronized (messageProcessor) {
} catch (IOException ioex) {
} catch (Exception ex1) {
// Do nothing.
} catch (Exception ex) {
InternalErrorHandler.handleException(ex, logger);
} finally {
this.isRunning = false;
// parser could be null if the socket was closed by the remote end already
if(myParser != null) {
protected void uncache() {
if (isCached && !isRunning) {
* Get an identifying key. This key is used to cache the connection and
* re-use it if necessary.
public String getKey() {
if (this.key != null) {
return this.key;
} else {
this.key = MessageChannel.getKey(this.peerAddress, this.peerPort,
return this.key;
* Get the host to assign to outgoing messages.
* @return the host to assign to the via header.
public String getViaHost() {
return myAddress;
* Get the port for outgoing messages sent from the channel.
* @return the port to assign to the via header.
public int getViaPort() {
return myPort;
* Get the port of the peer to whom we are sending messages.
* @return the peer port.
public int getPeerPort() {
return peerPort;
public int getPeerPacketSourcePort() {
return this.peerPort;
public InetAddress getPeerPacketSourceAddress() {
return this.peerAddress;
* (non-Javadoc)
* @see android.gov.nist.javax.sip.parser.SIPMessageListener#sendSingleCLRF()
public void sendSingleCLRF() throws Exception {
lastKeepAliveReceivedTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
if(mySock != null && !mySock.isClosed()) {
sendMessage("\r\n".getBytes("UTF-8"), false);
synchronized (this) {
if (isRunning) {
if(keepAliveTimeout > 0) {
public void cancelPingKeepAliveTimeoutTaskIfStarted() {
if(pingKeepAliveTimeoutTask != null && pingKeepAliveTimeoutTask.getSipTimerTask() != null) {
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
logger.logError("Couldn't acquire keepAliveSemaphore");
try {
if (logger.isLoggingEnabled(LogWriter.TRACE_DEBUG)) {
logger.logDebug("~~~ cancelPingKeepAliveTimeoutTaskIfStarted for MessageChannel(key=" + key + "), clientAddress=" + peerAddress
+ ", clientPort=" + peerPort+ ", timeout="+ keepAliveTimeout + ")");
} finally {
public void setKeepAliveTimeout(long keepAliveTimeout) {
if (keepAliveTimeout < 0){
if (keepAliveTimeout == 0){
keepAliveTimeout = messageProcessor.getSIPStack().getReliableConnectionKeepAliveTimeout();
if (logger.isLoggingEnabled(LogWriter.TRACE_DEBUG)) {
logger.logDebug("~~~ setKeepAliveTimeout for MessageChannel(key=" + key + "), clientAddress=" + peerAddress
+ ", clientPort=" + peerPort+ ", timeout="+ keepAliveTimeout + ")");
this.keepAliveTimeout = keepAliveTimeout;
if(keepAliveSemaphore == null) {
keepAliveSemaphore = new Semaphore(1);
boolean isKeepAliveTimeoutTaskScheduled = pingKeepAliveTimeoutTask != null;
if (isKeepAliveTimeoutTaskScheduled && keepAliveTimeout > 0){
public long getKeepAliveTimeout() {
return keepAliveTimeout;
public void rescheduleKeepAliveTimeout(long newKeepAliveTimeout) {
// long now = System.currentTimeMillis();
// long lastKeepAliveReceivedTimeOrNow = lastKeepAliveReceivedTime == 0 ? now : lastKeepAliveReceivedTime;
// long newScheduledTime = lastKeepAliveReceivedTimeOrNow + newKeepAliveTimeout;
StringBuilder methodLog = new StringBuilder();
if (logger.isLoggingEnabled(LogWriter.TRACE_DEBUG)) {
methodLog.append("~~~ rescheduleKeepAliveTimeout for MessageChannel(key=" + key + "), clientAddress=" + peerAddress
+ ", clientPort=" + peerPort+ ", timeout="+ keepAliveTimeout + "): newKeepAliveTimeout=");
if (newKeepAliveTimeout == Long.MAX_VALUE) {
} else {
// methodLog.append(", lastKeepAliveReceivedTimeOrNow=");
// methodLog.append(lastKeepAliveReceivedTimeOrNow);
// methodLog.append(", newScheduledTime=");
// methodLog.append(newScheduledTime);
// long delay = newScheduledTime > now ? newScheduledTime - now : 1;
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
logger.logWarning("Couldn't acquire keepAliveSemaphore");
if(pingKeepAliveTimeoutTask == null) {
pingKeepAliveTimeoutTask = new KeepAliveTimeoutTimerTask();
if (logger.isLoggingEnabled(LogWriter.TRACE_DEBUG)) {
methodLog.append(", scheduling pingKeepAliveTimeoutTask to execute after ");
methodLog.append(keepAliveTimeout / 1000);
methodLog.append(" seconds");
sipStack.getTimer().schedule(pingKeepAliveTimeoutTask, keepAliveTimeout);
} else {
if (logger.isLoggingEnabled(LogWriter.TRACE_DEBUG)) {
logger.logDebug("~~~ cancelPingKeepAliveTimeout for MessageChannel(key=" + key + "), clientAddress=" + peerAddress
+ ", clientPort=" + peerPort+ ", timeout="+ keepAliveTimeout + ")");
pingKeepAliveTimeoutTask = new KeepAliveTimeoutTimerTask();
if (logger.isLoggingEnabled(LogWriter.TRACE_DEBUG)) {
methodLog.append(", scheduling pingKeepAliveTimeoutTask to execute after ");
methodLog.append(keepAliveTimeout / 1000);
methodLog.append(" seconds");
sipStack.getTimer().schedule(pingKeepAliveTimeoutTask, keepAliveTimeout);
} finally {
class KeepAliveTimeoutTimerTask extends SIPStackTimerTask {
public void runTask() {
if (logger.isLoggingEnabled(LogWriter.TRACE_DEBUG)) {
"~~~ Starting processing of KeepAliveTimeoutEvent( " + peerAddress.getHostAddress() + "," + peerPort + ")...");
close(true, true);
if(sipStack instanceof SipStackImpl) {
for (Iterator it = ((SipStackImpl)sipStack).getSipProviders(); it.hasNext();) {
SipProviderImpl nextProvider = (SipProviderImpl) it.next();
SipListener sipListener= nextProvider.getSipListener();
ListeningPoint[] listeningPoints = nextProvider.getListeningPoints();
for(ListeningPoint listeningPoint : listeningPoints) {
if(sipListener!= null && sipListener instanceof SipListenerExt
// making sure that we don't notify each listening point but only the one on which the timeout happened
&& listeningPoint.getIPAddress().equalsIgnoreCase(myAddress) && listeningPoint.getPort() == myPort &&
listeningPoint.getTransport().equalsIgnoreCase(getTransport())) {
((SipListenerExt)sipListener).processIOException(new IOExceptionEventExt(nextProvider, Reason.KeepAliveTimeout, myAddress, myPort,
peerAddress.getHostAddress(), peerPort, getTransport()));
} else {
SipListener sipListener = sipStack.getSipListener();
if(sipListener instanceof SipListenerExt) {
((SipListenerExt)sipListener).processIOException(new IOExceptionEventExt(this, Reason.KeepAliveTimeout, myAddress, myPort,
peerAddress.getHostAddress(), peerPort, getTransport()));
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