gov.nist.javax.sip.SipStackImpl Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Conditions Of Use
* This software was developed by employees of the National Institute of
* Standards and Technology (NIST), an agency of the Federal Government.
* Pursuant to title 15 Untied States Code Section 105, works of NIST
* employees are not subject to copyright protection in the United States
* and are considered to be in the public domain. As a result, a formal
* license is not needed to use the software.
* This software is provided by NIST as a service and is expressly
* AND DATA ACCURACY. NIST does not warrant or make any representations
* regarding the use of the software or the results thereof, including but
* not limited to the correctness, accuracy, reliability or usefulness of
* the software.
* Permission to use this software is contingent upon your acceptance
* of the terms of this agreement
* .
package gov.nist.javax.sip;
import gov.nist.core.CommonLogger;
import gov.nist.core.LogLevels;
import gov.nist.core.ServerLogger;
import gov.nist.core.StackLogger;
import gov.nist.core.net.AddressResolver;
import gov.nist.core.net.DefaultSecurityManagerProvider;
import gov.nist.core.net.NetworkLayer;
import gov.nist.core.net.SecurityManagerProvider;
import gov.nist.core.net.SslNetworkLayer;
import gov.nist.javax.sip.clientauthutils.AccountManager;
import gov.nist.javax.sip.clientauthutils.AuthenticationHelper;
import gov.nist.javax.sip.clientauthutils.AuthenticationHelperImpl;
import gov.nist.javax.sip.clientauthutils.SecureAccountManager;
import gov.nist.javax.sip.parser.MessageParserFactory;
import gov.nist.javax.sip.parser.PostParseExecutorServices;
import gov.nist.javax.sip.parser.StringMsgParser;
import gov.nist.javax.sip.parser.StringMsgParserFactory;
import gov.nist.javax.sip.stack.ByteBufferFactory;
import gov.nist.javax.sip.stack.ClientAuthType;
import gov.nist.javax.sip.stack.ConnectionOrientedMessageProcessor;
import gov.nist.javax.sip.stack.DefaultMessageLogFactory;
import gov.nist.javax.sip.stack.DefaultRouter;
import gov.nist.javax.sip.stack.MessageProcessor;
import gov.nist.javax.sip.stack.MessageProcessorFactory;
import gov.nist.javax.sip.stack.OIOMessageProcessorFactory;
import gov.nist.javax.sip.stack.SIPEventInterceptor;
import gov.nist.javax.sip.stack.SIPMessageValve;
import gov.nist.javax.sip.stack.SIPTransactionStack;
import gov.nist.javax.sip.stack.SocketTimeoutAuditor;
import gov.nist.javax.sip.stack.timers.DefaultSipTimer;
import gov.nist.javax.sip.stack.timers.SipTimer;
import java.io.BufferedReader;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.InputStream;
import java.io.InputStreamReader;
import java.lang.reflect.Constructor;
import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
import java.net.InetAddress;
import java.security.GeneralSecurityException;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Hashtable;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Properties;
import java.util.StringTokenizer;
import java.util.concurrent.Semaphore;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import javax.sip.InvalidArgumentException;
import javax.sip.ListeningPoint;
import javax.sip.ObjectInUseException;
import javax.sip.PeerUnavailableException;
import javax.sip.ProviderDoesNotExistException;
import javax.sip.SipException;
import javax.sip.SipListener;
import javax.sip.SipProvider;
import javax.sip.SipStack;
import javax.sip.TransportNotSupportedException;
import javax.sip.address.Router;
import javax.sip.header.HeaderFactory;
import javax.sip.message.Request;
* Implementation of SipStack.
* The JAIN-SIP stack is initialized by a set of properties (see the JAIN SIP
* documentation for an explanation of these properties
* {@link javax.sip.SipStack} ).
* For NIST SIP stack all properties can also be passed as JVM system properties
* from the command line as -D arguments.
* In addition to these, the following are
* meaningful properties for the NIST SIP stack (specify these in the property
* array when you create the JAIN-SIP statck):
* - gov.nist.javax.sip.TRACE_LEVEL = integer
* Use of this property is still supported but deprecated. Please use
* gov.nist.javax.sip.STACK_LOGGER and gov.nist.javax.sip.SERVER_LOGGER for
* integration with logging frameworks and for custom formatting of log records.
* This property is used by the built in log4j based logger. You can use
* the standard log4j level names here (i.e. ERROR, INFO, WARNING, OFF, DEBUG,
* TRACE) If this is set to INFO or above, then incoming valid messages are
* logged in SERVER_LOG. If you set this to 32 and specify a DEBUG_LOG then vast
* amounts of trace information will be dumped in to the specified DEBUG_LOG.
* The server log accumulates the signaling trace. This can be viewed using the trace
* viewer tool . Please send us both the server log and debug log when
* reporting non-obvious problems. You can also use the strings DEBUG or INFO
* for level 32 and 16 respectively. If the value of this property is set to
* LOG4J, then the effective log levels are determined from the log4j settings
* file (e.g. log4j.properties). The logger name for the stack is specified
* using the gov.nist.javax.sip.LOG4J_LOGGER_NAME property. By default log4j
* logger name for the stack is the same as the stack name. For example,
* properties.setProperty("gov.nist.javax.sip.TRACE_LEVEL", "LOG4J");
* properties.setProperty("gov.nist.javax.sip.LOG4J_LOGGER_NAME", "SIPStackLogger");
allows you to now control logging in the stack entirely using log4j
* facilities.
* - gov.nist.javax.sip.LOG_FACTORY = classpath Use of this
* property is still supported but deprecated. Please use
* gov.nist.javax.sip.STACK_LOGGER and gov.nist.javax.sip.SERVER_LOGGER for
* integration with logging frameworks and for custom formatting of log records.
* The fully qualified classpath for an implementation of the MessageLogFactory.
* The stack calls the MessageLogFactory functions to format the log for
* messages that are received or sent. This function allows you to log auxiliary
* information related to the application or environmental conditions into the
* log stream. The log factory must have a default constructor.
* - gov.nist.javax.sip.SERVER_LOG = fileName
* Use of this property is still supported but deprecated. Please use
* gov.nist.javax.sip.STACK_LOGGER and gov.nist.javax.sip.SERVER_LOGGER for
* integration with logging frameworks and for custom formatting of log records.
* Log valid incoming messages here. If this is left null AND the
* TRACE_LEVEL is above INFO (or TRACE) then the messages are printed to stdout.
* Otherwise messages are logged in a format that can later be viewed using the
* trace viewer application which is located in the tools/tracesviewer
* directory. Mail this to us with bug reports.
* - gov.nist.javax.sip.DEBUG_LOG = fileName Use of this property
* is still supported but deprecated. Please use gov.nist.javax.sip.STACK_LOGGER
* and gov.nist.javax.sip.SERVER_LOGGER for integration with logging frameworks
* and for custom formatting of log records.
* Where the debug log goes. Mail this to us with bug reports.
* - gov.nist.javax.sip.LOG_MESSAGE_CONTENT = true|false
* Set true if you want to capture content into the log. Default is false. A bad
* idea to log content if you are using SIP to push a lot of bytes through TCP.
* - gov.nist.javax.sip.LOG_STACK_TRACE_ON_MESSAGE_SEND = true|false
* Set true if you want to to log a stack trace at INFO level for each message
* send. This is really handy for debugging.
* - gov.nist.javax.sip.STACK_LOGGER = full path name to the class
* implementing gov.nist.core.StackLogger interface
* If this property is defined the sip stack will try to instantiate it through
* a no arg constructor. This allows to use different logging implementations
* than the ones provided by default to log what happens within the stack while
* processing SIP messages. If this property is not defined, the default sip
* stack LogWriter will be used for logging
* - gov.nist.javax.sip.SERVER_LOGGER = full path name to the class
* implementing gov.nist.core.ServerLogger interface
* If this property is defined the sip stack will try to instantiate it through
* a no arg constructor. This allows to use different logging implementations
* than the ones provided by default to log sent/received messages by the sip
* stack. If this property is not defined, the default sip stack ServerLog will
* be used for logging
* - gov.nist.javax.sip.AUTOMATIC_DIALOG_ERROR_HANDLING = [true|false]
* Default is true . This is also settable on a per-provider basis. This
* flag is set to true by default. When set
* to false the following behaviors are enabled:
* - Turn off Merged requests Loop Detection:
* The following behavior is turned off: If the request has no tag in the To header field,
* the UAS core MUST check the request against ongoing transactions. If the From tag, Call-ID, and CSeq
* exactly match those associated with an ongoing transaction, but the request
* does not match that transaction (based on the matching rules in Section
* 17.2.3), the UAS core SHOULD generate a 482 (Loop Detected) response and pass
* it to the server transaction.
* - gov.nist.javax.sip.IS_BACK_TO_BACK_USER_AGENT = [true|false]
* Default is false This property controls a setting on the Dialog
* objects that the stack manages. Pure B2BUA applications should set this flag
* to true . This property can also be set on a per-dialog basis.
* Setting this to true imposes serialization on re-INVITE and makes
* the sending of re-INVITEs asynchronous. The sending of re-INVITE is
* controlled as follows : If the previous in-DIALOG request was an invite
* ClientTransaction then the next re-INVITEs that uses the dialog will wait
* till an ACK has been sent before admitting the new re-INVITE. If the previous
* in-DIALOG transaction was a INVITE ServerTransaction then Dialog waits for
* ACK before re-INVITE is allowed to be sent. If a dialog is not ACKed within
* 32 seconds, then the dialog is torn down and a BYE sent to the peer.
* - gov.nist.javax.sip.MAX_MESSAGE_SIZE = integer
* Maximum size of content that a TCP connection can read. Must be at least 4K.
* Default is "infinity" -- ie. no limit. This is to prevent DOS attacks
* launched by writing to a TCP connection until the server chokes.
* - gov.nist.javax.sip.DELIVER_TERMINATED_EVENT_FOR_NULL_DIALOG = [true|false]
* If set to false (the default), the application does NOT get notified when a Dialog in the
* NULL state is terminated. ( Dialogs in the NULL state are not associated with an actual SIP Dialog.
* They are a programming convenience. A Dialog is in the NULL state before the first response for the
* Dialog forming Transaction). If set to true, the SipListener will get a DialogTerminatedEvent
* when a Dialog in the NULL state is terminated.
* - gov.nist.javax.sip.CACHE_SERVER_CONNECTIONS = [true|false]
* Default value is true. Setting this to false makes the Stack close the server
* socket after a Server Transaction goes to the TERMINATED state. This allows a
* server to protectect against TCP based Denial of Service attacks launched by
* clients (ie. initiate hundreds of client transactions). If true (default
* action), the stack will keep the socket open so as to maximize performance at
* the expense of Thread and memory resources - leaving itself open to DOS
* attacks.
* - gov.nist.javax.sip.CACHE_CLIENT_CONNECTIONS = [true|false]
* Default value is true. Setting this to false makes the Stack close the server
* socket after a Client Transaction goes to the TERMINATED state. This allows a
* client release any buffers threads and socket connections associated with a
* client transaction after the transaction has terminated at the expense of
* performance.
* - gov.nist.javax.sip.THREAD_POOL_SIZE = integer
* Concurrency control for number of simultaneous active threads. If
* unspecificed, the default is "infinity". This feature is useful if you are
* trying to build a container.
* -
- If this is not specified, and the listener is re-entrant, each
* event delivered to the listener is run in the context of a new thread.
* - If this is specified and the listener is re-entrant, then the stack will
* run the listener using a thread from the thread pool. This allows you to
* manage the level of concurrency to a fixed maximum. Threads are pre-allocated
* when the stack is instantiated.
* - If this is specified and the listener is not re-entrant, then the stack
* will use the thread pool thread from this pool to parse and manage the state
* machine but will run the listener in its own thread.
* - gov.nist.javax.sip.REENTRANT_LISTENER = true|false
* Default is false. Set to true if the listener is re-entrant. If the listener
* is re-entrant then the stack manages a thread pool and synchronously calls
* the listener from the same thread which read the message. Multiple
* transactions may concurrently receive messages and this will result in
* multiple threads being active in the listener at the same time. The listener
* has to be written with this in mind. If you want good performance on a
* multithreaded machine write your listener to be re-entrant and set this
* property to be true
* - gov.nist.javax.sip.MAX_CONNECTIONS = integer
* Max number of simultaneous TCP connections handled by stack.
* - gov.nist.javax.sip.MAX_SERVER_TRANSACTIONS = integer
* Maximum size of server transaction table. The low water mark is 80% of the
* high water mark. Requests are selectively dropped in the lowater mark to
* highwater mark range. Requests are unconditionally accepted if the table is
* smaller than the low water mark. The default highwater mark is 5000
* - gov.nist.javax.sip.MAX_CLIENT_TRANSACTIONS = integer
* Max number of active client transactions before the caller blocks and waits
* for the number to drop below a threshold. Default is unlimited, i.e. the
* caller never blocks and waits for a client transaction to become available
* (i.e. it does its own resource management in the application).
* - gov.nist.javax.sip.PASS_INVITE_NON_2XX_ACK_TO_LISTENER = true|false
* If true then the listener will see the ACK for non-2xx responses for server
* transactions. This is not standard behavior per RFC 3261 (INVITE server
* transaction state machine) but this is a useful flag for testing. The TCK
* uses this flag for example.
* - gov.nist.javax.sip.MAX_LISTENER_RESPONSE_TIME = Integer
* Max time (seconds) to wait on the transaction lock used to serialize message delivery.
* Default time is "infinity" - i.e. if the listener never
* responds, the stack will hang on to a reference for the transaction and
* result in a unusable thread stuck waiting for the lock to be released. A good value
* for this property is the lifespan of the transaction or the expected blocking delay in
* the listener.
* - gov.nist.javax.sip.MAX_TX_LIFETIME_INVITE = Integer
* Defaults -1 : infinite. Typical can be dependent on early dialog timeout by example 3 minutes could be a good default
* Max time (seconds) an INVITE transaction is supposed to live in the stack.
* This is to avoid any leaks in whatever state the transaction can be in even if the application misbehaved
* When the max time is reached, a timeout event will fire up to the application
* listener so that the application can take action and then will be removed from
* the stack after the typical lingering period of 8s in the stack
* - gov.nist.javax.sip.MAX_TX_LIFETIME_NON_INVITE = Integer
* Defaults -1 : infinite. Typical is dependent on T1 by example 2 * T1 could be a good default
* Max time (seconds) a non INVITE transaction is supposed to live in the stack.
* This is to avoid any leaks in whatever state the transaction can be in even if the application misbehaved
* When the max time is reached, a timeout event will fire up to the application
* listener so that the application can take action and then will be removed from
* the stack after the typical lingering period of 8s in the stack. There is a
* specific property as a non INVITE property is short live as compared to INVITE
* and so can be collected ore eagerly to save up on memory usage
* - gov.nist.javax.sip.DELIVER_TERMINATED_EVENT_FOR_ACK = [true|false]
* Default is false . ACK Server Transaction is a Pseuedo-transaction.
* If you want termination notification on ACK transactions (so all server
* transactions can be handled uniformly in user code during cleanup), then set
* this flag to true .
* - gov.nist.javax.sip.READ_TIMEOUT = integer
* This is relevant for incoming TCP connections to prevent starvation at the
* server. This defines the timeout in miliseconds between successive reads
* after the first byte of a SIP message is read by the stack. All the sip
* headers must be delivered in this interval and each successive buffer must be
* of the content delivered in this interval. Default value is -1 (ie. the stack
* is wide open to starvation attacks) and the client can be as slow as it wants
* to be.
* - gov.nist.javax.sip.NETWORK_LAYER = classpath
* This is an EXPERIMENTAL property (still under active devlopment). Defines a
* network layer that allows a client to have control over socket allocations
* and monitoring of socket activity. A network layer should implement
* gov.nist.core.net.NetworkLayer. The default implementation simply acts as a
* wrapper for the standard java.net socket layer. This functionality is still
* under active development (may be extended to support security and other
* features).
* - gov.nist.javax.sip.ADDRESS_RESOLVER = classpath
* The fully qualified class path for an implementation of the AddressResolver
* interface. The AddressResolver allows you to support lookup schemes for
* addresses that are not directly resolvable to IP adresses using
* getHostByName. Specifying your own address resolver allows you to customize
* address lookup. The default address resolver is a pass-through address
* resolver (i.e. just returns the input string without doing a resolution). See
* gov.nist.javax.sip.DefaultAddressResolver.
* - gov.nist.javax.sip.AUTO_GENERATE_TIMESTAMP= [true| false]
* (default is false) Automatically generate a getTimeOfDay timestamp for a
* retransmitted request if the original request contained a timestamp. This is
* useful for profiling.
* - gov.nist.javax.sip.THREAD_AUDIT_INTERVAL_IN_MILLISECS = long
* Defines how often the application intends to audit the SIP Stack about the
* health of its internal threads (the property specifies the time in
* miliseconds between successive audits). The audit allows the application to
* detect catastrophic failures like an internal thread terminating because of
* an exception or getting stuck in a deadlock condition. Events like these will
* make the stack inoperable and therefore require immediate action from the
* application layer (e.g., alarms, traps, reboot, failover, etc.) Thread audits
* are disabled by default. If this property is not specified, audits will
* remain disabled. An example of how to use this property is in
* src/examples/threadaudit.
* - gov.nist.javax.sip.NIO_MAX_SOCKET_IDLE_TIME = long
* Defines the number of milliseconds a NIO TCP socket will be kept alive after the
* last IO operation on that socket. This allows to clean up after high initial load
* of new calls that hang up or stay idle. Note that disconnecting the socket does't
* end the SIP call. A new socket will be established when needed for any existing calls
* by the SIP RFC spec.
* - gov.nist.javax.sip.stack.USE_DIRECT_BUFFERS = [true|false]
* Default is true If set to false , the NIO stack won't use direct buffers.
* As Direct buffers reside outside of the heap memory, they can lead to unforeseen out of memory exceptions
* as seen in http://java.net/jira/browse/JSIP-430. This flag allows to use non direct buffers for better memory
* monitoring and management.
* [true|false]
* Default is false If set to true , when you are creating a
* message from a String , the MessageFactory will compute the content
* length from the message content and ignore the provided content length
* parameter in the Message. Otherwise, it will use the content length supplied
* and generate a parse exception if the content is truncated.
* - gov.nist.javax.sip.CANCEL_CLIENT_TRANSACTION_CHECKED = [true|false]
* Default is true . This flag is added in support of load balancers or
* failover managers where you may want to cancel ongoing transactions from a
* different stack than the original stack. If set to false then the
* CANCEL client transaction is not checked for the existence of the INVITE or
* the state of INVITE when you send the CANCEL request. Hence you can CANCEL an
* INVITE from a different stack than the INVITE. You can also create a CANCEL
* client transaction late and send it out after the INVITE server transaction
* has been Terminated. Clearly this will result in protocol errors. Setting the
* flag to true ( default ) enables you to avoid common protocol errors.
* - gov.nist.javax.sip.IS_BACK_TO_BACK_USER_AGENT = [true|false]
* Default is false This property controls a setting on the Dialog
* objects that the stack manages. Pure B2BUA applications should set this flag
* to true . This property can also be set on a per-dialog basis.
* Setting this to true imposes serialization on re-INVITE and makes
* the sending of re-INVITEs asynchronous. The sending of re-INVITE is
* controlled as follows : If the previous in-DIALOG request was an invite
* ClientTransaction then the next re-INVITEs that uses the dialog will wait
* till an ACK has been sent before admitting the new re-INVITE. If the previous
* in-DIALOG transaction was a INVITE ServerTransaction then Dialog waits for
* ACK before re-INVITE is allowed to be sent. If a dialog is not ACKed within
* 32 seconds, then the dialog is torn down and a BYE sent to the peer.
* - gov.nist.javax.sip.RECEIVE_UDP_BUFFER_SIZE = int
* Default is 8*1024 . This property control the size of the UDP buffer
* used for SIP messages. Under load, if the buffer capacity is overflown the
* messages are dropped causing retransmissions, further increasing the load and
* causing even more retransmissions. Good values to this property for servers
* is a big number in the order of 8*8*1024.
* - gov.nist.javax.sip.SEND_UDP_BUFFER_SIZE = int
* Default is 8*1024 . This property control the size of the UDP buffer
* used for SIP messages. Under load, if the buffer capacity is overflown the
* messages are dropped causing retransmissions, further increasing the load and
* causing even more retransmissions. Good values to this property for servers
* is a big number in the order of 8*8*1024 or higher.
* - gov.nist.javax.sip.CONGESTION_CONTROL_TIMEOUT = int How
* much time messages are allowed to wait in queue before being dropped due to
* stack being too slow to respond. Default value is 8000 ms. The value is in
* milliseconds
* - gov.nist.javax.sip.TCP_POST_PARSING_THREAD_POOL_SIZE = integer
* Use 0 or do not set this option to disable it.
* When using TCP your phones/clients usually connect independently creating their own TCP
* sockets. Sometimes however SIP devices are allowed to tunnel multiple calls over
* a single socket. This can also be simulated with SIPP by running "sipp -t t1".
* In the stack each TCP socket has it's own thread. When all calls are using the same
* socket they all use a single thread, which leads to severe performance penalty,
* especially on multi-core machines.
* This option instructs the SIP stack to use a thread pool and split the CPU load
* between many threads. The number of the threads is specified in this parameter.
* The processing is split immediately after the parsing of the message. It cannot
* be split before the parsing because in TCP the SIP message size is in the
* Content-Length header of the message and the access to the TCP network stream
* has to be synchronized. Additionally in TCP the message size can be larger.
* This causes most of the parsing for all calls to occur in a single thread, which
* may have impact on the performance in trivial applications using a single socket
* for all calls. In most applications it doesn't have performance impact.
* If the phones/clients use separate TCP sockets for each call this option doesn't
* have much impact, except the slightly increased memory footprint caused by the
* thread pool. It is recommended to disable this option in this case by setting it
* 0 or not setting it at all. You can simulate multi-socket mode with "sipp -t t0".
* With this option also we avoid closing the TCP socket when something fails, because
* we must keep processing other messages for other calls.
* Note: This option relies on accurate Content-Length headers in the SIP messages. It
* cannot recover once a malformed message is processed, because the stream iterator
* will not be aligned any more. Eventually the connection will be closed.
* - gov.nist.javax.sip.DELIVER_UNSOLICITED_NOTIFY = [true|false]
* Default is false . This flag is added to allow Sip Listeners to
* receive all NOTIFY requests including those that are not part of a valid
* dialog.
* - gov.nist.javax.sip.REJECT_STRAY_RESPONSES = [true|false] Default
* is
false A flag that checks responses to test whether the response
* corresponds to a via header that was previously generated by us. Note that
* setting this flag implies that the stack will take control over setting the
* VIA header for Sip Requests sent through the stack. The stack will attach a
* suffix to the VIA header branch and check any response arriving at the stack
* to see if that response suffix is present. If it is not present, then the
* stack will silently drop the response.
* - gov.nist.javax.sip.MAX_FORK_TIME_SECONDS = integer Maximum time for which the original
* transaction for which a forked response is received is tracked. This property
* is only relevant to Dialog Stateful applications ( User Agents or B2BUA).
* When a forked response is received in this time interval from when the original
* INVITE client transaction was sent, the stack will place the original INVITE
* client transction in the ResponseEventExt and deliver that to the application.
* The event handler can get the original transaction from this event.
* - gov.nist.javax.sip.EARLY_DIALOG_TIMEOUT_SECONDS=integer Maximum time for which a dialog
* can remain in early state. This is defaulted to 3 minutes ( 180 seconds).
* - gov.nist.javax.sip.THREAD_PRIORITY=integer Control the priority of the threads started by the stack.
* - gov.nist.javax.sip.MESSAGE_PARSER_FACTORY = name of the class implementing gov.nist.javax.sip.parser.MessageParserFactory
* This factory allows pluggable implementations of the MessageParser that will take care of parsing the incoming messages.
* By example one could plug a lazy parser through this factory.
* - gov.nist.javax.sip.MESSAGE_PROCESSOR_FACTORY = name of the class implementing gov.nist.javax.sip.parser.MessageProcessorFactory
* This factory allows pluggable implementations of the MessageProcessor that will take care of incoming messages.
* By example one could plug a NIO Processor through this factory.
* - gov.nist.javax.sip.TIMER_CLASS_NAME = name of the class implementing gov.nist.javax.sip.stack.timers.SipTimer interface
* This allows pluggable implementations of the Timer that will take care of scheduling the various SIP Timers.
* By example one could plug a regular timer, a scheduled thread pool executor.
* - gov.nist.javax.sip.DELIVER_RETRANSMITTED_ACK_TO_LISTENER=boolean A testing property
* that allows application to see the ACK for retransmitted 200 OK requests. Note that this is for test
* purposes only
* * - gov.nist.javax.sip.AGGRESSIVE_CLEANUP=boolean A property that will cleanup Dialog, and Transaction structures
* agrressively to improve memroy usage and performance (up to 50% gain). However one needs to be careful in its code
* on how and when it accesses transaction and dialog data since it cleans up aggressively when transactions changes state
* to COMPLETED or TERMINATED and for Dialog once the ACK is received/sent
* - gov.nist.javax.sip.MIN_KEEPALIVE_TIME_SECONDS = integer Minimum time between keep alive
* pings (CRLF CRLF) from clients. If pings arrive with less than this frequency they will be replied
* with CRLF CRLF if greater they will be rejected. The default is -1 (i.e. do not respond to CRLF CRLF).
* - gov.nist.javax.sip.DIALOG_TIMEOUT_FACTOR= integer Default to 64. The number of ticks before a
* dialog that does not receive an ACK receives a Timeout notification. Note that this is only relevant
* if the registered SipListener is of type SipListenerExt
* - gov.nist.javax.sip.SIP_MESSAGE_VALVE= String Default to null. The class name of your custom valve component.
* An instance of this class will be created and the SIPMessageValve.processRequest/Response() methods will be called for every message
* before any long-lived SIP Stack resources are allocated (no transactions, no dialogs). From within the processRequest callback
* implementation you can drop messages, send a response statelessly or otherwise transform/pre-process the message before it reaches
* the next steps of the pipeline. Similarly from processResponse() you can manipulate a response or drop it silently, but dropping
* responses is not recommended, because the transaction already exists when the request for the response was sent.
* - gov.nist.javax.sip.SIP_EVENT_INTERCEPTOR Default to null. The class name of your custom interceptor object.
* An instance of this object will be created at initialization of the stack. You must implement the interface
* gov.nist.javax.sip.stack.SIPEventInterceptor and handle the lifecycle callbacks. This interface is the solution for
* https://jain-sip.dev.java.net/issues/show_bug.cgi?id=337 . It allows to wrap the JSIP pipeline and execute custom
* analysis logic as SIP messages advance through the pipeline checkpoints. One example implementation of this interceptor
* is gov.nist.javax.sip.stack.CallAnalysisInterceptor, which will periodically check for requests stuck in the
* JAIN SIP threads and if some request is taking too long it will log the stack traces for all threads. The logging can
* occur only on certain events, so it will not overwhelm the CPU. The overall performance penalty by using this class in
* production under load is only 2% peak on average laptop machine. There is minimal locking inside. One known limitation
* of this feature is that you must use gov.nist.javax.sip.REENTRANT_LISTENER=true to ensure that the request will be
* processed in the original thread completely for UDP.
* - gov.nist.javax.sip.TLS_CLIENT_PROTOCOLS = String
* Comma-separated list of protocols to use when creating outgoing TLS connections.
* The default is "TLSv1.2, TLSv1.1, TLSv1".
* It's advisable not to use SSL protocols because of http://googleonlinesecurity.blogspot.fr/2014/10/this-poodle-bites-exploiting-ssl-30.html
* - gov.nist.javax.sip.TLS_SECURITY_POLICY = String The fully qualified path
* name of a TLS Security Policy implementation that is consulted for certificate verification
* of outbund TLS connections.
* - gov.nist.javax.sip.TLS_CLIENT_AUTH_TYPE = String Valid values are Default (backward compatible with previous versions)
* , Enabled, Want, Disabled or DisabledAll. Set to Enabled if you want the SSL stack to require a valid certificate chain from the client before
* accepting a connection. Set to Want if you want the SSL stack to request a client Certificate, but not fail if one isn't presented.
* A Disabled value will not require a certificate chain for the Server Connection. A DisabledAll will not require a certificate chain for both Server and Client Connections.
*- gov.nist.javax.sip.RELIABLE_CONNECTION_KEEP_ALIVE_TIMEOUT Value in seconds which is used as default keepalive timeout
* (See also http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5626#section-4.4.1). Defaults to "infiinity" seconds (i.e. timeout event not delivered).
* - gov.nist.javax.sip.SSL_HANDSHAKE_TIMEOUT Value in seconds which is used as default timeout for performing the SSL Handshake
* This prevents bad clients of connecting without sending any data to block the server
* - gov.nist.javax.sip.SSL_RENEGOTIATION_ENABLED = [true|false] Default value is true. Allow or disallow SSL renegotiation to resolve potential DoS problem -
* reference and another reference. The safe option is to disable it.
* - javax.net.ssl.keyStore = fileName
* Default is NULL . If left undefined the keyStore and trustStore will
* be left to the java runtime defaults. If defined, any TLS sockets created
* (client and server) will use the key store provided in the fileName. The
* trust store will default to the same store file. A password must be provided
* to access the keyStore using the following property:
* properties.setProperty("javax.net.ssl.keyStorePassword", "<password>");
* properties.setProperty("javax.net.ssl.trustStorePassword", "<password>");
* If not trustStorePassword is provided then the keyStorePassword will be used for both.
* The trust store can be changed, to a separate file with the following
* setting:
* properties.setProperty("javax.net.ssl.trustStore", "<trustStoreFileName location>");
* If the trust store property is provided the password on the trust store must
* be the same as the key store.
* Note that the stack supports the extensions that are defined in
* SipStackExt. These will be supported in the next release of JAIN-SIP. You
* should only use the extensions that are defined in this class.
* @version 1.2 $Revision: 1.143 $ $Date: 2010-12-02 22:04:18 $
* @author M. Ranganathan
public class SipStackImpl extends SIPTransactionStack implements
javax.sip.SipStack, SipStackExt {
private static StackLogger logger = CommonLogger.getLogger(SipStackImpl.class);
private EventScanner eventScanner;
protected Hashtable listeningPoints;
protected List sipProviders;
* Max datagram size.
public static final Integer MAX_DATAGRAM_SIZE = 64 * 1024;
// Flag to indicate that the listener is re-entrant and hence
// Use this flag with caution.
private boolean reEntrantListener;
SipListener sipListener;
TlsSecurityPolicy tlsSecurityPolicy;
// Stack semaphore (global lock).
private Semaphore stackSemaphore = new Semaphore(1);
// RFC3261: TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA MUST be supported
// RFC3261: TLS_RSA_WITH_3DES_EDE_CBC_SHA SHOULD be supported for backwards
// compat
private String[] cipherSuites = {
"TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA", // AES difficult to get with
// c++/Windows
// "TLS_RSA_WITH_3DES_EDE_CBC_SHA", // Unsupported by Sun impl,
"SSL_RSA_WITH_3DES_EDE_CBC_SHA", // For backwards comp., C++
// JvB: patch from Sebastien Mazy, issue with mismatching
// ciphersuites
// Supported protocols for TLS client: can be overridden by application
private String[] enabledProtocols = {
// https://java.net/jira/browse/JSIP-482 defaulting only TLS protocols and not SSL anymore
private Properties configurationProperties;
* Creates a new instance of SipStackImpl.
protected SipStackImpl() {
NistSipMessageFactoryImpl msgFactory = new NistSipMessageFactoryImpl(
this.eventScanner = new EventScanner(this);
this.listeningPoints = new Hashtable();
this.sipProviders = Collections.synchronizedList(new LinkedList());
* ReInitialize the stack instance.
private void reInitialize() {
this.eventScanner = new EventScanner(this);
this.listeningPoints = new Hashtable();
this.sipProviders = Collections.synchronizedList(new LinkedList());
this.sipListener = null;
if(!getTimer().isStarted()) {
String defaultTimerName = configurationProperties.getProperty("gov.nist.javax.sip.TIMER_CLASS_NAME",DefaultSipTimer.class.getName());
try {
getTimer().start(this, configurationProperties);
if (getThreadAuditor().isEnabled()) {
// Start monitoring the timer thread
getTimer().schedule(new PingTimer(null), 0);
} catch (Exception e) {
"Bad configuration value for gov.nist.javax.sip.TIMER_CLASS_NAME", e);
* Return true if automatic dialog support is enabled for this stack.
* @return boolean, true if automatic dialog support is enabled for this
* stack
boolean isAutomaticDialogSupportEnabled() {
return super.isAutomaticDialogSupportEnabled;
* Constructor for the stack.
* @param configurationProperties
* -- stack configuration properties including NIST-specific
* extensions.
* @throws PeerUnavailableException
public SipStackImpl(Properties configurationProperties)
throws PeerUnavailableException {
configurationProperties = new MergedSystemProperties(configurationProperties);
this.configurationProperties = configurationProperties;
String address = configurationProperties
try {
/** Retrieve the stack IP address */
if (address != null) {
// In version 1.2 of the spec the IP address is
// associated with the listening point and
// is not madatory.
} catch (java.net.UnknownHostException ex) {
throw new PeerUnavailableException("bad address " + address);
/** Retrieve the stack name */
String name = configurationProperties
if (name == null)
throw new PeerUnavailableException("stack name is missing");
String stackLoggerClassName = configurationProperties
// To log debug messages.
if (stackLoggerClassName == null)
stackLoggerClassName = "gov.nist.core.LogWriter";
try {
Class> stackLoggerClass = Class.forName(stackLoggerClassName);
Class>[] constructorArgs = new Class[0];
Constructor> cons = stackLoggerClass
Object[] args = new Object[0];
StackLogger stackLogger = (StackLogger) cons.newInstance(args);
CommonLogger.legacyLogger = stackLogger;
} catch (InvocationTargetException ex1) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"Cound not instantiate stack logger "
+ stackLoggerClassName
+ "- check that it is present on the classpath and that there is a no-args constructor defined",
} catch (Exception ex) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"Cound not instantiate stack logger "
+ stackLoggerClassName
+ "- check that it is present on the classpath and that there is a no-args constructor defined",
String serverLoggerClassName = configurationProperties
// To log debug messages.
if (serverLoggerClassName == null)
serverLoggerClassName = "gov.nist.javax.sip.stack.ServerLog";
try {
Class> serverLoggerClass = Class
Class>[] constructorArgs = new Class[0];
Constructor> cons = serverLoggerClass
Object[] args = new Object[0];
this.serverLogger = (ServerLogger) cons.newInstance(args);
} catch (InvocationTargetException ex1) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"Cound not instantiate server logger "
+ stackLoggerClassName
+ "- check that it is present on the classpath and that there is a no-args constructor defined",
} catch (Exception ex) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"Cound not instantiate server logger "
+ stackLoggerClassName
+ "- check that it is present on the classpath and that there is a no-args constructor defined",
super.setReliableConnectionKeepAliveTimeout(1000 * Integer.parseInt(
configurationProperties.getProperty("gov.nist.javax.sip.RELIABLE_CONNECTION_KEEP_ALIVE_TIMEOUT", "-1")));
// http://java.net/jira/browse/JSIP-415 Prevent Bad Client or Attacker (DoS) to block the TLSMessageProcessor or TLSMessageChannel
configurationProperties.getProperty("gov.nist.javax.sip.SSL_HANDSHAKE_TIMEOUT", "-1")));
configurationProperties.getProperty("gov.nist.javax.sip.THREAD_PRIORITY","" + Thread.MAX_PRIORITY)));
// Default router -- use this for routing SIP URIs.
// Our router does not do DNS lookups.
this.outboundProxy = configurationProperties
// http://java.net/jira/browse/JSIP-430
this.defaultRouter = new DefaultRouter(this, outboundProxy);
/** Retrieve the router path */
String routerPath = configurationProperties
if (routerPath == null)
routerPath = "gov.nist.javax.sip.stack.DefaultRouter";
try {
Class> routerClass = Class.forName(routerPath);
Class>[] constructorArgs = new Class[2];
constructorArgs[0] = javax.sip.SipStack.class;
constructorArgs[1] = String.class;
Constructor> cons = routerClass.getConstructor(constructorArgs);
Object[] args = new Object[2];
args[0] = (SipStack) this;
args[1] = outboundProxy;
Router router = (Router) cons.newInstance(args);
} catch (InvocationTargetException ex1) {
"could not instantiate router -- invocation target problem",
(Exception) ex1.getCause());
throw new PeerUnavailableException(
"Cound not instantiate router - check constructor", ex1);
} catch (Exception ex) {
logger.logError("could not instantiate router",
(Exception) ex.getCause());
throw new PeerUnavailableException("Could not instantiate router",
// The flag that indicates that the default router is to be ignored.
String useRouterForAll = configurationProperties
this.useRouterForAll = true;
if (useRouterForAll != null) {
this.useRouterForAll = "true".equalsIgnoreCase(useRouterForAll);
* Retrieve the EXTENSION Methods. These are used for instantiation of
* Dialogs.
String extensionMethods = configurationProperties
if (extensionMethods != null) {
java.util.StringTokenizer st = new java.util.StringTokenizer(
while (st.hasMoreTokens()) {
String em = st.nextToken(":");
if (em.equalsIgnoreCase(Request.BYE)
|| em.equalsIgnoreCase(Request.INVITE)
|| em.equalsIgnoreCase(Request.SUBSCRIBE)
|| em.equalsIgnoreCase(Request.NOTIFY)
|| em.equalsIgnoreCase(Request.ACK)
|| em.equalsIgnoreCase(Request.OPTIONS))
throw new PeerUnavailableException("Bad extension method "
+ em);
// Allow application to choose the tls client auth policy on the socket
String clientAuthType = configurationProperties.getProperty("gov.nist.javax.sip.TLS_CLIENT_AUTH_TYPE");
if (clientAuthType != null) {
super.clientAuth = ClientAuthType.valueOf(clientAuthType);
logger.logInfo("using " + clientAuthType + " tls auth policy");
String keyStoreFile = configurationProperties
String trustStoreFile = configurationProperties
if (keyStoreFile != null) {
if (trustStoreFile == null) {
trustStoreFile = keyStoreFile;
String keyStorePassword = configurationProperties
String trustStorePassword = configurationProperties
.getProperty("javax.net.ssl.trustStorePassword", keyStorePassword);
String keyStoreType = configurationProperties
String trustStoreType = configurationProperties
if(trustStoreType == null) trustStoreType = keyStoreType;
try {
this.networkLayer = new SslNetworkLayer(this, trustStoreFile,
keyStorePassword != null ?
keyStorePassword.toCharArray() : null,
trustStorePassword != null ?
trustStorePassword.toCharArray() : null,
keyStoreType, trustStoreType);
} catch (Exception e1) {
"could not instantiate SSL networking", e1);
// Set the auto dialog support flag.
super.isAutomaticDialogSupportEnabled = configurationProperties
.getProperty("javax.sip.AUTOMATIC_DIALOG_SUPPORT", "on")
super.isAutomaticDialogErrorHandlingEnabled = configurationProperties
if ( super.isAutomaticDialogSupportEnabled ) {
super.isAutomaticDialogErrorHandlingEnabled = true;
if (configurationProperties
.getProperty("gov.nist.javax.sip.MAX_LISTENER_RESPONSE_TIME") != null) {
super.maxListenerResponseTime = Integer
if (super.maxListenerResponseTime <= 0)
throw new PeerUnavailableException(
"Bad configuration parameter gov.nist.javax.sip.MAX_LISTENER_RESPONSE_TIME : should be positive");
} else {
super.maxListenerResponseTime = -1;
if (configurationProperties
.getProperty("gov.nist.javax.sip.MAX_TX_LIFETIME_INVITE") != null) {
super.maxTxLifetimeInvite = Integer
if (super.getMaxTxLifetimeInvite() <= 0)
throw new PeerUnavailableException(
"Bad configuration parameter gov.nist.javax.sip.MAX_TX_LIFETIME_INVITE : should be positive");
} else {
super.maxTxLifetimeInvite = -1;
// http://java.net/jira/browse/JSIP-420
if (configurationProperties
.getProperty("gov.nist.javax.sip.MAX_TX_LIFETIME_NON_INVITE") != null) {
super.maxTxLifetimeNonInvite = Integer
if (super.getMaxTxLifetimeNonInvite() <= 0)
throw new PeerUnavailableException(
"Bad configuration parameter gov.nist.javax.sip.MAX_TX_LIFETIME_NON_INVITE : should be positive");
} else {
super.maxTxLifetimeNonInvite = -1;
super.setDeliverUnsolicitedNotify(Boolean.parseBoolean( configurationProperties.getProperty(
"gov.nist.javax.sip.DELIVER_UNSOLICITED_NOTIFY", "false")));
String forkedSubscriptions = configurationProperties
if (forkedSubscriptions != null) {
StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(forkedSubscriptions);
while (st.hasMoreTokens()) {
String nextEvent = st.nextToken();
// Allow application to hook in a TLS Security Policy implementation
String tlsPolicyPath = configurationProperties.getProperty("gov.nist.javax.sip.TLS_SECURITY_POLICY");
if (tlsPolicyPath == null) {
tlsPolicyPath = "gov.nist.javax.sip.stack.DefaultTlsSecurityPolicy";
logger.logWarning("using default tls security policy");
try {
Class< ? > tlsPolicyClass = Class.forName(tlsPolicyPath);
Class< ? >[] constructorArgs = new Class[0];
Constructor< ? > cons = tlsPolicyClass.getConstructor(constructorArgs);
Object[] args = new Object[0];
this.tlsSecurityPolicy = (TlsSecurityPolicy) cons.newInstance(args);
} catch (InvocationTargetException ex1) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cound not instantiate TLS security policy " + tlsPolicyPath
+ "- check that it is present on the classpath and that there is a no-args constructor defined",
} catch (Exception ex) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cound not instantiate TLS security policy " + tlsPolicyPath
+ "- check that it is present on the classpath and that there is a no-args constructor defined",
// The following features are unique to the NIST implementation.
* gets the NetworkLayer implementation, if any. Note that this is a
* NIST only feature.
final String NETWORK_LAYER_KEY = "gov.nist.javax.sip.NETWORK_LAYER";
if (configurationProperties.containsKey(NETWORK_LAYER_KEY)) {
String path = configurationProperties
try {
Class> clazz = Class.forName(path);
Constructor> c = clazz.getConstructor(new Class[0]);
networkLayer = (NetworkLayer) c.newInstance(new Object[0]);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new PeerUnavailableException(
"can't find or instantiate NetworkLayer implementation: "
+ path, e);
final String ADDRESS_RESOLVER_KEY = "gov.nist.javax.sip.ADDRESS_RESOLVER";
if (configurationProperties.containsKey(ADDRESS_RESOLVER_KEY)) {
String path = configurationProperties
try {
Class> clazz = Class.forName(path);
Constructor> c = clazz.getConstructor(new Class[0]);
this.addressResolver = (AddressResolver) c
.newInstance(new Object[0]);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new PeerUnavailableException(
"can't find or instantiate AddressResolver implementation: "
+ path, e);
String maxConnections = configurationProperties
if (maxConnections != null) {
try {
this.maxConnections = new Integer(maxConnections).intValue();
} catch (NumberFormatException ex) {
if (logger.isLoggingEnabled())
"max connections - bad value " + ex.getMessage());
String threadPoolSize = configurationProperties
if (threadPoolSize != null) {
try {
this.threadPoolSize = new Integer(threadPoolSize).intValue();
} catch (NumberFormatException ex) {
if (logger.isLoggingEnabled())
"thread pool size - bad value " + ex.getMessage());
int congetstionControlTimeout = Integer
super.stackCongenstionControlTimeout = congetstionControlTimeout;
String tcpTreadPoolSize = configurationProperties
if (tcpTreadPoolSize != null) {
try {
int threads = new Integer(tcpTreadPoolSize).intValue();
PostParseExecutorServices.setPostParseExcutorSize(threads, congetstionControlTimeout);
} catch (NumberFormatException ex) {
if (logger.isLoggingEnabled())
"TCP post-parse thread pool size - bad value " + tcpTreadPoolSize + " : " + ex.getMessage());
String serverTransactionTableSize = configurationProperties
if (serverTransactionTableSize != null) {
try {
this.serverTransactionTableHighwaterMark = new Integer(
this.serverTransactionTableLowaterMark = this.serverTransactionTableHighwaterMark * 80 / 100;
// Lowater is 80% of highwater
} catch (NumberFormatException ex) {
if (logger.isLoggingEnabled())
"transaction table size - bad value "
+ ex.getMessage());
} else {
// Issue 256 : consistent with MAX_CLIENT_TRANSACTIONS, if the MAX_SERVER_TRANSACTIONS is not set
// we assume the transaction table size can grow unlimited
this.unlimitedServerTransactionTableSize = true;
String clientTransactionTableSize = configurationProperties
if (clientTransactionTableSize != null) {
try {
this.clientTransactionTableHiwaterMark = new Integer(
this.clientTransactionTableLowaterMark = this.clientTransactionTableLowaterMark * 80 / 100;
// Lowater is 80% of highwater
} catch (NumberFormatException ex) {
if (logger.isLoggingEnabled())
"transaction table size - bad value "
+ ex.getMessage());
} else {
this.unlimitedClientTransactionTableSize = true;
* gets the SecurityManagerProvider implementation, if any. Note that this is a
* NIST only feature.
if (configurationProperties.containsKey(SECURITY_MANAGER_PROVIDER_KEY)) {
String path = configurationProperties
try {
Class> clazz = Class.forName(path);
Constructor> c = clazz.getConstructor(new Class[0]);
securityManagerProvider = (SecurityManagerProvider) c.newInstance(new Object[0]);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new PeerUnavailableException(
"can't find or instantiate SecurityManagerProvider implementation: "
+ path, e);
} else
securityManagerProvider = new DefaultSecurityManagerProvider();
try {
} catch (GeneralSecurityException ex) {
throw new PeerUnavailableException("Cannot initialize security manager provider", ex);
} catch (IOException ex) {
throw new PeerUnavailableException("Cannot initialize security manager provider", ex);
super.cacheServerConnections = true;
String flag = configurationProperties
if (flag != null && "false".equalsIgnoreCase(flag.trim())) {
super.cacheServerConnections = false;
super.cacheClientConnections = true;
String cacheflag = configurationProperties
if (cacheflag != null && "false".equalsIgnoreCase(cacheflag.trim())) {
super.cacheClientConnections = false;
String readTimeout = configurationProperties
if (readTimeout != null) {
try {
int rt = Integer.parseInt(readTimeout);
if (rt >= 100) {
super.readTimeout = rt;
} else {
System.err.println("Value too low " + readTimeout);
} catch (NumberFormatException nfe) {
// Ignore.
if (logger.isLoggingEnabled())
logger.logError("Bad read timeout " + readTimeout);
// Get the address of the stun server.
String stunAddr = configurationProperties
if (stunAddr != null)
"Ignoring obsolete property "
+ "gov.nist.javax.sip.STUN_SERVER");
String maxMsgSize = configurationProperties
try {
if (maxMsgSize != null) {
super.maxMessageSize = new Integer(maxMsgSize).intValue();
if (super.maxMessageSize < 4096)
super.maxMessageSize = 4096;
} else {
// Allow for "infinite" size of message
super.maxMessageSize = 0;
} catch (NumberFormatException ex) {
if (logger.isLoggingEnabled())
"maxMessageSize - bad value " + ex.getMessage());
String rel = configurationProperties
this.reEntrantListener = (rel != null && "true".equalsIgnoreCase(rel));
// Check if a thread audit interval is specified
String interval = configurationProperties
if (interval != null) {
try {
// Make the monitored threads ping the auditor twice as fast as
// the audits
Long.valueOf(interval).longValue() / 2);
} catch (NumberFormatException ex) {
if (logger.isLoggingEnabled())
+ interval + "] " + ex.getMessage());
// JvB: added property for testing
this.generateTimeStampHeader = Boolean.valueOf(
"gov.nist.javax.sip.AUTO_GENERATE_TIMESTAMP", "false"))
String messageLogFactoryClasspath = configurationProperties
if (messageLogFactoryClasspath != null) {
try {
Class> clazz = Class.forName(messageLogFactoryClasspath);
Constructor> c = clazz.getConstructor(new Class[0]);
this.logRecordFactory = (LogRecordFactory) c
.newInstance(new Object[0]);
} catch (Exception ex) {
if (logger.isLoggingEnabled())
"Bad configuration value for LOG_FACTORY -- using default logger");
this.logRecordFactory = new DefaultMessageLogFactory();
} else {
this.logRecordFactory = new DefaultMessageLogFactory();
boolean computeContentLength = configurationProperties.getProperty(
String tlsClientProtocols = configurationProperties.getProperty(
if (tlsClientProtocols != null)
// http://java.net/jira/browse/JSIP-451 - josemrecio
// accepts protocol list enclosed in "" and separated by spaces and/or commas
StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(tlsClientProtocols, "\" ,");
String[] protocols = new String[st.countTokens()];
if (logger.isLoggingEnabled(LogLevels.TRACE_DEBUG))
"TLS Client Protocols = ");
int i=0;
while (st.hasMoreTokens()) {
protocols[i] = st.nextToken();
if (logger.isLoggingEnabled(LogLevels.TRACE_DEBUG)) {
"TLS Client Protocol = " + protocols[i]);
this.enabledProtocols = protocols;
super.rfc2543Supported = configurationProperties.getProperty(
"gov.nist.javax.sip.RFC_2543_SUPPORT_ENABLED", "true")
super.cancelClientTransactionChecked = configurationProperties
super.logStackTraceOnMessageSend = configurationProperties.getProperty(
"gov.nist.javax.sip.LOG_STACK_TRACE_ON_MESSAGE_SEND", "false")
if (logger.isLoggingEnabled(LogLevels.TRACE_DEBUG))
"created Sip stack. Properties = " + configurationProperties);
InputStream in = getClass().getResourceAsStream("/TIMESTAMP");
if (in != null) {
BufferedReader streamReader = new BufferedReader(
new InputStreamReader(in));
try {
String buildTimeStamp = streamReader.readLine();
if (in != null) {
} catch (IOException ex) {
logger.logError("Could not open build timestamp.");
String bufferSize = configurationProperties.getProperty(
int bufferSizeInteger = new Integer(bufferSize).intValue();
bufferSize = configurationProperties.getProperty(
bufferSizeInteger = new Integer(bufferSize).intValue();
super.isBackToBackUserAgent = Boolean
super.checkBranchId = Boolean.parseBoolean(configurationProperties
super.isDialogTerminatedEventDeliveredForNullDialog = (Boolean.parseBoolean(configurationProperties.getProperty("gov.nist.javax.sip.DELIVER_TERMINATED_EVENT_FOR_NULL_DIALOG",
super.maxForkTime = Integer.parseInt(
super.earlyDialogTimeout = Integer.parseInt(
super.minKeepAliveInterval = Integer.parseInt(configurationProperties.getProperty("gov.nist.javax.sip.MIN_KEEPALIVE_TIME_SECONDS","-1"));
super.deliverRetransmittedAckToListener = Boolean.parseBoolean(configurationProperties.getProperty
super.dialogTimeoutFactor = Integer.parseInt(configurationProperties.getProperty("gov.nist.javax.sip.DIALOG_TIMEOUT_FACTOR","64"));
String messageParserFactoryName = configurationProperties.getProperty("gov.nist.javax.sip.MESSAGE_PARSER_FACTORY",StringMsgParserFactory.class.getName());
try {
super.messageParserFactory = (MessageParserFactory) Class.forName(messageParserFactoryName).newInstance();
} catch (Exception e) {
"Bad configuration value for gov.nist.javax.sip.MESSAGE_PARSER_FACTORY", e);
String messageProcessorFactoryName = configurationProperties.getProperty("gov.nist.javax.sip.MESSAGE_PROCESSOR_FACTORY",OIOMessageProcessorFactory.class.getName());
try {
super.messageProcessorFactory = (MessageProcessorFactory) Class.forName(messageProcessorFactoryName).newInstance();
} catch (Exception e) {
"Bad configuration value for gov.nist.javax.sip.MESSAGE_PROCESSOR_FACTORY", e);
String maxIdleTimeString = configurationProperties.getProperty("gov.nist.javax.sip.NIO_MAX_SOCKET_IDLE_TIME", "7200000");
try {
super.nioSocketMaxIdleTime = Long.parseLong(maxIdleTimeString);
} catch (Exception e) {
"Bad configuration value for gov.nist.javax.sip.NIO_MAX_SOCKET_IDLE_TIME=" + maxIdleTimeString, e);
String defaultTimerName = configurationProperties.getProperty("gov.nist.javax.sip.TIMER_CLASS_NAME",DefaultSipTimer.class.getName());
try {
getTimer().start(this, configurationProperties);
if (getThreadAuditor().isEnabled()) {
// Start monitoring the timer thread
getTimer().schedule(new PingTimer(null), 0);
} catch (Exception e) {
"Bad configuration value for gov.nist.javax.sip.TIMER_CLASS_NAME", e);
super.aggressiveCleanup = Boolean.parseBoolean(configurationProperties
String valveClassName = configurationProperties.getProperty("gov.nist.javax.sip.SIP_MESSAGE_VALVE", null);
if(valveClassName != null && !valveClassName.equals("")) {
try {
super.sipMessageValve = (SIPMessageValve) Class.forName(valveClassName).newInstance();
final SipStack thisStack = this;
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
.logError("Error intializing SIPMessageValve", e);
} catch (Exception e) {
"Bad configuration value for gov.nist.javax.sip.SIP_MESSAGE_VALVE", e);
String interceptorClassName = configurationProperties.getProperty("gov.nist.javax.sip.SIP_EVENT_INTERCEPTOR", null);
if(interceptorClassName != null && !interceptorClassName.equals("")) {
try {
super.sipEventInterceptor = (SIPEventInterceptor) Class.forName(interceptorClassName).newInstance();
final SipStack thisStack = this;
new Thread() {
public void run() {
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
.logError("Error intializing SIPEventInterceptor", e);
} catch (Exception e) {
"Bad configuration value for gov.nist.javax.sip.SIP_EVENT_INTERCEPTOR", e);
boolean sslRenegotiationEnabled = Boolean.parseBoolean(configurationProperties.getProperty(
* (non-Javadoc)
* @see javax.sip.SipStack#createListeningPoint(java.lang.String, int,
* java.lang.String)
public synchronized ListeningPoint createListeningPoint(String address,
int port, String transport) throws TransportNotSupportedException,
InvalidArgumentException {
if (logger.isLoggingEnabled(LogLevels.TRACE_DEBUG))
"createListeningPoint : address = " + address + " port = "
+ port + " transport = " + transport);
if (address == null)
throw new NullPointerException(
"Address for listening point is null!");
if (transport == null)
throw new NullPointerException("null transport");
if (port <= 0)
throw new InvalidArgumentException("bad port");
if (!transport.equalsIgnoreCase("UDP")
&& !transport.equalsIgnoreCase("TLS")
&& !transport.equalsIgnoreCase("TCP")
&& !transport.equalsIgnoreCase("SCTP")
&& !transport.equalsIgnoreCase("WS")
&& !transport.equalsIgnoreCase("WSS"))
throw new TransportNotSupportedException("bad transport "
+ transport);
/** Reusing an old stack instance */
if (!this.isAlive()) {
this.toExit = false;
String key = ListeningPointImpl.makeKey(address, port, transport);
ListeningPointImpl lip = (ListeningPointImpl) listeningPoints.get(key);
if (lip != null) {
return lip;
} else {
try {
InetAddress inetAddr = InetAddress.getByName(address);
MessageProcessor messageProcessor = this
.createMessageProcessor(inetAddr, port, transport);
if (logger.isLoggingEnabled(LogLevels.TRACE_DEBUG)) {
"Created Message Processor: " + address
+ " port = " + port + " transport = "
+ transport);
lip = new ListeningPointImpl(this, port, transport);
lip.messageProcessor = messageProcessor;
this.listeningPoints.put(key, lip);
// start processing messages.
if(socketTimeoutAuditor == null && nioSocketMaxIdleTime > 0 && messageProcessor instanceof ConnectionOrientedMessageProcessor) {
// https://java.net/jira/browse/JSIP-471 use property from the stack instead of hard coded 20s
socketTimeoutAuditor = new SocketTimeoutAuditor(nioSocketMaxIdleTime);
getTimer().scheduleWithFixedDelay(socketTimeoutAuditor, nioSocketMaxIdleTime, nioSocketMaxIdleTime);
return (ListeningPoint) lip;
} catch (java.io.IOException ex) {
if (logger.isLoggingEnabled())
"Invalid argument address = " + address + " port = "
+ port + " transport = " + transport);
throw new InvalidArgumentException(ex.getMessage(), ex);
* (non-Javadoc)
* @see javax.sip.SipStack#createSipProvider(javax.sip.ListeningPoint)
public SipProvider createSipProvider(ListeningPoint listeningPoint)
throws ObjectInUseException {
if (listeningPoint == null)
throw new NullPointerException("null listeningPoint");
if (logger.isLoggingEnabled(LogLevels.TRACE_DEBUG))
"createSipProvider: " + listeningPoint);
ListeningPointImpl listeningPointImpl = (ListeningPointImpl) listeningPoint;
if (listeningPointImpl.sipProvider != null)
throw new ObjectInUseException("Provider already attached!");
SipProviderImpl provider = new SipProviderImpl(this);
listeningPointImpl.sipProvider = provider;
return provider;
* (non-Javadoc)
* @see javax.sip.SipStack#deleteListeningPoint(javax.sip.ListeningPoint)
public void deleteListeningPoint(ListeningPoint listeningPoint)
throws ObjectInUseException {
if (listeningPoint == null)
throw new NullPointerException("null listeningPoint arg");
ListeningPointImpl lip = (ListeningPointImpl) listeningPoint;
// Stop the message processing thread in the listening point.
String key = lip.getKey();
* (non-Javadoc)
* @see javax.sip.SipStack#deleteSipProvider(javax.sip.SipProvider)
public void deleteSipProvider(SipProvider sipProvider)
throws ObjectInUseException {
if (sipProvider == null)
throw new NullPointerException("null provider arg");
SipProviderImpl sipProviderImpl = (SipProviderImpl) sipProvider;
// JvB: API doc is not clear, but in_use ==
// sipProviderImpl.sipListener!=null
// so we should throw if app did not call removeSipListener
// sipProviderImpl.sipListener = null;
if (sipProviderImpl.getSipListener() != null) {
throw new ObjectInUseException(
"SipProvider still has an associated SipListener!");
// Bug reported by Rafael Barriuso
if (sipProviders.isEmpty()) {
* Get the IP Address of the stack.
* @see javax.sip.SipStack#getIPAddress()
* @deprecated
public String getIPAddress() {
return super.getHostAddress();
* (non-Javadoc)
* @see javax.sip.SipStack#getListeningPoints()
public java.util.Iterator getListeningPoints() {
return this.listeningPoints.values().iterator();
* Return true if retransmission filter is active.
* @see javax.sip.SipStack#isRetransmissionFilterActive()
* @deprecated
public boolean isRetransmissionFilterActive() {
return true;
* (non-Javadoc)
* @see javax.sip.SipStack#getSipProviders()
public java.util.Iterator getSipProviders() {
return this.sipProviders.iterator();
* (non-Javadoc)
* @see javax.sip.SipStack#getStackName()
public String getStackName() {
return this.stackName;
* Finalization -- stop the stack on finalization. Exit the transaction
* scanner and release all resources.
* @see java.lang.Object#finalize()
protected void finalize() {
* This uses the default stack address to create a listening point.
* @see javax.sip.SipStack#createListeningPoint(java.lang.String, int,
* java.lang.String)
* @deprecated
public ListeningPoint createListeningPoint(int port, String transport)
throws TransportNotSupportedException, InvalidArgumentException {
if (super.stackAddress == null)
throw new NullPointerException(
"Stack does not have a default IP Address!");
return this.createListeningPoint(super.stackAddress, port, transport);
* (non-Javadoc)
* @see javax.sip.SipStack#stop()
public void stop() {
if (logger.isLoggingEnabled(LogLevels.TRACE_DEBUG)) {
logger.logDebug("stopStack -- stoppping the stack");
if(super.sipMessageValve != null)
if(super.sipEventInterceptor != null)
this.sipProviders = Collections.synchronizedList(new LinkedList());
this.listeningPoints = new Hashtable();
* Check for presence of an event scanner ( may happen if stack is
* stopped before listener is attached ).
if (this.eventScanner != null)
this.eventScanner = null;
* (non-Javadoc)
* @see javax.sip.SipStack#start()
public void start() throws ProviderDoesNotExistException, SipException {
// Start a new event scanner if one does not exist.
if (this.eventScanner == null) {
this.eventScanner = new EventScanner(this);
* Get the listener for the stack. A stack can have only one listener. To
* get an event from a provider, the listener has to be registered with the
* provider. The SipListener is application code.
* @return -- the stack SipListener
public SipListener getSipListener() {
return this.sipListener;
* Get the TLS Security Policy implementation for the stack. The TlsSecurityPolicy is application code.
* @return -- the TLS Security Policy implementation
public TlsSecurityPolicy getTlsSecurityPolicy() {
return this.tlsSecurityPolicy;
* Get the message log factory registered with the stack.
* @return -- the messageLogFactory of the stack.
public LogRecordFactory getLogRecordFactory() {
return super.logRecordFactory;
* Set the log appender ( this is useful if you want to specify a particular
* log format or log to something other than a file for example). This method
* is will be removed May 11, 2010 or shortly there after.
* @param Appender
* - the log4j appender to add.
* @deprecated TODO: remove this method May 11, 2010.
public void addLogAppender(org.apache.log4j.Appender appender) {
if (this.logger instanceof gov.nist.core.LogWriter) {
((gov.nist.core.LogWriter) this.logger).addAppender(appender);
* Get the log4j logger ( for log stream integration ).
* This method will be removed May 11, 2010 or shortly there after.
* @return the log4j logger.
* @deprecated TODO: This method will be removed May 11, 2010.
public org.apache.log4j.Logger getLogger() {
if (this.logger instanceof gov.nist.core.LogWriter) {
return ((gov.nist.core.LogWriter) this.logger).getLogger();
return null;
public EventScanner getEventScanner() {
return eventScanner;
* (non-Javadoc)
* @see
* gov.nist.javax.sip.SipStackExt#getAuthenticationHelper(gov.nist.javax
* .sip.clientauthutils.AccountManager, javax.sip.header.HeaderFactory)
public AuthenticationHelper getAuthenticationHelper(
AccountManager accountManager, HeaderFactory headerFactory) {
return new AuthenticationHelperImpl(this, accountManager, headerFactory);
* (non-Javadoc)
* @see
* gov.nist.javax.sip.SipStackExt#getAuthenticationHelper(gov.nist.javax
* .sip.clientauthutils.AccountManager, javax.sip.header.HeaderFactory)
public AuthenticationHelper getSecureAuthenticationHelper(
SecureAccountManager accountManager, HeaderFactory headerFactory) {
return new AuthenticationHelperImpl(this, accountManager, headerFactory);
* Set the list of cipher suites supported by the stack. A stack can have
* only one set of suites. These are not validated against the supported
* cipher suites of the java runtime, so specifying a cipher here does not
* guarantee that it will work.
* The stack has a default cipher suite of:
* - TLS_DH_anon_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA
* NOTE: This function must be called before adding a TLS listener
* @param String
* [] The new set of ciphers to support.
* @return
public void setEnabledCipherSuites(String[] newCipherSuites) {
cipherSuites = newCipherSuites;
* Return the currently enabled cipher suites of the Stack.
* @return The currently enabled cipher suites.
public String[] getEnabledCipherSuites() {
return cipherSuites;
* Set the list of protocols supported by the stack for outgoing TLS connections.
* A stack can have only one set of protocols.
* These are not validated against the supported
* protocols of the java runtime, so specifying a protocol here does not
* guarantee that it will work.
* The stack has a default protocol suite of:
* - TLSv1.2
* - TLSv1.1
* - TLSv1
* NOTE: This function must be called before creating a TLSMessageChannel.
* @param String
* [] The new set of protocols to use for outgoing TLS connections.
* @return
public void setEnabledProtocols(String[] newProtocols) {
enabledProtocols = newProtocols;
* Return the currently enabled protocols to use when creating TLS connection.
* @return The currently enabled protocols.
public String[] getEnabledProtocols() {
return enabledProtocols;
* Set the "back to back User Agent" flag.
* @param flag
* - boolean flag to set.
public void setIsBackToBackUserAgent(boolean flag) {
super.isBackToBackUserAgent = flag;
* Get the "back to back User Agent" flag.
* return the value of the flag
public boolean isBackToBackUserAgent() {
return super.isBackToBackUserAgent;
public boolean isAutomaticDialogErrorHandlingEnabled() {
return super.isAutomaticDialogErrorHandlingEnabled;
public void setTlsSecurityPolicy(TlsSecurityPolicy tlsSecurityPolicy) {
this.tlsSecurityPolicy = tlsSecurityPolicy;
public boolean acquireSem() {
try {
return this.stackSemaphore.tryAcquire(10, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
} catch ( InterruptedException ex) {
return false;
public void releaseSem() {
* @return the configurationProperties
public Properties getConfigurationProperties() {
return configurationProperties;
* @return the reEntrantListener
public boolean isReEntrantListener() {
return reEntrantListener;
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