test.tck.TestHarness Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package test.tck;
import gov.nist.javax.sip.address.AddressFactoryImpl;
import gov.nist.javax.sip.stack.NioMessageProcessorFactory;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.FileInputStream;
import java.io.PrintWriter;
import java.io.StringWriter;
import java.util.Enumeration;
import java.util.Properties;
import javax.sip.SipFactory;
import javax.sip.address.AddressFactory;
import javax.sip.header.HeaderFactory;
import javax.sip.message.MessageFactory;
import junit.framework.TestCase;
import junit.framework.TestResult;
import org.apache.log4j.Appender;
import org.apache.log4j.BasicConfigurator;
import org.apache.log4j.ConsoleAppender;
import org.apache.log4j.FileAppender;
import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
import org.apache.log4j.SimpleLayout;
public class TestHarness extends TestCase {
private static final String PATH_GOV_NIST = "gov.nist";
protected static final String IMPLEMENTATION_PATH = "javax.sip.tck.PATH";
protected static final String ABORT_ON_FAIL = "javax.sip.tck.ABORT_ON_FAIL";
protected static final String LOG_FILE_NAME = "javax.sip.tck.LOG_FILE";
protected static final String LOCAL_ADDRESS = "";
protected static final int TI_PORT = 5060;
protected static final int RI_PORT = 6050;
// Keep these static but initialize from the constructor to allow
// changing from the GUI
protected static String logFileName = "tcklog.txt";
protected static String path = null;
protected static PrintWriter printWriter;
protected static boolean abortOnFail = true;
// this flag is set to false if there is any failure throughout the test
// cycle
// on either side of the protocol. It helps account for failures that are
// not triggered in the
// main test thread. It has to be initialized before each run.
private static boolean testPassed = true;
protected static MessageFactory tiMessageFactory;
protected static HeaderFactory tiHeaderFactory;
protected static AddressFactory tiAddressFactory;
protected static MessageFactory riMessageFactory;
protected static HeaderFactory riHeaderFactory;
protected static AddressFactory riAddressFactory;
protected static int testCounter;
protected static SipFactory riFactory;
protected static SipFactory tiFactory;
protected TestResult testResult;
private static Logger logger = Logger.getLogger("test.tck");
private static String currentMethodName;
private static String currentClassName;
protected static Appender console = new ConsoleAppender(new SimpleLayout());
static {
try {
Properties tckProperties = new Properties();
// tckProperties.load(TestHarness.class.getClassLoader()
// .getResourceAsStream("tck.properties"));
tckProperties.load(new FileInputStream("tck.properties"));
Enumeration props = tckProperties.propertyNames();
while (props.hasMoreElements()) {
String propname = (String) props.nextElement();
System.setProperty(propname, tckProperties
path = System.getProperties().getProperty(IMPLEMENTATION_PATH);
String flag = System.getProperties().getProperty(ABORT_ON_FAIL);
String lf = System.getProperties().getProperty(LOG_FILE_NAME);
if (lf != null)
logFileName = lf;
abortOnFail = (flag != null && flag.equalsIgnoreCase("true"));
// JvB: init log4j
// If already created a print writer then just use it.
if (lf != null)
logger.addAppender(new FileAppender(new SimpleLayout(),
logger.addAppender(new FileAppender(new SimpleLayout(),
} catch (Exception ex) {
throw new RuntimeException(ex);
private static void println(String messageToPrint) {
* Default constructor
protected TestHarness() {
protected String getImplementationPath() {
return System.getProperties().getProperty( IMPLEMENTATION_PATH, "gov.nist" );
public TestHarness(String name) {
this(name, false); // default: disable auto-dialog
protected TestHarness(String name, boolean autoDialog) {
this.testResult = new TestResult();
private static void logSuccess(String message) {
Throwable throwable = new Throwable();
StackTraceElement frameset[] = throwable.getStackTrace();
StackTraceElement frame = frameset[2];
String className = frame.getClassName();
//int ind = className.lastIndexOf(".");
//if (ind != -1) {
// className = className.substring(ind + 1);
logger.info(className + ":" + frame.getMethodName() + "(" +
frame.getFileName() + ":"+ frame.getLineNumber() + ")" + " : Status = passed ! ");
String methodName = frame.getMethodName();
if (!(currentMethodName != null && methodName.equals(currentMethodName) && currentClassName
.equals(className))) {
currentClassName = className;
currentMethodName = methodName;
System.out.print(currentClassName + ":" + currentMethodName);
private static void logSuccess() {
Throwable throwable = new Throwable();
StackTraceElement frameset[] = throwable.getStackTrace();
StackTraceElement frame = frameset[2];
String className = frame.getClassName();
//int ind = className.lastIndexOf(".");
//if (ind != -1) {
// className = className.substring(ind + 1);
logger.info(className + ":" + frame.getMethodName() + ": Status = passed ! ");
String methodName = frame.getMethodName();
if (!(currentMethodName != null && methodName.equals(currentMethodName) && currentClassName
.equals(className))) {
currentClassName = className;
currentMethodName = methodName;
System.out.print(currentClassName + ":" + currentMethodName);
private static void logFailureDetails(String reason) {
Throwable throwable = new Throwable();
StackTraceElement frameset[] = throwable.getStackTrace();
StackTraceElement frame = frameset[2];
String className = frame.getClassName();
logFailure(className, frame.getMethodName(), reason);
private static void logFailure(String className, String methodName,
String reason) {
println(" Test in function " + className
+ ":" + methodName + " failed because of " + reason);
StringWriter stringWriter = new StringWriter();
new Exception().printStackTrace(new PrintWriter(stringWriter));
testPassed = false;
if (abortOnFail) {
new Exception().printStackTrace();
private static void logFailure(String reason) {
public static void assertTrue(boolean cond) {
if (cond) {
} else {
logFailure("assertTrue failed");
if (!cond) {
new Exception().printStackTrace();
fail("assertion failure");
public static void assertTrue(String diagnostic, boolean cond) {
if (cond) {
logSuccess("assertTrue " + diagnostic);
} else {
if (!cond) {
new Exception(diagnostic).printStackTrace();
fail(diagnostic + " : Assertion Failure ");
TestCase.assertTrue(diagnostic, cond);
public static void assertEquals(Object me, Object him) {
if (me == him) {
} else if (me == null && him != null) {
logFailure("assertEquals failed");
} else if (me != null && him == null) {
logFailure("assertEquals failed");
} else if (!me.equals(him)) {
logFailure("assertEquals failed");
TestCase.assertEquals(me, him);
public static void assertEquals(String me, String him) {
if (me == him) {
} else if (me == null && him != null) {
logFailure("assertEquals failed");
} else if (me != null && him == null) {
logFailure("assertEquals failed");
} else if (!me.equals(him)) {
logFailure("assertEquals failed");
TestCase.assertEquals(me, him);
public static void assertEquals(String reason, Object me, Object him) {
if (me == him) {
logSuccess("assertEquals : " + reason);
} else if (me == null && him != null) {
logFailure("assertEquals failed:" + reason );
} else if (me != null && him == null) {
logFailure("assertEquals failed:" + reason );
} else if (!me.equals(him)) {
TestCase.assertEquals(reason, me, him);
public static void assertEquals(String reason, String me, String him) {
if (me == him) {
logSuccess("assertEquals " + reason);
} else if (me == null && him != null) {
logFailure("assertEquals failed");
} else if (me != null && him == null) {
logFailure("assertEquals failed");
} else if (!me.equals(him)) {
logFailure("assertEquals failed");
TestCase.assertEquals(reason, me, him);
public static void assertNotNull(String reason, Object thing) {
if (thing != null) {
logSuccess("assertNotNull " + reason);
} else {
TestCase.assertNotNull(reason, thing);
public static void assertNull(String reason, Object thing) {
if (thing == null) {
logSuccess("assertNull " + reason);
} else {
TestCase.assertNull(reason, thing);
public static void assertSame(String diagnostic, Object thing,
Object thingie) {
if (thing == thingie) {
logSuccess("assertSame " + diagnostic);
} else {
TestCase.assertSame(diagnostic, thing, thingie);
public static void fail(String message) {
public static void fail(String message, Exception ex) {
TestCase.fail( message );
public static void fail() {
logFailure("Unknown reason for failure. Check logs for more info.");
new Exception().printStackTrace();
public static void checkImplementsInterface(Class implementationClass,
Class jainInterface) {
assertTrue(jainInterface.toString() + " is_assignable_from "
+ implementationClass.toString(), jainInterface
public static boolean implementsInterface(Class implementationClass,
Class jainInterface) {
return jainInterface.isAssignableFrom(implementationClass);
static void getTIFactories() {
try {
tiFactory = SipFactory.getInstance();
// JvB: need this! but before setting path
// if no TI path is specified on the command line, then assume
// RI self-test mode
//String tiPathName = System.getProperty( IMPLEMENTATION_PATH, PATH_RI_HELPER );
String tiPathName = System.getProperty( IMPLEMENTATION_PATH, "gov.nist" );
// Yes this does access implementation classes but we have to do
// things
// this way for self test. v1.2 only assumes one instance of
// factories per vendor
// per jvm.
tiAddressFactory = tiFactory.createAddressFactory();
tiHeaderFactory = tiFactory.createHeaderFactory();
tiMessageFactory = tiFactory.createMessageFactory();
} catch (Exception ex) {
.println("Cannot get TI factories -- cannot proceed! Bailing");
// Cannot sensibly proceed so bail out.
if (tiAddressFactory == null || tiMessageFactory == null
|| tiHeaderFactory == null) {
.println("Cannot get TI factories -- cannot proceed! Bailing!!");
static void getRIFactories(boolean autoDialog) {
try {
riFactory = SipFactory.getInstance();
if (riFactory == null) {
throw new TckInternalError("could not get SipFactory");
// Testing against the RI.
riAddressFactory = riFactory.createAddressFactory();
assertTrue( "RI must be gov.nist implementation", riAddressFactory instanceof AddressFactoryImpl );
riHeaderFactory = riFactory.createHeaderFactory();
riMessageFactory = riFactory.createMessageFactory();
} catch (Exception ex) {
throw new TckInternalError("Could not get factories");
public void logTestCompleted() {
TestCase.assertTrue( testPassed );
logger.info(this.getName() + " Completed");
public void logTestCompleted(String info) {
TestCase.assertTrue( testPassed );
logger.info(this.getName() + ":" + info +" Completed");
* Returns a properties object containing all RI settings. The result from
* this method is passed to the SipFactory when creating the RI Stack
public static Properties getRiProperties(boolean autoDialog) {
// TODO collect all system properties
// prefixed javax.sip.tck.ri and add them to the local
// properties object
Properties properties = new Properties();
// IP_ADDRESS is deprecated as of jsip 1.2.
// Each listening point associated with a stack has its own IP address.
properties.setProperty("javax.sip.STACK_NAME", "RiStack");
// properties.setProperty("gov.nist.javax.sip.TRACE_LEVEL", "0");
properties.setProperty("gov.nist.javax.sip.TRACE_LEVEL", "32");
// JvB: Most TCK tests dont work well with automatic dialog support
// enabled
// Disable it for the moment
properties.setProperty("javax.sip.AUTOMATIC_DIALOG_SUPPORT", autoDialog ? "ON" : "OFF");
// JvB: for testing of ACK to non-2xx
// For testing sending of stateless null keepalive messages.
//@see test.tck.msgflow.SipProviderTest.testSendNullRequest
properties.setProperty("javax.sip.OUTBOUND_PROXY", LOCAL_ADDRESS + ":" + TI_PORT + "/udp");
if(System.getProperty("enableNIO") != null && System.getProperty("enableNIO").equalsIgnoreCase("true")) {
logger.info("\nNIO Enabled\n");
properties.setProperty("gov.nist.javax.sip.MESSAGE_PROCESSOR_FACTORY", NioMessageProcessorFactory.class.getName());
return properties;
* Returns a properties object containing all TI settings. The result from
* this method is passed to the SipFactory when creating the TI Stack
public static Properties getTiProperties() {
// TODO collect all system properties
// prefixed javax.sip.tck.ti and add them to the local
// properties object
Properties properties = new Properties();
// IP_ADDRESS is deprecated as of jsip 1.2.
// Each listening point associated with a stack has its own IP address.
// properties.setProperty("javax.sip.IP_ADDRESS", LOCAL_ADDRESS);
properties.setProperty("javax.sip.STACK_NAME", "TiStack");
properties.setProperty("gov.nist.javax.sip.TRACE_LEVEL", "32");
// For testing sending of stateless null keepalive messages.
//@see test.tck.msgflow.SipProviderTest.testSendNullRequest
properties.setProperty("javax.sip.OUTBOUND_PROXY", LOCAL_ADDRESS + ":" + RI_PORT + "/udp");
if(System.getProperty("enableNIO") != null && System.getProperty("enableNIO").equalsIgnoreCase("true")) {
logger.info("\nNIO Enabled\n");
properties.setProperty("gov.nist.javax.sip.MESSAGE_PROCESSOR_FACTORY", NioMessageProcessorFactory.class.getName());
return properties;
public void setUp() throws Exception {
testPassed = true;
public void tearDown() throws Exception {
assertTrue("Test failed. See log for details.", testPassed);
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