test.tck.factory.FactoryTestHarness Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package test.tck.factory;
import javax.sip.header.*;
import test.tck.*;
public class FactoryTestHarness extends TestHarness {
protected static String hosts[] =
"abc123.xyz-test." };
static protected String urls[] =
"sip:[email protected];user=phone",
"sip:[email protected]",
"sip:j.doe:[email protected];transport=tcp",
"sip:[email protected]?subject=project",
"sip:[email protected]?subject=",
"sip:+1-212-555-1212:[email protected];user=phone",
"sip:[email protected]",
"sip:[email protected]",
"sip:[email protected]",
"sip:[email protected];method=REGISTER",
"sip:[email protected]:6666;early=no;play=",
"sip:user;par=u%[email protected]\n"
protected static String telUrls[] =
{ "tel:+463-1701-4291", "tel:46317014291;phone-context=+5", "tel:+1-212-555-1212" };
protected static String phoneNumbers[] =
{ "+463-1701-4291", "46317014291;phone-context=+5", "+1-212-555-1212" };
protected static String addresses[] =
"[email protected]",
"[email protected]",
"[email protected]",
"[email protected]",
"[email protected]",
"[email protected]",
"[email protected]",
"[email protected]",
"[email protected]:666" // 666 is the sign of the beast. heh. heh.
protected static String msgString =
"INVITE sip:[email protected]:5060 SIP/2.0\r\n"
+ "Via: SIP/2.0/UDP\r\n"
+ "From: Me ;tag=1234\r\n"
+ "To: \"[email protected]\" \r\n"
+ "Call-ID: [email protected] \r\n"
+ "CSeq: 1 INVITE \r\n"
// BUG submitted by Ben Evans (opencloud):
// was missing \r\n on Accept and Accept-Language headers
// (works OK in NIST-SIP but not valid SIP syntax)
+ "Accept: application/sdp;level=1\r\n"
+ "Accept-Language: da\r\n"
+ "Authentication-Info: nextnonce=\"47364c23432d2e131a5fb210812c\"\r\n"
+ "Accept-Encoding: identity; q=0.5\r\n"
+ "Authorization: Digest username=\"UserB\", realm=\"MCI WorldCom SIP\","
+ " nonce=\"ea9c8e88df84f1cec4341ae6cbe5a359\", opaque=\"\","
+ " uri=\"sip:ss2.wcom.com\", "
+ "response=\"dfe56131d1958046689cd83306477ecc\"\r\n"
+ "Contact:;expires=3600\r\n"
+ "Content-Type: text/html; charset=ISO-8859-4\r\n"
+ "Date: Sun, 07 Jan 2001 19:05:06 GMT\r\n"
+ "Organization: Boxes by Bob\r\n"
+ "Content-Length: 0\r\n\r\n";
protected static String multiHeaders[] =
"Allow: INVITE , FooBar\r\n",
"Accept-Encoding: compress;q=0.5,gzip;q=1.0\r\n",
"Accept: application/sdp;level=1,application/x-private,text/html\r\n",
"Contact: Bo Bob Biggs "
// BUG submitted by Ben Evans (opencloud): SIP syntax does not
// permit space between < and URI
+ ","
+ "Joe Bob Briggs \r\n",
"Proxy-Require: foo, 1234 \r\n",
"Record-Route: ,"
+ ","
+ "\r\n",
// JvB: added, bug report by Young-Geun Park on 17-8-2009
"Record-Route: sip:[email protected],tel:07077005000\r\n",
// JvB: removed this one, P-Asserted-Identity isn't officially part of the TCK
// "P-Asserted-Identity: sip:[email protected],tel:07077005000\r\n",
protected static String headers[] =
"Accept: application/sdp;level=1\n",
"Accept: application/x-private\n",
"Accept: text/html\n",
"Accept: text/*\n",
"Accept: text/*strange_extension*\n",
"Accept: application/sdp;level=1;q=1.0\n",
"Accept-Encoding: compress\n",
"Accept-Encoding: gzip\n",
"Accept-Encoding: *\n",
"Accept-Encoding: *special*\n",
"Accept-Encoding: compress;q=0.5\n",
"Accept-Encoding: gzip;q=1.0\n",
"Accept-Encoding: identity; q=0.5\n",
"Accept-Language: da\n",
"Accept-Language: en-gb;q=0.8\n",
"Accept-Language: *\n",
"Alert-Info: ;purpose=icon\n",
"Alert-Info: ;purpose=info\n",
"Alert-Info: \n",
"Allow: INVITE \r\n",
"Allow: FooBars\r\n",
"Allow-Events: pack1.pack2\n",
"Allow-Events: pack1\n",
// JvB: added
"u: pack1\n", "U: pack1\n",
"Authentication-Info: nextnonce=\"47364c23432d2e131a5fb210812c\"\n",
// Issue 4 posted by Larry B
"Authentication-Info: nextnonce=\"47364c23432d2e131a5fb210812c\",rspauth=\"hello\"\n",
"Authorization: Digest username=\"UserB\", realm=\"MCI WorldCom SIP\","
+ " nonce=\"ea9c8e88df84f1cec4341ae6cbe5a359\", opaque=\"\","
+ " uri=\"sip:ss2.wcom.com\","
+ " response=\"dfe56131d1958046689cd83306477ecc\"\n",
"Authorization: Digest username=\"apro,kop\","
+ "realm=\"Realm\","
+ "nonce=\"MTA1MDMzMjE5ODUzMjUwM2QyMzBhOTJlMTkxYjIxYWY1NDlhYzk4YzNiMGYz\""
+ ",uri=\"sip:nortelnetworks.com:5060\","
+ "response=\"dbfba6c0e9664b45b7d224d2b52a1d01\","
+ "algorithm=MD5,"
+ "cnonce=\"VG05eWRHVnNJRTVsZEhkdmNtdHpNVEExTURNek16WTFOREUyTUE9PQ==\","
+ "qop=auth-int,nc=00000001\n",
"Call-ID: [email protected]\n",
"Call-ID: [email protected]\n",
"i:[email protected]\n",
"I:[email protected]\n",
"Call-ID: [email protected]\n",
"Call-ID: kl24ahsd546folnyt2vbak9sad98u23naodiunzds09a3bqw0sdfbsk34poouymnae0043nsed09mfkvc74bd0cuwnms05dknw87hjpobd76f\n",
"Call-Id: 281794\n",
"Call-Info: ;purpose=icon\n",
"Call-Info: ;purpose=info\n",
"Call-Info: \n",
"Contact: sip:[email protected]:5060\n",
"Contact: sip:[email protected]\n",
// BUG reported by Ben Evans (opencloud): SIP syntax
// does not permit space between < and URI
"Contact: Bo Bob Biggs"
+ "\n",
"Contact: Joe Bob Briggs \n",
"Contact: \"Mr. Watson\" "
+ " ; q=0.7; expires=3600",
"Contact: \"Mr. Watson\" ;q=0.1\n",
"Contact: LittleGuy \n",
"Contact: \n",
"Contact: \n",
"Contact: *displayname* \n",
// JvB: added
"Content-Disposition: session\n",
"Content-Disposition: render;handling=hand;optional=opt \n",
"Content-Encoding: gzip \n",
// JvB: added
"e: gzip \n",
"E: gzip \n",
"Content-Language: fr \n",
"l: 345\n",
"L: 345\n",
"Content-Length: 3495\n",
"Content-Length: 0 \n",
"c: text/html; charset=ISO-8859-4\n",
"Content-Type: text/html; charset=ISO-8859-4\n",
"Content-Type: application/sdp\n",
"Content-Type: application/sdp; o=we ;l=ek ; i=end \n",
"CSeq: 17 INVITE\n",
"CSeq: 17 ACK\n",
"CSeq : 18 BYE\n",
"CSeq:1 CANCEL\n",
"CSeq: 3 BYE\n",
"Date: Sun, 07 Jan 2001 19:05:06 GMT\n",
// JvB: Date is officially 1 or 2 digits
"Date: Mon, 8 Jan 2001 19:05:06 GMT\n",
"Error-Info: \n",
"Error-Info: ;param1=oli\n",
// JvB: These ones were missing
"Expires: 3600\n",
"Event: register\n",
"o: presence\n",
"O: presence\n",
// BUG from Ben Evans (opencloud): space before >
"From: foobar at com ;tag=1024181795\n",
"From: sip:[email protected]\n",
"From: sip:[email protected]\n",
"from: sip:localhost\n",
"from: * \n",// '*' is a token in from
// JvB: test short form too
"f: sip:[email protected]\n",
"F: sip:[email protected]\n",
"FROM: \"A. G. Bell\" ;tag=a48s\n",
"In-Reply-To: [email protected]\n",
"In-Reply-To: 70710 \n",
"Max-Forwards: 34\n",
"Max-Forwards: 10 \n",
"MIME-Version: 1.0 \n",
"Min-Expires: 60 \n",
"Organization: Boxes by Bob\n",
"Priority: emergency\n",
"Proxy-Authenticate: Digest realm=\"MCI WorldCom SIP\","
+ "domain=\"sip:ss2.wcom.com\", "
+ "nonce=\"ea9c8e88df84f1cec4341ae6cbe5a359\","
+ "opaque=\"\", stale=FALSE, algorithm=MD5\n",
"Proxy-Authorization: Digest realm=\"MCI WorldCom SIP\","
+ "domain=\"sip:ss2.wcom.com\", "
+ "nonce=\"ea9c8e88df84f1cec4341ae6cbe5a359\","
+ "opaque=\"\", stale=FALSE, algorithm=MD5\n",
"Proxy-Require: foo \n",
"Proxy-Require: 1234 \n",
"RAck: 776656 1 INVITE\n",
"Reason: SIP ;cause=200 ;text=\"Call completed elsewhere\"\n",
"Reason: Q.850 ;cause=16 ;text=\"Terminated\"\n",
"Reason: SIP ;cause=600 ;text=\"Busy Everywhere\"\n",
// API BUG: what should the default cause code be? - NIST uses -1 but this is not specified.
// TBD -- documentation fix in jain-sip 1.2 should specify the default cause to be -1
"Reason: SIP \n",
"Record-Route: ",
"Record-Route: ",
"Record-Route: \n",
"Refer-To: ;tag=5617\n",
"Refer-To: T. A. Watson \n",
"Refer-To: LittleGuy \n",
"Refer-To: sip:[email protected]\n",
"Refer-To: sip:[email protected] ; tag=696928473514.\n",
// JvB: added
"r: sip:[email protected]\n",
"R: sip:[email protected]\n",
"Reply-To: Bob \n",
"Require: 100rel \n",
"Retry-After: 18000;duration=3600\n",
"Retry-After: 120;duration=3600;ra=oli\n",
// BUG reported by Ben Evans, opencloud:
// javadoc says default duration is 0 but RI returns -1,
// The RI was fixed to return 0
"Retry-After: 1230 (I'm in a meeting);fg=der;duration=23\n",
"Route: \n",
"Route: \n",
"RSeq: 988789 \n",
"Server: Softphone/Beta1.5 \n",
"Server: HomeServer v2\n",
"Server: Nist/Beta1 (beta version) \n",
"Server: Nist proxy (beta version)\n",
"Server: Nist1.0/Beta2 UbiServer/vers.1.0 (new stuff) (Cool) \n",
// JvB: added for 1.2 to support RFC3903
"SIP-ETag: tag123\n",
"SIP-If-Match: tag123\n",
"Subject: Where is the Moscone?\n",
"Subject: Need more boxes\n",
// JvB: added
"s: Need more boxes\n",
"S: Need more boxes\n",
// API BUG: default value of retry-after param not specified.
// TBD -- documentation bug in JAIN-SIP to be fixed in 1.2
"Subscription-State: active \n",
"Subscription-State: terminated;reason=rejected \n",
"Subscription-State: pending;reason=probation;expires=36\n",
"Subscription-State: pending;retry-after=10;expires=36\n",
"Subscription-State: pending;generic=void\n",
"Supported: 100rel \n",
"Supported: foo1\n",
"Supported:\n", // JvB: it may be empty! bug in parser
// JvB: added
"k: foo1\n",
"K: foo1\n",
"Timestamp: 54 \n",
"Timestamp: 52.34 34.5 \n",
"Timestamp: 52.34 .5 \n", // JvB: also valid syntax!
"To: ;tag=5617\n",
"To: T. A. Watson \n",
"To: LittleGuy \n",
"To: sip:[email protected]\n",
"To: sip:[email protected] ; tag=696928473514.\n",
// JvB: added
"t: sip:[email protected]\n",
"T: sip:[email protected]\n",
"Unsupported: foo \n",
"User-Agent: Softphone/Beta1.5 \n",
"User-Agent: Nist/Beta1 (beta version) \n",
"User-Agent: Nist UA (beta version)\n",
"User-Agent: Nist1.0/Beta2 Ubi/vers.1.0 (very cool) \n",
"Via: SIP/2.0/UDP\n",
"Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=0000045d-00000001\n",
"Via: SIP/2.0/UDP host.example.com;received=\n",
"Via: SIP/2.0/UDP [2001:db8::9:1];received=[2001:db8::9:255];branch=z9hG4bKas3-111\n",
// JvB: added
"v: SIP/2.0/UDP\n",
"V: SIP/2.0/UDP\n",
"WWW-Authenticate: Digest realm=\"MCI WorldCom SIP\","
+ "domain=\"sip:ss2.wcom.com\","
+ "nonce=\"ea9c8e88df84f1cec4341ae6cbe5a359\","
+ "opaque=\"\", stale=FALSE, algorithm=MD5\n",
"WWW-Authenticate: Digest realm=\"MCI WorldCom SIP\","
+ "qop=\"auth\" , nonce-value=\"oli\"\n",
"Warning: 307 isi.edu \"Session parameter 'foo' not understood\"\n",
"Warning: 301 isi.edu \"Incompatible network address type 'E.164'\"\n",
"Route: \"displayname\\\\\";x=\"\";y=\"\\\"\\\\\"\n"
protected Header createRiHeaderFromString(String hdr) {
try {
StringBuffer name = new StringBuffer();
StringBuffer body = new StringBuffer();
int n = 0;
for (n = 0; n < hdr.length(); n++) {
if (hdr.charAt(n) != ':') {
} else
for (; n < hdr.length(); n++) {
Header riHeader =
return riHeader;
} catch (java.text.ParseException ex) {
return null;
public FactoryTestHarness(String name) {
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