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import java.nio.file.Path
import io.netty.handler.codec.http.HttpMethod
import scalaz.NonEmptyList
sealed abstract class AeromockException(message: String, cause: Throwable) extends RuntimeException(message, cause) {
def this(msg: String) = this(msg, null)
def this(`class`: Class[_ <: AeromockException], cause: Throwable, args: AnyRef*) = this(MessageManager.getMessage(`class`, args:_*), cause)
def this(key: String, cause: Throwable, args: AnyRef*) = this(MessageManager.getMessage(key, args:_*), cause)
// unexpected error
class AeromockSystemException(message: String, cause: Throwable) extends AeromockException(message, cause) {
def this(msg: String) = this(msg, null)
def this(`class`: Class[_ <: AeromockException], cause: Throwable, args: AnyRef*) = this(MessageManager.getMessage(`class`, args:_*), cause)
def this(key: String, cause: Throwable, args: AnyRef*) = this(MessageManager.getMessage(key, args:_*), cause)
// BadUsing START
class AeromockBadUsingException(message: String, cause: Throwable) extends AeromockException(message, cause) {
def this(msg: String) = this(msg, null)
def this(`class`: Class[_ <: AeromockException], cause: Throwable, args: AnyRef*) = this(MessageManager.getMessage(`class`, args:_*), cause)
def this(key: String, cause: Throwable, args: AnyRef*) = this(MessageManager.getMessage(key, args:_*), cause)
class AeromockApiBadRequestException(uri: String, cause: Throwable)
extends AeromockBadUsingException(classOf[AeromockApiBadRequestException], cause, uri) {
def this(uri: String) = this(uri, null)
class AeromockInvalidRequestException(uri: String, cause: Throwable)
extends AeromockBadUsingException(classOf[AeromockInvalidRequestException], cause, uri) {
def this(uri: String) = this(uri, null)
// BadUsing END
// Configuration START
class AeromockConfigurationException(val config: Path, val errors: NonEmptyList[String]) extends AeromockException(errors.list.mkString(",")) {
def this(config: Path, message: String) = this(config, NonEmptyList(message))
// Configuration END
// NotFound START
sealed abstract class AeromockNotFoundException(resource: String, cause: Throwable) extends AeromockException(resource, cause) {
def this(resource: String) = this(resource, null)
def this(`class`: Class[_ <: AeromockException], cause: Throwable, args: AnyRef*) = this(MessageManager.getMessage(`class`, args:_*), cause)
def this(key: String, cause: Throwable, args: AnyRef*) = this(MessageManager.getMessage(key, cause, args), cause)
class AeromockResourceNotFoundException(path: String, cause: Throwable)
extends AeromockNotFoundException(classOf[AeromockResourceNotFoundException], cause, path) {
def this(path: String) = this(path, null)
class AeromockTemplateNotFoundException(templatePath: String, cause: Throwable)
extends AeromockNotFoundException(classOf[AeromockTemplateNotFoundException], cause, templatePath) {
def this(templatePath: String) = this(templatePath, null)
class AeromockApiNotFoundException(uri: String, cause: Throwable)
extends AeromockNotFoundException(classOf[AeromockApiNotFoundException], cause, uri) {
def this(uri: String) = this(uri, null)
// NotFound END
// BadImplementation START
sealed abstract class AeromockBadImplementation(path: String, cause: Throwable) extends AeromockException(path, cause){
def this(msg: String) = this(msg, null)
def this(`class`: Class[_ <: AeromockBadImplementation], cause: Throwable, args: AnyRef*) = this(MessageManager.getMessage(`class`, args:_*), cause)
def this(key: String, cause: Throwable, args: AnyRef*) = this(MessageManager.getMessage(key, args:_*), cause)
class AeromockNoneRelatedDataException(dataPath: String, cause: Throwable)
extends AeromockBadImplementation(classOf[AeromockNoneRelatedDataException], cause, dataPath) {
def this(dataPath: String) = this(dataPath, null)
class AeromockScriptExecutionException(scriptPath: Path, cause: Throwable)
extends AeromockBadImplementation(classOf[AeromockScriptExecutionException], cause, scriptPath) {
def this(scriptPath: Path) = this(scriptPath, null)
class AeromockScriptBadReturnTypeException(returnType: Class[_], path: Path, cause: Throwable)
extends AeromockBadImplementation(classOf[AeromockScriptBadReturnTypeException], cause, returnType, path) {
def this(returnType: Class[_], path: Path) = this(returnType, path, null)
class AeromockInvalidDataFileException(dataPath: Path, cause: Throwable)
extends AeromockBadImplementation(classOf[AeromockInvalidDataFileException], cause, dataPath) {
def this(dataPath: Path) = this(dataPath, null)
class AeromockTemplateParseException(path: String, cause: Throwable)
extends AeromockBadImplementation(classOf[AeromockTemplateParseException], cause, path) {
def this(path: String) = this(path, null)
class AeromockELException(expression: String, cause: Throwable)
extends AeromockBadImplementation(classOf[AeromockELException], cause, expression) {
class AeromockLoadDataException(errors: NonEmptyList[String]) extends AeromockBadImplementation(errors.list.mkString(",")) {
class AeromockRenderException(path: String, cause: Throwable)
extends AeromockBadImplementation(classOf[AeromockRenderException], cause, path) {
def this(path: String) = this(path, null)
// BadImplementation END
// MethodNotAllowed START
class AeromockMethodNotAllowedException(method: HttpMethod, uri: String, cause: Throwable)
extends AeromockException(classOf[AeromockMethodNotAllowedException], cause, method, uri) {
def this(method: HttpMethod, uri: String) = this(method, uri, null)
// MethodNotAllowed END