Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
import net.sf.json.JSONArray;
import net.sf.json.JSONObject;
import org.apache.jmeter.assertions.AssertionResult;
import org.apache.jmeter.samplers.SampleResult;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.Stack;
public class JSONConverter {
public static final String SUMMARY_LABEL = "ALL";
public static JSONObject convertToJSON(List accumulatedValues, List intervalValues) {
JSONObject result = new JSONObject();
// TODO: sourceID???
result.put("labels", getLabels(accumulatedValues, intervalValues));
return result;
public static JSONArray getLabels(List accumulatedValues, List intervalValues) {
JSONArray jsonArray = new JSONArray();
jsonArray.add(caclucateMetrics(accumulatedValues, intervalValues, SUMMARY_LABEL));
Map> sortedAccumulatedSamples = sortSamplesByLabel(accumulatedValues);
Map> sortedIntervalSamples = sortSamplesByLabel(intervalValues);
for (String label : sortedIntervalSamples.keySet()) {
jsonArray.add(caclucateMetrics(sortedAccumulatedSamples.get(label), sortedIntervalSamples.get(label), label));
return jsonArray;
private static Map> sortSamplesByLabel(List list) {
final Map> result = new HashMap<>();
for (SampleResult sample : list) {
String label = sample.getSampleLabel();
if (!result.containsKey(label)) {
result.put(label, new LinkedList());
return result;
private static JSONObject caclucateMetrics(List accumulatedValues, List intervalValues, String label) {
final JSONObject res = new JSONObject();
res.put("n", accumulatedValues.size()); // total count of samples
res.put("name", label); // label
res.put("interval", 1); // not used
res.put("samplesNotCounted", 0); // not used
res.put("assertionsNotCounted", 0); // not used
res.put("failedEmbeddedResources", "[]"); // not used
res.put("failedEmbeddedResourcesSpilloverCount", 0); // not used
res.put("otherErrorsCount", 0); // not used
res.put("percentileHistogram", "[]"); // not used
res.put("percentileHistogramLatency", "[]"); // not used
res.put("percentileHistogramBytes", "[]"); // not used
res.put("empty", "[]"); // not used
res.put("summary", generateSummary(accumulatedValues)); // summary info
res.put("intervals", calculateIntervals(intervalValues)); // list of intervals
addErrors(res, accumulatedValues);
return res;
private static void addErrors(JSONObject res, List list) {
JSONArray errors = new JSONArray();
JSONArray assertions = new JSONArray();
for (SampleResult sample : list) {
if (!sample.isSuccessful()) {
AssertionResult[] assertionResults = sample.getAssertionResults();
if (assertionResults != null && assertionResults.length != 0) {
for (AssertionResult result : assertionResults) {
JSONObject obj = new JSONObject();
obj.put("failureMessage", result.getFailureMessage());
obj.put("name", "All Assertions");
obj.put("failures", sample.getErrorCount());
} else {
JSONObject obj = new JSONObject();
obj.put("m", sample.getResponseMessage());
obj.put("rc", sample.getResponseCode());
obj.put("failures", sample.getErrorCount());
res.put("errors", errors); // list of errors
res.put("assertions", assertions); // list of assertions
private static JSONObject generateSummary(List list) {
final JSONObject summaryValues = new JSONObject();
final Map mainMetrics = getMainMetrics(list);
long first = (long) mainMetrics.get("first") / 1000;
long last = (long) mainMetrics.get("last") / 1000;
summaryValues.put("first", first);
summaryValues.put("last", last);
summaryValues.put("duration", last - first);
summaryValues.put("failed", mainMetrics.get("failed"));
summaryValues.put("hits", list.size());
long average = (long) mainMetrics.get("sumTime") / list.size();
summaryValues.put("avg", average);
summaryValues.accumulateAll(getQuantiles((Long[]) mainMetrics.get("rtimes"), average));
summaryValues.put("latencyAvg", (long) mainMetrics.get("sumLatency") / list.size());
summaryValues.put("latencyMax", 0L);
summaryValues.put("latencyMin", 0L);
summaryValues.put("latencySTD", 0L);
summaryValues.put("bytes", mainMetrics.get("bytesCount"));
summaryValues.put("bytesMax", 0L);
summaryValues.put("bytesMin", 0L);
summaryValues.put("bytesAvg", (long) mainMetrics.get("bytesCount") / list.size());
summaryValues.put("bytesSTD", 0L);
summaryValues.put("otherErrorsSpillcount", 0L);
return summaryValues;
private static Map getMainMetrics(List list) {
long first = Long.MAX_VALUE;
long last = 0;
long failed = 0;
long bytesCount = 0;
long sumTime = 0;
long sumLatency = 0;
Long[] rtimes = new Long[list.size()];
int counter = 0;
for (SampleResult sample : list) {
long endTime = sample.getEndTime();
if (endTime < first) {
first = endTime;
if (endTime > last) {
last = endTime;
if (!sample.isSuccessful()) {
bytesCount += sample.getBytes();
sumTime += sample.getTime();
sumLatency += sample.getLatency();
rtimes[counter] = sample.getTime();
final Map results = new HashMap<>();
results.put("first", first);
results.put("last", last);
results.put("failed", failed);
results.put("bytesCount", bytesCount);
results.put("sumTime", sumTime);
results.put("sumLatency", sumLatency);
results.put("rtimes", rtimes);
return results;
public static Map getQuantiles(Long[] rtimes, long average) {
Map result = new HashMap<>();
double[] quantiles = {0.0, 0.90, 0.95, 0.99, 1.00};
Stack timings = new Stack<>();
double level = 1.0;
Long timing = 0L;
long sqr_diffs = 0;
for (int qn = quantiles.length - 1; qn >= 0; qn--) {
double quan = quantiles[qn];
while (level >= quan && !timings.empty()) {
timing = timings.pop();
level -= 1.0 / rtimes.length;
sqr_diffs += timing * Math.pow(timing - average, 2);
result.put(getMetricLabel(quan), timing);
result.put("std", (long) Math.sqrt(sqr_diffs / rtimes.length));
return result;
private static String getMetricLabel(double perc) {
if (perc == 0.0) {
return "min";
} else if (perc == 1.00) {
return "max";
} else if (perc == 0.90) {
return "tp90";
} else if (perc == 0.95) {
return "tp95";
} else if (perc == 0.99) {
return "tp99";
} else {
return "";
private static JSONArray calculateIntervals(List list) {
Map> intervals = new HashMap<>();
for (SampleResult sample : list) {
long time = sample.getEndTime() / 1000;
if (!intervals.containsKey(time)) {
intervals.put(time, new LinkedList());
JSONArray result = new JSONArray();
for (Long second : intervals.keySet()) {
JSONObject intervalResult = new JSONObject();
List intervalValues = intervals.get(second);
intervalResult.put("ts", second);
intervalResult.put("n", intervalValues.size());
intervalResult.put("rc", generateResponseCodec(intervalValues));
int fails = getFails(intervalValues);
intervalResult.put("ec", fails);
intervalResult.put("failed", fails);
intervalResult.put("na", getThreadsCount(intervalValues));
final Map mainMetrics = getMainMetrics(intervalValues);
int intervalSize = intervalValues.size();
intervalResult.put("t", generateTimestamp(mainMetrics, intervalSize));
intervalResult.put("lt", generateLatencyTime(mainMetrics, intervalSize));
intervalResult.put("by", generateBytes(mainMetrics, intervalSize));
return result;
private static JSONObject generateTimestamp(Map mainMetrics, int sampleCount) {
JSONObject result = new JSONObject();
result.put("sum", mainMetrics.get("sumTime"));
result.put("n", sampleCount);
long average = (long) mainMetrics.get("sumTime") / sampleCount;
Map perc = getQuantiles((Long[]) mainMetrics.get("rtimes"), average);
result.put("avg", average);
result.put("std", perc.get("std"));
result.put("min", perc.get("min"));
result.put("max", perc.get("max"));
return result;
private static JSONObject generateLatencyTime(Map mainMetrics, int sampleCount) {
JSONObject result = new JSONObject();
result.put("min", 0);
result.put("max", 0);
result.put("std", 0);
result.put("sum", mainMetrics.get("sumLatency"));
result.put("avg", (long) mainMetrics.get("sumLatency") / sampleCount);
result.put("n", sampleCount);
return result;
private static JSONObject generateBytes(Map mainMetrics, int sampleCount) {
JSONObject result = new JSONObject();
result.put("min", 0);
result.put("max", 0);
result.put("std", 0);
result.put("sum", mainMetrics.get("bytesCount"));
result.put("avg", (long) mainMetrics.get("bytesCount") / sampleCount);
result.put("n", sampleCount);
return result;
private static long getThreadsCount(List list) {
long maxThreadCount = 0;
for (SampleResult res : list) {
if (maxThreadCount < res.getAllThreads()) {
maxThreadCount = res.getAllThreads();
return maxThreadCount;
private static int getFails(List list) {
int res = 0;
for (SampleResult result : list) {
if (!result.isSuccessful()) {
return res;
private static JSONArray generateResponseCodec(List list) {
JSONArray rc = new JSONArray();
Map> samplesSortedByResponseCode = new HashMap<>();
for (SampleResult result : list) {
String responseCode = result.getResponseCode();
if (!samplesSortedByResponseCode.containsKey(responseCode)) {
samplesSortedByResponseCode.put(responseCode, new LinkedList());
for (String responseCode : samplesSortedByResponseCode.keySet()) {
int failes = 0;
List results = samplesSortedByResponseCode.get(responseCode);
for (SampleResult result : results) {
if (!result.isSuccessful()) {
JSONObject obj = new JSONObject();
obj.put("f", failes);
obj.put("n", results.size());
obj.put("rc", responseCode);
return rc;
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