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from docutils.parsers.rst.roles import register_canonical_role, set_classes
from docutils.parsers.rst import directives
from docutils import nodes
import re
def code_role(role, rawtext, text, lineno, inliner, options={}, content=[]):
r'''code_role override or create if older docutils used.
This only creates a literal node without parsing the code. This will
be done later in sphinx. This override is not really needed, but it
might give some speed
language = options.get('language', '')
classes = ['code']
if 'classes' in options:
if language and language not in classes:
node = nodes.literal(rawtext, text, classes=classes, language=language)
#import rpdb2 ; rpdb2.start_embedded_debugger('foo')
return [node], []
code_role.options = { 'class': directives.class_option,
'language': directives.unchanged }
register_canonical_role('code', code_role)
from sphinx.writers.html import HTMLTranslator, BaseTranslator
DIV_PRE_RE = re.compile(r'^
PRE_DIV_RE = re.compile(r'\s*
def html_visit_literal(self, node):
env = self.builder.env
shall_highlight = False
if node.rawsource.startswith('``') or 'code' in node['classes']:
#if node.rawsource != node.astext():
# most probably a parsed-literal block -- don't highlight
#return BaseTranslator.visit_literal(self, node)
if env.config.inline_highlight_respect_highlight:
lang = self.highlightlang
lang = None
highlight_args = node.get('highlight_args', {})
if node.has_key('language'):
# code-block directives
lang = node['language']
highlight_args['force'] = True
def warner(msg):
self.builder.warn(msg, (self.builder.current_docname, node.line))
# determine if shall_highlight
shall_highlight = True
#import rpdb2 ; rpdb2.start_embedded_debugger('foo')
attrs = node.attributes
if 'role' in attrs: # e.g. for :file:`...`
shall_highlight = False
elif 'code' in attrs['classes'] and attrs.get('language'):
shall_highlight = True
shall_highlight = env.config.inline_highlight_literals ## DEFAULT FROM SETTINGS
if (
shall_highlight and
env.config.inline_highlight_respect_highlight and
not attrs.get('language')
lang = self.highlightlang
if not lang:
shall_highlight = False
if shall_highlight:
highlighted = self.highlighter.highlight_block(
node.astext(), lang, warn=warner, **highlight_args)
# highlighted comes as