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kr.motd.maven.sphinx.dist.docutils.nodes$py.class Maven / Gradle / Ivy

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????1%f$0R(Lorg/python/core/PyFrame;Lorg/python/core/ThreadState;)Lorg/python/core/PyObject;__doc__?
Docutils document tree element class library.

Classes in CamelCase are abstract base classes or auxiliary classes. The one
exception is `Text`, for a text (PCDATA) node; uppercase is used to
differentiate from element classes.  Classes in lower_case_with_underscores
are element classes, matching the XML element generic identifiers in the DTD_.

The position of each node (the level at which it can occur) is significant and
is represented by abstract base classes (`Root`, `Structural`, `Body`,
`Inline`, etc.).  Certain transformations will be easier because we can use
``isinstance(node, base_class)`` to determine the position of the node in the

.. _DTD:
org/python/core/PyStringfromInterned.(Ljava/lang/String;)Lorg/python/core/PyString;	

sysorg/python/core/imp 	importOneH(Ljava/lang/String;Lorg/python/core/PyFrame;I)Lorg/python/core/PyObject;"#
!$os&re(warnings*types,;)Lorg/python/core/PyObject;45
__module__;__name__=0Abstract base class of nodes in a document tree.?NoneAparentCj(Lorg/python/core/PyObject;[Lorg/python/core/PyObject;Lorg/python/core/PyCode;Lorg/python/core/PyObject;)Vpq
Zr__nonzero__tversion_infov__getattr__x5
newInteger(I)Lorg/python/core/PyInteger;}~
T([Lorg/python/core/PyObject;)Vp?
|?_lt6(Lorg/python/core/PyObject;)Lorg/python/core/PyObject;??
1?()Zt?
1?	__str__$3unicode?getlocal(I)Lorg/python/core/PyObject;??
?__call__S(Lorg/python/core/ThreadState;Lorg/python/core/PyObject;)Lorg/python/core/PyObject;??
1?encode?raw_unicode_escape??m	l?__str__?asdom$46Return a DOM **fragment** representation of this Node.?_is??
1?xml.dom.minidom?importOneAs?#
!?(ILorg/python/core/PyObject;)V?
?Document?9(Lorg/python/core/ThreadState;)Lorg/python/core/PyObject;??
1?	_dom_node??m	l?asdom?    ?	pformat$5s
        Return an indented pseudo-XML representation, for test purposes.

        Override in subclasses.
makeException9(Lorg/python/core/PyObject;)Lorg/python/core/PyException;??
T??m	l?pformat?copy$6Return a copy of self.??m	l?copy?
deepcopy$73Return a deep copy of self (also copying children).??m	l?deepcopy?
setup_child$8__setattr__?
1?current_source?current_line?A\	T??m	l?setup_child?walk$9?
        Traverse a tree of `Node` objects, calling the
        `dispatch_visit()` method of `visitor` when entering each
        node.  (The `walkabout()` method is similar, except it also
        calls the `dispatch_departure()` method before exiting each

        This tree traversal supports limited in-place tree
        modifications.  Replacing one node with one or more nodes is
        OK, as is removing an element.  However, if the node removed
        or replaced occurs after the current node, the old node will
        still be traversed, and any new nodes will not.

        Within ``visit`` methods (and ``depart`` methods for
        `walkabout()`), `TreePruningException` subclasses may be raised
        (`SkipChildren`, `SkipSiblings`, `SkipNode`, `SkipDeparture`).

        Parameter `visitor`: A `NodeVisitor` object, containing a
        ``visit`` implementation for each `Node` subclass encountered.

        Return true if we should stop the traversal.
        ?False?reporter?debug?6docutils.nodes.Node.walk calling dispatch_visit for %s?	__class__?_mod??
1?dispatch_visit?setExceptionM(Ljava/lang/Throwable;Lorg/python/core/PyFrame;)Lorg/python/core/PyException;??
T?SkipChildren?SkipNode?org/python/core/PyException?match(Lorg/python/core/PyObject;)Z??
SkipDeparturejava/lang/Throwablechildren__getslice__j(Lorg/python/core/PyObject;Lorg/python/core/PyObject;Lorg/python/core/PyObject;)Lorg/python/core/PyObject;	
1walk__iternext__
1SkipSiblings
StopTraversal?m	lwalkabout$10?
        Perform a tree traversal similarly to `Node.walk()` (which
        see), except also call the `dispatch_departure()` method
        before exiting each node.

        Parameter `visitor`: A `NodeVisitor` object, containing a
        ``visit`` and ``depart`` implementation for each `Node`
        subclass encountered.

        Return true if we should stop the traversal.
        ;docutils.nodes.Node.walkabout calling dispatch_visit for %s	walkabout ?docutils.nodes.Node.walkabout calling dispatch_departure for %s"dispatch_departure$m	l&_fast_traverse$11:Specialized traverse() that only supports instance checks.)org/python/core/PyList+
isinstance.m(Lorg/python/core/ThreadState;Lorg/python/core/PyObject;Lorg/python/core/PyObject;)Lorg/python/core/PyObject;?0
11append3extend5_fast_traverse7(m	l9_all_traverse$12:Specialized traverse() that doesn't check for a condition.<
_all_traverse>;m	l@traverse$13
        Return an iterable containing

        * self (if include_self is true)
        * all descendants in tree traversal order (if descend is true)
        * all siblings (if siblings is true) and their descendants (if
          also descend is true)
        * the siblings of the parent (if ascend is true) and their
          descendants (if also descend is true), and so on

        If `condition` is not None, the iterable contains only nodes
        for which ``condition(node)`` is true.  If `condition` is a
        node class ``cls``, it is equivalent to a function consisting
        of ``return isinstance(node, cls)``.

        If ascend is true, assume siblings to be true as well.

        For example, given the following tree::

                      <--- emphasis.traverse() and
                        <--- strong.traverse() are called.

        Then list(emphasis.traverse()) equals ::

            [, , <#text: Foo>, <#text: Bar>]

        and list(strong.traverse(ascend=True)) equals ::

            [, <#text: Foo>, <#text: Bar>, , <#text: Baz>]
        C__not__E
1F	ClassTypeHtypeJcondition$14Lm	lMlenOtraverseQjava/lang/StringSinclude_selfUdescendWsiblingsYascend[	condition]g(Lorg/python/core/ThreadState;[Lorg/python/core/PyObject;[Ljava/lang/String;)Lorg/python/core/PyObject;?_
1`indexb_addd?
1eBm	lgnext_node$15?
        Return the first node in the iterable returned by traverse(),
        or None if the iterable is empty.

        Parameter list is the same as of traverse.  Note that
        include_self defaults to 0, though.
        j__getitem__l?
IndexErroroim	lq	next_nodesgetf_localsu
v:m	lx	makeClassa(Ljava/lang/String;[Lorg/python/core/PyObject;Lorg/python/core/PyCode;)Lorg/python/core/PyObject;z{
T|java/util/Arrays~fill(([Ljava/lang/Object;Ljava/lang/Object;)V??
        A unicode sub-class that removes the initial u from unicode's repr.
        ?__repr__$17__repr__??m	l??m	l?
    Failsave conversion of `unicode` to `str`.
    ?ascii?backslashreplace??m	l?
    Instances are terminal nodes (leaves) containing text only; no child
    nodes or attributes.  Initialize by passing a string to the constructor.
    Access the text itself with the `astext` method.
    ?#text?tagname?6Text nodes have no children, and cannot have children.?_gt??
__new__$207Prevent the rawsource argument from propagating to str.?bytes?	TypeError?expecting str data, not bytes?__new__??m	l?
__new__$21?m	l??__init__$22	rawsource?5The raw text from which this element was constructed.??m	l?__init__?shortrepr$23_sub??
1? ...?<%s: %r>??m	l?	shortrepr?__repr__$24maxlen??m	l?_dom_node$25createTextNode??m	l?	astext$26?m	l?astext?copy$27?m	l?deepcopy$28?m	l?
pformat$29_mul??
?join??m	l?	rstrip$30rstrip??m	l?	lstrip$31lstrip??m	l??m	l?Element?
    `Element` is the superclass to all specific elements.

    Elements contain attributes and child nodes.  Elements emulate
    dictionaries for attributes, indexing by attribute name (a string).  To
    set the attribute 'att' to 'value', do::

        element['att'] = 'value'

    There are two special attributes: 'ids' and 'names'.  Both are
    lists of unique identifiers, and names serve as human interfaces
    to IDs.  Names are case- and whitespace-normalized (see the
    fully_normalize_name() function), and IDs conform to the regular
    expression ``[a-z](-?[a-z0-9]+)*`` (see the make_id() function).

    Elements also emulate lists for child nodes (element nodes and/or text
    nodes), indexing by integer.  To get the first child node, use::


    Elements may be constructed using the ``+=`` operator.  To add one new
    child node to element, do::

        element += node

    This is equivalent to ``element.append(node)``.

    To add a list of multiple child nodes at once, use the same ``+=``

        element += [node1, node2]

    This is equivalent to ``element.extend([node1, node2])``.
?List attributes which are defined for every Element-derived class
    instance and can be safely transferred to a different node.backrefslocal_attributes	A list of class-specific attributes that should not be copied with the
    standard attributes when replacing a node.

    NOTE: Derived classes should override this value to prevent any of its
    attributes being copied by adding to the value in its parent class.list_attributesLList attributes, automatically initialized to empty lists for
    all nodes.known_attributes9List attributes that are known to the Element base class.iThe element generic identifier. If None, it is set as an instance
    attribute to the name of the class.

child_text_separator 5Separator for child nodes, used by `astext()` method."__init__$33-List of child nodes (elements and/or `Text`).%org/python/core/PyDictionary'
attributes*&Dictionary of attribute {name: value}.,__setitem__7(Lorg/python/core/PyObject;Lorg/python/core/PyObject;)V./
10items2unpackSequence8(Lorg/python/core/PyObject;I)[Lorg/python/core/PyObject;45
T6lower8_in:?
1;$m	l=_dom_node$34
createElement@attlistBlistD F()VpH
serial_escapeK%sMdellocalO
PsetAttributeRappendChildT?m	lV__repr__$35_iaddY?
<%s "%s": %s>\; ^<%s: %s>`Xm	lbshortrepr$36<%s "%s"...>e<%s...>gdm	li__unicode__$37%s%s%slorg/python/core/PyUnicoden/(Ljava/lang/String;)Lorg/python/core/PyUnicode;	p
oqstarttagsendtaguemptytagwkm	ly__unicode__{starttag$38pseudo_quoteattr~	%s="True"?%s=%s?<%s>?}m	l?	endtag$39??m	l?emptytag$40<%s/>?%s="%s"??m	l?
__len__$41?m	l?__len__?__contains__$42
basestring??m	l?__contains__?__getitem__$43int?	SliceType?	__debug__?step?cannot handle slice with stride?AssertionError?S(Lorg/python/core/PyObject;Lorg/python/core/PyObject;)Lorg/python/core/PyException;??
T?start?stop?Felement index must be an integer, a slice, or an attribute name string??m	l?l__setitem__$44str?__setslice__k(Lorg/python/core/PyObject;Lorg/python/core/PyObject;Lorg/python/core/PyObject;Lorg/python/core/PyObject;)V??
1??m	l?.__delitem__$45__delitem__(Lorg/python/core/PyObject;)V??
1?__delslice__Q(Lorg/python/core/PyObject;Lorg/python/core/PyObject;Lorg/python/core/PyObject;)V??
1?Melement index must be an integer, a simple slice, or an attribute name string??m	l??
__add__$46?m	l?__add__?__radd__$47?m	l?__radd__?__iadd__$484Append a node or a list of nodes to `self.children`.?_isnot??
1??m	l?__iadd__?	astext$49?m	l?non_default_attributes$50is_not_default??m	l?non_default_attributes?
attlist$51sort??m	l?get$52get??m	l?
hasattr$53?m	l?hasattr?
delattr$54?m	l?delattr
setdefaultm	lhas_keyget_language_code$56?Return node's language tag.

        Look iteratively in self and parents for a class argument
        starting with ``language-`` and return the remainder of it
        (which should be a `BCP49` language tag) or the `fallback`.
	language-get_languageAttributeError
m	lget_language_code	append$57m	l	extend$58m	l	insert$59insert m	l"pop$60pop%$m	l'	remove$61remove*)m	l,index$62.m	l/is_not_default$63_eq2?
131m	l5update_basic_atts$64?
        Update basic attributes ('ids', 'names', 'classes',
        'dupnames', but not 'source') from node or dictionary `dict_`.
        8append_attr_list:7m	l<update_basic_atts>append_attr_list$65?
        For each element in values, if it does not exist in self[attr], append

        NOTE: Requires self[attr] and values to be sequence type and the
        former should specifically be a list.
        A@m	lCcoerce_append_attr_list$66
        First, convert both self[attr] and value to a non-string sequence
        type; if either is not already a sequence, convert it to a list of one
        element.  Then call append_attr_list.

        NOTE: self[attr] and value both must not be None.
        FEm	lHcoerce_append_attr_listJreplace_attr$67?
        If self[attr] does not exist or force is True or omitted, set
        self[attr] to value, otherwise do nothing.
        MLm	lOreplace_attrQcopy_attr_convert$68
        If attr is an attribute of self, set self[attr] to
        [self[attr], value], otherwise set self[attr] to value.

        NOTE: replace is not used by this function and is kept only for
              compatibility with the other copy functions.
        TSm	lVcopy_attr_convertXcopy_attr_coerce$69?
        If attr is an attribute of self and either self[attr] or value is a
        list, convert all non-sequence values to a sequence of 1 element and
        then concatenate the two sequence, setting the result to self[attr].
        If both self[attr] and value are non-sequences and replace is True or
        self[attr] is None, replace self[attr] with value. Otherwise, do
        [?(Lorg/python/core/ThreadState;Lorg/python/core/PyObject;Lorg/python/core/PyObject;Lorg/python/core/PyObject;)Lorg/python/core/PyObject;?]
1^Zm	l`copy_attr_coercebcopy_attr_concatenate$70M
        If attr is an attribute of self and both self[attr] and value are
        lists, concatenate the two sequences, setting the result to
        self[attr].  If either self[attr] or value are non-sequences and
        replace is True or self[attr] is None, replace self[attr] with value.
        Otherwise, do nothing.
        edm	lgcopy_attr_concatenateicopy_attr_consistent$71z
        If replace is True or selfpattr] is None, replace self[attr] with
        value.  Otherwise, do nothing.
        lkm	lncopy_attr_consistentpupdate_all_atts$72.
        Updates all attributes from node or dictionary `dict_`.

        Appends the basic attributes ('ids', 'names', 'classes',
        'dupnames', but not 'source') and then, for all other attributes in
        dict_, updates the same attribute in self.  When attributes with the
        same identifier appear in both self and dict_, the two values are
        merged based on the value of update_fun.  Generally, when replace is
        True, the values in self are replaced or merged with the values in
        dict_; otherwise, the values in self may be preserved or merged.  When
        and_source is True, the 'source' attribute is included in the copy.

        NOTE: When replace is False, and self contains a 'source' attribute,
              'source' is not replaced even when dict_ has a 'source'
              attribute, though it may still be merged into a list depending
              on the value of update_fun.
        NOTE: It is easier to call the update-specific methods then to pass
              the update_fun method to this function.
        sis_not_list_attributeuis_not_known_attributewfiltery?(Lorg/python/core/ThreadState;Lorg/python/core/PyObject;Lorg/python/core/PyObject;Lorg/python/core/PyObject;Lorg/python/core/PyObject;)Lorg/python/core/PyObject;?{
1|rm	l~update_all_atts?update_all_atts_consistantly$73C
        Updates all attributes from node or dictionary `dict_`.

        Appends the basic attributes ('ids', 'names', 'classes',
        'dupnames', but not 'source') and then, for all other attributes in
        dict_, updates the same attribute in self.  When attributes with the
        same identifier appear in both self and dict_ and replace is True, the
        values in self are replaced with the values in dict_; otherwise, the
        values in self are preserved.  When and_source is True, the 'source'
        attribute is included in the copy.

        NOTE: When replace is False, and self contains a 'source' attribute,
              'source' is not replaced even when dict_ has a 'source'
              attribute, though it may still be merged into a list depending
              on the value of update_fun.
        ??m	l?update_all_atts_consistantly? update_all_atts_concatenating$74
        Updates all attributes from node or dictionary `dict_`.

        Appends the basic attributes ('ids', 'names', 'classes',
        'dupnames', but not 'source') and then, for all other attributes in
        dict_, updates the same attribute in self.  When attributes with the
        same identifier appear in both self and dict_ whose values aren't each
        lists and replace is True, the values in self are replaced with the
        values in dict_; if the values from self and dict_ for the given
        identifier are both of list type, then the two lists are concatenated
        and the result stored in self; otherwise, the values in self are
        preserved.  When and_source is True, the 'source' attribute is
        included in the copy.

        NOTE: When replace is False, and self contains a 'source' attribute,
              'source' is not replaced even when dict_ has a 'source'
              attribute, though it may still be merged into a list depending
              on the value of update_fun.
        ??m	l?update_all_atts_concatenating?update_all_atts_coercion$75[
        Updates all attributes from node or dictionary `dict_`.

        Appends the basic attributes ('ids', 'names', 'classes',
        'dupnames', but not 'source') and then, for all other attributes in
        dict_, updates the same attribute in self.  When attributes with the
        same identifier appear in both self and dict_ whose values are both
        not lists and replace is True, the values in self are replaced with
        the values in dict_; if either of the values from self and dict_ for
        the given identifier are of list type, then first any non-lists are
        converted to 1-element lists and then the two lists are concatenated
        and the result stored in self; otherwise, the values in self are
        preserved.  When and_source is True, the 'source' attribute is
        included in the copy.

        NOTE: When replace is False, and self contains a 'source' attribute,
              'source' is not replaced even when dict_ has a 'source'
              attribute, though it may still be merged into a list depending
              on the value of update_fun.
        ??m	l?update_all_atts_coercion?update_all_atts_convert$76}
        Updates all attributes from node or dictionary `dict_`.

        Appends the basic attributes ('ids', 'names', 'classes',
        'dupnames', but not 'source') and then, for all other attributes in
        dict_, updates the same attribute in self.  When attributes with the
        same identifier appear in both self and dict_ then first any non-lists
        are converted to 1-element lists and then the two lists are
        concatenated and the result stored in self; otherwise, the values in
        self are preserved.  When and_source is True, the 'source' attribute
        is included in the copy.

        NOTE: When replace is False, and self contains a 'source' attribute,
              'source' is not replaced even when dict_ has a 'source'
              attribute, though it may still be merged into a list depending
              on the value of update_fun.
and_source??m	l?update_all_atts_convert?clear$77?m	l?clear?
replace$788Replace one child `Node` with another child or children.??m	l?replace?replace_self$79c
        Replace `self` node with `new`, where `new` is a node or a
        list of nodes.
        ?Losing "%s" attribute: %s??m	l?replace_self?maxint?first_child_matching_class$80M
        Return the index of the first child whose class exactly matches.


        - `childclass`: A `Node` subclass to search for, or a tuple of `Node`
          classes. If a tuple, any of the classes may match.
        - `start`: Initial index to check.
        - `end`: Initial index to *not* check.
        ?tuple?range?min??m	l?first_child_matching_class?!first_child_not_matching_class$81I
        Return the index of the first child whose class does *not* match.


        - `childclass`: A `Node` subclass to skip, or a tuple of `Node`
          classes. If a tuple, none of the classes may match.
        - `start`: Initial index to check.
        - `end`: Initial index to *not* check.
        ??m	l?first_child_not_matching_class?
??m	l?copy$83
_callextra~([Lorg/python/core/PyObject;[Ljava/lang/String;Lorg/python/core/PyObject;Lorg/python/core/PyObject;)Lorg/python/core/PyObject;??
1??m	l?deepcopy$84?m	l?set_class$85+Add a new class to the "classes" attribute.?warn?adocutils.nodes.Element.set_class deprecated; append to Element['classes'] list attribute directly?DeprecationWarning?
stacklevel?_notin??
1??m	l?	set_class?note_referenced_by$86QNote that this Element has been referenced by its name
        `name` or id `id`.?
referenced?getattr?expect_referenced_by_name?expect_referenced_by_id??m	l?note_referenced_by?is_not_list_attribute$87?
        Returns True if and only if the given attribute is NOT one of the
        basic list attributes defined for all Elements.
        ??m	l?classmethodis_not_known_attribute$88j
        Returns True if and only if the given attribute is NOT recognized by
        this class.
        m	l?m	lTextElement	TextElement$89?
    An element which directly contains text.

    Its children are all `Text` or `Inline` subclass nodes.  You can
    check whether an element's context is inline simply by checking whether
    its immediate parent is a `TextElement` instance (including subclasses).
    This is handy for nodes like `image` that can appear both inline and as
    standalone body elements.

    If passing children to `__init__()`, make sure to set `text` to
    ``''`` or some other suitable value.
    __init__$90_ne?
1m	lm	lFixedTextElementFixedTextElement$915An element which directly contains preformatted text.__init__$92preserve	xml:spacem	l m	l"
Resolvable$93resolved'&m	l)BackLinkable+BackLinkable$94add_backref$95.m	l/add_backref1-m	l3Root5Root$967m	l8Titular:
Titular$97<m	l=PreBibliographic?PreBibliographic$98 explicit,
        False => implicit.?Mapping of ids to nodes.?
footnote_refs?@Mapping of footnote labels to lists of footnote_reference nodes.?
citation_refs?@Mapping of citation labels to lists of citation_reference nodes.?
autofootnotes?%List of auto-numbered footnote nodes.?autofootnote_refs?/List of auto-numbered footnote_reference nodes.?symbol_footnotes?List of symbol footnote nodes.?symbol_footnote_refs?(List of symbol footnote_reference nodes.?	footnotes?)List of manually-numbered footnote nodes.?	citations?List of citation nodes.?autofootnote_start?&Initial auto-numbered footnote number.?symbol_footnote_start?%Initial symbol footnote symbol index.?id_start?Initial ID number.?parse_messages?(System messages generated while parsing.?transform_messages?4System messages generated while applying transforms.?docutils.transforms?
transforms?Transformer?transformer?6Storage for transforms to be applied to this document.
decorationDocument's `decoration` node.?m	l__getstate__$115B
        Return dict with unpicklable references removed.
        	__dict__m	l
__getstate__	asdom$116-Return a DOM representation of this document.m	l
set_id$117severeDuplicate ID: "%s".	id_prefixmake_idauto_id_prefixm	l!set_id#set_name_id_map$118?
        `self.nameids` maps names to IDs, while `self.nametypes` maps names to
        booleans representing hyperlink type (True==explicit,
        False==implicit).  This method updates the mappings.

        The following state transition table shows how `self.nameids` ("ids")
        and `self.nametypes` ("types") change with new input (a call to this
        method), and what actions are performed ("implicit"-type system
        messages are INFO/1, and "explicit"-type system messages are ERROR/3):

        ====  =====  ========  ========  =======  ====  =====  =====
         Old State    Input          Action        New State   Notes
        -----------  --------  -----------------  -----------  -----
        ids   types  new type  sys.msg.  dupname  ids   types
        ====  =====  ========  ========  =======  ====  =====  =====
        -     -      explicit  -         -        new   True
        -     -      implicit  -         -        new   False
        None  False  explicit  -         -        new   True
        old   False  explicit  implicit  old      new   True
        None  True   explicit  explicit  new      None  True
        old   True   explicit  explicit  new,old  None  True   [#]_
        None  False  implicit  implicit  new      None  False
        old   False  implicit  implicit  new,old  None  False
        None  True   implicit  implicit  new      None  True
        old   True   implicit  implicit  new      old   True
        ====  =====  ========  ========  =======  ====  =====  =====

        .. [#] Do not clear the name-to-id map or invalidate the old target if
           both old and new targets are external and refer to identical URIs.
           The new target is invalidated regardless.
        &set_duplicate_name_id(T(Lorg/python/core/ThreadState;[Lorg/python/core/PyObject;)Lorg/python/core/PyObject;?*
1+%m	l-set_name_id_map/set_duplicate_name_id$119refuri2dupname4system_message6%Duplicate explicit target name: "%s".8	base_node:info<%Duplicate implicit target name: "%s".>1m	l@has_name$120Bm	lChas_nameEnote_implicit_target$121explicitHGm	lJnote_implicit_targetLnote_explicit_target$122Nm	lOnote_explicit_targetQnote_refname$123refnameTSm	lVnote_refnameXnote_refid$124refid[Zm	l]
note_refid_note_indirect_target$125am	lbnote_indirect_targetdnote_anonymous_target$126fm	lgnote_anonymous_targetinote_autofootnote$127km	llnote_autofootnotennote_autofootnote_ref$128pm	lqnote_autofootnote_refsnote_symbol_footnote$129um	lvnote_symbol_footnotexnote_symbol_footnote_ref$130zm	l{note_symbol_footnote_ref}note_footnote$131m	l?
note_footnote?note_footnote_ref$132?m	l?note_footnote_ref?note_citation$133?m	l?
note_citation?note_citation_ref$134?m	l?note_citation_ref?note_substitution_def$135whitespace_normalize_name?error?-Duplicate substitution definition name: "%s".?fully_normalize_name??m	l?note_substitution_def?note_substitution_ref$136?m	l?note_substitution_ref?note_pending$137add_pending??m	l?note_pending?note_parse_message$138?m	l?note_parse_message?note_transform_message$139?m	l?note_transform_message?note_source$140?m	l?note_source?copy$141?m	l?get_decoration$142?m	l?get_decoration??m	l?title?	title$143?m	l?subtitle?subtitle$144?m	l?rubric?
rubric$145?m	l?docinfo?docinfo$146?m	l?author?
author$147?m	l?authors?authors$148?m	l?organization?organization$149?m	l?address?address$150?m	l?contact?contact$151?m	l?version?version$152?m	l?revision?revision$153?m	l?status?
status$154?m	l?datedate$155m	l	copyright
copyright$156m	l	decoration$157get_header$158header
m	l
get_headerget_footer$159footerm	l
get_footerm	l
header$160m	l
footer$161m	l section"section$162$m	l%topic'	topic$163?
    Topics are terminal, "leaf" mini-sections, like block quotes with titles,
    or textual figures.  A topic is just like a section, except that it has no
    subsections, and it doesn't have to conform to section placement rules.

    Topics are allowed wherever body elements (list, table, etc.) are allowed,
    but only at the top level of a section or document.  Topics cannot nest
    inside topics, sidebars, or body elements; you can't have a topic inside a
    table, list, block quote, etc.
    *)m	l,sidebar.sidebar$164?
    Sidebars are like miniature, parallel documents that occur inside other
    documents, providing related or reference material.  A sidebar is
    typically offset by a border and "floats" to the side of the page; the
    document's main text may flow around it.  Sidebars can also be likened to
    super-footnotes; their content is outside of the flow of the document's
    main text.

    Sidebars are allowed wherever body elements (list, table, etc.) are
    allowed, but only at the top level of a section or document.  Sidebars
    cannot nest inside sidebars, topics, or body elements; you can't have a
    sidebar inside a table, list, block quote, etc.
    10m	l3
transition5transition$1657m	l8	paragraph:
paragraph$166<m	l=compound?compound$167Am	lB	containerD
container$168Fm	lGbullet_listIbullet_list$169Km	lLenumerated_listNenumerated_list$170Pm	lQ	list_itemS
list_item$171Um	lVdefinition_listXdefinition_list$172Zm	l[definition_list_item]definition_list_item$173_m	l`termbterm$174dm	le
classifiergclassifier$175im	lj
definitionldefinition$176nm	lo
field_listqfield_list$177sm	ltfieldv	field$178xm	ly
field_name{field_name$179}m	l~
field_body?field_body$180?m	l?option?
option$181?m	l?option_argument?option_argument$182
astext$183	delimiter??m	l??m	l?option_group?option_group$184, ??m	l?option_list?option_list$185?m	l?option_list_item?option_list_item$186  ??m	l?
option_string?option_string$187?m	l?description?description$188?m	l?
literal_block?literal_block$189?m	l?
doctest_block?doctest_block$190?m	l?
math_block?math_block$191?m	l?
line_block?line_block$192?m	l?line$193indent??m	l?block_quote?block_quote$194?m	l?attribution?attribution$195?m	l?	attention?
attention$196?m	l?caution?caution$197?m	l?danger?
danger$198?m	l?	error$199?m	l?	important?
important$200?m	l?note?note$201?m	l?tip?tip$202?m	l?hint?hint$203?m	l?warning?warning$204?m	l?
admonition?admonition$205m	lcommentcomment$206m	lsubstitution_definition	substitution_definition$207m	ltarget
target$208m	lfootnotefootnote$209m	lcitationcitation$210m	llabel	label$211m	l figure"
figure$212$m	l%caption'caption$213)m	l*legend,
legend$214.m	l/table1	table$2153m	l4tgroup6
tgroup$2168m	l9colspec;colspec$217=m	l>thead@	thead$218Bm	lCtbodyE	tbody$219Gm	lHrowJrow$220Lm	lMentryO	entry$221Qm	lRsystem_message$222?
    System message element.

    Do not instantiate this class directly; use
    ```` instead.
    U__init__$223system_message: children=%rXprintlnZ?
T[()Lorg/python/core/PyException;?]
T^Wm	l`
astext$224%s:%s: (%s/%s) %sclevelebm	lgTm	lipendingkpending$225F
    The "pending" element is used to encapsulate a pending operation: the
    operation (transform), the point at which to apply it, and any data it
    requires.  Only the pending operation's location within the document is
    stored in the public document tree (by the "pending" object itself); the
    operation and its data are stored in the "pending" object's internal
    instance attributes.

    For example, say you want a table of contents in your reStructuredText
    document.  The easiest way to specify where to put it is from within the
    document, with a directive::

        .. contents::

    But the "contents" directive can't do its work until the entire document
    has been parsed and possibly transformed to some extent.  So the directive
    code leaves a placeholder behind that will trigger the second phase of its
    processing, something like this::

         + internal attributes

    Use `document.note_pending()` so that the
    `docutils.transforms.Transformer` stage of processing can run all pending
    n__init__$226	transformqUThe `docutils.transforms.Transform` class implementing the pending
        operation.sdetailsu;Detail data (dictionary) required by the pending operation.wpm	lypformat$227.. internal attributes:|     .transform: %s.%s~     .details:?%7s%s:?%9s%s?	%7s%s: %r?	    %s%s
?{m	l?copy$228?m	l?mm	l?raw?raw$229@
    Raw data that is to be passed untouched to the Writer.
    ??m	l?emphasis?emphasis$230?m	l?strong?
strong$231?m	l?literal?literal$232?m	l?	reference?
reference$233?m	l?footnote_reference?footnote_reference$234?m	l?citation_reference?citation_reference$235?m	l?substitution_reference?substitution_reference$236?m	l?title_reference?title_reference$237?m	l?abbreviation?abbreviation$238?m	l?acronym?acronym$239?m	l?superscript?superscript$240?m	l?	subscript?
subscript$241?m	l?math?math$242?m	l?image?	image$243
astext$244alt??m	l??m	l?inline?
inline$245?m	l?problematic?problematic$246?m	l?	generated?
generated$247?m	l?<
    abbreviation acronym address admonition attention attribution author
    block_quote bullet_list
    caption caution citation citation_reference classifier colspec comment
        compound contact container copyright
    danger date decoration definition definition_list definition_list_item
        description docinfo doctest_block document
    emphasis entry enumerated_list error
    field field_body field_list field_name figure footer
        footnote footnote_reference
    header hint
    image important inline
    label legend line line_block list_item literal literal_block
    math math_block
    option option_argument option_group option_list option_list_item
        option_string organization
    paragraph pending problematic
    raw reference revision row rubric
    section sidebar status strong subscript substitution_definition
        substitution_reference subtitle superscript system_message
    table target tbody term tgroup thead tip title title_reference topic
    warning?split?node_class_names?0A list of names of all concrete Node subclasses.?NodeVisitor?NodeVisitor$248?
    "Visitor" pattern [GoF95]_ abstract superclass implementation for
    document tree traversals.

    Each node class has corresponding methods, doing nothing by
    default; override individual methods for specific and useful
    behaviour.  The `dispatch_visit()` method is called by
    `Node.walk()` upon entering a node.  `Node.walkabout()` also calls
    the `dispatch_departure()` method before exiting a node.

    The dispatch methods call "``visit_`` + node class name" or
    "``depart_`` + node class name", resp.

    This is a base class for visitors whose ``visit_...`` & ``depart_...``
    methods should be implemented for *all* node types encountered (such as
    for `docutils.writers.Writer` subclasses).  Unimplemented methods will
    raise exceptions.

    For sparse traversals, where only certain node types are of interest,
    subclass `SparseNodeVisitor` instead.  When (mostly or entirely) uniform
    processing is desired, subclass `GenericNodeVisitor`.

    .. [GoF95] Gamma, Helm, Johnson, Vlissides. *Design Patterns: Elements of
       Reusable Object-Oriented Software*. Addison-Wesley, Reading, MA, USA,
    Tuple containing node class names (as strings).

    No exception will be raised if writers do not implement visit
    or departure functions for these node classes.

    Used to ensure transitional compatibility with existing 3rd-party writers.
    __init__$249m	ldispatch_visit$250?
        Call self."``visit_`` + node class name" with `node` as
        parameter.  If the ``visit_...`` method does not exist, call
unknown_visit;docutils.nodes.NodeVisitor.dispatch_visit calling %s for %s
m	ldispatch_departure$251?
        Call self."``depart_`` + node class name" with `node` as
        parameter.  If the ``depart_...`` method does not exist, call
        depart_unknown_departure?docutils.nodes.NodeVisitor.dispatch_departure calling %s for %sm	lunknown_visit$252k
        Called when entering unknown `Node` types.

        Raise an exception unless overridden.
        strict_visitor!%s visiting unknown node type: %s!m	l#unknown_departure$253i
        Called before exiting unknown `Node` types.

        Raise exception unless overridden.
        &"%s departing unknown node type: %s(%m	l*?m	l,SparseNodeVisitor.SparseNodeVisitor$254
    Base class for sparse traversals, where only certain node types are of
    interest.  When ``visit_...`` & ``depart_...`` methods should be
    implemented for *all* node types (such as for `docutils.writers.Writer`
    subclasses), subclass `NodeVisitor` instead.
    10m	l3GenericNodeVisitor5GenericNodeVisitor$255?
    Generic "Visitor" abstract superclass, for simple traversals.

    Unless overridden, each ``visit_...`` method calls `default_visit()`, and
    each ``depart_...`` method (when using `Node.walkabout()`) calls
    `default_departure()`. `default_visit()` (and `default_departure()`) must
    be overridden in subclasses.

    Define fully generic visitors by overriding `default_visit()` (and
    `default_departure()`) only. Define semi-generic visitors by overriding
    individual ``visit_...()`` (and ``depart_...()``) methods also.

    `NodeVisitor.unknown_visit()` (`NodeVisitor.unknown_departure()`) should
    be overridden for default behavior.
    8default_visit$256)Override for generic, uniform traversals.;:m	l=
default_visit?default_departure$257Am	lBdefault_departureD7m	lF_call_default_visit$258Hm	lI_call_default_visitK_call_default_departure$259Mm	lN_call_default_departureP_nop$260Rm	lS_nopU_add_node_class_names$261%Save typing with dynamic assignments:XsetattrZWm	l\_add_node_class_names^TreeCopyVisitor`TreeCopyVisitor$262Q
    Make a complete copy of a tree or branch, including element attributes.
    c__init__$263parent_stackfem	lhget_tree_copy$264jm	lk
get_tree_copymdefault_visit$2659Copy the current node, and make it the new acting parent.pom	lrdefault_departure$266#Restore the previous acting parent.utm	lwbm	ly	Exception{TreePruningException}TreePruningException$267?
    Base class for `NodeVisitor`-related tree pruning exceptions.

    Raise subclasses from within ``visit_...`` or ``depart_...`` methods
    called from `Node.walk()` and `Node.walkabout()` tree traversals to prune
    the tree traversed.
    ?m	l?SkipChildren$268?
    Do not visit any children of the current node.  The current node's
    siblings and ``depart_...`` method are not affected.
    ??m	l?SkipSiblings$269?
    Do not visit any more siblings (to the right) of the current node.  The
    current node's children and its ``depart_...`` method are not affected.
    ??m	l?SkipNode$270q
    Do not visit the current node's children, and do not call the current
    node's ``depart_...`` method.
    ??m	l?SkipDeparture$271
    Do not call the current node's ``depart_...`` method.  The current node's
    children and siblings are not affected.
    ??m	l?	NodeFound?
    Raise to indicate that the target of a search has been found.  This
    exception must be caught by the client; it is not caught by the traversal
    ??m	l?StopTraversal$273=
    Stop the traversal alltogether.  The current node's ``depart_...`` method
    is not affected.  The parent nodes ``depart_...`` methods are also called
    as usual.  No other nodes are visited.  This is an alternative to
    NodeFound that does not cause exception handling to trickle up to the
    ??m	l?make_id$274?
    Convert `string` into an identifier and return it.

    Docutils identifiers will conform to the regular expression
    ``[a-z](-?[a-z0-9]+)*``.  For CSS compatibility, identifiers (the "class"
    and "id" attributes) should have no underscores, colons, or periods.
    Hyphens may be used.

    - The `HTML 4.01 spec`_ defines identifiers based on SGML tokens:

          ID and NAME tokens must begin with a letter ([A-Za-z]) and may be
          followed by any number of letters, digits ([0-9]), hyphens ("-"),
          underscores ("_"), colons (":"), and periods (".").

    - However the `CSS1 spec`_ defines identifiers based on the "name" token,
      a tighter interpretation ("flex" tokenizer notation; "latin1" and
      "escape" 8-bit characters have been replaced with entities)::

          unicode     \[0-9a-f]{1,4}
          latin1      [¡-ÿ]
          escape      {unicode}|\[ -~¡-ÿ]
          nmchar      [-a-z0-9]|{latin1}|{escape}
          name        {nmchar}+

    The CSS1 "nmchar" rule does not include underscores ("_"), colons (":"),
    or periods ("."), therefore "class" and "id" attributes should not contain
    these characters. They should be replaced with hyphens ("-"). Combined
    with HTML's requirements (the first character must be a letter; no
    "unicode", "latin1", or "escape" characters), this results in the
    ``[a-z](-?[a-z0-9]+)*`` pattern.

    .. _HTML 4.01 spec:
    .. _CSS1 spec:
    ?decode?	translate?_non_id_translate_digraphs?_non_id_translate?	normalize?NFKD?ignore?
_non_id_chars?sub?-?_non_id_at_ends??m	l?compile?
[^a-z0-9]+?^[-0-9]+|-+$?o?d?h?i?l?t?b?c?f?k?n?p?y?z?g?j?s?e?q?r?sz?ae?oe?db?qp?dupname$275?m	l?fully_normalize_name$276.Return a case- and whitespace-normalized name.??m	l?whitespace_normalize_name$277$Return a whitespace-normalized name.	?m	l	serial_escape$278DEscape string values that are elements of a list, for serialization.	\	\\		\ 		m	l	
pseudo_quoteattr$279Quote attributes for pseudo-xml	"%s"		m	l	(Ljava/lang/String;)Vorg/python/core/PyFunctionTable	
	IselfLdocutils/nodes$py;			l		newCode?(I[Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;IZZLorg/python/core/PyFunctionTable;I[Ljava/lang/String;[Ljava/lang/String;II)Lorg/python/core/PyCode;	 	!
T	"m	l	$	dom	'domroot	)child	+visitor	-call_depart	/cls	1result	3
node_class	5node	7sibling	9iterable	;data	=chars	?att	Avalue	Celement	E	attribute	G	_[491_34]	Iv	K	_[506_27]	M	_[513_27]	O	_[520_41]	Q	quoteattr	Sparts	Uname	Wvalues	Y	_[539_26]	[	_[552_37]	]key	_item	aother	c	_[620_15]	eatts	gfailobj	iattr	kfallback	mdict_	oforce	q
update_fun	s
filter_fun	uold	wnew	yupdate	{
childclass	}end	
_[1000_24]	?
_[1008_21]	?id	?by_name	?by_id	?text	?textnode	?args	?kwargs	?docutils	?state	?msgnode	?msg	?old_id	?old_explicit	?old_node	?ref	?subdef	?def_name	?oldnode	?subref	?priority	?message	?offset	?	internals	?
_[1736_34]	?
_[1742_38]	?
_[1747_27]	?	node_name	?method	?_name	?newnode	?string	?getMain()Lorg/python/core/PyCode;main([Ljava/lang/String;)Vkp	
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