kr.motd.maven.sphinx.dist.pygments.lexers.lisp$py.class Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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???? 1&? f$0 R(Lorg/python/core/PyFrame;Lorg/python/core/ThreadState;)Lorg/python/core/PyObject; __doc__ ?
Lexers for Lispy languages.
:copyright: Copyright 2006-2017 by the Pygments team, see AUTHORS.
:license: BSD, see LICENSE for details.
org/python/core/PyString fromInterned .(Ljava/lang/String;)Lorg/python/core/PyString;
setglobal /(Ljava/lang/String;Lorg/python/core/PyObject;)V
setline (I)V
re org/python/core/imp importOne H(Ljava/lang/String;Lorg/python/core/PyFrame;I)Lorg/python/core/PyObject;
pygments.lexer " java/lang/String $
RegexLexer & include ( bygroups * words , default .
importFrom \(Ljava/lang/String;[Ljava/lang/String;Lorg/python/core/PyFrame;I)[Lorg/python/core/PyObject; 0 1
2 pygments.token 4 Text 6 Comment 8 Operator : Keyword < Name > String @ Number B Punctuation D Literal F Error H pygments.lexers.python J PythonLexer L org/python/core/PyList N org/python/core/PyObject P SchemeLexer R CommonLispLexer T HyLexer V RacketLexer X NewLispLexer Z EmacsLispLexer \ ShenLexer ^ CPSALexer ` XtlangLexer b ([Lorg/python/core/PyObject;)V d e
O f __all__ h getname .(Ljava/lang/String;)Lorg/python/core/PyObject; j k
__module__ o __name__ q?
A Scheme lexer, parsing a stream and outputting the tokens
needed to highlight scheme code.
This lexer could be most probably easily subclassed to parse
other LISP-Dialects like Common Lisp, Emacs Lisp or AutoLisp.
This parser is checked with pastes from the LISP pastebin
at to cover as much syntax as possible.
It supports the full Scheme syntax as defined in R5RS.
.. versionadded:: 0.6
s Scheme u name w scheme y scm { aliases } *.scm *.ss ? filenames ?
text/x-scheme ? application/x-scheme ? mimetypes ? org/python/core/PyTuple ? lambda ? define ? if ? else ? cond ? and ? or ? case ? let ? let* ? letrec ? begin ? do ? delay ? set! ? => ? quote ?
quasiquote ? unquote ? unquote-splicing ?
define-syntax ?
let-syntax ?
letrec-syntax ? syntax-rules ?
? f keywords ? set$$0 * ? + ? - ? / ? < ? <= ? = ? > ? >= ? abs ? acos ? angle ? append ? apply ? asin ? assoc ? assq ? assv ? atan ? boolean? ? caaaar ? caaadr ? caaar ? caadar ? caaddr ? caadr ? caar ? cadaar ? cadadr ? cadar ? caddar ? cadddr ? caddr cadr call-with-current-continuation call-with-input-file call-with-output-file call-with-values call/cc
car cdaaar cdaadr cdaar cdadar cdaddr cdadr cdar cddaar cddadr! cddar# cdddar% cddddr' cdddr) cddr+ cdr- ceiling/
char->integer1 char-alphabetic?3
char-ci<=?5 char-ci7 char-ci=?9
char-ci>=?; char-ci>?=
char-downcase? char-lower-case?A
char-numeric?C char-ready?E char-upcaseG char-upper-case?I char-whitespace?K char<=?M charO char=?Q char>=?S char>?U char?W close-input-portY close-output-port[ complex?] cons_ cosa current-input-portc current-output-porte denominatorg displayi dynamic-windk eof-object?m eq?o equal?q eqv?s evalu even?w exact->inexacty exact?{ exp} expt floor? for-each? force? gcd? imag-part? inexact->exact? inexact?? input-port??
integer->char? integer?? interaction-environment? lcm? length? list? list->string? list->vector? list-ref? list-tail? list?? load? log? magnitude?
make-polar? make-rectangular? make-string? make-vector? map? max? member? memq? memv? min? modulo? negative?? newline? not? null-environment? null?? number->string? number?? numerator? odd?? open-input-file? open-output-file? output-port?? pair?? peek-char? port?? positive??
procedure?? quotient? rational?? rationalize? read? read-char? real-part? real?? remainder? reverse? round? scheme-report-environment? set-car!? set-cdr!? sin? sqrt string string->list string->number string->symbol
string-append string-ci<=?
string-ci string-ci=? string-ci>=? string-ci>? string-copy string-fill!
string-ref string-set! string<=?! string# string=?% string>=?' string>?) string?+ substring- symbol->string/ symbol?1 tan3 transcript-off5
transcript-on7 truncate9 values; vector= vector->list? vector-fill!A
vector-refE vector-set!G vector?I with-input-from-fileK with-output-to-fileM writeO
write-charQ zero?S pygments/lexers/lisp$pyU ? e
VW builtinsY [\w!$%&*+,/:<=>?@^~|-]+[
valid_name] org/python/core/PyDictionary_ roota ;.*$c Singlee __getattr__g k
Qh #\|j Multilinel multiline-commentn #;\s*\(p commented-formr #!r6rst \s+v
-?\d+\.\d+x Floatz -?\d+| Integer~ "(\\\\|\\"|[^"])*"? '? _add 6(Lorg/python/core/PyObject;)Lorg/python/core/PyObject;??
Q? Symbol? )#\\([()/'\"._!§$%& ?=+-]|[a-zA-Z0-9]+)? Char? (#t|#f)? Constant? ('|#|`|,@|,|\.)? (%s)? |? join? org/python/core/PyFunction? f_globals Lorg/python/core/PyObject;?? ? org/python/core/Py? EmptyObjects [Lorg/python/core/PyObject;?? ?? f$2 getlocal (I)Lorg/python/core/PyObject;??
? __iter__ ()Lorg/python/core/PyObject;??
Q? (ILorg/python/core/PyObject;)V ?
? getglobal? k
? escape? __call__ S(Lorg/python/core/ThreadState;Lorg/python/core/PyObject;)Lorg/python/core/PyObject;??
Q? ? f_lasti I?? ? java/lang/Object?
f_savedlocals [Ljava/lang/Object;?? ? getGeneratorInput ()Ljava/lang/Object;??
? org/python/core/PyException? java/lang/Throwable? __iternext__??
Q? None?? ?? Lorg/python/core/PyCode;?? V? j(Lorg/python/core/PyObject;[Lorg/python/core/PyObject;Lorg/python/core/PyCode;Lorg/python/core/PyObject;)V d?
?? java/util/Arrays? fill (([Ljava/lang/Object;Ljava/lang/Object;)V??
?? _mod??
Q? (?<='\()? Variable? (?<=#\()? (?<=\()(%s)? f$3?? V? Builtin? (?<=\()? Function? (\(|\))? (\[|\])? #push? \|#? #pop? [^|#]+? [|#] \( \) [^()]+
` f tokens
n? V makeClass a(Ljava/lang/String;[Lorg/python/core/PyObject;Lorg/python/core/PyCode;)Lorg/python/core/PyObject;
? CommonLispLexer$4 9
A Common Lisp lexer.
.. versionadded:: 0.9
Common Lisp common-lisp cl lisp *.cl *.lisp" text/x-common-lisp$
Q+ flags- \\.|[\w!$%&*+-/<=>?@\[\]^{}~]/ nonmacro1 |[#.:]3 constituent5 (?=[ "()\'\n,;`])7
terminated9 (\|[^|]+\||(?:%s)(?:%s)*); symbol=
__init__$5 pygments.lexers._cl_builtins@ BUILTIN_FUNCTIONSB
BUILTIN_TYPESL BUILTIN_CLASSESN builtin_functionP __setattr__R
special_formsU macrosW lambda_list_keywordsY declarations[
builtin_types] builtin_classes_ __init__a
_callextra ~([Lorg/python/core/PyObject;[Ljava/lang/String;Lorg/python/core/PyObject;Lorg/python/core/PyObject;)Lorg/python/core/PyObject;cd
Qe?? Vg get_tokens_unprocessed$6 get_tokens_unprocessedj ?(Lorg/python/core/ThreadState;Lorg/python/core/PyObject;Lorg/python/core/PyObject;Lorg/python/core/PyObject;)Lorg/python/core/PyObject;?l
Qm unpackSequence 8(Lorg/python/core/PyObject;I)[Lorg/python/core/PyObject;op
?q _iss?
Qt __nonzero__ ()Zvw
Qx _inz?
Q{ Type} Classi? V? body? Preproc? #\d*Y.*$? Special? "(\\.|\\\n|[^"\\])*"? :? ::? :#? `? [-+]?\d+\.?? [-+]?\d+/\d+? <[-+]?(\d*\.\d+([defls][-+]?\d+)?|\d+(\.\d*)?[defls][-+]?\d+)? #\\.? #\\? #\(? #\d*\*[01]*? Other? #:? #[.,]? #\'? #b[+-]?[01]+(/[01]+)?? Bin? #o[+-]?[0-7]+(/[0-7]+)?? Oct? #x[+-]?[0-9a-f]+(/[0-9a-f]+)?? Hex? #\d+r[+-]?[0-9a-z]+(/[0-9a-z]+)?? (#c)(\()? m(Lorg/python/core/ThreadState;Lorg/python/core/PyObject;Lorg/python/core/PyObject;)Lorg/python/core/PyObject;??
Q? (#\d+a)(\()? (#s)(\()? #p?"(\\.|[^"])*"? #\d+=? #\d+#? #+nil? \s*\(? #[+-]? (,@|,|\.)? (t|nil)? \*? Global?? V? HyLexer$7 V
Lexer for `Hy `_ source code.
.. versionadded:: 2.0
? Hy? hylang? *.hy? text/x-hy? application/x-hy? for? ->? ->>? first? rest? when? unless? import? progn? get? slice? with-decorator? ,? list_comp? kwapply ~ is in is-not not-in unquote-splice
<<= >>= foreach while eval-and-compile eval-when-compile def defn defun defmacro! defclass# fn% setv' hy_builtins) cycle+ dec- distinct/ drop1 filter3 inc5 instance?7 iterable?9 iterate; iterator?= neg?? none?A nthC numeric?E pos?G removeI repeatK
repeatedlyM takeO take_nthQ
take_whileS hy_coreU (?!#)[\w!$%*+<=>?/.#-]+W _multi_escape$8 suffixZ g(Lorg/python/core/ThreadState;[Lorg/python/core/PyObject;[Ljava/lang/String;)Lorg/python/core/PyObject;?\
Q]Y? V_
_multi_escapea [,\s]+c 0[0-7]+j?e 0[xX][a-fA-F0-9]+g \\(.|[a-z]+)i "^(\s*)([rRuU]{,2}"""(?:.|\n)*?""")k Docm "^(\s*)([rRuU]{,2}'''(?:.|\n)*?''')o ::?q
~@|[`\'#^~&@]s py-keywordsu py-builtinsw Declarationy (\{|\}){ __getitem__}?
Q~ analyse_text$9 (import ? (defn ????????? newFloat (D)Lorg/python/core/PyFloat;??
???? V? analyse_text??? V? RacketLexer$10 ?
Lexer for `Racket `_ source code (formerly
known as PLT Scheme).
.. versionadded:: 1.6
? Racket? racket? rkt? *.rkt? *.rktd? *.rktl?
text/x-racket? application/x-racket? set$$1 #%app? org/python/core/PyUnicode? /(Ljava/lang/String;)Lorg/python/core/PyUnicode; ?
?? #%datum? #%declare? #%expression? #%module-begin? #%plain-app? #%plain-lambda? #%plain-module-begin? #%printing-module-begin? #%provide? #%require? #%stratified-body? #%top? #%top-interaction? #%variable-reference? ->*? ->*m? ->d? ->dm? ->i? ->m? ...? :do-in? ==? _? absent? abstract? all-defined-out? all-from-out? any? augment? augment*?
augment-final? augment-final*? augride? augride*? begin-for-syntax? begin0? case->? case->m? case-lambda? class? class*? class-field-accessor class-field-mutator class/c
combine-in combine-out
compound-unit compound-unit/infer cons/dc contract contract-out contract-struct
contracted define-compound-unit define-compound-unit/infer define-contract-struct define-custom-hash-types" define-custom-set-types$ define-for-syntax& define-local-member-name(
define-logger* define-match-expander, define-member-name. define-module-boundary-contract0 define-namespace-anchor2 define-opt/c4 define-sequence-syntax6 define-serializable-class8 define-serializable-class*: define-signature< define-signature-form>
define-struct@ define-struct/contractB define-struct/derivedD define-syntax-ruleF define-syntaxesH define-unitJ define-unit-bindingL define-unit-from-contextN define-unit/contractP define-unit/new-import-exportR
define-valuesV define-values-for-exportX define-values-for-syntaxZ define-values/invoke-unit\ define-values/invoke-unit/infer^ define/augment` define/augment-finalb define/augrided define/contractf define/final-proph define/matchj define/overmentl define/overriden define/override-finalp define/privater
define/publict define/public-finalv define/pubmentx define/subexpression-pos-propz "define/subexpression-pos-prop/name|
delay/name? delay/strict?
delay/sync? delay/thread? except? except-in?
except-out? export? extends? failure-cont? false? false/c? field? field-bound?? file? flat-murec-contract? flat-rec-contract? for*? for*/and?
for*/first? for*/fold? for*/fold/derived? for*/hash? for*/hasheq? for*/hasheqv? for*/last? for*/list?
for*/lists? for*/mutable-set? for*/mutable-seteq? for*/mutable-seteqv? for*/or? for*/product? for*/set?
for*/seteq? for*/seteqv? for*/stream? for*/sum? for*/vector?
for*/weak-set? for*/weak-seteq? for*/weak-seteqv? for-label? for-meta?
for-syntax? for-template? for/and? for/async? for/first? for/fold? for/fold/derived? for/hash?
for/hasheq? for/hasheqv? for/last? for/list? for/lists? for/mutable-set? for/mutable-seteq? for/mutable-seteqv? for/or? for/product? for/set? for/seteq
for/stream for/sum
for/vector for/weak-set
for/weak-seteq for/weak-seteqv gen:custom-write gen:dict gen:equal+hash gen:set
gen:stream generic get-field hash/dc implies include-at/relative-to" include-at/relative-to/reader$ include/reader& inherit(
inherit/super. init0 init-depend2
init-field4 init-rest6 inner8 inspect: instantiate< interface>
interface*@ invariant-assertionB invoke-unitD invoke-unit/inferF lazyH let*-valuesJ let-syntaxesL
let-valuesN let/ccP let/ecR letrec-syntaxesT letrec-syntaxes+valuesV
letrec-valuesX libZ link\ local^
local-require` log-debugb log-errord log-fatalf log-infoh log-warningj matchl match*n match*/derivedp match-definer match-define-valuest match-lambdav
match-lambda*x match-lambda**z match-let|
match-let*~ match-let*-values? match-let-values? match-letrec? match-letrec-values?
match/derived? match/values? member-name-key? mixin? module? module*? module+? nand? new? nor? object-contract? object/c? only? only-in? only-meta-in? open? opt/c? overment? overment*? override? override*? override-final? override-final*? parameterize?
parameterize*? parameterize-break? parametric->/c? place? place*?
place/context? planet? prefix? prefix-in?
prefix-out? private? private*? prompt-tag/c? protect-out? provide? provide-signature-elements? provide/contract? public? public*? public-final?
public-final*? pubment? pubment*? quasisyntax? quasisyntax/loc? quote-syntax? quote-syntax/prune? recontract-out? recursive-contract? relative-in? rename? rename-in? rename-inner?
rename-out? rename-super? require? send send* send+ send-generic
send/apply send/keyword-apply
set-field! shared stream stream* stream-cons struct struct* struct-copy struct-field-index
struct-out struct/c"
struct/ctc$ struct/dc& submod( super* super-instantiate, super-make-object. super-new0 syntax2 syntax-case4 syntax-case*6 syntax-id-rules8
syntax/loc: tag< this> this%@ thunkB thunk*D timeF unconstrained-domain->H unitJ unit-from-contextL unit/cN unit/new-import-exportP unit/sR unsyntaxT unsyntax-splicingV values/dropX with-continuation-markZ
with-contract\ with-contract-continuation-mark^
with-handlers` with-handlers*b with-methodd with-syntaxf λh? e
Vj _keywordsl set$$2 *list/co