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kr.motd.maven.sphinx.dist.docutils.utils.urischemes$py.class Maven / Gradle / Ivy

There is a newer version: 2.10.0
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`schemes` is a dictionary with lowercase URI addressing schemes as
keys and descriptions as values. It was compiled from the index at (revised 2005-11-28)
and an older list at
org/python/core/PyStringfromInterned.(Ljava/lang/String;)Lorg/python/core/PyString;	

org/python/core/PyDictionaryorg/python/core/PyObjectset$$0([Lorg/python/core/PyObject;)Vabout!provides information on Navigatoracap!3Application Configuration Access Protocol; RFC 2244#addbook%3To add vCard entries to Communicator's Address Book'afp)Apple Filing Protocol+afs-$Andrew File System global file names/aim1AOL Instant Messenger3callto5for NetMeeting links7castanet9!Castanet Tuner URLs for Netcaster;chttp=#cached HTTP supported by RealPlayer?cidAcontent identifier; RFC 2392CcridE1TV-Anytime Content Reference Identifier; RFC 4078GdataIBallows inclusion of small data items as "immediate" data; RFC 2397KdavM7Distributed Authoring and Versioning Protocol; RFC 2518OdictQ%dictionary service protocol; RFC 2229SdnsUDomain Name System resourcesWeidY?External ID; non-URL data; general escape mechanism to allow access to information for applications that are too specialized to justify their own schemes[fax]Ka connection to a terminal that can handle telefaxes (facsimiles); RFC 2806_feedaNetNewsWire feedcfilee"Host-specific file names; RFC 1738gfingerikfreenetmftpo File Transfer Protocol; RFC 1738qgosgo; RFC 3368ugopherwThe Gopher Protocolygsm-sms{=Global System for Mobile Communications Short Message Service}h323Bvideo (audiovisual) communication on local area networks; RFC 3508?h324?Zvideo and audio communications over low bitrate connections such as POTS modem connections?hdl?CNRI handle system?hnews?3an HTTP-tunneling variant of the NNTP news protocol?http?%Hypertext Transfer Protocol; RFC 2616?https?HTTP over SSL; RFC 2818?hydra?>SubEthaEdit URI.  See Inter-ORB Protocol Location??ilu?Inter-Language Unification?im?Instant Messaging; RFC 3860?imap?*Internet Message Access Protocol; RFC 2192?info?8Information Assets with Identifiers in Public Namespaces?ior?$CORBA interoperable object reference?ipp?$Internet Printing Protocol; RFC 3510?irc?Internet Relay Chat?	iris.beep?iris.beep; RFC 3983?iseek?0See;  a little util for OS X.?jar?Java archive?
javascript?9JavaScript code; evaluates the expression after the colon?jdbc?JDBC connection URI.?ldap?%Lightweight Directory Access Protocol?lifn?
livescript?lrq?mailbox?Mail folder access?
mailserver?*Access to data available from mail servers?mailto?!Electronic mail address; RFC 2368?md5?mid?message identifier; RFC 2392?mocha?modem?Ha connection to a terminal that can handle incoming data calls; RFC 2806?mtqp?)Message Tracking Query Protocol; RFC 3887?mupdate?+Mailbox Update (MUPDATE) Protocol; RFC 3656?news?USENET news; RFC 1738?nfs?&Network File System protocol; RFC 2224?nntp'USENET news using NNTP access; RFC 1738opaquelocktokenRFC 2518phone	popPost Office Protocol; RFC 2384
pop3Post Office Protocol v3presPresence; RFC 3859printerprospero$Prospero Directory Service; RFC 4157rdarLURLs found in Darwin source (!rtsp#&real time streaming protocol; RFC 2326%rvp'rwhois)rx+Remote Execution-sdp/service1service location; RFC 26093shttp5"secure hypertext transfer protocol7sip9%Session Initiation Protocol; RFC 3261;sips=,secure session intitiaion protocol; RFC 3261?smbASAMBA filesystems.CsnewsEFor NNTP postings via SSLGsnmpI,Simple Network Management Protocol; RFC 4088K	soap.beepMRFC 3288O
soap.beepsQsshS*Reference to interactive sessions via ssh.Ut120W+real time data conferencing (audiographics)Ytag[RFC 4151]tcp_tela?a connection to a terminal that handles normal voice telephone calls, a voice mailbox or another voice messaging system or a service that can be operated using DTMF tones; RFC 3966.c	telephoneetelnetg+Reference to interactive sessions; RFC 4248itftpk(Trivial File Transfer Protocol; RFC 3617mtipo'Transaction Internet Protocol; RFC 2371qtn3270s#Interactive 3270 emulation sessionsutvwurnyUniform Resource Name; RFC 2141{uuid}vemmi(versatile multimedia interface; RFC 2122?videotex?view-source?5displays HTML code that was generated with JavaScript?wais?'Wide Area Information Servers; RFC 4156?whodp?whois++?Distributed directory service.?
x-man-page??
?schemes?setlocal?
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