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???? 1O f$0 R(Lorg/python/core/PyFrame;Lorg/python/core/ThreadState;)Lorg/python/core/PyObject; __doc__ ?
Lexers for Haxe and related stuff.
:copyright: Copyright 2006-2017 by the Pygments team, see AUTHORS.
:license: BSD, see LICENSE for details.
org/python/core/PyString fromInterned .(Ljava/lang/String;)Lorg/python/core/PyString;
setglobal /(Ljava/lang/String;Lorg/python/core/PyObject;)V
setline (I)V
re org/python/core/imp importOne H(Ljava/lang/String;Lorg/python/core/PyFrame;I)Lorg/python/core/PyObject;
pygments.lexer " java/lang/String $ ExtendedRegexLexer &
RegexLexer ( include * bygroups , default .
importFrom \(Ljava/lang/String;[Ljava/lang/String;Lorg/python/core/PyFrame;I)[Lorg/python/core/PyObject; 0 1
2 pygments.token 4 Text 6 Comment 8 Operator : Keyword < Name > String @ Number B Punctuation D Generic F
Whitespace H org/python/core/PyList J org/python/core/PyObject L HaxeLexer N HxmlLexer P ([Lorg/python/core/PyObject;)V R S
K T __all__ V getname .(Ljava/lang/String;)Lorg/python/core/PyObject; X Y
Z HaxeLexer$1
__module__ ] __name__ _ M
For Haxe source code (http://haxe.org/).
.. versionadded:: 1.3
a Haxe c name e hx g haxe i hxsl k aliases m *.hx o *.hxsl q filenames s text/haxe u text/x-haxe w text/x-hx y mimetypes {
(?:function|class|static|var|if|else|while|do|for|break|return|continue|extends|implements|import|switch|case|default|public|private|try|untyped|catch|new|this|throw|extern|enum|in|interface|cast|override|dynamic|typedef|package|inline|using|null|true|false|abstract)\b } keyword
_*[A-Z]\w* ? typeid ? (?:_*[a-z]\w*|_+[0-9]\w*| ? _add 6(Lorg/python/core/PyObject;)Lorg/python/core/PyObject; ? ?
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M ? MULTILINE ? _or ? ?
M ? flags ? org/python/core/Py ? EmptyObjects [Lorg/python/core/PyObject; ? ? ? ?
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? group ?
newInteger (I)Lorg/python/core/PyInteger; ? ?
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M ? __getitem__ ? ?
M ? __setattr__ ?
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? Preproc ? # ? org/python/core/PyTuple ?
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f_savedlocals [Ljava/lang/Object;
getGeneratorInput ()Ljava/lang/Object;
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(?:enum)\bG enumI
(?:typedef)\bK typedefM (?=.)O expr-statementQ \s+S
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abstract-body? abstract-relation? abstract-opaque? type-param-constraint? type-name? \{?
class-body? parenthesis-close? type? (?:to|from)? ,? @? Decorator? meta-body?
meta-colon? :? meta-call?
meta-call-sep? typedef-body? =? optional-semicolon? enum-body? bracket-open? enum-member? flag? function-param? extends? (?:extends|implements)\b?
bracket-close? 9(?:static|public|private|override|dynamic|inline|macro)\b? class-member? (var)\b? var? (function)\b? class-method? function-local? Function?
optional-expr? parenthesis-open? \?? function-param-sep? assign prop-get-set prop-get-set-opt comma ((?:default|null|never|dynamic|get|set)\b (?:\+\+|\-\-|~(?!/)|!|\-)
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type-check? type-struct? type-parenthesis? ->? <(?!=)?
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bracket-check? block?
object-sep? object? ident-or-string?
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??? ? analyse_text? getf_locals ()Lorg/python/core/PyObject;??
? \ ? makeClass a(Ljava/lang/String;[Lorg/python/core/PyObject;Lorg/python/core/PyCode;)Lorg/python/core/PyObject;??
?? HxmlLexer$4 b
Lexer for `haXe build `_ files.
.. versionadded:: 1.6
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