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kz.greetgo.libase.strureader.RowReaderPostgres Maven / Gradle / Ivy

package kz.greetgo.libase.strureader;

import static kz.greetgo.libase.util.StrUtil.def;

import java.sql.Connection;
import java.sql.PreparedStatement;
import java.sql.ResultSet;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import kz.greetgo.libase.util.StrUtil;

public class RowReaderPostgres implements RowReader {

  private final Connection connection;

  public RowReaderPostgres(Connection connection) {
    this.connection = connection;

  public List readAllTableColumns() throws Exception {

    String sql = "select * from (select"
      + " case when table_schema = 'public' then table_name else table_schema||'.'||table_name end full_table_name,"
      + " column_name, column_default, is_nullable,"
      + " character_maximum_length, numeric_precision, numeric_scale, data_type, ordinal_position"
      + " from information_schema.columns "
      + " where table_schema in (" + schemas() + ") and table_name not in "
      + " (select table_name from information_schema.views where table_schema in (" + schemas() + "))) x"
      + " order by full_table_name, ordinal_position";

    //noinspection Duplicates
    try (PreparedStatement ps = connection.prepareStatement(sql)) {
      try (ResultSet rs = ps.executeQuery()) {
        List ret = new ArrayList<>();
        while ( {
        return ret;

  private ColumnRow readColumnRow(ResultSet rs) throws Exception {
    ColumnRow ret = new ColumnRow();
    ret.tableName = rs.getString("full_table_name"); = rs.getString("column_name");
    ret.defaultValue = rs.getString("column_default");
    ret.nullable = "YES".equals(rs.getString("is_nullable"));

    int charLen = rs.getInt("character_maximum_length");
    int numPrecision = rs.getInt("numeric_precision");
    int numScale = rs.getInt("numeric_scale");

    ret.typeLen = charLen;

    String dataType = rs.getString("data_type");

    if (NO_SIZE_COLS.contains(dataType.toUpperCase())) {
      ret.type = dataType;
    } else {
      ret.type = dataType + StrUtil.sizeToStr(charLen + numPrecision, numScale);
    return ret;

  private static final Set NO_SIZE_COLS = new HashSet<>();

  static {

  private final List schemaList = new ArrayList<>();

  public RowReader addSchema(String schemaName) {
    return this;

  private String schemas() {
    return Stream.concat(, Stream.of("public"))
                 .map(s -> "'" + s + "'")
                 .collect(Collectors.joining(", "));

  public Map readAllTablePrimaryKeys() throws Exception {
    String sql = "select * from information_schema.key_column_usage"
      + " where constraint_name in ("
      + "   select constraint_name from information_schema.table_constraints"
      + "   where constraint_schema in (" + schemas() + ") and constraint_type = 'PRIMARY KEY')"
      + " order by table_name, ordinal_position";

    try (PreparedStatement ps = connection.prepareStatement(sql)) {
      Map ret = new HashMap<>();
      try (ResultSet rs = ps.executeQuery()) {

        while ( {
          String tableSchema = rs.getString("table_schema");
          String tableName = rs.getString("table_name");
          if (tableSchema != null && !tableSchema.equals("public")) {
            tableName = tableSchema + "." + tableName;
          PrimaryKeyRow primaryKey = ret.get(tableName);
          if (primaryKey == null) {
            ret.put(tableName, primaryKey = new PrimaryKeyRow(tableName));

        return ret;

  public Map readAllForeignKeys() throws Exception {
    String sql = "select fk, "
      + "       i, "
      + "       conrelid ::regclass as fromTable, "
      + "       a.attname           as fromCol, "
      + "       confrelid::regclass as toTable, "
      + "       af.attname          as toCol "
      + "from pg_attribute af, "
      + "     pg_attribute a, "
      + "     (select fk, conrelid, confrelid, conkey[i] as conkey, confkey[i] as confkey, i "
      + "      from (select conname                                    as fk, "
      + "                   conrelid, "
      + "                   confrelid, "
      + "                   conkey, "
      + "                   confkey, "
      + "                   generate_series(1, array_upper(conkey, 1)) as i "
      + "            from pg_constraint "
      + "            where contype = 'f' "
      + "              and connamespace::regnamespace in (" + schemas() + ")) ss) ss2 "
      + "where af.attnum = confkey "
      + "  and af.attrelid = confrelid "
      + "  and a.attnum = conkey "
      + "  and a.attrelid = conrelid "
      + "order by fk, i;";

    try (PreparedStatement ps = connection.prepareStatement(sql)) {
      try (ResultSet rs = ps.executeQuery()) {
        Map ret = new HashMap<>();

        while ( {
          String name = "FK" + rs.getString("fk");
          ForeignKeyRow fk = ret.get(name);
          if (fk == null) {
            ret.put(name, fk = new ForeignKeyRow(name));
          fk.toTable = rs.getString("toTable");
          fk.fromTable = rs.getString("fromTable");

        return ret;

  private static String fullName(String schema, String table) {
    if ("public".equals(schema)) {
      return table;
    return schema + '.' + table;

  public Map readAllSequences() throws Exception {
    String sql = "select * from information_schema.sequences where sequence_schema in (" + schemas() + ")";

    try (PreparedStatement ps = connection.prepareStatement(sql)) {
      try (ResultSet rs = ps.executeQuery()) {
        Map ret = new HashMap<>();

        while ( {
          SequenceRow row = new SequenceRow(
            fullName(rs.getString("sequence_schema"), rs.getString("sequence_name")),
          ret.put(, row);

        return ret;

  public Map readAllViews() throws Exception {
    Map ret = readViews();


    return ret;

  private void addDependencies(Map ret) throws SQLException {
    String sql = "with v as (select distinct " +
      "  case when a.view_schema = 'public' then a.view_name " +
      "      else a.view_schema||'.'||a.view_name end as view_name, " +
      "  case when a.table_schema = 'public' then a.table_name " +
      "      else a.table_schema||'.'||a.table_name end as table_name " +
      "  from information_schema.view_column_usage a " +
      "  where view_schema in (" + schemas() + ") " +
      ") select * from v " +
      "order by view_name, table_name";

    try (PreparedStatement ps = connection.prepareStatement(sql)) {
      try (ResultSet rs = ps.executeQuery()) {

        while ( {
          String name = rs.getString("view_name");
          ViewRow view = ret.get(name);
          if (view == null) {
            throw new NullPointerException("No view " + name);


  private Map readViews() throws SQLException {
    String sql = "select * from information_schema.views where table_schema in (" + schemas() + ")";

    try (PreparedStatement ps = connection.prepareStatement(sql)) {
      try (ResultSet rs = ps.executeQuery()) {
        Map ret = new HashMap<>();

        while ( {
          ViewRow s = new ViewRow(
            fullName(rs.getString("table_schema"), rs.getString("table_name")),
          ret.put(, s);

        return ret;

  public List readAllFuncs() throws Exception {
    return fillMain(readFuncsTop(), new Cache());

  private List readFuncsTop() throws SQLException {
    String sql = "SELECT " +
      "  p.proRetType as returnType, " +
      "  case when n.nspName = 'public' then p.proName else n.nspName||'.'||p.proName end as name,  " +
      "  array_to_string(p.proArgTypes, ';') as argTypes,  " +
      "  array_to_string(p.proArgNames, ';') as argNames, " +
      "  p.proLang, p.proSrc  " +
      "FROM    pg_catalog.pg_namespace n JOIN pg_catalog.pg_proc p  " +
      "ON      proNamespace = n.oid WHERE n.nspName in (" + schemas() + ")";

    try (PreparedStatement ps = connection.prepareStatement(sql)) {
      try (ResultSet rs = ps.executeQuery()) {
        List ret = new ArrayList<>();

        while ( {
          StoreFuncRow x = new StoreFuncRow();

 = rs.getString("name");
          x.__argTypesStr = rs.getString("argTypes");
          x.__argNamesStr = rs.getString("argNames");
          x.__returns = rs.getString("returnType");
          x.__langId = rs.getString("proLang");

          x.source = rs.getString("proSrc");


        return ret;

  private class Cache {

    final Map types = new HashMap<>();

    public String getType(String typeId) throws Exception {
      String type = types.get(typeId);
      if (type == null) {
        types.put(typeId, type = loadType(typeId));
      return type;

    private String loadType(String typeId) throws Exception {
      String sql = "select typName from pg_type where oid = ?";

      try (PreparedStatement ps = connection.prepareStatement(sql)) {
        ps.setLong(1, Long.parseLong(typeId));
        try (ResultSet rs = ps.executeQuery()) {
          if (! {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("No typeId = " + typeId);
          return rs.getString(1);

    final Map languages = new HashMap<>();

    public String getLanguage(String langId) throws Exception {
      String lang = languages.get(langId);
      if (lang == null) {
        languages.put(langId, lang = loadLanguage(langId));
      return lang;

    private String loadLanguage(String langId) throws Exception {
      String sql = "select lanname from pg_language where oid = ?";

      try (PreparedStatement ps = connection.prepareStatement(sql)) {
        ps.setLong(1, Long.parseLong(langId));
        try (ResultSet rs = ps.executeQuery()) {
          if (! {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("No langId = " + langId);
          return rs.getString(1);


  private List fillMain(List funcs, Cache cache) throws Exception {
    for (StoreFuncRow sfr : funcs) {
      if (def(sfr.__argNamesStr)) {
      if (def(sfr.__argTypesStr)) {
        for (String argTypeId : sfr.__argTypesStr.split(";")) {
      sfr.returns = cache.getType(sfr.__returns);
      sfr.language = cache.getLanguage(sfr.__langId);
    return funcs;

  public Map readAllTriggers() throws Exception {
    String sql = "select * from information_schema.triggers"
      + " where trigger_schema in (" + schemas() + ") and event_object_schema in(" + schemas() + ")";

    try (PreparedStatement ps = connection.prepareStatement(sql)) {
      try (ResultSet rs = ps.executeQuery()) {
        Map ret = new HashMap<>();
        while ( {
          TriggerRow x = new TriggerRow();

 = rs.getString("trigger_name");
          x.tableName = rs.getString("event_object_table");
          x.eventManipulation = rs.getString("event_manipulation");
          x.actionOrientation = rs.getString("action_orientation");
          x.actionTiming = rs.getString("action_timing");
          x.actionStatement = rs.getString("action_statement");

          ret.put(, x);

        return ret;

  public Map readTableComments() throws Exception {

    String sql = "with tt as ( " +
      "  select tt.table_name, tt.table_schema from information_schema.tables tt " +
      "  where tt.table_schema in (" + schemas() + ") and table_name not in " +
      "  (select table_name from information_schema.views where table_schema in (" + schemas() + ")) " +
      "), res as ( " +
      "  select case when tt.table_schema = 'public' then tt.table_name " +
      "              else tt.table_schema||'.'||tt.table_name end as table_name, " +
      "    pg_catalog.obj_description(c.oid) as cmmnt " +
      "  from tt, pg_catalog.pg_class c " +
      "  where tt.table_name = c.relname " +
      ") " +
      "select * from res where cmmnt is not null";

    try (PreparedStatement ps = connection.prepareStatement(sql)) {

      try (ResultSet rs = ps.executeQuery()) {
        Map ret = new HashMap<>();
        while ( {
          ret.put(rs.getString("table_name"), rs.getString("cmmnt"));

        return ret;


  public Map readColumnComments() throws Exception {

    String sql = "with res as (select " +
      "    case when cols.table_schema = 'public' then cols.table_name  " +
      "    else cols.table_schema||'.'||cols.table_name end as table_name, " +
      "    cols.column_name, ( " +
      "      select pg_catalog.col_description(oid,cols.ordinal_position::int) " +
      "      from pg_catalog.pg_class c where c.relname=cols.table_name " +
      "    ) as column_comment " +
      "  from information_schema.columns cols " +
      "  where cols.table_schema in (" + schemas() + ") " +
      ") " +
      "select * from res where column_comment is not null";

    try (PreparedStatement ps = connection.prepareStatement(sql)) {
      try (ResultSet rs = ps.executeQuery()) {
        Map ret = new HashMap<>();

        while ( {
          ret.put(rs.getString("table_name") + '.' + rs.getString("column_name"),

        return ret;


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