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/* NSC -- new Scala compiler
 * Copyright 2005-2012 LAMP/EPFL
 * @author  Martin Odersky

package scala
package tools.nsc
package backend.jvm

import scala.collection.mutable

 *  Traits encapsulating functionality to convert Scala AST Trees into ASM ClassNodes.
 *  @author  Miguel Garcia,
 *  @version 1.0
trait BCodeHelpers extends BCodeIdiomatic with BytecodeWriters {
  // for some reason singleton types aren't allowed in constructor calls. will need several casts in code to enforce

  //import global._
  //import bTypes._
  //import coreBTypes._
  import bTypes._
  import coreBTypes._
  import int._

  val bCodeAsmCommon: BCodeAsmCommon[int.type] = new BCodeAsmCommon(int)
  import bCodeAsmCommon._

   * must-single-thread
  def getFileForClassfile(base: AbstractFile, clsName: String, suffix: String): AbstractFile = {
    getFile(base, clsName, suffix)

   * must-single-thread
  def getOutFolder(csym: Symbol, cName: String): = {
    try {
    } catch {
      case ex: Throwable =>
        int.error(csym.pos, s"Couldn't create file for class $cName\n${ex.getMessage}")

  // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  // finding the least upper bound in agreement with the bytecode verifier (given two internal names handed by ASM)
  // Background:
  // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

  /*  An `asm.ClassWriter` that uses `jvmWiseLUB()`
   *  The internal name of the least common ancestor of the types given by inameA and inameB.
   *  It's what ASM needs to know in order to compute stack map frames,
  final class CClassWriter(flags: Int) extends asm.ClassWriter(flags) {

     * This method is thread-safe: it depends only on the BTypes component, which does not depend
     * on global. TODO @lry move to a different place where no global is in scope, on bTypes.
    override def getCommonSuperClass(inameA: String, inameB: String): String = {
      val a = classBTypeFromInternalName(inameA)
      val b = classBTypeFromInternalName(inameB)
      val lub = a.jvmWiseLUB(b)
      val lubName = lub.internalName
      assert(lubName != "scala/Any")
      lubName // ASM caches the answer during the lifetime of a ClassWriter. We outlive that. Not sure whether caching on our side would improve things.

   * must-single-thread
  def initBytecodeWriter(entryPoints: List[Symbol]): BytecodeWriter = {
    getSingleOutput match {
      case Some(f) if f hasExtension "jar" =>
        // If no main class was specified, see if there's only one
        // entry point among the classes going into the jar.
        if (mainClass.isEmpty) {
          entryPoints map (_.fullName('.')) match {
            case Nil =>
              log("No Main-Class designated or discovered.")
            case name :: Nil =>
              log(s"Unique entry point: setting Main-Class to $name")
            case names =>
              log(s"No Main-Class due to multiple entry points:\n  ${names.mkString("\n  ")}")
        else log(s"Main-Class was specified: ${mainClass.get}")

        new DirectToJarfileWriter(f.file)

      case _ => factoryNonJarBytecodeWriter()

   * Populates the InnerClasses JVM attribute with `refedInnerClasses`.
   * In addition to inner classes mentioned somewhere in `jclass` (where `jclass` is a class file being emitted)
   * `refedInnerClasses` should contain those inner classes defined as direct member classes of `jclass`
   * but otherwise not mentioned in `jclass`.
   * `refedInnerClasses` may contain duplicates,
   * need not contain the enclosing inner classes of each inner class it lists (those are looked up for consistency).
   * This method serializes in the InnerClasses JVM attribute in an appropriate order,
   * not necessarily that given by `refedInnerClasses`.
   * can-multi-thread
  final def addInnerClassesASM(jclass: asm.ClassVisitor, refedInnerClasses: List[ClassBType]) {
    val allNestedClasses = refedInnerClasses.flatMap(_.enclosingNestedClassesChain).distinct

    // sorting ensures nested classes are listed after their enclosing class thus satisfying the Eclipse Java compiler
    for (nestedClass <- allNestedClasses.sortBy(_.internalName.toString)) {
      // Extract the innerClassEntry - we know it exists, enclosingNestedClassesChain only returns nested classes.
      val Some(e) = nestedClass.innerClassAttributeEntry
      jclass.visitInnerClass(, e.outerName, e.innerName, e.flags)

   * Custom attribute (JVMS 4.7.1) "ScalaSig" used as marker only
   * i.e., the pickle is contained in a custom annotation, see:
   *   (1) `addAnnotations()`,
   *   (2) SID # 10 (draft) - Storage of pickled Scala signatures in class files,
   *   (3) SID # 5 - Internals of Scala Annotations,
   * That annotation in turn is not related to the "java-generic-signature" (JVMS 4.7.9)
   * other than both ending up encoded as attributes (JVMS 4.7)
   * (with the caveat that the "ScalaSig" attribute is associated to some classes,
   * while the "Signature" attribute can be associated to classes, methods, and fields.)
  trait BCPickles {

    import scala.reflect.internal.pickling.{ PickleFormat, PickleBuffer }

    val versionPickle = {
      val vp = new PickleBuffer(new Array[Byte](16), -1, 0)
      assert(vp.writeIndex == 0, vp)
      vp writeNat PickleFormat.MajorVersion
      vp writeNat PickleFormat.MinorVersion
      vp writeNat 0

     * can-multi-thread
    def createJAttribute(name: String, b: Array[Byte], offset: Int, len: Int): asm.Attribute = {
      val dest = new Array[Byte](len)
      System.arraycopy(b, offset, dest, 0, len)
      new asm.CustomAttr(name, dest)

     * can-multi-thread
    def pickleMarkerLocal = {
      createJAttribute(ScalaSignatureATTRName, versionPickle.bytes, 0, versionPickle.writeIndex)

     * can-multi-thread
    def pickleMarkerForeign = {
      createJAttribute(ScalaSignatureATTRName, new Array[Byte](0), 0, 0)
  } // end of trait BCPickles

  trait BCInnerClassGen {

    def debugLevel = int.debuglevel

    final val emitSource = debugLevel >= 1
    final val emitLines  = debugLevel >= 2
    final val emitVars   = debugLevel >= 3

     *  Contains class-symbols that:
     *    (a) are known to denote inner classes
     *    (b) are mentioned somewhere in the class being generated.
     *  In other words, the lifetime of `innerClassBufferASM` is associated to "the class being generated".
    final val innerClassBufferASM = mutable.Set.empty[ClassBType]

     * The class internal name for a given class symbol. If the symbol describes a nested class, the
     * ClassBType is added to the innerClassBufferASM.
    final def internalName(sym: Symbol): String = {
      // For each java class, the scala compiler creates a class and a module (thus a module class).
      // If the `sym` is a java module class, we use the java class instead. This ensures that we
      // register the class (instead of the module class) in innerClassBufferASM.
      // The two symbols have the same name, so the resulting internalName is the same.
      val classSym = if (sym.isJavaDefined && sym.isModuleClass) sym.linkedClassOfClass else sym

    private def assertClassNotArray(sym: Symbol): Unit = {
      assert(sym.isClass, sym)
      assert(sym != ArrayClass || isCompilingArray, sym)

    private def assertClassNotArrayNotPrimitive(sym: Symbol): Unit = {
      assert(!primitiveTypeMap.contains(sym) || isCompilingPrimitive, sym)

     * The ClassBType for a class symbol. If the class is nested, the ClassBType is added to the
     * innerClassBufferASM.
     * The class symbol scala.Nothing is mapped to the class scala.runtime.Nothing$. Similarly,
     * scala.Null is mapped to scala.runtime.Null$. This is because there exist no class files
     * for the Nothing / Null. If used for example as a parameter type, we use the runtime classes
     * in the classfile method signature.
     * Note that the referenced class symbol may be an implementation class. For example when
     * compiling a mixed-in method that forwards to the static method in the implementation class,
     * the class descriptor of the receiver (the implementation class) is obtained by creating the
     * ClassBType.
    final def getClassBTypeAndRegisterInnerClass(sym: Symbol): ClassBType = {

      if (sym == NothingClass) RT_NOTHING
      else if (sym == NullClass) RT_NULL
      else {
       val r = classBTypeFromSymbol(sym)
        if (r.isNestedClass) innerClassBufferASM += r

     * must-single-thread
    final def asmMethodType(msym: Symbol): MethodBType = {
      assert(msym.isMethod, s"not a method-symbol: $msym")
      val resT: BType =
        if (msym.isClassConstructor || msym.isConstructor) UNIT
        else toTypeKind(msym.tpe.resultType)
      MethodBType(msym.tpe.paramTypes map toTypeKind, resT)

     * The jvm descriptor of a type. If `t` references a nested class, its ClassBType is added to
     * the innerClassBufferASM.
    final def typeDescriptor(t: Type): String = { toTypeKind(t).descriptor   }

     * The jvm descriptor for a symbol. If `sym` represents a nested class, its ClassBType is added
     * to the innerClassBufferASM.
    final def symDescriptor(sym: Symbol): String = { getClassBTypeAndRegisterInnerClass(sym).descriptor }

    final def toTypeKind(tp: Type): BType = tp.toTypeKind(BCodeHelpers.this)(this)

  } // end of trait BCInnerClassGen

  trait BCAnnotGen extends BCInnerClassGen {

     * must-single-thread
    def emitAnnotations(cw: asm.ClassVisitor, annotations: List[Annotation]) =
      int.emitAnnotations(cw, annotations, BCodeHelpers.this)(this)

     * must-single-thread
    def emitAnnotations(mw: asm.MethodVisitor, annotations: List[Annotation]) =
      int.emitAnnotations(mw, annotations, BCodeHelpers.this)(this)

     * must-single-thread
    def emitAnnotations(fw: asm.FieldVisitor, annotations: List[Annotation]) =
      int.emitAnnotations(fw, annotations, BCodeHelpers.this)(this)

     * must-single-thread
    def emitParamAnnotations(jmethod: asm.MethodVisitor, pannotss: List[List[Annotation]]) =
      int.emitParamAnnotations(jmethod, pannotss, BCodeHelpers.this)(this)

  } // end of trait BCAnnotGen

  trait BCJGenSigGen {

    def getCurrentCUnit(): CompilationUnit

    /* @return
     *   - `null` if no Java signature is to be added (`null` is what ASM expects in these cases).
     *   - otherwise the signature in question
     * must-single-thread
    def getGenericSignature(sym: Symbol, owner: Symbol): String = int.getGenericSignature(sym, owner)

  } // end of trait BCJGenSigGen

  trait BCForwardersGen extends BCAnnotGen with BCJGenSigGen {

    /* Adds a @remote annotation, actual use unknown.
     * Invoked from genMethod() and addForwarder().
     * must-single-thread
    def addRemoteExceptionAnnot(isRemoteClass: Boolean, isJMethodPublic: Boolean, meth: Symbol) {
      val needsAnnotation = (
        (  isRemoteClass ||
           isRemote(meth) && isJMethodPublic
        ) && !(meth.throwsAnnotations contains RemoteExceptionClass)
      if (needsAnnotation) {

    /* Add a forwarder for method m. Used only from addForwarders().
     * must-single-thread
    private def addForwarder(isRemoteClass: Boolean, jclass: asm.ClassVisitor, module: Symbol, m: Symbol) {
      val moduleName     = internalName(module)
      val methodInfo     = module.thisType.memberInfo(m)
      val paramJavaTypes: List[BType] = methodInfo.paramTypes map toTypeKind
      // val paramNames     = 0 until paramJavaTypes.length map ("x_" + _)

      /* Forwarders must not be marked final,
       *  as the JVM will not allow redefinition of a final static method,
       *  and we don't know what classes might be subclassing the companion class.  See SI-4827.
      // TODO: evaluate the other flags we might be dropping on the floor here.
      val flags = GenBCode.PublicStatic | (
        if (m.isVarargsMethod) asm.Opcodes.ACC_VARARGS else 0

      // TODO needed? for(ann <- m.annotations) { ann.symbol.initialize }
      val jgensig = getStaticForwarderGenericSignature(m, module)
      addRemoteExceptionAnnot(isRemoteClass, hasPublicBitSet(flags), m)
      val (throws, others) = m.annotations partition (_.symbol == ThrowsClass)
      val thrownExceptions: List[String] = getExceptions(throws)

      val jReturnType = toTypeKind(methodInfo.resultType)
      val mdesc = MethodBType(paramJavaTypes, jReturnType).descriptor
      val mirrorMethodName = m.javaSimpleName.toString
      val mirrorMethod: asm.MethodVisitor = jclass.visitMethod(

      emitAnnotations(mirrorMethod, others)


      mirrorMethod.visitFieldInsn(asm.Opcodes.GETSTATIC, moduleName, MODULE_INSTANCE_FIELD, symDescriptor(module))

      var index = 0
      for(jparamType <- paramJavaTypes) {
        mirrorMethod.visitVarInsn(jparamType.typedOpcode(asm.Opcodes.ILOAD), index)
        assert(!jparamType.isInstanceOf[MethodBType], jparamType)
        index += jparamType.size

      mirrorMethod.visitMethodInsn(asm.Opcodes.INVOKEVIRTUAL, moduleName, mirrorMethodName, asmMethodType(m).descriptor, false)

      mirrorMethod.visitMaxs(0, 0) // just to follow protocol, dummy arguments


    /* Add forwarders for all methods defined in `module` that don't conflict
     *  with methods in the companion class of `module`. A conflict arises when
     *  a method with the same name is defined both in a class and its companion object:
     *  method signature is not taken into account.
     * must-single-thread
    def addForwarders(isRemoteClass: Boolean, jclass: asm.ClassVisitor, jclassName: String, moduleClass: Symbol) {
      assert(moduleClass.isModuleClass, moduleClass)
      debuglog(s"Dumping mirror class for object: $moduleClass")

      val linkedClass  = moduleClass.companionClass
      lazy val conflictingNames: Set[Name] = {
        ( collect { case sym if => }).toSet
      debuglog(s"Potentially conflicting names for forwarders: $conflictingNames")

      for (m <-, Flag_METHOD)) {
        if (m.isType || m.isDeferred || (m.owner eq ObjectClass) || m.isConstructor)
          debuglog(s"No forwarder for '$m' from $jclassName to '$moduleClass'")
        else if (conflictingNames(
          log(s"No forwarder for $m due to conflict with ${}")
        else if (m.hasAccessBoundary)
          log(s"No forwarder for non-public member $m")
        else {
          log(s"Adding static forwarder for '$m' from $jclassName to '$moduleClass'")
          addForwarder(isRemoteClass, jclass, moduleClass, m)

     * Quoting from JVMS 4.7.5 The Exceptions Attribute
     *   "The Exceptions attribute indicates which checked exceptions a method may throw.
     *    There may be at most one Exceptions attribute in each method_info structure."
     * The contents of that attribute are determined by the `String[] exceptions` argument to ASM's ClassVisitor.visitMethod()
     * This method returns such list of internal names.
     * must-single-thread
    def getExceptions(excs: List[Annotation]): List[String] = {
      for (ThrownException(exc) <- excs.distinct)
      yield internalName(exc)

  } // end of trait BCForwardersGen

  trait BCClassGen extends BCInnerClassGen {

    // Used as threshold above which a tableswitch bytecode instruction is preferred over a lookupswitch.
    // There's a space tradeoff between these multi-branch instructions (details in the JVM spec).
    // The particular value in use for `MIN_SWITCH_DENSITY` reflects a heuristic.
    val MIN_SWITCH_DENSITY = 0.7

     *  Add public static final field serialVersionUID with value `id`
     *  can-multi-thread
    def addSerialVUID(id: Long, jclass: asm.ClassVisitor) {
      // add static serialVersionUID field if `clasz` annotated with `@SerialVersionUID(uid: Long)`
        null, // no java-generic-signature
        new java.lang.Long(id)
  } // end of trait BCClassGen

  /* functionality for building plain and mirror classes */
  abstract class JCommonBuilder
    extends BCInnerClassGen
    with    BCAnnotGen
    with    BCForwardersGen
    with    BCPickles { }

  /* builder of mirror classes */
  class JMirrorBuilder extends JCommonBuilder {

    private var cunit: CompilationUnit = _
    def getCurrentCUnit(): CompilationUnit = cunit;

    /* Generate a mirror class for a top-level module. A mirror class is a class
     *  containing only static methods that forward to the corresponding method
     *  on the MODULE instance of the given Scala object.  It will only be
     *  generated if there is no companion class: if there is, an attempt will
     *  instead be made to add the forwarder methods to the companion class.
     *  must-single-thread
    def genMirrorClass(moduleClass: Symbol, cunit: CompilationUnit): asm.tree.ClassNode = {
      assert(moduleClass.companionClass == NoSymbol, moduleClass)
      this.cunit = cunit
      val moduleName = internalName(moduleClass) // + "$"
      val mirrorName = moduleName.substring(0, moduleName.length() - 1)

      val flags = (asm.Opcodes.ACC_SUPER | asm.Opcodes.ACC_PUBLIC | asm.Opcodes.ACC_FINAL)
      val mirrorClass = new asm.tree.ClassNode
        null /* no java-generic-signature */,

      if (emitSource) {
        mirrorClass.visitSource("" + sourceFileFor(cunit),
                                null /* SourceDebugExtension */)

      val ssa = getAnnotPickle(mirrorName, moduleClass.companionSymbol)
      mirrorClass.visitAttribute(if (ssa.isDefined) pickleMarkerLocal else pickleMarkerForeign)
      emitAnnotations(mirrorClass, moduleClass.annotations ++ ssa)

      addForwarders(isRemote(moduleClass), mirrorClass, mirrorName, moduleClass)

      innerClassBufferASM ++= classBTypeFromSymbol(moduleClass).info.memberClasses
      addInnerClassesASM(mirrorClass, innerClassBufferASM.toList)


      ("" + // this side-effect is necessary, really.


  } // end of class JMirrorBuilder

  /* builder of bean info classes */
  class JBeanInfoBuilder extends BCInnerClassGen {

     * Generate a bean info class that describes the given class.
     * @author Ross Judson ([email protected])
     * must-single-thread
    def genBeanInfoClass(cls: Symbol, cunit: CompilationUnit, fieldSymbols: List[Symbol], methodSymbols: List[Symbol]): asm.tree.ClassNode = {

      def javaSimpleName(s: Symbol): String = { s.javaSimpleName.toString }


      val flags = javaFlags(cls)

      val beanInfoName  = (internalName(cls) + "BeanInfo")
      val beanInfoClass = new asm.tree.ClassNode
        null, // no java-generic-signature

        null /* SourceDebugExtension */

      var fieldList = List[String]()

      for (f <- fieldSymbols if f.hasGetter;
	         g = f.getter(cls);
	         s = f.setter(cls);
	         if g.isPublic && !( startsWith "$")
          ) {
             // inserting $outer breaks the bean
             fieldList = javaSimpleName(f) :: javaSimpleName(g) :: (if (s != NoSymbol) javaSimpleName(s) else null) :: fieldList

      val methodList: List[String] =
	     for (m <- methodSymbols
	          if !m.isConstructor &&
	          m.isPublic &&
	          !( startsWith "$") &&
	          !m.isGetter &&
       yield javaSimpleName(m)

      val constructor = beanInfoClass.visitMethod(
        null, // no java-generic-signature
        EMPTY_STRING_ARRAY // no throwable exceptions

      val stringArrayJType: BType = ArrayBType(StringReference)
      val conJType: BType = MethodBType(
        classBTypeFromSymbol(ClassClass) :: stringArrayJType :: stringArrayJType :: Nil,

      def push(lst: List[String]) {
        var fi = 0
        for (f <- lst) {
          constructor.visitLdcInsn(new java.lang.Integer(fi))
          if (f == null) { constructor.visitInsn(asm.Opcodes.ACONST_NULL) }
          else           { constructor.visitLdcInsn(f) }
          fi += 1


      constructor.visitVarInsn(asm.Opcodes.ALOAD, 0)
      // push the class

      // push the string array of field information
      constructor.visitLdcInsn(new java.lang.Integer(fieldList.length))
      constructor.visitTypeInsn(asm.Opcodes.ANEWARRAY, StringReference.internalName)

      // push the string array of method information
      constructor.visitLdcInsn(new java.lang.Integer(methodList.length))
      constructor.visitTypeInsn(asm.Opcodes.ANEWARRAY, StringReference.internalName)

      // invoke the superclass constructor, which will do the
      // necessary java reflection and create Method objects.
      constructor.visitMethodInsn(asm.Opcodes.INVOKESPECIAL, "scala/beans/ScalaBeanInfo", INSTANCE_CONSTRUCTOR_NAME, conJType.descriptor, false)

      constructor.visitMaxs(0, 0) // just to follow protocol, dummy arguments

      innerClassBufferASM ++= classBTypeFromSymbol(cls).info.memberClasses
      addInnerClassesASM(beanInfoClass, innerClassBufferASM.toList)



  } // end of class JBeanInfoBuilder

  trait JAndroidBuilder {
    self: BCInnerClassGen =>

    /* From the reference documentation of the Android SDK:
     *  The `Parcelable` interface identifies classes whose instances can be written to and restored from a `Parcel`.
     *  Classes implementing the `Parcelable` interface must also have a static field called `CREATOR`,
     *  which is an object implementing the `Parcelable.Creator` interface.
    val androidFieldName = newTermName("CREATOR")

    lazy val AndroidParcelableInterface : Symbol = getClassIfDefined("android.os.Parcelable")
    lazy val AndroidCreatorClass        : Symbol = getClassIfDefined("android.os.Parcelable$Creator")

     * must-single-thread
    def isAndroidParcelableClass(sym: Symbol) =
      (AndroidParcelableInterface != NoSymbol) &&
      (sym.parentSymbols contains AndroidParcelableInterface)

     * must-single-thread
    def legacyAddCreatorCode(clinit: asm.MethodVisitor, cnode: asm.tree.ClassNode, thisName: String) {
      // this tracks the inner class in innerClassBufferASM, if needed.
      val androidCreatorType = getClassBTypeAndRegisterInnerClass(AndroidCreatorClass)
      val tdesc_creator = androidCreatorType.descriptor

        null, // no java-generic-signature
        null  // no initial value

      val moduleName = (thisName + "$")

      // GETSTATIC `moduleName`.MODULE$ : `moduleName`;
        "L" + moduleName + ";"

      // INVOKEVIRTUAL `moduleName`.CREATOR() : android.os.Parcelable$Creator;
      val bt = MethodBType(Nil, androidCreatorType)

      // PUTSTATIC `thisName`.CREATOR;

  } // end of trait JAndroidBuilder

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