Maven / Gradle / Ivy
/* NSC -- new Scala compiler
* Copyright 2005-2013 LAMP/EPFL
* @author Paul Phillips
package interpreter
import scala.collection.{ mutable, immutable }
import scala.util.matching.Regex
import{ URL, MalformedURLException }
import io.{ Path }
import scala.language.implicitConversions
import scala.reflect.runtime.{universe => ru}
import scala.reflect.{ClassTag, classTag}
/** Collecting some power mode examples.
scala> trait F[@specialized(Int) T] { def f: T = ??? }
defined trait F
scala> trait G[@specialized(Long, Int) T] extends F[T] { override def f: T = super.f }
defined trait G
scala> changesAfterEachPhase(intp("G").info.members filter ( contains "super")) >
Gained after 1/parser {
method super$f
Gained after 12/specialize {
method super$f$mcJ$sp
method super$f$mcI$sp
Lost after 18/flatten {
method super$f$mcJ$sp
method super$f$mcI$sp
method super$f
/** A class for methods to be injected into the intp in power mode.
class Power[ReplValsImpl <: ReplVals : ru.TypeTag: ClassTag](val intp: IMain, replVals: ReplValsImpl) {
import intp.{ beQuietDuring, typeOfExpression, interpret, parse }
import definitions.{ compilerTypeFromTag, compilerSymbolFromTag}
abstract class SymSlurper {
def isKeep(sym: Symbol): Boolean
def isIgnore(sym: Symbol): Boolean
def isRecur(sym: Symbol): Boolean
def isFinished(): Boolean
val keep = mutable.HashSet[Symbol]()
val seen = mutable.HashSet[Symbol]()
def processed = keep.size + seen.size
def discarded = seen.size - keep.size
def members(x: Symbol): List[Symbol] =
if (x.rawInfo.isComplete)
else Nil
var lastCount = -1
var pass = 0
val unseenHistory = new mutable.ListBuffer[Int]
def loop(todo: Set[Symbol]): Set[Symbol] = {
pass += 1
val (repeats, unseen) = todo partition seen
unseenHistory += unseen.size
if (settings.verbose) {
println("%3d %s accumulated, %s discarded. This pass: %s unseen, %s repeats".format(
pass, keep.size, discarded, unseen.size, repeats.size))
if (lastCount == processed || unseen.isEmpty || isFinished())
return keep.toSet
lastCount = processed
keep ++= (unseen filter isKeep filterNot isIgnore)
seen ++= unseen
loop(unseen filter isRecur flatMap members)
def apply(sym: Symbol): Set[Symbol] = {
class PackageSlurper(packageClass: Symbol) extends SymSlurper {
/** Looking for dwindling returns */
def droppedEnough() = unseenHistory.size >= 4 && {
unseenHistory takeRight 4 sliding 2 forall { it =>
val List(a, b) = it.toList
a > b
def isRecur(sym: Symbol) = true
def isIgnore(sym: Symbol) = sym.isAnonOrRefinementClass || ( contains "$mc")
def isKeep(sym: Symbol) = sym.hasTransOwner(packageClass)
def isFinished() = droppedEnough()
def slurp() = {
if (packageClass.isPackageClass)
else {
repldbg("Not a package class! " + packageClass)
private def customBanner = replProps.powerBanner.option flatMap (f => io.File(f).safeSlurp())
private def customInit = replProps.powerInitCode.option flatMap (f => io.File(f).safeSlurp())
def banner = customBanner getOrElse """
|** Power User mode enabled - BEEP WHIR GYVE **
|** :phase has been set to 'typer'. **
|** has been imported **
|** global._, definitions._ also imported **
|** Try :help, :vals, power. **
private def initImports = List(
"{ error => _, _ }",
"definitions.{ getClass => _, _ }",
def init = customInit match {
case Some(x) => x
case _ => initImports.mkString("import ", ", ", "")
/** Starts up power mode and runs whatever is in init.
def unleash(): Unit = beQuietDuring {
// First we create the ReplVals instance and bind it to $r
intp.bind("$r", replVals)
// Then we import everything from $r.
intp interpret ("import " + intp.originalPath("$r") + "._")
// And whatever else there is to do.
init.lines foreach (intp interpret _)
trait LowPriorityInternalInfo {
implicit def apply[T: ru.TypeTag : ClassTag] : InternalInfo[T] = new InternalInfo[T](None)
object InternalInfo extends LowPriorityInternalInfo { }
/** Now dealing with the problem of acidentally calling a method on Type
* when you're holding a Symbol and seeing the Symbol converted to the
* type of Symbol rather than the type of the thing represented by the
* symbol, by only implicitly installing one method, "?", and the rest
* of the conveniences exist on that wrapper.
trait LowPriorityInternalInfoWrapper { }
class InternalInfoWrapper[T: ru.TypeTag : ClassTag](value: Option[T] = None) {
def ? : InternalInfo[T] = new InternalInfo[T](value)
/** Todos...
* translate tag type arguments into applied types
* customizable symbol filter (had to hardcode no-spec to reduce noise)
class InternalInfo[T](value: Option[T] = None)(implicit typeEvidence: ru.TypeTag[T], runtimeClassEvidence: ClassTag[T]) {
private def isSpecialized(s: Symbol) = contains "$mc"
private def isImplClass(s: Symbol) = endsWith "$class"
/** Standard noise reduction filter. */
def excludeMember(s: Symbol) = (
|| isImplClass(s)
|| s.isAnonOrRefinementClass
|| s.isAnonymousFunction
def symbol = compilerSymbolFromTag(tag)
def tpe = compilerTypeFromTag(tag)
def members = membersUnabridged filterNot excludeMember
def membersUnabridged = tpe.members.toList
def pkg = symbol.enclosingPackage
def tag = typeEvidence
def runtimeClass = runtimeClassEvidence.runtimeClass
def shortClass = runtimeClass.getName split "[$.]" last
def baseClasses = tpe.baseClasses
override def toString = value match {
case Some(x) => "%s (%s)".format(x, shortClass)
case _ => runtimeClass.getName
trait LowPriorityPrettifier {
implicit object AnyPrettifier extends Prettifier[Any] {
def show(x: Any): Unit = prettify(x) foreach println
def prettify(x: Any): TraversableOnce[String] = x match {
case x: Name => List(x.decode)
case Tuple2(k, v) => List(prettify(k).toIterator ++ Iterator("->") ++ prettify(v) mkString " ")
case xs: Array[_] => xs.iterator flatMap prettify
case xs: TraversableOnce[_] => xs flatMap prettify
case x => List(Prettifier.stringOf(x))
object StringPrettifier extends Prettifier[String] {
def show(x: String) = println(x)
def prettify(x: String) = List(Prettifier stringOf x)
object Prettifier extends LowPriorityPrettifier {
def stringOf(x: Any): String = scala.runtime.ScalaRunTime.stringOf(x)
def default[T] = new Prettifier[T] {
def prettify(x: T): TraversableOnce[String] = AnyPrettifier prettify x
def show(x: T): Unit = AnyPrettifier show x
trait Prettifier[T] {
def show(x: T): Unit
def prettify(x: T): TraversableOnce[String]
def prettify(xs: TraversableOnce[T]): TraversableOnce[String] = xs flatMap (x => prettify(x))
abstract class PrettifierClass[T: Prettifier]() {
val pretty = implicitly[Prettifier[T]]
def value: Seq[T]
def pp(f: Seq[T] => Seq[T]): Unit =
pretty prettify f(value) foreach (StringPrettifier show _)
def freq[U](p: T => U) = (value.toSeq groupBy p mapValues (_.size)).toList sortBy (-_._2) map (_.swap)
def >>(implicit ord: Ordering[T]): Unit = pp(_.sorted)
def >!(): Unit = pp(_.distinct)
def >(): Unit = pp(identity)
class MultiPrettifierClass[T: Prettifier](val value: Seq[T]) extends PrettifierClass[T]() { }
class SinglePrettifierClass[T: Prettifier](single: T) extends PrettifierClass[T]() {
val value = List(single)
class RichReplString(s: String) {
// make an url out of the string
def u: URL = (
if (s contains ":") new URL(s)
else if (new JFile(s) exists) new JFile(s).toURI.toURL
else new URL("http://" + s)
class RichInputStream(in: InputStream)(implicit codec: Codec) {
def bytes(): Array[Byte] = io.Streamable.bytes(in)
def slurp(): String = io.Streamable.slurp(in)
def <<(): String = slurp()
class RichReplURL(url: URL)(implicit codec: Codec) {
def slurp(): String = io.Streamable.slurp(url)
trait Implicits1 {
// fallback
implicit def replPrinting[T](x: T)(implicit pretty: Prettifier[T] = Prettifier.default[T]) =
new SinglePrettifierClass[T](x)
trait Implicits2 extends Implicits1 {
class RichSymbol(sym: Symbol) {
// convenient type application
def apply(targs: Type*): Type = typeRef(NoPrefix, sym, targs.toList)
object symbolSubtypeOrdering extends Ordering[Symbol] {
def compare(s1: Symbol, s2: Symbol) =
if (s1 eq s2) 0
else if (s1 isLess s2) -1
else 1
implicit lazy val powerSymbolOrdering: Ordering[Symbol] = Ordering[Name] on (
implicit lazy val powerTypeOrdering: Ordering[Type] = Ordering[Symbol] on (_.typeSymbol)
implicit def replInternalInfo[T: ru.TypeTag : ClassTag](x: T): InternalInfoWrapper[T] = new InternalInfoWrapper[T](Some(x))
implicit def replEnhancedStrings(s: String): RichReplString = new RichReplString(s)
implicit def replMultiPrinting[T: Prettifier](xs: TraversableOnce[T]): MultiPrettifierClass[T] =
new MultiPrettifierClass[T](xs.toSeq)
implicit def replPrettifier[T] : Prettifier[T] = Prettifier.default[T]
implicit def replTypeApplication(sym: Symbol): RichSymbol = new RichSymbol(sym)
implicit def replInputStream(in: InputStream)(implicit codec: Codec) = new RichInputStream(in)
implicit def replEnhancedURLs(url: URL)(implicit codec: Codec): RichReplURL = new RichReplURL(url)(codec)
trait ReplUtilities {
def module[T: ru.TypeTag] = ru.typeOf[T].typeSymbol.suchThat(_.isPackage)
def clazz[T: ru.TypeTag] = ru.typeOf[T].typeSymbol.suchThat(_.isClass)
def info[T: ru.TypeTag : ClassTag] = InternalInfo[T]
def ?[T: ru.TypeTag : ClassTag] = InternalInfo[T]
def sanitize(s: String): String = sanitize(s.getBytes())
def sanitize(s: Array[Byte]): String = (s map {
case x if x.toChar.isControl => '?'
case x => x.toChar
def strings(s: Seq[Byte]): List[String] = {
if (s.length == 0) Nil
else s dropWhile (_.toChar.isControl) span (x => !x.toChar.isControl) match {
case (next, rest) => :: strings(rest)
lazy val rutil: ReplUtilities = new ReplUtilities { }
lazy val phased: Phased = new { val global: = } with Phased { }
def unit(code: String) = newCompilationUnit(code)
def trees(code: String) = parse(code) match { case parse.Success(trees) => trees; case _ => Nil }
override def toString = s"""
|** Power mode status **
|Default phase: ${phased.get}
|Names: ${intp.unqualifiedIds mkString " "}
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