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me.jeffshaw.digitalocean.Volume.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package me.jeffshaw.digitalocean
import java.time.Instant
import org.json4s.JValue
import org.json4s.JsonDSL._
import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext
import scala.concurrent.Future
case class Volume(
id: String,
region: Region,
dropletIds: Seq[BigInt],
name: String,
description: Option[String],
sizeGigabytes: Int,
createdAt: Instant,
filesystemType: String,
filesystemLabel: String,
tags: Seq[String]
) {
def exists()(implicit client: DigitalOceanClient, ec: ExecutionContext): Future[Boolean] = {
def actions()(implicit client: DigitalOceanClient, ec: ExecutionContext): Future[Iterator[Action]] = {
def attach(dropletId: BigInt)(implicit client: DigitalOceanClient, ec: ExecutionContext): Future[Action] = {
Volume.attach(id, dropletId, region.slug)
def delete()(implicit client: DigitalOceanClient, ec: ExecutionContext): Future[VolumeDeletion] = {
def isDeleted()(implicit client: DigitalOceanClient, ec: ExecutionContext): Future[Boolean] = {
def detach(dropletId: BigInt)(implicit client: DigitalOceanClient, ec: ExecutionContext): Future[Action] = {
Volume.detach(id, dropletId, region.slug)
def detachAll()(implicit client: DigitalOceanClient, ec: ExecutionContext): Future[Seq[Action]] = {
def resize(newSizeGigabytes: Int)(implicit client: DigitalOceanClient, ec: ExecutionContext): Future[Action] = {
Volume.resize(id, newSizeGigabytes, region)
object Volume
extends Path
with Listable[Volume, responses.Volumes] {
override val path: Seq[String] = Seq("volumes")
def apply(id: String)(implicit client: DigitalOceanClient, ec: ExecutionContext): Future[Volume] = {
for {
response <- client.get[responses.Volume](path :+ id)
} yield {
def byName(name: String, region: RegionEnum)(implicit client: DigitalOceanClient, ec: ExecutionContext): Future[Volume] = {
val parameters = Map(
"name" -> Seq(name),
"region" -> Seq(region.slug)
for {
response <- client.get[responses.Volume](path, parameters)
} yield response.volume
def create(
sizeGigabytes: Int,
name: String,
region: RegionEnum,
description: Option[String] = None,
filesystemType: Option[String] = None,
filesystemLabel: Option[String] = None,
tags: Seq[String] = Seq.empty
)(implicit client: DigitalOceanClient,
ec: ExecutionContext
): Future[Volume] = {
val message: JValue =
("size_gigabytes" -> sizeGigabytes) ~
("name" -> name) ~
("description" -> description) ~
("region" -> region.slug) ~
("filesystem_type" -> filesystemType) ~
("filesystem_label" -> filesystemLabel) ~
("tags" -> tags)
for {
response <-[responses.Volume](path, message)
} yield response.volume
def createFromSnapshot(
sizeGigabytes: Int,
name: String,
snapshotId: String,
description: Option[String] = None,
filesystemType: Option[String] = None,
filesystemLabel: Option[String] = None,
tags: Seq[String] = Seq.empty
)(implicit client: DigitalOceanClient,
ec: ExecutionContext
): Future[Volume] = {
val message: JValue =
("size_gigabytes" -> sizeGigabytes) ~
("name" -> name) ~
("description" -> description) ~
("snapshot_id" -> snapshotId) ~
("filesystem_type" -> filesystemType) ~
("filesystem_label" -> filesystemLabel) ~
("tags" -> tags)
for {
response <-[responses.Volume](path, message)
} yield response.volume
def exists(id: String)(implicit client: DigitalOceanClient, ec: ExecutionContext): Future[Boolean] = {
val path = this.path :+ id
def isDeleted(id: String)(implicit client: DigitalOceanClient, ec: ExecutionContext): Future[Boolean] = {
for {
exists <- exists(id)
} yield {! exists}
def delete(id: String)(implicit client: DigitalOceanClient, ec: ExecutionContext): Future[VolumeDeletion] = {
for {
() <- client.delete(path :+ id)
} yield VolumeDeletion(id)
def deleteByName(name: String, region: RegionEnum)(implicit client: DigitalOceanClient, ec: ExecutionContext): Future[Unit] = {
val parameters = Map(
"name" -> Seq(name),
"region" -> Seq(region.slug)
client.delete(path, queryParameters = parameters)
def attach(id: String, dropletId: BigInt, region: RegionEnum)(implicit client: DigitalOceanClient, ec: ExecutionContext): Future[Action] = {
val message: JValue =
("type" -> "attach") ~
("droplet_id" -> dropletId) ~
("region" -> region.slug)
for {
response <-[responses.Action](path :+ id :+ "actions", message)
} yield response.action
def attachByName(name: String, dropletId: BigInt, region: RegionEnum)(implicit client: DigitalOceanClient, ec: ExecutionContext): Future[Action] = {
val message: JValue =
("type" -> "attach") ~
("droplet_id" -> dropletId) ~
("volume_name" -> name) ~
("region" -> region.slug)
for {
response <-[responses.Action](path :+ "actions", message)
} yield response.action
def detach(id: String, dropletId: BigInt, region: RegionEnum)(implicit client: DigitalOceanClient, ec: ExecutionContext): Future[Action] = {
val message: JValue =
("type" -> "detach") ~
("droplet_id" -> dropletId) ~
("region" -> region.slug)
for {
response <-[responses.Action](path :+ id :+ "actions", message)
} yield response.action
def detachByName(name: String, dropletId: BigInt, region: RegionEnum)(implicit client: DigitalOceanClient, ec: ExecutionContext): Future[Action] = {
val message: JValue =
("type" -> "detach") ~
("droplet_id" -> dropletId) ~
("volume_name" -> name) ~
("region" -> region.slug)
for {
response <-[responses.Action](path :+ "actions", message)
} yield response.action
def actions(id: String)(implicit client: DigitalOceanClient, ec: ExecutionContext): Future[Iterator[Action]] = {
Listable.listGet[Action, responses.Actions](path :+ id :+ "actions")
def resize(id: String, newSizeGigabytes: Int, region: RegionEnum)(implicit client: DigitalOceanClient, ec: ExecutionContext): Future[Action] = {
val message: JValue =
("type" -> "resize") ~
("size_gigabytes" -> newSizeGigabytes) ~
("region" -> region.slug)[responses.Action](path :+ id :+ "actions", message).map(_.action)