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##  Copyright 2011-2013 Tavendo GmbH
##  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
##  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
##  You may obtain a copy of the License at
##  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
##  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
##  WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
##  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
##  limitations under the License.

__all__ = ['startClient', 'startServer', 'WS_COMPRESSION_TESTDATA']

import os, json, binascii, time, textwrap, pkg_resources

from twisted.python import log, usage
from twisted.internet import reactor
from twisted.web.server import Site
from twisted.web.static import File

# for versions
import autobahn
import autobahntestsuite

from autobahn.websocket import connectWS, listenWS

from autobahn.websocket import WebSocketProtocol, \
                               WebSocketServerFactory, \
                               WebSocketServerProtocol, \
                               WebSocketClientFactory, \

from case import Case, \
                 Cases, \
                 CaseCategories, \
                 CaseSubCategories, \
                 CaseSetname, \

from caseset import CaseSet

from autobahn.util import utcnow

from report import CSS_COMMON, \
                   CSS_DETAIL_REPORT, \
                   CSS_MASTER_REPORT, \

def binLogData(data, maxlen = 64):
   ellipses = " ..."
   if len(data) > maxlen - len(ellipses):
      dd = binascii.b2a_hex(data[:maxlen]) + ellipses
      dd = binascii.b2a_hex(data)
   return dd

def asciiLogData(data, maxlen = 64, replace = False):
   ellipses = " ..."
      if len(data) > maxlen - len(ellipses):
         dd = data[:maxlen] + ellipses
         dd = data
      return dd.decode('utf8', errors = 'replace' if replace else 'strict')
      return '0x' + binLogData(data, maxlen)

class FuzzingProtocol:
   Common mixin-base class for fuzzing server and client protocols.


   def connectionMade(self):

      attrs = ['case', 'runCase', 'caseAgent', 'caseStarted']

      for attr in attrs:
         if not hasattr(self, attr):
            setattr(self, attr, None) = None
      #self.runCase = None
      #self.caseAgent = None
      #self.caseStarted = None

      self.caseStart = 0
      self.caseEnd = 0

      ## wire log
      self.createWirelog = True
      self.wirelog = []

      ## stats for octets and frames
      self.createStats = True
      self.rxOctetStats = {}
      self.rxFrameStats = {}
      self.txOctetStats = {}
      self.txFrameStats = {}

   def connectionLost(self, reason):
      if self.runCase:

         self.caseEnd = time.time()

         caseResult = {"case":,
                       "id": self.factory.CaseSet.caseClasstoId(self.Case),
                       "description": self.Case.DESCRIPTION,
                       "expectation": self.Case.EXPECTATION,
                       "agent": self.caseAgent,
                       "started": self.caseStarted,
                       "duration": int(round(1000. * (self.caseEnd - self.caseStart))), # case execution time in ms
                       "reportTime": self.runCase.reportTime, # True/False switch to control report output of duration
                       "reportCompressionRatio": self.runCase.reportCompressionRatio,
                       "behavior": self.runCase.behavior,
                       "behaviorClose": self.runCase.behaviorClose,
                       "expected": self.runCase.expected,
                       "expectedClose": self.runCase.expectedClose,
                       "received": self.runCase.received,
                       "result": self.runCase.result,
                       "resultClose": self.runCase.resultClose,
                       "wirelog": self.wirelog,
                       "createWirelog": self.createWirelog,
                       "closedByMe": self.closedByMe,
                       "failedByMe": self.failedByMe,
                       "droppedByMe": self.droppedByMe,
                       "wasClean": self.wasClean,
                       "wasNotCleanReason": self.wasNotCleanReason,
                       "wasServerConnectionDropTimeout": self.wasServerConnectionDropTimeout,
                       "wasOpenHandshakeTimeout": self.wasOpenHandshakeTimeout,
                       "wasCloseHandshakeTimeout": self.wasCloseHandshakeTimeout,
                       "localCloseCode": self.localCloseCode,
                       "localCloseReason": self.localCloseReason,
                       "remoteCloseCode": self.remoteCloseCode,
                       "remoteCloseReason": self.remoteCloseReason,
                       "isServer": self.factory.isServer,
                       "createStats": self.createStats,
                       "rxOctetStats": self.rxOctetStats,
                       "rxFrameStats": self.rxFrameStats,
                       "txOctetStats": self.txOctetStats,
                       "txFrameStats": self.txFrameStats,
                       "httpRequest": self.http_request_data,
                       "httpResponse": self.http_response_data,
                       "trafficStats": self.runCase.trafficStats.__json__() if self.runCase.trafficStats else None}

         def cleanBin(e_old):
            e_new = []
            for t in e_old:
               if t[0] == 'message':
                  e_new.append((t[0], asciiLogData(t[1]), t[2]))
               elif t[0] in ['ping', 'pong']:
                  e_new.append((t[0], asciiLogData(t[1])))
               elif t[0] == 'timeout':
                  print t
                  raise Exception("unknown part type %s" % t[0])
            return e_new

         for k in caseResult['expected']:
            e_old = caseResult['expected'][k]
            caseResult['expected'][k] = cleanBin(e_old)

         caseResult['received'] = cleanBin(caseResult['received'])

         ## now log the case results

      # parent's connectionLost does useful things

   def enableWirelog(self, enable):
      if enable != self.createWirelog:
         self.createWirelog = enable
         self.wirelog.append(("WLM", enable))

   def logRxOctets(self, data):
      if self.createStats:
         l = len(data)
         self.rxOctetStats[l] = self.rxOctetStats.get(l, 0) + 1
      if self.createWirelog:
         self.wirelog.append(("RO", (len(data), binLogData(data))))

   def logTxOctets(self, data, sync):
      if self.createStats:
         l = len(data)
         self.txOctetStats[l] = self.txOctetStats.get(l, 0) + 1
      if self.createWirelog:
         self.wirelog.append(("TO", (len(data), binLogData(data)), sync))

   def logRxFrame(self, frameHeader, payload):
      if self.createStats:
         self.rxFrameStats[frameHeader.opcode] = self.rxFrameStats.get(frameHeader.opcode, 0) + 1
      if self.createWirelog:
         p = ''.join(payload)
                              (len(p), asciiLogData(p)),
                              frameHeader.mask is not None,
                              binascii.b2a_hex(frameHeader.mask) if frameHeader.mask else None))

   def logTxFrame(self, frameHeader, payload, repeatLength, chopsize, sync):
      if self.createStats:
         self.txFrameStats[frameHeader.opcode] = self.txFrameStats.get(frameHeader.opcode, 0) + 1
      if self.createWirelog:
                              (len(payload), asciiLogData(payload)),
                              binascii.b2a_hex(frameHeader.mask) if frameHeader.mask else None,

   def executeContinueLater(self, fun, tag):
      if self.state != WebSocketProtocol.STATE_CLOSED:
         self.wirelog.append(("CTE", tag))
         pass # connection already gone

   def continueLater(self, delay, fun, tag = None):
      self.wirelog.append(("CT", delay, tag))
      reactor.callLater(delay, self.executeContinueLater, fun, tag)

   def executeKillAfter(self):
      if self.state != WebSocketProtocol.STATE_CLOSED:
         self.wirelog.append(("KLE", ))
         pass # connection already gone

   def killAfter(self, delay):
      self.wirelog.append(("KL", delay))
      reactor.callLater(delay, self.executeKillAfter)

   def executeCloseAfter(self):
      if self.state != WebSocketProtocol.STATE_CLOSED:
         self.wirelog.append(("TIE", ))
         pass # connection already gone

   def closeAfter(self, delay):
      self.wirelog.append(("TI", delay))
      reactor.callLater(delay, self.executeCloseAfter)

   def onOpen(self):

      if self.runCase:

         cc_id = self.factory.CaseSet.caseClasstoId(self.runCase.__class__)
         if self.factory.CaseSet.checkAgentCaseExclude(self.factory.specExcludeAgentCases, self.caseAgent, cc_id):
            print "Skipping test case %s for agent %s by test configuration!" % (cc_id, self.caseAgent)
            self.runCase = None
            self.caseStart = time.time()

      elif self.path == "/updateReports":

      elif self.path == "/getCaseCount":

      elif self.path == "/getCaseStatus":
         def sendResults(results):

         self.factory.addResultListener(self.caseAgent, self.factory.CaseSet.caseClasstoId(self.Case), sendResults)

      elif self.path == "/getCaseInfo":
            'id': self.factory.CaseSet.caseClasstoId(self.Case),
            'description': self.factory.CaseSet.caseClassToPrettyDescription(self.Case),


   def onPong(self, payload):
      if self.runCase:
         if self.debug:
            log.msg("Pong received: " + payload)

   def onClose(self, wasClean, code, reason):
      if self.runCase:
         self.runCase.onClose(wasClean, code, reason)
         if self.debug:
            log.msg("Close received: %s - %s" % (code, reason))

   def onMessage(self, msg, binary):

      if self.runCase:
         self.runCase.onMessage(msg, binary)


         if binary:

            raise Exception("binary command message")


               obj = json.loads(msg)
               raise Exception("could not parse command")

            ## send one frame as specified
            if obj[0] == "sendframe":
               pl = obj[1].get("payload", "")
               self.sendFrame(opcode = obj[1]["opcode"],
                              payload = pl.encode("UTF-8"),
                              fin = obj[1].get("fin", True),
                              rsv = obj[1].get("rsv", 0),
                              mask = obj[1].get("mask", None),
                              payload_len = obj[1].get("payload_len", None),
                              chopsize = obj[1].get("chopsize", None),
                              sync = obj[1].get("sync", False))

            ## send multiple frames as specified
            elif obj[0] == "sendframes":
               frames = obj[1]
               for frame in frames:
                  pl = frame.get("payload", "")
                  self.sendFrame(opcode = frame["opcode"],
                                 payload = pl.encode("UTF-8"),
                                 fin = frame.get("fin", True),
                                 rsv = frame.get("rsv", 0),
                                 mask = frame.get("mask", None),
                                 payload_len = frame.get("payload_len", None),
                                 chopsize = frame.get("chopsize", None),
                                 sync = frame.get("sync", False))

            ## send close
            elif obj[0] == "close":
               spec = obj[1]
               self.sendClose(spec.get("code", None), spec.get("reason", None))

            ## echo argument
            elif obj[0] == "echo":
               spec = obj[1]
               self.sendFrame(opcode = 1, payload = spec.get("payload", ""), payload_len = spec.get("payload_len", None))

               raise Exception("fuzzing peer received unknown command" % obj[0])

class FuzzingFactory:
   Common mixin-base class for fuzzing server and client protocol factory.


   def __init__(self, outdir):
      self.repeatAgentRowPerSubcategory = True
      self.outdir = outdir
      self.agents = {}
      self.cases = {}
      self.resultListeners = {}

   def logCase(self, caseResults):
      Called from FuzzingProtocol instances when case has been finished to store case results.

      agent = caseResults["agent"]
      case = caseResults["id"]

      ## index by agent->case
      if not self.agents.has_key(agent):
         self.agents[agent] = {}
      self.agents[agent][case] = caseResults

      ## index by case->agent
      if not self.cases.has_key(case):
         self.cases[case] = {}
      self.cases[case][agent] = caseResults

      if (agent, case) in self.resultListeners:
         callback = self.resultListeners.pop((agent, case))

   def addResultListener(self, agent, caseId, resultsCallback):
      if agent in self.agents and caseId in self.agents[agent]:
         self.resultListeners[(agent,caseId)] = resultsCallback

   def createReports(self, produceHtml = True, produceJson = True):
      Create reports from all data stored for test cases which have been executed.

      ## create output directory when non-existent
      if not os.path.exists(self.outdir):

      ## create master report
      if produceHtml:
      if produceJson:

      ## create case detail reports
      for agentId in self.agents:
         for caseId in self.agents[agentId]:
            if produceHtml:
               self.createAgentCaseReportHTML(agentId, caseId, self.outdir)
            if produceJson:
               self.createAgentCaseReportJSON(agentId, caseId, self.outdir)

   def cleanForFilename(self, str):
      Clean a string for use as filename.
      s0 = ''.join([c if c in "abcdefghjiklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789" else " " for c in str.strip().lower()])
      s1 = s0.strip()
      s2 = s1.replace(' ', '_')
      return s2

   def makeAgentCaseReportFilename(self, agentId, caseId, ext):
      Create filename for case detail report from agent and case.
      c = caseId.replace('.', '_')
      return self.cleanForFilename(agentId) + "_case_" + c + "." + ext

   def limitString(self, s, limit, indicator = " ..."):
      ss = str(s)
      if len(ss) > limit - len(indicator):
         return ss[:limit - len(indicator)] + indicator
         return ss

   def createMasterReportJSON(self, outdir):
      Create report master JSON file.

      :param outdir: Directory where to create file.
      :type outdir: str
      :returns: str -- Name of created file.
      res = {}
      for agentId in self.agents:
         if not res.has_key(agentId):
            res[agentId] = {}
         for caseId in self.agents[agentId]:
            case = self.agents[agentId][caseId]
            c = {}
            report_filename = self.makeAgentCaseReportFilename(agentId, caseId, ext = 'json')
            c["behavior"] = case["behavior"]
            c["behaviorClose"] = case["behaviorClose"]
            c["remoteCloseCode"] = case["remoteCloseCode"]
            c["duration"] = case["duration"]
            c["reportfile"] = report_filename
            res[agentId][caseId] = c

      report_filename = "index.json"
      f = open(os.path.join(outdir, report_filename), 'w')
      f.write(json.dumps(res, sort_keys = True, indent = 3, separators = (',', ': ')))

   def createMasterReportHTML(self, outdir):
      Create report master HTML file.

      :param outdir: Directory where to create file.
      :type outdir: str
      :returns: str -- Name of created file.

      ## open report file in create / write-truncate mode
      report_filename = "index.html"
      f = open(os.path.join(outdir, report_filename), 'w')

      ## write HTML
      f.write('   \n')
      f.write('      \n')
      f.write('      \n' % CSS_COMMON)
      f.write('      \n' % CSS_MASTER_REPORT)
      f.write('      \n' % JS_MASTER_REPORT % {"agents_cnt": len(self.agents.keys())})
      f.write('   \n')
      f.write('   \n')
Toggle Details
\n') f.write(' \n') f.write('
\n') ## top logos f.write('
Autobahn WebSockets Testsuite Report
\n') f.write('
Autobahn WebSockets
\n') ## write report header ## f.write('
\n') f.write('

Summary report generated on %s (UTC) by Autobahn WebSockets Testsuite v%s/v%s.

\n' % (utcnow(), "", autobahntestsuite.version, autobahn.version)) f.write("""
Pass Test case was executed and passed successfully.
Non-Strict Test case was executed and passed non-strictly. A non-strict behavior is one that does not adhere to a SHOULD-behavior as described in the protocol specification or a well-defined, canonical behavior that appears to be desirable but left open in the protocol specification. An implementation with non-strict behavior is still conformant to the protocol specification.
Fail Test case was executed and failed. An implementation which fails a test case - other than a performance/limits related one - is non-conforming to a MUST-behavior as described in the protocol specification.
Info Informational test case which detects certain implementation behavior left unspecified by the spec but nevertheless potentially interesting to implementors.
Missing Test case is missing, either because it was skipped via the test suite configuration or deactivated, i.e. because the implementation does not implement the tested feature or breaks during running the test case.
""") f.write('
\n') ## write big agent/case report table ## f.write(' \n') ## sorted list of agents for which test cases where run ## agentList = sorted(self.agents.keys()) ## create list ordered list of case Ids ## cl = [] for c in Cases: t = self.CaseSet.caseClasstoIdTuple(c) cl.append((t, self.CaseSet.caseIdTupletoId(t))) cl = sorted(cl) caseList = [] for c in cl: caseList.append(c[1]) lastCaseCategory = None lastCaseSubCategory = None for caseId in caseList: caseCategoryIndex = caseId.split('.')[0] caseCategory = CaseCategories.get(caseCategoryIndex, "Misc") caseSubCategoryIndex = '.'.join(caseId.split('.')[:2]) caseSubCategory = CaseSubCategories.get(caseSubCategoryIndex, None) ## Category/Agents row ## if caseCategory != lastCaseCategory or (self.repeatAgentRowPerSubcategory and caseSubCategory != lastCaseSubCategory): f.write(' \n') f.write(' \n' % (caseCategoryIndex, caseCategory)) for agentId in agentList: f.write(' \n' % agentId) f.write(' \n') lastCaseCategory = caseCategory lastCaseSubCategory = None ## Subcategory row ## if caseSubCategory != lastCaseSubCategory: f.write(' \n') f.write(' \n' % (len(agentList) * 2 + 1, caseSubCategoryIndex, caseSubCategory)) f.write(' \n') lastCaseSubCategory = caseSubCategory ## Cases row ## f.write(' \n') f.write(' \n' % (caseId.replace('.', '_'), caseId)) ## Case results ## for agentId in agentList: if self.agents[agentId].has_key(caseId): case = self.agents[agentId][caseId] if case["behavior"] != Case.UNIMPLEMENTED: agent_case_report_file = self.makeAgentCaseReportFilename(agentId, caseId, ext = 'html') if case["behavior"] == Case.OK: td_text = "Pass" td_class = "case_ok" elif case["behavior"] == Case.NON_STRICT: td_text = "Non-Strict" td_class = "case_non_strict" elif case["behavior"] == Case.NO_CLOSE: td_text = "No Close" td_class = "case_no_close" elif case["behavior"] == Case.INFORMATIONAL: td_text = "Info" td_class = "case_info" else: td_text = "Fail" td_class = "case_failed" if case["behaviorClose"] == Case.OK: ctd_text = "%s" % str(case["remoteCloseCode"]) ctd_class = "case_ok" elif case["behaviorClose"] == Case.FAILED_BY_CLIENT: ctd_text = "%s" % str(case["remoteCloseCode"]) ctd_class = "case_almost" elif case["behaviorClose"] == Case.WRONG_CODE: ctd_text = "%s" % str(case["remoteCloseCode"]) ctd_class = "case_non_strict" elif case["behaviorClose"] == Case.UNCLEAN: ctd_text = "Unclean" ctd_class = "case_failed" elif case["behaviorClose"] == Case.INFORMATIONAL: ctd_text = "%s" % str(case["remoteCloseCode"]) ctd_class = "case_info" else: ctd_text = "Fail" ctd_class = "case_failed" detail = "" if case["reportTime"]: detail += "%d ms" % case["duration"] if case["reportCompressionRatio"] and case["trafficStats"] is not None: crIn = case["trafficStats"]["incomingCompressionRatio"] crOut = case["trafficStats"]["outgoingCompressionRatio"] detail += " [%s/%s]" % ("%.3f" % crIn if crIn is not None else "-", "%.3f" % crOut if crOut is not None else "-") if detail != "": f.write(' \n' % (td_class, agent_case_report_file, td_text, detail, ctd_class, ctd_text)) else: f.write(' \n' % (td_class, agent_case_report_file, td_text, ctd_class, ctd_text)) else: f.write(' \n') else: f.write(' \n') f.write(" \n") f.write("
%s %s%s
%s %s
Case %s%s
\n") f.write("

\n") ## Case descriptions ## f.write('
\n') for caseId in caseList: CCase = self.CaseSet.CasesById[caseId] f.write('
\n') f.write(' \n' % caseId.replace('.', '_')) f.write('

Case %s

\n' % caseId) f.write(' Up\n') f.write('

Case Description


\n' % CCase.DESCRIPTION) f.write('

Case Expectation


\n' % CCase.EXPECTATION) f.write('
\n') f.write("

\n") ## end of HTML ## f.write(" \n") f.write("\n") ## close created HTML file and return filename ## f.close() return report_filename def createAgentCaseReportJSON(self, agentId, caseId, outdir): """ Create case detail report JSON file. :param agentId: ID of agent for which to generate report. :type agentId: str :param caseId: ID of case for which to generate report. :type caseId: str :param outdir: Directory where to create file. :type outdir: str :returns: str -- Name of created file. """ if not self.agents.has_key(agentId): raise Exception("no test data stored for agent %s" % agentId) if not self.agents[agentId].has_key(caseId): raise Exception("no test data stored for case %s with agent %s" % (caseId, agentId)) ## get case to generate report for ## case = self.agents[agentId][caseId] ## open report file in create / write-truncate mode ## report_filename = self.makeAgentCaseReportFilename(agentId, caseId, ext = 'json') f = open(os.path.join(outdir, report_filename), 'w') f.write(json.dumps(case, sort_keys = True, indent = 3, separators = (',', ': '))) f.close() def createAgentCaseReportHTML(self, agentId, caseId, outdir): """ Create case detail report HTML file. :param agentId: ID of agent for which to generate report. :type agentId: str :param caseId: ID of case for which to generate report. :type caseId: str :param outdir: Directory where to create file. :type outdir: str :returns: str -- Name of created file. """ if not self.agents.has_key(agentId): raise Exception("no test data stored for agent %s" % agentId) if not self.agents[agentId].has_key(caseId): raise Exception("no test data stored for case %s with agent %s" % (caseId, agentId)) ## get case to generate report for ## case = self.agents[agentId][caseId] ## open report file in create / write-truncate mode ## report_filename = self.makeAgentCaseReportFilename(agentId, caseId, ext = 'html') f = open(os.path.join(outdir, report_filename), 'w') ## write HTML ## f.write('\n') f.write('\n') f.write(' \n') f.write(' \n') f.write(' \n' % CSS_COMMON) f.write(' \n' % CSS_DETAIL_REPORT) f.write(' \n') f.write(' \n') f.write(' \n') f.write('
\n') ## top logos f.write('
Autobahn WebSockets Testsuite Report
\n') f.write('
Autobahn WebSockets
\n') f.write('
\n') ## Case Summary ## if case["behavior"] == Case.OK: style = "case_ok" text = "Pass" elif case["behavior"] == Case.NON_STRICT: style = "case_non_strict" text = "Non-Strict" elif case["behavior"] == Case.INFORMATIONAL: style = "case_info" text = "Informational" else: style = "case_failed" text = "Fail" f.write('

%s - Case %s : %s - %d ms @ %s

\n' % (style, case["agent"], caseId, text, case["duration"], case["started"])) ## Case Description, Expectation, Outcome, Case Closing Behavior ## f.write('

Case Description


\n' % case["description"]) f.write('

Case Expectation


\n' % case["expectation"]) f.write("""

Case Outcome




\n""" % (case.get("result", ""), self.limitString(case.get("expected", ""), FuzzingFactory.MAX_CASE_PICKLE_LEN), self.limitString(case.get("received", ""), FuzzingFactory.MAX_CASE_PICKLE_LEN))) f.write('

Case Closing Behavior

%s (%s)

\n' % (case.get("resultClose", ""), case.get("behaviorClose", ""))) f.write("

\n") ## Opening Handshake ## f.write('

Opening Handshake

\n') f.write('
\n' % case["httpRequest"].strip()) f.write('
\n' % case["httpResponse"].strip()) f.write("

\n") ## Closing Behavior ## cbv = [("isServer", "True, iff I (the fuzzer) am a server, and the peer is a client."), ("closedByMe", "True, iff I have initiated closing handshake (that is, did send close first)."), ("failedByMe", "True, iff I have failed the WS connection (i.e. due to protocol error). Failing can be either by initiating closing handshake or brutal drop TCP."), ("droppedByMe", "True, iff I dropped the TCP connection."), ("wasClean", "True, iff full WebSockets closing handshake was performed (close frame sent and received) _and_ the server dropped the TCP (which is its responsibility)."), ("wasNotCleanReason", "When wasClean == False, the reason what happened."), ("wasServerConnectionDropTimeout", "When we are a client, and we expected the server to drop the TCP, but that didn't happen in time, this gets True."), ("wasOpenHandshakeTimeout", "When performing the opening handshake, but the peer did not finish in time, this gets True."), ("wasCloseHandshakeTimeout", "When we initiated a closing handshake, but the peer did not respond in time, this gets True."), ("localCloseCode", "The close code I sent in close frame (if any)."), ("localCloseReason", "The close reason I sent in close frame (if any)."), ("remoteCloseCode", "The close code the peer sent me in close frame (if any)."), ("remoteCloseReason", "The close reason the peer sent me in close frame (if any).") ] f.write('

Closing Behavior

\n') f.write(' \n') f.write(' \n') for c in cbv: f.write(' \n' % (c[0], case[c[0]], c[1])) f.write('
') f.write("

\n") ## Wire Statistics ## f.write('

Wire Statistics

\n') if not case["createStats"]: f.write('

Statistics for octets/frames disabled!

\n') else: ## octet stats ## for statdef in [("Received", case["rxOctetStats"]), ("Transmitted", case["txOctetStats"])]: f.write('

Octets %s by Chop Size

\n' % statdef[0]) f.write(' \n') stats = statdef[1] total_cnt = 0 total_octets = 0 f.write(' \n') for s in sorted(stats.keys()): f.write(' \n' % (s, stats[s], s * stats[s])) total_cnt += stats[s] total_octets += s * stats[s] f.write(' \n' % (total_cnt, total_octets)) f.write('
Chop SizeCountOctets
\n') ## frame stats ## for statdef in [("Received", case["rxFrameStats"]), ("Transmitted", case["txFrameStats"])]: f.write('

Frames %s by Opcode

\n' % statdef[0]) f.write(' \n') stats = statdef[1] total_cnt = 0 f.write(' \n') for s in sorted(stats.keys()): f.write(' \n' % (s, stats[s])) total_cnt += stats[s] f.write(' \n' % (total_cnt)) f.write('
\n') f.write("

\n") ## Wire Log ## f.write('

Wire Log

\n') if not case["createWirelog"]: f.write('

Wire log after handshake disabled!

\n') f.write('
\n') wl = case["wirelog"] i = 0 for t in wl: if t[0] == "RO": prefix = "RX OCTETS" css_class = "wirelog_rx_octets" elif t[0] == "TO": prefix = "TX OCTETS" if t[2]: css_class = "wirelog_tx_octets_sync" else: css_class = "wirelog_tx_octets" elif t[0] == "RF": prefix = "RX FRAME " css_class = "wirelog_rx_frame" elif t[0] == "TF": prefix = "TX FRAME " if t[8] or t[7] is not None: css_class = "wirelog_tx_frame_sync" else: css_class = "wirelog_tx_frame" elif t[0] in ["CT", "CTE", "KL", "KLE", "TI", "TIE", "WLM"]: pass else: raise Exception("logic error (unrecognized wire log row type %s - row %s)" % (t[0], str(t))) if t[0] in ["RO", "TO", "RF", "TF"]: payloadLen = t[1][0] lines = textwrap.wrap(t[1][1], 100) if t[0] in ["RO", "TO"]: if len(lines) > 0: f.write('
%03d %s: %s
\n' % (css_class, i, prefix, lines[0])) for ll in lines[1:]: f.write('
\n' % (css_class, (2+4+len(prefix))*" ", ll)) else: if t[0] == "RF": if t[6]: mmask = binascii.b2a_hex(t[6]) else: mmask = str(t[6]) f.write('
%03d %s: OPCODE=%s, FIN=%s, RSV=%s, PAYLOAD-LEN=%s, MASKED=%s, MASK=%s
\n' % (css_class, i, prefix, str(t[2]), str(t[3]), str(t[4]), payloadLen, str(t[5]), mmask)) elif t[0] == "TF": f.write('
\n' % (css_class, i, prefix, str(t[2]), str(t[3]), str(t[4]), payloadLen, str(t[5]), str(t[6]), str(t[7]), str(t[8]))) else: raise Exception("logic error") for ll in lines: f.write('
\n' % (css_class, (2+4+len(prefix))*" ", ll.encode('utf8'))) elif t[0] == "WLM": if t[1]: f.write('
\n' % (i)) else: f.write('
\n' % (i)) elif t[0] == "CT": f.write('
%03d DELAY %f sec for TAG %s
\n' % (i, t[1], t[2])) elif t[0] == "CTE": f.write('
\n' % (i, t[1])) elif t[0] == "KL": f.write('
\n' % (i, t[1])) elif t[0] == "KLE": f.write('
\n' % (i)) elif t[0] == "TI": f.write('
\n' % (i, t[1])) elif t[0] == "TIE": f.write('
\n' % (i)) else: raise Exception("logic error (unrecognized wire log row type %s - row %s)" % (t[0], str(t))) i += 1 if case["droppedByMe"]: f.write('
\n' % i) else: f.write('
\n' % i) f.write('
\n') f.write("

\n") ## end of HTML ## f.write(" \n") f.write("\n") ## close created HTML file and return filename ## f.close() return report_filename class FuzzingServerProtocol(FuzzingProtocol, WebSocketServerProtocol): def connectionMade(self): WebSocketServerProtocol.connectionMade(self) FuzzingProtocol.connectionMade(self) def connectionLost(self, reason): WebSocketServerProtocol.connectionLost(self, reason) FuzzingProtocol.connectionLost(self, reason) def onConnect(self, connectionRequest): if self.debug: log.msg("connection received from %s speaking WebSockets protocol %d - upgrade request for host '%s', path '%s', params %s, origin '%s', protocols %s, headers %s" % (connectionRequest.peerstr, connectionRequest.version,, connectionRequest.path, str(connectionRequest.params), connectionRequest.origin, str(connectionRequest.protocols), str(connectionRequest.headers))) if connectionRequest.params.has_key("agent"): if len(connectionRequest.params["agent"]) > 1: raise Exception("multiple agents specified") self.caseAgent = connectionRequest.params["agent"][0] else: #raise Exception("no agent specified") self.caseAgent = None if connectionRequest.params.has_key("case"): if len(connectionRequest.params["case"]) > 1: raise Exception("multiple test cases specified") try: = int(connectionRequest.params["case"][0]) except: raise Exception("invalid test case ID %s" % connectionRequest.params["case"][0]) if if >= 1 and <= len(self.factory.specCases): self.Case = self.factory.CaseSet.CasesById[self.factory.specCases[ - 1]] if connectionRequest.path == "/runCase": self.runCase = self.Case(self) else: raise Exception("case %s not found" % if connectionRequest.path == "/runCase": if not self.runCase: raise Exception("need case to run") if not self.caseAgent: raise Exception("need agent to run case") self.caseStarted = utcnow() print "Running test case ID %s for agent %s from peer %s" % (self.factory.CaseSet.caseClasstoId(self.Case), self.caseAgent, connectionRequest.peerstr) elif connectionRequest.path == "/updateReports": if not self.caseAgent: raise Exception("need agent to update reports for") print "Updating reports, requested by peer %s" % connectionRequest.peerstr elif connectionRequest.path == "/getCaseInfo": if not self.Case: raise Exception("need case to get info") elif connectionRequest.path == "/getCaseStatus": if not self.Case: raise Exception("need case to get status") if not self.caseAgent: raise Exception("need agent to get status") elif connectionRequest.path == "/getCaseCount": pass else: print "Entering direct command mode for peer %s" % connectionRequest.peerstr self.path = connectionRequest.path return None class FuzzingServerFactory(FuzzingFactory, WebSocketServerFactory): protocol = FuzzingServerProtocol def __init__(self, spec, debug = False): WebSocketServerFactory.__init__(self, debug = debug, debugCodePaths = debug) FuzzingFactory.__init__(self, spec.get("outdir", "./reports/clients/")) # needed for wire log / stats self.logOctets = True self.logFrames = True ## WebSocket session parameters ## self.setSessionParameters(url = spec["url"], protocols = spec.get("protocols", []), server = "AutobahnTestSuite/%s-%s" % (autobahntestsuite.version, autobahn.version)) ## WebSocket protocol options ## self.setProtocolOptions(**spec.get("options", {})) self.spec = spec self.CaseSet = CaseSet(CaseSetname, CaseBasename, Cases, CaseCategories, CaseSubCategories) self.specCases = self.CaseSet.parseSpecCases(self.spec) self.specExcludeAgentCases = self.CaseSet.parseExcludeAgentCases(self.spec) print "Autobahn WebSockets %s/%s Fuzzing Server (Port %d%s)" % (autobahntestsuite.version, autobahn.version, self.port, ' TLS' if self.isSecure else '') print "Ok, will run %d test cases for any clients connecting" % len(self.specCases) print "Cases = %s" % str(self.specCases) class FuzzingClientProtocol(FuzzingProtocol, WebSocketClientProtocol): def connectionMade(self): FuzzingProtocol.connectionMade(self) WebSocketClientProtocol.connectionMade(self) self.caseStarted = utcnow() print "Running test case ID %s for agent %s from peer %s" % (self.factory.CaseSet.caseClasstoId(self.Case), self.caseAgent, self.peerstr) def connectionLost(self, reason): WebSocketClientProtocol.connectionLost(self, reason) FuzzingProtocol.connectionLost(self, reason) class FuzzingClientFactory(FuzzingFactory, WebSocketClientFactory): protocol = FuzzingClientProtocol def __init__(self, spec, debug = False): WebSocketClientFactory.__init__(self, debug = debug, debugCodePaths = debug) FuzzingFactory.__init__(self, spec.get("outdir", "./reports/servers/")) # needed for wire log / stats self.logOctets = True self.logFrames = True self.spec = spec self.CaseSet = CaseSet(CaseSetname, CaseBasename, Cases, CaseCategories, CaseSubCategories) self.specCases = self.CaseSet.parseSpecCases(self.spec) self.specExcludeAgentCases = self.CaseSet.parseExcludeAgentCases(self.spec) print "Autobahn Fuzzing WebSocket Client (Autobahn Version %s / Autobahn Testsuite Version %s)" % (autobahntestsuite.version, autobahn.version) print "Ok, will run %d test cases against %d servers" % (len(self.specCases), len(spec["servers"])) print "Cases = %s" % str(self.specCases) print "Servers = %s" % str([x["url"] + "@" + x["agent"] for x in spec["servers"]]) self.currServer = -1 if self.nextServer(): if self.nextCase(): connectWS(self) def buildProtocol(self, addr): proto = FuzzingClientProtocol() proto.factory = self proto.caseAgent = self.agent = self.currentCaseIndex proto.Case = Cases[self.currentCaseIndex - 1] proto.runCase = proto.Case(proto) return proto def nextServer(self): self.currSpecCase = -1 self.currServer += 1 if self.currServer < len(self.spec["servers"]): ## run tests for next server ## server = self.spec["servers"][self.currServer] ## agent (=server) string for reports ## self.agent = server.get("agent", "UnknownServer") ## WebSocket session parameters ## self.setSessionParameters(url = server["url"], origin = server.get("origin", None), protocols = server.get("protocols", []), useragent = "AutobahnTestSuite/%s-%s" % (autobahntestsuite.version, autobahn.version)) ## WebSocket protocol options ## self.resetProtocolOptions() # reset to defaults self.setProtocolOptions(**self.spec.get("options", {})) # set spec global options self.setProtocolOptions(**server.get("options", {})) # set server specific options return True else: return False def nextCase(self): self.currSpecCase += 1 if self.currSpecCase < len(self.specCases): self.currentCaseId = self.specCases[self.currSpecCase] self.currentCaseIndex = self.CaseSet.CasesIndices[self.currentCaseId] return True else: return False def clientConnectionLost(self, connector, reason): if self.nextCase(): connector.connect() else: if self.nextServer(): if self.nextCase(): connectWS(self) else: self.createReports() reactor.stop() def clientConnectionFailed(self, connector, reason): print "Connection to %s failed (%s)" % (self.spec["servers"][self.currServer]["url"], reason.getErrorMessage()) if self.nextServer(): if self.nextCase(): connectWS(self) else: self.createReports() reactor.stop() def startClient(spec, debug = False): factory = FuzzingClientFactory(spec, debug) # no connectWS done here, since this is done within # FuzzingClientFactory automatically to orchestrate tests return True def startServer(spec, sslKey = None, sslCert = None, debug = False): ## use TLS server key/cert from spec, but allow overriding ## from cmd line if sslKey: sslKey = spec.get('key', None) if sslCert: sslCert = spec.get('cert', None) factory = FuzzingServerFactory(spec, debug) if sslKey and sslCert: sslContext = ssl.DefaultOpenSSLContextFactory(sslKey, sslCert) else: sslContext = None listenWS(factory, sslContext) webdir = File(pkg_resources.resource_filename("autobahntestsuite", "web/fuzzingserver")) curdir = File('.') webdir.putChild('cwd', curdir) web = Site(webdir) if factory.isSecure: reactor.listenSSL(spec.get("webport", 8080), web, context) else: reactor.listenTCP(spec.get("webport", 8080), web) return True

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