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Twisted Web 13.0.0 (2013-03-19)
- twisted.web.template now properly quotes attribute values,
including Tag instances serialized within attribute values. (#6275)
- #6167, #6297, #6326
Twisted Web 12.3.0 (2012-12-20)
- twisted.web.server.Site now supports an encoders argument to encode
request content, twisted.web.server.GzipEncoderFactory being the
first one provided. (#104)
- twisted.web.http.HTTPChannel.headerReceived now catches the error
if the Content-Length header is not an integer and return a 400 Bad
Request response. (#6029)
- twisted.web.http.HTTPChannel now drops the connection and issues a
400 error upon receipt of a chunk-encoding encoded request with a
bad chunk-length field. (#6030)
Improved Documentation
- twisted.web.iweb.IRequest now documents its `content` attribute and
a new "web in 60 seconds" howto demonstrates its use. (#6181)
- #5882, #5883, #5887, #5920, #6031, #6077, #6078, #6079, #6080,
#6110, #6113, #6196, #6205
Twisted Web 12.2.0 (2012-08-26)
Deprecations and Removals
- twisted.web.static.FileTransfer, deprecated since 9.0, is removed
now. Use a subclass of StaticProducer instead. (#5651)
- ErrorPage, NoResource and ForbiddenResource in twisted.web.error
were deprecated since 9.0 and are removed now. (#5659)
-, deprecated since Twisted 11.1, is removed now.
- #5665
Twisted Web 12.1.0 (2012-06-02)
- twisted.web.client.Agent and ProxyAgent now support persistent
connections. (#3420)
- Added twisted.web.template.renderElement, a function which renders
an Element to a response. (#5395)
- twisted.web.client.HTTPConnectionPool now ensures that failed
queries on persistent connections are retried, when possible.
- twisted.web.template.XMLFile now supports FilePath objects. (#5509)
- twisted.web.template.renderElement takes a doctype keyword
argument, which will be written as the first line of the response,
defaulting to the HTML5 doctype. (#5560)
- twisted.web.util.formatFailure now quotes all data in its output to
avoid it being mistakenly interpreted as markup. (#4896)
- twisted.web.distrib now lets distributed servers set the response
message. (#5525)
Deprecations and Removals
- PHP3Script and PHPScript were removed from twisted.web.twcgi,
deprecated since 10.1. Use twcgi.FilteredScript instead. (#5456)
- twisted.web.template.XMLFile's support for file objects and
filenames is now deprecated. Use the new support for FilePath
objects. (#5509)
- twisted.web.server.date_time_string and
twisted.web.server.string_date_time are now deprecated in favor of
twisted.web.http.datetimeToString and twisted.web.
http.stringToDatetime (#5535)
- #4966, #5460, #5490, #5591, #5602, #5609, #5612
Twisted Web 12.0.0 (2012-02-10)
- twisted.web.util.redirectTo now raises TypeError if the URL passed
to it is a unicode string instead of a byte string. (#5236)
- The new class twisted.web.template.CharRef provides support for
inserting numeric character references in output generated by
twisted.web.template. (#5408)
Improved Documentation
- The Twisted Web howto now has a section on proxies and reverse
proxies. (#399)
- The web client howto now covers ContentDecoderAgent and links to an
example of its use. (#5415)
- #5404, #5438
Twisted Web 11.1.0 (2011-11-15)
- twisted.web.client.ProxyAgent is a new HTTP/1.1 web client which
adds proxy support. (#1774)
- twisted.web.client.Agent now takes optional connectTimeout and
bindAddress arguments which are forwarded to the subsequent
connectTCP/connectSSL call. (#3450)
- The new class twisted.web.client.FileBodyProducer makes it easy to
upload data in HTTP requests made using the Agent client APIs.
- twisted.web.xmlrpc.XMLRPC now allows its lookupProcedure method to
be overridden to change how XML-RPC procedures are dispatched.
- A new HTTP cookie-aware Twisted Web Agent wrapper is included in
twisted.web.client.CookieAgent (#4922)
- New class twisted.web.template.TagLoader provides an
ITemplateLoader implementation which loads already-created
twisted.web.iweb.IRenderable providers. (#5040)
- The new class twisted.web.client.RedirectAgent adds redirect
support to the HTTP 1.1 client stack. (#5157)
- twisted.web.template now supports HTML tags from the HTML5
standard, including and . (#5306)
- twisted.web.client.getPage and .downloadPage now only fire their
result Deferred after the underlying connection they use has been
closed. (#3796)
- twisted.web.server now omits the default Content-Type header from
NOT MODIFIED responses. (#4156)
- twisted.web.server now responds correctly to 'Expect: 100-continue'
headers, although this is not yet usefully exposed to user code.
- twisted.web.client.Agent no longer raises an exception if a server
responds and closes the connection before the request has been
fully transmitted. (#5013)
- twisted.web.http_headers.Headers now correctly capitalizes the
header names Content-MD5, DNT, ETag, P3P, TE, and X-XSS-Protection.
- twisted.web.template now escapes more inputs to comments which
require escaping in the output. (#5275)
Improved Documentation
- The twisted.web.template howto now documents the common idiom of
yielding tag clones from a renderer. (#5286)
- CookieAgent is now documented in the twisted.web.client how-to.
Deprecations and Removals
- is now deprecated. (#5209)
- #4951, #5057, #5175, #5288, #5316
Twisted Web 11.0.0 (2011-04-01)
- twisted.web._newclient.HTTPParser (and therefore Agent) now handles
HTTP headers delimited by bare LF newlines. (#3833)
- twisted.web.client.downloadPage now accepts the `afterFoundGet`
parameter, with the same meaning as the `getPage` parameter of the
same name. (#4364)
- twisted.web.xmlrpc.Proxy constructor now takes additional 'timeout'
and 'reactor' arguments. The 'timeout' argument defaults to 30
seconds. (#4741)
- Twisted Web now has a templating system, twisted.web.template,
which is a direct, simplified derivative of Divmod Nevow. (#4939)
- HTTPPageGetter now adds the port to the host header if it is not
the default for that scheme. (#3857)
- twisted.web.http.Request.write now raises an exception if it is
called after response generation has already finished. (#4317)
- twisted.web.client.HTTPPageGetter and twisted.web.client.getPage
now no longer make two requests when using afterFoundGet. (#4760)
- twisted.web.twcgi no longer adds an extra "content-type" header to
CGI responses. (#4786)
- twisted.web will now properly specify an encoding (UTF-8) on error,
redirect, and directory listing pages, so that IE7 and previous
will not improperly guess the 'utf7' encoding in these cases.
Please note that Twisted still sets a *default* content-type of
'text/html', and you shouldn't rely on that: you should set the
encoding appropriately in your application. (#4900)
- twisted.web.http.Request.setHost now sets the port in the host
header if it is not the default. (#4918)
- default NOT_IMPLEMENTED and NOT_ALLOWED pages now quote the request
method and URI respectively, to protect against browsers which
don't quote those values for us. (#4978)
Improved Documentation
- The XML-RPC howto now includes an example demonstrating how to
access the HTTP request object in a server-side XML-RPC method.
- The Twisted Web client howto now uses the correct, public name for
twisted.web.client.Response. (#4769)
- Some broken links were fixed, descriptions were updated, and new
API links were added in the Resource Templating documentation
(resource-templates.xhtml) (#4968)
- #2271, #2386, #4162, #4733, #4855, #4911, #4973
Twisted Web 10.2.0 (2010-11-29)
- twisted.web.xmlrpc.XMLRPC.xmlrpc_* methods can now be decorated
using withRequest to cause them to be passed the HTTP request
object. (#3073)
- twisted.web.xmlrpc.QueryProtocol.handleResponse now disconnects
from the server, meaning that Twisted XML-RPC clients disconnect
from the server as soon as they receive a response, rather than
relying on the server to disconnect. (#2518)
- twisted.web.twcgi now generates responses containing all
occurrences of duplicate headers produced by CGI scripts, not just
the last value. (#4742)
Deprecations and Removals
- twisted.web.trp, which has been deprecated since Twisted 9.0, was
removed. (#4299)
- #4576, #4577, #4709, #4723
Twisted Web 10.1.0 (2010-06-27)
- twisted.web.xmlrpc.XMLRPC and twisted.web.xmlrpc.Proxy now expose
xmlrpclib's support of datetime.datetime objects if useDateTime is
set to True. (#3219)
- HTTP11ClientProtocol now has an abort() method for cancelling an
outstanding request by closing the connection before receiving the
entire response. (#3811)
- twisted.web.http_headers.Headers initializer now rejects
incorrectly structured dictionaries. (#4022)
- twisted.web.client.Agent now supports HTTPS URLs. (#4023)
- twisted.web.xmlrpc.Proxy.callRemote now returns a Deferred which
can be cancelled to abort the attempted XML-RPC call. (#4377)
- twisted.web.guard now logs out avatars even if a request completes
with an error. (#4411)
- twisted.web.xmlrpc.XMLRPC will now no longer trigger a RuntimeError
by trying to write responses to closed connections. (#4423)
Improved Documentation
- Fix broken links to deliverBody and iweb.UNKNOWN_LENGTH in
doc/web/howto/client.xhtml. (#4507)
Deprecations and Removals
- twisted.web.twcgi.PHP3Script and twisted.web.twcgi.PHPScript are
now deprecated. (#516)
- #4403, #4452
Twisted Web 10.0.0 (2010-03-01)
- Twisted Web in 60 Seconds, a series of short tutorials with self-
contained examples on a range of common web topics, is now a part
of the Twisted Web howto documentation. (#4192)
- Data and File from twisted.web.static and
twisted.web.distrib.UserDirectory will now only generate a 200
response for GET or HEAD requests.
twisted.web.client.HTTPPageGetter will no longer ignore the case of
a request method when considering whether to apply special HEAD
processing to a response. (#446)
- twisted.web.http.HTTPClient now supports multi-line headers.
- Resources served via twisted.web.distrib will no longer encounter a
Banana error when writing more than 640kB at once to the request
object. (#3212)
- The Error, PageRedirect, and InfiniteRedirection exception in
twisted.web now initialize an empty message parameter by mapping
the HTTP status code parameter to a descriptive string. Previously
the lookup would always fail, leaving message empty. (#3806)
- The 'wsgi.input' WSGI environment object now supports -1 and None
as arguments to the read and readlines methods. (#4114)
- twisted.web.wsgi doesn't unquote QUERY_STRING anymore, thus
complying with the WSGI reference implementation. (#4143)
- The HTTP proxy will no longer pass on keep-alive request headers
from the client, preventing pages from loading then "hanging"
(leaving the connection open with no hope of termination). (#4179)
Deprecations and Removals
- Remove '--static' option from twistd web, that served as an alias
for the '--path' option. (#3907)
- #3784, #4216, #4242
Twisted Web 9.0.0 (2009-11-24)
- There is now an iweb.IRequest interface which specifies the interface that
request objects provide (#3416)
- downloadPage now supports the same cookie, redirect, and timeout features
that getPage supports (#2971)
- A chapter about WSGI has been added to the twisted.web documentation (#3510)
- The HTTP auth support in the web server now allows anonymous sessions by
logging in with ANONYMOUS credentials when no Authorization header is
provided in a request (#3924, #3936)
- HTTPClientFactory now accepts a parameter to enable a common deviation from
the HTTP 1.1 standard by responding to redirects in a POSTed request with a
GET instead of another POST (#3624)
- A new basic HTTP/1.1 client API is included in twisted.web.client.Agent
(#886, #3987)
- Requests for "insecure" children of a static.File (such as paths containing
encoded directory separators) will now result in a 404 instead of a 500
(#3549, #3469)
- When specifying a followRedirect argument to the getPage function, the state
of redirect-following for other getPage calls should now be unaffected. It
was previously overwriting a class attribute which would affect outstanding
getPage calls (#3192)
- Downloading an URL of the form "" will now work,
ignoring the extraneous colon (#2402)
- microdom's appendChild method will no longer issue a spurious warning, and
microdom's methods in general should now issue more meaningful exceptions
when invalid parameters are passed (#3421)
- WSGI applications will no longer have spurious Content-Type headers added to
their responses by the twisted.web server. In addition, WSGI applications
will no longer be able to specify the server-restricted headers Server and
Date (#3569)
- http_headers.Headers now normalizes the case of raw headers passed directly
to it in the same way that it normalizes the headers passed to setRawHeaders
- The distrib module no longer relies on the deprecated woven package (#3559)
- twisted.web.domhelpers now works with both microdom and minidom (#3600)
- twisted.web servers will now ignore invalid If-Modified-Since headers instead
of returning a 500 error (#3601)
- Certain request-bound memory and file resources are cleaned up slightly
sooner by the request when the connection is lost (#1621, #3176)
- xmlrpclib.DateTime objects should now correctly round-trip over twisted.web's
XMLRPC support in all supported versions of Python, and errors during error
serialization will no longer hang a twisted.web XMLRPC response (#2446)
- request.content should now always be seeked to the beginning when
request.process is called, so application code should never need to seek
back manually (#3585)
- Fetching a child of static.File with a double-slash in the URL (such as
"example//foo.html") should now return a 404 instead of a traceback and
500 error (#3631)
- downloadPage will now fire a Failure on its returned Deferred instead of
indicating success when the connection is prematurely lost (#3645)
- static.File will now provide a 404 instead of a 500 error when it was
constructed with a non-existent file (#3634)
- microdom should now serialize namespaces correctly (#3672)
- The HTTP Auth support resource wrapper should no longer corrupt requests and
cause them to skip a segment in the request path (#3679)
- The twisted.web WSGI support should now include leading slashes in PATH_INFO,
and SCRIPT_NAME will be empty if the application is at the root of the
resource tree. This means that WSGI applications should no longer generate
URLs with double-slashes in them even if they naively concatenate the values
- WSGI applications should now receive the requesting client's IP in the
REMOTE_ADDR environment variable (#3730)
- The distrib module should work again. It was unfortunately broken with the
refactoring of twisted.web's header support (#3697)
- static.File now supports multiple ranges specified in the Range header
- static.File should now generate a correct Content-Length value when the
requested Range value doesn't fit entirely within the file's contents (#3814)
- Attempting to call request.finish() after the connection has been lost will
now immediately raise a RuntimeError (#4013)
- An HTTP-auth resource should now be able to directly render the wrapped
avatar, whereas before it would only allow retrieval of child resources
- twisted.web's wsgi support should no longer attempt to call request.finish
twice, which would cause errors in certain cases (#4025)
- WSGI applications should now be able to handle requests with large bodies
- Exceptions raised from WSGI applications should now more reliably be turned
into 500 errors on the HTTP level (#4019)
- DeferredResource now correctly passes through exceptions raised from the
wrapped resource, instead of turning them all into 500 errors (#3932)
- Agent.request now generates a Host header when no headers are passed at
Deprecations and Removals
- The unmaintained and untested twisted.web.monitor module was removed (#2763)
- The twisted.web.woven package has been removed (#1522)
- All of the error resources in twisted.web.error are now in
twisted.web.resource, and accessing them through twisted.web.error is now
deprecated (#3035)
- To facilitate a simplification of the timeout logic in server.Session,
various things have been deprecated (#3457)
- the loopFactory attribute is now ignored
- the checkExpired method now does nothing
- the lifetime parameter to startCheckingExpiration is now ignored
- The twisted.web.trp module is now deprecated (#2030)
- #2763, #3540, #3575, #3610, #3605, #1176, #3539, #3750, #3761, #3779, #2677,
#3782, #3904, #3919, #3418, #3990, #1404, #4050
Web 8.2.0 (2008-12-16)
- The web server can now deal with multi-value headers in the new attributes of
Request, requestHeaders and responseHeaders (#165)
- There is now a resource-wrapper which implements HTTP Basic and Digest auth
in terms of twisted.cred (#696)
- It's now possible to limit the number of redirects that client.getPage will
follow (#2412)
- The directory-listing code no longer uses Woven (#3257)
- static.File now supports Range headers with a single range (#1493)
- twisted.web now has a rudimentary WSGI container (#2753)
- The web server now supports chunked encoding in requests (#3385)
- The xmlrpc client now raises an error when the server sends an empty
response (#3399)
- HTTPPageGetter no longer duplicates default headers when they're explicitly
overridden in the headers parameter (#1382)
- The server will no longer timeout clients which are still sending request
data (#1903)
- microdom's isEqualToNode now returns False when the nodes aren't equal
Deprecations and Removals
- Request.headers and Request.received_headers are not quite deprecated, but
they are discouraged in favor of requestHeaders and responseHeaders (#165)
- #909, #687, #2938, #1152, #2930, #2025, #2683, #3471
8.1.0 (2008-05-18)
- Fixed an XMLRPC bug whereby sometimes a callRemote Deferred would
accidentally be fired twice when a connection was lost during the handling of
a response (#3152)
- Fixed a bug in the "Using Twisted Web" document which prevented an example
resource from being renderable (#3147)
- The deprecated mktap API is no longer used (#3127)
8.0.0 (2008-03-17)
- Add support to twisted.web.client.getPage for the HTTP HEAD method. (#2750)
- Set content-type in xmlrpc responses to "text/xml" (#2430)
- Add more error checking in the xmlrpc.XMLRPC render method, and enforce
POST requests. (#2505)
- Reject unicode input to twisted.web.client._parse to reject invalid
unicode URLs early. (#2628)
- Correctly re-quote URL path segments when generating an URL string to
return from Request.prePathURL. (#2934)
- Make twisted.web.proxy.ProxyClientFactory close the connection when
reporting a 501 error. (#1089)
- Fix twisted.web.proxy.ReverseProxyResource to specify the port in the
host header if different from 80. (#1117)
- Change twisted.web.proxy.ReverseProxyResource so that it correctly encodes
the request URI it sends on to the server for which it is a proxy. (#3013)
- Make "twistd web --personal" use PBServerFactory (#2681)
- #1996, #2382, #2211, #2633, #2634, #2640, #2752, #238, #2905
0.7.0 (2007-01-02)
- Python 2.5 is now supported (#1867)
- twisted.web.xmlrpc now supports the xml-rpc extension type
in both the server and the client (#469)
- Microdom and SUX now manages certain malformed XML more resiliently
(#1984, #2225, #2298)
- twisted.web.client.getPage can now deal with an URL of the form
"" (no trailing slash) (#1080)
- The HTTP server now allows (invalid) URLs with multiple question
marks (#1550)
- '=' can now be in the value of a cookie (#1051)
- Microdom now correctly handles xmlns="" (#2184)
Deprecations and Removals
- websetroot was removed, because it wasn't working anyway (#945)
- woven.guard no longer supports the old twisted.cred API (#1440)
The following changes are minor or closely related to other changes.
- #1636, #1637, #1638, #1936, #1883, #447
0.6.0 (2006-05-21)
- Basic auth support for the XMLRPC client (#1474).
- More correct datetime parsing.
- Efficiency improvements (#974)
- Handle popular non-RFC compliant formats for If-Modified-Since
headers (#976).
- Improve support for certain buggy CGI scripts.
- CONTENT_LENGTH is now available to CGI scripts.
- Support for even worse HTML in microdom (#1358).
- Trying to view a user's home page when the user doesn't have a
~/public_html no longer displays a traceback (#551).
- Misc: #543, #1011, #1005, #1287, #1337, #1383, #1079, #1492, #1189,
#737, #872.
- Client properly reports timeouts as error
- "Socially deprecate" woven
- Fix memory leak in _c_urlarg library
- Stop using _c_urlarg library
- Fix 'gzip' and 'bzip2' content-encodings
- Escape log entries so remote user cannot corrupt the log
- Commented out range support because it's broken
- Fix HEAD responses without content-length