poly.algebra.std.InstantStructure.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package poly.algebra.std
import java.time._
import poly.algebra._
* Represents the natural affine structure on time instants.
* @author Tongfei Chen
* @since 0.2.10
object InstantStructure extends AffineSpace[Instant, Duration, Long] with Order[Instant] {
override def eq(x: Instant, y: Instant) = x equals y
def cmp(x: Instant, y: Instant) = x compareTo y
def translate(x: Instant, k: Duration) = x plus k
def sub(x: Instant, y: Instant) = Duration.between(y, x)
def vectorSpace = DurationStructure
object DurationStructure extends VectorSpace[Duration, Long] with Order[Duration] {
override def eq(x: Duration, y: Duration) = x equals y
def cmp(x: Duration, y: Duration): Int = x compareTo y
def scale(x: Duration, k: Long) = x multipliedBy k
def add(x: Duration, y: Duration) = x plus y
override def neg(x: Duration): Duration = x.negated
override def sub(x: Duration, y: Duration) = x minus y
def zero = Duration.ZERO
/** This is not really a field; but we could pretend that it is (consider them as real numbers). */
implicit object scalarField extends Field[Long] {
final val zero: Long = 0l
final val one: Long = 1l
def add(x: Long, y: Long) = x + y
override def neg(x: Long) = -x
override def sub(x: Long, y: Long) = x - y
def mul(x: Long, y: Long) = x * y
def inv(x: Long): Long = 1l / x
override def div(x: Long, y: Long) = x / y