mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.TileBoundingBoxUtils Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package mil.nga.geopackage.tiles;
import mil.nga.geopackage.BoundingBox;
import mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.matrix.TileMatrix;
import mil.nga.proj.Projection;
import mil.nga.proj.ProjectionConstants;
import mil.nga.proj.ProjectionFactory;
import mil.nga.sf.Point;
import mil.nga.sf.proj.GeometryTransform;
* Tile Bounding Box utility methods
* @author osbornb
public class TileBoundingBoxUtils {
* Web mercator projection
private static final Projection webMercator = ProjectionFactory
* WGS84 projection
private static final Projection wgs84 = ProjectionFactory
* Get the overlapping bounding box between the two bounding boxes
* @param boundingBox
* bounding box 1
* @param boundingBox2
* bounding box 2
* @return bounding box
public static BoundingBox overlap(BoundingBox boundingBox,
BoundingBox boundingBox2) {
return boundingBox.overlap(boundingBox2);
* Get the overlapping bounding box between the two bounding boxes
* @param boundingBox
* bounding box
* @param boundingBox2
* bounding box 2
* @param allowEmpty
* allow empty latitude and/or longitude ranges when determining
* overlap
* @return bounding box
* @since 2.0.0
public static BoundingBox overlap(BoundingBox boundingBox,
BoundingBox boundingBox2, boolean allowEmpty) {
return boundingBox.overlap(boundingBox2, allowEmpty);
* Get the overlapping bounding box between the two bounding boxes adjusting
* the second box to an Anti-Meridian complementary version based upon the
* max longitude
* @param boundingBox
* bounding box
* @param boundingBox2
* bounding box 2
* @param maxLongitude
* max longitude of the world for the current bounding box units
* @return bounding box
* @since 2.0.0
public static BoundingBox overlap(BoundingBox boundingBox,
BoundingBox boundingBox2, double maxLongitude) {
return overlap(boundingBox, boundingBox2, maxLongitude, false);
* Get the overlapping bounding box between the two bounding boxes adjusting
* the second box to an Anti-Meridian complementary version based upon the
* max longitude
* @param boundingBox
* bounding box
* @param boundingBox2
* bounding box 2
* @param maxLongitude
* max longitude of the world for the current bounding box units
* @param allowEmpty
* allow empty latitude and/or longitude ranges when determining
* overlap
* @return bounding box
* @since 2.0.0
public static BoundingBox overlap(BoundingBox boundingBox,
BoundingBox boundingBox2, double maxLongitude, boolean allowEmpty) {
BoundingBox bbox2 = boundingBox2;
double adjustment = 0.0;
if (maxLongitude > 0) {
if (boundingBox.getMinLongitude() > boundingBox2
.getMaxLongitude()) {
adjustment = maxLongitude * 2.0;
} else if (boundingBox.getMaxLongitude() < boundingBox2
.getMinLongitude()) {
adjustment = maxLongitude * -2.0;
if (adjustment != 0.0) {
bbox2 = boundingBox2.copy();
bbox2.setMinLongitude(bbox2.getMinLongitude() + adjustment);
bbox2.setMaxLongitude(bbox2.getMaxLongitude() + adjustment);
return overlap(boundingBox, bbox2, allowEmpty);
* Determine if the point is within the bounding box
* @param point
* bounding box
* @param boundingBox
* bounding box
* @return true if within the bounding box
* @since 2.0.0
public static boolean isPointInBoundingBox(Point point,
BoundingBox boundingBox) {
BoundingBox pointBoundingbox = new BoundingBox(point.getX(),
point.getY(), point.getX(), point.getY());
return boundingBox.intersects(pointBoundingbox, true);
* Determine if the point is within the bounding box
* @param point
* bounding box
* @param boundingBox
* bounding box
* @param maxLongitude
* max longitude of the world for the current bounding box units
* @return true if within the bounding box
* @since 2.0.0
public static boolean isPointInBoundingBox(Point point,
BoundingBox boundingBox, double maxLongitude) {
BoundingBox pointBoundingbox = new BoundingBox(point.getX(),
point.getY(), point.getX(), point.getY());
BoundingBox overlap = overlap(boundingBox, pointBoundingbox,
maxLongitude, true);
return overlap != null;
* Get the union bounding box combining the two bounding boxes
* @param boundingBox
* bounding box 1
* @param boundingBox2
* bounding box 2
* @return bounding box
public static BoundingBox union(BoundingBox boundingBox,
BoundingBox boundingBox2) {
return boundingBox.union(boundingBox2);
* Get the X pixel for where the longitude fits into the bounding box
* @param width
* width
* @param boundingBox
* bounding box
* @param longitude
* longitude
* @return x pixel
public static float getXPixel(long width, BoundingBox boundingBox,
double longitude) {
double boxWidth = boundingBox.getMaxLongitude()
- boundingBox.getMinLongitude();
double offset = longitude - boundingBox.getMinLongitude();
double percentage = offset / boxWidth;
float pixel = (float) (percentage * width);
return pixel;
* Get the longitude from the pixel location, bounding box, and image width
* @param width
* width
* @param boundingBox
* bounding box
* @param pixel
* pixel
* @return longitude
public static double getLongitudeFromPixel(long width,
BoundingBox boundingBox, float pixel) {
return getLongitudeFromPixel(width, boundingBox, boundingBox, pixel);
* Get the longitude from the pixel location, bounding box, tile bounding
* box (when different from bounding box), and image width
* @param width
* width
* @param boundingBox
* bounding box
* @param tileBoundingBox
* tile bounding box
* @param pixel
* pixel
* @return longitude
* @since 3.2.0
public static double getLongitudeFromPixel(long width,
BoundingBox boundingBox, BoundingBox tileBoundingBox, float pixel) {
double boxWidth = tileBoundingBox.getMaxLongitude()
- tileBoundingBox.getMinLongitude();
double percentage = pixel / width;
double offset = percentage * boxWidth;
double longitude = offset + boundingBox.getMinLongitude();
return longitude;
* Get the Y pixel for where the latitude fits into the bounding box
* @param height
* height
* @param boundingBox
* bounding box
* @param latitude
* latitude
* @return y pixel
public static float getYPixel(long height, BoundingBox boundingBox,
double latitude) {
double boxHeight = boundingBox.getMaxLatitude()
- boundingBox.getMinLatitude();
double offset = boundingBox.getMaxLatitude() - latitude;
double percentage = offset / boxHeight;
float pixel = (float) (percentage * height);
return pixel;
* Get the latitude from the pixel location, bounding box, and image height
* @param height
* height
* @param boundingBox
* bounding box
* @param pixel
* pixel
* @return latitude
public static double getLatitudeFromPixel(long height,
BoundingBox boundingBox, float pixel) {
return getLatitudeFromPixel(height, boundingBox, boundingBox, pixel);
* Get the latitude from the pixel location, bounding box, tile bounding box
* (when different from bounding box), and image height
* @param height
* height
* @param boundingBox
* bounding box
* @param tileBoundingBox
* tile bounding box
* @param pixel
* pixel
* @return latitude
* @since 3.2.0
public static double getLatitudeFromPixel(long height,
BoundingBox boundingBox, BoundingBox tileBoundingBox, float pixel) {
double boxHeight = tileBoundingBox.getMaxLatitude()
- tileBoundingBox.getMinLatitude();
double percentage = pixel / height;
double offset = percentage * boxHeight;
double latitude = boundingBox.getMaxLatitude() - offset;
return latitude;
* Get the tile bounding box from the XYZ tile coordinates and zoom level
* @param x
* x coordinate
* @param y
* y coordinate
* @param zoom
* zoom level
* @return bounding box
public static BoundingBox getBoundingBox(int x, int y, long zoom) {
int tilesPerSide = tilesPerSide(zoom);
double tileWidthDegrees = tileWidthDegrees(tilesPerSide);
double tileHeightDegrees = tileHeightDegrees(tilesPerSide);
double minLon = -180.0 + (x * tileWidthDegrees);
double maxLon = minLon + tileWidthDegrees;
double maxLat = 90.0 - (y * tileHeightDegrees);
double minLat = maxLat - tileHeightDegrees;
BoundingBox box = new BoundingBox(minLon, minLat, maxLon, maxLat);
return box;
* Get the Web Mercator tile bounding box from the XYZ tile coordinates and
* zoom level
* @param x
* x coordinate
* @param y
* y coordinate
* @param zoom
* zoom level
* @return bounding box
public static BoundingBox getWebMercatorBoundingBox(long x, long y,
long zoom) {
return getWebMercatorBoundingBox(new TileGrid(x, y, x, y), zoom);
* Get the Web Mercator tile bounding box from the XYZ tile grid and zoom
* level
* @param tileGrid
* tile grid
* @param zoom
* zoom level
* @return bounding box
public static BoundingBox getWebMercatorBoundingBox(TileGrid tileGrid,
long zoom) {
double tileSize = tileSizeWithZoom(zoom);
double minLon = (-1 * ProjectionConstants.WEB_MERCATOR_HALF_WORLD_WIDTH)
+ (tileGrid.getMinX() * tileSize);
double maxLon = (-1 * ProjectionConstants.WEB_MERCATOR_HALF_WORLD_WIDTH)
+ ((tileGrid.getMaxX() + 1) * tileSize);
double minLat = ProjectionConstants.WEB_MERCATOR_HALF_WORLD_WIDTH
- ((tileGrid.getMaxY() + 1) * tileSize);
double maxLat = ProjectionConstants.WEB_MERCATOR_HALF_WORLD_WIDTH
- (tileGrid.getMinY() * tileSize);
BoundingBox box = new BoundingBox(minLon, minLat, maxLon, maxLat);
return box;
* Get the Projected tile bounding box from the XYZ tile coordinates and
* zoom level
* @param projectionEpsg
* projection epsg
* @param x
* x coordinate
* @param y
* y coordinate
* @param zoom
* zoom level
* @return bounding box
public static BoundingBox getProjectedBoundingBox(Long projectionEpsg,
int x, int y, long zoom) {
return getProjectedBoundingBox(ProjectionConstants.AUTHORITY_EPSG,
projectionEpsg, x, y, zoom);
* Get the Projected tile bounding box from the XYZ tile coordinates and
* zoom level
* @param authority
* projection authority
* @param code
* projection code
* @param x
* x coordinate
* @param y
* y coordinate
* @param zoom
* zoom level
* @return bounding box
* @since 1.3.0
public static BoundingBox getProjectedBoundingBox(String authority,
Long code, int x, int y, long zoom) {
BoundingBox boundingBox = getWebMercatorBoundingBox(x, y, zoom);
if (code != null) {
GeometryTransform transform = GeometryTransform.create(webMercator,
authority, code);
boundingBox = boundingBox.transform(transform);
return boundingBox;
* Get the Projected tile bounding box from the XYZ tile coordinates and
* zoom level
* @param projection
* projection
* @param x
* x coordinate
* @param y
* y coordinate
* @param zoom
* zoom level
* @return bounding box
public static BoundingBox getProjectedBoundingBox(Projection projection,
long x, long y, long zoom) {
BoundingBox boundingBox = getWebMercatorBoundingBox(x, y, zoom);
if (projection != null) {
GeometryTransform transform = GeometryTransform.create(webMercator,
boundingBox = boundingBox.transform(transform);
return boundingBox;
* Get the Projected tile bounding box from the XYZ tile tileGrid and zoom
* level
* @param projectionEpsg
* projection epsg
* @param tileGrid
* tile grid
* @param zoom
* zoom level
* @return bounding box
public static BoundingBox getProjectedBoundingBox(Long projectionEpsg,
TileGrid tileGrid, long zoom) {
return getProjectedBoundingBox(ProjectionConstants.AUTHORITY_EPSG,
projectionEpsg, tileGrid, zoom);
* Get the Projected tile bounding box from the XYZ tile tileGrid and zoom
* level
* @param authority
* projection authority
* @param code
* projection code
* @param tileGrid
* tile grid
* @param zoom
* zoom level
* @return bounding box
* @since 1.3.0
public static BoundingBox getProjectedBoundingBox(String authority,
Long code, TileGrid tileGrid, long zoom) {
BoundingBox boundingBox = getWebMercatorBoundingBox(tileGrid, zoom);
if (code != null) {
GeometryTransform transform = GeometryTransform.create(webMercator,
authority, code);
boundingBox = boundingBox.transform(transform);
return boundingBox;
* Get the Projected tile bounding box from the XYZ tile grid and zoom level
* @param projection
* projection
* @param tileGrid
* tile grid
* @param zoom
* zoom level
* @return bounding box
public static BoundingBox getProjectedBoundingBox(Projection projection,
TileGrid tileGrid, long zoom) {
BoundingBox boundingBox = getWebMercatorBoundingBox(tileGrid, zoom);
if (projection != null) {
GeometryTransform transform = GeometryTransform.create(webMercator,
boundingBox = boundingBox.transform(transform);
return boundingBox;
* Get the WGS84 tile bounding box from the XYZ tile tileGrid and zoom level
* @param tileGrid
* tile grid
* @param zoom
* zoom level
* @return bounding box
* @since 6.2.0
public static BoundingBox getBoundingBoxAsWGS84(TileGrid tileGrid,
long zoom) {
return getProjectedBoundingBox(
(long) ProjectionConstants.EPSG_WORLD_GEODETIC_SYSTEM, tileGrid,
* Get the Projected tile bounding box from the WGS84 XYZ tile coordinates
* and zoom level
* @param projectionEpsg
* projection epsg
* @param x
* x coordinate
* @param y
* y coordinate
* @param zoom
* zoom level
* @return bounding box
* @since 6.0.1
public static BoundingBox getProjectedBoundingBoxFromWGS84(
Long projectionEpsg, int x, int y, long zoom) {
return getProjectedBoundingBoxFromWGS84(
ProjectionConstants.AUTHORITY_EPSG, projectionEpsg, x, y, zoom);
* Get the Projected tile bounding box from the WGS84 XYZ tile coordinates
* and zoom level
* @param authority
* projection authority
* @param code
* projection code
* @param x
* x coordinate
* @param y
* y coordinate
* @param zoom
* zoom level
* @return bounding box
* @since 6.0.1
public static BoundingBox getProjectedBoundingBoxFromWGS84(String authority,
Long code, int x, int y, long zoom) {
BoundingBox boundingBox = getWGS84BoundingBox(x, y, zoom);
if (code != null) {
GeometryTransform transform = GeometryTransform.create(wgs84,
authority, code);
boundingBox = boundingBox.transform(transform);
return boundingBox;
* Get the Projected tile bounding box from the WGS84 XYZ tile coordinates
* and zoom level
* @param projection
* projection
* @param x
* x coordinate
* @param y
* y coordinate
* @param zoom
* zoom level
* @return bounding box
* @since 6.0.1
public static BoundingBox getProjectedBoundingBoxFromWGS84(
Projection projection, long x, long y, long zoom) {
BoundingBox boundingBox = getWGS84BoundingBox(x, y, zoom);
if (projection != null) {
GeometryTransform transform = GeometryTransform.create(wgs84,
boundingBox = boundingBox.transform(transform);
return boundingBox;
* Get the Projected tile bounding box from the WGS84 XYZ tile tileGrid and
* zoom level
* @param projectionEpsg
* projection epsg
* @param tileGrid
* tile grid
* @param zoom
* zoom level
* @return bounding box
* @since 6.0.1
public static BoundingBox getProjectedBoundingBoxFromWGS84(
Long projectionEpsg, TileGrid tileGrid, long zoom) {
return getProjectedBoundingBoxFromWGS84(
ProjectionConstants.AUTHORITY_EPSG, projectionEpsg, tileGrid,
* Get the Projected tile bounding box from the WGS84 XYZ tile tileGrid and
* zoom level
* @param authority
* projection authority
* @param code
* projection code
* @param tileGrid
* tile grid
* @param zoom
* zoom level
* @return bounding box
* @since 6.0.1
public static BoundingBox getProjectedBoundingBoxFromWGS84(String authority,
Long code, TileGrid tileGrid, long zoom) {
BoundingBox boundingBox = getWGS84BoundingBox(tileGrid, zoom);
if (code != null) {
GeometryTransform transform = GeometryTransform.create(wgs84,
authority, code);
boundingBox = boundingBox.transform(transform);
return boundingBox;
* Get the Projected tile bounding box from the WGS84 XYZ tile grid and zoom
* level
* @param projection
* projection
* @param tileGrid
* tile grid
* @param zoom
* zoom level
* @return bounding box
* @since 6.0.1
public static BoundingBox getProjectedBoundingBoxFromWGS84(
Projection projection, TileGrid tileGrid, long zoom) {
BoundingBox boundingBox = getWGS84BoundingBox(tileGrid, zoom);
if (projection != null) {
GeometryTransform transform = GeometryTransform.create(wgs84,
boundingBox = boundingBox.transform(transform);
return boundingBox;
* Get the tile grid for the location specified as WGS84
* @param point
* point
* @param zoom
* zoom level
* @return tile grid
* @since 1.1.0
public static TileGrid getTileGridFromWGS84(Point point, long zoom) {
Projection projection = ProjectionFactory
return getTileGrid(point, zoom, projection);
* Get the tile grid for the location specified as the projection
* @param point
* point
* @param zoom
* zoom level
* @param projection
* projection
* @return tile grid
* @since 1.1.0
public static TileGrid getTileGrid(Point point, long zoom,
Projection projection) {
GeometryTransform toWebMercator = GeometryTransform.create(projection,
Point webMercatorPoint = toWebMercator.transform(point);
return getTileGridFromWebMercator(webMercatorPoint, zoom);
* Get the tile grid for the location specified as web mercator
* @param point
* point
* @param zoom
* zoom level
* @return tile grid
* @since 6.2.0
public static TileGrid getTileGridFromWebMercator(Point point, long zoom) {
BoundingBox boundingBox = new BoundingBox(point.getX(), point.getY(),
point.getX(), point.getY());
return getTileGrid(boundingBox, zoom);
* Get the tile grid that includes the entire tile bounding box
* @param webMercatorBoundingBox
* web mercator bounding box
* @param zoom
* zoom level
* @return tile grid
public static TileGrid getTileGrid(BoundingBox webMercatorBoundingBox,
long zoom) {
int tilesPerSide = tilesPerSide(zoom);
double tileSize = tileSize(tilesPerSide);
int minX = (int) ((webMercatorBoundingBox.getMinLongitude()
/ tileSize);
double tempMaxX = (webMercatorBoundingBox.getMaxLongitude()
+ ProjectionConstants.WEB_MERCATOR_HALF_WORLD_WIDTH) / tileSize;
int maxX = (int) (tempMaxX
- ProjectionConstants.WEB_MERCATOR_PRECISION);
maxX = Math.min(maxX, tilesPerSide - 1);
int minY = (int) (((webMercatorBoundingBox.getMaxLatitude()
- ProjectionConstants.WEB_MERCATOR_HALF_WORLD_WIDTH) * -1)
/ tileSize);
double tempMaxY = ((webMercatorBoundingBox.getMinLatitude()
- ProjectionConstants.WEB_MERCATOR_HALF_WORLD_WIDTH) * -1)
/ tileSize;
int maxY = (int) (tempMaxY
- ProjectionConstants.WEB_MERCATOR_PRECISION);
maxY = Math.min(maxY, tilesPerSide - 1);
TileGrid grid = new TileGrid(minX, minY, maxX, maxY);
return grid;
* Get the bounds of the XYZ tile at the point and zoom level
* @param projection
* point and bounding box projection
* @param point
* point location
* @param zoom
* zoom level
* @return bounding box
* @since 6.2.0
public static BoundingBox getTileBounds(Projection projection, Point point,
int zoom) {
TileGrid tileGrid = getTileGrid(point, zoom, projection);
return getProjectedBoundingBox(projection, tileGrid, zoom);
* Get the WGS84 bounds of the XYZ tile at the WGS84 point and zoom level
* @param point
* WGS84 point
* @param zoom
* zoom level
* @return WGS84 bounding box
* @since 6.2.0
public static BoundingBox getTileBoundsForWGS84(Point point, int zoom) {
Projection projection = ProjectionFactory
return getTileBounds(projection, point, zoom);
* Get the web mercator bounds of the XYZ tile at the web mercator point and
* zoom level
* @param point
* web mercator point
* @param zoom
* zoom level
* @return web mercator bounding box
* @since 6.2.0
public static BoundingBox getTileBoundsForWebMercator(Point point,
int zoom) {
Projection projection = ProjectionFactory
return getTileBounds(projection, point, zoom);
* Get the bounds of the WGS84 tile at the point and zoom level
* @param projection
* point and bounding box projection
* @param point
* point location
* @param zoom
* zoom level
* @return bounding box
* @since 6.2.0
public static BoundingBox getWGS84TileBounds(Projection projection,
Point point, int zoom) {
TileGrid tileGrid = getTileGridWGS84(point, zoom, projection);
return getProjectedBoundingBoxFromWGS84(projection, tileGrid, zoom);
* Get the WGS84 bounds of the WGS84 tile at the WGS84 point and zoom level
* @param point
* WGS84 point
* @param zoom
* zoom level
* @return WGS84 bounding box
* @since 6.2.0
public static BoundingBox getWGS84TileBoundsForWGS84(Point point,
int zoom) {
Projection projection = ProjectionFactory
return getWGS84TileBounds(projection, point, zoom);
* Get the web mercator bounds of the WGS84 tile at the web mercator point
* and zoom level
* @param point
* web mercator point
* @param zoom
* zoom level
* @return web mercator bounding box
* @since 6.2.0
public static BoundingBox getWGS84TileBoundsForWebMercator(Point point,
int zoom) {
Projection projection = ProjectionFactory
return getWGS84TileBounds(projection, point, zoom);
* Convert the bounding box coordinates to a new web mercator bounding box
* @param boundingBox
* bounding box
* @return bounding box
public static BoundingBox toWebMercator(BoundingBox boundingBox) {
double minLatitude = Math.max(boundingBox.getMinLatitude(),
double maxLatitude = Math.min(boundingBox.getMaxLatitude(),
Point lowerLeftPoint = new Point(false, false,
boundingBox.getMinLongitude(), minLatitude);
Point upperRightPoint = new Point(false, false,
boundingBox.getMaxLongitude(), maxLatitude);
GeometryTransform toWebMercator = GeometryTransform.create(
lowerLeftPoint = toWebMercator.transform(lowerLeftPoint);
upperRightPoint = toWebMercator.transform(upperRightPoint);
BoundingBox mercatorBox = new BoundingBox(lowerLeftPoint.getX(),
lowerLeftPoint.getY(), upperRightPoint.getX(),
return mercatorBox;
* Get the tile size in meters
* @param tilesPerSide
* tiles per side
* @return tile size
public static double tileSize(int tilesPerSide) {
return tileSize(tilesPerSide,
2 * ProjectionConstants.WEB_MERCATOR_HALF_WORLD_WIDTH);
* Get the zoom level from the tile size in meters
* @param tileSize
* tile size in meters
* @return zoom level
* @since 1.2.0
public static double zoomLevelOfTileSize(double tileSize) {
return zoomLevelOfTileSize(tileSize,
2 * ProjectionConstants.WEB_MERCATOR_HALF_WORLD_WIDTH);
* Get the tile size in length units
* @param tilesPerSide
* tiles per side
* @param totalLength
* total length
* @return tile size
* @since 6.2.0
public static double tileSize(int tilesPerSide, double totalLength) {
return totalLength / tilesPerSide;
* Get the zoom level from the tile size in length units
* @param tileSize
* tile size in units
* @param totalLength
* total length
* @return zoom level
* @since 6.2.0
public static double zoomLevelOfTileSize(double tileSize,
double totalLength) {
double tilesPerSide = totalLength / tileSize;
double zoom = Math.log(tilesPerSide) / Math.log(2);
return zoom;
* Get the tile size in length units at the zoom level
* @param zoom
* zoom level
* @param totalLength
* total length
* @return tile size in units
* @since 6.2.0
public static double tileSizeWithZoom(long zoom, double totalLength) {
int tilesPerSide = tilesPerSide(zoom);
double tileSize = tileSize(tilesPerSide, totalLength);
return tileSize;
* Get the tile width in degrees
* @param tilesPerSide
* tiles per side
* @return tile width degrees
public static double tileWidthDegrees(int tilesPerSide) {
return 360.0 / tilesPerSide;
* Get the tile height in degrees
* @param tilesPerSide
* tiles per side
* @return tile height degrees
public static double tileHeightDegrees(int tilesPerSide) {
return 180.0 / tilesPerSide;
* Get the tiles per side, width and height, at the zoom level
* @param zoom
* zoom level
* @return tiles per side
public static int tilesPerSide(long zoom) {
return (int) Math.pow(2, zoom);
* Get the tile size in meters at the zoom level
* @param zoom
* zoom level
* @return tile size in meters
* @since 2.0.0
public static double tileSizeWithZoom(long zoom) {
int tilesPerSide = tilesPerSide(zoom);
double tileSize = tileSize(tilesPerSide);
return tileSize;
* Get the tolerance distance in meters for the zoom level and pixels length
* @param zoom
* zoom level
* @param pixels
* pixel length
* @return tolerance distance in meters
* @since 2.0.0
public static double toleranceDistance(long zoom, int pixels) {
double tileSize = tileSizeWithZoom(zoom);
double tolerance = tileSize / pixels;
return tolerance;
* Get the tolerance distance in meters for the zoom level and pixels length
* @param zoom
* zoom level
* @param pixelWidth
* pixel width
* @param pixelHeight
* pixel height
* @return tolerance distance in meters
* @since 2.0.0
public static double toleranceDistance(long zoom, int pixelWidth,
int pixelHeight) {
return toleranceDistance(zoom, Math.max(pixelWidth, pixelHeight));
* Get the standard y tile location as TMS or a TMS y location as standard
* @param zoom
* zoom level
* @param y
* y coordinate
* @return opposite tile format y
public static int getYAsOppositeTileFormat(long zoom, int y) {
int tilesPerSide = tilesPerSide(zoom);
int oppositeY = tilesPerSide - y - 1;
return oppositeY;
* Get the zoom level from the tiles per side
* @param tilesPerSide
* tiles per side
* @return zoom level
public static int zoomFromTilesPerSide(int tilesPerSide) {
return (int) (Math.log(tilesPerSide) / Math.log(2));
* Get the tile grid
* @param totalBox
* total bounding box
* @param matrixWidth
* matrix width
* @param matrixHeight
* matrix height
* @param boundingBox
* bounding box
* @return tile grid
public static TileGrid getTileGrid(BoundingBox totalBox, long matrixWidth,
long matrixHeight, BoundingBox boundingBox) {
long minColumn = getTileColumn(totalBox, matrixWidth,
long maxColumn = getTileColumn(totalBox, matrixWidth,
if (minColumn < matrixWidth && maxColumn >= 0) {
if (minColumn < 0) {
minColumn = 0;
if (maxColumn >= matrixWidth) {
maxColumn = matrixWidth - 1;
long maxRow = getTileRow(totalBox, matrixHeight,
long minRow = getTileRow(totalBox, matrixHeight,
if (minRow < matrixHeight && maxRow >= 0) {
if (minRow < 0) {
minRow = 0;
if (maxRow >= matrixHeight) {
maxRow = matrixHeight - 1;
TileGrid tileGrid = new TileGrid(minColumn, minRow, maxColumn, maxRow);
return tileGrid;
* Get the tile column of the longitude in constant units
* @param totalBox
* total bounding box
* @param matrixWidth
* matrix width
* @param longitude
* in constant units
* @return tile column if in the range, -1 if before,
* {@link TileMatrix#getMatrixWidth()} if after
public static long getTileColumn(BoundingBox totalBox, long matrixWidth,
double longitude) {
double minX = totalBox.getMinLongitude();
double maxX = totalBox.getMaxLongitude();
long tileId;
if (longitude < minX) {
tileId = -1;
} else if (longitude >= maxX) {
tileId = matrixWidth;
} else {
double matrixWidthMeters = totalBox.getMaxLongitude()
- totalBox.getMinLongitude();
double tileWidth = matrixWidthMeters / matrixWidth;
tileId = (long) ((longitude - minX) / tileWidth);
return tileId;
* Get the tile row of the latitude in constant units
* @param totalBox
* total bounding box
* @param matrixHeight
* matrix height
* @param latitude
* in constant units
* @return tile row if in the range, -1 if before,
* {@link TileMatrix#getMatrixHeight()} if after
public static long getTileRow(BoundingBox totalBox, long matrixHeight,
double latitude) {
double minY = totalBox.getMinLatitude();
double maxY = totalBox.getMaxLatitude();
long tileId;
if (latitude <= minY) {
tileId = matrixHeight;
} else if (latitude > maxY) {
tileId = -1;
} else {
double matrixHeightMeters = totalBox.getMaxLatitude()
- totalBox.getMinLatitude();
double tileHeight = matrixHeightMeters / matrixHeight;
tileId = (long) ((maxY - latitude) / tileHeight);
return tileId;
* Get the bounding box of the tile column and row in the tile matrix using
* the total bounding box with constant units
* @param totalBox
* total bounding box
* @param tileMatrix
* tile matrix
* @param tileColumn
* tile column
* @param tileRow
* tile row
* @return bounding box
* @since 1.2.0
public static BoundingBox getBoundingBox(BoundingBox totalBox,
TileMatrix tileMatrix, long tileColumn, long tileRow) {
return getBoundingBox(totalBox, tileMatrix.getMatrixWidth(),
tileMatrix.getMatrixHeight(), tileColumn, tileRow);
* Get the bounding box of the tile column and row in the tile width and
* height bounds using the total bounding box with constant units
* @param totalBox
* total bounding box
* @param tileMatrixWidth
* matrix width
* @param tileMatrixHeight
* matrix height
* @param tileColumn
* tile column
* @param tileRow
* tile row
* @return bounding box
* @since 1.2.0
public static BoundingBox getBoundingBox(BoundingBox totalBox,
long tileMatrixWidth, long tileMatrixHeight, long tileColumn,
long tileRow) {
TileGrid tileGrid = new TileGrid(tileColumn, tileRow, tileColumn,
return getBoundingBox(totalBox, tileMatrixWidth, tileMatrixHeight,
* Get the bounding box of the tile grid in the tile matrix using the total
* bounding box with constant units
* @param totalBox
* total bounding box
* @param tileMatrix
* tile matrix
* @param tileGrid
* tile grid
* @return bounding box
* @since 1.2.0
public static BoundingBox getBoundingBox(BoundingBox totalBox,
TileMatrix tileMatrix, TileGrid tileGrid) {
return getBoundingBox(totalBox, tileMatrix.getMatrixWidth(),
tileMatrix.getMatrixHeight(), tileGrid);
* Get the bounding box of the tile grid in the tile width and height bounds
* using the total bounding box with constant units
* @param totalBox
* total bounding box
* @param tileMatrixWidth
* matrix width
* @param tileMatrixHeight
* matrix height
* @param tileGrid
* tile grid
* @return bounding box
* @since 1.2.0
public static BoundingBox getBoundingBox(BoundingBox totalBox,
long tileMatrixWidth, long tileMatrixHeight, TileGrid tileGrid) {
// Get the tile width
double matrixMinX = totalBox.getMinLongitude();
double matrixMaxX = totalBox.getMaxLongitude();
double matrixWidth = matrixMaxX - matrixMinX;
double tileWidth = matrixWidth / tileMatrixWidth;
// Find the longitude range
double minLon = matrixMinX + (tileWidth * tileGrid.getMinX());
double maxLon = matrixMinX + (tileWidth * (tileGrid.getMaxX() + 1));
// Get the tile height
double matrixMinY = totalBox.getMinLatitude();
double matrixMaxY = totalBox.getMaxLatitude();
double matrixHeight = matrixMaxY - matrixMinY;
double tileHeight = matrixHeight / tileMatrixHeight;
// Find the latitude range
double maxLat = matrixMaxY - (tileHeight * tileGrid.getMinY());
double minLat = matrixMaxY - (tileHeight * (tileGrid.getMaxY() + 1));
BoundingBox boundingBox = new BoundingBox(minLon, minLat, maxLon,
return boundingBox;
* Get the zoom level of where the web mercator bounding box fits into the
* complete world
* @param webMercatorBoundingBox
* web mercator bounding box
* @return zoom level
public static int getZoomLevel(BoundingBox webMercatorBoundingBox) {
double worldLength = ProjectionConstants.WEB_MERCATOR_HALF_WORLD_WIDTH
* 2;
double longitudeDistance = webMercatorBoundingBox.getMaxLongitude()
- webMercatorBoundingBox.getMinLongitude();
double latitudeDistance = webMercatorBoundingBox.getMaxLatitude()
- webMercatorBoundingBox.getMinLatitude();
if (longitudeDistance <= 0) {
longitudeDistance = Double.MIN_VALUE;
if (latitudeDistance <= 0) {
latitudeDistance = Double.MIN_VALUE;
int widthTiles = (int) (worldLength / longitudeDistance);
int heightTiles = (int) (worldLength / latitudeDistance);
int tilesPerSide = Math.min(widthTiles, heightTiles);
tilesPerSide = Math.max(tilesPerSide, 1);
int zoom = zoomFromTilesPerSide(tilesPerSide);
return zoom;
* Get the pixel x size for the bounding box with matrix width and tile
* width
* @param webMercatorBoundingBox
* web mercator bounding box
* @param matrixWidth
* matrix width
* @param tileWidth
* tile width
* @return pixel x size
public static double getPixelXSize(BoundingBox webMercatorBoundingBox,
long matrixWidth, int tileWidth) {
double pixelXSize = (webMercatorBoundingBox.getMaxLongitude()
- webMercatorBoundingBox.getMinLongitude()) / matrixWidth
/ tileWidth;
return pixelXSize;
* Get the pixel y size for the bounding box with matrix height and tile
* height
* @param webMercatorBoundingBox
* web mercator bounding box
* @param matrixHeight
* matrix height
* @param tileHeight
* tile height
* @return pixel y size
public static double getPixelYSize(BoundingBox webMercatorBoundingBox,
long matrixHeight, int tileHeight) {
double pixelYSize = (webMercatorBoundingBox.getMaxLatitude()
- webMercatorBoundingBox.getMinLatitude()) / matrixHeight
/ tileHeight;
return pixelYSize;
* Bound the web mercator bounding box within the limits
* @param boundingBox
* web mercator bounding box
* @return bounding box
* @since 3.5.0
public static BoundingBox boundWebMercatorBoundingBox(
BoundingBox boundingBox) {
BoundingBox bounded = boundingBox.copy();
-1 * ProjectionConstants.WEB_MERCATOR_HALF_WORLD_WIDTH));
-1 * ProjectionConstants.WEB_MERCATOR_HALF_WORLD_WIDTH));
return bounded;
* Bound the upper and lower bounds of the WGS84 bounding box with web
* mercator limits
* @param boundingBox
* wgs84 bounding box
* @return bounding box
* @since 1.1.6
public static BoundingBox boundWgs84BoundingBoxWithWebMercatorLimits(
BoundingBox boundingBox) {
return boundDegreesBoundingBoxWithWebMercatorLimits(boundingBox);
* Bound the upper and lower bounds of the degrees bounding box with web
* mercator limits
* @param boundingBox
* degrees bounding box
* @return bounding box
* @since 1.3.1
public static BoundingBox boundDegreesBoundingBoxWithWebMercatorLimits(
BoundingBox boundingBox) {
BoundingBox bounded = boundingBox.copy();
if (bounded
.getMinLatitude() < ProjectionConstants.WEB_MERCATOR_MIN_LAT_RANGE) {
if (bounded
.getMaxLatitude() < ProjectionConstants.WEB_MERCATOR_MIN_LAT_RANGE) {
if (bounded
.getMaxLatitude() > ProjectionConstants.WEB_MERCATOR_MAX_LAT_RANGE) {
if (bounded
.getMinLatitude() > ProjectionConstants.WEB_MERCATOR_MAX_LAT_RANGE) {
return bounded;
* Get the WGS84 tile grid for the point specified as WGS84
* @param point
* point
* @param zoom
* zoom level
* @return tile grid
* @since 6.2.0
public static TileGrid getTileGridWGS84FromWGS84(Point point, long zoom) {
BoundingBox boundingBox = new BoundingBox(point.getX(), point.getY(),
point.getX(), point.getY());
return getTileGridWGS84(boundingBox, zoom);
* Get the WGS84 tile grid for the point specified as the projection
* @param point
* point
* @param zoom
* zoom level
* @param projection
* projection
* @return tile grid
* @since 6.2.0
public static TileGrid getTileGridWGS84(Point point, long zoom,
Projection projection) {
GeometryTransform toWGS84 = GeometryTransform.create(projection,
Point wgs84Point = toWGS84.transform(point);
return getTileGridWGS84FromWGS84(wgs84Point, zoom);
* Get the WGS84 tile grid for the point specified as web mercator
* @param point
* point
* @param zoom
* zoom level
* @return tile grid
* @since 6.2.0
public static TileGrid getTileGridWGS84FromWebMercator(Point point,
long zoom) {
Projection projection = ProjectionFactory
return getTileGridWGS84(point, zoom, projection);
* Get the WGS84 tile grid that includes the entire tile bounding box
* @param boundingBox
* wgs84 bounding box
* @param zoom
* zoom level
* @return tile grid
* @since 1.2.0
public static TileGrid getTileGridWGS84(BoundingBox boundingBox,
long zoom) {
int tilesPerLat = tilesPerWGS84LatSide(zoom);
int tilesPerLon = tilesPerWGS84LonSide(zoom);
double tileSizeLat = tileSizeLatPerWGS84Side(tilesPerLat);
double tileSizeLon = tileSizeLonPerWGS84Side(tilesPerLon);
int minX = (int) ((boundingBox.getMinLongitude()
+ ProjectionConstants.WGS84_HALF_WORLD_LON_WIDTH)
/ tileSizeLon);
double tempMaxX = (boundingBox.getMaxLongitude()
+ ProjectionConstants.WGS84_HALF_WORLD_LON_WIDTH) / tileSizeLon;
int maxX = (int) tempMaxX;
if (tempMaxX % 1 == 0) {
maxX = Math.min(maxX, tilesPerLon - 1);
int minY = (int) (((boundingBox.getMaxLatitude()
- ProjectionConstants.WGS84_HALF_WORLD_LAT_HEIGHT) * -1)
/ tileSizeLat);
double tempMaxY = ((boundingBox.getMinLatitude()
- ProjectionConstants.WGS84_HALF_WORLD_LAT_HEIGHT) * -1)
/ tileSizeLat;
int maxY = (int) tempMaxY;
if (tempMaxY % 1 == 0) {
maxY = Math.min(maxY, tilesPerLat - 1);
TileGrid grid = new TileGrid(minX, minY, maxX, maxY);
return grid;
* Get the WGS84 tile bounding box from the WGS84 XYZ tile coordinates and
* zoom level
* @param x
* x coordinate
* @param y
* y coordinate
* @param zoom
* zoom level
* @return bounding box
* @since 6.0.1
public static BoundingBox getWGS84BoundingBox(long x, long y, long zoom) {
return getWGS84BoundingBox(new TileGrid(x, y, x, y), zoom);
* Get the WGS84 tile bounding box from the WGS84 tile grid and zoom level
* @param tileGrid
* tile grid
* @param zoom
* zoom
* @return wgs84 bounding box
* @since 1.2.0
public static BoundingBox getWGS84BoundingBox(TileGrid tileGrid,
long zoom) {
int tilesPerLat = tilesPerWGS84LatSide(zoom);
int tilesPerLon = tilesPerWGS84LonSide(zoom);
double tileSizeLat = tileSizeLatPerWGS84Side(tilesPerLat);
double tileSizeLon = tileSizeLonPerWGS84Side(tilesPerLon);
double minLon = (-1 * ProjectionConstants.WGS84_HALF_WORLD_LON_WIDTH)
+ (tileGrid.getMinX() * tileSizeLon);
double maxLon = (-1 * ProjectionConstants.WGS84_HALF_WORLD_LON_WIDTH)
+ ((tileGrid.getMaxX() + 1) * tileSizeLon);
double minLat = ProjectionConstants.WGS84_HALF_WORLD_LAT_HEIGHT
- ((tileGrid.getMaxY() + 1) * tileSizeLat);
double maxLat = ProjectionConstants.WGS84_HALF_WORLD_LAT_HEIGHT
- (tileGrid.getMinY() * tileSizeLat);
BoundingBox box = new BoundingBox(minLon, minLat, maxLon, maxLat);
return box;
* Get the tiles per latitude side at the zoom level
* @param zoom
* zoom level
* @return tiles per latitude side
* @since 1.2.0
public static int tilesPerWGS84LatSide(long zoom) {
return tilesPerSide(zoom);
* Get the tiles per longitude side at the zoom level
* @param zoom
* zoom level
* @return tiles per longitude side
* @since 1.2.0
public static int tilesPerWGS84LonSide(long zoom) {
return 2 * tilesPerSide(zoom);
* Get the tile height in degrees latitude
* @param tilesPerLat
* tiles per latitude side
* @return degrees
* @since 1.2.0
public static double tileSizeLatPerWGS84Side(int tilesPerLat) {
return (2 * ProjectionConstants.WGS84_HALF_WORLD_LAT_HEIGHT)
/ tilesPerLat;
* Get the tile height in degrees longitude
* @param tilesPerLon
* tiles per longitude side
* @return degrees
* @since 1.2.0
public static double tileSizeLonPerWGS84Side(int tilesPerLon) {
return (2 * ProjectionConstants.WGS84_HALF_WORLD_LON_WIDTH)
/ tilesPerLon;
* Get the tile grid starting from the tile grid and current zoom to the new
* zoom level
* @param tileGrid
* current tile grid
* @param fromZoom
* current zoom level
* @param toZoom
* new zoom level
* @return tile grid at new zoom level
* @since 2.0.1
public static TileGrid tileGridZoom(TileGrid tileGrid, long fromZoom,
long toZoom) {
TileGrid newTileGrid = null;
long zoomChange = toZoom - fromZoom;
if (zoomChange > 0) {
newTileGrid = tileGridZoomIncrease(tileGrid, zoomChange);
} else if (zoomChange < 0) {
zoomChange = Math.abs(zoomChange);
newTileGrid = tileGridZoomDecrease(tileGrid, zoomChange);
} else {
newTileGrid = tileGrid;
return newTileGrid;
* Get the tile grid starting from the tile grid and zooming in / increasing
* the number of levels
* @param tileGrid
* current tile grid
* @param zoomLevels
* number of zoom levels to increase by
* @return tile grid at new zoom level
* @since 2.0.1
public static TileGrid tileGridZoomIncrease(TileGrid tileGrid,
long zoomLevels) {
long minX = tileGridMinZoomIncrease(tileGrid.getMinX(), zoomLevels);
long maxX = tileGridMaxZoomIncrease(tileGrid.getMaxX(), zoomLevels);
long minY = tileGridMinZoomIncrease(tileGrid.getMinY(), zoomLevels);
long maxY = tileGridMaxZoomIncrease(tileGrid.getMaxY(), zoomLevels);
TileGrid newTileGrid = new TileGrid(minX, minY, maxX, maxY);
return newTileGrid;
* Get the tile grid starting from the tile grid and zooming out /
* decreasing the number of levels
* @param tileGrid
* current tile grid
* @param zoomLevels
* number of zoom levels to decrease by
* @return tile grid at new zoom level
* @since 2.0.1
public static TileGrid tileGridZoomDecrease(TileGrid tileGrid,
long zoomLevels) {
long minX = tileGridMinZoomDecrease(tileGrid.getMinX(), zoomLevels);
long maxX = tileGridMaxZoomDecrease(tileGrid.getMaxX(), zoomLevels);
long minY = tileGridMinZoomDecrease(tileGrid.getMinY(), zoomLevels);
long maxY = tileGridMaxZoomDecrease(tileGrid.getMaxY(), zoomLevels);
TileGrid newTileGrid = new TileGrid(minX, minY, maxX, maxY);
return newTileGrid;
* Get the new tile grid min value starting from the tile grid min and
* zooming in / increasing the number of levels
* @param min
* tile grid min value
* @param zoomLevels
* number of zoom levels to increase by
* @return tile grid min value at new zoom level
* @since 2.0.1
public static long tileGridMinZoomIncrease(long min, long zoomLevels) {
return min * (long) Math.pow(2, zoomLevels);
* Get the new tile grid max value starting from the tile grid max and
* zooming in / increasing the number of levels
* @param max
* tile grid max value
* @param zoomLevels
* number of zoom levels to increase by
* @return tile grid max value at new zoom level
* @since 2.0.1
public static long tileGridMaxZoomIncrease(long max, long zoomLevels) {
return (max + 1) * (long) Math.pow(2, zoomLevels) - 1;
* Get the new tile grid min value starting from the tile grid min and
* zooming out / decreasing the number of levels
* @param min
* tile grid min value
* @param zoomLevels
* number of zoom levels to decrease by
* @return tile grid min value at new zoom level
* @since 2.0.1
public static long tileGridMinZoomDecrease(long min, long zoomLevels) {
return (long) Math.floor(min / Math.pow(2, zoomLevels));
* Get the new tile grid max value starting from the tile grid max and
* zooming out / decreasing the number of levels
* @param max
* tile grid max value
* @param zoomLevels
* number of zoom levels to decrease by
* @return tile grid max value at new zoom level
* @since 2.0.1
public static long tileGridMaxZoomDecrease(long max, long zoomLevels) {
return (long) Math.ceil((max + 1) / Math.pow(2, zoomLevels) - 1);
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