ml.dmlc.xgboost4j.scala.spark.XGBoost.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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package ml.dmlc.xgboost4j.scala.spark
import java.nio.file.Files
import scala.collection.mutable
import scala.util.Random
import{IRabitTracker, Rabit, XGBoostError, RabitTracker => PyRabitTracker}
import ml.dmlc.xgboost4j.scala.rabit.RabitTracker
import ml.dmlc.xgboost4j.scala.{XGBoost => SXGBoost, _}
import ml.dmlc.xgboost4j.{LabeledPoint => XGBLabeledPoint}
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.{FSDataInputStream, Path}
import org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD
import org.apache.spark.sql.Dataset
import{LabeledPoint => MLLabeledPoint}
import org.apache.spark.{SparkContext, SparkParallelismTracker, TaskContext}
* Rabit tracker configurations.
* @param workerConnectionTimeout The timeout for all workers to connect to the tracker.
* Set timeout length to zero to disable timeout.
* Use a finite, non-zero timeout value to prevent tracker from
* hanging indefinitely (in milliseconds)
* (supported by "scala" implementation only.)
* @param trackerImpl Choice between "python" or "scala". The former utilizes the Java wrapper of
* the Python Rabit tracker (in dmlc_core), whereas the latter is implemented
* in Scala without Python components, and with full support of timeouts.
* The Scala implementation is currently experimental, use at your own risk.
case class TrackerConf(workerConnectionTimeout: Long, trackerImpl: String)
object TrackerConf {
def apply(): TrackerConf = TrackerConf(0L, "python")
object XGBoost extends Serializable {
private val logger = LogFactory.getLog("XGBoostSpark")
private def removeMissingValues(
denseLabeledPoints: Iterator[XGBLabeledPoint],
missing: Float): Iterator[XGBLabeledPoint] = {
if (!missing.isNaN) { { labeledPoint =>
val indicesBuilder = new mutable.ArrayBuilder.ofInt()
val valuesBuilder = new mutable.ArrayBuilder.ofFloat()
for ((value, i) <- labeledPoint.values.zipWithIndex if value != missing) {
indicesBuilder += (if (labeledPoint.indices == null) i else labeledPoint.indices(i))
valuesBuilder += value
labeledPoint.copy(indices = indicesBuilder.result(), values = valuesBuilder.result())
} else {
private def fromBaseMarginsToArray(baseMargins: Iterator[Float]): Option[Array[Float]] = {
val builder = new mutable.ArrayBuilder.ofFloat()
var nTotal = 0
var nUndefined = 0
while (baseMargins.hasNext) {
nTotal += 1
val baseMargin =
if (baseMargin.isNaN) {
nUndefined += 1 // don't waste space for all-NaNs.
} else {
builder += baseMargin
if (nUndefined == nTotal) {
} else if (nUndefined == 0) {
} else {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
s"Encountered a partition with $nUndefined NaN base margin values. " +
s"If you want to specify base margin, ensure all values are non-NaN.")
private[spark] def buildDistributedBoosters(
data: RDD[XGBLabeledPoint],
params: Map[String, Any],
rabitEnv: java.util.Map[String, String],
round: Int,
obj: ObjectiveTrait,
eval: EvalTrait,
useExternalMemory: Boolean,
missing: Float,
prevBooster: Booster
): RDD[(Booster, Map[String, Array[Float]])] = {
val partitionedBaseMargin =
// to workaround the empty partitions in training dataset,
// this might not be the best efficient implementation, see
// (
data.zipPartitions(partitionedBaseMargin) { (labeledPoints, baseMargins) =>
if (labeledPoints.isEmpty) {
throw new XGBoostError(
s"detected an empty partition in the training data, partition ID:" +
s" ${TaskContext.getPartitionId()}")
val taskId = TaskContext.getPartitionId().toString
val cacheDirName = if (useExternalMemory) {
val dir = Files.createTempDirectory(s"${TaskContext.get().stageId()}-cache-$taskId")
} else {
rabitEnv.put("DMLC_TASK_ID", taskId)
val watches = Watches(params,
removeMissingValues(labeledPoints, missing),
fromBaseMarginsToArray(baseMargins), cacheDirName)
try {
val numEarlyStoppingRounds = params.get("numEarlyStoppingRounds")
val metrics = Array.tabulate(watches.size)(_ => Array.ofDim[Float](round))
val booster = SXGBoost.train(watches.train, params, round,
watches.toMap, metrics, obj, eval,
earlyStoppingRound = numEarlyStoppingRounds, prevBooster)
Iterator(booster ->
} finally {
* Train XGBoost model with the DataFrame-represented data
* @param trainingData the training set represented as DataFrame
* @param params Map containing the parameters to configure XGBoost
* @param round the number of iterations
* @param nWorkers the number of xgboost workers, 0 by default which means that the number of
* workers equals to the partition number of trainingData RDD
* @param obj An instance of [[ObjectiveTrait]] specifying a custom objective, null by default
* @param eval An instance of [[EvalTrait]] specifying a custom evaluation metric, null by default
* @param useExternalMemory indicate whether to use external memory cache, by setting this flag as
* true, the user may save the RAM cost for running XGBoost within Spark
* @param missing The value which represents a missing value in the dataset
* @param featureCol the name of input column, "features" as default value
* @param labelCol the name of output column, "label" as default value
* @throws when the model training is failed
* @return XGBoostModel when successful training
def trainWithDataFrame(
trainingData: Dataset[_],
params: Map[String, Any],
round: Int,
nWorkers: Int,
obj: ObjectiveTrait = null,
eval: EvalTrait = null,
useExternalMemory: Boolean = false,
missing: Float = Float.NaN,
featureCol: String = "features",
labelCol: String = "label"): XGBoostModel = {
require(nWorkers > 0, "you must specify more than 0 workers")
val estimator = new XGBoostEstimator(params)
// assigning general parameters
set(estimator.useExternalMemory, useExternalMemory).
set(estimator.round, round).
set(estimator.nWorkers, nWorkers).
set(estimator.customObj, obj).
set(estimator.customEval, eval).
set(estimator.missing, missing).
private[spark] def isClassificationTask(params: Map[String, Any]): Boolean = {
val objective = params.getOrElse("objective", params.getOrElse("obj_type", null))
objective != null && {
val objStr = objective.toString
objStr != "regression" && !objStr.startsWith("reg:") && objStr != "count:poisson" &&
* Train XGBoost model with the RDD-represented data
* @param trainingData the training set represented as RDD
* @param params Map containing the configuration entries
* @param round the number of iterations
* @param nWorkers the number of xgboost workers, 0 by default which means that the number of
* workers equals to the partition number of trainingData RDD
* @param obj An instance of [[ObjectiveTrait]] specifying a custom objective, null by default
* @param eval An instance of [[EvalTrait]] specifying a custom evaluation metric, null by default
* @param useExternalMemory indicate whether to use external memory cache, by setting this flag as
* true, the user may save the RAM cost for running XGBoost within Spark
* @param missing the value represented the missing value in the dataset
* @throws when the model training is failed
* @return XGBoostModel when successful training
@deprecated("Use XGBoost.trainWithRDD instead.")
def train(
trainingData: RDD[MLLabeledPoint],
params: Map[String, Any],
round: Int,
nWorkers: Int,
obj: ObjectiveTrait = null,
eval: EvalTrait = null,
useExternalMemory: Boolean = false,
missing: Float = Float.NaN): XGBoostModel = {
trainWithRDD(trainingData, params, round, nWorkers, obj, eval, useExternalMemory, missing)
private def overrideParamsAccordingToTaskCPUs(
params: Map[String, Any],
sc: SparkContext): Map[String, Any] = {
val coresPerTask = sc.getConf.getInt("spark.task.cpus", 1)
var overridedParams = params
if (overridedParams.contains("nthread")) {
val nThread = overridedParams("nthread").toString.toInt
require(nThread <= coresPerTask,
s"the nthread configuration ($nThread) must be no larger than " +
s"spark.task.cpus ($coresPerTask)")
} else {
overridedParams = params + ("nthread" -> coresPerTask)
private def startTracker(nWorkers: Int, trackerConf: TrackerConf): IRabitTracker = {
val tracker: IRabitTracker = trackerConf.trackerImpl match {
case "scala" => new RabitTracker(nWorkers)
case "python" => new PyRabitTracker(nWorkers)
case _ => new PyRabitTracker(nWorkers)
require(tracker.start(trackerConf.workerConnectionTimeout), "FAULT: Failed to start tracker")
* Train XGBoost model with the RDD-represented data
* @param trainingData the training set represented as RDD
* @param params Map containing the configuration entries
* @param round the number of iterations
* @param nWorkers the number of xgboost workers, 0 by default which means that the number of
* workers equals to the partition number of trainingData RDD
* @param obj An instance of [[ObjectiveTrait]] specifying a custom objective, null by default
* @param eval An instance of [[EvalTrait]] specifying a custom evaluation metric, null by default
* @param useExternalMemory indicate whether to use external memory cache, by setting this flag as
* true, the user may save the RAM cost for running XGBoost within Spark
* @param missing The value which represents a missing value in the dataset
* @throws when the model training has failed
* @return XGBoostModel when successful training
def trainWithRDD(
trainingData: RDD[MLLabeledPoint],
params: Map[String, Any],
round: Int,
nWorkers: Int,
obj: ObjectiveTrait = null,
eval: EvalTrait = null,
useExternalMemory: Boolean = false,
missing: Float = Float.NaN): XGBoostModel = {
import DataUtils._
val xgbTrainingData = { case MLLabeledPoint(label, features) =>
features.asXGB.copy(label = label.toFloat)
trainDistributed(xgbTrainingData, params, round, nWorkers, obj, eval,
useExternalMemory, missing)
private[spark] def trainDistributed(
trainingData: RDD[XGBLabeledPoint],
params: Map[String, Any],
round: Int,
nWorkers: Int,
obj: ObjectiveTrait = null,
eval: EvalTrait = null,
useExternalMemory: Boolean = false,
missing: Float = Float.NaN): XGBoostModel = {
if (params.contains("tree_method")) {
require(params("tree_method") != "hist", "xgboost4j-spark does not support fast histogram" +
" for now")
require(nWorkers > 0, "you must specify more than 0 workers")
if (obj != null) {
require(params.get("obj_type").isDefined, "parameter \"obj_type\" is not defined," +
" you have to specify the objective type as classification or regression with a" +
" customized objective function")
val trackerConf = params.get("tracker_conf") match {
case None => TrackerConf()
case Some(conf: TrackerConf) => conf
case _ => throw new IllegalArgumentException("parameter \"tracker_conf\" must be an " +
"instance of TrackerConf.")
val timeoutRequestWorkers: Long = params.get("timeout_request_workers") match {
case None => 0L
case Some(interval: Long) => interval
case _ => throw new IllegalArgumentException("parameter \"timeout_request_workers\" must be" +
" an instance of Long.")
val (checkpointPath, checkpointInterval) = CheckpointManager.extractParams(params)
val partitionedData = repartitionForTraining(trainingData, nWorkers)
val sc = trainingData.sparkContext
val checkpointManager = new CheckpointManager(sc, checkpointPath)
var prevBooster = checkpointManager.loadCheckpointAsBooster
// Train for every ${savingRound} rounds and save the partially completed booster
checkpointManager.getCheckpointRounds(checkpointInterval, round).map {
checkpointRound: Int =>
val tracker = startTracker(nWorkers, trackerConf)
try {
val parallelismTracker = new SparkParallelismTracker(sc, timeoutRequestWorkers, nWorkers)
val overriddenParams = overrideParamsAccordingToTaskCPUs(params, sc)
val boostersAndMetrics = buildDistributedBoosters(partitionedData, overriddenParams,
tracker.getWorkerEnvs, checkpointRound, obj, eval, useExternalMemory, missing,
val sparkJobThread = new Thread() {
override def run() {
// force the job
boostersAndMetrics.foreachPartition(() => _)
val isClsTask = isClassificationTask(params)
val trackerReturnVal = parallelismTracker.execute(tracker.waitFor(0L))"Rabit returns with exit code $trackerReturnVal")
val model = postTrackerReturnProcessing(trackerReturnVal, boostersAndMetrics,
sparkJobThread, isClsTask)
if (isClsTask){
model.asInstanceOf[XGBoostClassificationModel].numOfClasses =
params.getOrElse("num_class", "2").toString.toInt
if (checkpointRound < round) {
prevBooster = model.booster
} finally {
private[spark] def repartitionForTraining(trainingData: RDD[XGBLabeledPoint], nWorkers: Int) = {
if (trainingData.getNumPartitions != nWorkers) {"repartitioning training set to $nWorkers partitions")
} else {
private def postTrackerReturnProcessing(
trackerReturnVal: Int,
distributedBoostersAndMetrics: RDD[(Booster, Map[String, Array[Float]])],
sparkJobThread: Thread,
isClassificationTask: Boolean
): XGBoostModel = {
if (trackerReturnVal == 0) {
// Copies of the final booster and the corresponding metrics
// reside in each partition of the `distributedBoostersAndMetrics`.
// Any of them can be used to create the model.
val (booster, metrics) = distributedBoostersAndMetrics.first()
val xgboostModel = XGBoostModel(booster, isClassificationTask)
} else {
try {
if (sparkJobThread.isAlive) {
} catch {
case _: InterruptedException =>"spark job thread is interrupted")
throw new XGBoostError("XGBoostModel training failed")
private def loadGeneralModelParams(inputStream: FSDataInputStream): (String, String, String) = {
val featureCol = inputStream.readUTF()
val labelCol = inputStream.readUTF()
val predictionCol = inputStream.readUTF()
(featureCol, labelCol, predictionCol)
private def setGeneralModelParams(
featureCol: String,
labelCol: String,
predCol: String,
xgBoostModel: XGBoostModel): XGBoostModel = {
* Load XGBoost model from path in HDFS-compatible file system
* @param modelPath The path of the file representing the model
* @return The loaded model
def loadModelFromHadoopFile(modelPath: String)(implicit sparkContext: SparkContext):
XGBoostModel = {
val path = new Path(modelPath)
val dataInStream = path.getFileSystem(sparkContext.hadoopConfiguration).open(path)
val modelType = dataInStream.readUTF()
val (featureCol, labelCol, predictionCol) = loadGeneralModelParams(dataInStream)
modelType match {
case "_cls_" =>
val rawPredictionCol = dataInStream.readUTF()
val numClasses = dataInStream.readInt()
val thresholdLength = dataInStream.readInt()
var thresholds: Array[Double] = null
if (thresholdLength != -1) {
thresholds = new Array[Double](thresholdLength)
for (i <- 0 until thresholdLength) {
thresholds(i) = dataInStream.readDouble()
val xgBoostModel = new XGBoostClassificationModel(SXGBoost.loadModel(dataInStream))
setGeneralModelParams(featureCol, labelCol, predictionCol, xgBoostModel).
if (thresholdLength != -1) {
xgBoostModel.asInstanceOf[XGBoostClassificationModel].numOfClasses = numClasses
case "_reg_" =>
val xgBoostModel = new XGBoostRegressionModel(SXGBoost.loadModel(dataInStream))
setGeneralModelParams(featureCol, labelCol, predictionCol, xgBoostModel)
case other =>
throw new XGBoostError(s"Unknown model type $other. Supported types " +
s"are: ['_reg_', '_cls_'].")
private class Watches private(
val train: DMatrix,
val test: DMatrix,
private val cacheDirName: Option[String]) {
def toMap: Map[String, DMatrix] = Map("train" -> train, "test" -> test)
.filter { case (_, matrix) => matrix.rowNum > 0 }
def size: Int = toMap.size
def delete(): Unit = {
cacheDirName.foreach { name =>
FileUtils.deleteDirectory(new File(name))
override def toString: String = toMap.toString
private object Watches {
def apply(
params: Map[String, Any],
labeledPoints: Iterator[XGBLabeledPoint],
baseMarginsOpt: Option[Array[Float]],
cacheDirName: Option[String]): Watches = {
val trainTestRatio = params.get("trainTestRatio").map(_.toString.toDouble).getOrElse(1.0)
val seed = params.get("seed").map(_.toString.toLong).getOrElse(System.nanoTime())
val r = new Random(seed)
val testPoints = mutable.ArrayBuffer.empty[XGBLabeledPoint]
val trainPoints = labeledPoints.filter { labeledPoint =>
val accepted = r.nextDouble() <= trainTestRatio
if (!accepted) {
testPoints += labeledPoint
val trainMatrix = new DMatrix(trainPoints, + "/train").orNull)
val testMatrix = new DMatrix(testPoints.iterator, + "/test").orNull)
for (baseMargins <- baseMarginsOpt) {
val (trainMargin, testMargin) = baseMargins.partition(_ => r.nextDouble() <= trainTestRatio)
// TODO: use group attribute from the points.
if (params.contains("groupData") && params("groupData") != null) {
new Watches(trainMatrix, testMatrix, cacheDirName)
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