mockit.Invocations Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* JMockit Expectations
* Copyright (c) 2006-2009 Rogério Liesenfeld
* All rights reserved.
* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining
* a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the
* "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including
* without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,
* distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to
* permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to
* the following conditions:
* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be
* included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
package mockit;
import java.util.regex.*;
import org.hamcrest.*;
import org.hamcrest.Matcher;
import org.hamcrest.core.*;
import org.hamcrest.number.*;
import mockit.internal.expectations.*;
import mockit.internal.util.*;
* Provides common user API for both the {@linkplain Expectations record} and
* {@linkplain Verifications verification} phases of a test.
abstract class Invocations
* Matches any {@code Object} reference for the relevant parameter.
* Note that the use of this field will usually require a cast to the specific parameter type.
* If there is any other parameter for which an argument matching constraint can be specified,
* though, the {@code null} reference can be passed instead, as it will also match any
* reference during the replay phase.
* @see #anyInt
protected static final Object any = null;
* Matches any {@code String} value for the relevant parameter.
* @see #anyInt
protected static final String anyString = null;
* Matches any {@code long} or {@code Long} value for the relevant parameter.
* @see #anyInt
protected static final Long anyLong = 0L;
* Matches any {@code int} or {@code Integer} value for the relevant parameter.
* When used as argument for a method/constructor invocation in the recording or verification
* phase of a test, specifies the matching of any value passed as argument to
* corresponding invocations in the replay phase.
protected static final Integer anyInt = 0;
* Matches any {@code short} or {@code Short} value for the relevant parameter.
* @see #anyInt
protected static final Short anyShort = 0;
* Matches any {@code byte} or {@code Byte} value for the relevant parameter.
* @see #anyInt
protected static final Byte anyByte = 0;
* Matches any {@code boolean} or {@code Boolean} value for the relevant parameter.
* @see #anyInt
protected static final Boolean anyBoolean = false;
* Matches any {@code char} or {@code Character} value for the relevant parameter.
* @see #anyInt
protected static final Character anyChar = '\0';
* Matches any {@code double} or {@code Double} value for the relevant parameter.
* @see #anyInt
protected static final Double anyDouble = 0.0;
* Matches any {@code float} or {@code Float} value for the relevant parameter.
* @see #anyInt
protected static final Float anyFloat = 0.0F;
protected Invocations() {}
abstract TestOnlyPhase getCurrentPhase();
final Expectation getCurrentExpectation()
return getCurrentPhase().getCurrentExpectation();
// Methods for argument matching (using Hamcrest matchers) /////////////////////////////////////
* Adds a custom argument matcher for a parameter in the current invocation.
* The given matcher can be any existing Hamcrest matcher or a user provided one (note that
* jmockit.jar already integrates all the matchers from hamcrest-core-1.1.jar and from
* hamcrest-library-1.1.jar).
* For additional details, refer to {@link #withEqual(Object)}.
* @param argValue an arbitrary value of the proper type, necessary to provide a valid argument
* to the invocation parameter
* @return the given {@code argValue}
protected final T with(T argValue, Matcher argumentMatcher)
return argValue;
private void addMatcher(Matcher> matcher)
* Adds a custom argument matcher for a parameter in the current invocation.
* This works like {@link #with(Object, org.hamcrest.Matcher)}, but attempting to extract the
* argument value from the supplied argument matcher.
* @return the value recorded inside the given argument matcher, or {@code null} if no such value
* could be determined
protected final T with(Matcher argumentMatcher)
Matcher argMatcher = getInnermostMatcher(argumentMatcher);
T argValue = (T) getArgumentValueFromMatcherIfAvailable(argMatcher);
return argValue;
private Matcher getInnermostMatcher(Matcher argMatcher)
while (argMatcher instanceof Is || argMatcher instanceof IsNot) {
//noinspection AssignmentToMethodParameter,unchecked
argMatcher = getField(argMatcher, Matcher.class);
return argMatcher;
private Object getArgumentValueFromMatcherIfAvailable(Matcher> argMatcher)
if (
argMatcher instanceof IsEqual || argMatcher instanceof IsSame ||
argMatcher instanceof OrderingComparison
) {
return getField(argMatcher, Object.class);
return null;
* Same as {@link #withAny(Object)}, but always returning {@code null}.
protected final T withAny()
return withAny((T) null);
* Same as {@link #withEqual(Object)}, but matching any argument value of the appropriate type.
* Consider using instead the "any" field appropriate to the parameter type: {@link #any},
* {@link #anyBoolean}, {@link #anyByte}, {@link #anyChar}, {@link #anyDouble},
* {@link #anyFloat}, {@link #anyInt}, {@link #anyLong}, {@link #anyShort}, {@link #anyString}.
* @param arg an arbitrary value which will match any argument value in the replay phase
* @return the input argument
protected final T withAny(T arg)
addMatcher(new IsAnything());
return arg;
* When called as argument for a method/constructor invocation in the recording or verification
* phase of a test, creates a new matcher that will check if the given value is
* {@link Object#equals(Object) equal} to the corresponding invocation argument in the replay
* phase.
* The matcher is added to the end of the list of argument matchers for the invocation being
* recorded/verified. It cannot be reused for a different parameter.
* For methods with a varargs parameter, a corresponding matcher must be
* specified for each element in the varargs array passed in the replay phase.
* @param arg the expected argument value
* @return the input argument
protected final T withEqual(T arg)
//noinspection unchecked
addMatcher(new IsEqual(arg));
return arg;
* Same as {@link #withEqual(Object)}, but checking that a numeric invocation argument in the
* replay phase is sufficiently close to the given value.
protected final double withEqual(double value, double delta)
addMatcher(new IsCloseTo(value, delta));
return value;
* Same as {@link #withEqual(Object)}, but checking that a numeric invocation argument in the
* replay phase is sufficiently close to the given value.
protected final float withEqual(final float value, final double delta)
addMatcher(new TypeSafeMatcher()
public boolean matchesSafely(Float item)
return Math.abs(item - value) <= delta;
public void describeTo(Description description)
description.appendText("a numeric value within ").appendValue(delta)
.appendText(" of ").appendValue(value);
return value;
* Same as {@link #withEqual(Object)}, but checking that an invocation argument in the replay
* phase is an instance of the same class as the given object.
* Equivalent to a call withInstanceOf(object.getClass())
, except that it returns
* {@code object} instead of {@code null}.
protected final T withInstanceLike(T object)
addMatcher(new IsInstanceOf(object.getClass()));
return object;
* Same as {@link #withEqual(Object)}, but checking that an invocation argument in the replay
* phase is an instance of the given class.
* @return always null; if you need a specific return value, use
* {@link #withInstanceLike(Object)}
protected final T withInstanceOf(Class argClass)
addMatcher(new IsInstanceOf(argClass));
return null;
* Same as {@link #withEqual(Object)}, but checking that the invocation argument in the replay
* phase is different from the given value.
protected final T withNotEqual(T arg)
//noinspection unchecked
addMatcher(new IsNot(new IsEqual(arg)));
return arg;
* Same as {@link #withEqual(Object)}, but checking that an invocation argument in the replay
* phase is not {@code null}.
* @return always {@code null}
protected final T withNotNull()
addMatcher(new IsNot(new IsNull()));
return null;
* Same as {@link #withEqual(Object)}, but checking that an invocation argument in the replay
* phase is {@code null}.
* @return always {@code null}
protected final T withNull()
addMatcher(new IsNull());
return null;
* Same as {@link #withEqual(Object)}, but checking that an invocation argument in the replay
* phase is the exact same instance as the one in the recorded/verified invocation.
protected final T withSameInstance(T object)
//noinspection unchecked
addMatcher(new IsSame(object));
return object;
// Text-related matchers ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
* Same as {@link #withEqual(Object)}, but checking that a textual invocation argument in the
* replay phase contains the given text as a substring.
protected final T withSubstring(T text)
addMatcher(new StringContains(text.toString()));
return text;
* Same as {@link #withEqual(Object)}, but checking that a textual invocation argument in the
* replay phase starts with the given text.
protected final T withPrefix(T text)
addMatcher(new StringStartsWith(text.toString()));
return text;
* Same as {@link #withEqual(Object)}, but checking that a textual invocation argument in the
* replay phase ends with the given text.
protected final T withSuffix(T text)
addMatcher(new StringEndsWith(text.toString()));
return text;
* Same as {@link #withEqual(Object)}, but checking that a textual invocation argument in the
* replay phase matches the given {@link Pattern regular expression}.
* Note that this can be used for any string comparison, including case insensitive ones (with
* {@code "(?i)"} in the regex).
* @see Pattern#compile(String, int)
protected final T withMatch(T regex)
final Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile(regex.toString());
addMatcher(new BaseMatcher()
public boolean matches(Object item)
return pattern.matcher((CharSequence) item).matches();
public void describeTo(Description description)
description.appendText("a string matching ").appendValue(pattern);
return regex;
// Methods for setting expectation constraints /////////////////////////////////////////////////
* Defines the expected number of invocations for the current expectation.
* @param expectedInvocationCount exact number of times the invocation is expected to occur
* during the replay phase
* @see #repeats(int, int)
* @see #repeatsAtLeast(int)
* @see #repeatsAtMost(int)
protected final void repeats(int expectedInvocationCount)
registerInvocationCountConstraint(expectedInvocationCount, expectedInvocationCount);
private void registerInvocationCountConstraint(int minInvocations, int maxInvocations)
getCurrentPhase().handleInvocationCountConstraint(minInvocations, maxInvocations);
* Defines a range for the expected number of invocations of the current expectation.
* @param minInvocations minimum number of times the invocation is expected to occur during the
* replay phase
* @param maxInvocations maximum number of times the invocation is expected to occur during the
* replay phase
* @see #repeats(int)
* @see #repeatsAtLeast(int)
* @see #repeatsAtMost(int)
protected final void repeats(int minInvocations, int maxInvocations)
registerInvocationCountConstraint(minInvocations, maxInvocations);
* Defines a lower limit for the expected number of invocations of the current expectation.
* @param minInvocations minimum number of times the invocation is expected to occur during the
* replay phase
* @see #repeats(int)
* @see #repeats(int, int)
* @see #repeatsAtMost(int)
protected final void repeatsAtLeast(int minInvocations)
registerInvocationCountConstraint(minInvocations, -1);
* Defines an upper limit for the expected number of invocations of the current expectation.
* @param maxInvocations maximum number of times the invocation is expected to occur during the
* replay phase
* @see #repeats(int)
* @see #repeats(int, int)
* @see #repeatsAtLeast(int)
protected final void repeatsAtMost(int maxInvocations)
registerInvocationCountConstraint(0, maxInvocations);
// Methods for instantiating non-accessible classes ////////////////////////////////////////////
* Specifies an expected constructor invocation for a given class.
* This is useful for invoking non-accessible constructors (private ones, for example) from the
* test, which otherwise could not be called normally.
* @param className the fully qualified name of the desired class (which should not be accessible
* to the test; otherwise just refer to it in code)
* @param parameterTypes the formal parameter types for the desired constructor, possibly empty
* @param initArgs the invocation arguments for the constructor, which must be consistent with
* the specified parameter types
* @param interface or super-class type to which the returned instance should be assignable
* @return a newly created instance of the specified class, initialized with the specified
* constructor and arguments
* @see #newInstance(String, Object...)
* @see #newInnerInstance(String, Object, Object...)
protected final T newInstance(
String className, Class>[] parameterTypes, Object... initArgs)
//noinspection unchecked
return (T) Utilities.newInstance(className, parameterTypes, initArgs);
* The same as {@link #newInstance(String, Class[], Object...)}, but for the case where each
* initialization argument is known to be null or non-null at the call point.
* However, {@code null} argument values cannot directly be passed to this method;
* if the parameter value must be {@code null}, then the corresponding {@code Class} literal must
* be passed instead.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if one of the given arguments is {@code null}
protected final T newInstance(String className, Object... nonNullInitArgs)
//noinspection unchecked
return (T) Utilities.newInstance(className, nonNullInitArgs);
* The same as {@link #newInstance(String, Class[], Object...)}, but for instantiating an inner
* non-accessible class of some other class, and where all other (if any) initialization
* arguments are known to be non null.
* @param innerClassSimpleName simple name of the inner class, that is, the part after the "$"
* character in its full name
* @param outerClassInstance the outer class instance to which the inner class instance will
* belong
protected final T newInnerInstance(
String innerClassSimpleName, Object outerClassInstance, Object... nonNullInitArgs)
//noinspection unchecked
(T) Utilities.newInnerInstance(innerClassSimpleName, outerClassInstance, nonNullInitArgs);
// Methods for invoking non-accessible methods on mock instances/classes ///////////////////////
* Specifies an expected invocation to a given instance method, with a given list of arguments.
* This is useful when the next expected method is not accessible (private, for example) from the
* test, and therefore can not be called normally. It should not be used for
* calling accessible methods.
* Additionally, this can also be used to directly test private methods, when there is no other
* way to do so, or it would be too difficult by indirect means. Note that in such a case the
* target instance will actually be a "real" object, not a mock.
* @param mock the mock field instance on which the invocation is to be done; must not be null
* @param methodName the name of the expected method
* @param methodArgs zero or more non-null expected parameter values for the invocation; if a
* null value needs to be passed, the Class object for the parameter type must be passed instead
* @return the return value from the invoked method, wrapped if primitive
* @see #invoke(Class, String, Object...)
protected final T invoke(Object mock, String methodName, Object... methodArgs)
//noinspection unchecked
return (T) Utilities.invoke(mock.getClass(), mock, methodName, methodArgs);
* Specifies an expected invocation to a given static method, with a given list of arguments.
* This is useful when the next expected method is not accessible (private, for example) from the
* test, and therefore can not be called normally. It should not be used for
* calling accessible methods.
* Additionally, this can also be used to directly test private methods, when there is no other
* way to do so, or it would be too difficult by indirect means. Note that in such a case the
* target class will normally be a "real", non-mocked, class in the code under test.
* @param mockClass the class on which the invocation is to be done; must not be null
* @param methodName the name of the expected static method
* @param methodArgs zero or more non-null expected parameter values for the invocation; if a
* null value needs to be passed, the Class object for the parameter type must be passed instead
protected final T invoke(Class> mockClass, String methodName, Object... methodArgs)
//noinspection unchecked
return (T) Utilities.invoke(mockClass, null, methodName, methodArgs);
// Methods for getting/setting non-accessible fields on mock instances/classes /////////////////
* Gets the value of a field from a given object (usually a mock).
* This may be useful when a mock object has a field not accessible from the test (private, for
* example), and there is some method under test which writes to the field.
* @param mock the instance from which to get the field value
* @param fieldName the name of the field to get
* @see #setField(Object, String, Object)
protected final T getField(Object mock, String fieldName)
//noinspection unchecked
return (T) Utilities.getField(mock.getClass(), fieldName, mock);
* Gets the value of a field from a given object (usually a mock),
* assuming there is only one field declared in the class of the given object whose type
* can receive values of the specified field type.
* This may be useful when a mock object has a field not accessible from the test (private, for
* example), and there is some method under test which writes to the field.
* @param objectWithField the instance from which to get the field value
* @param fieldType the declared type of the field, or a sub-type of the declared field type
* @see #getField(Object, String)
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if either the desired field is not found, or more than one is
protected final T getField(Object objectWithField, Class fieldType)
//noinspection unchecked
return (T) Utilities.getField(objectWithField.getClass(), fieldType, objectWithField);
* Gets the value of a static field defined in a given class.
* This may be useful when a class under test has a field not accessible from the test (private,
* for example), and there is some method under test which writes to the field.
* @param realClass the class from which to get the field value
* @param fieldName the name of the static field to get
* @see #setField(Class, String, Object)
protected final T getField(Class> realClass, String fieldName)
//noinspection unchecked
return (T) Utilities.getField(realClass, fieldName, null);
* Gets the value of a static field defined in a given class.
* This may be useful when a class under test has a field not accessible from the test (private,
* for example), and there is some method under test which writes to the field.
* @param realClass the class from which to get the field value
* @param fieldType the declared type of the field, or a sub-type of the declared field type
* @see #setField(Class, String, Object)
protected final T getField(Class> realClass, Class fieldType)
//noinspection unchecked
return (T) Utilities.getField(realClass, fieldType, null);
* Sets the value of a field on a given object (usually a mock).
* This may be useful when a mock object has a field not accessible from the test (private, for
* example), and there is some method under test which needs to read the correct field value.
* @param mock the instance on which to set the field value
* @param fieldName the name of the field to set
* @param fieldValue the value to set the field to
* @see #setField(Class, String, Object)
protected final void setField(Object mock, String fieldName, Object fieldValue)
Utilities.setField(mock.getClass(), mock, fieldName, fieldValue);
* Same as {@link #setField(Object, String, Object)}, except that the field is looked up by the
* type of the given field value instead of by name.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if no field or more than one is found in the target class to
* which the given value can be assigned
protected final void setField(Object mock, Object fieldValue)
Utilities.setField(mock.getClass(), mock, null, fieldValue);
* Sets the value of a static field on a given class.
* This may be useful when a mock object has a field not accessible from the test (private, for
* example), and there is some method under test which needs to read the correct field value.
* @param mockClass the class on which the static field is defined
* @param fieldName the name of the field to set
* @param fieldValue the value to set the field to
protected final void setField(Class> mockClass, String fieldName, Object fieldValue)
Utilities.setField(mockClass, null, fieldName, fieldValue);
* Same as {@link #setField(Class, String, Object)}, except that the field is looked up by the
* type of the given field value instead of by name.
* @param mockClass the class on which the static field is defined
* @param fieldValue the value to set the field to
protected final void setField(Class> mockClass, Object fieldValue)
Utilities.setField(mockClass, null, null, fieldValue);
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